Group el: 0131 667 1000 667 0131 el: T
[email protected] Borders RIGS Borders EH9 3 LA 3 EH9 Edinburgh Funding by Scottish Natural Heritage Natural Scottish by Funding Lothian and Lothian West Mains Road, Mains West ext by Cliff Porteous and Mike Browne. Designed by Derek Munn Derek by Designed Browne. Mike and Porteous Cliff by ext T Murchison House, Murchison Office). See See Office). and c/o British Geological Survey Geological British c/o , Borders RIGS Group and the British Geological Survey (Scottish Survey Geological British the and Group RIGS Borders oha n odr ISGroup, RIGS Borders and Lothian (1726 – 1797) – (1726 at Slighhouses, the Thomsons’ at Nether Monynut, Lothian and Lothian Monynut, Nether at Thomsons’ the Slighhouses, at Our address is: address Our Foundation for Rural Sustainability in partnership with Marshalls’ with partnership in Sustainability Rural for Foundation Founder of Modern Geology Geology Modern of Founder become involved in useful and interesting projects in the local area. local the in projects interesting and useful in involved become geological significance. This trail was initiated by the Borders the by initiated was trail This significance. geological Contact your local RIGS group now, at no cost, and you could you and cost, no at now, group RIGS local your Contact with the life and times of James Hutton including sites of sites including Hutton James of times and life the with From the portrait by Sir Henry Raeburn Henry Sir by portrait the From links locations associated locations links Trail, Hutton James Borders Scottish The at all levels.