LOOK! Secretary
VOLUME XII. NEWTOWN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1889. SIX PAGES. NUMBER 36. Old age and infirmity have made Jane Cards Are out for the marriage of Kl- - Brush so feeble that it was deemed nec- mer' B. Hawley, formerly of Hawley-vill- e, C. LYON & HINDLEY. essary, to appoint a conservator, and to Miss Cornelia Belle Estey of H. B E N N E T T. Charles II. Peck was chosen, tn He Chicago, September 17. July. ... has applied to the probate court for per mission to sell her real estate and the Town election Octo AT THE SEASON occurs, this year, OUR SALES THUS FAR FOR THIS IN auction will bike She ber 7. The selectmen of Newtown will -- place, Saturday. 3HE 3L hus only the house in which she lives and meet at the town clerk's ofllce.Saturday, a,... that is worth, probably,-no- t more than September 28, from 9am until 5pm9 e IsSOO, w Fairchild of South Britain for new J. R MENABY CO'S. SCHOOL SHOES r r George the purpose of making voters. CHILDREN'S BUILDERS, MANUFACTURERS, FARMERS holds a mortgage for $600, and she owes No person can be made a voter whose other small bills, aggregating, possibly, name Is not on the list to be made,Thurs-day- 1, $50. The mortgage to Mr Fairchild was September 19, at 3 p m. Those de- an immense stock of AND MECHANICS - Have been large but we are prepared with vv:: made at different times, $300 each,- to siring to be made voters, this Fall, should these goods in an almost endless assortment of styles and at very cover money advanced by him in small hand their name to any of the registrars sums.
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