The Frisco Employes' Magazine, September 1926
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&, I. Spend Your Vacation in Pensacola, Florida The Frisco's Terminal on the Gulf of Mexico While There, Investigate Brentwood Park The Most Logical and Beautiful Addition Home Sites in the Community West Florida \ \ Development and Investment Co. !, 02, % OoA \ 20 S. Palafox St. PENSACOLA, FLORIDA <,\VA Ll t- You 0weYoursel.f pi!^^ ~i.1S~STh.m $ this hestof Overalls SEP 8 19'M AILROAD MEN throughout the country have Rproclaimed the new f91 Lee Overalls the fin- est of them all. Everyone who sees this remarkable garment desires it immediately. Following this desire is the complete satisfaction it gives in long wear, neat appearance and solid comfort. For in the new #91 Lee Overalls is combined the new Lee Blue Denim (exclusive fabric) with many superior construction features. Solid brass can't rust buttons. Double-wear, reinforced pockets. Can't slip suspender slides. Reinforced strain points. Broad, lay-flat suspenders. Rip- proof buttonholes. And many others. You owe yourself this finest of overalls. See a Lee before you buy. Compare. And once you wear the new #91 Lee Overalls you never again will be satisfied with ordinary work garments. See the Lee dealer near you or write to nearest factory. THE H. D.LEE MERCANTILE COMPANY KANSAS ClT Y, MO. TRENT0N.N.J. SOUTH BEND, IND. MINNEAPOLIS. MINN. SAN FRANCISCO. CALIF. SALINA. KANS. \ Makers of the famous Lee Union-Alls 4' / I "They are ab~olutely the most comfortable. u ell fitt~ngandlongest \\eartngovcrallsl haw eter worn. My wlfe -at< they are the most easdv washed of any o\eralls I habe ever had.-A mass our^ rad- R. F. CARR, Memphis W. E. LOWRY, Hickory Flat, Miss. President Vice-Pms. and General Manager SPECIALIZING IN RAILROAD BUILDING MATERIAL Strong as Ever for fhe "Frisco" GENERAL OFFICES P. 0. Box 1032 MEMPHIS, TENN. Phone Main 2312 Hussey-Hobbs Tie Company RAILROAD CROSS TIES AND SWITCH TIES POLES-PILING ST. LOUIS, MO. ROGERS, ARK. HOUSTON, TEXAS ------- L. E. Puckett, Inc. AMORY, MISS. HARD WOOD YELLOW PINE Lumber "WE HELP MAKE THE FRISCO SAFE" ALBERT RUSSELL T. R. SIMMONS W. A. SCOTT CLEVELAND LUMBER COMPANY JASPER, ALABAMA Railroad Lumber : Pine and Hardwood TWO MILLION FEET PER MONTH ON THE FRISCO IN ALABAMA JASPER 1 ELDRIDGE I SIPSEY Fully Equipped Plant Planing Mill and Car Decking and Dry Kiln and Planer Retail Yard Short Dimension High Grade Finish DEPENDABLE SERVICE QUALITY COUNTS Magnus Company INCORPORATED Journal Bearings and Bronze Engine Castings NEW YORK CHICAGO STXNDARD SEBZK-SmEL 'E(O'U;?YDmGO. 0BUR.v XQWA . .,. GLIXTOX, 310. ELECTRIC METAL .- CUPOLA METAL EXCLUSIVELY MAIN PLANT AND GENERAL OFFICES SPRINGFIELD, MISSOURI MAKING A GOOD THING BETTER I " HEADLIGHT UNION MADE OVERALLS Are now made of our own Headlight Special Weave EI GH OUNC DENIM HEAVIER STRONGER A cloth of incredible toughness and durability to more than ever justify our proven claim-that Headlight Overalls will outwear -two ordinary pair. Ask for them at our dealers ZM.rlmbI~UrdtoftcvldnpnC memt and moll re-1s lor Slrrn fh Wuhinl pualify md durability. %hi ymm. arc mpn 1- 1-1 rntmpk mttm dyed ritb pure mdi o .Pd w0r.n in Amcric.'. hatdcmm rnnt REMARKABLE CUARIIITEE If whm thisOvndI i. can lrtdy mnout rPvbonot think thmt ~vtridwrsvcHMD! lOHT Ovodh uc BET', ER md rill OUTWEAR ANY ahn OvcrdI* mndc, I rill diwr yeu badjovr mo 81w.roOCirnit.rmna. Drrn.nd%Ipui#* LARNED,CARTER LC~ DETROIT LARNED, CARTER & CO. Detroit, Michigan World's Greatest Overall Makers Factories and branches at: Detroit, St. Louis, San Francisco, Perth Amboy, N. J., Atlanta, Ga., Chicago, New York City. Canadian Factory: Toronto, Ontario. lVrite me for one of our new Railroad Tme Dooks, they are free! September, 1926 7z1T@~~,@PLOSS'&W~VE Page 5 THE FRISCO EMPLOYES' MAGAZINE 827 FRISCO BUILDING .. ST. LOUIS WM. L. HUCCINS, Jr., Editor MARTHA C. MOORE, Associate Edllor WM. McMILLAN. Adoerllslng Manager VOL. 111 SEPTEMBER. 1926 No. 12 Permission is given to reprint, with credit, in part or in full, any. article appearing in the Magazine Contents of This Issue PAGES Frontispiece- I', Irec.;"* ............... .....,,,........... 6 Ry Joyce Iiilrirrr. Frisco Car Shops at Yale, Tennessee, Set Pare for t\mcrican Railroads ........... .......... ....... 7-9 (Pictures on Pagcs 36 and 37) Conductor Ales Ham Leaves River Division Run Sa~nedfor Him ................................ 10-11 Thrcc Oldcst Telegraphers Rccall Days of Long Hours and Fcw Facilities .................... 12-13 Famous hicmphis Bridge Is Longest on Frisco Iiailroad Totlay ........................................14-15 Frisco Switch Tracks Damaged in Freakish Cave-in at Memphis ..............,,.. ..16 In Those Good Old Days ......................... .......... ............................ 17 Boy Scorrts Band of Springfield, Mo., Delight St. Louisa~~s............................. .. .......... 18 Frisco Girls on "Eirthtlny Tour" Abroad ................................................................................ 19 Industrial Cornmissioner Georgc 13'. Green Killctl in -4ccitlent ............................... 20 Equipment Darnagc Dccreased 6.78% in First Seven Kmths.................................... 21 Miss Selma Hoffman, Supervisor of Telcphoncs, Has Important Office ................ ....... 22 Accident Prevention Efforts Rcdor~bledDuring Hot Mo~~ths................................................ 23 Questio~ls and Ansmers on Railroad Problcn~s....................................................................... 24 Thirty Thousand Persons Attend Ozark Grape Festival August 18............................... ,.... 26 Horncmalcers' Page ............................................................................. 30 Fall Togs for Frisco Ladies .................................................................................................. 31 The Pcnsion Roll ............................................................................................................................ 32-35 Frisco Babies ..................................................................................................... .... 35 Views of Car Brlilding Shops at Ynlr, Tcnnesscc......... .. ............... d-37 Frisco IIechanic ....................... ... .................................... 38 Editorials ..................... .............................................................................................................. 39 ------ THE FRISCO EMPLOYES' MAGAZINE The Frisco Employes' Magazine is a monthly publication devoted primarily to the interests of the more than 30,000 active and retired employes of the Frisco Lines. It contains storles, items of current news, personal notcs about enlployes and their families, articles dcaling with various phases of railroad work. poems, cartoons and notices regarding the service. Good clear photographs suitable for repro- duction are especially desired, and will be returned only when requested. 2\11 cartoons and drawings must be in black India drawing ink. Employes are invited to write articles for the magazine. Contributions should be typewritten, on one side of the sheet only, and should be addressed to the Editor. Frisco Building, St. Louis. 110. Distributed free among Frisco employes. To others, rice 15 cents il copy; subscription rate $1.50 a year. Advertising rates mill be made known upon application. e aqew us3 pog Xpo ~na !dad cq sntle +a1 ray syy puv 'om aqt ~OOJXq apem an euraod 'Asp 218 p0g re spqiaql aarl y .yer tip sang dp~om!lu! oqh :leearq 3upou laafis 6,ytraa aqa le~@g MOUS mowq JVO~Mnodn leaid tpom hrsuny aeoqa aara v tqy Jay u! su!qo~jo lsau v maaa1 e se dpno~maod v zsa~aaurwns u! Aem ley1 aai, v aas maau IIW~I ley1 gq1 I Frisco Car Shops at Yale, Tennessee, Set Pace for American Railroads in Construction Work Ten New Coal Cars a Day Sent From Yale Yards to Coal Fields- Yards Have Kept St ride With Frisco's Progress 0 THE hundreds of motorists who daily drive ing all classes oE equipnlent, and designated as the the beautiful Hollyford road in and out of only hopper car repair shop on the Frisco, and was T Memphis, the long bridge over the Frisco tracks sent only the coal cars for work. at Yale, Tennessee, is merely another crossing to be In 1'121 the "Yale Yards" had proved out and were safely negotiated. moved up another notch in the Frisco's rapidly grow- It is doubtful if more than an oc- ing organization, and designated as casiollal one or two out of the hur- car building yards. rying daily horde ever casts more -- During 1921 and 1922 the Yale than a passing glance at the busy yards force of husliy workmen men in those extensive yards to the budded the S0,000-capacity, all- right and left of that bridge for wood coal cars at a11 average of several hundred yards, and it is a fifty a month, turning out 1,200 certainty that none but an esperi- of these cars in the twenty-four enrctl railroad man would fathom month period. During the months that orderly confusion and busi- from July, 1922, to January, 1923, ncsslike hubbub for what it is- inclusive, the yards were shut down- one of the busiest and most pro- due to the well-remembered strike, ductive car building yards main- but in January 1, 1923, the Yale tainetl by any A~ner~canrailroad. plant opened again. The "Yale Yards" of Frisco This time \VO~<began on a still Lines are famous among American larger scale, and 130 nlen again be- railroads today. gan turning OLI~the 80,000-capacity From a start a few years ago as "gons" at the rate of 50 a mouth. a light repair tracks for coal equip- The coal ~onnageof the Frisco ment, the steady advance of the "Jake"