Bourke Shire Council Growing Bourke and Community Increasing the experiences of community, business and visitors to the Bourke Local Government Area


This document is in 4 parts

1. Stronger Country Communities Round 3 – Project Overview 2. Review of existing tourism strategies and objectives 3. Review of existing Infrastructure in the CBD of Bourke 4. Enhancing Existing Infrastructure to improve visitor experience

This document outlines infrastructure projects with an estimated cost of approximately $1 Million, focusing on improving existing community / business infrastructure before considering new projects.

The areas of focus include; • Bourke Sporting Precinct (Davidson and Coolican Ovals) • Central Park Precinct • Mainstreet / Wharf Precinct - greater visitor / community experience • Tourism Signage - (Directional and Interpretive)

Greatest Community and Economic Benefit

Bourke Central Oxley Street Tourism Sporting Park and Wharf Signage Precinct Precinct Precinct

Enhancing Existing Council / Community Assets

Required Actions from Council

1. Prioritise projects for Stronger Country Communities Round 3 and adopt priorities for the August meeting of Council 2. Advocate and promote priorities to the community – Council must lobby the community for support of projects chosen. These projects will be in competition with other projects in the Bourke LGA for Stronger Country Communities Round 3 Funding 3. Council to adopt the “Growing Bourke” Document, demonstrating support for included projects, when funding opportunities may become available. 2

1. Snapshot Stronger Country Communities – R3

Project Cost Timeframe Fund Grant $ Council $ Bourke Sporting $320,000 18 months SCC-R3 $320,000 $0 Precinct Safety Fence Central Park Bike $70,000 18 months SCC-R3 $70,000 $0 Track Tourism Links $310,000 18 months SCC-R3 $272,500 $37,500 Standing Stories – $101,500 18 months SCC-R3 $101,500 $0 Recognition of Indigenous History TOTAL SCC-R3 - $764,000

Project Cost Fund Grant $ Council $ Others $ Bourke Aboriginal Create $772,190 $665,019 $8,000 $99,171 Art & Culture Centre NSW Bourke Ceramics Create $60,000 $60,000 $0 $0 Centre NSW

TOTAL $832,190 $725,019



2. Review of Existing Strategies and Objectives

Bourke has identified culture, location and history as the basis of its tourism industry. The Bourke Tourism Strategy 2009 identifies in its Mission Statement;

Through strategic planning and development, Council aims to increase the number of visitors coming to the region and to ensure that they have a quality experience while in Bourke. Through this planning and development, we will increase the welfare of the town through greater visitor spending and pass on our rich history and experiences.

Bourke identifies the need to develop a tourism industry for “greater visitor spending” that will result in economic benefits to business and community.

The Bourke Tourism Strategy 2009 also identifies the following objectives; • Establish trends in the visitation to Bourke • Plan strategies for the development of Bourke tourism • Increase visitation • Increase the satisfaction level of visitors to Bourke and encourage positive word of mouth promotion • Segment the Bourke tourism market and establish marketing strategies • Evaluate the effectiveness of tourism strategies • Work collaboratively with stakeholders to promote Bourke and foster development • Bourke identifies the need to develop a tourism industry for “greater visitor spending” that will result in economic benefits to business and community

In addition to the above objectives, Bourke Shire Council also acknowledges the need to enhance tourist experiences in the Bourke CBD by; • Acknowledge and promote Aboriginal Heritage and Culture • Improve access for pedestrian and bicycle traffic in the CBD of Bourke • Ensure there are facilities for all visitors and tourists – children, families, couples, aged and disabled – that provide engagement and access • Enhance visitor experiences with a push / pull strategy to encourage visitors to spend more time in the CBD, resulting in increased foot traffic for businesses

Tourism is a vital part of the Bourke economy, with most businesses being direct or indirect beneficiaries – more visitors, more foot traffic, more spending in Bourke, means more economic activity in the community.


3. Review of Existing Infrastructure in the CBD

This document identifies the CBD of Bourke as the following area;

Significant changes and enhancement to community infrastructure has taken place throughout the Bourke CBD over the past 2 years.

 Projects indicated in green and with a tick - Theses identify current areas that have recently undergone considerable improvements, enhancing the community and visitor infrastructure

 Projects indicated in red and with a cross – Theses identify current areas that require strengthening to capitalise on the infrastructure beautification of the Bourke CBD

? Future Projects - These identify new projects that are designed to enhance existing infrastructure and build on community and tourist experiences


2a. Projects Completed or in Progress in the CBD

 Central Park

Central Park has been developed as a hub for community activity with the inclusion of; skate park, children’s play equipment, shade sails, ½ basketball court, exercise equipment, inclusion of toilet facility, increased , new tennis court fence, painting and beautification of Tennis Club House.

Oxley Street

A $1.5M redevelopment of Oxley Street is nearly complete. The development aims to stimulate commercial renewal in the town centre and includes features to make: • Oxley Street a more attractive destination • Future design links to Sturt Street • The legal area more attractive precinct • Clear connections to encourage the integration of Oxley Street with Sturt Street and the Wharf • A better, more comfortable and safer public domain • Better access through the centre for pedestrians • Encourage high quality design of business frontages and increased sustainability.

 Royal Park

Developments in Oxley Street

 Darling Park Amphitheatre

Darling Park Amphitheatre has been funded ($180K) by the Drought Communities Fund. This project includes a community amphitheatre located at "Darling Park" - seating structures, building and installing garden beds / landscape infrastructure, planting lawns and gardens.

The creation of a public space for local and interstate performances, outdoor meeting place and community hub for social engagement will improve the "liveability" of Bourke. This project will tie the main street to the River creating a social and retail "link" between the main street and businesses around the Wharf area. This project will contribute to the economic activity of the region and the retention of business and services particularly benefits to the tourism industry with additional infrastructure to support community events

 Wally Mitchell Wharf Precinct - Wharf Re-Decking

Drought Communities Funding of $60K received and project completed.

Wal Mitchell Wharf Precinct is identified as a pivotal tourist attraction and piece of community infrastructure in Sturt Street, this area is a priority for the community and Council to develop and maintain. This public space / Wharf is used daily by visitors to Bourke and residents of Bourke - the number of users is exponential - Families, children, youth, sporting groups, schools, PCYC, NFP organisations, Aboriginal Community and visitors to Bourke.

 Walkway to BOB Centre – Stages 1 and 2

Stage 1 completed - $100,000, funded by Stronger Country Communities Fund. Stage 1 of the Bourke Levee Bank Tourist Walk involves a 250M concrete pedestrian / cycle path from Wal Mitchell Precinct in Sturt Street, running along the top of the existing town levee to Richard Street before ramping down onto Darling Street and then along the to the North of Bourke township.

Stage 2 – commenced - $100,000, funded by Stronger Country Communities Fund. Stage 2 of the Bourke Levee Bank Tourist Walk involves a sealed walk-way / cycle way from Richard Street to the Back-O-Bourke Centre.

 Sturt Street / Wharf Precinct Place Making

Funding of $300K has been secured from Stronger Country Communities Fund Round 2 - project and works have commenced and are due to be completed by mid-2020.

The Wally Mitchell Wharf Precinct has within its bounds Bourke Wharf, retail shops, public toilets, access to Crossly Engine and access to Darling River. This area will be developed to create an outdoor space for residents and visitors, increased disabled access, pedestrian access and parking. The area will be more inviting for foot traffic to visit the Wharf area and this will lead onto the walkway connecting Bourke township to the Back O Bourke Centre.

 Bourke Men’s Shed, Community Garden and Gallery

This facility was purchased by Bourke Shire Council in 2015 as a community garden and art space. This facility has potential as a place of interest for tourists to purchase local arts and crafts.

 Muda Aboriginal Art Space and Gallery

Land and buildings at 26 Oxley St, Bourke, have been purchased as an aboriginal art and culture gallery and centre. The premises has, in the past, been used for a two- year period for this identical purpose and was found to be ideal in both location and capacity.

With currently 40 known indigenous male artists, in Bourke and the potential of both female and indigenous youth artists there is a great need for a place where artists can produce and sell their work.

This project has been enthusiastically embraced by the community and has many co-contributors including Bourke Shire Council, Muda Aboriginal Corporation, Bourke Arts Council, Outback Arts, REDI and others. These organisations will also be co-contributors to the ongoing operations.

The majority of the funding for this project has come from the NSW Government under a Crate NSW grant.

 Bourke Ceramics Centre

A NSW Government Grant from Create NSW has supported the establishment of the Bourke Ceramics Centre. The centre will utilise the old scout shed, located at the Bourke aerodrome. Once completed it will provide a wonderful resource and gathering pace for those who enjoy creating ceramic art.

2b. CBD Areas of Review and Renew

 Poets Corner

Poets Corner is currently at the “Entrance” of Central Park and needs revitalisation. Information contained in “Poets Corner” is a vital part of the “Bourke Story” however the attraction is “tired”.

 War Memorial – Central Park

Although recently updated, the War Memorial located on the corner of Richard and Oxley Streets does not tie in with the “sandstone” look adopted in the Oxley Street Redevelopment. The War Memorial could link in more with the redevelopments in Oxley Street and the improvements made to Central Park. Some cosmetic changes, addition of a stage area for public events and some addition of a garden would be of benefit to this area.

 Central Park Rotunda – Central Park

Residents of Bourke have memories of the Central Park Rotunda as being a “gathering point / meeting place”, with seating. The rotunda has great historical value to the Bourke Community however it has “seen better days”. This area needs maintenance, re-painting and the inclusion of seating and electricity to reinstate this area as a place for community to meet and host gatherings.

 Signage – Replacement / update of existing

An audit and renewal of signage in and around Bourke is required. Existing signage is faded, has been graffitied or defaced and in some cases provides incorrect information.

The CBD of Bourke has huge potential for “self-walk tours” with places of interest including; Poets Corner, Wally Mitchell Wharf Precinct, Captains House, St Ignatius Convent, Old Bourke Gaol, Historic Bourke buildings, shops and eateries.

The audit would include; • Directional signage to places of interest • Place and Park Names • Interpretive and Historical “Story” Signage - Story Boards explaining and providing information on places of Heritage and Historical Interest • Town Entrance Signage

Signage would not include; • Street signs • Parking / driving directional signs

 Signage – Bourke Historical Precinct Walk

In the past, Bourke has had “Historical Walking Tours” and “Mud Map Trails” – these could be further enhanced with a “Town Walking Tour” pointing out places of interest. This activity would have the added benefit of increasing foot-traffic throughout the CBD, increase the time visitors spent in the CBD and would use a push / pull strategy to encourage visitors to visit shops and businesses in Bourke.

Bourke Captains House

The captain's house or Lynwood House is a timber cottage, lined with cedar, a widow's walk on its roof and, inside, a time capsule of over a century's habitation. This building has been lovingly restored and relocated to the corner of Richard and Darling Streets.

The building has a wonderful history including; • Home to Captain John Brown and his two sons, both riverboat captains. • Two of his sons, Walter and Herbert, owned and operated the paddle steamer Nile and another son, Francis Humphries Brown, earned local fame as a poet who wrote in The Last of the Darling Dreadnoughts • Early in the 20th century the Browns played host to C.E.W. Bean, the war historian who created the Anzac legend.

Manston Lodge (Riverside Motel)

Bourke Riverside Motel was created from the 1876 Telegraph Hotel and the surrounding original riverboat township and was later known as “Manston Lodge”. It now has the distinction of being the first electric car recharging facility in Outback NSW.

St Ignatius Church and Convent Precinct

St Ignatius Roman Catholic Church is the oldest documented building in Bourke. It opened in April 1874. The wrought iron St Ignatius Convent building was built in 1896. St Ignatius Roman Catholic Church and Convent was listed on the State Heritage Register on 2 April 1999.

St Ignatius Convent, Convent cellar and kitchen and St Ignatius Church

Old Bourke Gaol Site

Site of the original Bourke Gaol, built in late 1800’s.

Western Lands Commission Building

Built in 1898 and is an example of arid zone architecture – how to keep a building cool, before electricity and air-conditioning.

Other Buildings of Historical Interest

Other buildings of historical interest might include; • Anglican Church of Holy Innocents • Western Herald • The London Bank • Bourke Post Office • Post Office Hotel • Bourke Court House • Carriers Arms Hotel • Wonderland Theatre • Old Towers Drug Company

Paddle Steamer Walk (Incorporating Levee Walk – Wharf to Back O Bourke)

Darling Street and Glen Streets – Detour from levee bank walk from Wally Mitchell Wharf Precinct to Back O Bourke Centre. This is not ideal, however unfortunately there are barriers that prevent the levee walk between the Wharf and Back ‘O’ Bourke Centre.

Darling Street and Glen Street

 Signage – Bourke Entrance Signs

Entrances to Bourke township are identified as in need of improvements with the addition of welcome and information signage.

The entrances to Bourke are identified as; • Mitchell Highway – Road Entrance • Kamilaroi Highway – Brewarrina Road Entrance • Kidman Way – Cobar Road Entrance • Kidman Way – North Bourke Entrance

 Recognition of Indigenous History and Culture

Bourke Shire has an Indigenous Population of 31.5% (ABS 2016). Aboriginal people of the Bourke area identify as Ngemba, Baakindji, Wangkumara and Murri Warri. Although there is some recognition of Indigenous influences represented in the Back O Bourke Centre, moves are being made by council to do more to recognise the history, culture and contribution of Indigenous Australians.

Projects identified by community and supported by Council include; • Indigenous Bush Tucker / Medicine Garden at the Back O Bourke Centre – (project funding received) • Purchase of a Community Art Space at 26 Oxley Street, Bourke (project funding received) • Mural and Recognition of Percy Hobson (first Indigenous Australian to win a Commonwealth Gold Medal) – project endorsed by council, developed and funding being sought)

This is an area that can be improved and promoted significantly.

3. Projects for Prioritisation

Recognition of Indigenous History and Culture – Standing Stories

Cost $101,500 Time to complete 18 Months How will it be funded Grant Grant Stronger Country Communities Fund Round 3

The above project information has been sourced from the project plan as developed by Andrew Hull. A copy of the full project plan can be provided on request.

Bourke Sporting Precinct Safety Fence - Protecting our kids and facilities

Cost $320,000 Time to complete 18 Months How will it be funded Grant Grant Stronger Country Communities Fund Round 3

A security fence around Davidson Oval and Coolican Ovals would complete the upgrades to these places of youth and community infrastructure.

The fence will protect our children and volunteers who undertake sporting and community activities at these sporting facilities and also protect the recently renewed infrastructure (cricket nets, new canteen and toilets, goal posts and lights that have been funded by Council, NSW State Government and Australian Government.

Teaching our Kids Safety – 5 to 12 years Central Park Bike Track

Cost $70,000 Time to complete 18 Months How will it be funded Grant Grant Stronger Country Communities Fund Round 3

Central Park has undergone significant improvements in the past 5 years. The addition of a bike track for 5 to 12 year olds would cater to this age group and ensure there are attractions for every member of the family. • Skate Park – 10-18 years • Playground – 2 – 5 years • Exercise equipment – 15 years to Adults • Basket Ball / Netball Courts – 13 to Adults

In addition, this area has the inclusion of public toilets and lighting in this public space has recently been upgraded.

Above: Proposed design for Central Park

Above: Example of bike path for Central Park

Above: Approximate location in Central Park

Tourism Links – Connecting the Dots with Directional and Tourism Signage

Cost $272,500 Time to complete 18 Months How will it be funded Grant Grant Stronger Country Communities Fund Round 3

This project involves the combination of the following;

• New Signage – Bourke Historical Precinct Walk - $80,000 • New Signage - Paddle Steamer Walk (Wharf to Back O Bourke) - $50,000 • Signage – Proposed Bourke Entrance Signs - $100,000 - $12,500 SCCR2) $87,500 • Signage – Proposed Village Entrance Signs – ($80,000 - $25,000 SCCR2) $55,000

Tourism Links 1a - New Signage – Bourke Historical Precinct Walk

Cost $80,000 Time to complete 12 Months (6 months information gathering, 5 months production, 1 month install) How will it be funded Grant Grant Stronger Country Communities Fund – Round 3

• Bourke Captains House • Manson Lodge (Riverside Motel) • St Ignatius Church and Convent Precinct • Old Bourke Gaol Site • Western Lands Commission Building • Other Buildings of Historical Interest o Anglican Church of Holy Innocents o The London Bank o Bourke Post Office o Post Office Hotel o Bourke Court House o Carriers Arms Hotel o Old Towers Drug Co Building o Wonderland Theatre o Old Bourke Gaol Site Example of Historical Interest signs

Tourism Links 1b - New Signage - Paddle Steamer Walk (Wharf to Back O Bourke)

Cost $50, 000 Time to complete 6 months How will it be funded Grant Grant Stronger Country Communities Fund – Round 3

Detour from Levee bank walk from Wharf Precinct to Back O Bourke Centre.

The paddle steamer walk would run along Darling Street and Glen Streets and include histories and photos of paddle steamers that frequented the Bourke District between 1880’s and 1930’s.

This might include the following Paddle Steamers; Jandra, Emily Jane, Captain Stuart, Emma, Jane Eliza, Wandering Jew, Gemini, Ruby, Sturt and The Wave.

Paddle Steamers at Bourke circa 1890 Proposed Sign design for Steam Paddle Walk

Tourism Links 1c - Signage – Proposed Bourke Entrance Signs

Cost $100,000 (4 x $25,000) Time to complete 12 Months (6 months to decide on design / consult with RMS, 4 months to construct, 2 months to install) How will it be funded $12,500 funded through SCCR2 – Grant required for balance Grant Stronger Country Communities Round 3


Incorporating “Back ‘O” Bourke logo, River, Sandstone Rock

• Mitchell Highway – Sydney Road Entrance • Kamilaroi Highway – Brewarrina Road Entrance • Kidman Way – Cobar Road Entrance • Kidman Way – North Bourke Entrance

Tourism Links 1d - Signage – Proposed Village Entrance Signs

Cost $90,000 (6 x $15,000) Time to complete 12 Months (6 months to decide on design / consult with RMS, 4 months to construct, 2 months to install) How will it be funded $25,000 funded - Grant Grant Stronger Country Communities Round 3


Incorporating “Back ‘O” Bourke logo, River, Sandstone Rock

Two signs for each village • Byrock • Louth • Enngonia • Wanaaring • Fords Bridge • Barringun

Signage Audit

Cost $20,000 Time to complete 3 months How will it be funded Council operational funds Grant Difficult to fund from grants as it’s an operational activity

An audit and renewal of signage in and around Bourke is required. Existing signage is faded, has been graffiti or defaced and in some cases provides incorrect information.

The CBD of Bourke has huge potential for “self-walk tours” with places of interest including; Poets Corner, Wal Mitchell Wharf, Captains House, St Ignatius Convent, Old Bourke Gaol, Historic Bourke buildings, shops and eateries.

The audit would include; • Directional signage to places of interest • Place and Park Names • Interpretive and Historical “Story” Signage - Story Boards explaining and providing information on places of Heritage and Historical Interest • Town Entrance Signage

Signage would not include; street signs or parking / driving directional signs

Poets Corner Re-location

Cost $30,000 Time to complete 3 months How will it be funded Joint Organisation Tourism Project Funded Grant Project can commence on Council approval

Poets Corner is currently at the “Entrance” of Central Park and needs updating. Information contained in “Poets Corner” is a vital part of the “Bourke Story” however the attraction is “tired”.

Improvements War Memorial – Central Park

Cost $150,000 Time to complete 6 months How will it be funded Council has $12K in reserves – Balance to be funded Grant Need to source funding

Although recently updated, the War Memorial located on the corner of Richard and Oxley Streets does not tie-in with the “sandstone” look adopted in the Oxley Street redevelopment. The War Memorial could link the redevelopments in Oxley Street and the improvements made to Central Park. Some cosmetic changes, addition of a stage area for public events and some addition of a garden would be of benefit to this area.

Central Park Rotunda Upgrade

Cost $50,000 Time to complete 6 months How will it be funded Grant – to be funded Grant Heritage

This Central Park Rotunda requires refurbishment with additional seating, painting, access to power and beautification.

Percy Hobson Mural – Recognising Indigenous Contributions

Cost $60,000 Time to complete 3 months How will it be funded Grant – to be funded Grant Council has applied for funding

North Bourke Bridge – Stabilisation and Restoration

Cost $1.5 M Time to complete 24 months How will it be funded Grant – to be funded Grant Funding to be sought

BOB to North Bourke Bridge Walk – Stage 3

Cost $300,000 Time to complete 18 months How will it be funded Grant – to be funded Grant Funding to be sought

North Bourke Walk – Stage 4 (North Bourke Bridge to Kidman Camp)

Cost $300,000 Time to complete 18 months How will it be funded Grant – to be funded Grant Funding to be sought