The Oxford Democrat

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The Oxford Democrat ν*. ~ The VOLUME 80. SOUTH PARIS, MAINE, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1913. NUMBER 52 ralaed from the bottom of the Lake Obituary: C. H. Cramp. noted shipbuild- 11. Obituary: August Bebcl, German so- Far In) «to rules; time *i hours. Und«* rune of T'nltcd States warship*. I ΒΚΚΤ D. PARK, Will It Pay ? near Eric, Pa. er. in Philadelphia; aged 83. cialist leader, at ». Memorial: Monument to Gen. Brad- H The "Mona Lisa:" Celebrated painting AMONG THE FARMERS. (armera are now » on Many juat asking Balkan War: The Qreeka captured Ja- Sporting: Jerome D. Travers won th· Personal: Governor William Buixer ofοι dock erected the battleground of hi· bjr Da Vinci, which disappeared from Licensed Auctioneer, me Zu^.R^e2xer themselves the queation "Will it pay nlna from the Turks, securing 32,000 New Jersey golf championship, defeat- New York i.npeached by the defeat In 17t6, near Unlontown. Pa. the Parla Louvre Jn 1911, reported to THK PLOW." SOUTH PARIS, MAINK. "SrKED tu take one or more of the abort courtes prisoners. ing Oswald Klrkby 8 up and 2 to play. 14. Ob tuan·: «ear Admiral Slla.,assembly. Casey. Mexico: Foreign envoy· In Mexloo asked hav<i been located In Florence, Italy. Dr. A. noted theo- their to «end to l «ira» Moderate. iu Agriculture to be given at the College Political; The senate con Armed Presi- 1 OUtuary: C. Brlgg·, S Β Ν., retired, veteran of the dvll government· warshlpe Mexico: Roar Admiral Fletcher, eon· 11 as logian once tried for lnNew at Warm 71 guard the legation·. man the United Statea naval force· of thia winter?" BRIEF dent Wilson's cabinet nominations war. Springe. Va.; aged ling Agriculture on topic- ▼nrk city: it- ioroe· 1A Political: Governor William con- a. p. jon ss, correspondence practical agricultural never follows: State, William J. Bryan of aged 71 heresyDr. H Personal : Harry K. Thaw, slayer of 8ul*er In Mexican waters, protected In the Addresa All communication» i. The writer baa asked this quea- ja. te solicited. Gibba Wlnslow, noted Engl'sh alienist. In from the staU yicted on 3 of the article· of Impeach- name of the to Ηιητ π a who baa one of Nebraska; treasury, William Stanford White, escaped humanity against fciiltng for Uti department tion of person taken ment '■ of New London ; aged ββ. for Insane criminal· at Mat agAlnet him. of prison era of war by the Dentist, Hammomu, Agricultural Kdltor Oxford De has not anawered McAdoo Tork; war, Llndley asylum belligerent* the short courues, who a business to it Political: Pari·. Me. Murray Garrison of New Jersey; at- f. Fire: Fire in block: Governor flulier removed flght.lng at Tampico. ocrai. it will not in dol- NORWAY, MAINE with, "Yes, pay only torney general, James Clark McReyn- Springfield, Mo., caused a loss of o^er lost at the wreck of from office by the court of impeach- 8. Convention: Nntlonal poultry ahow lar** aod but io satisfaction." Chief Events of the Past eh^reclcK«Yllve8 cents, olds of Tennessee; postmaster general, the State of California In Gambler bay. ipet In Washington. Hoar·—9 to 12—1 to 4. Λ Puur courses will be ία Americans won the first Airship Disaster: A Zeppelin dirigible Λ Convention: National Phi Delta Phi The Price of Ens. separate given: Albert Sidney Burleson of Texas; n»vy, Sporting: General Agriculture and Dairying be- Josepbus Daniels of North Carolina; game of the International polo cham- *l*. i^d birthday of the Emperor balloon exploded when 8.000 f«t Ui the colUige fraternity met In Chicago. r. SMITH, Twelve Months N. Pertonaif ginning January 5, and continuing four Interior, Franklin Knight Lane of Cal- pionship match at Meadowbrook. Frar»* Joseph celebrated throughout air at JohannUthal. Prussia, killing « 10. Conventlono: American Association Fer Ρ MKM by to 3 for the English team. passengers. Including 8 member· of the Labor met In at Law, A POt'LTRY EXPERT OIVES THK weeks; Horticulture and Poultry Man- ifornia; agriculture, David. Franklin 6V4 goals Austria and Hungary. Legislation Washington. Attorney Aviation: Count Zeppelin'« dirigible bal- _i_, admiralty commission. Natonal College Athletic association LKAOL'I A 2 and run Houston of Missouri; commerce, Wil- •0 Obituary: Emile Olllvler. noted Pr«™l®r MA1NK. UElid OK THE HOCSKWIVCS* agement beginning February loon flew from Baden-Baden to Vienna, Personal: Mr·. Emmeline liret met In New York. XOKWAY, ning for three weeks. liam Cox Red Held of New York; labor, of Prince fcnder Napoleon III·, at An- Block. Collections » Specially L1TTLC INFORMATION. William Wilson of Pennsyl- 480 miles, about. In 8 hours, beating ex- 83. English militant «uffraglst, p*"kh"r"*;arrived at IL Judicial: Commerce court ended by act Home These courses are run for the benefit DAILY RECORD. Bauchop necy. France; aged SHORT which Is _ New vania. press train time, lCVfr hours, by Directum I. made a world# York. of congress. of those more ex- ■porting: PARK. of who cannot take the over 8 hours. is. Aviation: Roland French avi- A The newspapers are fall of notice· ■porting: McDonald scored a new world's pacing record of 2:02% at Goshen. Ν. Y. Oanros, tended courses and wbo desire to The British house of common· made a of 6» JJKRKICK the doings of the Housewives' League in yet record by hurling the M pound shot 19 Political: Convention: 20th International peace con- ator, nonstop flight mile·, 8ileno· Hour. at secure information mod- to a second the home from Marseille· to ParU. Attorneys Law, various cities in their efforts to reduce concerning feet and 3% inches in New Tork. passed reading opened at The Hague. One mother of a household has In face of large ern, up to-date No tuition of of the World Told In Klvlat made a new world's record by rule for Ireland bill the loss fire In the flDortlng: Pennsylvania university foot- BXTHIL, MAINS. the of eggs. Probably moat of agriculture. History Fir·: J1.W0.000 by factory a of recreation which is really price kind Is ·β In I minutes IS W team defeated Brown university in system ton SUery C. Park a an any charged, the only expeoa running 1,000 yards district of Jersey City. ball AJ>I1 S. Herrlck. these women suppose that hen lays vlxier a The and Its duties are railroad fare, room and board. seconds in New York. IL Turkey:Pfichefket Pasha, grand n. Miscellaneous: Frederick J. e> the annual name at Philadelphia; 'CO··® novelty. day egg in the year and that the being, Paragraphs. In the streets every day The.. for and board I About 30 men killed and Θ0 of Turkey, assassinated «,Γ « Β to 0. Ml*· Gladys Ravensoroft of carefully apportioned, and the schedule CARL S. BRIGGS, is due to a combination expense room Explosion: Ligh price solely of dynamite In of Constantinople. England won the women · golf cham- as as the amounts to about $4.50 per week. Tbe Injured \>y explosion "°.- Is followed closely possible. By of dealers artificially raising price. on Alum Chine it. Philippines: 0 American aoldlus killed pionship of the United States at Wil- Dentist, is therefore but what is transit the steamship this the mother is able to take It would be news to thorn (hat not one expense small, and 12 wounded In a battle between mington, Del. doing MAINE. In Baltimore harbor. Martin, "last of H-e Crows died SOUTH PARIS, in return? OBITUARY ROIL und Moros. one afternoon hour a day for complete poultry m an in a hundred makpg any gained THE YEAR'S I Fire: At Yokohama; loss of 17,600,000. troops Saidnaw. Mich.; aged about 120 >earsn^ar BatUe Centenary: German· celebrated si. to 5 ρ m. Even- In General the ti American team won the de- case It is from 2 to 3 Office Hour* : 9 a. money on eggs when they are 60 to 75 Agriculture following 1L Obituary: Dr. J. 8. Billing·, Federal Sporting: li Convention: International ο the battle of Leiptlg which rest. In her are farm soil fer- in International ο ing» Special attention cents a dozen. I remember a list subjects studied, cropa, war veteran, author and librarian, in ciding game po congress opened at Berne Errantwith 1.1M the disastrous defeat of Napoleon o'clock. She places a large placard at by appointment. seeing λ farm 74. match at Meadowbrook, Ν. defeat Bonaparte In 1813. dedicating on the >»iven to children. ot market egg puultrymen who were tility, plant nutrition, buildings Political Allaire, Sporting, Personal New York city; aged this lime on the stairs, proclaiming ■ to 143-4 and farm and II tornado over ing the English team by 4V4 4V» burned at battlefield a monument said to be tne Telephone a.sked to the actual coat to them of equipment, management, of Storm: Electrical swept M. Teague. the mother's give ami Miscellaneous Items—Lou Ft?:RanroadeHhope finest In Europe. "Silence." By persistence November aud such special subjects as types, breeds, the lower southern and southwestern eggs produced duriug IE : 2£th anniversary of th· is Accident: In a wreck on the In this hour others have and care of Life aud Accident·, states; 100 deaths. Anniversary 27 by fire In the Smith Railroad taking quiet j. WALDO NASH. and the cost from 20 diseases, feeding horses, Property by of F*re: Jl.ooolooo'loss December, ranged 14. Fire: Plant of the Elmira Telegram de- reign of Emperor William Germany lumber at Point. Mobile and Ohio railroad at Buckatun- to respect It until it has become cattle, swiue and Storms and Confia· company yard, Bay grown cents an egg to $115 an egg.
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    STUDENT HANDOUT 1-MOCK TRIAL CASE STUDY ON MOTHER JONES Terence V. Powderly Like Mary Harris ‘Mother’ Jones, my family is originally from Ireland. While Mother Jones was born in Ireland, however, I was born in Carbondale, Pennsylvania. I grew up in the heart of the Pennsylvania anthracite region. After seeing a horrible mining accident, I decided I would commit my life to union activity. Unions are groups that organize to fight for workers’ rights. We want workers to be treated well and paid well. I became leader of the Knights of Labor union in 1879. Mother Jones also helped us fight for workers’ rights: This is how she got her nickname as a mother who cared for all the working children. Unlike other labor unions, the Knights of Labor accepted women workers and blacks. The Knights of Labor believe Frank Leslie's Illustrated bosses need to be more responsible for their workers’ safety. I News, November 13, 1886 knew of a man named Harry McAleer who worked in a steel mill. One day when McAleer was working, he got “distracted,…his foot slipped, he stumbled forward, [and] the fiery, jagged end of [a] rail struck his body.” When the rail “passed through” his body, it “carried him forward and left him with his warm life blood pouring out on that heated instrument.” None of the steel bosses helped McAleer or his family. His coworkers had to “carry him home” and McAleer’s widowed wife and orphaned children lost everything. It was McAleer’s coworkers that “paid… funeral expenses…cared for his children…” The bosses do not help the families and the company even took the McAleer’s home away after the funeral.
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