Quarterly Oftntamrwn Primrose Society
Quarterly oftntAmrwn Primrose Society VOLUME XXXIII FALL, 1975 NUMBER 4 American Primrose Society ) Quarterly OFFICERS President—Mr. Richard Charlton Rt. 4, Box 364, Gresham, Oregon 97030 of the Vice-Pres.—Mrs. Rosetta Jones 6214 South 287th St., Kent, Wash. 98031 Rec. Secry.—Mrs. William Dines 9017 180th Ave. N.E., Redmond, Wash. 98052 American Primrose Society Corres. Sec'y. East—Mrs. Alice Hills Baylor Stage Coach Rd., Rt 2. Stowe, Vt. 05672 Corres. Sec'y. West—Mr. Gus N. Arneson 1004 N.W. 179th PL, Seattle, 98177 NUMBER 4 Treasurer—Mrs. John Genheimer 7100 S.W. 209th, Beaverton, Oregon 97005 VOLUME XXXIII FALL, 1975 ELECTED DIRECTORS Miss Fayme Haverty, 72 Edmonds, Wn. Mr. Herbert Dicksoti, '73, Chehalis, Wash. Mrs. J. Genheimer, 72, Beaverton, Ore. Mrs. Alan Obersinner, '73, Silverton, Ore. Mrs. Wallace J. Balla '74 Greenwich, Conn. Mrs. Donald Bolton '74 Juneau, Alaska Mr Al Rapp, Immediate Past President ..4918 79th Ave. West, Tacoma, Wash. 98467 TABLE OF CONTENTS Mrs. Frank L. Springer, Editor, ex officio Presidents of affiliated Primrose Societies are included on the Board of Directors President's Message 4 QUARTERLY Florence Bellis — Editor Emeritus Down The Primrose Path 5 Editor—Mrs. Frank Springer 7213 South 15th St., Tacoma, Wn, 98465 The Elizabethan Primroses — Dorothy Springer 6 Regional Editors— Mrs. Donald Bolton P. 0. Box 187, Juneau, Alaska 99801 Your Primroses Need Fall Care 7 Mr. Elmer C. Baldwin 400 Techumseh Rd., Syacuse, N.Y. 13224 Lush Places — Norah Hart 8 Mrs. Alice Hills Baylor Stage Coach Road, Rt. 2, Stowe, Vermont 05672 Mrs. Grace M. Conboy 5846 S.E.
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