Journal of the New Zealand Medical Association Vol 132 | No 1504 | 25 October 2019 A measles epidemic in New Zealand: Why did this occur and how can we prevent it occurring again? An open-label feasibility study of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) for treatment-resistant depression in the New Zealand healthcare context The burden of alcohol-related presentations to a busy urban New Zealand hospital emergency department Gender and The motivations Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae bacteraemia in the surgical behind science an immunocompromised host: the unexpected profession denial complication of a crustacean altercation Publication Information published by the New Zealand Medical Association NZMJ Editor NZMA Chair Professor Frank Frizelle Dr Kate Baddock NZMJ Production Editor NZMA Communications Manager Rory Stewart Diana Wolken Other enquiries to: NZMA To contribute to the NZMJ, fi rst read: PO Box 156 The Terrace Wellington 6140 © NZMA 2019 Phone: (04) 472 4741 To subscribe to the NZMJ, email
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