Cowdale Quarry Ecology Chapter Report

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Cowdale Quarry Ecology Chapter Report Cowdale Quarry Ecology Chapter Report June 2010 Final Client Express Park Buxton Ltd. Job Name Cowdale Quarry, Buxton Report title Ecology Chapter File reference 4500.02_003_ES_ph_gba.doc Signed Name Position Date Originated Philippa Harvey Principal Ecologist 08/07/10 Reviewed James Gillespie Partner 25/06/10 ISSUING OFFICE: Arden House Deepdale Business Park Ashford Road Bakewell Derbyshire DE45 1GT TEL: 01629 815544 FAX: 01629 815577 Web: Email: [email protected] Offices in: Bakewell, Oxford, Berwick-upon-Tweed & Monmouth Registered in: Cardiff No. OC328772 Registered address: Arden House Deepdale Business Park Ashford Road Bakewell Derbyshire DE45 1GT Members: A list of members is available at each office. INTRODUCTION 1.1 This chapter of the environmental statement has been prepared by Baker Shepherd Gillespie and examines the likely significant ecological effects of the proposed development within the site at Cowdale Quarry near Buxton. The ecological impact assessment has been carried out with reference to the guidance produced by the Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (IEEM, 2006) which is recognised as current best practice. 1.2 The baseline ecology of the proposed development area is reviewed. Species and habitats are evaluated on a national and regional basis. Potential sources of ecological impact are outlined and predicted effects of the proposed development are described. The significance of these effects is evaluated and mitigation measures discussed. Any residual effects following mitigation are identified. 1.3 This chapter of the environmental statement is structured to follow the ecological impact assessment process from baseline data gathering to the assessment of residual impacts. It starts by describing the desk study and field survey carried out to gather data on flora and fauna, the habitats present on and around the site and any designated nature conservation sites in the area in order to establish the baseline conditions. This information is then evaluated to identify which receptors (i.e. sites, habitats and species) are of importance for nature conservation, placing that importance on a geographical scale from site to international level. The potential impacts on these receptors are then outlined and an assessment is made as to whether the effects of the impacts are likely to be ecologically significant. In the final stages, the potential for mitigation measures to reduce the level of any significant adverse impacts is investigated and the likely post-mitigation residual impacts are discussed. 4500.02_003_ES_ph_gba.doc Page 1 PLANNING POLICY CONTEXT 1.4 This section sets out the policy and legislation context for the ecological assessment. A summary of the relevant policy and legislation is set out below at the international, national, regional and local levels: National policy Planning Policy Statement 9: biodiversity and geological conservation 1.5 Planning Policy Statement 9: Biodiversity and Geological Conservation (PPS9) [6.12] sets out the Government’s national policies on the protection of biodiversity and needs to be taken into account by regional and local planning bodies. 1.6 PPS9 states that: “Planning decisions should aim to maintain, and enhance, restore or add to biodiversity interests. In taking decisions local planning authorities should ensure that appropriate weight is attached to designated sites of international, national and local importance; protected species; and to biodiversity interests within the wider environment. “ “The aim of planning decisions should be to prevent harm to biodiversity and geological conservation interests. Where granting planning permission would result in significant harm to those interests, local planning authorities will need to be satisfied that the development cannot reasonably be located on any alternative sites that would result in less or no harm. In the absence of any such alternatives, local planning authorities should ensure that, before planning permission is granted, adequate mitigation measures are put in place. Where a planning decision would result in significant harm to biodiversity and geological interests which cannot be prevented or adequately mitigated against, appropriate compensation measures should be sought. If that significant harm cannot be prevented, adequately mitigated against, or compensated for, then planning permission should be refused.” Designated Sites 1.7 PPS9 states that designated sites are a material consideration in any planning decision related to the proposed development. Local Plans should develop criteria based policies within local plans against which development proposals affecting local sites can be judged. Guidance has subsequently been produced by Defra on the identification, selection and management of local sites. 4500.02_003_ES_ph_gba.doc Page 2 Habitats 1.8 In Paragraph 12 of PPS9, the government indicates that local authorities should take steps to maintain networks of habitats by avoiding or repairing the fragmentation and isolation of natural habitats through policies in plans. Such networks should be protected from development, and where possible strengthened or integrated within it. 1.9 A range of habitat types are listed as a Habitats of Principal Importance under the provisions of Section 41 of the Natural Environment and Rural Communities (NERC) Act 2006. Paragraph 11 of PPS9 states that local authorities, through policies in plans, should conserve important natural habitat types that are identified as being of principal importance for the conservation of biodiversity in England and identify opportunities to enhance and add to them. Protected Species 1.10 A range of species are listed as Species of Principal Importance for the conservation of biodiversity in England in response to Section 41 of the NERC Act. These species are a material consideration in planning terms according to Planning Policy Statement 9: Biodiversity and Geological Conservation (PPS9). 1.11 In paragraph 16 of PPS9, the government indicates ” that local authorities should take steps to further the conservation of Species of Principal Importance for the conservation of biodiversity in England and should ensure that that the habitats of these species are protected from further decline and from adverse effects of development, where appropriate, by using planning conditions or obligations. Planning authorities should refuse permission where harm to the species or their habitats would result unless the need for, and benefits of, the development clearly outweigh the harm. 1.12 Key Principle ii of PPS9 and Paragraph 116 of Government Circular 06/2005, which accompanies PPS 9, also advise that planning authorities should give due weight to the presence of a European Protected Species on a development site to meet their statutory requirements in exercising their functions in relation to the Habitats Directive. Regional policy 1.13 The regional spatial strategy for the East Midlands is published in the East Midlands Regional Plan and provides the strategic land use planning context for Derbyshire. The following policies are relevant to the proposed development at Cowdale. 4500.02_003_ES_ph_gba.doc Page 3 1.14 Policy 28: Regional Priorities for Environmental and Green Infrastructure, states that Local Authorities, statutory environmental bodies and developers should work with the voluntary sector, landowners and local communities to ensure the delivery, protection and enhancement of Environmental Infrastructure across the Region. Such infrastructure should contribute to a high quality natural and built environment and to the delivery of sustainable communities. 1.15 Local Authorities and those responsible for the planning and delivery of growth and environmental management across the Region should work together to: • assess the capacity of existing Environment Infrastructure to accommodate change in order to inform decisions on the scale, location and phasing of new development. Account should be taken of current deficits and likely future demands, including those likely to result from climate change, to identify any further needs or constraints; • select appropriate indicators and targets to monitor the condition of Environmental Infrastructure and to ensure that its capacity to accommodate change is not breached; • ensure that the provision and design of new Environmental Infrastructure is considered and its delivery planned through environmental capacity analysis at the same time as other infrastructure requirements; • within Local Development Frameworks develop ‘green infrastructure plans’ based on character assessments of existing natural, cultural and landscape assets and the identification of new assets required to meet the needs of existing and expanding communities; • increase access to green space that can be used for formal and informal recreation, educational purposes and to promote healthy lifestyles, without increasing pressures on sensitive sites, especially those designated under the European Habitats Directive; and • identify delivery and funding mechanisms for the creation and future management of Green Infrastructure, including from the planning system and other funding sources such as EU funded Environmental Stewardship Schemes. 1.16 Policy 29: Priorities for Enhancing the Region’s Biodiversity, states that: Local Authorities, statutory environmental bodies and developers should work with the voluntary sector, landowners and local communities to implement the Regional
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  • Malacostraca, Isopoda, Oniscidea) of Nature Reserves in Poland
    B ALTIC COASTAL ZONE Vol. 24 pp. 65–71 2020 ISSN 2083-5485 © Copyright by Institute of Modern Languages of the Pomeranian University in Słupsk Received: 7/04/2021 Original research paper Accepted: 26/05/2021 NEW INFORMATION ON THE WOODLOUSE FAUNA (MALACOSTRACA, ISOPODA, ONISCIDEA) OF NATURE RESERVES IN POLAND Artsiom M. Ostrovsky1, Oleg R. Aleksandrowicz2 1 Gomel State Medical University, Belarus e-mail: [email protected] 2 Institute of Biology and Earth Sciences, Pomeranian University in Słupsk, Poland e-mail: [email protected] Abstract This is the fi rst study on the woodlouse fauna of from 5 nature reserves in the Mazowian Lowland (Bukowiec Jabłonowski, Mosty Kalińskie, Łosiowe Błota, Jezioro Kiełpińskie, Klimonty) and from 2 nature reserves in the Pomeranian Lake District (Ustronie, Dolina Huczka) are presented. A total of 8 species of woodlice were found. The number of collected species ranged from 1 (Dolina Chuczka, Mosty Kalińskie, Klimonty) to 5 (Łosiowe Błota). The most common species in the all studied reserves was Trachelipus rathkii. Key words: woodlouse fauna, nature reserves, Poland, Isopoda, species INTRODUCTION Woodlice are key organisms for nutrient cycling in many terrestrial ecosystems; how- ever, knowledge on this invertebrate group is limited as for other soil fauna taxa. By 2004, the world’s woodlouse fauna (Isopoda, Oniscidea) included 3637 valid species (Schmalfuss 2003). The fauna of terrestrial isopods in Europe has been active studied since the beginning of the XX century and is now well studied (Jeff ery et al. 2010). In Poland 37 isopod species inhabiting terrestrial habitats have been recorded so far, including 12 in Mazovia and 16 in Pomerania (Jędryczkowski 1979, 1981, Razowski 1997, Piksa and Farkas 2007, Astrouski and Aleksandrowicz 2018).
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