Historical Metallurgy Society News Issue 85 Spring 2014 Copper/cuprite prill from 7000-year-old copper slag from Serbia INSIDE THE CRUciBLE Editor 2 �����������������������Editorial Marcos Martinón-Torres Assistant Editors Loïc Boscher 3 �����������������������Archaeometallurgical News Siran Liu Matt Phelps 12 ��������������������A Letter From��� Serbia Miljana Radivojević 16 ��������������������One Minute Interview - Submissions Peter Crew Submissions to The Crucible are welcome at any time, but deadlines 18 ��������������������Meet Your Council - for each issue are 1st March, 1st Eleanor Blakelock July and 1st November every year. Contributions can be sent in any format, but we prefer digital if 19 �������������������� In Memoriam possible. ��������������������Forthcoming Events The Crucible 20
[email protected] c/o Marcos Martinón-Torres UCL Institute of Archaeology 31-34 Gordon Square London WC1H 0PY United Kingdom www.hist-met.org EDITORIAL f everything has gone to plan, you should have received this copy of The Crucible in full colour. This is a positive Ichange, not least to make up for the disappointing print quality of the last issue. The change is particularly timely, as it allows us to appreciate some of the colour, heat and flames (if not the beat of the drums) of the copper smelting experiments reported by Miljana Radivojevic in A Letter from Serbia. Her article reports a series of tests aimed at replicating the evidence for Europe’s earliest metallurgy, which managed an excellent balance between scientific experimentation and public engagement. The protagonist of our One Minute Interview is also firmly grounded on experimental archaeometallurgy. Peter Crew reminisces about his thirty years working nominally as the archaeologist at the Snowdonia National Park in Wales, effectively as an archaeometallurgist of iron that seamlessly combined field archaeology, experiments and scientific data obtained through a wide network of collaborators and friends.