THURSDAY AUGUST 29, 2019 Vol24Issue 18 Queen Street, Clonmel Tel 052 617 2500 email:
[email protected] [email protected] New50-bed centre to replace St.Anthony'sUnit in Clonmel The HSE has submitted a hairdressing room and in- to SouthTipperary General AHSE spokesperson said planning application to build ternal courtyards and first Hospital. itiscurrentlyconsideringde- anew 50-bedresidential floorterrace spaces, akit- Theroundabout will re- veloping thenew Clonmel chen andlaundry,staff ac- quirethe demolition of a residential careunit forthe centrefor the elderly in commodation and office derelicthousecalledHillview elderly under thePublic Clonmel to replace the ex- space. and twooutbuildings. PrivatePartnership model. isting St.Anthony’sUnit on The HSE is proposingac- The residential careunit Deputy Seamus Healyhas the Western Road. cess to theresidential care will be served by a26square welcomed thesubmission of unit from afour-arm round- metres ESB sub-station. theplanning application, The project is part of the aboutonthe Glenconnor The application alsopro- whichwas expected. government’splan to replace Road,whcih will involvethe poses theexisting road adja- The project wasan- or upgrade up to 90 long-stay realignmentofthe existing centtothe Western Road will nounced in 2017. residential carecentres na- entrance and boundary walls become pedestrian only. tionwide to meetall Health Information and QualityAu- thority(HIQA) standards. It will increase the numberofHSE residential carebeds forthe elderly in Clonmelby29, as thecurrent St.Anthony’s Unit has 21 beds. Tipperary County Council receivedthe application for thetwo-storey 4,422 square metres communitynursing and residential careunit on August 12. The application is currentlyatthe pre-valida- tion stage. According to theapplica- tion, thenew residential care unit will comprise 50 en suite bedroomswithdiningrooms, kitchenettes, dayrooms, sun rooms,anactivitiesroomand quietrooms.