Poland is different

 Each region in has its own original and unique dishes, sometimes only differing in name. These are various dishes prepared with love by our grandmothers and the recipes are passed down from generation to generation (grandma’s bigos will never taste the same as the one that mom made). Often these are dishes with unique and strange ingredients. Bigos

 Bigos is a dish consisting mainly of sauerkraut cooked with tomato puree and with the addition of meat, various types of sausage and mushrooms, always served hot.

 This is one of the most popular dishes in Poland. White sausage - biała kiełbasa

 A type of sausage which, unlike others, is not smoked, but cooked fresh. It is made of medium minced pork (sometimes with the addition of beef) in the natural small pork intestine. Spiced with garlic, pepper, marjoram and salt which additionally preserves it. Blood sausage - kaszanka

 Sausage made from groats, blood and such as liver, lungs, tongues, pork rinds and fat. The basic spices are onion, pepper and marjoram. After mixing the ingredients, they are put into the intestine and cooked. Later, you can cook it a second time, fry it with onions in a frying pan or with sauerkraut on the grill. Blood - czernina

 Soup made with chicken and duck or rabbit blood (usually duck).

 The characteristic sweet and sour taste gives it sugar and vinegar mixed with blood to prevent it from clotting. most often it is served with , pasta or potatoes. Pierogi

 The most popular Polish dish made of a special dough and filled with various stuffing such as fruit, cottage cheese, sauerkraut with mushrooms, spinach, meat, potatoes and onions.

 They can be cooked, baked, fried or grilled. Knuckle - golonka

 Very fatty part of pork with delicate meat. It is cooked together with the vegetables with which it is then served. Horseradish is the most commonly used as an addition. Most often found in Polish homes before the New Year's Eve party. Brawn - salceson

 Type of offal products made of pork, beef or calf head with the addition of fat, offal, blood, trimmings of meat, skins and spices.

 The headcheese meat is cured, cooked and seasoned accordingly. The mass prepared in this way is filled with pork stomachs or beef bladders, boiled and pressed In Poland we have four people who dubbt films and we all know them!

 Krystyna Czubówna, Tomasz Knapik, Maciej Gudowski and Jacek Brzostyński.

 Krystyna Czubówna, she’s dubbing documentary films about nature and you won’t hear anyone else in this films.

 Tomasz Knapik dubbt „Terminator” and „Jaws”

 Maciej Gudowski dubbt „The Lord of The Rings”, „Matrix” and „Gladiator”

 Jacek Brzostyński dubbt :Star Wars” and „The Last Samurai” Name Days In Poland we celebrate name days like „little” birthday. Every name in Poland has it’s own day. „Dać Ci laczki?” – slippers for guests

 In every polish house we have to remove our shoes when we enter the house and it’s normal when host asks if you want to get pair of slippers because it is very „unhealthy” to go barefoot on the floor! Polish pizza

 In Poland it’s normal to eat pizza with ketchup or Garlic souce. Poles made very rich in additions pizza named „rzeźnicka”, it is pizza made with A LOT of meat like sausage, salami, ham, chicken, onion, cheese, EVERYTHING.

 Poles add kebab meat, pineapple, spinach, fish and other things to make pizza very filling. We are all family

 Our parents best friends or family friends are named by us aunt and uncle. Polish national MEMES

 In Poland we have our own memes with proboscis monkey. We named them Janusz, Grażyna, Pioter , Karyna, Brian and Jessica. They show our worst behaviour such as being presumptuous, selfish, argumentative, and that we love all possible discounts in stores Parawaning - windbreakers

 Even on windless days on Polish beaches, Poles deploy windbreakers only to designate „their plot” on the beach and separate themselves from other sunbathers Thank you for your attention

Paweł Bernaczyk Jakub Konieczny