Day trip in

Sunday, 10.4.2011 (approx. 09:00-15:30)

Yuyuan Garden and

Yuyuan Garden is a famous classical garden located in Anren Jie, Shanghai. The garden was finished in 1577 by a government officer of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) named Pan Yunduan. Yu in Chinese means pleasing and satisfying, and this garden was specially built for Pan's parents as a place for them to enjoy a tranquil and happy time in their old age. Near the garden, the famous zigzag bridge and the famous teahouse can be visited.

Jade Buddha Temple

The Buddha Temple (Yufo Si) was built during the troubled reign of the Qing Emperor Guangxu (1875-1908) and burned down after having been occupied during the 1911 revolution. The chief attractions are the painted religious statues, which are stacked high in the three main halls. The Treasure Hall of the Great Hero contains golden images of the Buddhas of the past, present, and future, flanked by their 18 followers. The White Jade Buddha, located up a narrow set of old stairs on the second floor of Wentang Hall, is the true treasure. Carved in Burma and brought to Shanghai in 1881 by Huigeng, a Chinese pilgrim, it is twice life-size. In another special pavilion there is a Sleeping Buddha, also carved from a single slab of Burmese jade and brought to Shanghai by the same monk Huigen. More than 70 monks hold daily services.

Boat trip on the Huangpu River The Huangpu River offers some stirring views of and the riverfront activity. Since there are no building regulations, architects from all around the world can vent their imagination. Convince yourself!


CHF 100 (transports; entrance fees Yuyuan Garden and Jade Buddha Temple; lunch with soft drinks, beer, all tips). We will have a tour guide in German as well as in English.

Christoph Witschi, 27.8.2010