The London Gazette, Maech 12, 1909. 1953
THE LONDON GAZETTE, MAECH 12, 1909. 1953 Major Frederick Cunliffe Owen, Eoyat Artillery, The Connaught Rangeiv, The undermentioned to be a General Staff Officer, 3rd grade, at Second Lieutenants to be Lieutenants:— Head-Quarters, vice Major E. S. E. W. Hugh G. Robertson, vice W. D. O'Brien, Eardley-Russell, Royal Artillery. Dated 27th promoted. Dated 5th January, 1909. February, 1909; John L. Garstin, vice W. Odell, admitted to Major Frank L. Galloway, Royal Artillery, to be the Indian Army, and to remain seconded a Deputy Assistant-Director at Head-Quarters, for service in the Army Service Corps. vice Brevet Major W. E. Edwards, Royal Dated 4th February, 1909. : Artillery. Dated 8th March, 1909. The Royal Munster Fusiliers, Lieutenant-Colonel The appointment of Lieutenant Bernard Neame, and Brevet Colonel Basil St. J. Le Marchant, 18th (Victoria Mary, Princess of Wales's Own) on completion of his period of service in com- Hussars, is as extra Aide-de-Camp to the mand of a Battalion, is placed on the Half-pay Governor of South Australia, and not as stated List. Dated 11 th March, 1909. in the Gazette of 2nd March, 1909. Major Arthur E. 0. Congdon to be Lieutenant- Colonel, vice Brevet Colonel B. St. J. Le ESTABLISHMENTS. Marchant. Dated llth March, 1909. Inspection and Experimental Staff", Captain Cecil J. Newton, The Loyal North Lancashire Regi- THE ARMY SERVICE CORPS. ment, an Assistant Inspector, to be an Inspec- The following Captains are seconded for service tor, vice Captain F. M. Rickard, Royal Artil- with the Indian Army. Dated 17th February, lery.
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