Cambridge University Reporter Special Number 3
SPECIAL NO. 3] OFFICERS NUMBER–MICHAELMAS TERM 2000 45 PA RT I I MEMBERS OF UNIVERSITY BODIES NOMINATING AND APPOINTING BODIES: ABBREVIATIONS C University Council CSHSS Council of the School of CST Council of the School of CSAH Council of the School of Humanities and Social Technology Arts and Humanities Sciences FC Finance Committee of the CSBS Council of the School of CSPS Council of the School of Council the Biological Sciences the Physical Sciences GB General Board of the Faculties Faculty Boards etc., as follows: AA Archaeology and ESG Earth Sciences and Mus Music Anthropology Geography OS Oriental Studies AHA Architecture and History HPS History and Philosophy of PC Physics and Chemistry of Art Science, Board of Phil Philosophy Biol Biology Hst History SPS Social and Political Cl Classics Law Law Sciences Div Divinity Math Mathematics Vet Clinical Veterinary Educ Education Med Clinical Medicine Medicine Engg Engineering MML Modern and Medieval X Co-opted, or appointed Engl English Languages by the body concerned EP Economics and Politics SEPTEMVIRI Prof. A. W.Cuthbert, F, Prof. P. Goddard, JN, Lady Perry, LC, ; Prof. J. H. Baker, CTH,(Chairman) , Dr C. H. Kelsey, G, Prof. Dame Gillian Beer, CLH, Prof. W.A. Brown, DAR, . COURT OF DISCIPLINE To Dec. Panel (a) Panel (b) Panel (c) Prof. W.R. Cornish, M Dr Y.M. Cripps, EM Ms H. E. Bromley, G Lord Goodhart, T, Chairman Dr J. C. D. Hickson, PEM Mr L. J. Burnett, F Mr A. D. Lemons, HH Ms U. Clifford, CL Dr R. C. Love, R Mr B. P.Corlett, JN Dr G.
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