1969 Moundbuilder
Contents for Fall 1968-6 Foil Activities Administration/Faculty Fall Sports Advertising Mr. Howard Stephens, Advisor. Dave Webb, Ecli Bill Sleph~nl, layout and Chief Photographer, Ji Decker, Auoclore EdiTor; Marcl Brown, TYpisr; Ma'7 Moss. A~s:. Photographer: Andy Laue and Judy High. Oil, Business Managers. Southwestern, like the rest of the world, is undergoing constant change. Change is evolutionary, and changes made today are not immediately as obvious as those made since si xty years ago. The Mound builder has the task of recording each changing year and placing it in proper perspective. To do this, it must from time to time change itself, as was done this year. Left to Right: Delphian Literary Society, Southwest Kansas Co llege (the present name was adopted in 1909), 1902; Southwest Kansas College Bulletin of Information, 190 1; Southwestern Gospel Team, 1913. FALL ACTIVITIES Fall on SC's campus found Builders en gaged in a variety of activities. Freshmen were integrated into campus life through an established and often rigorous program of initiation, tradition and the Mound were honored with the annual ceremony, and the "groove," with its 8 o'clock's, midterms, and books, books, and more books was re entered. There was also the opportunity to hear current problems discussed by nationally known figures, and to enjoy musical con certs running the gamut from contemporary pop to semi-classical. In the midst of all this, however, the SC student stil l found time to socialize at an all-school picnic or to think things out in a walk around a leaf covered campus.
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