b0C1' 1EIPi REsU ED 11; 241 !_;0 009 AUTHOE H twkin,,John N. 1-0:1ource Handbo kfo Ti Htudie! A off Curr oulum nt irSi1Jr P-sohool through Grade Twelve. IN3TITOTION CailiEornia Univ., Los Anqoles. Committeeot Compatativ and I flt mu tional St udie Prii DATE 76 NOTE 194p. AlimiA 31-E FRom c,Arriculum ceT1t, ncjoi 2(.,Hall Hilgatd AvcAtiq, Cd1 forniz 90024 papcidcic; P72,1PM HC NoL Availabl ft DEJC Anotated Bib_ ographies; *Area Studies; Studies; Bibliographies; Books; *Cros Ci1ltl1Ll Studies; Cultural Differences; CurriculumE aluatioll; Elementary Secondary Education; Yilms; iniTtrp f5Z Foreign Culture; *Instructional Materials; International Studies; Maps; Me surementIns ill,n Periodicals; Phonograph Records; *Resource Slides; Social Studies; Tape Recordings; Transparencies IDEN=ERS Asia AB TPACT This handbook is an annotated bibliogr41 of 1,586 instruct oval riiaterials for teaching about Asia. Existig materials are identified that can be used by precollegiate teachers of all subject areas. The handbook is arranged by grade levelspreschoolto grade 3, grades 4-6, junior high, senior high,and ungraded. Withi each section, materials are divided by geographicregion and listed alphabetically according to their instructionalformats. "The region divisions include East Asia, South Asia, SoutheastAsia, and Pacific Islands. Types of materials include multimedia, books, films, filmstrips, slides, maps and transparencies, records andtapes, aad posters and study prints. Bibliographies,miscellaneous resources, and selected journals are litc,.(1 separately. Entries contain title, date, description, price, and publisher. Some annotationsprovide an evaluation of the material's cross-cultural instructionalvalue- A list of publishers and distributors is included forordering materials. The handbook concludes with two model evaluationforms vhich nay assist teachers in selecting materialson tile basis their cross-cultural value and forpurposes of general assesment.
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