LIST 31 03 August 2018 Applications Registered between 30/07/2018 – 03/08/2018 ST EDMUNDSBURY BOROUGH COUNCIL PLANNING APPLICATIONS REGISTERED The following applications for Planning Permission, Listed Building, Conservation Area and Advertisement Consent and relating to Tree Preservation Orders and Trees in Conservation Areas have been made to this Council. A copy of the applications and plans accompanying them may be inspected during normal office hours on our website Representation should be made in writing, quoting the reference number and emailed to
[email protected] to arrive not later than 21 days from the date of this list. Application No. Proposal Location DC/18/1504/TCA Trees in a Conservation Area Notification - The Old Rectory VALID DATE: 12no Yew (T2 - T9 and T12-T15 on plan) - Up Street 01.08.2018 Reduce length of branches on south side of Bardwell trees by up to 1metre. Bury St Edmunds EXPIRY DATE: Suffolk 12.09.2018 APPLICANT: Mr David Ruffles IP31 1AA WARD: Bardwell CASE OFFICER: Falcon Saunders GRID REF: PARISH: Bardwell 594315 273777 DC/18/1337/FUL Planning Application - 1 no. marquee within Barnardiston Hall VALID DATE: grounds of school (retrospective) Preparatory School 30.07.2018 Hall Road APPLICANT: Col Keith Boulter Barnardiston EXPIRY DATE: AGENT: Revell Architecture And Engineering Suffolk 29.10.2018 - Mr John Roadley-Battin CB9 7TG WARD: Kedington CASE OFFICER: Kerri Cooper GRID REF: PARISH: Barnardiston 571299 250324 DC/18/1512/TCA Trees in a Conservation Area Notification - (i) The Bellows VALID DATE: 1no. Silver Birch (T1 on plan) - Fell and (ii) Blacksmith Lane 02.08.2018 7no.