
J. P. D0RR, Jr. -Tripper. No. 197,348. Patented Nov. 20, 1877.

N. Peters,



Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 197,34s, dated November 20, 1877; application filed October 16, 1877. To all whom it may concern: To trip the anchor, one has only to spring Beit known that I, Jose.PH. P. DoRR, Jr., the arm out of engagement with the catch and of Indian River, of the county of Washing. raise such arm, so as to turn the crank, and ton and State of Maine, have invented a new cause it to draw the pawl backward out of en and useful or Improved Anchor-Tripper; and gagement with the tripping-chain. This hav do hereby declare the same to be described in ing been done, the anchor will at once fall and the following specification and represented in draw the chain through the passage e and es the accompanying drawings, of which cape from the chain, it being understood that Figure 1 is a view, Fig. 2 a side eleva a cable is attached to the ring of the anchor. tion, and Fig. 3 alongitudinal section, of the The hole through the pawl, to receive the Cat- of a navigable vessel with my inven Wrist of the crank, may or should be large tion applied thereto. enough to allow the heel of the pawl to rest The said invention is to support an anchor against the abutment a when the pawlis down depending from the cat-head, and to trip or in engagement with the tripping-chain. set free such anchor therefrom, as occasion By the heel of the pawl resting against the may require. abutment the crank Will be relieved from the In such drawings, A denotes the cat-head, back pressure of the pawl. and B a metallic fixed to the top there. The belaying-cleat is for supporting the of, and provided with two strong abutments, tackle- used in setting the anchor-ring a b, arranged as shown. Within the said well up to the cat-head, a short chain having frame is a pawl, C, which turns on the wrist : a hook to it being generally employed with of a bell-crank, D, whose journals c e are sup the tackle for such purpose. ported in and by boxes did, fixed to the cat I claim head. An arm, E, is extended from one of the 1. The combination of the frame A, the Crank journals, in manner as shown. abutment b, pawl C, crank D, and the arm E, For the purpose of holding the crank down, all arranged and applied substantially as set or in range with the pawl, there is applied to forth. the side of the cat-head a hook or catch, F, to 2. The combination of the tripping-chain H engage with such arm. - and the catch F with the cat-head A, and the Furthermore, there is fixed to the upper - framea, pawl C, crank D, and arm E, arranged surface of the cat-head a belaying-cleat, G, and applied to the said cat-head substantially Such being arranged therein in manner as as specified. shown, and there is attached to the lower side 3. The combination of the belaying-cleat G of the cat-head, beneath the abutment a, a with the cat-head A and the chain H, frame short chain, H. This chain, after having been B, pawl C, crank D, and arm E, arranged and passed through the ring d of the anchor I, is applied to the said cat-head as set forth. to be carried up through a passage, e, lead 4. The combination of the abutments a b. ing through the cat-head, thence through the with the frame B, and the pawl C, and bell frame B. crank D, applied thereto, and to operate there On depressing the arm E into engagement with, as explained. - with the catch, the crank and the pawl will be forced down, so as to cause the latter to enter JOSEPH. P. DORR, JR. between links of the chain, and, with the abutment b, to such chain from slipping Witnesses: under the strain of the anchor. The sides of R. H. EDDY, the frame are notched, in order to allow the JOHN R. SNOW. crank and the pawl to be brought into line.