The London Gazette, 13 July, 1915

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The London Gazette, 13 July, 1915 6848 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 13 JULY, 1915. INFANTRY. don Contingent, Senior Division, Officers 1th Battalion, The Prince of Wales's Own Training Corps, to be Second Lieutenants- (West Yorkshire Regiment'). Dated 14th July, 1915: — Lieutenant-Colonel Henry L. Beckwith, William Gray. from the Territorial Force Reserve, to be Henry Francis James. Lieutenant-Colonel (temporary). Dated Gordon Harry Ticehurst. 3rd June, 1915. Leslie Herbert Newton. George Horsfield to be Second Lieutenant. 4th (City of London) Battalion, The London Dated 7th May, 1915. Regiment (Royal Fusiliers); Gerald Ed- ward Stanbridge to be Second Lieutenant- 1th Battalion., The Lancashire Fusiliers; Cap- Dated 14th July, 1915. tain John Marshall is seconded for duty as Aide-de-Camp, Personal Staff. Dated 31st 8th (City of London) Battalion, The London- May, 1915. Regiment (Post Office Rifles); Private- Philip Edward Coote to be Second Lieu- 1th (Fife) Battalion', The Black Watch (Eoyal tenant. Dated 14th July, 1915. Highlanders'); the undermentioned to be •Second Lieuten&nts. Dated llth June, %th (County of London) Battalion, The 1915: — London Regiment (Queen Victoria's- Robert Stevenson (late Cadet, Glasgow Rifles); the appointment as Adjutant of Captain Lawrence M. Ormrod, The Welsh University Contingent, ' Senior Division, 1 Officers Training Corps). Regiment, which appeared in the London James Moir (late Cadet, Kirkcaldy High Gazette of the 4th June, 1915, is cancelled. ^ School Contingent, Junior Division, Officers 12th (County of London) Battalion, The- Training Corps). London Regiment (The Rangers). James Reid Nelson (late' Cadet, St. An- ' drews University Contingent, Senior Divi- Serjeant Gerald Bruce Best, from the- sion, Officers Training Corps). 5th (City of London) Battalion, The Lon- Thomas Moodie Stein (late Cadet, Kirk- don Regiment (London Rifle Brigade), ix> caldy High School Contingent, Junior Divi- be Second Lieutenant. Dated 4th June,. • sion, Officers Training Corps). 1915. Cadet Serjeant William Richard Tovani, John Wickham Willett to be Second- from St. Andrews University Contingent, Lieutenant. Dated 9th July, 1915. Senior Division, Officers Training Corps. 22nd (County of London) Battalion, The Dated 24th June, 1915. London Regimen't (The Queen's); the fol- lowing announcement is substituted for 4th Battalion, The Essex R&giment; Lieu- that which appeared in the London Gazette tenant - Colonel and Brevet Colonel of the 17th June, 1915 : — Frederick Hawkins, from the 9th (Ser- vice) Battalion, The Oxfordshire and Buck- Lieutenant Henry E. Green to be tem- inghamshire Light Infantry, to be Lieu- porary Captain. Dated 25th May, 1915. tenant-Colonel (temporary). Dated 14th' Second Lieutenant Eric F. Ambler to be- July, 1915. temporary Lieutenant. Dated 25th May,. 1915. 4i7? Battalion, The Duke of Edinburgh's (Wiltshire Regiment); William James ARMY SERVICE CORPS. Berry to be Second Lieutenant. Dated Headquarters, Lowland Mounted Brigade. 14th July, 1915. Lieutenant Alexander C. A. Bruce to be temporary Captain. Dated 28th January,. 6th Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry. 1915. Second Lieutenant Harold Copeland to Second Lieutenant Charles D. Ritchie to- be Adjutant. Dated 10th May, 1915. be temporary Lieutenant. Dated 28tb Edwin Padmore Barnett to be Second January, 1915. Lieutenant. Dated 14th July, 1915. Headquarters, South Eastern Mounted Brigade; Second Lieutenant Walter A. 9th Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry; Cantley to be temporary Lieutenant. Lance-Corporal John Stephenson Bolton, Dated 14th July, 1915. from the 14th (County of London) Batta- lion, The London Regiment (London Scot- Headquarters, 1st Sputh Western Mounted tish), to be Second Lieutenant. Dated 8th Brigade; Serjeant William Douglas Young, July, 1915. from Royal Wiltshire Yeomanry, to be- Second Lieutenant. Dated 14th July, 8th (Lanark) Battalion, The Highland Light 1915. Infantry; Captain James M. Johnstone re- signs .his commission. Dated 1st July, Highland Divisional Train; Lieutenant Alex- 1915. ander Soutar to be temporary Captain. Dated 26th June, 1915. 8th (The Argyllshire) Battalion, Princess Louise's (Argyll and Sutherland High- Home Counties Divisional Train; Lieutenant landers); Captain Charles R. Davidson - and Adjutant William Thomas to be tem- Wilsone resigns his commission on account porary Captain and Adjutant. Dated of ill-health. Dated 14th July, 1915. 26th June, 1915. 2nd (City of London) Battalion, The London No. 4 (Middlesex Brigade) Company; Lieu- Regiment (Royal Fusiliers); the undermen- tenant Albert H. F. Baldwin to be tempo- tioned Cadets, from the University of Lon- rary Captain. Dated 14th July, 1915..
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