The Tower of London. 13Y Tue Late Rev
LND.El{ lt.EYJ:--;JUN. L 01'0wn CopyrirJltl Hese1·ved. AUTHORISED GUIDE TO THE TOWER OF LONDON. 13Y TUE LATE REV. W. J. LOFTIE, B.A., F.S.A. I REVISED EDITION. WI'l'H TWELVE VIEWS AND TWO PLANS, AND A DESCRIPTION OF THE ARMOURY: BY THE VISCOUNT DILLON, F.S.A. (Late Cui-at01· of the Tower Armou1·ies.) JtEVlSIW HY CHAlU,ES FFOULKES, F.S.A. (Curntor of the Armouries.) LO NDON: PRINTED UNDER 'fHE AUTHORITY OF HIS MAJBSTY'� STATIONERY OFFICE BY DARLING & SON, L'l'o., 34-40, BACON STREE'r, E. I AND SOLD A'l' TJIN TOWER. ' 1916. PRICE ONE PENNY. UNDER REVISION. [Grown Copyright Res�rved. AUTHORISED GUIDE TO THE TOWER OF LONOON. BY THE LATE REV. Vol. J. LOFTIE, B.A., F.S.A. REVISED EDITIO N. WITH TWELVE VIEWS AND TWO PLANS, AND A D�SCRIPTION OF THE ARMOURY, BY THE VISCOUNT DILLON, F.S.A. (Late Cwrator of the Tower Armmiriea.) REVISED BY CHARLES FFOULKES, F.S.A. ( Curator of the Ar1nm1,ries,) LO NDO N: PRINTED UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFIOE BY DARLING & SON, LTD., 34-40, BACON STREET, E. AND SOLD AT :fHE TOWER. 1916. PRICE ONE PENNY, •• Bl llllf ES PLAN OF THE ·roWEB. (75!P.-32.) Wt. 55051-688/102. 50,000. 4/16. D . .t S. G. 20/ 45 THE TOWER OF LONDON. GENERAL SKETCH. THE Tower of London was first built by William the Conqueror, for the purpose of protecting and controlling the city. As first planned, it lay within the city walls, but its enlargement late in the 12th century carried its boundaries eastward beyond the walls.
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