Old age and infirmity have made Jane Cards Are out for the marriage of Kl- - Brush so feeble that it was deemed nec- mer' B. Hawley, formerly of Hawley-vill- e, C. LYON & HINDLEY. essary, to appoint a conservator, and to Miss Cornelia Belle Estey of H. B E N N E T T. Charles II. Peck was chosen, tn He Chicago, September 17. July. ... has applied to the probate court for per mission to sell her real estate and the Town election Octo AT THE SEASON occurs, this year, OUR SALES THUS FAR FOR THIS IN auction will bike She ber 7. The selectmen of Newtown will -- place, Saturday. 3HE 3L hus only the house in which she lives and meet at the town clerk's ofllce.Saturday, a,... . that is worth, probably,-no- t more than September 28, from 9am until 5pm9 e IsSOO, w Fairchild of South Britain for new J. R MENABY CO'S. SCHOOL SHOES r r George the purpose of making voters. CHILDREN'S BUILDERS, MANUFACTURERS, FARMERS holds a mortgage for $600, and she owes No person can be made a voter whose other small bills, aggregating, possibly, name Is not on the list to be made,Thurs-day- 1, $50. The mortgage to Mr Fairchild was September 19, at 3 p m. Those de- an immense stock of AND MECHANICS - Have been large but we are prepared with vv:: made at different times, $300 each,- to siring to be made voters, this Fall, should these goods in an almost endless assortment of styles and at very cover money advanced by him in small hand their name to any of the registrars sums. Mrs Brush, who is nearly 80, has on or before that date.' . will do well to their from us. Our low prices. , , buy supplies already been thrown on the town, but Our Knockabout Shoes, sise S to 10 heel or heel, ara made up as solid and as well as cannot be declared a as as spring stock embraces a line of the most ap- pauper long Friends from Waterbury, Bridgeport a many shoes that Bell at SI. complete she owns ' the sale and great property. After and about town met, last week Thursday - . of Misses' and Youths', sizes 11 to 8, in the Knockabout Shoes, at $1, werth $1.25. proved Tools, House Hardware, Cutlery, Rubber payment debts, the balance will be evening, at Thomas Farrell's and danced D used to pay her board where she is"; then CHIL REN'S CARNIVAL. Children's School Shoes, sizes 0 to 10 2, GSc; sizes 11 to 2, 83c until the small hours; music by the Buckets, Pumps, Hay Cutters, Grindstones and she will probably be removed to the town Bliss orchestra. Our Fall Styles in Ladies', Gentlemen's and Children's Boots Steel farm Shoes Picket Fencing. Stone masons at Ronalds Peak are now and are arriving Daily. A of the of special meeting Knights at work on the northwestern wing of the $1.50 will buy tho best shoo ever put for Genu' and Ladies' wear at our store. Columbus Sat- - togothor will be held at the rooms, castle ; lathers have finished their work At the EVERYTHING FOR YOUR BOY TO WEAR. CALL AND GET OUR PRICES. day evening. regular meeting, and plasterers, who are following them, 383 MAIN ST., BRIDGEPORT. next week 15 members Saturday evening, win not finish for a couple weeks. will be total mem- initiated, making the The stone work on the top of jtthe arches, School 31 50 to $5. 58. The council is increas suits, C. bership fast left rough the stone masons, is H. B E N N E T in and influence. by being T, ing membership smoothed, that floors may be laid. School pants, 25c. to $1. liliUHiKI'OKT, CT. ,$31 MAIN STREET. Frauk Stilluian of is 1. Bridgeport The Edwards family (colored) hare guest of J. M. Blackmail in the Glen. moved from Isaac Briscoe's tenant house SHIRT WAISTS, BLOUSES, FLANNEL in Taunton to Mrs Laura Fairchild's re- Harris M. Clarke of Monroe is with his cent home. etc. TREMENDOUS SMASH J aunt, Mrs I. B. Harris. WAISTS, Worshippers at St. Rose,Sunday morn- IN PRICES ON M 0 I, L A N & SON Mrs John B. Wheeler is spending ing, were delighted with the fine singing Don't let your boy wear his good suit to school when for $2 or week at Hoekaway, where she meets her by the young choir, which appeared for sister, Mrs Dickerman. the first time. They show that their - Have sold; this season, an immense number of Miss no in $3 you can fit him out in a suit of rough and ready clothes that will REFRIGERATORS teacher, Murray, spared pains SOUTH BEITAIH. making their music so grand a success. Summer Shoes of all kinds. Now intend to Savior AND they Kev James llobinson ft; turned from his "Jesus, of my Soul" was sung as a solo Miss close vacation at Ocean and by Mamie Harrigan and was LAST TWICE AS LONG. out the broken lots and odds and ends at Grove, Saturday, well rendered. CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES ! which will force the sale. occupied his pulpit, Sunday. Ask to see them, prices Consequently Mrs Laura (.'lark has improved the ad George Ives of York State has been in ALSO they have reduced everything in this line to dition to her house by a coat of paint. town. Look them over. W. Mitchell is new CUTLERY AND George having Henry French has purchased a horse HARDWARE, WOODENWARE, prices away below cost. Their reason for roofs upon his house. doing put of Edward Ives. . AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS AT RE- this is simply that prefer selling out clean, The repairs to the dam of the saw mill they are progressing, the woolen mill mean James Beers of New Haven has visited, MARKABLY LOW PRICES ! friends in town. even though they do not realize full cost on the while being obliged to suspend work. COMPARE QUALITY AND Alnion B. Downs - last lots, to over goods,which be started, Monday Mrs Simon Gannon was called home, carrying might morning, on his annual trip as drummer last week, to care for her mother, Mrs PLUMB HARDWARE CO., for & Co. PRICE, EXAMINE THE MAKING. out ofstyle next Summer and consequently un- Bradley, Hoyt Michael Hassett, who is is very low. Mrs Baldwin and daughter from New salable. This is an for Johnnie nVtoiHO. S3t., 331aLcllO opportunity early buyers, Haven are with G. N. Piatt's family. Shepard of Milford is with Wo are confident there are none better. Goods 432 85 St., friends in Huutiugtown. which should not miss. Superintendent W. E. Mitchell and Mr you Hall of met the Hartford at Purchase Mrs McCabe school John and Miss Mamie exchanged or money refunded. house, Sunday afternoon, and or of Shelton have a Madigan visited Miss MOLLAN & ganized Sunday school with E.A. Piatt Kittie E. Gannon. SON, as superintendent, Miss Lucy Perkins will meet at the school LOOK! secretary. They Joe, son of Station Agent Smith of 4 ; all are cor- house, every Sunday at Hawleyvilie, attends the Bridgeport bus- dially invited. Come one, come all and iness college. STRICTLY ONE PRICE. 384 MAIN ST., BRIDGEPORT. encourage your superintendent. llev Mr Wilkins Mrs George Post's sister has recently returned, Saturday, to visited her. officiate at the funeral of Mrs Bennett iJWtaiUAU nuu vra SBBiaiCU "J A IUI 1 C. LeKoy Mitchell is on a business and vester Clarke and Rev B. J. Hall, who pleasure trip through the West while his officiated at the services in Danbury. C. wife and shore life at As- - - Fair-chil- BIGGEST CHANCE OF THE YEAR TO SECURE daughter enjoy H. Peck, W. L. Terrill, Elmer W.- d, bury Park. George P. Sanford, Aaron Sanford B. CO. A BARGAIN AND MAKE YOUR HOME THE KELLER PIANO COMPANY, W. H. Wakelee visited friends at Wal and L. B. Booth were bearers. The flo- THE BARNABY OF THE nut beach, Milford, last week. ral ottering g from relatives were elegant. I MANUFACTURERS - . Mrs W. BEAUTIFUL. KELLER UPRIGHT PIANOS. X. Mitchell returned,.? Satur HATTERTOWH.' ' day, from Danbury, where she had been NEXT TO 1). JU. CO. - THE READ IfMtfiMBf . JOSEPH KELLER, President; for a few days with .Mrs w. iiinnian. Miss Frances Hubbell of Bridgeport, We X- - have a number ofbroken bundles of Wall EDWARD M0EGAN, Secretary and Treasurer. Mrs C. T. Downes united with the Con Misses Mamie and Nellie Hubbell of New-- FACTORT: gregational church, Sunday, on profes- town were recent guests of Mrs Brisco. from 10 to 20 rolls' 88 to 104 John street, Bridgeport. sion of faith. Paper running each, which, m i Mrs Charles Benedict is im 433 lectin. Gt, H3xidg"cport, Ot. WAEEE00MS: gradually Best New Process Flour, 90c. tier baei proving. from 15 we Xew 23c. June until further notice, will sell at 278 Main Turkish Prunes, four pounds, j Street, Bridgeport; Best 150 test Bush & Denslow Kerosene Mrs Frank Gillett 1s at Mrs C. D. Still-- five 70c. Choice New son 8. We are do 1 7 East 14th Street, New York. Oil, gallons Crop half to this to make - New Orleans 60c. price. compelled : Molasses, only per Miss Cora Blackman Is REPAIRING AND TUNING. gallon. Fine Porto Rico Molasses, 50c of Bridgeport per gallon. Twenty-tw- o: bars Ozone at William Fisher's. room ' for our Papers, which will arrive Twenty-fiv- e Albion Imported Soap, $1. bars Mrs soap, (14 oz.) $1. Splendid Japanese, Charles Morgan is in Danbury. or mixed four $1, at in a short time for the Fall Trade. Oolong Tea, pounds . Mrs David Parmelee has returned from w. Ji;. wills, os state street, .Bridge- OF THE FINEST FEKUMES port, Conn. Orange, where she has been at the home 2 FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF :6 of her father, James Clark. : Respectfully, ' LADIES' AND GENTS' BOOTS AND EVER MADE. Epoch. SHOES. The transition from lontr. linsrarinir and BR00KFIELD. oainful sickness to robust health marks an epoch in the lite of the individual. Such a re- Obtuse and Whisconier schools will be NO. 1 UlTY markable event is treasured in the memory - and the agency whereby the good health has gin on the 9th. Goods- THIRTY S1A rMMiMUi Deen atiaineu is greniruuy Diesseu. itence it Rubber 7 is that so much is heard in praise of Electric Miss Florence Ma of is SPECIAL. BOUQUET. Bitters. 8o many feel tiiev owe their restora pes Brooklyn tion to health, to the use of the ireat Altera guest of Mrs James Lee. WILLIAM HEALY & CO., ONLY BY tive and Touie. If you are troubled with NO. '278 FOR SALE - MAIN STREET, any disease ot Kidneys, Liver or Stomach, of Miss Sadie Kellogg will go to New long or short standing yon will surely And re- lief by nse ot Electric Bitters. Sold at 60c. York, next week, to take lessons in sten- and $1 per bottle at E. F. liawley's Drug Jj Corner Fairfield Ave. and Water St., Bridgeport store. ography and type writing 0PP03ITE RECREATION HALL. HUNTS REMEDY Bridgeport and will remain home for two 2 3ersXTa,llSt.,:Sria.greport 2 WILL CURE THE KIDNEYS when he will enter New York THE PLACE FOR SQUARE DEA LING, ' weeks, the K&UULATE THE HEART AND - MAKE LIFE WORTH LlVINa medical college.- TOO CAN'T AFFORD TO BE WITHOUT IT." MARK DOWN SALE The diocesan report for 1889 has for AT DO YOU WEAR PANTS t IF YOU D0NT KNOW 47?; baptisms, 18 ; confirmed, 16 ; added ' 429 MAIN; STREET, by removal,' 4 ; i lost by removal,"' ; de What kind of a Carpet you want, but ceased 3 ; registered, 223 ; burials, 20 ; f school 17 150 li;!.' know it when you see it,;' don't Sunday teachers, ; scholars ; ' contributions 'fop narvhiT snnnorf : We now have on our floor merely stroll around through our the New Thermal I ) A V S $1433 27 ; parochial' endowment, $112 ; PANTS CO., look 4 A. H. I , warerooms and at the outsides of work-,-18- BRIDGEPORT $3 parochial 82 ; diocesan work, Furnace, which has had such an extensive sale rolls. Take a chair and have them 972 26 i domestic church work. $100 16 : chart-- . shown up in good shape. That's what foreign, missions, $13 78; other the past two years. We shall" be please d to CLOTHIER AND GENTS' FURNISHER.' ties, 9W: total within the parish,- - $1730 we are here for. We've always the 09; without parish $226 20; total, $1956 AVENUE. "' ' sc 120 FAIRFIELD ' i show it to all our customers and thin1 we choicest new patterns from the best . can prove beyond a doubt for manufacturers. Can suit any taste. Free Test Consultation and Examina that, durability, I have marked down nearly all of my Summer Goods, and am Goods always warranted as represent tion Sauyi-- c . power of of which ed and marked in plain figures at the The excitement continues unabated T heating, simplicity managemei it and Belling; Suits are regularly worth $10 and $12 at $8 per5 Suit. PANTS TO ORDER, S3 UP. Can more marvelous cures ? lowest of We don't ' sell be performed it has no in the which we have sold all the season for 3. $12 UP. $3 prices. The wealth and culture of Bridgeport prices, equal market. Suits $14 and $15, we have SUITS, less cost We calculate- - and his office A goods than to vicinity throng - daily. Weeks : marked at $12 Suit. make a on we sell. Do few, ago among- the number who Its special features are per profit what you called upon the doctor was no less a per- TRIPLE CASINGS. These are new choice selected with and are a know of any one who doesn't whether son than Gen George Bradman of Roch- Practically no heat can escape to the goods care, gen- ester, N. Y. It appears that the General & they acknowledge it or not? Small has been afflicted several years with Ca- - Cellar. uine See sample" of some of the in our window, WELLS FRENCH, - bargain. styles profits and many of them benefit alike tarrn ana nas Deen growing- quite aeai yj. jai;. lie mi jm iugvfuro uu uutl" Draft Door and Cold Air Check Draft. ! customer and dealer. There is no rea- iiiiq CHILDREN'S SUITS AT ALL ness and hearing Dr Merrow spoken of PRICES! MANUFACTURERS of son why any one can undersell us and he sought him for an opinion and receiv- Worked chaini from floor above. Dust Fluo ed not an his by and jjarVe Peed no one does. only opinion, but to great Door Flannel Shirts and Summer Ties in Great surprise and Joy, a perfect cure inside of and Water Pan. Variety! 4 weeks. James K. Wright Of Stratford SADDLES & HARNESS. has been for the six Anti-Clink- er The famous Dundee Pants, warranted all wool, of fine past years suffering Grate, Sifting Grata with Lever, &c. patterns a thousand deaths from dyspepsia, fiver at $2. 50. We have soM hundreds of this and 'Sum We offer in our RETAIL DE complaint and diabetes. Notwithstand- If think of in a pairs Spring ing this almost hopeless complication of you Furnaces . not ch putting da mer. They cannot be excelled. PARTMENT, Harness for all C. W. disease-whi- has baffled' the skill of seen M'CORD, both his home and foreign' physiciaas, 6 buy until you have this wonderfuIHeai 3r Saddles ladies' and weeks treatment with I r Merrow has WH. PLATT & CO., Purf,seTs; entirely restored him to health.' A. A. J. 375 at 71 Howe who ': -.- lL KCllto f juau iiuucd, vuux Hain Street, George, living street, Yours Respectfully, uuccia, for several years has been badly afflicted . ,Ai"fcU' and all for the Stable ers goods HEAD OF "WALL with catarrh and asthroa,' after one 3JV TT TT w.WAui, atLow Prices. STRE2T, week's treatment with Dr Merrow has T?LC A. H. BRIDGEPORT, - - - - - CONN. BISHOP BLOCK (Old T DAY IS, Sterling disappeared. Many a cure performed . 186 and 188 State Ws healer ka been Street, by great - pat!" "d . from tle to time In the- ecrsss cf tMs CJ3.x1.ca.3r STAIRS, tc-coi- Spools: Conn... SxicLg-eport- Gat our prices, before ordering elsewhere- papr avi It tvt ro is t iirr 429 1 j MAIIST'ST., Orders by mail promptly fiUV BRIDGEPORT, CONN. te afjrz I" port. 1 J a u t3 ui, 2 ) t) ttli, ti liljg. THE NEWTOWN BEE. Dr Hall and Fitch welcomed the visitors. Porter Is superintendent, is iu a prosper-Re- v POWER' ! OF J. A. Freeman responded for the ous condition. THE LOW PRICES PREVAIL. SPECIAL BARGAINS BY DRY GOODS AND 1'V'r.USUEI) eldest in C. daughter Woodbury. Rev At tllfi mHrt,11(, nf Ml(, TjOWP stemiev AT THE BEE - PUBLISHING COMPANY, Kay Palmer for the First church,Bridge- Sund,,v ,,.hoo, Sol.te.ber , the foUow- - . CARPETS. which claimed a from It. II. SMITH, KDITOK. port, joint origin ing resolution was passed : CHOICE BARGAINS IN SUMMER Stratford and Fairfield, the latter CLOTHING. $1 50 A 4c. A COPY. being Resolved, That we extend a vote of thanks The Boston Store. NEW FALL STYLES. YEAR, unwilling to let them start as a separate to Prentice Hitchcock tor his kind and valua- church, ltev J. 1. Hoyt responded for ble services given ns while superintendent HEWTOWS, CONH., FRIDAT, SEPTEMBER 6 our to the lost sheep, the Newtown church, two and also regrets that he is unable with us order of the com-initte- of whose Kevs Beach and longer. By oastors, John Sirs ltenjauitii II. Krench, Mrs George Quarto-Milloni- David BESSE al Juuson, were Stratford men. Kev & CO., of Stratford Congre Turner. FOSTER, STOEEYIEOY A. J. Park, responding for Huntington, Rational Church. WESTON. told of the long and faithful pastorates T HE RELIABLE COMBINATION CLOTHIERS, HATTERS AND MEN'S FURNISHERS. Take an account of stock at the Amid thu glorU'D of u Sopteiubtr day of Kev Mr Mills, 52 years and ltev Dr The Fireflies of Weston were invited to the ConrejfHtloiml church of Stratford Ely, 43 years, iu Kiptou parish, which Redding to play ball with the Alerts. At end of this month and, in order Its nd frlundu met ou Thursduy in the was organized iu 1724. Horace L. Fuir-- the end of the second itining, the score Now is the time when wo shall offer the balance of our stock of Summer Clothing at. a honoet reduction from otirformer C0PELMD low Our ami continual, business us genuine to clear the small balance of church editlce, which was adorned with child,Trumbull,gpokc of the pastor- stood 8 to 0 in favor the Fireflies of unapproachable prices. large y increasing compels every season to cany a larger and more ex up long of, tensive assortment, aim we nave leu some supei-- uaiganis in superior made goods at unparalleled and convincin" low mark-dow- buutlnj? and Fall foliage, to cdebrat" its ates of Kev Kichard Minor, 14 years, who Weston. The Alerts would not finish the prices, we enter tne conmei aim capture mo puunc wnn me iwo-eug- o sword ot truth ami honesty. We mark down our goods at not to clean out dead stock, old and to tln-- v BROS. COMPANY- - il. this time, styles Imperfect goods, but with some iiuarto-inillonli- became ; provide the people bargains never The program publish, an F.piscopalian of Kev James game. Next Saturday, the Firertes are wi ll forget, and give them an opportunity to buy this season's eoods.made in latest style, at an honest reduction In Our mark price. - Summer Stock our stock fresh romii-i- ed in the Bkk w a gciu-rall- carried out who in down Rale is our great scheme for keeping and enables us to make a nlaeo tor those ran, bnrmiins wiih-- Heebe, served the French and to play with the Belden Hill club famous the the imittlc of the beitix furnished 38 Kev day by Kevolutionury wars, years and Wilbur "HHlei-- of Eastoti is at Samuel 51. 1). N. T. wise as a NEW ENGLAND COMBINATION CLOTHIERS. Smith, organist; lfeury Stagjf, Merwin, serpent and Fiineher's. . Left over from their most suc choriater; Mrs J nine uud Mis Nellie harmless as a 25 Dea W, Men's Cashmere Suits at tti-'S- ), 8.50, $10, 15,$1S and HSJO. A of from one to four WE INVITE YOUR ATTEN- dove, years. - - tia, saving ' dollars to every purchase SuiuiuIm, Mr Minnie MrnIIennie Wells Lewis ax is closed to at those prices. .Judson, represented Monroe, though Bradley's factory repair Men's Summer Suits All at the same remarkable low cessful season's trade, TION TO OUR LARGE AS- Jennie Alice Jud- a little as an the dam and in two new wheels, Young going prices. llawluy, Mise) liooth, town, possessed of active put Hoys' and Children's Suits 2 to 6.50. Yon can save money by buying now. We proinisu satisfaction aud lowest Mm which cost about prices. SORTMENT OF CARPETS, and tiraee Ulacktnan, sopranos"; Mrs minister and a live Christian Endeavor $2000. Mothers' friend Shirt Waists The best waist in existence. Our prices lowest in the city, quality considered. SPECIAL BARGAINS St. John, Miiifcn Jda Atwood and May society, ltev David F. Pierce, for South- - Edna is at Cannon with her Odd Pants for Men, Uoys and Children. Special Bargains in Men's Pants at 2.50. Straw Hats, Summer Coats and Vests, Flannel SILKS, VELVETS AND Bradley ln, 1 CIII!i wwwih, ivo oi.onvn, nuiitiiioi iicinu Covers and Lap Robes, Trunks and flags. Kighmie Shirts, the best in the .Smith, altox; J. Howard I'uasell of recounted the of ltev s on Are offered in de bury, pastorates aunt, Mrs D. S. Hurlbutt.' world. Ihugains an , being every DRESS GOODS SUITABLE ltrltl)(eii t, Frank and James SuuiuiU, Johu Graham, 33 years, and Kev Benjam- Miss Ella who has throat partment, so that all odd lots I.ewlu lturritt and J. H. Stag);, tenors; in Wildmau, 17 years, aud Kev Thomas Walton, 2ST FOR THE COMING SEASON. trouble, is a little better. S U M M B C L O Samuel K. Curtis, t'harlesi JUakslee, Hi Shipmnn, 10 years. cv J. P. Trow R T H I G. may be cleared out previous to WE ARE SHOWING CHOICE ram Smith and Fred Atwood bass. The bridge, who responded for Bethlehem, Ida Coley of Cannon will spend a week LINES OF . crowning xeature ot the moruiug exer-- the church of Dr Bellamy, was a class with her mother in Weston. Inventory. c!im8 was the mate of Kev Mr Ives in the address of the pastor, ltev theological William Smitli has a new windmill. Printed Lawns, Seersuckers, LADIES' SUITING CLOTHS J. 8. Ives, which was pitched at a high seminary. Dea K. W. Woodruff, for key of historical appreciation, pithily but Washington, the uniipie speaker of the Miss Emma Walton has returned to French and American Sateens IN NEW FALL COLORS. clearly put, fearless in its defence of afternoon, spoke of the Swedish baby, a New York. The Combination Clothiers and and all reduced in EMBROIDERED mission church Popular Hatters, Ginghams Congregationalism and the Stratford organized from the Swed Miss E. Fanton has commenced her , church in particular, while giving credit ish help employed by Judea farmers. school and boards with Mrs Randall. 317 MAIK BIIDG-EOT- CT. price. AND PERSIAN SIDE BANDS. to dillering religious faiths. The local John 1 ieice, for South Britain, a great STBEBT, records to 1!75 have been of read a Charles Jarvis is iu town. EASTOS. S0UTHBUET. S0DTHVILLE. previous lost, granddaughter Stratford, writ, : : but State records and other testimony preserveu among ins lamiiy relics, ar- Friends from Danbury have visited Charles Uiee of New Haven visited 8. John Beach and Mr and Mrs A. T, STOREY & ROY to the formation tills church In iu 1773 for point of resting Stephen Sijuire stay Mrs Samuel Coley of Westport. ' The wedding of Miss Cora Belle Brad L. Tuttle, last, week. Bishop were appointed delegates to the BRIDGEPORT, CONN. SOMETHING NEW. lftl!) and, from first to last, it has been ing at home from church, Sunday. Kev school convention in New Mil-ford- , Merwin Beers's grandchild was badly ley to Charles Lobdell was a brilliant af A young man who worked for C. K. Sunday Congregational, never Presbyterian, in J. L. K. WyckofV wished it understood 4th. scalded on the face and arms by falling fair. At the appointed hour, Miss Belle Osborne during broke into a All the new shades in its church government. l'ev Adam that he represented the North, not the haying in a kettle of hot Water in Bethel. Lobdell, sister of the groom, played the house iu Woodbnry, Sunday, while the Mr and Mrs G. W. Northrop visited U SELDOM C Hlakemau, tlrst pastor, came from Kng- - Second church, Woodbury, ltev It. G. en- wedding inarch and the bridal pair were tit church. He was arrested friends iu New Miiford and Northville, latid Wetherstleld and settled at S. McXeille spoke for the South church. Mason Abbott of Bridgeport has visit people HENRIETTAS, through tered and stood under a floral horse shoe, afternoon. last week. , A FLY ON NOSE the bend of the creek iti ltev Dr its ed Mrs Mary A. his step sister. Monday THE OF Sandy Hollow, Bridgeport, llovey for Park Perry, while Kev Mr Bulkley read the Episco- SERGES AND CASH- his home on btieet Kose for Miss Ida Baldwin entertains a cousin The ladies ot the mission church are THE MAN IN THE MOON, making Academy (then church, Lawyer J. J. Mrs Lorenzo Ohustcad, formerly of pal service. The bride was elegantly at- Watch where were Olivet and Dea .1. W. West from Woodmont. their sixth and last at A HEN WITH FALSE House) hill, palisades Northrop for Weston, died in Wilton, last week, of ty tired in peacock blue satin, cut full dress quilting bedquilt MERE PLAIDE.STRIPES built to the Indians at the Eud. This the Das- - G. W. to of at guard against hymn, composed by phoid fever. style and appeared prettily. After a Herbert Peek of Naugatuck was at Northrop's, bedisposed TEETH, A DOG TAKING northern eud of the settlement, ltev Is- tor, was sung during the afternoon : the coming fair and festival, September AND CHECKS IN Mrs John is with her sister on sumptuous repast under the spreading Adam Guthrie's, Sunday. HIS OWN BARK FOR THE rael his assistant, son of Pres Gregory 12. Chauucey, ANNIVtHNAUV HYMN, 1JV ItKV .InEL STONK IVKS. Chestnut Hill. trees on the lawn, the party departed for CHILLS.A SKUNK WAST- ident of Harvard be- C. B. Squires commenced his duties as HANDSOME Chauncey college, iol of our i'ltthci-s- , here we ruise a trip up the Hudson, followed by the came his successor for .'If the Miss Libbie has friends with railway postal clerk, last week Thursday. BEIDGEWATEB. ING HIS (S)CENTS OR years, long- Our xratulul hearts in Joyful praise; Godfrey best wishes of many friends. Among COLORINGS. est that the church has known. us her from Kaston and New York. : Miss a pastorate Thy hamt hath led hitherto, the wedding favors are the following Mamie Warner gave party, Sat Miss Lois Peek is in Danbury. BARGAINS LIKE The Half Way covenant caused troubles Thy hum! slitill haul the Journey through. Belle and Everett Lobdell. . NEW FRENCH Eva Uedient and Minnie Williams are Hanging lamp, urday evening. Uev and Mrs L. F. entertain FLANNELS IN that seut of the church to Woodbury Two hundred and mom Cake basket, Lena Lobdell. Burgess part years fitly iu Norwalk. Miss Katie Reynolds of Waterbury is friends from New York THOSE. with Kev Zecharlah Walker, while Mr Since there arose ini yonder shore Silver knives and forks; J. L. Lobdell. city. STRIPES AND PLAIDS. knife and John Lobdell. with her father. WE ARE NOW OFFER- Chauncey, a scholarly man, helied found This ancient church; she lives Miss IJoseerans, Miss Uudd and Mr Carving fork, W. C. Jessup, wife and daughter of. centuries have rolled Vases, Jessie Lobdell. SUCHHUG-TH- E- Though awuy. Weed of Norwalk have been at Mrs Car Fred Warner of Bethel the M.E. I ING AT Vale eollege, built the second church on Nut and cracker, Irving Lobdell. joined New York are with his father. Thu ot her and 1'curs, rie Hudd's. picks hill and was a in the story hopes Mr and Mrs J. church, Sunday. ' DIRT, Academy surgeon Hamas, Bradley. - Mrs William Beers and children of war. ltev Cut- iter struggles, victories, prayers and tears Ten dollar check, Charles W'heeler; CARPETS. Xarragansett I)r Timothy . Kbeuezer Fitch is school visitor. - We tell The brlfe'ht'nlug page acting Butter knife and Mr and Mrs Brookfield have been guests of Mrs Wil- AN'T ler, afterward president of Yale ami then Unfolds our sugar spoon, BE00KFIELD. goodly heritage. Mr and Mrs Hotchkiss of South Brit E. C. Wood. Ham Piatt. i PRICES. YOU WILL NEW STYLES IN CARPETS an Kplscopal rector, uuited the shattered THE CONGKKGATIONAL CONCERT. faith, hope and love can never die; ain visit C. Bulklev. Table cloth and napkins, E. K. Freeborn SEE ALL THE ABOVE church in love and his home A base ball nine from this place de OF THE LEADING MANU- peace, being Kecordcd are her vows on high. and family. Cut flowers and Ilez-ekia- potted plants, grace a Sat- MENTIONED THINGS now the Sterling homestead. l!ev h Unutitiiberud souls a glorious throng-A- re Mrs Sally O. Hanks had 11 chickens' Fruit knives, Gracie Nichols and gent. feated Koxbury nine tit Poxbury, Mamie Nichols and fully arranged, filled the platform of the FACTURER NEW COLOR- Oold, the friend of Whltctleldjoln-e- d witness to our prayer and song. stolen, Half dozen tea knives, urday. BEFORE YOU SEE SUCH Monday night. Congregational church, Wednesday ev- In the "Great Hall, Ancient Church? Mlt voice gent. INGS AND DESIGNS. Awakening," arousing higli thy ty Commissioner C. B. Wheel Silver spoon, Ada Turuey. on the occasion of the concert giv- Miss Mary .Short of Bethel has been at BARGAINS AGAIN AT an Through centuries yet to come, sugar ening, opposition that elided his work here rejoice! er and wife of have visited Butter knife, Cora Davis. en members of the South church of Amos Northrop's and Elmer Frost's. NEW FALL STYLES IN In 1752. The colonial Thu Church Triumphant waits, uud we Bridgeport by cause, iuto which .Shall Paper rock, Emma Osborne. Hart- ' Join thu Immortal company. his aged mother, Mrs Cynthia Wheeler. Lu- Bridgeport, assisted by local and Mrs Iester Worden and have LACE CUR- Stratford entered with heart and soul, Pickle fork and batter knife, Lena and family PORTIERES, ; ford talent. It was a success in every home in found a warm and earnest friend in l!ev ltev B. L. Swan was unable to be pres The Valley Forge campers from Fair-- lu Waiatt. returned to their Syracuse. TAILS AND DRAPERIES. Glass Kdith Oslmrne. respect and the audience which filled the Sam Harris's lralah Wetmore, who called for three ent, but the evening program was car Held, during their recent, encampment, pitcher, Carl of New Miiford and Glass fruit dish, Gala and Lulu Bradley. church signified its approval by unstint- Schoverling decorous cheers wheu news of Yorktown ried out with addresses by Kevs Dr Hall, entertained visitors from California, Mr M. B. Williams. Amos have a few to Hose bowl, and Mrs ed applause. Besides Brookfield friends, Northrop bought reached him in the one Sun- S. Fitch and Dr Henry M. Booth. clos Ohio, New York, New Jersey aud out- Half dozen solid silver tea spoons, Emma bacco crops. pulpit, glad people were present from Danbury,New-tow- n day. Ho was afterward settled in Trum- ing a day that will be ever memorable in own State, on the romantic grounds of and liva Ferris. Mr and Mrs F. Gould. and elsewhere and scarcely a seat in town commenced, this week : his ink stand and bowl have the history of Stratford's Congregational Mrs C. (i.Whitlock. Miss Wilcox of New Table spoons, BARGAIN bull; punch Half dozen lea spoons, I. C. Fanton. remained vacant. Those participating Albert Pierce of Koxbury and Miss Sar- COPELAiXD BKOS. CO. been liev Stebblns, sixth church. Jersey acted as chaperone. B. preserved, m mm Glass set, Mr and Mrs J. Hill. were Misses Carrie Louise St. John of ah I.yon in Center, Miss Emily Treat in pastor, battled the infidelity uud hetero- Ward aud wife of Table spoons, Mary and Allio Foster. CLOTHING BRIDGEPORT-Charle- Bulkley Bridgeport Hartford, Mrs Willaiu E. Seeley, Miss Treat and Miss Eilith Roswell in Mallett HOUSE, 411 TO 417 MAIN In 11 Hat rack, Charlie Abbott. STREET, doxy that came with French in ne nee spent Sunday with M. V. B. Howland, W. distrk-t- . A. clerk in his uncle's Dozen silver knives, W. B. Williams and May Stickles, Prof II. Green, all of after the Involution, stopped the vandal- Nichols, where Mr father is sick. Brook-- 185 Main street Main Uulkley's family. Bridgeport ; Frank Hawley of was and 103 Fairfield Avenue, ism which was destroying Academy hill meat market on East street, sports Osborne. ' Sunday morning, Babbitt's Bridge Lemonade set, Orlando field; 15ev II. B. Mead, pastor of the one of the main timbers lid established infant baptism. These a bicycle. Fruit dish, Mr and Mrs John Ogden. found unsafe, Danbury. BLACK E0CK. church ; Mrs Elmer Beardsley of Strat- out. Travel was BRIDGEPORT. sis averaged over 2 years, Mr and Mrs F. B. Wakeman of Nich- Vase, Mamie Wheeler. having given stopped pastorates Mrs William Harrison has been ill with J. Drew. ford, accompanist. Although encored, a but it was the since 15 -J Sixty yards muslin, for time, finally propped up longest being years, that ols street. East have to Green- Pai-rac- End, gone a tumor, but Drs Jlroiison and Smitli of Glass set, G. anil family. none but Prof Green responded. Each so as to be made of ltev W. 15. Kead, a mau aglow with field for a week. F. passable. New Haven an and China bedroom set, J. Bradley's and Ly- singer was presented by admiring friends Christian fervor and a central influence performed operation Grandisou found his two-year-- she is much better. on's families. with a bouquet and Mrs Elmer Beards- - Northrop In the town from his coming in is.'i'.i, LONG HILL Counterpane. It. Scholey and lady. colt in the pasture very lame. Charles llowcll. ley, than whom there could be no better next to which in ranks the pres- Miss Alice and Ella Mills of New Ha Towels, Examination disclosed an length After many weary mouths of suffering, Mrs D. Williams. accompanist, received a large and hand ent which in 188.'t. ven have visited their Mr in the toot, which was re- $50,000! pastorate, began Mrs Itebecca, wire of frank .1. Sfjuino-- grandparents, " Mrs A. Jlowell. some basket of flowers. stulj promptly these later sheherils of the flock, and Mrs moved. fever Among bal, died, Monday, 13 years and three Sturges Seeley. Mrs C.Abbott. A brief intermission was enjoyed after Lung developed, requir- ltev Mr Ives celebrated the in- " Mrs W. Corning. the services of spiritual mouths old. She was a native of New Charles A. Yarringtoli is building an the first seven numbers and then, at the ing Veterinary Surgeon fluence of l'ev M. 1J. Dutton's ministry, Table cloth, Mr ami Mrs S. N. Osborne. Todd of New Miiford and the colt is a town aud daughter of John Peck. Her addition to Sturges Seeley's house. Mrs Mrs E. Osborne. conelusiou of the program, singers and which 0 were added to Tumblers, better. during persons funeral Was attended from her late resi Yarrington is in poor health aud is witn Banner, Harry Lyon and Roily Bradley. friends were invited to the residence of little the church ou a single Sunday ; the prom- Mrs II. Burr. The stock of dence, Thursday, at 2 p m. She leaves her parents. Mr Yarrington will soon( Vinegar cruse, Mrs Henry Peck, to a bountiful and the Park City Clothing Co. Inence of l'ev Dr Joshua Leavltt in town Half dozen solid II. Wood. DASBUEY. bought by ouo sou, besides her husband, to mourn move to Bridgeport. silver teaspoons, sumptuous collation, furnished by the In the troublous of affairs, Aayi slavery her loss. ladies. Misses Jennie Hawley and Mir Orville II. Swift took part in the races and temperance agitation and his inter NICHOLS. S. at Mr and Mrs William Wheeler tire iaiu Taylor assisted Mrs Peck at the at Albany, ; est In schools, thu tlrst Mrs Julia C. Connors, once Mrs She! Saturday. founding Sunday Miss Mabel Muun is in J. E. Field1. tables. The church and soe'iety insisted GrEELEY THE school of the which Miss Maritf ton Edwards, who moved to Shelton Philadelphia. C. B. Fuller came in third in the State CLOTHIER, church, upon expressing its appreciation of the McKweu took from his the about a month ago, died there, Monday, Mr and Mrs Gideon Tomlinsou of E0XBUET. championship one mile race at Hartford. hands; short singers' services by a vote of of ltev Thomas at thu residence of Mrs Sclzer, Cliff Shelton Labor with L. C. hearty pastorates Kobblus, 1830; spent day L. Sauford of Birmingham has been thanks. The proceeds, which amounted No service at the First church,Sunday. AT 50 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR' ! 1857-185- 8; was otKevJ. U. 1'age, of ltev street. Death caused by breaking Nichols. blessed with an heir. devoted to betweeu $40 and 50, will be Mrs C. H. Pierce is at Ocean Grove, j Lewis 18i4-18(i- 0; ltev S. II her leg, soon after she moved to Shelton Charpiot, Miss Gracie Nichols is in Bridgeport. to the purchase of new hymn books. 1870-188- She was afternoon. Mrs Lock wood and friends, Mr and Dana, now of (uincy, 111., 1 ; of buried, Wednesday Charlie Craig is a student at the Bridge Miss Beers Mrs boarders at Charles Sanford's, The program ; Kev F. W. Chapman"! ministry, 18M- Ivan of Long Hill will teach our Utter, business college. : ! fjirgersohn, whose case occupied enlivened social and l'AKTI. port WE ARE SELLING 1831), marked revival which village school. who have Koxbury "Beware." IT OUT by interest, half a day at Bridgeport, was found guil Quartet, There was a parade, Monday, of established still religious life, have returned home Trio, "Best Thee on this Mossy Pillow," large services, upheld, at Put ty of violation of the licjuor law. Lnder the direction of W. E. Plumb, firemen and labor unions, which ' Misses St John and Stickles and Mrs Seeley. military, ney and Oronoijue ; of Kev 11. L. Swan's Frank Marsh is the road in front Tierce & Co., builders, of Woodbury, AT- Miss Mary Kadchlle was married to having Solo, "One Sweetly Solemn Thought," Miss sat down to an inviting spread at Metro- accurate historical researches, reviving of his place improved, filling in the road are about to build a large house on Mine Carrie Louise St John. hall. Some 1600 witness In James Smith of Bridgeport at New politan people Interest the history of town and church bed with rocks and with soil. Hill road for Mr Callahan. Land." thel-ace- s Haven. Wednesday. covering Duet, "Oh, Morning ed at the Fair grounds. In a pastorate all too short ; of the dis- Quartet, "The Lord Is My Shepherd," Misses hill is with a substantial Edwin 81, commenced couragement that ended the labors of Bishop done, Prindle, aged St John and Stickles, Mrs Seeley.Mrs Hawley. The seventh prize medal contest took BTos. HUNTIS0T0H. railing on both sides of the embankment. having and harvesting on the 24th of Solo, Frank Hawley. even- 454 and 456 Main Kev Dr W. K. Hall, now of Newburgh, place at the Baptist church, Friday St., June aud finished on the 30th of August, Trio, "Hear Our Prayer," Mrs W. E. Seeley, ana llie kiln-dr- The was fine and the X. Y., who, with Kev F. S. Fitch, his jit lioit continental singers, The top of M. J. Munn's y Messrs Mead and ing. speaking who are ou a and tour working every day when not too stormy, Hawley. was won William Fanton. The IB JR, X) Gr IE 3? IR, . successor, who went to Cincinnati, took Moody Sankey of burned off, Monday night. l'AKT II. prize by I O T prominent In the services of thu day. the State in the interest of the constitu- Christ church is preparing for its an Quartet, "Maiden with the Lips so Rosy." singing consisted of selections by the part Miss The added 12 to the church and it tional prohibitory amendment, drew ASPETUCK. nual harvest home festival, on the 19th. Solo, "Oh Jesus, Thou art Standing," former organist, Prof Eodgers, a violin , latter Stickles. was unfortunate that he did not quite an audience at the Congregational May solo by Clarence Nolan and a tenor solo thought An old cherry tree in Mrs Osborn"s Trio, "Twilight," Misses St Jolm anil Stick remain to care for their Christian nur- church, Wednesday evening. . LONG HILL Mrs by W. A. Braun. yard fell, breaking the front fence badly. (HUHT1HGT0H). les and Seoley. ture. The church has had, 20 "Kest in the Lord," Misses St John deacons, The Shelton family held their reuuiou, Quartet, The Danbury Y. M. C. A. base ball John Blrdseye, one of the tlrst, living to MOJtROE. Mrs Laurinda Grumman, II. B. Jen-- 1 anil Stickles, Messrs Green ami Hawley. Norwalk with the Nor- SUITS August 26, at William Beard's; thirty "As the Hart Panto.th," Misses St John and team played at 103 when he had 20(1 de- F. D has been under Dr Ste nings and wife have visited here. and were. years, living Hollister eight were present. stickles. walk Y.M.C.A. team, Monday scendants. The tlrst Kplscopal church vens's care with liver Members of Center Street are re- Prof II. W. Green. 10 to 9. Iteturn will be Men's Suits 00 are now complaint. lodge at home Solo, defeated, game formerly $20 selling at $15 00 in the State was orgauizud hero in 1700 to meet in John Wilkinson spent Sunday Quartet, "See the Itlvers Flowing." in 23d. ' TlilHl'npaa onifp Oil nfl " A. Sinclair, Jr, has been more cheeky quested Temperance hall, played Daubury, 10 00 and, In 1730, Its rector shared in the town Tuesday 10th, when a member Blue lish in the Housatonic are biting than usual with an ulcerated tooth. evening, Smith has returned to New 15 00 8 00 monks raised for church support. This of the grand lodge will assist iu Mr Wilkinson's family caught Harry starting finely. two weeks with his aunt, 10 00 and other testimony was quoted to prove Gordon Benkard visits his uncle, Kev anew. over 100. York, after 6 00 the Christian tolerance of - the A. Goldsborough. Mrs Benjamin Starr. early mov- which has been George Gurusey and family have SHELT0H- - A GOOD church, belied, especial- Premium lists of the Union Mrs i Louisa Williams has returned BLUE SUIT FOR $5 00, S6 00 & Samuel who married his Agricultu ed into Clark Lyon's place. ' $S 00 ly by Peters, ral society can be procured of any of the lMed, Thursday, Miss Margaret Wake- from a visit in Windsor. (AM wife here aud seems to have had a John Ferris aud Charles laid the 8 grudge officers. Coley lee of Coram, 52; funeral on Sunday a,t Mrs Elizabeth .Griffeu of New York against Connecticut In general and Strat- wall for the 52x42 basement barn for C. ' us p in. i '. visits her Griffeu. ford in particular. The first Methodist Town Clerk Nichols, usual, swept Buckingham at Southport and the wall son, Benjamin the the X. show HILL- - class was orgnuized here in 1700 and from prizes at l'awling, Y., for Simon Banks's tenant house which GREENFIELD Miss Frances Wiggin of Patterson, N. and will now move on I'rovidence. MEN'S these Mr Ives dated Congregational Misses Perry of Greenfield Hill are build- List ot letters remaining uncalled for, J., returned, Friday, to resume her du PLAINS PANTS: were and ' the Curtis prayer meetings, which first oppos- The Congregational Sunday school ing are now employed by Henry September 1 i ; ; ties as assistant teacher at In ed by members of the church, meeting will join St l'eter's at the. Episcopal pic- Sturges, Fairfield. Itichurd S. Allen, Lyuiau B. Thorpe, James school. Working Pants at 75c., formerly $1 25 and $1 50 private houses and shops for a time. The nic at Pallor Ayer Ese, William S. Wood, Mrs W. II. Blau Nice " " - Bock, Saturday. Kobert Seeley paints the interior of Frank M. II.B. Miss Florence Mapes of Brooklyn is , "$2 00, 2 00 ". 3 50 tlrst church occupied the site of Capt wault, Moiiz Avonstein, Allen, William Waketnan's house. Wakeman, Airs Sarah A. Bulkley, Henry Gril guest of Mrs James Lee. Handsome " 3 5 William barn and his house STEPNEY. 50, 00 and 6 00 Harrytnore'a, ling, Miles 1). Hoag, Miss Sarah Nichols, Mi's Its was has moved to the The school house at district No 2 litis still contalni) some of timbers. It There will be In the George Guernsey Sarah Brown, Daniel C. Wood, C. W. Bennett, preaching Stepney Sherwood Clark B. William T been new windows the only church In the colonies that had school Emory place. Lyon C. Burr, Miss lliluia Carlson, greatly improved by Depot house, Thursday, Septem D. J- - a bell. The second church on Academy has his home elsewhere since the death Campbell. 2, A. Drew, Mrs II. llincks, and painting both inside and out. CHILDREN'S SUITS : ber 12, at 7 p m, by liev J.T. Kobertson. of Mrs Sherwood. John M. Johnson, Emoline Meeker. hill provided separate seats for married Brookfleld teachers : No I, II.' P. Mans- men and married women and for ancient The ladies' aid society of the Stepney Mrs Mary A. Lyon has had a second WOODS. field ; No 2, John W. Thoruhill ; No 3, A Good School Suit amf M. E. church will give a peach and ice FAIEFIELD at $150 bachelors maids. The third church, stroke of paralysis at her son in Miss Susie Morris of Bridgewater; No 5, " tBe cream festival on Wednesday evening, Fred's, Mr aud Mrs William Nichols hwe Elegant Dress for $3 50 or $4 00 which faced the south where Acad South Norwalk. gone Miss Fannie O. Thornhili; No 0, Arthur was and 11th. There will be a musical and liter to Midd elield. Mass. Mr Nichols is su Sailor Suits from 75c. to 2 75 einr stands, struck by lightning S. Hawley. Teachers for Nos 4 aud 7 entertainment iu addition to the oil- -' Charles S. Abbott opened No. 10 school of the works. burned. Theffouirth stood on Hiel'shil! ary perintendent phosphate were to be examined by Rev Mr Whit-- Miss Katie Abbott Strat-tre- e. the site of the present or fifth church, cr attractions of the festival. Admission Tuesday; the Held school. come, Thursday evening. built In 1850 and the liberality of William PLATTSVILLE. (futj Curtis school will begin Wednesday, the as HATS, CAPS&FUENISHINGS A. Booth, who built parsonage, l uaries uanKs,iormeriy or linugeport, Mr aud Mrs Lobdell are expected home miss auuie ana Aiaua uregory spent 11th, with a full.qu'ota of pupils. sisted In its erection. Its organ was pur was elected of the this week and will reside at the bride's with relatives in superintendent Step- j last week Brooklyn. Mr and Mrs Beardslev will remain at Fnr chased In 18(S8and steam heat introduced ney Depot school, to succeed home. all n Suuday I. Selectman has commenced re F. K. a few weeks longer. ed in 18t8 and steam heat Introduced, Hitchcock, who has moved from here. Bulkley Hawley's DIAMOND HILL on the road to tlese last year.. An old door of the church on (REDDING) pairs Bridgeport. Miss Maggie, of Daniel llig-giu- s, llere The picnic of the Stepney M. E. Sun- daughter tfirgs Academy hill, the communion table, bass Miss Eiitma Dunham of New York was married, Thursday, to Frank day school, August 21, hi union with the WESTP0ET. is to .viol and other relics of previous churches at Mrs Janet Caldwell's. . Kirby of Newtown, a driver for t he Rub nothing equal were exhibited In the lecture Baptist school, wn a pleasant affair. Charles 11. Sherwood has been at ber company. AlcIUrov ot isew and pastors Mrs and two children of Father room. ltev T. Kobertson will to his Hadiey and removed a 00 horse Miiford otllciated. J. preach visit her sister, Mrs Eddie Georgetown the bountiful collation at on "Dan- Bridgeport nower a 100 horse - After spread people, next Suuday evening, Adams. entrine, setting up The railroad commissioners were at CLOTsziisra- the Town hall with genuine Stratford iel, his times and history." uower hi its nlace. He Is now at North the Junction, Tuesday, meeting the se- j ' cross- stock, the afternoon service of wel- Mrs Sanford Phttt of Bethel has been Stamford at work. lectmen to consider the highway hospitality, The young people of Stepney and vi- there. was ac- come and greeting from the daughter, at George O. Piatt's. ings Nothing satisfactory Pmhouer 456 MAIN" cinity have organibed ti young peoples' complished. 454, STREET, and Miss Lillie Burr, who has Miss BEDDING granddaughter great granddaughter association under the ausx'ices of the helped churches was held, the name and date of Hunt at Bethel in dress making, is home Misses Towiisend have been guests of which is kept by eizry Stepney M. E. church. SOUTH BRITAIN. BRIDGEPORT. organization of each church standing out a few weeks. II. B. Bumsv. Amos A. Parker of New Hampshire the laid. U in In white letters on a red ground in pau-- The Suuday school connected with tlie Theodore Adams has returned from Misses Ma Juid Agnes Hill are with who is 00, has visited Dea N, W. druggist of the gtllery front. J lev Messrs Ives. trpuey M. K. church, of which John Springfield, Muss. their sister, MVs George Sanford. VOLUME XII. NEWTOWN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER G, 1889.--- SIX PAGES. NUMBER 36.

Miss W. is in The of II. K. Kimberly of I A family at J. II. Warner's, Additions te Newtown EAST David Hubbell lost a last A small building, scarcely more than At the town meeting, Saturday,August Lulu Orgelman Brooklyn family Library. watch, week, has been with James Weaver this week, Warner The United Vol 1 lftKi while in a ha lieen erected at 31, George Wlnton presided as moderator with her cousins, Mr and Mrs Brosman. Bridgeport comprised Augustus Motherland, Motley, J. Beers has one of the largest of the berry field. shed, llawleyvllle, f ; " " M.V7 and M. Houlihan as clerk. Town Agent and O. B. Johnson. Chicago Austin Warner, with his son i over 40 feet in W. Just above the brick house, for a milk J. ' " " " 8 IMS hydrangeas, measuring T. Eastwood and his Star attended W. was to transfer Lawrence and daughter Miss Jessie of - circumference and some 10 feet in HtuMon, from which tho Ilotimitonlc milk II. Glover Instructed James Butler Is a Summer i, " . 4 ioki height. the bicyclist meet in Hartford, Monday building EEDDINO. I Miss. Paul and Mis3 COO Newtown's Interest In tho new Iron Vlcksburg, Mary ot 1(01)111)110, , Vol.1 10K0 It contains over blossoms. tr:i In will ho loaded. kitchen for John of Gas Street s- ltise the Dutch Motley large and Tuesday. . Hurley - Warner, who have been at the moun-- " " 10B1 bridge to the counties of Now Haven and and has work nt Mr Graham's and else- Thomas Sanford says that the publish-- " t . lalns Wlt trom re " " ' " 3 inrii A. J. Beers that he has 25 Mrs Mary Eastwood arrived from New- Fairfield and tho selectmen were instruct- ed renort that he is to spend the Winter t the South, says yet An excursion to Hudson ltiver, where. Pty The Ail ventures ot a House- - acres of to last week. to with tho selectmen of South-bur- y in Mow iinvon is lnonriwet.. Alt.housrh turned home with them. Strange hay get. Bethel, bury, Ioiijr,hkeepsle ami West Point, ed confer Dont. Black. logi stockholders of Bennett's business his in the Elm Mrs Willard Oliver and children Wednesday, Ith, by tho New England and the Landlord Taylor's couch is again on requires presence Tony the Maid. Howard. ltwt Two of the tame foxes which Oliver S. of of said VV. ' 1(XUI road. The excursion train left bridge to bring about the transfer the road, blight In new paint applied by City two or three days a week, he will James Weaver's family has returned to Annie Kllhurn. 1). Howells. Blakeman raised are still at his barn; the Danbury are with Mrs II. A. Patchen. special I Go Prime. UMiS 8 15 to the counties. It is said that C. II. still retain his residence here. with the bound home- others have or been shot. llawleyvllle at n in. bridge Gay. Brooklyn throng HM7 escaped Miss Hall of N. tho wanted for Bennett's bridge is ward. Gertrude' Marriage. Huimburg. May Pleasantville, Y., price S. Sherwood is a $3000 res- Undo Max. Hone Nouchotte Carey. lfl8 is with her Mrs t:ioo. Belts 30,000 have I. building '" grandmother, Benjamin George G. lllakti of Wiilllmin, Max."., weighing pounds Mass. Grclfcnstoin. Crawford. HUM M0HK0E. Hall. been to an elevator at idence at Springfield, - W. It. Skidmore vis- of Woman. 1070 hat Niit several at ". V. Beardsl- shipped Minneap- of Bridgeport has The Five Talents day W. K. of K. 1071 Miss Benkard of has visited Over a year ago, Supt Lyon olis by the Bubber Co. There are sev- The of ball between the Fireflies ited William Botsford and other New- Miss Lou. P. Roe. '. Brooklyu Station Master French says that he ey'!".. the game A Modern Adam and Eve in a Gar-do- her auut, Mrs A. the Housatonlc issued notices that eral sizes, tho weighing two and Sat- town friends. Mr Skidmore is in the ex- Goldsborough. isn't with his yet. largest of Weston and Alerts of the Ridge, Douglass. 1D72 through improvements of on and off trains at tons n ad- The hoard of director of the Odd Fel- practice Jumping a half each. a fizzle. The press busiuessbet ween Bridgeport,Brook-ly- Esther. N'ouchette KITS No. and friends Those already completed are a great must be have urday afternoon, proved Itoso Carey. Harmony Grange, 92, low Aid association ha voted 8:2000 to stations stopped. They club became dissatislled with a and New York. Millbank. M.J. Holmes. 1A74 to the number of about had a dition to the depot and Its been sent with the further in- visiting 150, glor th helm of K. 11. Trice of Xorwalk. again out, George A. Sauford and family of New decision of the and said The Open Door. Howard. 1075 ious old fashioned basket at B. S, is on in- umpire "they New 1070 picnic formation that the practice the Haven are at Mrs James Turner's. Frank and have vis- Our Mistress. Yongn. wouldu't play any more." The Bedding Thompson family 1077 Hurd's Maple Grove Farm. The table Mrs Susan Osborne exhibits the shell crease and that it nmst be stopped; if ited L. The Midnight Marriage, Douglas. At the reunion of tho Seventeenth Con- boys got up a game among themselves II. Manvillc. of Sorrento. Stowe. 1078 that was spread by the ladies of the of a Rock when necessary, offenders are to he arrested. Agues Plymouth egg, which, necticut Volunteers nt Noroton, last Mrs Silas E. Fairchild has spent a and had an afternoon of enjoyment. We Two. Lyall.' 1079 Grange would make an epicure happy. found, weighed five ounces and contain- Steadfast. It. T. Cooke. . 1080 week, Newtown was honored hy the week In Naiigatuck. STRATFORD. After dinner, the young men engaged in ed three each and each as confine- Charles Sanford has over 300 bush- A Sister of Jose. Burnett. 1081 yolks, perfect election of Albert VV. l'eck a fourth After nearly two mouths of dug Pretty an impromptu game of base ball, with s as an els of as fine as ever caaie out ItlVEKSIUE DUCK FARM. Passolto.se. Hardy. 1082 large ordinary egg. It measured. James Callahan had recovered potatoes 7 7 1- vice Police Ollleer .lohn II. ment, B. C. Fairchild has been all Sum- Halzuc. 1083 score of to and the later hours were 6 -1 8 8 inches. president. to walk busy of the are of the White "V 'rfic Riverside duck farm of Willard R. Bureaiieracy. by Porter of is and P. from his broken leg sulueieiitly of in ground. They From tho Lakes ot KSllarney. Field. 1084 spent in tripping the light fantastic. The Bridgeport secretary mer, taking photographs scenery Star planted escaped Miller has reached the of its ftUo of treasurer. with little aid, when, Saturday eveuing, the Street, and elsewhere. He secured variety; early,they capacity llayniond Kershaw. Cox. 1085 Grange has a class of aliout a dozen HATTEkTOWJ. Wade, Jr, Bridgeport, the and did not rot. Mr Sanford nnd he is A of tho Sierras. Uni te. 1088 he sustained a second fracture of the several in La- blight prcseut quarters reducing stock, l'hyllis awaiting initiation. & good negatives Danbury, has his cider mill in order and Is to Jonathan and His Continent. Max Oitcll. 1087 Charles Morgan has sold timber to same He was In Clark prepar- hoping be able to sell it, that he may - leg. Warner, bor - 1088 Over MX) men are employed nt Wilson on day. ed to receive to lie will embark in the business more The Midnight Queen.- Fleming. Mrs F.. W. Wheeler entertained Miss John R. Toralinson, which he is hauling Taylor's store und, hi cane slipping apples gsir'l, extensively Tho winter. 1089 Point, under the direction of Superin- Alpine Fay. Hoffman ; Miss Grace Wise of to his Cold Spring mill. tho lloor, he threw almost hi entire A. F. Clarke and Misses Glover have buy cider apples and hopes ti. tough the elsewhere with W. T. Eastman, who has Brooklyn tendent the hurned has been with Postmaster Stevens ; Miss Payne, the lame He was tak- law forbidding the adulteration of vine- recently beeu associated with Mr Miller, D. B. Parmelee lias traded blooded wharve. and houses of the New weight upon leg. been at Mil ford. DAHBDEI. Stockwell of has visited freight en home and Dr Smith called. gar to get a fair price for good cider vin- after an experience of several year fit- Bridgeport stock with William R. Ferris of Walker's Terminal Co. The steamer is to insur- Misses Miss Minuie Lewis England egar. up brooder in the New Uuubury have an accident Beardsley; Farm. U ut the re- Miss Julia Peck has spent a week at ting England ance Mu has been in Cape Charles floating dock, and Middle States. - This is Mr Miller's company of its own, the Home Bridgeport. which will J. K. Parsons, wife and son Percy of the shore. Sam C. Shaw has visited Brooklyn Charles Piatt ium! Fred Porter have ceiving the parallel tracks fourth in the business, the second tual Benefit society. It was incorporat a car New Haven have visited his mother, friends ; he returns to Yale soon to com- year Miss Harriet Judson, accompanied by laid wall for Eli Beers in Palestine. transform her into freight transfer F. now in Mr ou an extensive scale and his fowls com- ed by the last Legislature and will be Mrs M. E. Parsous. John Kelly, Xorwich; mence his junior year. a Miss Essie Judson of Hartford, who has steamer. Mr a sale the of ready for business in a week or two. Its nnd Mrs Edward Kilbride, and Mrs, mand ready among epicures been visiting her, has been with relatives J. W. Penny has built a 14x24 addition Mrs Miss J. O. Sanford will commence her corporators and officers are among the Mis Weed Edson W. Wilson is Thomas A. Eagan, Mr and Simon the shore towns along the Sound, easily in Bethel. to his barn ; Isaac Patchen was his car- Minnie of Danbury lenient Undertaker spend- select school, Monday, Kith, for the Fall best and most substantial business men hills. Donellan, Joseph Ijivery, Dennis commanding more than the market price. penter. Mr .Penny's tobacco crop is of Charles It. Nichols ing a week among the Litchfield termr in the Mrs Rufus Way is proud of a Michael J. Lyons of Jersey His present quarters have a large capac- city. hydran good, but his potatoes hardly worth dig- Bernard Monahan and Miss Sadie Xo teacher has been for the a novice would gea, which has borne, at one time, over so have rotted. Wilfred Matson of North Adams, a Wil- City, engaged ity, think, being capable HULL'S HILL. fine ging, many Speaking to Bek reporter about is ducks in 50 blossoms. She has also a assort . Mat-ko- n. Carroll of Bridgeport and John Kilbride Academy and there but a faint pros- of accommodating 10,000 the Man., has v 11 ted his father, lame son Point and the work now going on A. T. White in Water-tow-n ment of other and includ have visited Newtown friends. pect of its being open, this Winter. duck season from New Year's to July 1, spent Suuday plants flowers, T&UMBULL there. Col W. H. Stevenson of the Hous- and ; Mrs David ing 17 varieties of roses. 10,000 chickens in the chicken season Waterbury Cary X. Burr has returned to his work atonlc system said : "Yes, we're doing a Mrs I). Sanford and Miss Belle return and were in Waterburv. Frank Mr Nichols and Miss who from October to and from 1000 to daughter Rufus Way and wife, who-hav- enter in Philo Kutli, little nt the Point. We'll spend a couple Harry C. Fairchild has returned from ed from Martha's July Pennsylvania. have the mouth of in the Vineyard delighted 2000 geese, which are ranked most profit tained a baker's dozen of Fresh Air child- spent August, of hundred thousand dollars and then, in a week's viwit in Brooklyn. with their in the the Miss Lillie Gray returned to Hartford, C. B. Sherwood's which was White have returned. sojourn "city by able of all, since eat more grass and ren from New York, sent the last batch horse, Mountains, a few we'll be in shape they Saturday; Mrs Mortimer Scott and son left with W. O. Beach and advertised in wok8, probably, sea." less feed and grow faster. Some gos- home, last week. to run cars from Boston to Xew BETHEL. returned there, Monday. the has been sold to S. D. through M. W. Stevens of Xorwalk has erected lings have gained over a pound a week, Bek, Sharpe Austin I.. Peck and family of Hartford York, by way of the Xew Engl:ind,Dan-bur- y Editor states that the sub- Mrs John Bristol of visited Mrs Aluion Wakeley of Bridgeport has of Monroe. Smalley a line monument of Westerly granite for weighing 15 pounds when 12 weeks old. Naugatuck fK'iit Sunday with his father, Z. S. Peck. &, Xorwalk division of the Housa- of the Bethel here, last week. visited her cousin, Mrs Charles B. Nich scription price Enterprise S. S. Osborne in the Ridge cemetery. It Ducks, chickens and geese alike are Miss Katie Morris of Elizabeth, X.. and car steamer w ols. J., tonlc freight transfer ill be 75o a year, with premium. is some- Ilunt-Ingtow- consists of a a and a hatched in which Miss Ida Tucker is in has Mrs A. S. Nichols. The new button lathe atGrillln's u Point. But the base, plinth die, incubators, Ajisonia. visited from Wilson only ' Martin Mallett Mrs E. L. Smith and son of Seymour surmounted by a cap and urn. It is thing new in goose culture. There are J. has purchased cattle shop Is a marvel of solidity cars will be sent this way; all Miss Martha J. Stowe has returned to of B. and W. Candee. Nichols & Roberts have orders for 1C0 through have visited here. what is known as a stone and seven Monarch incubators, made , by E. Seeley J. and precision. It wait made by James which must be transferred, or is cottage school in sets of cars to be furnished before the freight a beautiful and substantial ap- James Rankin,-wit- a for 5000 Bridgeport. X). with the assistance of M. Beers, nn old Newtown boy, at his In broken will come to Wilson has moved from Center presents capacity John Beach, 65 and 83c. bulk, Bridgeort, Harry hen's eggs or 4000 duck eggs. These in- Monroe has holidays at New Haven machine shop mid will cost be unloaded there and sent to New York ; street to the house vacated by Frank pearance. Mrs George Wakelee has visited her other horsemen, purchased cubators are heated hot water warm- fine Mr and Mrs Frank Hall of Shelton 1000. the steamer D. Lefevre Mackenzie. Mr and Mrs Fiauk Lee rejoice over by daughter in Union City. stepper in New Haven. nearly freight Philip ed automatic in with his Mrs Ed- on this line. Oh the advent of a son. .' by kerosene, operation M. in spent Sunday sisters, will continue to run yes, Misses and Lizzie Mead of Or-- young 103 de- Ernest Peck of Bridgeport is Mrs Martha Botsford und children have Edith and are kept at a temperature of WOODBURY. gar Clark and Mrs Beach Lyoli. the Housii tonic's still booming." This, who have Mrs Monroe, engaged in fishing the Housa- - with rclatlvss In Hill. mge, visited Chapman. Mr and Mrs II. S. Shaw are happy over grees. The egga arc turned by hand ' been I.otig from Col Stevenson himself, is proof con- llODKMCK'S LATEST SUIT. tonic river dry. Henry Lyon and wife of New Y'ork are lave returned home. the birth of a daughter. ; twice a day. After the ducks are hatch- clusive that Bridgeport will not lose The hearing on the will of the late with his brother Beach. The families of U. F. C. 15. who continues the ed, they are put into brooder pens for John II. Hawkins and wife were at luucombe, through Wilson Point's for I.iialley i. Hubbell, Prayer meeting at J. L. Sanford's Elijah Atwood was commenced, last Fri- him! A. O, Moore a clam- manufacture and sale of the ma- - two or three weeks, where heat is sup- Milford Point, Sunday. Mr and Mrs William Black man of East Taylor enjoyed all workmen who .transfer freight will tapping school room every Sunday afternoon at the day, August 30, before Judge Eastman. bake, last week, on the hanks of the llous-aton- ic hiues patented by his I). T. Hub-- plied from a boiler kept running year Mrs Andrew Clark suffers with rheu Village and C. P. Gaylord of TerryvUle remain in the Park City, notwithstand- father, warm mixed with Roderick, whose voice is soft and sweet n corn roast at A. C. Moore's. bell, sold two, last week, to E. II. Haw-Ie)- -, through, the air being matism. were recent guests of S. M. Briusmade. jiiJ ing the rosy views of Xorwalk jieople. The of Mr and Mrs T. R. from the and low as an angel's, conducted bis own " mm n the hardware dealer and the other hospitality fresh air brought in by pipes Mabel has been taxed to the utmost Ducks contest, and pretty soon there was a full F. D. Hollister, was home from Jennie Hallock of Bridgeport has vis '"' Mallett nccom-,.nie- d . went to West Ludway by outside of the building. require Jr, Smit"" Tiishmi, SHELT0H Morgantowu, Virginia. circus. This continued till Hunt ited her H. V. Hatloek. Ids Miss were a host of visitors from Xew Y'ork. But more workrthan chickens, but are found Judge Brooklyn, Sunday. brother, by daughter, Lily, A horse to A. War- Mr and Mrs Lindley . Hulibcll out of all administered here, last week. belonging Henry sjicnt they proved equal to the occasion and to be hardier and but few of those hatch ington, patience, S.M.Briusmade has sold the haddsome ner broke its neck in the last and Labor at Mrs Hubbell's a severe verbal and the hear- STEPHET. pasture, Sunday daj gave their guests a royal welcome. ed are lost. They are kept in a warm castigation ld Durham cattle weighing week. old home in Woodhurv. was till 23. Mr Arthur Wilson and w ife of New Haven Miss Jennie McDonald will commence building 'until they begin to feather out ing adjourned September Mrs George Thompson and Miss Fan 4400 pounds to Cyrus P. Gaylord of Ter- F. C. Iltiw- - are confined in runs Atwood divided his lands among his have been guests of Sauford, H. T. Patchen & Son, cnnti actors, have George E. Baird, who has been quite the Fall term of the Ridge school on and then dry, open nie Buckwater trom .ew or ana ry ville. is surrounded wire Ducks in heirs some 15 years ago, possession to be friends from New Haven have been leyvllle. ceccnl.ly received a large load of cement. sick, improving. Monday, 0th. by netting. One of the of blacks owned tended for market are not allowed to go given on his death and the heirs have re at the pair by The Plains store oc guests Baptist parsonage. Henrietta fell into the of Uruce K. (trilling, who has been In the Dr G. A. Shelton Is spending a well Grassy formerly J. R. Hill and Ben Bassett have been streams of nor as corded their deeds and are now in pos John A. cellar near water mud, .that Mrs McLane's rescu- s - cupied Gorman Bros, is lit ted George boy has whoop the old Methodist church and was mapping with 1. J.- Lake, for- earned vacation at Saratoga.. by being painting with G. T. Sanford. They have would make the flesh and fishy. session. As we understand it, Roderick's strong is home from a . or will soon Into up for Wichtman & Gorman. finished II. Whitehead's store and the must is that, several years ago, the ing cough ; she visit with ed uninjured. merly Monroe, go part- a In heavy rains and showers, they grievance In- George A. I!ose has just painted new does them her daughter in Roxbury nership with his brother George the Airs Willis J. Mallory has visited in job credit. be looked after, or they would stand deceased made a codicil changing the About CO of the residents of Daniel's business. sign for the. town clerk's ollice. will where he had certain Bots Iluutingtowu button vtateroury, bringing Home with tier a ' with their bills up in the air and drown. given property William Brothwell and Sherman Farm street took a trip to the beach, I EAST0H. to Roderick and his wife and . B. Buggies administrator ou the niece, Miss Ilattie Peet, who will attend Feed is supplied in abundance, for the jointly ford are roofing the old blacksmith shop stoppir? at Meadows End, Milford. All 1l. Is in their one sole-seio- of their house ; and :... .lohn Hawkins building wire estate of Sarah B. Buggies. school Bethel. Iain very much grieved to hear the young ducks are killed for market when heir, and carriage house at B. Curtis's, report, an cujujaurc biuic. fence along the Y nt Botsford. malicious and slanderous stories that have 10 or 11 weeks before the feath the codicil gives the same property to the will also roof the saw mill and horse Mrs Susie L. Sheldon of White Hills Charles E. Judd has sold his Center old, pin Gaylord and Brinsmade have been with been some detriment- ers will average near wife alone and said sole heir. It also sheds. ' has the business of Mrs Susan street market to C. W. Goer, who took gotten up by enemy get started. They M. W. Morehouse of Greenfield Hill. Nichols, w holms made h lit home purchased al to the of one we so much lov- five dressed at that makes the wife sole executrix. The re Henry for a number of possession, last week. Geer, who is a memory ly pounds age. ihe A team belonging to Burr Hawley, with James M. has rented P. Sackett, who, years, ed and was so dear to us. are tru- flock are sorted outforbreed-ers,th- e maining change is to give $400 to the Nellie Brinsmade has been with her Mntson, George a first class cor hatter by trade, formerly kept a jewelry They best of the loaded with hay, was stalled at the de Grilllu'i tenant house In has kept boarding house, false and should not for one moment test the of wife, which had been bequeathed to uncle, H. C. Brinsmade of Nichols. Iluntlngtown. ner of Howe avenue and Bridge street. store here and is also a painter. ly being purity plumage, pot crossing, Friday, by the breaking of be entertained. There is no liv- color of the daughter, who has, since the date of the able to re to Xew w here parent clear yellow bill, perfect the harness. There was time to re- Mrs Jesse Chalker is not yet Mrs Sacfiett will go Haven, Bev G. P. Torreuce and - come into the of a just About $I(X will be required to meet family left, ing that loved his two- dear little child shape of the head and reddish yellow will, possession very move the horses before the came turn home from the Bridgeport hospital. her son is to enter college. for a two months' vacation handsome estate from another source. freight the hill for repairs on the Iluntlngtown Tuesday, 3d, ren more than he, and had he been con One man is kept busy picking down and dashed into the Torrence legs. Roderick's of the lands wagon, splin Miss Mary A. Beach has visited in school house. Orvllle Downs ha paint- B. W. I tin is to move from Hill at Cincinnati. Miss Rebecca scious that the parting was so near his the Summer and he wiil pick 40 proportion given and the forward jit Tor-rence- through tering the pole wrecking remain and Mrs 's CO the will was not Deep River. j ed it cream color with Potnpellan red street to 21 street, Birmingham; will here, however sufferings would have been even greater to 50 ducks or hens in a day. The by original changed. It wheels. Cherry seem is a small matter to trimmings; the seats have not arrived, Charles has moved to Oak street, sister will also be at the rectory. than the agouy of death. His recent duck feathers bring CO cents a pound would that this Miss Lucy Elwood, who teaches Chest- Bushey howl about. Roderick had his A of Fairbanks scales, furnished which delays opening school till Mon- Birmingham. losses and hi inability to meet his credi- and pay the expense of picking. Mr prelude. pair nut Hill school, boards at Mrs Samuel Misses Susie and Mary llinwood have He hied himself to ancient William the have been added to Oth. Miss who will teach tors' demands caused those losses re- choice ducks for market the by government, French's. j day, Chatfield, Tho old which were aban returned from a visit to Brewster. by Miller's among gas mains, ( in of East Watertown and communed with the Stepney Depot post office. They and board nt Orvllle Johnson's, returned sulted sickness and I sincerely' desire is the Pekin, whose pure white plumage Is em--' doned after the new mains, are he an ounce . Mrs M. J. Ackerson, who now to New lust week. laying Newsdealer Owen say that, since for the sake of the widow and fatherless a noticeable feature of the him diligently and William "threw him weigh from half to four pounds Haven, taken a of men under the makes them ployed in Bridgeport, was home, over Ing up by gang March 8, there has been but one week in that his memory receive the honor also has Rouen self." The result was that there appear and almost rival the clock in the corner, of W. W. Bowman. may landscape. lie ducks, Sunday - supervision last in a local a of which is enclosed in a glass case, Ivl C. Gilbert's children nre recover- which he has not had work at weaving it justly deserves.' Ida M. Benedict. prize bird and the finest in the State, ed, week, paper, copy from measles. Principal Foreman will take his "meals rag and has finished the last lian and He the will, codicil, a series of wonderful Sanford who has been Lawyer George Loomls Sterling of New! lug carpets just D. Davis has Brazil Muscovys. prefers Hitchcock, away, th set several thousand statements and a bill of which and Labor day-wi- with Mrs Bissell on Hill street and have of 700 yards. Plymouth Rock among the different va- particulars, returned, Saturday night Y'ork spent Sunday rooms In the residence of I strawberry plants. them at six disclosed his whole case and all the weak h!a father. Stenhen U. Sterhnsr, A quantity of lump plaster ha been A few weeks ago, the ScientiJic Ameri rieties of chickens, marketing Mr who is to be butter maker X. Clark. Charles F. Gilbert and wife have been to some points, perfectly "giving himself away" Bernard, thrown oil' at the crossing at L. B. Lake's can published full page cuts of the great weeks and employs others hatch the was Stakes are driven for a new house, op-- j in Danbury. of is a to the enemy, if he has one. The burden for creamery, expected here, for W. ('. Johnson. on j of his supply. The raising geese D. B. which will Mr and Mrs William Wilkinson sjent Sodom dam the Croton, which is to seems to be this week. As soon as possible after his posite Capt ninman's, new but 50 have heen of the reiterated complaint 5 a pleasant vacation at Martha's Viiu increase Xew York's water supply. The TASHOA. venture, goslings the will be built by Mr Wentworth. and have that for a considerable number of years arrival, creamery begin oper Miss Susie Scudder went to Sprlngwa- ; of raised, this season they proved yard. ' general superintendent the works. Roderick boarded his father in his own ations' ; probably about the middle of Louis Philip, the colored man who has ; Emdens are . ter, N. V., Saturday, to care for a rela William E. Langler, is brother-in-la- w of a profitable investment. The was tested HtnrnxGTOX. ' F. B. Munson is a slate roof on worked for several farmers i3 He neglected to state, however, September. machinery tive w ho Is nlllicUid with cancer which putting S. S. Owen, the newsdealer. He ha here, again ranked highest, but there are a few China family. routine business was . the workmen who set it and found Considerable the new factory for the Excelsior Bit in town and is employed A. B. Mai-left- on These that, till quite recently, his father had by up her doctor says will prove fatal. been In the employ of tho city for years by and African geese the place. transacted at the meeting of the direct- company. , . ar- the care of his home business and the re satisfactory. and lias been superintendent at the Cro go to pot when 15 weeks old. These ors of the Union fair. More applications markable crowd of . he Mrs A. has sev A. B. I out from the mies of a number of helpers kept Miss Grade Brouson has been guest at Lucy Beardsley tpent Buggies moving ton aqueduct. , Two years will probably HOYDEN'S HILL. poultry require for space than ever have been received two-stor-y around him, while he himself was absent L. O. Osborne's. eral weeks at the Lake Pleasant, Mass wooden building on Howe avenue, where be to the dam. buildings : A feed house and and far exceed other required complete been dan- on his multitudinous lawsuits. And that prospects already Mr Mudisou Wakeman has a boiler in the basement ; a - Spiritualist camp meeting. he formerly manufactured toys and the stable, with Willie and Winnie B.uddington of Strata- years. It is proposed w nave i roi I Upon the petition-o- some 40 tax pay- Dr Dunham attends. 15 thus the old man far more than earned shop being fitted up for the comb gerously sick; brooder house 250 feet long by wide, ford and Fred Godfrey of Norwalk have ascend in a balloon and ers, the selectmen have issued a call for his board. lie also neglected to state Northrop drop Mrs Philo Northrop has visited her works 'which are to move here from M rs liemuel Johnson of Fairfield Woods supplied with the ifathmonton system of been Summer guests at Mrs Moses Hull's with a A committee was ap- a special town meeting for Saturday, that for about a of a century he parachute. In Shelton ; Chester Northrop Xorthhoro, Mass. has visited A. brooders, though Mr Eastman prefers quarter Misses Etta and Carrie Hull have visited to make the arrange- daughter September 7, at p in. The selectmen Jennings. has had the use of all the lands w hich pointed necessary has liecn home from his work In Nauga-tuc- i box brooders for cold weather; a hen Mrs AH the postal card for the next four have been the of Miss L. E. and E. B. Sher- to a use their grandmother, Sylvia Northrop ments. on vacation. looking up matter the Jennings house 30x15 feet and two other buildings had now come all the heirs, will be made and printed in Shel old Sherman wood have visited his old home of Ilattertown. Miss Etta began her yeftrs turnpike, already referred at Rock The farm cannot the worth the board of many such old men, one, when are Is Bridgeport, Bros. A Co. will furnish ' 70x18 feet. supply school, Tuesday. Every they ton. Wilkinson to in the Bee and will report nt this away Beach, L. I. A3 it to an indifferent observer, should viisit H. Lutx, 38 Wall street., . demand the for appears Joseph Mrs A. M. Lyon returned to her Bogus the about live or six tons upon it, August, prices "Old Time root beer. paper, per day meeting, which will probably take act- 10 to 18 cents Roderick will wake up some fine morn Misa Irene Leavenworth returned to and try a glass of his home, last week, after ft few with - Mr and Mrs A. attended the ducks from days ion. It Is stated as- the State has Jennings ranging and find that the estate has school at Shelton, this week, It bos no equal. Mr E. V. Benedict. ... The tracks and depot are being that, funeral of their brother. Stiles the earliest ducks often ing brought spur nl Wakeloy pound, though appropriated $20,000 for the Putnam ' him In debt -- rapidly pushed to completion. of Bridgeport. bring 50 and 60 cents a pound. The largely Dayton Andrews, who was guest at It goes right to the spot, said an old gen- park, with a possibility that more In sars. Clarence Sears Is tho proud owner of Is cret of success here has been faithful, Bradley Wheeler's,has returned to South tleman, who found great relief Ayrs The one Shelton needs a post will be William II. Wilson is a new S0UTHP0BT. . thing asked for, Bethel can do building ing-ton- was of new wheel. hardly ' excellent care and the best of aparilla. He right-- Derangements a 2Hnch Superior safety - hard work, - ofllce, to give the place a full Identitlca less than to a road, as barn; I Johnson does the vtotU-- the stomach, liver and ItMneya are more provide especially feed, ground for them. But C. O. Jellill has gone to Ocean Grove tion, though many would miss the cou a of the is in the town and especially James Lynch has a number of hoard speedily remedied fay thia mxBclne toaa bj Miss Llllle Falrman was of Miss part park Mrs Charlotte Noah of Elizabeth, X have reached the of their for a week. trouble - guest venience of the free delivery which we Bethel is the nearest station. , they capacity ers at his new residence, Blanket Mead any other. It reaches the directly. Adella Gilbert, last week. J., has visited her sister, Mrs Henry Wil- present and want to cross their was to be so much enjoy at the hands of the genial quarters The postponw M. E. picnic ow, which has been dubbed Bull's head. Goads Arrangements are made son. Rubicon to fields of success. Bridgeport Dry Xitm. Carrier Bennett. being by larger held at California Grove, L. I., Thursday, more else to B. 05 acres of the Bethel's selectmen to procure ballots and Rufus Dutton, the Bridgeport contract What tends Una .asqrUiioa; Henry Cogcr bought Alonzo Staples is ablu to be about. 5th. The Jessie B. was to convey the 5 the eonfldeBne aT those who buy 11 L. & Son are out with anew . Nichols have roofed the or, has about acres of timber strengthen W Ham B. Beardsley estate In Jockey Piatt sgn booths for voting, this Fail. The brothers across the Sound. bought over retail Waaler is the evidence boot and slim; and E. Mrs Eunice Screder of Stratfleld has passengers on the Guinea road of he Blackman dry gooto Hollow, at the recent auction, paying advertising their booths will be required for the town and barn of Seymour Curtis. Capt that the worth ot wtrmey paid exists in the Cushman displays another over the new also be visited her old home at Mrs Brown's. Miss Skinner of New York is with L estate and w ill cut it off for pile and tie obtained. There to such a aa find- $1070. it will necessary to divide the Edgar Osborne laid the floor for Mr goods thing fruit and fish market next to J. II. Town Hall into seven or more Mrs Ilattie Miss Alice M. Ben- B. Jennings. stuff; Charles Piatt has the contract for ing on inspection that :an article is worth compart Grey, Ordner's house on Clapboard hill, after more than it costs. .The in such ao in- A and substantial Jeaui wagon Beard's store. in order that the nett and Miss Josie Bennett have visited who has been cutting, Patrick Lynch and Theodore buyerv strong ments, required privacy which the family moved in while he Florence Jennings, very stance will tt the counter where a has been turned out for W. C. Johnson obtained. These Miss L. French the job of hauling it to Botsford. Miss Annie Beard, A. L. Hubbard and may be compartments, E. Jennings. shingled qver them and completed the ill with scarlet fever, slowly improves bargain of that kind was secured. Now the by C. II. Gay wife and others attended the celebration however, need be only six or seven feet Literary society at Miss Iouiae bouse of W.B. Hall Jb Co. has for ten years ' building. Miss Etta Jennings has returned from been to tll value for money of the settlement of Milford. high and are to bo removable. The WEST0H. French's, Friday, 6th. striving tftaf SOUTH BRITAIN. booths have been ordered from Charles Birdseye Sniflen's children are Danbury paid. During that period, through the brass Hartford, Mis Elolse Eauton will teach In Mid- 100 stock aeore ot times re Dca X. V?. Mitchell has a notable col- The Shelton band will furnish where several all to come the ninth generation in direct desceut Eva D. Lewis will return to school In L. Burkhardt has about bushels of bankrupt music for of the Union styles, designed dle district; Miss Flora B. Fanton at is troubled peated and selling them at low rate,the shop- lection of oil of llev Zcphanlah the fair agricul- within the of new from John Birdseye, who came to Strat N. Oth. nice potatoes and not with foil often jiortrait ' requirements the law, Good Hill ; Rufus K. Fitch in Upper Par- Mamaroneck, Y., per has realized not only valna, but his wife nnd five and tural society. ford from Milford in 1(541 and the family rot. Ben Burkhardt ot Hopewell and much more. . ; Smith, daughters, have leen patented. Last week, Gilbert ish ; C. II. Uo well at the ; the M. Sun- Forge George historical souvenirs. The lecture at E. church, Mrs Lewis Burkhardt of Shelton have - But where this honae bas won paintings of one of the daughters. They Theodore S. Bassett has purchased the Bros, were awarded the contract to place has many great chiefly Guernsey at Avon's Plain. David S. dav eveninsr, was well attended. The been at home. Misses Fan- - favor has been in the steady course maintain- were some months from i the paternal purchased, ugo, house and lot just below the school house the booths in position and to erect the Parsons is chairman and E. Fitch secre- James Smith ha painted the Edwards next' week is En ed in its what stand Smith In Hart- with trim-- subject for "Christian nie and Jennie enjoy a week at Glen la- - trade, by offering people a relative of the fattlly of John l.arkin. partitions. The cost will be, probably, nftti.. St hool Board. place a light brown darker Beautiful. most in need of ami by ratwrtasj Ihose who tary A j K. flie Palace .te of a ar aUo fence8 for tering land. gratr-nAneT- ford and are tho work Hartford about $100. , pftintcd buy from necessity, to while Rolort Adams of Xew Yoik has been Welton works with 1. W Km AatSb. - tist who was In the earlier Communion services were held at the J K. Beach. Thomas Simon Bradley & Co. of Greenfield are wa. ,mA jama JA MknMi- popular part : New Y'ork friend the Summer in tow n. Joe Knowlton finds business he also a him. spend no matter la of the The paintings of one of good, Congregational church, Sunday, camping out at Pine Creek. sentativesof all these classes,, century. anil does considerable baptism and admission to membership. with E. V. Schwartz's family which season of the have the of which Mitchell has Mrs S. E. Brewster entertains J. W. says, wholesaling Eey Mf Ives ag apuroJ)ritite to these yearibey called, sisters, lxa as well as Besides his store on or a Edwin Gray attended the picnic at Par Mrs Thomas 'Goodsell and children been able to find exactly what they sought are considered of unusual merit Mil! and wife of Brooklyn. retailing. Several farmers cut up their corn in days of celebration, read the report ancceea several, s. and at a living price. The el this Center street, he runs wagons through August, something new in this latitude. conference of churches held here in 1828, lor Rock, Labor day. have spent a few days at James McTam-ney'- by those versed in art matter tfnd repre ' of Rev Dr Joshua house has been so great that they have added Elizabeth and Charlie Buggies return- the and visits New- during the pastorate ae- - sent scenes In tho earlier centuries. Tho surrounding country Miss Addic of Plattsville is in at tho last Miss Gertrude Corbusier entertains the building of the Young Hen's Christina ed, from a visit In Godfrey Leavitt, preparatory lecture, ' Saturday, Southbury. town several times a week. v. friends from New Haven. soemuon anion rwiuruay Smith lived to a old age, all town. Friday. Miss Lucelia Wetherhee ot 7 uew wi new ud family ripe " aipoie, teiuber ami y, the rooeendawi, - one sis- Wheeler has lost one of his Miss Mattia frixxla will be thrown r--i u - mibixs. Vt- but one died maiden and of the Horace Baldwin will teach the George Phillips has returned from Mi's liuland of Brooklyn has visited Mrs T. Bennett of Weston i at C. A. Mass., has been guest of Miss Emma ter died every sscven year. largo oxen. Westville school, Danbury. New York. her sister, Mrs C. B. Snillen. Grumuian's. Leavenworth. for clonk and diesauiaanugiwaaa. SEPTEMBERS. ANYON E thinking of buying n new wngem M. M.D. NEWTJyS, CONNJFRIDAT, There's a difierence in should gut prices ot 1. G. J. A. M. D. EDWARDS SMITH, THE HOLMES & EDWARDS SILVER CO. " - ' great BKKKd & Newtown, before STITES, PHY8ICIAN AND SUBGEOW. ; ; 7" (.!., Investing. lamp-chimne- ys - will astonish yon with their BRIDGEPORT depends on They prices lor Physician and Surgeon. (Successor to DSS WILZ ft SMITH.) Wttfirons, from the standard manufacturers. Office One when and Residence, Sandy Hook. Office and Residence Kewtovo Street-Telephon- e Ex-Jud- ge IJ. who the flass pops I). Lockwood, ?t U SALE My Place in Monvoc, near Elm Telephone Conductions. Calls for Hnwley-villuaii- d Connection. J. A. BEAL, - ;k?5 was elected president ever anything happens, some- I Mtruet. House, Kuril and other out- - vicinity left at Hawlnyvillo Hat Hours 8 weighs pounds, l)inlcl inK8- - Can lie bouuht at a harain and on V Shop or Depot; t.lun, Bennett's and Bab- to9am;lto2pm. of the Fat Men's association at last times when nothing haooens. eawv terms .11 uoi wont oeiore cp:ie.inbt;r l, bitt's Bridge, little York and vicinity at N. 46 WHITE ST.. DANBURY. . . IT 1 will bo rented. Call on or address V. N. CUli-- E. Depot, santty Hook. Olltco 8 to 0 i i 11 hourn, COUUHLIJf week's meeting at Seaside l'ark. rtnotner U.1111U&1 nevei urcttK-a- . tiss, or w. u. uias, ions mu, tonn A. M., M. to 2, 7 to 8 P. SI. liUOS., ' .. l'hotographer Montignani has returned Indeed the makers give a new iou sale-o- ho kooi Farm liorso, price ;w Bridgeport. 1 " c oesoonanneiariiiois.u.iicacli i l . JU.tj nnmrnTi an extended tour fnr two-stiate- Xa,Xi.iiUJ, DEALERS 15 FINE GOLD from through Scotland, Cnimney CVCry One Uiai Tiuinlmll Center. One extension VAIL PAPERS, AND MU- -' ' Mile PIANOS, ORGANS Berlin and famous cities in . iwiiniuroy iiigmniuwiiuHiuipuccfiiw. OIL TINTS, FEESCO BORDERS, DECORA. London, Paris, DreaKb HI use. , cabin plow sulky, price 23. One of the Con- - Undertaker, Newtown. in While in an estate no Jt LUO TI0HS. WIHDOW ETC. Europe. Scotland, Lamp-chimne- ys ll?K.l'LllU't llu, oilciin, 91.1. SHADES, FIXTURES, SIC AL INSTRUMENTS are like C'ftU on or address Wm. O. 1USACI1, Daniel's left a deceased relative of . A. W. OEOELliAH. of $45,000 by s .... - .i Farm, Trumbull, Conn. sep-ar- so f. OF ALL KINDS. " 5 tnev cost -- " 'vr -- was which utue Sandy Hook, Ot, C1IAUL.ES j"-?- ! T7 jx&t Mr Montignani settled, by two-seate- d JONAS, in- the SALE One Wagon.builtby Manufacturer and dealer in Harness, settlement the latter will receive an apiece and so much by year! 1jOR II. Gay, good at) new. Can be seen at Saddles, Merchant Tailor. Farmer. his shop or inquire of C. F. BiSAltDSLEY, Bridles, Collars, Blankets, eto. . come of 94,500 per year. the breaking kind. inc Main Street, Newtown. Cbnrcli St., Newtown, Conn. Among the InduM rieit that arc building More liniortunt as regards the durabil- 0SCAS PITZSCHLEE, I beg leave to announce that I have received other sort is like the measles ' tho tame and fortunes ot tho Turk ot their are the ot V. Kev Mr McNeille and son returned "VT UTICK The business formerly conduobid fine lot of suitings in the stores ' at City ity goods patents & Shaving and Hair Cutting, " from once is 1 by I. J. Wells Son will be continued at Newtofrn and Bridgeport, where I will tuutit be reckoned tlu Holmes & Edwards A. Warner, by means of which the best Europe, last Friday. enough. tlio old stand by Wells IJros.,wlio,tliankingthe Hat and Cold Baths, Cigars and Tobacco, Hair ? for in the re- Oil. Hair Tonic and Cosmetics. be pleased to wait on patrons and will guarantee Silver Co. of 54(1 Si'tivimv East Holmes & Edwards are inlaid with Can you tell them apart publie generous patronage past, avenue, goods Judge U. B. Lock wood expects to visit spectfully solicit a continuance. New goods satisfaction. CHARLES JOHAS Kml. In with Col C. silver of rext. Look on unbreakable has win oe put in aim oiu slock hoki at low prices. GEORGE W. Incorpurutt-- 1883, sterling at points his son in Tacoiua, W. T. The chimney N. 11. All accounts with Wells & Son must be B0TSF0ED, K. I.. HolintiM, C. Edwards and F. the back of the bowl of an ordinary spoon "pearl-top- . 1 he mak settled on or before Deo. 1,1880. WILliS liKO- - Botsford Depot, Conn. NEWTOWN SAVINOS BANK, lieorgo a Tii hook. T. linker u Its curlier ttoni's, it occupied and it will be readily seen where the Frank Buzell, who was shot by Wil- Macbeth M & Co., Pitts sauuy Carriage making and repairing, blacksmithinar Newtown,' Conn. and has the works tlrat wears off and shows the liam Gilbert, last week Tuesday, died ers, COLLECTOK'S NOTICE. Notice is and jobbing. Incorporated 1835. enlarged previously plating the to rpAX to PHILO CLARKE, President, & Hilvcr Co. This is avoided the War- Ho was 18. burgh, want people X hereby given the Taxpayers of the used by the Rogers Ilrittin body metal. by Friday night. only Town of Newtown, that the Collector will CELEST A. BENEDICT, M. D., C. H. N0RTHRO?, Treasurer. to Taxes on of ' IU utock In $.100,000, Its president ner patents, issued I)eceinber 9, 1884 and know about tins unbreakable meet them receive the the List Physician and Surgeon, 9 a m to 3 m; and capital At Christ church, which has been Im- 1K88. of said Town ot Newtown.as follows.viz : Hours, p Tuesdays Fridays, and treasurer tieorge C. Edwards, Its March 2, 1S80, and controlled by the alass ; send a At the store in IJawleyville, Tuesday, Sep- - 228 State St., Bridgeport. to 8 p m. new and alter- they primer w fc proved by galleries other temner iu, ism, irom 10 rz in eanay Electricity one of the therapeutio agents. Of. Pianos and and toned vice Morrl W. Seymour and Holmes Edwards Silver Co. These it. store M. U. Ten-il- l A Organs repaired president Bev B. E. Warner ; at about Hook, at the of Co., from fice hours from 10 a. m. to 12 m, 2 to 4 p. m. Freder- - next to solid silver in value ations, preached 1 to 5 p m on the same day. Wednesday, promptly and in the most thorough manner. Its secretary ami suiwrtulcndciit goods rank , It. N. IJETTS, the South Congregational church, Kev September 11, at the store of Richard Uhepui-d- IB. Jr, Cat- - Ick E. T. of and and a is issued in from 10 a in to 12 m. Also L. D, WILCOXSON, M. D., Send for Piano and Organ Illustrated T. Baker; Abbott, formerly durability guarantee 11. O. S. back from liodgingtown, Dentist, Sandy Hook. 1 McNeille, just on same at Orchard from 2 to 3 Holmes. tooth A silverware with them warranting theui to wear 25 day Gregory's Physician and Surgeon, lognea. Haydcu's at the Uuiversalist church, Bev p in and at Marshall Sears' store in Hunting-town- , Teeth' extracted" without pain: by the tus of la tho iu use and from 10 Europe; from 3 to fl 1 will also meet them Newtown, department, general foreman of years ordinary family W. B. HALL p in. Nitrons' Oxide gas) or Ether. Teeth L. B. at the First Town Clerk's Office in Ol&ce (laughing Is 15 iu in Fisher; Baptist church, at the Newtown, every and at Dick's Hotel. Telephone. works nnd the shipping department to years hotels and if, otherwise rciuurtmy uulu ucuv inserted on Celluloid or Rubber. Honey paid for Itev W. N. Garner ; at the First "Congr- uegiiiiiing aepieiuuei - bor 5, tram 9 a m to 4 p m. All taxesi, remain- ' is allowed on sets. will call at the under the charge of Ueorge A. Murphy, good order, they show wear within five EDSON W. WILSON, extracting egational church, Bcv C. Kay Palmer. ing unpaid after the lOtli of October will be house when Brookfield Wed. who has been with the tlrm for seven years after the expires, the subject to an addition of nine per cent per an- Furniture and Undertaking, requested. every PLUMB & WINTON'S guarantee & COMPANY, num, from the time when the said Taxes be- nesday- - company agrees to receive them in half A "suit for 1000 damages will be came due and the lawful fees and for Sandy Hook, Ct. yar. UKOHGK charges Ground Bone ! for new The inlaid collection. II. BOTSFORD.Collector, Pure payment goods. Silverthau, the , c Sterling silver Inlaid spoons and forks, brought agaiust Philip imiDGETORT. August , 18). .... DAVENP0RT O'HARA, LiB rifitlT Little . AID semi-week- DUC, are xvholesale ly Duke, M.vl.l ....1 .!! il..t ul 1,1.. Iluf mill goods not handled by the New Haven jeweler who makes Attorneys and Counselors at Law, " ! " NEWTOWN BEE FOIIEVKR Post-Offi- The BONE FERTILIZER. """ ;: trade, but thetr sale Is entrusted to the visits to Bridgeport, by Albert THE Office in Building, Percheron Stallion, Xo. 4167. will make his IS tier cent, nlcklo silver flat place themselves in a ridiculous po- season at the barn of S. L. Trum- The best Fertilizer en the market. Bone Ma ';:; most dealer iu each of who false sition ui claiming that Christ came into the Bridgeport, Cons. third Thomas, of beside which responsible city E. Clark, alleges imprison- bull, Ct , Daniel's!' arms district. Term f20 nures are now admitted to be better than chem specialties manufacture, whom can alone be world to show mankind the only way to hap- It furnishes blanks for How size, through they ment. Last week, Silverthau claims, he piness, but that be failed to show them bow JAMES F. BRENNAN, $5 at time of service; the balance when proved icals. One trial will convince; $30 on ton lota. plating. tor conduct a subscri- - obtained. Waruer & Parker have this showed a watch to Clark at a Union SPECIAL SALES religions meeting. The Mason and Newtown. witn foal. Ho business done on Sunday- - Cash paid for Hides and Tallow. wide its reputation is shown by Its sales- ber elaims that lie did show them bow in eve Builder, for ry when a child in the If All work First-Cla- ss ar d Warranted to Give &f agency Bridgeport. street resort and soon after missed the , particular, Temple. rooms, which are located at John -I-N- .. children were allowed the inherent right to Satisfaction. PLUMB & WINT0N, W watch. Complaint was made and Clark publicly ask questions, as Christ did in the & street, New York; Washington street, well as to STIRN WALKER BridgeportjConn. was arrested. He did not have the watch Temple, as answer them, they would JOHN J. LYNCH, Chicago ; Eighth street, corner Locust, LINENS, soon drive Talmaife and all other Sunday and it was restored, as Silverthau claims, speakers from the pulpit. Wm. PLATT, New- - Main Street, Long Hill, Conn. 500 Main Street, Bridgeport, Conn., St. Loul ; 50 Commerce street, Phila- J ISILVEiy MeMahou & Wren's who Horse and Ox Shoeing and general jobbing Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Faints, Oils, Two agents also travel through by bookkeeper, "BLANKETS, Reasonable for Good Work. WEDDING BIRTHDAY delphia. A E 1 A u 1SO0 Prices Glass, Brushes, Varnish, Wall Paper, etc. MD w sent word by a messenger boy. P. W. Vrr ST odd Ox, weighing aliout the United States Introducing the are. Yf pounds; or would exchange an odd Ox Firat class work eruaranted in PaDcr Hang and Wren of the Board of Education, howev GINGHAMS, for a of ood workers. Inquire of or ad- ing, fainting and Decorating. . The firm has a considerable Mexican pairMOKTIMKIt Jt DR. R. S. er, says that Silverthau the dress HUHBELI. SONS, TODD, Wo have again reduced the prices on onr South Amerlcau trade, for which a spec- displayed Conn. Veterinary Surgeon and a Member of the Con large siocn oi n all 1'apera. oodo watch in his store and SATEENS, ' ial Spanish catalogue Is Issued. " oooo U suddenly depart- necticut' Veterinary Medical Association, ed, leaviug the watch in the hands of Mr Will Continue Only a Few Days More. Will be at HUNGER & STAPLES, . To be admitted to the hive where EVERT busy McMahon. It was restored through the - J.H. BLACKMAN'S, MONDAY. and Counselors at Law. Clocks, Watches, are is a Whefe he be consulted on all Attorneys their skilled operatives employed bookkeeper and Clark's innocence shown. CASH!- CASH! may matters rela Shelton. . Finney's block, revelation to a novice. Tho metal used to tive to his profession. Orders left at Silverthau, however, who professed J. H. P. 0. Conn. btitly of their Blackman's. Birmingham, In the blanks that form the believe that information of the watch Opening Beginning Branch Office of S- - H. Hubbard, Solicitor of Burn-hai- u Patents. goods comes from tho Beuedlct & had been circulated by an accomplice of blanks H SEPTEMBER 1, Mfg. Co. ot Waterbury. Hie Clark, has made a long statement, saying Of the new building; and Fall FURNITURE DIAMONDS, ate first struck out on heavy drop press- that he did not order Clark's arrest. It Goods will take I shall mark down the price of E. M. . es, then rolled to proper size, thickness was on his information that Clark was place Septem AND J. PECK, D., w entire stock of Late of Hew Tork City. and length, polished on flat belting ith locked up. However, aua he is Mela re ber 9th and 11th. A large, my goods KICK FANCY GOODS. grit and oil, annealed to soften the metal, sponsible for the imprisonment. Judge commodious and safe elevator and sell CARPETS. Office and Residence, after which the patterns are stamped on Lockwood is Clark's counsel. the handles and they are trimmed on will run to the upper stories of Clocks and Mrs O. Howard Hall of af- FOR CASH ONLY. Watches, Jewelry belts. The bowls of the spoons STKItMNO S11.VKK INLAID WAUE. Bridgeport, he hew Downer Edwards P. 0. ADDRESS, STEPNEY, CONN. emery ter some weeks in return building. the forks much Newtown, has I am convinced that by so doing SKILFULLY REPAIRED BY and tines of go through ed home. the same process, oue clanging press The Holmes & Edwards worts employ W. B. HALL & CO. I can JEWELER the bowl and auother cutting out 250 men when in full blast and are sup- A force of men, with derricks and greatly We invite your attention to J.J.DUNLAP, shaping a the tines of the fork with repeated plied with power from two engines, one tools, leit, Monday, to worK on tne res Will Continue Few Days Longer REDUCE PRICES our new styles of Furniture and Umbrella an d Parasol G, FAIRCHILD, its Ouce of 100 horse, the other of 15 horse ervoir dam of the Stamford Water Co. at their in V. pressures of strong jaws. pow" Special Bargains And that are formed, the take the blanks in er, for which three boilers supply steam. North Stamford, under the charge of En- benefit my patrons. Watch Carpets daily being Repairing a Specialty. polishers . I The has its Hull. will seas BLACK in our show rooms. This 357 MAIN hand, for It by repeated lailishiug and company recently occupied gineer It take the entire SILKS, this space for bargains, placed 382 Main Street, Bridgeport. STREET, that the goods are forwarded ou new offices, which face the Consolidated on to complete the work. buffing season's stock has been selected national Bank - CONN. The tracks and are 21x22 feet, pro- CHINA AND after date. Connecticut Building- BRIDGEPORT, their march to completion. Inspect- suitably James A. Morris has been at Saratoga that ors examine, the work, after it has left vided with railing and desk facilities. irom the leading Eastern and a son to Mr and Mrs W. E. Wills. FOULARD SILKS, the polishers, a sharp eye being keuf on The making department occupies 05x122 Born, Western markets with the 22x07 grea' FRED. the blanks, Jest imperfect pieces slip feet; trimming department An order for 12,000 machines has just GINGHAMS, I. S. 3LACKMAN, care, and under most favorable FIRE INSURANCE HARTH, to the dealer. Each ar- feet; the polishing room 35x101 feet, Ma through reach been received by the Yost Writing ; is and we propose 189 D Conn. ticle Is stamped with the quality of plat- above which the inspecting, inlaying chine Co SATEENS AND ALL Hawley ville Grocer. circumstances, Furnished at Lowest Rates in Main street, anbury, that It Is to receive and taken to the and another polishing room ; the boiler to offer our at tha the and S t r o n,g ing goods prices Oldest ' est WATCIIMAXER metal stock room. Blanks arc not only room 31x(2 feet; the plating department LONG HILL WASH FABRICS.1 will be to American and English companies. in 30x85 the 30x50 eminently satisfactory A5D made their own but also feet; carpenter shop to-d- Farm property and Live stock a spec- for plating, Frank Palmer was here, this week, to ay at--' CLARK for other firms who feet. The new building required by the Commencing really WARNER, our customers. JEWELER. large quantities plate set up S. J. Burroughs' new cider press ialty. r,nK. them and them with their own increasing business of the linn is ,'iSxl40 tractive bargains will be offered' AGENCY FOR stamp The and boiler are in and OUR ASSORTMENT Dealer in gold and steel Spectacles feet. first floor is the engine position ':: r & TAYLOR Hartford County Mutual, Hartford ut v name. Its occupied by in--- ;."'::-- - nearly ready for use and the chimney is ."! Is the most comprehensive, from the New London County Mutual, Norwich loid Eye Glasses- 5"" stock, packing and pattern rooms; the Tollsuul County Mutual, Tolland Holmes & Edwards their goods, finished. Have in store Moire Ribbons in to the rarest and finest goods Co.ol North plate Second by the rooms of tho four die sink White, cheapest insurance America, rhiladclpuiu With H. M. Robinson for the pi for the most as orders are received. BLANKETS, Cream White and Black. Also Black that can be found. Continental, Xewiork part, ers, the tool, draughting and metal stock Grace church will join the Episcopal Commercial ITnion, , London seven years. The of the public, iu matters of Surah Silk. Also Double Brorka Shawls We make a specialty of manufactur I'lienix Mutual Life, Hartford caprice rooms and the burnishing department. churches of Tashua, Easton and Hunt LINEN GOODS, IJnioii Mutual Accident. Clileaeo and In of this class, for Sub all our own work, - patterns styles goods with a located ington iu a at Parlor Bock, Satur $20 and $25, excellent value. ing upholstered Lombard Investment Co's Guaranteed Mort- HOUSATOX1C R K It to manufacture too Supplied conveniently picnic we attracti- gages. makes unsafe stantial Bleached Table Linen from and we know have suitable Jt factory, stocked with the latest and best day, 7th. . RUGS, Fidelity Loan Trust Co's Debenture llonds. JtAlSt LI SB a stock, although there are several 50c. to $1 ons, for a large proportion ; at least large in machinery and chemistry, the Holmes peryard. F. CLARK. SANDY HOOK. Jut, 10. 18SH which Holmes & Edwards have Two cars of ashes consigned to S. J. we will try and prove it. Our goods A, patterns & Edwards Silver Co. fearlessly occu UPHOLSTERY, OS made that are still popular. A late Burroughs arrived at Trumbull and were are made on honor, prices are proper- nRlDGErOHT Korth 7 08. lt a n. long pies a field thick with competitors and 4 50, 6 5, 1(1 'JU s m. U ha miles with elab- unloaded, last week. The ashes were of AND COLORED are uncommon, p in; lrribl, fad striking up the maintains a BOSTON DENTAL CO., ly low, styles original, 9 30 p m. 7 30 a in. Arrive In Im- prosperous growth. excellent and several customers ave hand- riiiuday. orate patterns and ojtydiing them quality 4K0 maim ST., near rairneia and diversified, appropriately R0BINSKY & 6 50, 9 40 a m, 13 J5. 4 fiO. 7 05. 9 'JO ot old silver. If to receive Increased their orders. Another car was DRESS GOODS. BRIDGEPORT. some as well. ra milk 7 20 itation But, WESTP0HT. p Sunday p ni; fni);ht at this - 4 15 a iu. 4 15 in. single, double, triple or quadruple plate, expected Stepney, jyeek. French Ginghams and Sateens in DR. WARNES, SCHIFFMAN, p are over to W.E. Plead- - Parties from New York are said to be MANAGER. DOWNER & EDWARDS TRUMBULL CHURCU-Nor- ih 5 20.7 19 the goods passed Miss E. J. Burroughs is with out of can be 9 s at the Aldeu with a beautiful patterns bought at MERCHANT TAILORS 10 40 m; 6 15, 5.V p in; Sondny well, the oldest man iu the company looking property town friends. A GOOD SET OF TEETH 449, 451 Main St., 7 rt..nib. 6 9 as a 1201 Is which will make it an for Bridgeport. 42am 3. ni. employ and w ho Is thoroughly versed In view of purchase. This probably the prices object REDUCED THE BEST A 45. 6 51. 9 06 p in. Ctandaj milk A son has been boru to Mr and Mrs - the science and practical application of most celebrate 1 property, in town. It every lady to purchase for another Troy's Block, Sandy Hook. 7 0(5 p in. , Julius Uurd. TO FOR g. not $8. LON h .North 5 7 10 55 a electro-platin- He first thoroughly pre- has been occupied since the exit of season. ILL, 35. 25. for silver dress 1. C. Birdsall of Hartford Tel Nolan is now iu the C. W. M. D. We have received a fine new in; 6 23. 10 10 p in; Sunday 7 49 a in pares the blanks their by "Judge" Jerry working Cloaks in all FITCH, just 11 and .His wife was Cloaks New are ready $4, Worth $15 South 31. 9 22. 55 a m. 3 30. 6 44 Immersing them iu baths of potush egram notoriety. daugh Uousatouic yards at Bridgeport, in the line of Men's and Gfents' Fur 9 6 59 sizes' j Clothing pm. Suoday milk, p in. other chemicals, after which they are im- ter of S. II. Alden, who at oue time own: sickness of the foreman. and qualities. Acute and Chronic Teeth extracted, without pain, 25c. nishing Goods, to be sold at Low STEPNEY North 5 50.7 31.10 2.1.11 io mersed from two tu hours in vats cd it. The place was purchased many AT- - a 6 SS. "10 25 m 7 55 a m eight William of Is with EVERYBODY SHOULD - Teeth filled, without 50c e in; p Sunday Bishop Bridgeport pain. Prices. 11 where an electric current deposits the years ago by Itlchard A. Wiuslow, who Gold $1 South 3 30, 6 27. 9 IS. 60 a in. 3 20. his filling, warranted, up. 111 re-bu-ilt cousin, Joseph Spagele. OPENING ON 6 33. 8 55 ra milk 6 64 Is held between narrow entirely the house and construct- TEND THE Teoth cleaned, 76c. DISEASES OF WOMEN p Sunday p silver, that par us- - j Come and see Look at our new BOTSFORD Not lb 0 25. 7 41. 10 35. tltlons. The length of time that they ed grape arbors and other additions, be A musical entertainment was given SATURDAY AND MONDAY, Gas administered, 50o. sides last week Teeth extracted free when plates are wanted. line of Straw Hats ; latest styles. 11 40 a m; 5 18. 6 50. 10 45 p 111; San. are left In the vats determines the beautifying the grounds, all at a Temperance hall, Wednesday, da 8 05 a ni. Sonth 3 15. 6 18. 9 his it local and talent. was All work done in a skillful and satisfactory 189 FAIRFIELD AVE., 10. quality and thickness ot the plate. Two heavy excnse. At death, passed by Bridgeport It manner. 11 40 a ni. 3. 6 24. 8 45 p 111. Sunday into the hands of his who for the benefit of the M. E. church and R0BINSKY & milk 6 42 in Mather dynamos, the best In the world wife, complet Nine years' experience ; four years in Bridge SCHIFFMAN, p net were 813 50. Ice cream BRIDGEPORT, CONN. - fi for electro-platlng,a- re owned by the com ed the stone church, then building, as a the proceeds port The best references furnished. SANDY HOOK. NEWTOWN North 50. 7 49. 10 43 a W. B. HALL 12 2ii. 7 11 ' the eleo memorial to him. II. Alden then and cake were served during the inter Olfioe hours, 9 a ro to 8 T m. ro. ra; 5 00. 00 p m; Sunday pany, from which wires carry Stephen 8 13a iu. S..atb 3 32 mission. The : 00.6 10,9 02.11 trlcltv to the vats. Mr Plead well has in obtained it, but his property became a program a 2 40. 4 15. 6 12. 8 37 m; cornet and violin. Miss Lola m, p Sundaj vented a rack that thu spoon blanks source of contention and this was drag Overture, ling WILMOT milk tf 30 p m. gives gles, Mr Fuller, HAWLEY, each ged into the courts. Mrs Trubee and FINE WHEAT H AWliEYVlLLB 7 a more accurate deposit by holding 8olo, Mrs Sfcjvens. . WARNER, CLARK North 58.8 03 10 02 and Mrs Birdsall, both of Mr Al- OXYGEN. s to. 12 30. 5 34 7 10. 11 15 80. n- - spoon Independent from every other, daughters Chorus, "The Midsliipinite." COMPOUND & ' p iu. an den, held it at diflcrcut times and Bird-- P. M. Thornton. REYNOLDS, MIDDLINGS tiny 8 25 a in South 2 40. 6 02. 8 54 wearable points Anally receive extra Solo, J. FOR & sail to Ficolo David THE RATIONAL CURE TAYLOR. 11 25 a ra. 2 20. 4 07, 5 58. 8 30 p m ulatlnsr for their better protection. The mortgaged it the Mutual Insur solo, Iiiekey. 16 m. "Tlie Mrs Sunday milk 6 p Iinw for bur-- ance Co. of New York, whom it was Quilting Party," French. JDHRONIC DISEASES. Poul- 8 55. 11 30 a 3 20. 7 passci" his product on to the j by Mr with UNDERTAKERS, And Wheat for Bthr m, 5. 04. plater Violin solo, Fuller, plan accoinpa ,:. p- - m 4 fli ra. Frum lt-th- both baud and ma- - , taken. At least 100,000 have been laid NOW ENDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, & : Sunday p iilsher, wh '..k by ninient by Miss Rugate. NO. 98 STATE Clark Tay-- 8 15. 10 33 a in. 1 33. 4 05. 6 13 m. out it and It can be STREET, Warner, ' p tUtt llv;r nrmly on to tne upon yet probably Heading, Mr Thornton. And Used Citizens of Who try. 4 29 in. chlneu'resslng ' by Many Bridgeport, BRIDGEPORT, CONN , - - Near Main Street. close out Sunday p metal so that it will wear longer bought for 825,000, possibly less. The Solo, Mi4 KuKles. are Willing to Testify to the Beneht Derived lor wish to body . RUOOKFIELDJUNCTlONtNuiih 806.84a is Ficolo solo, David Ilickey. from its Use. fes?" All calls, Day or answered from the and look more brlirht. After an extra; cucueur, hiuiuuh vuiuy "Auld Night, WM. C. JOHNSON, 11 01 a in. 12 55. 5 44. 7 20. 11 45 ni., i"yvijr late. Chorus, Lang Syne." Office. some odds and ends of p finish , Jn the buff room, the perfected negiecica oi The home treat uieiitol compound oxygen Is Sunday 8 31 a m South 2 J1.5 53. 3 5 Miss Lottie Bennett has entertained sent by express to all parts ot the country at GEORGE - 11 11 15 a ro. 12 55. 3 5 8 20 are takeu to tne room, A kuowu as the con- B. HAWLEY, Chapel Street SOUTH NEWTOWN. 58, 44. p m. goods pacing ( j, Finch, "llocky the expense of the ordering it. It CENTER, Clothing:, Shoes, Hats, m. and - friends from peisouot CHARLES E. WILMOT, 13 Prospect Street Sunday milk 6 02 p For Danhurv. carefully Iupected,wrapped up pW Mountain who was bom and Bridgeport. sists of a supply compound oxygen tof 8 11 17 Artist," eight weeks' treatment, with an inhaling ap- JOHN B. REYNOLDS, - - 6 Highland Avenue. etc. have collected 6. 06. 8 47. a in. 4 00. 5 45. ed In boxes or In finer plush and satin un in Westnort. and and with lull ami directions and brought but who has F. S. Shelton family attended the paratus explicit e. o. d. for or stor-- tor use. The priee is 1S; jf sent the DANHURY 6 32 lined cases, packed shipment 20 yt,ariJ w luoro ju Xebraska, is Shelton family reunion in Long Hill cost of collection w ill be added to the express and put on a counter Arrif 15.8 20,9 02.11 mer are terms cash. ifi. W. lCanmann,Sl.li., 1 4 15. 5 57. 8 40 p m Lrava 5 35. 7 45 ed for future oruer. t goous ttt Eastrn houie. last week. It was held at charges; - M W. i flu- - Huntington, iss rairneiu avenue, juriugepurw STEVENS, 8 so, 10 45 m, 3 40, 5 15. 8 m. or satin j tnese lots will be P engraved, others given pearl the residence of William Beard. We give below extracts from a few of the Manufacturer of wnicn but the company uas two many testimonials we have. DASBURY Ish, specialties LYOH'S PLAIU. v Miss Hall has visited Mil Was laid np with RHEUMATISM for 13 My riVP' Vi sold norwalk division. Clara ford - MARBLE AND GRANITE EN without to' Is am cur- , HEADSTONES, regard- to which it giving particular attention. months. After nine weeks' treatment 0 ; BETHEL, from 6 36. 6 7 41 Mr und Mrs 11. Knox usual. , Danbory. 42. George Burr of friends. ed. Can attend to my business as CLOSURES FOR CEMETERY LOTS, ETC. .if 1 13 a 13 3 One Is a neat device, ail Initial raised iu W, II. tiUNDEKMAN, ' CUOU m, 07, 43, 5 23. 6 26. 7 12. or ville, Teiui., visit his father, Moses Burr. Cor. Houston and Main sts. ESTIMATES FURNISHED. 33 p m For uanDury 6 CO. 7 ftS. the front of the handle of fork spoon. A surprise party was given John M THE WIAKI) PLOW. 1 Have had rheumat ism for years. Have tak- Boys' Knee Pants, 25c. 10 14 a m. 10. 4 26. 5 56. 6 30, 7 37. This raised Initial the engrav- Thornton, a few en two months' T ItKATMEST. My rheuma- Dealer in all kinds of American and Foreign MOLDnOAltliSof MTKKLttrCIUI.LED IKON. 11 19. 7 25 ro. For Hwl-vvi- ll 8 00 supersedes Mr and Mrs Albert Piatt and Mrs Dav Friday evening, by me much ' Wood. 14 & 15 Cottonade Coats', p it are con- friends and members of the Methodist tism has left and my general health Marble and Granite, including the eelobaated Beam of t'twt Inni, MttllatMe Iron it years Boys' 10 19 a m, 1 15, 3 50, 5 58 in. From ed and the patents protecting id Piatt of South Norwalk visited J. H. K11UY, 847 Broad st. CloltPi-- p here, Improved. re- Jointers, mid WheeU Rlways in line, were now $1. HawleVTille 9 10. 11 m tr. R com- ' Have never found it to tail to relieve and $2, 4n IT the Holmes & Edwards . choir. WESTERLY GRANITE! and nil the hest trolled by Sunday. . move speedily, the GOLDS so common in our positively improvements. 9 - " It is illustrated herewith : ' climate. W. IS. IIAI.I.. Swivel Plows for Side-hi-ll and pany. Sun- Six members of T. ti.X. E. an I De.ad-Jwro- Mrs Maria Banks returned home, enjoyed I am now teeling so well that must say that TKT. Level-larr- d, more and Were $1, now 50c BEDDING. Norih 7 47. 10 06 a m. 1 03. TRKAT-- M M. aJ .;'-..'- I COMPOUND OX YUEN .; excursionmd picnic at Savin Bock, Fri think tho STEVEEfS, & 3. 7 30. m. South 6 48. 9 20 day. . KN'T is to and tone 11 12 years Boys' Cass. Suits. ii ii P the best thing vitalize up NORWALK, CONN. AND a ra. 12 13. 3 49. 5 32 m. day. the system that 1 ever tried. L1GIITKST, STltONOEST KA8IEST were $6,now $2 50, p Levi Beers from'Cohoes, N. Y., visited MRS It. H. FRENCH, DKAFT PLOWS IN THK MARKET. avc. ' 10 & 11 years Black Fancy Suits, his cousin, Clara Banks, last week. Frank E. Kennedy, who lias spent Myrtle Also. NEW YORK & NEW ENGLAND B-R- few his old home1 were $12, now $5. days at here, expeeti E. Y M. D., THE November The sociable at Mrs B. A. Salmon's to return to business at East Karrmann, THE WIARD SULKY PLOW. Boys' Satinett Fancy Suits, 11, 1S88. Jamaica, H.S. Karrmann, M. D. ALBANY realized $15, which is to be used in the Indies, soon. Mrs Kennedy will proba The were $6, now S3. HAWLEYVILLE East 7 55. 11 59 am 7 06 Wrtat interior decoration of Center street M bly remain in Long Hill several weeks Office 123 Fairfield ave., Straw and Cloth Hats Half Price- - pin a ra. 2 45, 6 15 pm. CHAMPION LUMBER WAGON N KWTOWN E. church. Conn. DENTISTS, East f8 a m. fl2 04. 17 10 is still with Bridgeport, id West f8 43 a m. fti 10 m. Tousey's shop running Is the best wagon made, as its construction pre- p p Mrs Lucicn N. Banks has returned full force of OFFICE HOUfiS-Fro- m 10 a. in. to Up iu and 388 Main street. SANDY HOOK East 8 06 12 10. helpers. 7 & it vents the whipping of the pole or shafts on the am trout to p m. 7 16 m. West 8 42 m. 2 6 05 from Stratiield and Norwalk. &undays-l- l a m to 1 p ui and from 1 30 to 9 roughest road. I hare one, two or three seat p a 34. pm Mrs Fred P. Owen of Meriden is with in. 2d YEAR in SOUTH BURY 8 16 a 12 7 25 " p J.W.JOHNSON, East m, 19, Mrs Emma White of Bridgeport visits her mother in Long Hill. PLEASURE WAGONS p m Wwt 8 32 a ra, 2 24, 5 55 p m- - " BRIDGEPORT. BUYS AND SELLS Mrs John McCullaui. John P. M. Thornton has his From $80 and finely finished ; Grocer, spent up, strong . SHEPAUG R It. . has been sick with three-week- s' vacation here. AS . . Butcher and Milk Wagons, with and without tops Albin Sherwood Gil J HUGHES SO?; 1THIS0 HEW IN DENTISTRY. CITY AND COUNTRY malarial Uorham attends him of all descriptions. Best Hoad Cart for the mon- Jon 13. 1889. fever, I)r Mr Stevens, a Brooklyn letter carrier. Artificial Teeth inserted the next moment after $10. The Eoad at $40 is the handiest Successor to ey Wagon H A WLKY VILLE 8 the being taken and the little made. North 52,10 57 a m. speuds a couple of weeks here. extracting, impression wagon 40 ra. 5 05 in.4 teeth made the before. Avoid the 1 also call to the nowlv 5 p Sunday, p Arrive GREEKS' FARMS. day annoyance attention patented ON COMMISSION. 8 52 a m. 4 45 m. 'About 25 Long XI ill and Brooklyn peo CURTIS & of sore gums and the embarrassment of going "Itooth Coil Lever .Spring" on my carriages j' p Satarday only HUGHES, and )iiillcs. Thin in the eattient ' 6 20 m. - - : Mr of New York contemplates a niusicale at Mrs fulrord s, toothless fer days and weeks and our probably Has on hand, ready for delivery p Dingee ple einoyed try perfeet ever invented. It Is warranted : riding spring SHEPAUG N-r- th 9 09 erecting a line residence ou the property gotten up by Mrs Stevens. Music and method. A perfect fit guaranteed; prices the same. lor '.lit years and will delight all using it. The 0. ll a m. refreshments were and the com Stratford Granite and Carriages are extra highly finished and are i FIRST CLASS 5 53 p ra. 5 19 a ru. h which he enjoyed TEETH FILLED WITH GOLD, up I Sunday recently purchased, opposite broke at a late Hour. SILVER, M anU 75c unsuvjia.SMed at the prices put them at, which 8 38 a in. 3 40. 4 29 p in. rd pany np will be Sunday the home of Walter Jennings, ou Clap-boa- CLEANK1), 75c foundtibetiilly30pereentbelowother 6 For Cent Debenture 436 m. - 2.1c dealers' prices for the same grade of work. Bonds, p loca- Mrs Fulford has spent a week In Strat- " ESTUACTKI), You I Hill. It is one of the finest Marble Works VITAL1ZKD AIRHlminiterel. 5Uc can also ttnil all descriptions oi lord. ltegistered and Coupon. NEW HAVEN & DERBY R. U tions along the Sound and Mr Dingee The Vitalized Air, like the air we breathe, is HARNESS will have an view. The Chester Wheeler of Easton has All kinds of Cemetery Work, in Gran-- anv vonnsr or old. 6 and 7 per cent Guaranteed West- 4. 1S89. incomparable spent ' one, Flirnry at. A S !) in house to lew uays Mrs Angevine s. ite or Marble, from artistio designs sKToPTLKTii, from np my lint of reliable bargains, all ern Farm Loans. L 11 CO m will, according plans already of which will please you; among them Is my BOTSFORD 45 a m.8 p tw " , 110 UETTEJC how Lift aad the 5 120 prepared, cost about $10,000 and will E. Tolles and Miss Grace Downs ' There is uiiuio, no'inattor shifting pole, which is warranted to lit any Wriut Tin laiuruee Polteltia Arrivx 10 30 a ni. p m spent eg. Designs furnished on Letter' abroad can come $12.50 . application. ' much you pay. '; pie wagon and not get loose and rattle, price noat Satiable Companies, the Ht it magnificent structure. Mr Dingee is' Sunday in Birmingham in Cemeteries a Write for iafof - in the morning and weur their new teeth home firiaj KHELTON-Wf- 9 48 a m, 4 87 , ing specialty. form : pm. , . , . w 1..... 'V work bait ef PoHoy. uivLUu.-ur-w- V' tl.l - motion or eome and see the nme (liiy. All mirranteil. Eart 13 27. y 32 p in. sa.u tu w Miss MedoraC. Beach at the us. ; 0fcu(s u located. sang Bajv j.T,lis pjjnnauently E. N. SIPPERLY, No. 4 NATIONAJ BANK BUILDING, NSW HAVI" 9 20 a r 4 iiiiu,ureowmiuvuiu,vu, tist cnurcn, Sunday, m the OEVILLE HECTOH, D.D 8., La r unagepoit, 1311 Arrive 12 13. 13 p ra. THE BA.I4KI) XSiriAL. ilenrc is ueiir the Green s l'arms ucpoi. absence oi Miss Damon A 0pposite E, , Station, Stratford. L' UHLE. Sipperly's Hills, 7cstport, Ct. NEWTOWN, CONN., BEE. Kepiete with architectural aud historic I Treasurer Charles II. Northrop of the i Information aud finely illustrated with , Newtown savings bank is cotiflued to FRIDAY, 8nEMBEBS188o KEANE & COMPANY, stereoptleon views, the lecture of Mr the house with slow fever. President GOODS. JONES, CIUCUIuATION. Morris F. Tyler at the Town Hall, Tues- P. Clarke, assisted by Hon C. II. Noble HOUSEFUMISHIM INTERESTING ON GOODS USE. JiHOAET:!, 1883 eia day evening, instructed and enlightened of New Milford, has charge of the bank. PRICES TOR MEDIATE CAST WEEK 8410 his audience with reference to the origin wish to a Haviland Decoratpd Dinner or This seasou of the year wesell hundreds of odd Punts lor Men, Youths.lSoys and Children to piece out until Fall. Over 2,000. and characteristics of the different forms Miss Barnum and Mrs Bennett of If you purchase Set, We make a leader of our 2.50 Pants. At that price you can buy all wool goods lu a variety of patterns. No better goods can be Mlsar--s for the Of course we have tor common use 73c, 1, I nd Minnio DuP.oia and Bossio l!e- - air-chil- Bric-a-bra- purchased anywhere price. Pants lor less money, suitable at 1.5, Jo, i. of church and temple architecture. Bridgeport have visited Mrs S. K. d. any of Dinner, Tea or Toilet Wares. Fancy Lamps, c, Another feature of our stock is dull of have la-o- grade lirooklyn with solid the of - lit tlio Hook. Egypt's masonry, beauty Rich Cut Glass, Fancy and Staple China in odd pieces, or HP 1ST 1ST S- - Greek Doric columns, Koine's J T A L O O adaptation first-cla- ss Vivan E. Mitchell returned to to a crockery house, call on the old- For large men, up to f2 waist measure. Pantaloons for men, short men and fat men, sizes that you cant elsewhere. of Greek art,to which she added the a rch ; school, anything pertaining .1.50 long get A now dross of typo Improves the u Our line of Pantaloons at includes patterns that have been selling at , and pants taken from Suits that we could not scil lor Gothic beauties of this week. best known and most reliable house in Fairfield where that price U bought separate. xtirtimtt! of our friend, thi English cathedrals; est, County, 4.50 S Bridgeport beautiful Notre Dame of Paris and other Our and lines include the balance ot onr stock. A suitable Suit for this weather is our unlincd Coat of Grey, Brown, Nuwa. will worth time. Mixed anil Oxford Mixed with Vest and Pants to match at 6JS0. We sell this suit in separate pieces. Coat 2JS0, Vest 1 M, Pants French the German Gothic Married at New York, Wednesday, you get your money's every architecture; I of - til, Frederick B. Lake and Miss Ella Mrs Bennett cxjx-ct- to Strasburg cathedral ; the arched jrlo- Knilly t. opin J. Oliver. The reception will be held her seliooi, 10th. ricB of Moorish mosques, copied at Ven Tuesday, at the home of the mother, Mrs All our Blazers that we have sold for :J.S0 and 4 now 2.75. Cotton Blazers $1.25 for aud Men. ice and Moscow ; St groom's STERLING Boys Peter's; Baalbec; Charles Robertson. BK0THERS, A few Mohair Coats and Vests, former price $5.00, now 43.00. Block Alpaca Coats, up to SO inch breast measure. Some made Newtown Indian monuments and cave temples and extra long, price 1, l.2o, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 and $3.50. Saving" bank will not he op Don't go away to the mountains or shore ; or, if do be comfortable this weather one of our Kastern pagodas, these and many more you go away, by wearing en and until Ko-hau- za l'ueoday Friday evenings were described with an ease and thor The postponed ball game between further notice. drum of and St 3.I3ST ST., B'POET. ough acquaintance with historic and corps Danbury 33 HiAisrisrEiXj on a sizbs.' Rose drum will be the To These are in n architectural detail It a corps played C. D. collar. large varietyshiirits,of patterns. Some prefer our SILK or MADRAS SHIRTS. Prices on these goods U that made pleas- W. ; W. ; E. Treas. commence as . William A. Nah painting for 1. Glen 7th. F. SWORDS, Pres't HAIGHT, Sec'y ALV0RD, at $1.60 and go high as $3.50 for Silk. all ure to listen. The views closed with one grounds, Saturday, A stock ot Mexican Grass 14 ('amphcll of Sandy Hook. good Hammocks, feet long, metal ends, at $1. Stretchers and Ropes extra.. v of our own Trinity, whoso architectural THE W. F. SWOEDS LUMBER CO., beauties Mr Willie Cramer of Ansonia stopping A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF SUITS IN SACKS AND FROCKS ' Airs 1). Misses F. S. Tyler thoroughly appreciat- V. - Dealers in George Beers, and ed. with I). Bronsou.- Wholesale and Retail AT M. It. A. K. Clarke $10.00, $12.50, $15X0. (Hover, returned, MICHIGAN PINE SOUTHERN AND NORTH CAROLINA Our line Black Cheviot and Thibit Suits in stocks and Cutaways are unequalled at $15. These Suit are superior to any shown from a LUMBER, PINE, lor the price. . , Tuesday evening, delightful drive The school in Hunt-ingtow- n, B. N. Peck and James Hutchinson of Sunday organized SIDING, SHINGLES, SPRUCE TIMBER, LATH, SASH, Balance ot Straw Hats at half price. ' of several duration, at New Vork have been Elmshade. Tell " day' utopping August 4. has been a success at DOORS AND BLINDS, ETC. 25 dozen Tennis at 17c. Katon,(ireenileld of Elnishade's Caps Uill,Southort,(ieorge from the start. It has an enrollment of guests returned to their Our 42c Unlaundred Shirt Excel ally other. Hotel, Black thence in Sat- : Hock, through th nearly 50 names and a weekly attendance homes New York and Brooklyn, PLANING MILL AND YARD historic town Milford of and along the of from HO to .'15. Bcv J. T. ltobertson is urday. Others who have been summer- EXAMINE THE FAMOUS EIGHMIE SHIRT. shore to Savin l!ock ami New re there will remain until the middle Haven, sujierintendent. Preaching in Hunting-tow-n ing EAST WASHINGTON AVENUE, BRIDGEPORT, turning by way of Birmingham. school house, tills week ev of September. Miss Livingston and Friday END OF HORSE RAILROAD BRIDGE. ening, by Bev Mr Bobortsou. niece, Janet Livingston, arrived,Monday. WEST You can buy good bushel baskets lor Elbert A. Hubbell of Bridgeport and 3d 2."c Mrs Eli Barnum of are St John's school will resume The Hook & Ladder Co. is proud of 349 MAIN CORNER and at K. F. Hawley's; also large Theron K. Piatt about half the Danbury also Sunday STREET, JOHN, BURROUGHS' LIBRARY BUILDING. reports the services, next Sunday. the fact that, during its six years of or- assortment of bettor basket. usual of hut is troub- among guests. yield potatoes, only ganized membership, it has never laid an - led with rot on low ground. A veranda has been on the front assessment. Last besides Conn. After the conclusion of Bev Mr W. N. and Sam Hurd of Monroe have placed year, paying lloyt's of Kilbride's house in all current expenses, it sick claims service at after- visited Will N. Northrop. Barney Sandy paid Hawleyville, Sunday Beuben I'.. Terrill was home from Hook V. and F. Andrews, of over $100 and has a of over noon, It was reiiuested audai by McCarthy surplus raiigl'd that Westlield, Sunday. who have done a neat Mr $200. The is a trifle over he should hold a similar service on the Mr and Mrs M. S. Otis have visited job. McCarthy membership is to add a back kitchen to the house of 30 and sick claims are not frequent. first Sunday of each month at I ;i p m. at Mamaroueck. Charlie Schell of Westport, who died Thomas Lavey on Walnut Tree Hill and THE HOWL AND of consumption at Charles Bobertson's, new built for Michael is that there will be Frank Gillette of New Haven All bills the stabling Lynch. It expected preach- has been last week, was taken home lor burial, persons having against in the Methodist at Southville at M. S. otis's. town are to hand them in on or ing chapel his funeral being attended from the requested and in the Methodist church at before the 21st. Mrs Charles DuBois of re-- Sandy AN ABUNDANCE ! house of Horace Brooklyn Hook in D. M. READ OF SCHOOL SHOES . .Mr Staples. the evening. I!cv Saunders delivered the sermon turned home, Monday, after a fefcv days In the Congregational church, Sunday. Benieiuber the soiree of the Shamrock with friends in Sandy Hook. A Kewtown We hare children's school shoes in but what is of more large number of Sandy Hook people clul) at the Town Hall, this (Friday) Hook and Ladder Co., Xo.l , abundance, eonseqaeac they are of the St Bose drum to Dan- - held its annual meeting, Monday right sorts, shoes that a healthy boy or girl can jump about in and not have then fall to puces- - Will l.amhcrtou of is at accompanied corps evening. Although a new organization, L. night lirooklyn 1. Mr Isaac Ferris of Bridgeport, and elected these officers : S. bury, Labor day, where it furnished pa- it will demonstrate its ability to provide Foreman,John Hammond's, Mrs Sylvester Harris of Westport and Our '' Weir Shoe" if ona that makes a heart glad- - rade music for the Wooster Hose Co. an enjoyable entertainment for all who II. Blackmail; first assistant, M.J.Hou- Resisting parent's Strong, tough leather Mrs William Bartlett of Milford are stitches sewed to A shoe - Two nines from Nt Bose, Kohan-z- a lihan; second assistant, James Kelly; - throughout; stay. that a ehild aeeda't pick his stops ia- The season of gayety was very pleas- picked attend. of II. L. Wheeler. BRIDGEPORT- and Bethel drum corps played on the guests secretary, Oscar Pitzschler; treasurer. antly ended, Monday evening, at Mrs - Misses' Wear 11 fair score 5 :i in W. C. Swords L. C. Pat- Resisting Shoes, sizes to 2, $1.50. Addle Nichols's, with a barn dance. A grounds, the standing to Secretary Haight of the Morris; standing committee, favor of the Itethel nine. Lumber was in HALF WAT RIVER. rick Gannon, Martin F. Houlihan, James Children's Wear Resisting Shoes, sizes 8 to 10 2, $1.85. novel and pretty idea it was, being re- Co., Bridgeport, town, Cava-naug- h, ; M.J. Wear S 2 to 2, solved into a fancy dress uHiiir. Some of Thursday. Eben and Napoleon Bassctt called on Egan auditing committee, Boys' Resisting Shoes, sizes 5 $1.76. Patrick Bradley, John F. Houli- the costumes worn were Cora Louise ' William (). French, last week; the for Youths' Wear Resisting Sioss, sizes 11 to 2. $1.50. strikingly Hoyt. At the Library Association special han. picturesque, of old fashion, and, with mer is minister to itavtl. Rough and is the name to line of I'be household at the Congregational meeting, Thursday evening, the treasur- Ready given another good vork for boys and girls. Kent and "overcoming" hats, were really "lav Mitf Mr can customers serviceable, oan be defended on with heels or parsonage are again filled with sorrow er's report showed that, after paying all Martha Booth has visited William l'latt supply his old they every time, spring heels. witching." The barn w as gracefully with the best if will call at his () y the coining of death among them. outstanding there would be in the French. peaches, they Sizes 5 to 8 cost 75c. Sizes 8 10 12 cost $1. Sizes 11 to 2 cost $1 25. ilniped with bunting in profusion aud hill, house. ORIENTAL AND SMYRNA Cora Louise, winning little daughter of treasury some $100. A sum of money The musicalc at C. T. Sherwood's, Sat presented a scene of beauty well worth If want we have finer Bev J. P. Hoyt, died, night, sutllcient to make up 100 was appropri- was well Mrs Fall and Winter styles in boots, shoes, slip- you cheaper goods them; if grades are desired this is the place to come. seeing. The music was furnished by Thursday urday evening, attended; of New England's dread disease, con- ated for new books. A selecting com- and rendered pers and rubbers are being received daily at Bliss ami a time was unani- A. I.. Shepherd daughter boot shoe house of C. II. RUGS AND MATS jolly good .She was 12 11 mittee was as follows : Sirs the enterprising and voted. One of the most indefat- sumption. only years, appointed, line music on the piano. 339 Main His 405 MAIN & mously months and 10 seems C. S. Mrs D. G. Mrs James Bennett, street, Bridgeport. STREET, Next door to W. B. Hall Company days of age and Piatt, Beers, stock of children's shoes is very large and the igable workers was C. II. Peck, .lr, who Miss Annie L. Fairchild has visited - to mortal eyes to have been a flower Turney, Mrs A. Sanford, Miss Abbie will be found very- low tor was seconded a com- prices the quality the Aurania, we ably by nuiiieriu too for the P. Dr Mrs William Jordan. of offered. I.ook at his new ad. else- By steamship mittee. plucked early heavenly gar Peck, George Sanford, Wilcoxson, goods - where him call in ot received our invoice of for- den. It is a crushing and sudden blow- Frank Wright, W.A. Tonard. A hearty Fred Peek of New Haven visits B. and give a when want first to the for its circle was broken vote of thanks was Mrs Johnson T. anything in the line of footwear. The family of Henry (Hover will re- family, given McEweu. eign Rugs and Mats. They have ef- y, about a the death of Piatt and Morris F. for their turn to New York, only year ago by Tyler Fred McKwen and have return-- d M. Sears has 200 ol Al molasses sug- been delivered to us our (FrldayJ. two Kmma and Sadie. The forts in behalf the family pounds through daughters, of Library. from Bristol. ' ar which he sells right. funeral will be held on at the custom house and are now ready David II. (ilovei is on a tour of the Sunday church at 2 the service Mrs D 15. Sweeten is with her grand- - .iFive 1 had a constant South. in, morning Bennett Blackmail, who has given up years ago cough, for and sale at very omitted. The mother. sweats, was reduced in flesh inspection being pastor's family his Danbury boarding house, is with his night greatly have the of the in and hail been given up by my physicians. I reasonable prices. sympathy community .Mrs V .S. a Wlt,ll4- - W, C. Johnson has son, John II. Blackmail. Bradley has dahlia i,Pgftn taking Ayer1 cherry pectoral and.after SPECIAL 'ommenceiliiiiaking SALES. this sorrow, feeling sure that. "lie com- - whii-j- i buds and blossoms. using two bottles of this medicine, was elder with the power press turns whose love ours has taken out the with neatness ami surpasses The pletely cured." Anga A. Lewis, Bieard, N. Y. Rough and Ready Sailors all colors: Juice dispatch. home His child." library entertainment, Tuesday Mrs Lillie Thompson of Bridgeport and m night, realized about $.'!. sister and Almon Downs s children lroui oucKieu b aaive- - i .arnica GOODS. JJev C. II. Smith, wile and nusvlvania visit J. B. Downs. DRESS !Oc. lOc lOc. daughter Special Meeting of Sandy Hook School The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, Mabel of I'.elchertown, Mass., A. 1. District. The committee appointed to select sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, Smith of the books for the Z0AS BRIDGE. chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin Fine Milian Springfield Homestead, and library earnestly request ami positively cures piles or no pay Sailors. birds ; black birds. A sH'iial meeting was held at the eruptions "It is sat- This is the season when only Fancy A. .1. Smith of the Mechanics and Farm- that'persons interested hand in lists to Samuel Stephen lias been appointed required. guaranteed to give perfect school house, evening, isfaction or money refunded, l'riee 2So per ers Savings li.iuk of Bridgeport are Thursday August. selccj from. here. box. For sale by K. F. Hawley. quality and price will sell them. 2.S, to hear the of the com postmaster Sailors Trimmed Bon rounding up a vacation in Newtown. report special Wings; trimmed; Hats; trip mittee on school authorized at We have always had the quality, repairs, Frank Goodsell. HATTERT0WH. nets and the annual meeting. The following ex ' but never before so low a Toques. Trinity's tasteful decorations, Sunday, Frank, only son of Irving 15. Goodsell Preaching in the Hattertown school given penses incurred by the committee were ' Went arranged by Misses K. F. Terrill of Four died about house, next at 7 p m by liev J. as we intend to the ordered paid by the district committee : Morgan's Corners, Tuesday price during Prices no and Grace Clematis was of F. Kobcrtson. that require comparison for fine Camp. grace- Warner, ('lark & Taylor, paints, oils, 0, Saturday afternoon, lockjaw. next 10 days. One of the great- twined about the aud at the About a week while fully pulpit etc., mi Bt; W. A. Nasli, .'12 :t before, running Those kid button hIioor for ladies that E. F. back of the and with days, he a est of all silk specialties we have goods. altar, intcrscrscd hours work painting, 78 25; William about barefoot, stepped upon sharp Hawley is selling tor jit 50 are a great bargain The was a was 2. hydrangeas. font, graceful mason, '. work on chim stub, which penetrated his foot. It as they would be cheap at known to be in the market: of rod. Shepard days and there was no pyramid golden neys, underpinning and repairs, $11 25 ; apparently healing BEEtS CfrESOHCrB of until a short time be Five hundred dollars worth of horse blank DUBIEIilin, James Butler, 10 Sam thought danger 78c to $10 three-year-o- carpenter, 50; ets and robes from received di Colored O. the ld stallion fore his when set in. jnst 100 pieces Surah, worth by (. 1., uel Post, sills, etc., $4 8.1; E. J. Hall, death, lockjaw It rect from the manufactory at E. F. Hawley's. owned by Gershom II. 1'latt of this was to relieve him and he the piece at least 7" cents. We shall 37" JMLJXlZr town, stovesrf.si25 ; Timothy Costello, grading impossible Don't buy till you have looked over his stock. St., rid.grepoxt. met with success at the Vermont breed- died in about 24 hours. He was only retail them at 5 1 1- -2 cents per grounds and moving coal sheds, (unfin A UCTION Will be sold at I'nblic Auction, yard. ers held last week at seven old anda little fellow. 13. 18H!. meeting, Kutlaud, W. K. Whittemore, Provi years bright t on Thursdav. September at 50 Lenox Broad of the second in the stallion ished),; Ilev Mr attended the - o'clock p m, at the late residence ot pieces Cloth, winning money dence, B. I., blackboard material, $21; Hoyt funeral,Tues- F. Benedict, deceased, all the personal prop race. The he 1 from the house $1.50 quality, at $1 per yard. Saturday previous trotted Phllo Nichols, materials furnished, day at p in, of his par erty, consisting of horses, cows, heifer, IMW TALL ! half-mil- new milch cow, one sow and one Ches P A H Q II 1 pigs, Q e I U E a In 17. sire of ). ents. A of and 0 Aristos, ijl!) 05; Mrs M. Blake, .cleaning school throng sympathizing ter boar, two lumber wagons, mowing ma- 15 pieces Black Surah, all silk, at G. took first premium as the best listened to the ser chine, horse rake, set double harness, I., rooms, 10; D. Kain, whitewashing, 5; sorrowing neighbors bob sleds.mow of hay and oats. 80c. stallion shown with four of his vices and followed the remains to their soutlilmi-- ami tools too We get. Nathan Shepard, carting, 2 05 ; miscel plow oiner larmmg can sell ypu goods in our lfiie at last in the ceme numerous to mention. If stormy, first fair 10 Faille Francaise at 75 c. laneous, $1 From this, a credit of resting place village day. JOSEPH K. FIELD. Administrator. GOODS Fred F. Johnson a his own r.asLon, uonn., a, correct entertains college $5 CO for paint unused and sold was de tery, four boys of about age be ftepiemoer irs. prices and are willing at any time chuin, James McKlheney of l'hlladelphla, the total cost of ing bearers I.OUSALE tine pair good working Oxen, ducted, making repairs nounds. two (food timber Wai;- - We are showing a lew very to and same. with whom he will return to Annandale, 204 35. The services of the committee ous, ono good Farm Wagon, one pair Horses; . compare quality prices of of Prof Shultz. will be sold reasonable. Euqnire of C.W.TA-TO- it, choice in novel Monday. on were rendered the district Resignation one thereafter at things early Fall repairs Stepnev Depot, week; I Our terms are The voted to a tax As will be seen by the following letter, store of CAPT. M. ROWLAND, North Main ties. strictly Mrs S. II. Smith is with her gratis. meeting lay street, Bridgeport. daughter 2 on in- Prof F. T. Shultz to the re of mills the dollar to pay this has, greatly s i F.rnily at Taunton; Mrs It. P. Smith has 7iOK SALE Two ban-el- of good Cider Vine- - debtedness and instructed the district gret of parents and pupils, as well as of ' gar. FRANK A. MALLKTT, Elm Street, spent a few days there. scores of other his Monroe. committee to have the school buildings friends, resigned po ARRIVING EVERY DAY IN three-year-ol- d ONE Insured. sition as of Newtown Lion SALE. One colt, well ICE principal Academy. Miss May Hoyt spends a few days at He was liked his P broken and a irood roadster. (JHARLFS Pi universally during stay II. PECK, Jr., P.O. Box S3, Newtown. S. S. Scudder's. The md the is atteuded with EVERY DEPT And a strict adherence to same. t New genuine -' Voting System. parting IiHJB SALE. One good pair of working ox- sorrow. The trustees are negotiating five years old, weight 3100 nounds :al- - Ladles' prayer meeting, next Tuesday Under the new voting law, passed by so a registered Devon bull, two years old, a for a teacher who will be the of one to match. 11. II. SHERMAN, AT afternoon at It, with Mrs II. L. Wheeler. the last the expense of hold- equal good Step legislature, Prof Shultz and will forward suc ney uepoi. & ing town elections will be somewhat in carry QDIM SCOTT, cessfully and the work of V'OR SALE. One black colt, coining four D.M.BEADC0. th satisfactorily Mrs W. S. Webb and Norman of Ply-mou- creased. Each voter, on entering the P years old, broken single and double :one the j have been at Lakeside. will obtain his it in an Academy. sorrel colt, coming three yaars old; one top hall, ballot, place Revti. M. Wilkin. Dear Friend.'- i tlior spring wagon in perfect order, suitable for envelope and deposit it, fro from obser either butcher, baker or grocery wagon; one EZain otiKlily anticipated returning to make uppli two-hors- e iron axle farm 161 in a booth. One booth is wagon complete. All mail orders are delivered with St., Danbury, Through the courtesy of Mr Tyler, a vation, requir- cation to the Hoard of Trustees of Newtown almost new. A. E. KKAEMEu, Stepney De- ed for each 150 voters as Newtown's for a renewal ot last pot, Conn. number of friends were invited to the and, Academy year's agree express charges or postage prepaid Town to wit- list Is a trifle over 000, seven ment, before this, had it not been tor an ap M. LANE Inis opened the old Lewis Hall, Wednesday evening, voting J II Burr stand. Greenfield Hill, on Burr's uy ua. envel- plication which placed lust May tor a posi DRY GOODS series views his booths will be besides and will find his stock STOEE! ness another of from necessary, was desirous of in Highway you of grocer- tion I. obtaining a military ies and merchandise complete and matchless collection. Mr himself ope booths. and their attendants. The at N. as would re- prices Tyler academy Cornwall, y., it right. Give him tt call. BARGAIN SALE Sovoral single Harnesses In number of officials in attendance at elec lievo me of tar less 'S managed the instrument aud the descript responsibilities, entail EWTOWN SAVINGS BANK. IOU condition cheap at DICK HOTEL, the views were tions will also be increased to about 15. work and permit uic to devote myself to mewtown. - ions of quite clear, though I Flor- Newtown selectmen have not com specialty. put forth, last year, extraordina statement, September 1, 1SHH YOU lirief. yet s SALE CHEAP One Ooi work HAVE A TICKET Athenian, Grecian, Italian, suct-es- ry exertions to make the year a aud LIABILITIES. FOR ono of will ex' Venetian with pleted arrangements to comply with the "a pair working Oxen, entine, views, Interspersed was gratified with the result to certain de v 17 fomew milcli Cows. S. M.CLAllKEi law and have not decided whether to Deposits, ",- 4!H,M3 change t lasslo statuary, were shown, with, if gree. But to me the disruption of the last Interest, 10,7(18 43 PEICES Monroe, Coiin 5(1 . . l;l,l. (Ml On Stove is on ex- booths or term's in a of Surplus, Eight-foo- Parlor more distinctness be purchase patent Hartford have work, depletion nearly per - HAT.K CHEAP t bnzz Saw that magnificent that possible, even than Profit and loss,- 00 Tnu C- cent of the students, which broke up classes, 3j 48 Jt? ami Table, all complete. S. - liEACH, them built here. The Town Hall will Collections, 777 . T fore. These were followed by rare and was 71 Daniel's Farm, Trumbull in aggravating, to gay the least, and indue. Kent account, Vri hibition at 7 Block romantic bits of In and about be ready for the voters, However, a me to an 11 78 Bishop scenery ed try application for the position Sieqieiise, titiitick is licrebv eriven to all persons hold week or two. mentioned. was - New Haven, with views of Milford and jnst As nothing heard, I vir Total, m IN lug contracts on roads that tiiey shall tor have said roads m oeiore quarto-millenla- l, p tually gave tip hope It and made certain good repair aeptjin its of Newtown and 4 Assets. ber lii, Per order, PATRICK KEAT1NU, preparations for u continuance at Newtown, 32 tb Derby extension. (The Newtown The Milk Market. Loans on real estate. Itoad inspector,1. newiowu, bum zn, IF NOT, HURRY UP dependant upon the resolution ot the board, Loans on personal security, ttf.OUS 78 LARGEST STOCK, views and The of milk in tlie New York 16, on United States ltonds. 100 10 OF NEWTOWN, ss Probate Court comprised picturesque bridges receipts August and again August in, I received D1STK1CT 1HXH. have been : Erie communications me City and town bonds, 17,700 00 SI. nooks, taken with a Kodak by Mr Tyler market, the past week, offering the situation, Railroad bonds. m.nuu oo Estate of NORMAN B. GLOVER late of And get one and, at the same time, get a pair of Shoes for less himself and a friend, closing with a view road, 4231 cans; Susquehanna, 1450 ; if I then desired it. After long and careful Bank stocks, ii,;) oo LOWEST PRICES, Newtown, in said district, deceased. consideration, I concluded to accept, sorry Town notes. 17,000 00 Tim ;onrt of Probate for the District of New money than you can buy the same quality for anywhere of W. J. Dick and a of Mr New York Central and JIarleru, 4175; Real :$,: 8 , town hath limited and allowed six months part Tyler's I in estate. i as shall be a great many respects to leave 135 Hi tne oi saiu The whole was ar New York & 1305 ; New Insurance, from the date hereot lor creditors else. The tickets on the stove family. admirably City Northern, Newtown and my position as principal. Jn 2,1,-i- 8 BEST GOODS, k'.intn to exhibit their claims for settlement. Expenses, ' ranged. Haven & Hartford, 1045; Ontario & addition to the reasons I have mentioned for Sate and fixtures, SOU 00 Those who neglect to present their accounts! 12 I within said will by "West New leaving, is also that of a certain financial Premium account. 10,tU! properly attested, time, Western, 1095; Shore, 1090; Cash on hand and in bank. 12,8115 M I AT ftotuirrcd a reooverv. All persons Indebted Guests Still surety. As president of the Board of Trustees, ALWAYS, tn ni,i v.utute nvn renuested to make imniedi Summer Lingering. Central, 585; short routes, 1000; AM i GIVING Jersey 1 would kindly request you to notify the. rest. Total, .r,lll,8'2t ate payment to WILLIAM II. GLOVER, Ex WE ARE AWAY Arrivals at Dirk' Hotel: Charles K. Hub-bol- total 17,470 cans. The net Is ecutor. daily supply, being uncertain who the secretary. M OT1CK All persons are forbiililen luuit- - !lrli!ytort; Nelllo 8. Itubbcll, Mrs J. K. price in New York for August was 2c a Thanking you for your kind and hearty sup inif, tisliine or trespassing In any form on I DISTRICT OF BRIDGEPORT, ss. Probate of HiiIiIk'II, A. D. MeLanVrty.Genevn, theil farm owned Mrs ilulilah Alallctt In 1 Court. August 29, 188M. With each dollar's worth goods purchased. Stratford; quart, which will make the price to farm port during my work in your parish anil you by ot WILLIAM B. BEARDSLEY.late ol N.Y.I Abrum Heartt, George R- - Fitch, New so often ! am slpney, under penalty of the law. HULDA1I ers here 1 c, the lowest point milk has well wishes expressed, MALI. r er J. ii. i'armelee, A (rent. Ltionroe, in said district, deceased. York; Tlieron K. Rockwell, New Canaan; E. Vours Sincerely, V. T. Siiitlt.. ,,Ti, f m... vnrt. of Probate for the District of C. W. II. reached in since, the milk busi SALE. an limited ami allowed six Hunks, Ilrldgeport; J nines Illoom, August YVolfhorough, N. II., August 2(1, 181. 1JBOBATE Pursuant to order Bridgeport hath U. W. Mrs G. W. ness in Housatonic Court ot Probate for the District months froinjthe date hereof for the creditors OUR GREAT CLEARING OUT SALE Way, Brooklyn; Northrop, opened the valley. of Kewtown, will be sold at Public Anction.to ot said estate to exhibit their claims for set Northrop, Netllii Northrop, Ilridgeport; C. R. September 1, the Milk Exchange rais Fine line of watcher from 50 to all the highest bidder, on the 7th day of heptem tlement. Those who neglect to present their City i George C.Lockwood.Nor-walk- ; at K. F. Ilawley'i her, ut '2 o'clock in the afternoon, all the E. F. accounts attested, within said time, Coyne, Jersey ed the 4 of a cent, which will warranted, right HAWLEY'S, properly In Is still in This means dollars saved to the Charles K. Format), New York ; Theo price title and interest in the real estate belonging kvill be debarred a recovery. All persons progress. purchasers make it 1 3-- a here until furth to Jane Brush of said Newtown; sale to take debted to said esiaMJ are nniiiemvu i mane J". Piatt, New llavon. quart 'bethel. place on the premises in saidNewtown. Terms immediatepayment to DANIEL N. MORGAN, of footwear. At the Uruml Central : C.K.Stoitdard ami la-d- er notice. The unprceedentedly low price made known at the time ot sale. C. U. PECK, or BURR HAWLEV, Administrator. Slu.llon; B. F. Uott and wile, A. L. Gott, is due to ltcv II. It. Slack has returned from his Conservator. for milk excessive rains, causing Dated at Newtown, this 2d day of Sept., 1S89. NEWTOWN, CONN: OK NEWTOWN.ss.Probate Court, The way we save you dollars is this: During this sale, we make a 4;harlc O. U. Gott, lirooklyn; T. Carroll, J. .1. an immense of followed vacation. DISTRICT 189. Mil-lor- growth grass, I.IAAf B. TAYLOR. ot Itovii, Ilridgeport; Dr It. S. Todd, New 'TAKEN UP Bull Calf, threeorfonr months tviT lat discount on our of from 10 to 25 cent, from reg- , back from A can deceased. goods per K. B. Tou-!ey- by a increased quantity of milk, George Solley, just Kurope, old. Owner have it by proving prop- Newtown, in said district, K.U.Prcsson Grge Howes, greatly and expenses. II. w. EDWAUDet, .un lien-mitt- , addressed the Congregational erty paying The Administrator jikvuik cimiiwu Give one we make wife and ehtldreit, Mr and Mrs G.W. at a season of the year when many city Sunday Stepney, Conn. aduiiniwtration account with said estate to ular prices. us trial and will a Miss Alice IMatt, Mrs school, Sunday evening. court for allowance, it is MmC. J. Taylor, people are in the country and the unwise Six this ot Sum-tier- , good new milch Cows. That the 7tli day September, customer of lllaektiian mid friend. Miss Julio fc WANTED HUI5-BE- Orpkrkp you. Smith policy of crowding all the milk that can Eureka H.' Ii. Co. will meet, this or address MOltTlMEK 1H, at two o'clock in the afternoon at the 1.C. Thomas F. Rowan s & same Peet, Bridgeport; be made on the market of the (Friday) evening, SONS, Birmingham, Conn. Probate Oftlce in Newtown be and the is ; J. K. regardless for a hearing on the allowance of and wire, Danbury RltteM, EvaiiKbnrgh, Fair at Fisher's hall, 12th and i:lth, A competent Girl to do assigned account with said estate, wants of the trade. In the limited expe- by WANTED o said administration Vt.; A. K. Mitlgney, Berkshire, Vt.; M.Clark, ladies or St Mary's. Apply to JOHN GKIFFEN.ilunt-Ingt- and this court directs the administrator to and wife, Ilaubury; Kan yon Messlek, New rience of 20 years, the July and August wn ; Botstord P. O. cite all persons interested therein to appear H. N. O'Con. Eliot D. Smith preached at the Metho- and this or- AYRES, York; E. C. Hiker. New Haven; J.J. milk was of the of ANTED. To to work on a farm at said time place, by publishing ; poorest quality any dist hire, by a circulation Host on ; K. J. W, . church, Sunday. der in some newspaper having ii.ll, Hawley, Willis, milk I ever handled and I had no reason the month, a good, faithful, sober man In W ami by posting a copy on the K. Bethel's town Is and one that farm work. district COIJII. Will called understands sign-pos- ot Mr bun Hownes and maid, J.J. special meeting a man general be public t In the town Newtown, 7 BISHOP BLOCK, BRIDGEPORT, H. to think it was the fault of the producers. for of To such steady employment will deceased last dwelt. If. New M. Allen, New Monday,!)th,instead Snturday,7th, where the - Ii no, Haven; given. SAMUEL U. BEAUDSLKY, Long Hill, W. J. HEECIIER, Judge. York. E.L.Johnson. as elsewhere announced. September , 1W. kwtowi, coaa., fridat, September i. Mrs Amanda Wheeler Is building an Temperance hall at Center M. E. church, Services, next Sunday at 5, at Walnut Saturday. Friends doubt his recovery, cream and cake for all who will come. , - addition to as he had a shock. i her house. next Sunday afternoon,-- 8th. Special Tree Hill school house; If stormy Wednesday .Thursday evening. TEDKBUtL. music for the occasion.? Service at 1 30 Mrs Mary Everett is her house Considerable Interest Is 3hown in the v Mrs Coger and are .with her BAMAINS! Kev having m. daughter V. II. Smith if Uelclieitowu, shingled. p next medal contest, next Monday even- father, Capt Beardsley. EASTON. Mass., will next preHch, Sunday, 8th, Mrs Kememberthat the centennial celebrat- ing at the Town Hall; if stormy, next Mr Mrs Charles Goodsell and wife entertained THAIT EVEEI mid afternoon. Nancy Burr was here, last week, and Warren Plumb have been lOEB morning ion of the formation of the first Metho- Excellent from other but found almost every one of the old evening. speakers guests of Miss Louise Nichols. a company of friends, 18 in number : S. SEE THE PRICES : Mr ami Mm- - Henry II. Gorhaiu of dist class (Lee's chapel society) in New places are to take part and E. J. Buck- C. wife and three residents away from home. Parmelee, children; 1- -2 in- The school house was af- Satteens, worth 12 and 15c, at Bridgeport siient Sunday with friends in England will commence . Wednesday ingham,, our popular groceryinan, full, Sunday Mrs Mary A. Parmelee and 9c ternoon ; Rev Mr Park an earnest daughter worth - Trumbull. Saturday, the day for the picnic, the evening, September 25, with a poem by tends to try his elocutionary talent. gave Nellie of J. .W. Challies, 7c, 5c ladies will the while the and talk. Danbury; Lambert, Remnants worth 10c provide eatables, Rev Dr George Lansing of Brook impressive wife and Stamford ; G.E.Win-to- n Lawns, 15c, loli n a Taylor daughter, l-- Summer lias purchased tine management at l'urlor Itoek will furnish D. N. Chatileld has returned to New Remnants Muslins, worth 10c, 7 2c fc lyn. Tne ladies' aid society of Huntington and family and Mrs E. S. Winton of Uiier of Cook Co. of Bridgeport. tea, cofl'ee and lemonade at a low rate. Jersey for a few days to attend to busi- Remnants worth 5c. will meet with Mrs Bennet Nichols, Wed- Bridgeport; Frank L.Smith of Norwalk. Gingham, 8c, Mrs Booth has An will be taken in Christ WOLF PITS. ness. Remnants worth John been poorly .for ofl'ertory 11th. , Prints, 7c, 5c nesday, Mrs W. entertained Misses 5 some time. church, next Sunday afternoon, to meet Henry Smith and a party from Bethel Miss Bella Park will leave, next week, Macauley Cotton Crash, worth 7c, c the Most of the farmers .here "'purchased Maggie and Mary Flood of Redding and 20 inch All Linen Twilled Crash, worth 12 c, 10a. Mitt Jennie Sherwood mid brother expense. have been camping at Norwalk beach. to finish her studies in Ilolyoke semi- a, cattle, brought from Vermont by Oliver Miss Maggie Vaughn of Georgetown, White Flannel, 25, 29, 35, 45 and 50c. Attend the Hchool. BRIDGEPORT-TH- nary. - Brldgeort High Mr and Mrs E. F. Hoyt of Middlebury Beard, Jr, and they give satisfaction. ; last week. Table Damask, red, 25 and 42c have visited his uncle. Miss Katie Judson will return to Strat- Misses Florence and Natalie Merwln of WEST END SCHOOL BUILDING. Mr Haskins, who has been at E. C. Mrs Laura Hubbell has returned from Table Damask, bleached, 49c next as teacher in the l-- I'oquonuoi'k have been in town. The West End school Ben Bassett has moved into Orville ford, week, High has a Fruit of the Loom Remnants at 7 2c house, grammar school. Wixom's, returned to New York. visit with her brother,Aaron Sherwood. W. S. Wheeler I a bus- school No. .t, is to be the finest school Lyon's house. . Unbleached Canton Flannel, 10c doing rushing rl 12 house !n the and but two school French school with Died, at her home, last week hursday Onr sale of Ladies' Muslin Underwear will last for the next ten hiest toumtoeif, employing to city Mrs and of Uarwin-to- n opened, Monday, SHELTON- - big days cuutihig Hayes daughters Mrs Catharine at the You find before of 15 hands. buildings, located in Hartford, will sur- have been F. P. Hubbell teacher. morning, Gregory will bargains never heard in the city. One of the greatest with Mr Dickens. Hill avenue shares s advanced of 93 she pass It 'u the State. It is on Colorado Long in Shelton' age years. Although markdown sales. Samuel has been In Miss Marie L. lirownson drives to has been 16 Bicycle Sterling to Clinton av- D. G. Wood has bought three or four growth. John B. Shaw, the cattle deal- afflicted with blindness for avenue, reaching through '-- Shelton school. at the races. fine er and are a she has borne ; with Christian Hartford bicycle enue and is about 153x74 feet, ''built of Holstein cows of Andrews of his brother Angus building years, it CORSETS. 25 CENTS. 'CORSETS. Bethel. Miss Shelton will school in house 30x18 feet. S.O. across Her ftmeral was held at the Mr Lundlu of Brldgeport,GeorgeNlek-emo- u brick, with brownstone trimmings, gran- Lucy begin Dw'nnell, patience. on the 0th. the street, has built a barn. R. W. church jy at 2 o'clock. and family of Bridgeport and ite entrance steps and ash tlnish Inside. Will Hoj t and party spent Labor day Isinglass Baptist Saturday All our underwear is much less than any other place in the ci ry. Call early. Thomas of New York are The is three stories with a beach. Blakeman of Golden Hill avenue is re- Rev Mr Roberts officiated, assisted by A line of Ladies' at the lowest Irving guests building high, at Compo Miss Ida Bennett will teach Center large Jerseys prices. Mrs a lan- pairing the house he bought of Horace Rev Mr Manee of Stepney. of rrludlc. basement, the topmost story being school and Miss Ida Williams Lower HOSIERY. HOSIERY. HOSIERY. !ti in as- TEDDING. Wheeler. Max A. Durrschmidt is build- Brlurfiiindu and Conn are tine tern built the roof, which is the White Hills. Dea S. Staples has entertained friends be doiug ing a house 27x42 feet for John Hill, A large line of Ladies' Hose will included in this great sale. on sembly room, a hall 70x45 feet, with a These guests froui New York are en- from the city. ' work the roads. Walnut Tree Hill Mon- which will be for the masons platform at its west end. There are two tertained by 'lhomas II. Mrs school began, ready by GENTS' FURNISHINGS. K. II. Ludway: October.' Mrs Arthur Tonilinson visits her; fath Mr and Mrs Finch visit relatives school rooms lu the basement, playrooms Franciscos and two daughters, Mrs Wil- day. We do a rushing trade in this line. In Massachusetts. er, Amos Candee. for the boys and girls, the janitor's room, liam Vail, two daughters and hree W. S. Hooper brought a load of goods W. S. Wheeler cut his foot while bath Vn was made to rob the house 'mim' I A new sign, "Trumbull," white letters boiler room and toilet rooms under the grandchildren; Mrs Wood, son and from the late Willliam B. Beardsley's ing at Southport and had to cut his vaca- attempt ZES of David but the were j on a black background, adorns the sta- stairs, at one end of the bulld'ig for the daughter. Lie young ladies are tine home in Monroe to D N. Morgan's," Sat- - tion short. Osborne, burglars tion. boys, at the other for the girls. Hie singers and make the house vocal with urday. frightened off. principal's room, 26x3 1 feet, will be on melody. GREENFIELD HILL. Services school MNKRUFL1 DRY GOODS Elmer Hubbard, when a boy, attended at Judd house, Sunday, CO, LOHQ I LL the tirst IIoor,with six school rooms and Rev Mr has a tem 7 o'clock. Mrs E. Can field and daughter visit her school in this town, but is now an in- Prentiss accepted 8th, at Mr and Mrs Johu Kuilclill'c have becu six more school rooms and a teacher's in a Vermont sister, Miss Mary Bassett. structor at AVest Point. His faether ,Capt porary pastorate parish Mrs Jane Powell is with her son at room on the second floor. The 11 school and will remain three his little Saratoga. D. R. Hubbard; boards with Edward S. months; Charles, after a in Trumbull. rooms are intended to accommodate 50 The eldest daughter of William F. Maud him. long stay - . daughter accompanied - Mr and Mis W. B. Coau have been in the a Mandeville is sick with scarlet fever. Hawley. f 360 EZain St , pupils each, giving building capac- While picking pours, Mrs George Sher Bridgeport- New Haven and enjoyed the Odd Fellows of 700 scholars. is excess of Wheeler's house has been Another shoot is at G ity Ibis 'n Mrs Walter Bradley is under the doc- Iander J. pigeon planned wood had a bad fall, which confined her DR. EIQHMEt parade. the present requirements of the West tor's care. painted by Mr Hooper. F. Mun roe's, Saturday, 17th, at which to the house' for a week or so. DENTIST, End, but the building takes into consid- several prizes will be awarded. 422 Main M05E0E. The Ross House at Milfoid, conducted Miles Shelton and wife of Oxford have Miss Amelia Osborn of Stepney Depot MONTIGrNANI Street, eration the future growth of that push-lu- g visited Ii. T. Shelton. Bradley Merwinf-Arthu- Merwin and Bridgeport; Mr and Mrs Wallis Smith of Voukers of heat- by E. W. Kowing, formerly of this place, has visited Miss Georgia Knapp. suburb. The indirect method J. E. Banks have made repairs and alter Second Door Below Fair have visited Hobart Beardsley. and the ventilation at the was burglarized, Friday, and $300 worth Mrs M. Hine of is field sve-- , over 6s Store - ing employed ations on G. A. Banks's house J. Bridgeport at Pi-n- . of to Mrs tak- STRATFORD. tenaut at Photo er, Graduate of College ot Itent&l Surw-nr- are here jewelry belonging Kowing graph A 11 . Miss M. F. Lewis began the Fall term High school building repeated Southport. Miss Maria Knapp's. 0er&tioiu known to Dentistry perfonu-U- Warren B. en. The graded school will begin its Fall OVER PEQUOSXOCK NATIONAL BANK, Teeth extracted without means at the Center school, Monday. by the architect, Briggs. 'lhe ii School 5n Judd district Mon pain by was in term, 9th. Miss Emma Osborne resumed her opened, of our Electric Vibrator. training school, which established FAIRFIELD WOODS. Miss N. M. 304 MAIN STREET. Gordon Benkard and sister Nannie of school in ;Miss day, Thorpe teacher. The only dentist in Western Con ns-In- x 1879 and now enrolls 16 young ladies un- Peek is Mrs Cox of Bulkley district, Tuesday of this nilrmiM Principal expecting CABINET PICTURES PER D0Z. any apparatus . kind, l'ure New York visit at the rectory. der the of Miss will be Miss Carrie Jennings and friend of Esther Chapman opened the East Long Mrs M. H. Thorpe is ill. $2 oxide gas also xdminisn-n-d- Gas is tlie mly charge Shattuck, California, sister of his wife, to make safe aiiaisthelic known. Tenth o "ie Bridgeport visited her mother, Sunday. Lots school, Labor day; ail the West- - Large Heads, Grand Panels and Life Size cxtractl lor L. C. Gilbert of Newtown sends his transferred lief from Prospect street a visit. Mrs Maria Knapp, who passed her 90r,h i"c. Work iruaranteed as low as any reyW-- t port schools did the same. Crayons. able practitioner in the State and none but the meat wagon through the Center twice school. Harvey B. Lyon of Bridgeport visited last and has been Interior and Out Door Work a Specialty. best work and best Stiles Judson, Jr, has gone on a busi- birthday, January I have no Agents to pay and do not Misrepre- material. each week ; with Mr Squinobal of Long his sister, Mrs William Judd, Frank Banks returned from hU Cali feeble, was able to take a short ride, sent Work. GEORGE D. D. S. Davis Is u new Sunday; ness trip to Georgia. ily CEIGHME, Hill and Charlie, our own butcher, peo William I. buildiug also Mr and Mrs Eduiond H. Smith. fornia trip, last week, looking hearty, Monday. First Class Work a specialty. need not house on L'udiy street, east from that U. B. Smith, closes out his but the doctor warns him to avoid strain ple go hungry. Mrs Read has the Keller jeweler, Miss Eliza Osborn of is with sold to Herman Metzger. bought place business here, to go into a his eyes, as have him Stepney The little folks are in high glee over and Mr Beckwith has moved to Fairfield. Bridgeport ing they given her aunt, Mrs Eli W'nton. is drug store. some trouble. the prospect of the picnic, at l'urlor Howard Fowler, who with Perry E. W. KARRMANN, Smith and son of New Haven and liock, 7th. Kellv, cut his hand with a scythe, last Mrs Arrita Meeker has visited her William Crawford found a well pre- Summer have been Sidney Physician Surgeon; Saturday, Brooklyn guests have been with William Sherman. Late of the Stato for week; several stitches were taken. brother, Thomas Merwin. served Indian skeleton while at John where 11 Pennsylvania Hospital Kev Mr Boylstou and wife and K. M. excavating Brothwell's, city peo chroma diseases. Chronie diseases a specialty, in a lot in rear of his residence. were last week. Rev D. J. attended the celebra Bcardsley and wife of Long Hill have John Willis has bought 60 acres owned ple enjoying life, Ogden treated by Compound Oxygen. DEERFIELD. tion 133 Fairfield avenue, visited Hobart and sister. C. W. Fox hi the northern of the D. P. Rhoades is chairman of the re- Banks has his Farms cider at Stratford. Beardsley by part Joel Hull's Bridgeport, Coaa. town, known as the Fox timber tract. Mrs Seymour of Bridgeport has visited ception committee of our celebration in mill in full J.E. Banks took a fine Mrs Dr Benedict visits Mrs Edwards Lewis B. has his blast; Beardsley exchanged Mr Willis will immediately make im her sister, Mrs Dowd. October. lot of eels from the pond, last week, lu Monroe for projKsrty. Mrs Frank Bunnell and Mrs place Brooklyn Sun- some of wrhich weighed over three daughter, provements. Willard Lyon of Westport spent Mr and Mrs Rhoades have returned of visit Mrs Z. B. Spectacles and Eye Glasses. Kev A. and J. 1). Beach pounds. E. Buckley Greenfield, Goldsborough John Willis lias a Hue farm wagon, day with Charles Nichols. from their long pleasure Mr A good assortment of the very best, as writ have each a new horse. trip. Wilson. W Rhoades claims to have David Smith has a new roadster as tha cheaper kinds, always on hand, at very uiada by heeler Bros., Easton. Charles Nichols and son-in-la- w had a caught the larg- pur A. & Co's in Robert Schooley has given up J. Christian low prices- - narrow from serious est pickerel taken from the St. Law- chased Danbury. painting August Stiedtler is driving an artesian escape injury, last carriages ; expects to leave town, next WATCHES,CHALNS,SILVER WARE, STEPHEI. rence, this season. and wife of and well at Startler's park. It is down 00 Friday, on their trip to Bridgeport. The Foster Lyon Danbury Monday, for his home in Birmingham, JEWELRY, CLOCKS, &c Miss X.'otu and wife of have is Louisa French is home the feet with 15 feet of water ; he will go 75 harness broke at the top of a hill, letting Edward Bond has returned from his E. Bradley Bridgeport to a medical col- Superlative the very B. been at preparatory entering W. STIFFEN, Sandy Hook. tra'n'ng school for nurses at Plttsfleld, feet. the wagon against the horse, which ran trip to Michigan. guests Henry Crafts. lege in Michigan, September 24. Mass. and threw Mr Nichols out. He received Jfc who has been in the Mrs Abram Banks spends a few weeks New The Wheeler Wilson baud gave its but will recover. George Chevalle, Rev Mr Roberts tendered his resigna best Minnesota THE NEWTOWN LIBRARY: Burr has returned from a injuries, in Tues- Mary J. long annual prize picnic at Shuetzen park, employ of the Granite Works for six Danbury. tion at the Baptist church, last Sunday, Will be open for drawing Books every stay in Easton. Mrs George Cowles has returned home. years, has accepted a position with L. H. on account of serious illness of his day 1 to 6 p m and 7 to 9 in the evening; Satur- Monday. Arthur J. Hubbell, wife and sister, the from 1 in the Todd fc Co. as clerk. Process Flour that day pmJo9 evening. A sudden from Ue- - U Miss Minnie West of Syracuse, N. Y wife, who is now in Philadelphia. departure Stepuey Sidney E. Uawlev of rook tie Id. the CI 'SXHlT HILL. shows how much trouble and loss is Charles Hubbell of New York and the 'PA'DHfC! BEST SOIL, CLIMATE AND pot new aeputy luternal revenue collector It reported that three new houses Amos Candee is anxious to find a pair X ii-L- JiO Location in the South. can to men William E. Waller is a silo. Bee's buzzer have been recent at .1. F. MANCHA. Va. be brought hard working by tor the district of Bridgeport, began buildiug are to be built on Strawberry hill. guests of spectacles lost, Sunday evening, on wheat will make or Clnremont, those who are unprincipled. this week. S. Mrs Hubbell's. utterly WOrk, Agur Beach attended the Hartford The dam at Beach's ice pond at Old his way home from the union meeting at - races, last week. in- Frank Brown rides a with the church. Barnum Curtis, besides his improve- Eighty-on- e boats participated in the mill is approaching completion. It is sulky plow Congregational You can ment at the new has ' which he does work. money buy. ASKIIUB post office, built New York Yacht club's races, Monday ; Ernest A. Jennings of Deep River tended to flood about five acres of land. good Mrs Henry Osborn and son have visit (THE NEW QUININE). and painted an addition to his tenement them the built a S. ed friends in among Klval, by Frank spent few days with A. Beach, last Co. K, Veteran Association, headed by Five New York boarders returned to Bridgeport. B. nouiMJ' , Hitchcock of this which outsailed week. a few weeks at it at L. Stimulates city, the Maple drum ; corps, went to Minor the city, Monday, after James Ward and family have been at always get Charlie Bottum has been home for a tne fle,!t-fe- Labor and one of Elmer Bulkley's. the Digestion. SOTTHiORT. Smith's, day enjoyed William Ward's. days. en- - his famous dinners. expect to take Booth's. liesides all his business with new They Henry Craft plans to move to Bridge- Mrs Judson and Ida of Calms Mr and Mrs Alfred D. Keyes of Eliza- in the October 3. ' daughter pa'-ite- Kine8 ftlld Mer presses and in part great celebration, in the Fall. Levl Dowue has the residence handling N. who have port Bridgeport visit S. N. Osborn. the ashes on commission, J. Bur- - beth, J., spent the Summer II. P. Sfcagg and N. F. Wilcoxson were Nerves, of Wilson Sherman. Stephen in the return W. R. is domiciled at hi3 old roughs has an added attraction at home. village, home, Monday. appointed committee to arrange for next Purple Miss Katie Hawkins of Southport has Clears T.Andrews and have return- - home at Oliver Burr's and opened the as in No. 1. DO YOU KNOW A GOOD I. family It'8 tt boy and it arrived, Sunday night, Miss Annie Bulkley entertains Miss year's been engaged teacher ed to Southlugtou. I Center school, Tuesday. the Mind, The new Swedish Lutheran church on Helen Willett. Diphtheria has broken out among the Misses Jessie Force and brother will Kev Mr Jackson of New Haven - Mrs Jane Short, 85, died, Thursday, Yet Contains preach- pttrk avenue was dedicated, Sunday, with Mrs John S. Beers and daughters are children at the county home. Owing to return to New York, this week. COAL ed In the .Baptist church, Sunday even- -' active measures taken Dr 20th, at the Hull's Farms home of Misses When you see it? No Narcotic appropriate services. spending a short time at Natick, Mass. by Cogswell, Ward a Ing, "He that li born of God doth not there seems no of its Wakeman. The aged lady for many Misses Elsie and Ida spent A. M. Wooster eutertalns Miss Mamie W. danger spreading in commit Bin." His sermon was full of' Rev II. Holman has returned, from and those who have dread disease years had made her Summer home with week with their grandparents Bridge F. 0. SANF0RD & CfO., A POWERFUL TONIC. New the and well chosen Illustration. Cogswell of Preston. his vacation. seem the Wakeman family and fell, breaking port. A SPECIFIC FOX MALARIA, RHEUMATISM, thought getting along nicely. NERVOUS PROSTRATION. A&er lon discussion the Police Mrs her hip, the Sunday before her death. B. Ward is a small house HAWLEYVILLE, . Mr and Mrs G B. Wheeler of Bridge- -' by Selden and family, who have been The harbor men a school J. building inE MOST SCIENTIFIC AND SUCCESSFUL In report large Funeral services were held at the house, Burr i . Have filled their bins with the celebrated BLOOD I'UIUFI EB. to i Commissioners, the plan of numbering New to return to South-por- t, for James Donnelly near the Eunice Superior quinine. port have visited Mrs Wlnton. Jersey,expect of eels swimming up the Ilousatonic. Rev Mr Holman The OLD CO.'S LEHIGH COAL "After five from the police beats and rotating the police-Fiv- e next week. Friday, officiating.. place. years' suffering malaria, new members were added to The bottom of the river, as far as could were to Sat- And will sell and deliver the same to all who which nearly destroyed my constitution, the j ueif wag voted down Commissioner remains taken Greenwood, having used quinine without permanent bene- Bennett the lumber used ' i want the best Coal at bottom I Methodist and one to the ure-e- Arthur O. has a new be seen, was covered with the squirming Seeley bought Lehigh price fit tried Kasklne and got better right away. church, Sunday Grant, who ticrslstont.lv thn mat. Jennings yacht, urday. C. The all mass. at the ; F. Sanford will be at the yard on Monday malarial symptoms lettme and health, church ; Rev A. II. J - Agnes and has already taken out several for scaffolding Congregational anil returned. Baptist baptism by ter, being the only one to vote in favor- Johu W. son of Rev and Tuesday or each week. sleep strength Henry Knarke, Manee. parties. Banks, George church for $17. 583 Washington St., New York. Dr and Mrs Jackson of Columbia, S. in He re- "I had all the suinptoms of malarial poison- Postmaster W.Jvuowlton is Banks, spent Sunday town. nerv-on- J. building Mr is due to ing; headaches, rheumatic pains, great s The Baptist Sunday school are fortun- a tine residence for himself on the corner Charles S.Wells spent Sunday at home. C, visit Hurd. turned to his home in Guilford, Monday. William Ward quite leeDle, FOLSOM'S depression, loss ol sleep, indigestion, Ac. heart difficulties. The old quinine proving useless, 1 tried "the ate In lu their 1-- having superintendent,the of Cottage and Seeley streets 43x35 2 Warren G. Waterman Is In the village. Charles II. Silliman, who is engaged In Nichols and for new quinine" and soon got better. W. an of more Dwight family, who, - PHOTOGRAPHIC Goldbnrg, Bellefontalne, Ohio. pastor, artist than ordinary feet. It is to be of Gothic style and cost a large button store in Jersey City, spent several have been Isaac There was a large audience at the Con- STUDIO, who each week's lesson The Southport band played at Beach-sid- e, weeks, visiting Kasklne can be taken without any special ability, preseuU 97935. Downs & Weed have the contract Sunday in town. returned to gragational church at the union service, '. At the medieal advice. $1.00 per boule, or six lor In an Saturday evening. Nichols, Boston, Monday. 5. Sold druggists or sent mail on re- attractive and Instructive manner, for the mason work and W. Scott Hurl-bu- tt Sunday evening, and an excellent sermon by by Charles Clark of Oronoque is reported Miss Frances H. a successful NEW NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, ceipt of price. on a blackboard recently presented to the wood work. Stewart, was delivered by Rev Mr Gilbert. Rev RASKIN E CO., 1B8 Duane St., Nivw Tork 0K0H0Q.UE. insane and will be sent to Middletown. teacher at San has been 246 Main the school. Bernardino, Cal., D. J. Ogden will occupy the at Street, Dutton and Tator, timber contractors, chum pulpit THE OLD GUARD. C. A. E. Spamer and daughter Bena Miss Lewis of Jamaica, L. I., is at Mrs visiting her: Normal School and Lee's the second and third Sun- , NEXT DOOK TO LIBEAET BUILDING, Mr and Mr C. E. Lyon visit relatives who have been in chapel, recently operating of Baltimore have btjpn. with J. II. Blake- Frank Thompson's. fellow teacher, Miss Lina Lobdell. Miss in the hi Stratford. are about to close their work day mornings September, during MRS. J. H. FOLSOJf, Proprietress. Stepney, up man. Mr Spamer expects to enter the Stewart returned,. Wednesday, to her absence of Rev Mr Gilbert. to in Henry Plaut of Minneapolis, brother all and examine our work. Mra William Blackmau and daughter previous engaging other business. New Church ministry ; wrote and preach-e- d parents in Cobalt, Conn. of Mrs Capt Sterling, is in town. Mr Ed- of have visited Mrs Levi Black-ma- n. Their entire stock is offered for sale. his first sermon to an Henry Cornell has finished work at Danbury appreciative re- Mrs G. is so recovered FOLSOM'S. Conn. Plaut formerly lived here and will be S, Plumley far ward Hill's and moved his family to the lUnbnry. State Engineer Hull made an insjtect-io- u parlor audience while here. as to be able to be home. She membered by our older residents. brought Poland farm, Stratfleld. Mra Homer of of the dam at Smith lake reservoir, M. A. Blakeman Is wood as soon as Toncey Danbury spent buying white Charles Wolf is arrived, Tuesday and, her In liidge-flel- d, reported seriously ill. suffer wLh Sunday with Mrs Bouton. located the eastern section of piling to be used by himself at Cold strength will permit, will take a trip to George F. Parrack's family at the head of the Norwalk river. L. I.- Mr and Mrs French of the mountains to whooping cough. Rub&er Paint. Mr and' Mrs C. E. were with Spring harbor, Bridgeport spent recuperate. Lyon It has a head of 22 feet to draw from with their son who is Frederick Coles In Mrs C. U. sou Sunday Arthur, Fred Simon A. R. Leroy Clark lost a number of fowls Bethel, Sunday. and he found it all and in con- Bill, and sister, Miss in the house. Sherwood, Bradley, BTJBBEH PAINT.1 right good living Judd T. Ack- from his hen roost, last week. Charles Fowler and mother of Danbu- dition. Alice Worcester, who will soon begin Nichols, John Staples, Lafifyctte her duties as teacher at Urbana universi- Some large stone were unloaded from er and families and friends enjoyed a Best Paint In The World. ry have visited Postmaster Business Purdy. Prof Oldrive has been displaying his the cars, Monday, the Granite Works, week's at Pine Creek. Their Booming. ty, spent Sttnday here by camping Probably no one thing lias caused such a FOB SALE BY lUsv Mr Hobertsou and wife, with about powers of on the water at Sea- intended for soldiers' monuments to be sreneral revival- ot traile at E. F. walk'ng D. Averill ; two of Bronson's Hawley's 20 of his at side II. gave an enjoyable hop, Dogs bit sheep again, lmitrstore as their eivincr away to their cus j SANFORD'S GINGER. parishioners, spent Tuesday Park. erected at Gettysburg, this Fall. tomers of so many free trittl bottles of I)r L. U. IJOOTII. on shore. Monday night, in honor of young friends recently and a farmer near the pasture sew With sleepless vigilance Sasfokd's Gixgek Greens Mills, the Com- King's mscovery tor uoiiHumpuon. guards the home againstiL thousand dangers Mrs Albert Eames, wife of Park from New York, who were La-b- or Rev Mr Livingston has resigned as pas- near enough to dose one of the dogs Their trade's simply enov.non in this very spending got article from the tact that it that live in air, water, food, and climate. Mrs Charles Lnuev and son returned missioner Eames and mother of Police at his home. The mu- tor of the M. E. church by advice of his with but it valuable always Never has it been found wanting in any em- day pleasant bird'shot, escaped. euros and never disappoints. Coughs, Coltfs, ergency, and hence it has become enshrined from Bye, last week. Commissioner Eames, died, Tuesday, 70. sic of and violin them physician, who says that hot must have Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup, and all throat and in countless homes as the realisation of all harp kept busy . F Nichols has Morris lunft diseases-qulckl- cured. You can test it ' George painted 6 that is cod curative in medicine One hundred and two Christian the State street till a late hour. , absolute rest. This is sad news both to before buying by getting a trial bottle free Swan Bushnell preventive unce mm fish, mostly buss, Birk, dyer, Wilson's house and fences; his father, size 1. bottle warranted. anil conoimcnis. introiiureii tne the church and , the large Every household it can never be displaced. It is ita was the catch of D. T. Andrews and C. died suddenly, Monday. community. During him his house (.,- : own Isaac Nichols, had treat 1 best advertisement. Thousands say IIous-aton- lc WZSTPORT. time that lie has of this K. Osborne, a few day s ago, on the had charge and fences to a coat of with bottle BRIDGEPORT, CONN; daily, "Use Sanfvko's GiMGKk; it is tha bet Edward S. Calhoun, who died, Mon- church, he has endeared himself to Its buff, of all gingers." river. Mr and Mra Hualleubeck of Brooklyn ' 362 Water Street, Foot of Bank. Composed of Imported ginger, choice day, had suffered for a week with paraly- members his able sermons and green trimmings. the best f medical French Brand v. and Mrs Jonas Huallenbcck and Miss Al- by strong " PUBB ENGLISH AND AMERICAN LEADS. sis. He was son or Cal- vis- GENUINE CALCUTTA Saxpokii's Gisokb is vnstlv snnerior to nil Miss Ellen Hayes of New Haven has of P. C. Christian character. . A man him Rev Marcus Burr and have LINSEED OIL. len of Hudson, N.Y., have visited Charles' young family mpure FRENCH ZINC, PUTTY, GLAZIEKS' POINTS. other gingers, and care should beexcrciaed in visited her father ', Miss Florence has re- houn. self, he has exercised a influence ited relatives here and attended the re- Is tins : cause of Bolls, Carbuncles, HABD OIL FINISH, SHELLAC. purchasing, lest some cheap, worthless, and Rider. strong - often be Ask turned home. and Kczema, and cutaneous erup-.- . WOOD ALCOHOL. dangerous ginger substimted. Bridgeport has had several Urea within for good among the younger members of union clambake of the Banks and l'iiuplcs, This season, we are making more than our for John L. Adams is at Mrs tiim.s of ull kinds.: There an be na pe"f- -' The Iron fence the ceme- the at the rate of about one a Saratoga ;' his congregation and young and old are Burr families at Sasco beach, Tuesday, usual effort to supply the carriage trade with SANFORD'S GINGER surrounding past week, Edward H. Nash Crescent nmiient cure for these complaints until Bnperior goods. Our assortment of Fiteh, cam- at Beach. sad ar- Trade-Ma- rt Can Held broth- The each case was at heart that a career which promis- - ia sys-tM- ii. el's hHir,bailger,sable,bristle, (ttriplnsr and With Owl on the tery has been painted by day. damage 'n The roads in the North district have the poison eliminated from the brushes exceeds in Wrapper. ed so much usefulness , tist cheapness and variety ers and Is greatly improved. scarcely more than 91000. Incendiaries Mr and Mrs II. A. Ogden returned, should be even been Mr To do this thoroughly, the safest anything heretofore shown in this market. 1 A V A thoroughly repaired by Bulkley and most medicine ia for Ue 0000 GENTS NTKI ) and spontaneous combustion are sus- Saturday, from Block Island. ' temporarily checked. The best wishes his effective Ayer'st Agents Parrott's, Crockett's, Reynolds', To sell tho Misses A Hie and Jessie have vis- and sons, Justice Frank Sherwood Give it trial. - Voe's,Valentine's, Harland's and other Ameri- Only Authentic, Comptate.Grapliic Perry of the entire community go with him in Saraapurillft. can and English varieties. Sand paper, pum- Luzon pected. Miss Linda Mrs Chafes and Sherwood Banks. the- - twenty-fiv- a ; ited their uncle, llubbell, Birming- Thorpe and his retirement and all that he "For tuutt years; ice stone.rnbbing brick, rotten stone, oriental History of tlie Johnstown Flood hope may have sold Ins my and other vermillions and all colors, or .inM-- -- - ham. SPORT HULL. Milton and daughter of Bridgeport have The old Burr stand is Ayer's Sarsaparilla. dry Prnfii4f.lv illnwtmtMl will. ti . soon grocery for in oil or e be able to take up the work he loved Iwis opinion, the best remedial agencies ground Japan. connected with aceiu-oftlt- been of im- FOR HOUSEPAHTTEES' USE the terrible mighty Mrs has visited guests George F.Thorpe; Mr so well. opened as a general store by II. M. Lane, the cure of all diseases arising from inundation, w pages, 91 All. Lib- Jeannette Johnson her The bell committee have ordered a bell blood are contained' in" We carry many lines of round, oval and flat eral terms. Thousands price and Mrs A. T. Burr of Greenwich of E. after been idle a score of purities of the brushes, and French sash tools, all of the best want it. DEMAND is niece, Mrs Frederick S, Shelton of Long of Meneely & Co.,the celebrated founders having years. ibis medicine." G. C. Brock, Drug" . Wo IMMENSE. Send quickly Sue forOntni to S. - q uulity are always leaders in kalsomine & an Downes; Miss Lottie Beardsley oH WHITE HILLS. Mass. : E.B.CURTIS CO., Brouirtehl Itosinn. Hill. of Troy, for Lee's chapel. . There was a reunion of the Blackham Rist, Lowell, and whitewash brushes and this year have St, Monroe Mrs William G. Staples; Miss " My wife was for a long time a suf- more than ever. Three kinds of Paint Kurners. School with 12 schol- - GROUND Mrs A. B roderick and Child of Bridge- Kev D. began Monday family from Brooklyn and Bridgeport at ferer from tumors on the neck. 2foti PLAIN. AND COLORED GLASS. J. Ogden will preach at Lee's Amy Webster of Brooklyn II. Sher- - We Ituve the PAHKER'S ars, Miss Ida Williams teacher. in-- j did any- until she tried largest open stock in this state, Mr Brown's, Sunday. her good compi-ixiiii- stug-ing- HAIR are guests of Mrs Eli Leavenworth. 8th and the absence wood. over4UOregularsizes. Swing 1 DALSAMt . e 1 - port chapel, 15th, during ver's two bottles of which w d Tl ji Sarsaparilla, "-- step ladders, house ladders. uui ucauu lies uw IHUIV Mrs Oliver Blackmao - W. Everything m Bev Hall of New York and of Mr Gilbert, who takes a brief respite went to Walling- Miss Mamie Fulton has another horse. a complete cure. 8. Martin, needed about a boat or ship, spruee, ash and Ptomotei hurnnant rrowtb. Benjamin F. P, Lewis of New Haven spent Sun- W. Va. spoon oars, sails, tents, nots.canvas. jNcrver fmH to Bettor Grsy from his labors, but does not ' ford to celebrate the 90th of her tiiiruing Springs, awnings, I Miss Hall are of Mrs Benja- go beyond with his birthday Banks visited in Sun-da- y. U. S. flags, colors, oil Hair to its Youthful Color. May guests day parents. mother-in-la- w, John Greenfield, "We have sold Ayer's Sarsaparilla yacht ensigns, bunting, the bounds of the He be Mrs Julia Blackman. clothing, folding auchors, patent oar locks. rraiveata Dandruff and hair f, lilac min Hall. charge. may uore for over thirty years and always DREDGING MATERIALS. found at Mrs B. A. Salmon's, in Lyon's Lloyd Nash has purchased of Frank recommend it when asked to name the Links, Mrs Richard C. Ambler and blood-purifier- rings, shockers, uets, Misses and Bessie Hall of Beth- daughter best ." W. T. McLean, and of best- scoopsihovels Esther for the next week or ten Palmer of Mianus a hydraulic cider press. GREENS FARMS. forks, materials and in spec , Plain, days. were recent guests at the Augusta, Ohio. ial patterns for the oyster business. Every LATEST IMr ilOVETN el have moved Into their new home, re Beardsley lruggist, size of cotton and The ordinance of was admin John p. Wood has presented the Board homestead. Peffers builds a 7x26 additiou to' manilla, hemp, wire rope. ty cently purchased of Andrew Joyce. baptism II. ENGINEERS' SUPPLIES. istered to five ladies at Sun of Trade with a fine satchel, one of the his one corner of which be Lubricating and iilumlnaring oils, packing, young Lee's, Misses Jessie and Margaret Gerard house, will Ayer's Sarsaparilla; waste, hose, oil cans, and oil . finest made at his PREPARED BT ,. polishing paste TASHUA. day. If B. Galloway and Misses Min factory, to be sold by were devoted to flowers. polish, soda, lye, potash, red and black lead, tarTr.UFMWNt. l.l ill with malaria, last week, bnt are r- - J. ?N. nie Banks and Ada were re- - chance and the used for Dr. J. C. & Co., Lowell, Mats. grease-gasket- lamps and- everything else Grain. alao .Unrkii A Jenning's proceeds making better. Summer's1 Ayer needed, ship lights, bar- "' VArruiat mi Uul( rcw. Ida and Wilbur Wells Benedict J. J. Gamin has closed his I J 5. a lanterns, compasses, t .t"V May j Into full on sidewalks. Price six botUw, Worth $1 bottU. ometers, marine A .!. VM celved connection profession glasses, clocks, Bagnell tar'mnaattat. Ut . were lu Christ chorch before is work at F. A. Mills's. Londs celebrated shin, vac lit and boat, hlnel. all to ba baptized of faith and Miss Carrie Frieze was ad- It expected that Paul Rehnburg will the In r v HUNTIHGT0H. having only perfect bushing the world. THE service. mitted to certificate from lead the choir again, Sunday. M. Ci. Perfect bamlKKi pole--s SO feet long 18o, perfect membership by Mrs Bartlett has been with the ASPETUCK. K KANE'S, bumboo poles 16 teet long 10c, jointed poles 12 was Charlie the Ire- family icwi leev uim GEST The sexton, last Sunday, Protestant cathedral at Elphin, - Charles Mead, and of Corn-- luug Jjuj wj liuexoc. ouKnnlpns of Mr Buzzcll In Bridgeport, whose son Jr, family ! Ladies' aid of the Center M. E. Monumental Works, cotton, mops, brooms, fog horns, eel brother-in-la- I society spears, Keller. land. N. are with his - : eel Dots, crab nets, clam rakes, clam hnulrntiL f"- was recently shot. wall, Y., a sociable Tera- - , Eoosstonie Avasue, -" ...FT, l i.!ftl,UlIMl A W. church will give peach at clam hooks, oyster tongs, oyster basket ,tong - t"l - two at George Drew. Cobby - r Charles Mallett has carpenters Rev Mr Gilbert will discuss the pro- C. M. IlubbeJI has been, sick, but is j Bridgeport, vuiiiipriB, IWHh nailS. ha(w-:. N, W.' V.,f .1 peranee hall, Wednesday evening, Hth, ' Uonamenti and HeadstoBas andpalm, on amendment at file is all tha InuiiBg spikes, coppervui galvanized rvrets. turn work his place. posed prohibitory gaining. William Smith wa taken 8 . UL-1 suddenly, ill, commencing tit o'clock. Peftches, Grutitei and Xarbles si Bottsai Prises. laXTSOZi ZZTTXZZXt" 3. Hi