CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E2302 HON
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E2302 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 20, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECOGNITION gressman Winn and his chief of staff, Dick TRIBUTE TO THOMAS WOLFF FOR MEMBERS OF THE SOLAR Bond, wanted to find a way for Congressman ENERGY ADVISORY COUNCIL Winn to return more often to his home district. The Congressional Forum luncheon group HON. JOE COURTNEY was founded to help cover those travel costs, HON. GABRIELLE GIFFORDS OF CONNECTICUT OF ARIZONA and to give its members a monthly report from IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES their Member of Congress. Wednesday, November 19, 2008 Even after Larry Winn retired, the group and Wednesday, November 19, 2008 its traditions have continued. For 40 years, the Ms. GIFFORDS. Madam Speaker, I rise scheduled speaker at Congressional Forum Mr. COURTNEY. Madam Speaker, for near- today to honor the forward-thinking men and has been the Member of Congress for the ly 6 decades Thomas Wolff built a legacy in women of Southeastern Arizona who for the Third Congressional District, unless he or she Connecticut that included a prolific business past two years have served as members of was unable to attend. If that was the case, career, leadership in academic and political my Solar Energy Advisory Council. then the Member of Congress made arrange- communities, authorship of countless books Arizona is known throughout the world as a ments for a substitute speaker. and articles, and extensive philanthropic en- place of abundant sunshine. Harnessing the deavors. His legacy has touched countless power of the sun and putting it to use as a Although the representation of the Third Dis- lives and will continue to inspire generations to source of energy has been among my top pri- trict has changed over the years, the Mem- come. While his passing brings great sadness orities as a member of the United States ber’s commitment to this unique group has to our community, reflecting on the memories House of Representatives. Great strides have not. Every Member of Congress elected since of this extraordinary man brings solace to been over the past two years in advancing this 1968 has agreed to attend and speak to this goal, the most significant of which has been group on a regular basis. those in mourning. the extension of the investment tax credit. Those Members of Congress include: Thomas was born in New York City in 1928. Many individuals across our country played In 1949. he moved to Vernon, Connecticut, a role in this achievement. Among them are Congressman Larry Winn, who served in and married his high school sweetheart, Bette. the twelve determined members of my Solar Congress from 1967 to 1985; Following service in the Korean war, Thomas Energy Advisory Council. Each and every Congresswoman Jan Meyers, from 1985 to attended the University of Connecticut and council member played a crucial role in help- 1997; graduated cum laude with a degree in eco- ing expand the availability and use of solar en- Congressman Vince Snowbarger, from 1997 nomics. Shortly after, he would translate these ergy in our nation. to 1999; studies and an uncanny business sense into a The Members of my Solar Energy Advisory lifelong, successful business career. Council are: And me, Congressman Dennis Moore, from In the late 1950s, he launched Wolf-Zachin Tom Alston, Roger Angel, Kendall Burt, 1999 to the present. and Associates, a successful insurance firm Dennis Dickerson, Prabhu Dayal, Richard For some time, the group actually held their that has remained a fixture in Connecticut’s Elias, Steve Farley, Tedra Fox, Michael meetings across the state line at the Golden Gering, Britt Hanson, William Harris, Scotty business community. The firm, now called the Ox Restaurant in Kansas City, Missouri, be- Wolff Group, is currently headed by his three Johnson, Katharine Kent, Leslie Liberti, Mayor cause a portion of the parking lot of that ven- Paul Loomis, Jacquie McNulty, Tom Peterson, children, Gary and Greg Wolff and Debi Davis, erable restaurant was actually in Kansas City, as well as his grandson, Keith Wolff. In 1969, Bruce Plenk, Luther Probst, Valerie Rauluk, Kansas. At the present time, the group meets Thomas launched Vernon Publishing Services, Denise Richerson-Smith, David Rousseau, once again in the heart of downtown Kansas Inc., a publishing company that created train- Joaquin Ruiz, Shirley Scott, Joe Simmons, City, Kansas, at the Reardon Convention Cen- ing manuals and presentation binders for pro- Denise Smith, Mayor Bob Strain, Leslie ter. Tolbert, Nina Trasoff, Karin Uhlich, Mayor fessionals in the insurance industry. It is a testament to this group that an orga- Robert Walkup, John Waszczak, John Wesley His work in the insurance industry would de- nization founded by Republican business lead- Miller. fine him as one of the most respected and I commend them for their hard work and ers has continued even when a Democratic congressman like me was elected. I have knowledgeable leaders in the field. Highlights dedication and look forward to their ongoing of his career include president of the Con- advice and counsel as we continue to make found that this group gives me a great sound- ing board on the thoughts of my home district. necticut Association of Insurance and Finan- solar energy more available to the citizens of cial Advisors, president of the National Asso- my District, the state and the nation. While not every member of Congressional Forum supports me at the ballot box, I know ciation of Insurance and Financial Advsors, f they will express their views to me with candor chairman of the board of Life Insurance Un- TRIBUTE TO THE KANSAS CITY, and courtesy. derwriters Training Council, and recipient of KANSAS, CHAMBER OF COM- the International Insurance Society Gold For most of its history my good friend, Dr. Medal for Excellence. MERCE’S CONGRESSIONAL Fred Bosilevac presided over the Congres- FORUM sional Forum luncheons as its President. For Additionally, Thomas served on the Vernon most of us, Dr. Fred remains the heart and Board of Education, UConn’s University Foun- HON. DENNIS MOORE soul of the Congressional Forum luncheons. dation Board, and was a member of Vernon’s OF KANSAS Now age 92, Dr. Fred is still an active and in- Town Council. He also brought the Big Broth- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES terested member of Congressional Forum, al- ers and the YMCA to Vernon, was the presi- dent of the Rockville Rotary Club, and en- Wednesday, November 19, 2008 though Bill Eppenheimer has taken over the gavel (or rather the cowbell) as President dowed countless UConn programs and cam- Mr. MOORE of Kansas. Madam Speaker, I since Dr. Fred’s retirement in 2006. pus amenities. rise today to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Beyond these numerous accolades, con- the Congressional Forum luncheon group It is a distinct honor for me to express my tributions, and achievements, Thomas was a sponsored by the Kansas City, Kansas, Area affection and high regard for this unique devoted family man and friend to many in our Chamber of Commerce. Forty years ago in group. A copy of my remarks will be presented community. His wife, Bette, whom he married 1968, this group was founded to be a link be- at the Congressional Forum’s December in 1949, was his closest confidant for nearly 6 tween the elected congressional representa- meeting, which hopefully will include many decades. The outpouring of love and support tive and the business community served by former Members of Congress from the Third the Third District of Kansas. It has continued District, as well as Dr. Fred; Bill Eppenheimer; from his wife, children, grandchildren, and ex- to the present day, and shows no signs of Cindy Cash, the current President of the Kan- tended family reflects the strong bond that slowing down any time soon. sas City, Kansas, Area Chamber of Com- they shared. At that time, Congressman Larry Winn rep- merce; and many other important leaders to Thomas lived an extraordinary life, filled with resented the Third Congressional District of this group and our community. personal and professional vigor and he will be Kansas in the United States House of Rep- Madam Speaker, I thank you for the oppor- greatly missed. I ask my colleagues to join resentatives. Budgets for travel between tunity to share the story of the Congressional with me and my constituents in honoring his Washington and Kansas were limited. Con- Forum with our colleagues. life and offering condolences to his family. VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:48 Nov 21, 2008 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A19NO8.134 E20NOPT1 smartinez on PROD1PC64 with REMARKS.