Service. UN 14/ 06 \ /AO 14\ 1411 14\ ,40 1 (46\ (41\ (4
DOCUMENT RESUME ED 064 819 EC 042 351 AUTHOR Bryan, Dorothy TITLE Guide for Parents of Pre-School Visually Handicapped Children. INSTITUTION Illinois State Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, Springfield. PUB DATE [72] NOTE 65p. EDRS PRICE MF-$0.65 HC-$3.29 DESCRIPTORS Agencies; Child Development; *Exceptional Child Education; *Guidelines; Parent Attitudes; *Parent Education; *Preschool Children; *Visually Handicapped ABSTRACT Written as a guide for parents of preschool visually handicapped children, the booklet provides background information and some basic facts thought to be necessary to help the child grow into a happy, well-rounded and successful adult. Guidelines are presented concerning the following: the need for positive parental attitudes toward the young baby, the need for a routine sleeping habit, the need to develop regular eating habits, the need to help and encourage the child in his attempts to sit and crawl, helping the child learn to walk, toilet training, learning to dress and undress, the need for the same kinds of toys and play as the normal child, the need for special efforts to provide the child with activities and behavior experiences that the normal child acquires without much effort, and school readiness. Then follow two listings, one of 48 Illinois agencies and one of 22 national agencies serving visually handicapped persons. Information provided on the agencies includes complete name, address, telephone number, and a short paragraph describing the service. UN 14/ 06 \ /AO 14\ 1411 14\ ,40 1 (46\ (41\ (4/. 14% ill/ AL\ 14/ '40 (46/ (41/ fel 140 410 (8% (4N ,41/ .141A .141 141/ (4/-14' GUIDE FOR PARENTS 0 OF PRE-SCHOOL VISUALLY HANDICAPPED CHILDREN ..
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