New Target Cryostat for Experiments with Negative Muons
! XJ9900001 OBbEflMHEHHbM MHCTMTYT flflEPHbIX MCCJlEflOBAHMM flyoHa D13-98-146 V.F.Boreiko, V.M.Bystritsky, V.I.Datskov, A.N.Fedorov, V.N.Pavlov, V.A.Stolupin, A.Del Rosso1, R.Jacot-Guillarmod1, F.Mulhauser1, L.A.Rivkis2 NEW TARGET CRYOSTAT FOR EXPERIMENTS WITH NEGATIVE MUONS Submitted to «Nuclear Instruments and Methods* 'institute of Physics, University of Fribourg, Switzerland 2A.A.Bochvar All-Russia Research Institute of Inorganic Materials, Moscow, Russia 30-07 1998 Introduction The study of processes yielding charge nonsymmetric muonic molecules like pxZ (z = p,d,t and Z = He, Li, Be) and nuclear fusion started about fifteen years ago. Theoretical and experimental interest have increased these past five years [1-13]. Due to some experimental difficulties, the muon catalyzed fusion (pCF ) is essentially measured in deuterium-helium mixtures. The nuclear fusion from the charge nonsymmetric molecule pd 3He may occur via two different channels, pd3He -4 a + p(14.7 MeV) + p (1) -4 psLi +7(16.4 MeV), (2) whereas the pd4He molecule fuses via a single channel pd*He -4 p6U + 7(1.48 MeV). (3) The proposed apparatus should be able to easily detect those fusion products. In addition, the 6.85 keV soft X rays resulting form the decay of the pd4He and pd3He molecules should be measured, as well as the muon decay electrons. The detection of so many different types of particles, with totally different paths in matter, is a non-trivial constraint in the design of the apparatus. The different processes which occur when a muon enters a deuterium-helium mix ture are strongly dependent on the mixture density.
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