CV – Ariel Roguin June 2014


1. PERSONAL DETAILS BIRTH DATE: March 16th, 1966 MARITAL STATUS WORK ADDRESS. Department of Cardiology Rambam Medical Center Bat Galim, Haifa 31096, Fax 972-4-854-3451 Office 972-4-854-2181 TELEPHONE: Mobile 050-206-3201 e-Mail: [email protected] or [email protected] 2. ACADEMIC DEGREES 1987-1994: Faculty of Medicine, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel, 21.5.1991: Bachelor of Science in Medical Sciences (Cum Laude). 19.6.1995: Doctor of Medicine (Cum Laude). 1999-2002 Faculty of Medicine, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel, Ph.D. in Medicine (Angiogenesis) 2005-2011 Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Medicine, Technion Since 2011 Associate Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Technion

3. CERTIFICATIONS: June 1995: Israel License to practice Medicine (number 27357) March 1998: ECFMG certification (number 0-512-296-5) July 2000: Israel Board Certified in Medicine (number 17962) March 2004: Israel Board Certified in Cardiology (number 20712) Sep. 2005 European Cardiologist Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology 2010 Good Clinical Practice Course, Faculty of Medicine 6.2011 Good Clinical Practice Course, Faculty of Medicine and Rambam Medical Center 4. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 1994-1995 Internship; Rambam Medical Center, Haifa, Israel. 1995-1998: Resident; Internal Medicine C, Rambam Medical Center, Haifa, Israel. 1998-2001: Fellow; Cardiology Dept., Rambam Medical Center, Haifa, Israel 1999-2002: PhD student, Anatomy and Cell Biology Dept. , Faculty of Medicine, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel, 11/2001-6/2002 Staff, Cardiology Dept., Rambam Medical Center, Haifa, Israel 2002-2004: Research and Interventional Cardiology Fellowship, Division of Cardiology, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. Since 8-2004: Attending, Cardiology Dept., Rambam Medical Center, Haifa, Israel Since 3-2005: Faculty member, Faculty of Medicine, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel, 2006-present: Director, Interventional Cardiology, Rambam Medical Center,

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EDUCATION: Primary School: 1972-1976: Izraelia ,Haifa, Israel 1977-1978: Beckford School, London, England Secondary School: 1979-1984: Reali Ivri Secondary School, Biological-Scientific Course. Haifa, Israel

MILITARY SERVICE: Israel Defense Forces: Israeli Navy 1984-1987 Israel Naval Ship - INS Acco: Electronic Warfare Systems Officer, Rank - First sergeant.

LANGUAGES: Hebrew, English, Spanish (Arabic).

5. RESEARCH INTEREST Angiogenesis and Gene therapy Cardiac Imaging Endothelial progenitor cells MRI Safety with cardiac devices Percutaneous Coronary Interventions Ionizing radiation hazards Restenosis

6. TEACHING EXPERIENCE 1995-98: Fifth year students (ECG course, and lectures). Internal Medicine C, Rambam Medical Center. 1996-2002: New immigrants’ Cardiology course, Rambam Medical Center. 1997-98: Tutor, Fourth year students – Clinical examination course. Internal Medicine C, Rambam Medical Center. 1999: Technion – B. Rappaport Faculty of Medicine - best lecturer award 1998-99: Sixth year students, Internal Medicine C, Rambam Medical Center. 1998-2002: Lectures in emergency Medicine and Nephrology - continued medical education nurse courses, Lady Davis School of Nurses, Bat Galim, Haifa. 1999: Tutor Fourth year students – Clinical Medicine course Internal Medicine C, Rambam 1999-2002: Sixth year students, Cardiology Dept, Rambam Medical Center. 2002 ECG course, American program students, 4th year, Technion – Faculty of Medicine. 2003-4 Hemodynamic and angiographic rounds, 3rd year, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore MD, USA 2004, 2006: Tutor., Sixth year students, Cardiology Dept, Rambam Medical Center. 2004- Clinical instruction to Fifth and Sixth year MD students, Cardiology Dept, Rambam present Medical Center Since 2005: ECG course coordinator, American Program, Technion – Faculty of Medicine. Since 2005: ECG course coordinator, Integrative course - 4th year, Technion – Faculty of Medicine. 2006-2010: Continued Medical Education, Technion post graduate GP course, 20 hours per semester on different Cardiology topics. Since 2008: ACS and Interventional Cardiology – 4th year, Integrative course - 4th year, Technion – Faculty of Medicine. 2008-2010 University, Post Graduate Cardiovascular course Since 2008: ACS and Interventional Cardiology – 2nd year, American Program, Technion – Faculty of Medicine. 2006, 2008, Technion – B. Rappaport Faculty of Medicine - best lecturer award 2011, 2012 Since 2013 Rambam Collage – First year program, Cardiovascular diseases. Since 2013 Continued Medical Education, Technion post graduate Cardiology course

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7. TECHNION AND HOSPITAL ACTIVITIES: 1997-2002 Rambam Medical Center, Medical Records Committee, Member. 1998-2002 Rambam Medical Center, Task force committee for the treatment of pulmonary edema, Member 2000-2002 Rambam Medical Center, Member of brain death determination council 2005-2007 Rambam Medical Center, Member of Internet site committee 2008 Rambam Medical Center, Member of antiplatelet therapy and surgery recommendations committee 2009-2011 Technion: representative of the faculty of Medicine in the faculty of Bio Medical Engineering. 2011- Member of the Faculty of Medicine Admission committee. 8. PUBLIC PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES 2007 Advisory committee to the Israel Heart Society on "Radiation in Cardiovascular Imaging". 2008 Head of the European Society of Cardiology [EHRA and Imagining working group] Task force for writing the Society's position paper and guidelines regarding "MR imaging in patients with cardiovascular electronic devices". Published in Europace 2008; 10: 336-346 2010 Task force Committee member of the collaborative task force of the Israel Radiological Society and Israeli Heart Society on "Indications for Cardiac CT". 2008-2012 Advisory committee to the Medtronic MRI project. 2010 Steering committee for MRI pacemaker study, Boston Scientific. 2012 Task force Committee member of the Israel Ministry of Health on radiation protection of health workers 2011,2013 Educational committee for Israeli Interventional Cardiology Fellows

Principal investigator in clinical trials: Cardiac CT trial, Horizons AMI, Echosense, Rose trial, Early ACS, Haptoguard-II, Lipitor 10 Vs 80, Nobori-2, Prokinetic Energy registry, EnRhythm surescan- MRI trial, Cynergy, e- Sirius, ARTS, E-5 trial, Freedom, e-Nobori, Delux DEB, Cypher e-Select, M-Guard, TARGET-PCI, Master-trial, Samurai, Reviewer: Acute Cardiac Care American Heart Journal CardioVascular and Interventional Radiology Chest Circulation EuroIntervention Europace European Heart Journal Expert Review of Medical Devices Journal of the American College of Cardiology [JACC] Journal of the American Medical Association [JAMA] Journal of Invasive Cardiology International Journal of Cardiology International Journal of Clinical Practice International Journal of Interventional Cardiology PACE Thrombosis Research World Journal of Cardiovascular Diseases 3 CV – Ariel Roguin June 2014

9. MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES National Israel Medical Association. Israel Society of Cardiology Israel Society for Heart Research Israel Epidemiology Society. International American College of Angiology American Heart Association, Council on Cardiovascular Radiology Member (No. 117-030-977) American Heart Association, Council on Clinical Cardiology Member (No. 109-178-552) American College of Cardiology - Fellow American Diabetes Association European Society of Cardiology - Fellow International Society for Heart Research

10. HONORS, PRIZES AND AWARDS: June 1996: The Halina Thorn award for best MD thesis, Technion - Faculty of Medicine. June 1997: International Society for Artificial Organ fellowship award, Providence, RI, USA. October 1998: Young Investigator Award of the American College of Angiology, New Orleans, LA, USA 1999: Technion - B. Rappaport Faculty of Medicine award for best annual lecturer 2000: Foulkes foundation scholarship Jan 2001 Wolf Foundation finalist Feb 2001: Rena Yarom Award Competition Winner, Israeli Society of Heart Research. April 2001 Neufeld foundation award (1st place) for original work, Israel Heart Society June 2001 Award for best abstract - 4th International Interventional Meeting, London, UK. October 2001 Rambam Medical Center award for best clinical study 2000/01 2001 Israel Ministry of Health bio-medical research grant (# 180-317) Feb 2002: Rena Yarom Award Competition Winner, Israeli Society of Heart Research. March 2002 Fulbright - United States - Israel Educational Foundation Post-Doctoral award, academic year 2002/2003. April 2002: JJ Kellerman Young Investigator Award Competition (3rd place), Israel Heart Society. April 2002: Israel Heart Society - MSD Israel Fellowship Grant – 2002. May 2002 Israel Pacing Foundation Grant June 2002 American Physician Fellowship for Medicine Grant July 2002 Israel Medical Association (world fellowship) - Ami Cohen Grant September 2002 Reut (Foundation for the development of Israeli Health) Grant May 2003 Johns Hopkins Dept of Medicine Annual Research Meeting: 2003 best clinical research – finalist. October 2003 9th Annual AstraZeneca Cardiovascular Young Investigators’ Award, 1st place, Clinical Fellows Competition. Savannah, GA, USA November 2003 Winner of the Melvin Judkins Young Investigator Award in Cardiovascular Radiology. American Heart Association, Council on Cardiovascular Radiology and Intervention. Orlando, FL, USA June 2005 Bat Sheva de-Rothshild Grant – Israel Academy of Science Award Sept 2005 Award for being in the "Top-10" - best abstracts presented in the ESC meeting. Sept 2005 Moderated e-Poster competition (2nd place) 2005 ESC annual Meeting May 2006 Technion Mallat family award for biomedical research May 2007 Morasha Grant - Israel Academy of Science Award Dec 2007 Technion - B. Rappaport Faculty of Medicine award for best annual lecturer Nov 2010 NRF-Technion “Regenerative Medicine Initiative in Cardiac Restoration Therapy” Grant April 2012 Israel Heart Society – Michel Mirowski award in Cardiology

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11. STUDENTS AND INSTRUCTION M.D. or PhD Thesis Year Student Name Thesis Title Additional supervisors

MD Thesis 1997 Behar Doron, M.D. Pulmonary edema in an Internal Medicine Y. Edoute department. 1998 Tchaban Israel, Geometry of hypertrophic SA. Reisner [Primary] M.D. cardiomyopathy. 2000 Mary Phley, M.D. Coronary blood flow and reserve in R. Beyar [Primary] intermediate stenoses. 2002 Inna Spector, M.D. Prognosis of acute heart failure B. Yaacov 2006 Inna Itzikis Long term follow up of the Biodivysio stent 2006 Markusohn Erez Primary percutaneous coronary Kapeliovich M intervention in survivors of out of hospital cardiac arrest 2007 Michal Raz Left ventricular thrombus in the era of Borovik primary PCI 2007-8 Eran Cohen Prognosis of patients with stents during non cardiac surgery 2010 Yehonatan The Effect of Early PCI Intervention of Borenstein Stenotic Saphenous Vein Grafts 2010 Shiran Eliyahu Catheterization in Live Case Transmission Rafael Beyar – Immediate Outcome and Long Term Follow-Up 2014 Ina Volis Radiation protection in the catheterization laboratory Basic Science during fellowship 2001 Mahmoud Haptoglobin phenotype in patients with Andy Levy Suleiman acute MI 2012 Shuli Hitham Polymers and thromogenicity Graduate Students MSc 2007-2009 Gala Zimmerman Atherosclerosis and thrombosis A. Aharon PhD 2005-2010 Saher Hamed EPCs and diabetes B Brenner Post Doc training 2007 Julia Guetta Endothelial function

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Year Sponsor Amount (US$) 2001 Israel Ministry of Health bio-medical research grant (# 180-317) 20,000 April 2002: Israel Heart Society - MSD Israel Fellowship Grant – 2002. 10,000 May 2002 Israel Pacing Foundation Grant 3,000 June 2002 American Physician Fellowship for Medicine Grant 5,000 July 2002 Israel Medical Association (world fellowship) - Ami Cohen Grant 2,500 Sept. 2002 Reut (Foundation for the development of Israeli Health) Grant 10,000 2003 Research grants for MR and ICD interaction study (Medtronic 150,000 and St. Jude) 2005-7 Bat Sheva de-Rothshild Grant – Israel Academy of Science 70,000 Award 2006 Technion Mallat grant for biomedical research 10,000 2006 Boston Scientific early career research grant 7,000 2007-10 Morasha Grant Israel Academy of Science Award 120,000 2009 Terumo Cardiovascular grant 24,000 2010 NRF [Singapore]-Technion “Regenerative Medicine 350,000 Initiative in Cardiac Restoration Therapy” Grant 2012 Edwards lifescience fellowship grant 21,000 2013 Radiation protection and ionizing radiation 10,000


Year Project title Institution Supervisor 1995-1998 Self expanding coronary stents Technion faculty of Rafael Beyar Medicine, Rambam Medical Center 1996-2002 Safety and long term results of Technion faculty of Rafael Beyar coronary stents Medicine, Rambam Medical Center 1997-2002 Predictors of restenosis following Technion faculty of Rafael Beyar, coronary interventions Medicine, Rambam Medical Andrew P Levy Center 2000-2002 Angiogensis and collateral Technion faculty of Andrew P Levy formation Medicine 2002-2004 MR Imaging and Henry Halperin electrophysiology applications 2004- Endothelial progenitor cells Technion faculty of Medicine

2009- Radiation Protection Rambam Medical Center

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ACTIVE PARTICIPATION IN INTERNATIONAL MEETINGS Since 2005 Part of the ICI meeting faculty and organization Since 2006 Faculty member of the major cardiovascular meetings such as – ESC, AHA, ACC, TCT, EuroPCR, SOLACI Since 2006 Organization of Horizons in Rambam Medical Center Interventional Cardiology the annual live case demonstration meeting at Rambam

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1. Roguin A. (Biology course, High school), May 1984. Mitral valve prolapse in children. (Cum Laude). Supervised by: Amikam S. Reali Ivri Secondary School, Haifa. 2. Roguin A. (M.D.), April 1993. Pediatric solid tumors in Northern Israel, 1973-1990. (Cum Laude). Supervised by: Weyl Ben Arush M & Rennert G. Faculty of Medicine, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa. 3. Roguin A. (Ph.D.), 2002. Mouse hindlimb chronic ischemia model and genetic treatment using continuous infusion of different VEGF vectors. Supervised by: Andrew P Levy. Faculty of Medicine, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa.

Peer Reviewed Publications Refereed papers in professional journals: Basic research (Hypothesis-driven)

1. Roguin A, Weyl Ben Arush M, Rennert G, Rosenthal J. Malignant solid tumors in the first year of life in Northern Israel, 1973-1990. Harefuah 1994; 126: 574-576. 2. Roguin A, Weyl Ben Arush M, Dale G. Childhood lymphoma incidence in Northern Israel, 1973-1990. Pediatr Hematol Oncol 1995; 12: 447-454. 3. Roguin A, Rinkevich D, Milo S, Reisner SA. Diagnosis of mitral valve aneurysms by transesophageal echocardiography. Am Heart J 1996; 132: 689-701. 4. Roguin A, Kasis A, Weyl Ben Arush M, Sharon R, Berant M. Fever and neutropenia in children with malignant disease. Pediatr Hematol Oncol 1996; 13: 503-510. 5. Beyar R, Roguin A. Early and late results of the self-expanding nitinol stents: interim report from a multicenter european study. J Interven Cardiol 1997; 10: 207-213. 6. Roguin A, Beyar R. The acute effect of stenting with the nitinol self-expanding coil stent: preliminary experience. Int J Card Imaging 1997; 13: 441-450. 7. Weyl Ben Arush M, Roguin A, Zamir E, El-Hassid R, Pries D, Gaitini D, Dale A, Postovsky S. Bleomycin and cyclophosphamide toxicity simulating metastatic nodules to the lungs in childhood cancer. Pediatr Hematol Oncol 1997; 14: 381-386. 8. Beyar R, Roguin A, Hamburger J, Saaiman A, Bartorelli AL, DiMario C, Colombo A, Hamm CW, White CJ, Marco J, Serruys PW. Multicenter pilot study of a serpentine balloon-expandable stent (bestent): acute angiographic and clinical results. J Interven Cardiol 1997; 10: 277-286. 9. Roguin A, Linn S, Dale G, Weyl Ben Arush M. Patterns of childhood cancer incidence in Northern Israel 1973-1990. Pediatr Hematol Oncol 1997; 14: 525-537.

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10. Roguin A, Grenadier E, Peled B, Markiewicz W, Beyar R. Acute and 30-day results of the serpentine balloon expandable stent implantation in simple and complex coronary narrowings. Am J Cardiol 1997; 80: 1155-1162. 11. Roguin A, Beyar R. BeStent - the serpentine balloon expandable stent: review of mechanical properties and clinical experience. Artificial Organs 1998; 22: 243-249. 12. Roguin A, Rinkevich D, Milo S, Markiewicz W, Reisner SA. Long term follow up of patients with severe rheumatic tricuspid stenosis. Am Heart J 1998; 136: 103-108. 13. Roguin A, Beyar R. ”Reverse remodeling” with the nitinol self-expanding coil stent. Int J Cardiovasc Interventions 1998; 1: 73-74. 14. Gruberg L, Kapeliovich M, Roguin A, Grenadier E, Markiewicz W, Beyar R. Deferring angioplasty in intermediate coronary lesions based on coronary flow criteria is safe: comparison of a deferred group to an intervention group. Int J Cardiovasc Interventions 1999; 2: 35-40. 15. Beyar R, Halabi M, Roguin A, Nikolsky Y, Grenadier E. Multivessel stenting: staging vs non-staged approach. Int J Cardiovasc Interventions 1999; 2: 71-78. 16. Schultz A, Lavie L, Hochberg I, Beyar R, Stone T, Skorecki K, Lavie P, Roguin A, Levy AP. Interindividual heterogeneity in the hypoxic regulation of VEGF: significance for the development of the coronary artery collateral circulation. Circulation 1999; 100: 547-552. 17. Roguin A, Beyar R. Interventional cardiology - promises and challenges. Isr Med Assoc J 1999; 1: 104-111. 18. Roguin A, Markiewicz W, Grenadier E, Linn S, Beyar R. Continued expansion of the nitinol self-expanding coronary stent: Angiographic analysis and 1-year clinical follow-up. Am Heart J 1999; 138: 326-333. 19. Roguin A, Gruberg L, Markiewicz W, Grenadier E, Peled B, Hir J, Linn S, Eisen I, Beyar R. One-year clinical follow up with the serpentine balloon expandable stent: report of the first 100 patients. Coronary Artery Disease 1999; 10: 421-425. 20. Edoute Y, Roguin A, Behar DM, Reisner SA. Prospective evaluation of pulmonary edema. Crit Care Med 2000; 28: 330-335. 21. Suryapranata H, Boland JL, Pieper M, Legrand VL, Bonnier JJ, Juliard JM, Vrolix MC, Seabra-Gomes R, Hamburger JN, Roguin A, Oosterwijk C, van Es GA, Beyar R, Serruys PW for the ROSE trial investigators. Clinical and angiographic results with the bestent – the registry for optimal bestent evaluation (ROSE) trial. Int J Cardiovasc Interventions 2000; 3: 21-28. 22. Roguin A, Behar DM, Ben Ami H, Reisner SA, Edelstein S, Linn S, Edoute Y. Long-term prognosis of acute pulmonary oedema - an ominous outcome. Eur J Heart Failure 2000; 2: 137-144 23. Levy AP, Roguin A, Hochberg I, Herer P, Marsh S, Nakhoul FM, Skorecki K. Haptoglobin phenotype and vascular complications in diabetes. New Engl J Med 2000; 343: 969-970. 24. Roguin A, Beyar R. Small vessel stenting is safe, but still waiting for a well-proven antirestenotic effect. Eur Heart J 2000; 21:1732-1734 25. Roguin A, Hochberg I, Nikolsky E, Markiewicz W, Meisel SR, Hir J, Grenadier E, Beyar R, Levy AP. Haptoglobin genotype as a predictor of restenosis after PTCA. Am J Cardiol 2001; 87: 330-332.

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26. Grenadier E, Roguin A, Hertz I, Peled B, Boulos M, Nikolsky E, Amikam S, Kerner A, Cohen S, Beyar R. Stenting very small coronary narrowings (< 2 mm) using the biocompatible phosphorylcholine- coated coronary stent. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 2002; 55:303-308. 27. Hochberg I, Roguin A, Nikolsky E, Chanderashekhar PV, Cohen S, Levy AP. Haptoglobin phenotype and coronary artery collaterals in diabetic patients. Atherosclerosis 2002; 161:441-6. 28. Gingold L, Dagan M, Kutcharo R, Sulieman M, Gruberg L, Nikolsky E, Roguin A. Differences in routine- care protocols among coronary catheterizations laboratories in Israel. J Israel Heart Assoc 2002: 12: 26-31. 29. Roguin A, Ribichini F, Ferrero V, Matullo G, Herer P, Wijns W, Levy AP. Haptoglobin phenotype and the risk of restenosis after coronary artery stent implantation. Am J Cardiol 2002; 89: 806-10. 30. Nikolsky E, Halabi M, Roguin A, Zdorovyak A, Gruberg L, Hir J, Grenadier E, Boulos M, Markiewicz W, Linn S, Beyar R. Staged versus one-step approach for multivessel percutaneous coronary interventions. Am Heart J 2002;143: 1017-26. 31. Koch W, Latz W, Eichinger M, Roguin A, Levy AP, Schomig A, Kastrati A. Genotyping of the common haptoglobin hp 1/2 polymorphism based on PCR. Clin Chem 2002; 48: 1377-82. 32. Roguin A, Avivi A, Nitecki S, Rubinstein I, Levy NS, Abassi ZA, Resnick MB, Lache O, Melamed-Frank M, Joel A, Hoffman A, Nevo E, Levy AP. Restoration of blood flow by using continuous perimuscular infiltration of plasmid DNA encoding subterranean mole rat Spalax ehrenbergi VEGF. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2003; 100: 4644-4648. 33. Roguin A, Koch W, Kastrati A, Aronson D, Schomig A, Levy AP. Haptoglobin genotype is predictive of major adverse cardiac events in the 1-year period after percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty in individuals with diabetes. Diabetes Care 2003; 26: 2628-2631. 34. Suleiman M, Kapeliovich MR, Roguin A, Aronson D, Meisel SR, Shochat M, Reisner SA, Hammerman H, Lotan R, Levy NS, Levy AP. Haptoglobin type and 30-day mortality in diabetic individuals presenting with acute myocardial infarction. Diabetes Care 2003; 26: 2699-2700. 35. Roguin A, Nitecki S, Rubinstein I, Abassi ZA, Sabo E, Levy NS, Nevo E, Avivi A, Lache O, Frank M, Hoffman A, Levy AP. Vascular endothelial growth factor fails to improve blood flow and promote collateralization in a diabetes model of hindlimb ischemia. Cardiovasc Diabetol 2003; 2: 18-27. 36. Roguin A, Resar JR. Genetics and susceptibility of coronary collateral formation. Circulation. 2003; 108: e149-150. 37. Bomma C, Rutberg J, Tandri H, Nasir K, Roguin A, Tichnell C, Rodriguez R, James C, Kasper E, Spevak P, Bluemke DA, Calkins H. Misdiagnosis of arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia/ cardiomyopathy. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. 2004; 15:300-6. 38. Nikolsky E, Gruberg L, Patil CV, Roguin A, Kapeliovich M, Petcherski S, Boulos M, Grenadier E, Amikam S, Linn S, Markiewicz W, Beyar R. Percutaneous coronary interventions in diabetic patients: is complete revascularization important? J Invasive Cardiol. 2004; 16:102-6. 39. Roguin A, Bomma CS, Nasir K, Tandri H, Tichnell C, James C, Rutberg J, Crosson J, Spevak PJ, Berger RD, Halperin HR, Calkins H. Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillators in

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patients with arrhythmogenic right ventricular Dysplasia/Cardiomyopathy. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2004; 43:1843-52. 40. Roguin A, Zviman MM, Meininger GR, Rodriguez ER, Dickfeld TM, Bluemke DA, Lardo A, Berger RD, Calkins H, Halperin HR. Modern pacemaker and implantable cardioverter/defibrillator systems can be magnetic resonance imaging safe: in vitro and in vivo assessment of safety and function at 1.5 T. Circulation. 2004; 110:475-82. 41. Nasir K, Bomma C, Tandri H, Roguin A, Dalal D, Prakasa K, Tichnell C, James C, Spevak P, Marcus F, Calkins H. Electrocardiographic features of arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia/cardiomyopathy according to disease severity: a need to broaden diagnostic criteria. Circulation. 2004;110:1527-34. 42. Dickfeld T, Calkins H, Zviman M, Meininger G, Lickfett L, Roguin A, Lardo AC, Berger R, Halperin H, Solomon SB. Stereotactic magnetic resonance guidance for anatomically targeted ablations of the fossa ovalis and the left atrium. J Interv Card Electrophysiol. 2004;11:105-15. 43. Zviman MM, Roguin A, Jacobs A, Rent K, Lardo A, Halperin HR. A new method for inducing hypothermia during cardiac arrest. Crit Care Med. 2004;32 (Suppl):S369-73. 44. Roguin A, Steinberg BA, Watkins 3rd SP, Hill P, Fernando D, Resar JR. Magneto- Cardio-Gram recordings in a non shielded environment - reproducibility and ischemia detection. Ann Noninvasive Electrocariol. 2005;10:152-60. 45. Bomma C, Dalal D, Tandri H, Prakasa K, Nasir K, Roguin A, Tichnell C, James C, Lima JA, Calkins H, Bluemke DA Regional differences in systolic and diastolic function in arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia/cardiomyopathy (ARVD/C) using Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Am J Cardiol 2005;95:1507-11. 46. Aronson D, Goldberg A, Roguin A, Petcherski S, Rimer D, Gruberg L, Avizohar O, Levy Y, Markiewicz W, Beyar R. Effect of obesity on the relationship between plasma C- reactive protein and coronary artery stenosis in patients with stable angina. Atherosclerosis 2005; 185:137-42. 47. Nasir K, Young CY, Santos RD, Roguin A, Braunstein RB, Carvalho JA, Blumenthal RS. The association of subclinical coronary atherosclerosis with abdominal and total obesity in asymptomatic men. Preventive Cardiology 2005; 8:143-8. 48. Roguin A, Steinberg BA, Watkins 3rd SP, Resar JR. Safety of Bivalirudin during percutaneous coronary interventions in patients with abnormal renal function. Int J Intervent Cardiol 2005; 7:88-92. 49. Roguin A, Resar JR, Voner J, Nasir K, Hennebry TA, Miller JM, Ingersoll R, Kasch LM, Semenza GL. Hypoxia-Inducible Factor 1α polymorphism and coronary collaterals in patients with ischemic heart disease. Chest 2005; 128: 787-791. 50. Suleiman M, Aronson D, Asleh R, Kapeliovich MR, Roguin A, Meisel SR, Shochat M, Sulieman A, Reisner SA, Markiewicz W, Hammerman H, Lotan R, Levy NS, Levy AP. Haptoglobin polymorphism predicts 30-day mortality and heart failure in patients with diabetes and acute myocardial infarction. Diabetes. 2005; 54: 2802-6. 51. Jayam V, Zviman MM, Jayanti V, Roguin A, Halperin HR, Berger RD, Internal defibrillation with minimal skeletal muscle activation: a new paradigm towards painless defibrillation. Heart Rhythm 2005 ;2:1108-13. 52. Roguin A, Resar JR. CT angiography is here - are we expected to see a change of angiography referral pattern? Int J Cardiovasc Intervent. 2005;7:152-4.

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53. Piccini JP, Dalal D, Roguin A, Bomma C, Cheng A, Prakasa K, Dong J, Tichnell C, James C, Russell S, Crosson J, Berger RD, Marine JE, Tomaselli G, Calkins H. Predictors of appropriate implantable defibrillator therapies in patients with arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia. Heart Rhythm. 2005;2:1188-94. 54. Nazarian S, Bluemke DA, Lardo AC, Zviman MM, Watkins SP, Dickfeld TL, Meininger GR, Roguin A, Calkins H, Tomaselli GF, Weiss RG, Berger RD, Lima JA, Halperin HR. Magnetic resonance assessment of the substrate for inducible ventricular tachycardia in nonischemic cardiomyopathy. Circulation. 2005; 112:2821-5. 55. Rana J, Nasir K, Santos RD, Roguin A, Orakzai SH, Carvalho JA, Meneghello R, Blumenthal RS. Increased level of cardiorespiratory fitness blunts the inflammatory response in metabolic syndrome. Int J Cardiol. 2005; 110:224-30. 56. Dalal D, Nasir K, Bomma C, Prakasa K, Tandri H, Piccini J, Roguin A, Tichnell C, James C, Russell SD, Judge DP, Abraham T, Spevak PJ, Bluemke DA, Calkins H. Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia: a United States experience. Circulation. 2005; 112:3823-32. 57. Beyar R, Gruberg L, Deleanu D, Roguin A, Almagor Y, Cohen S, Kumar G, Wenderow T. Remote-control percutaneous coronary interventions: concept, validation, and first-in- humans pilot clinical trial. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2006; 47: 296-300. 58. Dickfeld T, Kato R, Zviman M, Lai S, Meininger G, Lardo AC, Roguin A, Bluemke D, Berger R, Calkins H, Halperin HR. Characterization of radiofrequency ablation lesions with gadolinium-enhanced cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2006; 47: 370-378. 59. Nasir K, Santos PD, Roguin A, Carvalho JAM, Meneghello R, Blumenthal RS. Relationship of subclinical coronary atherosclerosis and national cholesterol education panel guidelines in asymptomatic Brazilian men. Int J Cardiol 2006; 108: 68-75. 60. Goldsher D, Amikam S, Boulos M, Suleiman M, Shreiber R, Eran A, Goldshmid Y, Mazbar R, Roguin A. Magnetic resonance imaging for patients with permanent pacemakers. Isr Med Assoc J. 2006;8:91-4. 61. Orakzai RH, Orakzai SH, Nasir K, Roguin A, Pimentel I, Carvalho JA, Meneghello R, Blumenthal RS, Santos RD. Association of increased cardiorespiratory fitness with low risk for clustering of metabolic syndrome components in asymptomatic men. Arch Med Res. 2006;37:522-8. 62. Goldberg A, Gruberg L, Roguin A, Petcherski S, Rimer D, Markiewicz W, Beyar R. Aronson D. Preprocedural C-reactive protein levels predict myocardial necrosis after successful coronary stenting in patients with stable angina. Am Heart J. 2006;151:1265- 70. 63. Nazarian S, Roguin A, Zviman MM, Lardo AC, Dickfeld TL, Calkins H, Weiss RG, Berger RD, Bluemke DA, Halperin HR. Clinical utility and safety of a protocol for noncardiac and cardiac magnetic resonance imaging of patients with permanent pacemakers and implantable-cardioverter defibrillators at 1.5 Tesla. Circulation. 2006; 114:1277-84. 64. Kerner A, Gruberg L, Goldberg A, Roguin A, Lavie P, Lavie L, Markiewicz W, Beyar R, Aronson D. Relation of C-reactive protein to coronary collaterals in patients with stable angina pectoris and coronary artery disease. Am J Cardiol. 2007; 99:509-12. 65. Rispler S , Keidar Z, Ghersin E, Roguin A, Soil A, Dragu R, Litmanovich D, Frenkel A, Aronson D, Engel A, Beyar R, Israel O. Integrated SPECT/CT for the assessment of 12 CV – Ariel Roguin June 2014

hemodynamically significant coronary artery lesions. J Am Coll Cardiol 2007; 49: 1059- 67. 66. Roguin A, Marcusohn E, Sebbag A, Kerner A, Boulos M, Markiewicz W, Nikolsky E, Beyar R, Hammerman H, Kapeliovich M. Primary percutaneous coronary intervention in survivors of out of hospital cardiac arrest. IMAJ 2007; 9: 257-259. 67. Suleiman M, Gepstein L, Roguin A, Beyar R, Boulos M. Catheter ablation of cardiac arrhytmias guided by electroanatomic imaging (CARTO): single center experience. IMAJ 2007; 9: 260-264. 68. Roguin A, Nasir K, Sarwar A, Rumberger JA, Blumenthal RS. Gender differences in coronary arteries and thoracic aorta calcification. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2007; 27:1220-2. 69. Bomma C, Dalal D, Tandri H, Prakasa K, Nasir K, Roguin A, Piccini J, Dong J, Tichnell C, Mahadevappa M, James C, Lima JA, Fishman E, Calkins H, Bluemke DA. Evolving role of multidetector computed tomography in evaluation of arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia/cardiomyopathy. Am J Cardiol. 2007; 100:99-105 70. Nair P, Roguin A. Radiation during cardiovascular imaging. Br J Cardiol. 2007; 14:289- 292. 71. Lavi S, Kapeliovich M, Gruberg L, Roguin A, Boulos M, Grenadier E, Amikam S, Markiewicz W, Beyar R, Hammerman H. Hyperglycemia during acute myocardial infarction in patients who are treated by primary percutaneous coronary intervention: Impact on long-term prognosis. Int J Cardiol 2008; 123:117-22. 72. Dragu R, Kerner A, Gruberg L, Rispler S, Lessick J, Ghersin E, Litmanovich D, Engel A, Beyar R, Roguin A. Angiographically uncertain left main coronary artery narrowings: correlation with multidetector computed tomography and intravascular ultrasound. Int J Cardiovasc Imaging. 2007; 24:557-63 73. Roguin A, Schwitter J, Vahlhaus C, Lombardi M, Priori S, Sommer T. ESC Position paper – Magnetic Resonance Imaging in individuals with Pacemakers or Implantable cardioverter defibrillator systems. Europace 2008; 10:336-346. 74. Nazarian S, Kolandaivelu A, Zviman MM, Meininger GR, Kato R, Susil RC, Roguin A, Dickfeld TL, Ashikaga H, Calkins H, Berger RD, Bluemke DA, Lardo AC, Halperin HR. Feasibility of real-time magnetic resonance imaging for catheter guidance in electrophysiology studies. Circulation. 2008; 118:223-9. 75. Lin S, Roguin A, Metzger Z, Levin L. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) response to dental trauma: a preliminary study in rats. Dent Traumatol. 2008; 24:435-8. 76. Roguin A, Ghersin E, Engel A, Abadi S, Beyar R, Rispler S. Cardiology consultation as a gatekeeper prior to cardiac multi-detector computed tomography. IMAJ 2008: 10;702-6. 77. Abadi A, Roguin A, Engel A, Lessick J. Feasibility of Automatic Assessment of Four- Chamber Cardiac Function with MDCT: Initial Clinical Application and Validation. Eur J Radiol 2009 Mar 2. [Epub ahead of print] 78. Roguin A, Abadi S, Engel A, Beyar R. Novel method for real time hybrid cardiac CT and coronary angiography image registration. EuroIntervention 2009; 4:648-653. 79. Osherov AB, Borovik-Raz M, Aronson D, Agmon Y, Kapeliovich M, Kerner A, Grenadier E, Hammerman H, Nikolsky E, Roguin A. Incidence of early left ventricular thrombus after acute anterior wall myocardial infarction in the primary coronary intervention era. Am Heart J. 2009; 157:1074-80. 13 CV – Ariel Roguin June 2014

80. Asaf R, Blum S, Roguin A, Kalet-Litman S, Kheir J, Frisch A, Miller-Lotan R, Levy AP. Haptoglobin genotype is a determinant of survival and cardiac remodeling after myocardial infarction in diabetic mice. Cardiovasc Diabetol. 2009;8: 29-35. 81. Osherov AB, Roguin A, Aronson D, Grenadier E, Kerner A, Boulus M, Kapeliovich M, Hani A, Hammerman H, Beyar R, Nikolsky E. Impact of platelet glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptor inhibitors on renal function in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction treated with primary or rescue percutaneous coronary intervention. EuroIntervention. 2009;5:604-9. 82. Roguin A, Beyar R. Real case virtual reality training prior to carotid artery stenting. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2010; 75:279-82 83. Hamed S, Brenner B, Aharon A, Daoud D, Roguin A. Nitric oxide and superoxide dismutase modulate endothelial progenitor cell function in type 2 diabetes mellitus. Cardiovasc Diabetol. 2009;8:56-62. 84. Hamed S, Brenner B, Abassi Z, Aharon A, Daoud D, Roguin A. Hyperglycemia and Oxidized-LDL exert a deleterious effect on Endothelial Progenitor Cell migration in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Thromb Res. 2010; 126:166-74. 85. Hamed S, Alshiek J, Aharon A, Brenner B, Roguin A. Red wine consumption improves the in vitro migration of endothelial progenitor cells in young, healthy individuals. Am J Clin Nutr. 2010; 92:161-9. 86. Cohen E, Osherov AB, Edry R, Sebbag A, Massalha ST, Kerner A, Roguin A. Perioperative antiplatelet therapy in patients with coronary stents. Int J Cardiol 2010; 145: 548-550. 87. Hamed S, Brenner B, Roguin A. Nitric oxide: a key factor behind the dysfunctionality of endothelial progenitor cells in diabetes mellitus type-2. Cardiovasc Res. 2011; 91:9-15. 88. Jolly SS, Yusuf S, Cairns J, Niemelä K, Xavier D, Widimsky P, Budaj A, Niemelä M, Valentin V, Lewis BS, Avezum A, Steg PG, Rao SV, Gao P, Afzal R, Joyner CD, Chrolavicius S, Mehta SR; RIVAL trial group. Radial versus femoral access for coronary angiography and intervention in patients with acute coronary syndromes (RIVAL): a randomised, parallel group, multicentre trial. Lancet. 201; 377(9775):1409-20. 89. Ranjan R, Kato R, Zviman MM, Dickfeld TM, Roguin A, Berger RD, Tomaselli GF, Halperin HR. Gaps in the ablation line as a potential cause of recovery from electrical isolation and their visualization using MRI. Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol. 2011; 4:279- 86. 90. Abassi ZA, Barac YD, Kostin S, Roguin A, Ovcharenko E, Awad H, Blank A, Bar-Am O, Amit T, Schaper J, Youdim M, Binah O. TVP1022 attenuates cardiac remodeling and kidney dysfunction in experimental volume overload-induced congestive heart failure. Circ Heart Fail. 2011; 4;463-73. 91. Shuaib A, Bornstein NM, Diener HC, Dillon W, Fisher M, Hammer MD, Molina CA, Rutledge JN, Saver JL, Schellinger PD, Shownkeen H; SENTIS Trial Investigators. Partial aortic occlusion for cerebral perfusion augmentation: safety and efficacy of NeuroFlo in Acute Ischemic Stroke trial. Stroke. 2011; 42:1680-90. 92. Rispler S, Aronson D, Abadi S, Roguin A, Engel A, Beyar R, Israel O, Keidar Z. Integrated SPECT/CT for assessment of haemodynamically significant coronary artery lesions in patients with acute coronary syndrome. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging. 2011; 38:1917-25.

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93. Tsimerman G, Roguin A, Bachar A, Melamed E, Brenner B, Aharon A. Involvement of microparticles in diabetic vascular complications. Thromb Haemost. 2011; 106: 310-21. 94. Nazarian S, Hansford R, Roguin A, Goldsher D, Zviman MM, Lardo AC, Caffo BS, Frick KD, Kraut MA, Kamel IR, Calkins H, Berger RD, Bluemke DA, Halperin HR. Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Patients with Implanted Cardiac Devices at 1.5 Tesla: Prospective Study to Assess Safety, Utility, and Cost Effectiveness. Ann Int Med 2011; 155:415-424. 95. Rubinshtein R, Wolak A, Goitein O, Kornowski R, Gaspar T, Aviram G, Roguin A, Blinder G, Shemesh J, Konen E. Appropriateness criteria for the use of cardiac computed tomography: position paper of the Israeli Heart Society and the Israeli Society of Radiology. Harefuah. 2011;150:801-5. 96. Lessick J, Abadi S, Agmon Y, Keidar Z, Carasso S, Aronson D, Ghersin E, Rispler S, Sebbag A, Israel O, Hammerman H, Roguin A. Multidetector computed tomography predictors of late ventricular remodeling and function after acute myocardial infarction. Eur J Radiol. 2011 Dec 30. [Epub ahead of print]. 97. Roguin A, Goldstein J, Bar O. Brain tumours among interventional cardiologists: a cause for alarm? Report of four new cases from two cities and a review of the literature. EuroIntervention. 2012;7:1081-6. 98. Roguin A*, Eliyahu S*, Kerner A, Boulos M, Lorber A, Halabi M, Suleiman M, Nikolsky E, Rispler S, Beyar R. Live Case Demonstration of Interventional Cardiology Procedures - Is it really safe? JACC Cardiovasc Intervent 2012; 5:215-224. 99. Jaffe R, Halon DA, Roguin A, Rubinshtein R, Lewis BS. A Poiseuille-based coronary angiographic index for prediction of Fractional Flow Reserve. Int J Cardiol 2012 100. Segev A, Matetzky S, Danenberg H, Fefer P, Bubyr L, Zahger D, Roguin A, Gottlieb S, Kornowski R. Contemporary use and outcome of percutaneous coronary interventions in patients with acute coronary syndromes: Insights from 2010 ACSIS and ACSIS-PCI Registries. EuroIntervention 2012; 101. Barac Y*, Fath-Ordoubadi F*, Abergel E, Danzi GB, Kerner A, Nikolsky E, Halabi M, Mamas M, El-Omar M, Fraser D, Roguin A. Gender impact on prognosis of acute coronary syndrome patients treated with drug eluting stents. Am J Cardiol 2012; 110:636-42 102. Yuan S, Xiong G, Roguin A, Choong C. Immobilization of gelatin onto Poly(Glycidyl Methacrylate)-grafted Polycaprolactone substrates for improved cell-material interactions. Biointerphases. 2012; 7:30. 103. Roguin A, Goldstein J, Bar O. Brain malignancies and ionising radiation: more cases reported. EuroIntervention. 2012; 8:169-70. 104. Segev A, Matetzky S, Danenberg H, Fefer P, Bubyr L, Zahger D, Roguin A, Gottlieb S, Kornowski R. Contemporary use and outcome of percutaneous coronary interventions in patients with acute coronary syndromes: insights from the 2010 ACSIS and ACSIS-PCI surveys. EuroIntervention. 2012;8:465-9. 105. Dotan M, Roguin A, Sinyor D, Yalonetsky S, Asaad K, Schwartz Y, Khatib I, Lorber A. Increased Incidence of Coronary Artery Origin Anomalies Associated With Isolated Patent Ductus Arteriosus. Pediatr Cardiol. 2012; 34:907-11. 106. Roguin A, Goldstein J, Bar O, Goldstein JA. Brain and neck tumors among physicians performing interventional procedures. Am J Cardiol 2013; 111:1368-72. 107. Kerner A, Abadi S, Abergel E, Solomonica A, Aronson D, Roguin A, Lessick J. Direct comparison between coronary computed tomography and invasive angiography for calculation of syntax score. EuroIntervention 2013; 8:1428-34.

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108. Beigel R, Matetzky S, Gavrielov-Yusim N, Fefer P, Gottlieb S, Zahger D, Atar S, Finkelstein A, Roguin A, Goldenberg I, Kornowski R, Segev A; for the ACSIS and ACSIS-PCI 2010 investigators. Predictors of high-risk angiographic findings in patients with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2013 Jun 109. Kerner A, Abergel E, Halabi M, Soni A, Danzi GB, Yalonestky S, Kornowski R, Lotan C, Spaepen E, Paunovic D, Nikolsky E, Beyar R, Roguin A. Should Proximal LAD be treated differently? Insights from a large DES stent registry. Cardiovasc Revasc Med 2013; 14:325- 32. 110. Carasso S, Agmon Y, Roguin A, Keidar Z, Israel O, Hammerman H, Lessick J. Left ventricular function and functional recovery early and late after myocardial infarction: a prospective pilot study comparing two-dimensional strain, conventional echocardiography, and radionuclide myocardial perfusion imaging. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2013; 26:1235- 44.

111. Fath-Ordoubadi F, Spaepen E, El-Omar M, Fraser DG, Khan MA, Neyses L, Danzi GB, Roguin A, Paunovic D, Mamas MA. Outcomes in Patients with Acute and Stable Coronary Syndromes; Insights from the Prospective NOBORI-2 Study. PLoS ONE 2014; 9(2): e88577.

Editorials 112. Beyar R, Roguin A. The sirolimus coated stent: will the Achilles heel of interventional cardiology finally be cured? Eur Heart J 2001; 22:2054-2057. 113. Roguin A, Beyar R. Coronary perforation 2006 - watch for the wire. J Invasive Cardiol. 2005; 17:606-8. 114. Roguin A. Editorial: MRI in patients with ICDs and pacemakers. J Am Coll Cardiol 2009; 54:556-7. 115. Roguin A, Beyar R. Coronary bifurcation interventions - stay on the highway and keep it simple! J Invasive Cardiol. 2009; 21:596-7. 116. Roguin A, Goldsher D. Magnetic resonance imaging and implantable cardiac electronic devices: it's not what we can do, it's what we should do. Isr Med Assoc J. 2010; 12:436-8. 117. Roguin A. Brain tumours among interventional cardiologists: a call for alarm? Eur Heart J. 2012; 33:1850-1. 118. Roguin A. Live case demonstrations in cardiology. Eur Heart J. 2013; 34: 1461. 119. Roguin A. Early MRI Scanning of Device Patients-Not So Fast. Pacing Clin Electrophysiol. 2013; 36:1447-8. 120. Roguin A. Radiation – the double edged sword of interventional cardiology. Eurointervention 2013; 9:657-63. 121. Roguin A. Radiation in cardiology: can't live without it! : using appropriate shielding, keeping a distance as safely as possible and reducing radiation time are essential principles for radiation reduction. Eur Heart J. 2014;35:599-600.

Clinical Descriptive Research 122. Roguin A, Ben-Shahar M, Ben-Dror G, Cohen I, Hazani E. Malignant mesothelioma in family members of asbestos workers. Harefuah 1994; 126: 699-702. 16 CV – Ariel Roguin June 2014

123. Roguin A, Weyl Ben Arush M, Higasi A, Kuten A. Ifosfamide in pediatric malignancies. Harefuah 1996; 130: 511-514. 124. Beyar R, Roguin A. European experience with the self-expanding nitinol stent: pilot phase evaluation in cardiovascular applications. J Invas Cardiol 1997; 9: 88-95. 125. Beyar R, Roguin A. Newer stents: materials and designs. J Invas Cardiol 1997; 9: 363- 371. 126. Roguin A, Reisner SA. New therapeutic approaches in the treatment of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. J Israel Heart Society 1997; 17: 4-8. 127. Beyar R, Shofti R, Roguin A. Interaction between stent design, coronary stenosis and in- stent restenosis. J Israel Heart Society 1998; 20: 35-39. 128. Gruberg L, Grenadier E, Peled B, Miller H, Roguin A, Markiewicz W, Beyar R. First clinical experience with the premounted balloon-expandable serpentine stent: angiographic and short term clinical results. Cathet Cardiovasc Intervent 1998; 46: 249-253. 129. Roguin A, Reisner SA. Right atrial infected thrombi related to indwelling central venous catheters in patients undergoing dialysis. Eur J Echocardio 2000; 1: 222-223. 130. Roguin A, Beyar R, Grenadier E. Side-branch occlusion in direct intracoronary stenting: predictors and results. J Invas Cardiol 2001; 13: 582-583. 131. Nikolsky E, Rosenblatt E, Grenadier E, Boulos M, Roguin A, Patil C, Bernstein Z, Huber A, Ben-Zvi M, Bar-Deroma R, Markiewicz W, Beyar R. A prospective single-center registry for the use of intracoronary gamma radiation in patients with diffuse in-stent restenosis. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 2002; 56:46-52. 132. Roguin A, Grenadier E. Stent-based percutaneous coronary interventions in small coronary arteries. Acute Card Care. 2006; 8: 70-4 133. Roguin A, Kerner A, Kapeliovich M. Like mother like son. Int J Cardiol 2006; 112: 391- 392. 134. Erbel R, Eggebrecht H, Roguin A, Schroeder E, Philipp S, Heitzer T, Schwacke H, Ayzenberg O, Serra-Grimma R, Delarche N, Luchner A, Slagboom T. Real-world experience with silicon carbide coated cobalt chromium bare metal stents in PCI: Twelve- month results of the ENERGY Registry.

Case reports 135. Roguin A, Ben Dror G, Hazani E. Brucella orchitis. Harefuah 1994; 126: 70-71. 136. Roguin N, Roguin A. The disease and death of Judah Aristobolus. Harefuah 1994; 126: 356-357. 137. Roguin A, Bishara B, Munichor M, Barzilai A. Solitary metastatic malignant melanoma to the jejunum. Am Fam Physician 1996; 54: 1481-1484. 138. Ben Ami H, Roguin A. Bilateral hydroureter caused by “fecaloma”. Harefuah 1997; 132: 371. 139. Roguin A, Edelstein S, Edoute Y. Superior vena cava syndrome as a primary manifestation of Behcet’s disease. Angiology, 1997; 48: 365-368.

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140. Roguin A, Edoute Y, Milo S, Swaed S, Markiewicz W, Reisner SA. A fatal case of Behcet's disease associated with multiple cardiovascular lesions. Int J Cardiol 1997; 59: 267-273. 141. Gruberg L, Roguin A, Beyar R. Aneurysmal repair with a vein covered stent. Cathet Cardiovasc Diagn 1998; 43: 308-310. 142. Roguin A, Beyar R. Cardiac tamponade and emergency surgery following the use of monoclonal antibody to platelet glycoprotein IIb/IIIa. J Invas Cardiol 1998; 10: 399-400. 143. Ben Ami H, Krivoy N, Nagachandran P, Roguin A, Edoute Y. An interaction between digoxin and acrabose. Diabetes Care 1999; 22: 860-861. 144. Edoute Y, Roguin A, Gallimidi Z, Ben-Izhak O, Nagachandran P, Ben Ami H. Splenic inflammatory pseudotumor mimicking primary splenic malignancy. Haematologica 1999; 84: 765-766. 145. Roguin A, Gavish I, Ben Ami H, Edoute Y. Pleural empyema with salmonella mendoza as a complication of splenic abscesses in a myelodysplastic syndrome patient. Isr Med Assoc J 1999; 1: 195-196. 146. Grenadier E, Roguin A, Nikolsky E, Zdorovyak A, Cohen S. Acute left main dissection with complete obliteration of flow followed by emergency stenting without predilatation. Int J Cardiovasc Interventions 2000; 3: 245. 147. Edoute Y, Karmon Y, Roguin A, Ben-Ami H. Fatal liver necrosis associated with the use of nitrofurantoin. Isr Med Assoc J 2001; 3: 382-383. 148. Roguin A, Alhaddad IA. Crush stenting of bifurcational left subclavian-vertebral artery stenosis. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2004;62: 393-5. 149. Roguin A, Zviman MM, Nazarian S, Halperin HR. Magnetic resonance and cardiovascular implanted devices. Heart 2004; 90: 1241-1244 (eLetter). 150. Roguin A, Heldman AW, Riley RD, Al Haddad IA. Left Subclavian Artery Stenosis with Subclavian-Subclavian Bypass. Heart 2005;91:372. 151. Roguin A, Donahue JK, Bomma C, Bluemke D, Halperin HR. Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging in a patient with implantable cardioverter-defibrillator. Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 2005; 28:336-338. 152. Roguin A, Zviman MM, Halperin HR. Complete loss of ICD programmability after magnetic resonance imaging. Pacing Clin Electrophysiol. 2005;28:354-5. 153. Kerner A, Ghersin E, Roguin A. Multimodality imaging of borderline left main coronary disease using fluoroscopy, IVUS and CT coronary angiography. Int J Cardiovasc Intervent 2005;7:108-9. 154. Ghersin E, Keidar Z, Rispler S, Litmanovich D, Bar-Shalom R, Roguin A, Soil A, Israel O, Engel A. Hybrid cardiac single photon emission computed tomography/computed tomography imaging with myocardial perfusion single photon emission computed tomography and multidetector computed tomography coronary angiography for the assessment of unstable angina pectoris after coronary artery bypass grafting. Circulation. 2006;114:e237-9. 155. Yalonetsky S, Schwartz Y, Roguin A, Lorber A. Combined percutaneous intervention and atrial septal defect closure in an adult patient. Acute Card Care 2007; 9: 254-256. 156. Goldsher D, Jahshan S, Roguin A. Successful cervical MR scan in a patient several hours after pacemaker implantation. Pacing Clin Electrophysiol. 2009 ;32:1355-6. 18 CV – Ariel Roguin June 2014

157. Abergel E. Roguin A. Coronary aneurysm occurring late after drug eluting stent implantation. ISRN Cardiology 2011, ID 367512. 158. Abergel E, Beyar R, Roguin A. Repeat in-stent restenosis of drug-eluting stents in a bifurcation treated successfully with kissing drug eluting balloons. Cardiovasc Revasc Med. 2013; 14:106-8. 159. Abergel E, Beyar R, Roguin A. Re: drug eluting stents – an update. Cardiovasc Revasc Med 2013; 14; 182. 160. Shahar E, Roguin A. Ventricular fibrillation after oral administration of Amoxicillin/Clavulanic acid [Augmentin]. Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology 2014; 112: 161. Roguin A, Musallam A. Stent Thrombosis With Ticagrelor Versus Clopidogrel in Patients With Acute Coronary Syndromes: An Analysis From the Prospective, Randomized PLATO Trial". Circulation. 2014;129:e493. 162. Musallam A, Lev EI, Roguin A. Stent thrombosis in a patient with high on-treatment platelet reactivity despite ticagrelor treatment. Eur Heart J Acute Cardiovasc Care. 2014 May 22. [Epub ahead of print]

Review papers 163. Roguin A, Manaster J, Roguin N. Thrombolytic therapy in acute myocardial infarction. mechanism of action and treatment considerations. Harefuah 1993; 124: 770-775. 164. Roguin A, Edoute Y. Malignant pericardial effusion. Harefuah 1995; 128: 642-646. 165. Edoute Y, Roguin A. Side effects of amiodarone. Harefuah 1995; 129: 57-62. 166. Roguin A, Reisner SA. Dobutamine stress echocardiography. Harefuah 1997; 132: 884- 890. 167. Roguin A, Edoute Y. Mibefradil – a T-type calcium channel blocker. Harefuah 1999; 136: 167-169. 168. Levy AP, Roguin A. Basic principles of angiogenesis for the interventional cardiologist. Int J Cardiovasc Interventions 2000; 3: 13-19. 169. Roguin A, Amikam S. Pacing mode influence on mortality and morbidity. Harefuah 2001, 140; 1084-1087. 170. Roguin A, Levy AP. Therapeutic angiogenesis. J Israel Heart Assoc 2002: 12: 6-13. 171. Roguin A, Levy AP. Angiogenesis - an update. Ped Endocrinol Rev 2005;3:391-398. 172. Roguin A, Grenadier E. Pushing the limits: is there an optimal therapy for very small vessels? J Invasive Cardiol. 2005; 17:413-414. 173. Nair P, Roguin A. Magnetic Resonance Imaging in patients with ICDs and Pacemakers. Indian Pacing Electrophysiol J. 2005;5:197-209. 174. Hamed S, Roguin A. Endothelial progenitor cells and atherosclerosis. Harefuah 2006;145: 358-361.

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175. Nair P, Roguin A. Statins and the acute coronary syndrome: 'the early bird catches the worm. Int J Clin Prac 2006; 60: 716-727. 176. Nair P, Roguin A. Coronary Perforations. EuroInterv 2006; 2: 363-370. 177. Roguin A. MRI and implantable devices. Harefuah 2011:

History of Medicine Papers 178. Roguin A. Christian Johann Doppler: the man behind the effect. Br J Radiol 2002; 75:615-9. 179. Roguin A, Nikola Tesla - the man behind the magnetic field unit. J Magn Res Imaging 2004; 19: 369-374. 180. Roguin A. Scipione Riva-Rocci and the men behind the mercury sphygmomanometer. Int J Clinc Practice 2006; 60: 73-79. 181. Roguin A. Wilhelm His Jr. (1863-1934) - The man behind the bundle. Heart Rhythm. 2006;3: 480-3. 182. Roguin A, Rene Theophile Hyacinthe Laënnec (1781-1826) - The man behind the stethoscope. Clin Med Res 2006; 4:230-235. 183. Roguin A, Myron Prinzmetal 1908-1987: the man behind the variant angina. Int J Cardiol. 2008; 123:129-30. 184. Roguin A, Henry Cuthbert Bazett (1885-1950) – the man behind the QT interval correction formula. Pacing Clin Electrophysiol. 2011; 34:384-8. 185. Roguin A. Stent – the man and word behind the coronary metal prosthesis. Circulation: Cardiovascular Interventions. 2011; 4:206-9.

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Chapters in Books

1. Roguin A, Grenadier E, Gruberg L, Beyar R. The serpentine balloon expandable stent: review of mechanical properties and initial clinical experience. In: Jean Marco, Jean Fajadet. Ninth complex coronary angioplasty course book. Paris, France 1998, pp.: 801- 806.

2. Roguin A, Beyar R. Impact of the stented segment length on clinical outcome - observations from the beStent registry. Chapter 3G, In: Ellis SG and Holmes DR Jr (eds.), Strategic Approaches in Coronary Intervention, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2nd Edition, 1999, pp.: 71-77.

3. Lardo A, Roguin A, Dickfeld T, Berger R, Halperin H, "MRI Guided Electrophysiology" In: Cardiac Magnetic Resonance - Established and Emerging Applications Eds. Lardo, Fayad, Chronos, Fuster. Martin Dunitz Publishers 2004, London

4. Roguin A. René-Théophile-Hyacinthe Laënnec in Encyclopedia Britannica.

5. Roguin A, Vulnerability Caused by Arrhythmogenic Vulnerable Myocardium. SHAPE (Society for Heart Attack Prevention and Eradication) Textbook Eds: Naghavi M, Berman DS, Budoff MJ, Falk E. Fayad ZA, Hecht SA, Nasir K, Shah PK, Futura 2010.

6. Roguin A, Idelchick J. Co-Registration CTO and CT Angiography, In Chronic Total Occlusions: A Guide to Recanalization, Second edition, Eds: Shigeru Saito, Ron Waksman. Wiley-Blackwell 2012.

7. Roguin A. MRI and implantable devices. in, 2012.

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Plenary or invited talks International Meeting 1. Self-expanding nitinol coronary stents. The stent summit. London, United Kingdom. May 30-31, 1996. 2. Angiogenesis and restenosis. 4th International Meeting on Interventional Cardiology. London, UK, June 24-27, 2001 3. Stents, design and vessel wall biology: two decades of progress. 3rd World Congress on Heart Disease, Washington DC. 12-15 June, 2003. 4. Interventional MRI in cardiac procedures. 5th International Meeting on Interventional Cardiology. Tel Aviv, Israel, Dec 7-9, 2003. 5. Bivalirudin and renal dysfunction. 6th International Meeting on Interventional Cardiology. Tel Aviv, Israel, Dec 8-9, 2004. 6. Safety in MR – pacers and defibrillators 8th Annual Scientific Sessions of the Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, San Francisco, CA, USA, January 21-23, 2005. 7. Acute coronary syndromes Johns Hopkins University, (St George ACLS course), March 2-6, 2005 8. Safety of MRI in patients with pacemakers. American College of Cardiology - 56th annual scientific session, Atlanta, GA, USA March 12-15, 2006. 9. Hybrid Cardiac Imaging in the Cath lab EuroPCR annual meeting. Barcelona May 22-25, 2007 10. MRI in patients with cardiac devices European Society of Cardiology annual meeting, Vienna, Austria Sept 1-5, 2007 11. Hybrid CTA and angiography in the cath lab. Innovations in Interventional Cardiology, Tel Aviv Dec 2-3, 2007. 12. MRI in patients with cardiac devices European Society of Cardiology annual meeting, Munich, Germany. Aug 30-Sept 2, 2008 13. CT data during angiography. TCT meeting. Washington DC October 10-15, 2008 14. Hybrid Cardiac CT and Coronary Angiography Image registration. Innovations in Interventional Cardiology, Tel Aviv Dec 8-9, 2008. 15. Gastro-Intestinal Bleeding in the ACS patient. EuroPCR09, Barcelona, Spain May 18-21, 2009. 16. Cardiac CT in the Cath Lab Innovations in Cardiovascular Interventions (ICI 2009), Tel Aviv Dec 7-9, 2009. 17. Bleeding Management and Pharmacological Strategy in Primary PCI Innovations in Cardiovascular Interventions (ICI 2009), Tel Aviv Dec 7-9, 2009. 18. Enhancing Performance in Endovascular Procedures Using New Simulation Technologies for Preoperative Planning. Innovations in Cardiovascular Interventions (ICI 2009), Tel Aviv Dec 7-9, 2009. 19. CT data incorporation in the catheterization laboratory. 3rd workshop on CTO treatment - Massy CTO European Meeting. Paris France. Feb 27-28, 2010. 20. MRI safe pacemakers: Clinical experience and new devices, Cardiostim 17th World Congress in Cardiac Electrophysiology & Cardiac Techniques. Nice, France June 16-19, 2010.

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21. RES technology in clinical application. European Society of Cardiology annual meeting, Stockholm, Sweden. Aug 27-Sept 1, 2010. 22. Are Live Case Transmissions Really Safe? Innovations in Cardiovascular Interventions (ICI 2010), Tel Aviv Dec 6-7, 2010. 23. Nobori DES: Growing Body of Clinical Evidence Innovations in Cardiovascular Interventions (ICI 2010), Tel Aviv Dec 6-7, 2010. 24. Roguin A. Cardiovascular Seminar Post arrest Cardiac Catheterization: Debate: Immediate Catheterization After ROSC Is Not Necessary. 84th American Heart Association Meeting. Orlando, FL, USA. Nov 12-16, 2011. 25. What should be the next step in device design for MRI compatibility? The World Society of Arrhythmias ICEPS meeting, Athens Greece, Dec 11-14, 2011. 26. Brain malignancies among interventional cardiologists. EuroPCR, Paris, France. May 15-18, 2012 27. Radiation and risk of brain tumors TOPIC – Tokyo Interventional Cardiology meeting, Tokyo Japan July 26-28, 2012. 28. New generation drug eluting stents – the Nobori TOPIC – Tokyo Interventional Cardiology meeting, Tokyo Japan July 26-28, 2012. 29. TAVR in a patient with severely depressed Left Ventricular ejection fraction Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics conference, Miami FL, USA, Oct 22-26, 2012 30. The ENERGY registry 1 year experience. Innovations in Cardiovascular Interventions (ICI 2012), Tel Aviv Dec 3-4, 2012. 31. When should we allow patients with non-MRI compatible implanted device to undergo MRI examination? The risk-benefit ratio. XV International Symposium on Progress in Clinical Pacing. Rome Dec 4-6, 2012. 32. A safe magnetic resonance imaging with conventional and conditional pacemakers. European Society of Cardiology annual meeting, Amsterdam. Nederland. Aug 27-Sept 1, 2010 33. Radiation hazards in interventional cardiology, University of Michigan, Joint Technion UM meeting. Ann Arbor MI USA, Oct 17, 2013. 34. MRI and electronic devices. William Beaumont Hospital Cardiology rounds, Royal Oak, MI, Oct 19, 2013. 35. Radiation hazards in interventional cardiology. William Beaumont Hospital, Cardiology rounds Royal Oak, MI, Oct 19, 2013. 36. In STEMI: BMS, DES or Covered stents? SOLACI 2014, Buenos Aires, Argentina April 22-25, 2014. 37. Brain malignancies among interventional cardiologists – A call for alarm? SOLACI 2014, Buenos Aires, Argentina April 22-25, 2014. 38. Innovative Solutions: From Radial Access to Renal Denervation. SOLACI 2014, Buenos Aires, Argentina April 22-25, 2014.

National Meetings 1. MRI in patients with pacemakers and ICDs. Israel Pacing Society Meeting, Tiberias, Israel. Feb 16-18, 2005. 2. MRI in patients with pacemakers and ICDs. Rambam Medical Center Staff Meeting, Haifa, Israel. March 10, 2005. 3. Hybrid SPECT CT for coronary imaging Israeli Nuclear Cardiology 2006 meeting

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4. Radiation during cardiovascular imaging Rabin Medical Center Cardiology grand rounds Jan 2007 5. CT angiography . Feb 2007 6. Importance of anemia in the patient with cardiovascular disease Meuhedet National Meeting May 12, 2007 7. Debate: PCI Vs CABG (Vs Giddy Saar) Israeli Interventional Cardiology Meeting, July 7, 2007 8. MRI in pts with implantable devices Sheba Medical Center Cardiology grand rounds 9. Cardiovascular imaging Cardiology fellows course Ceasaria Sept 19 2007 10. Coronary interventions Researcher night – Israel Science Museum, Haifa Sept 25, 2007 11. Antithrombotic therapy in cardiovascular medicine. Meuhedet Northern Meeting Oct 31, 2007 12. Radiation dose in Cardiology Israel national heart prevention forum Oct 2007 13. Debate: PCI Vs CABG (Vs Prof. David Taggart, University of Oxford, UK) Cardiac surgery meeting Wolfson Medical Center, Nov 5 2007 14. Dilemma in the cath lab: DES or BMS Rambam Medical Center Staff Meeting, Haifa, Israel. Nov 15, 2007 15. Cardiac catheterization Israel Dentists association meeting Nov 23, 2007 16. Lipid target for patients with coronary disease. Meuhedet National Meeting. Sept 15, 2008. 17. Role of Cardiac CT in the evaluation of low-medium risk patients. Israel Heart society winter meeting. Eilat Jan 20-22, 2010. 18. Cardiac interventions. Rafael [advanced defense systems] - grand rounds Feb 22, 2010. 19. Interventional treatment in the diabetic patient. Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease Summit, Haifa Oct 13, 2010.

Abstracts International Congresses: 20. Roguin A, Weyl Ben Arush M, Rennert G, Rosenthal J. Incidence of Children Malignant Solid Tumor in Northern Israel, 1973-1990. 7th European Conference on Clinical Oncology. Jerusalem, Israel, November 14-18, 1993. 21. Roguin A, Beyar R. The coronary self expanding nitinol stent: the role of within-stent balloon dilatation. Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics 8th Annual Symposium. Washington DC, USA. February 28- March 3, 1996 22. Beyar R, Roguin A, Grenadier E, Markiewicz W. The nitinol self expanding coronary stent: acute angiographic and clinical results of the pilot registry. American College of Cardiology - 45th scientific annual meeting. Orlando, USA. March 25-28, 1996.

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23. Roguin A, Beyar R. (Plenary session) Self-expanding nitinol coronary stents. The stent summit. London, United Kingdom. May 30-31, 1996. 24. Roguin A, Beyar R. Cardiocoil - the nitinol stent. 2nd International Cardiology & Cardio-Thoracic Surgery Symposium. Shaare Zedek medical center, Jerusalem Israel. June 9-10, 1996. 25. Beyar R, Roguin A, Grenadier E, Markiewicz W. The coronary self-expanding nitinol coil: Initial report of acute single center results. 18th Congress of the European Society of cardiology. Birmingham, United Kingdom. August 25- 29, 1996. 26. Ben Ami H, Roguin A. Superior vena cava syndrome as a primary manifestation of Behcet’s disease. 7th International Symposium on Behcet’s Disease. Tunis, Tunisia, October 9-11, 1996. 27. Grenadier E, Lashevski I, Roguin A, Cohen S, Beyar R. Adjunctive IIb/IIIa receptor blockage in PTCA and stent procedures: initial clinical and angiographic experience. 7th International Congress of Clinical Pharmacology. Jerusalem June 1-4, 1997. 28. Roguin A, Grenadier E, Peled B, Markiewicz W, Beyar R. Single center acute angiographic results with the serpentine design balloon expandable stent. 11th World Congress of the International Society for Artificial Organ. Providence, Rhode Island, USA. June 28-July 1, 1997. 29. Roguin A, Grenadier E, Hir J, Maaluf S, Markiewicz W, Beyar R. Laser wire facilitated angioplasty for chronic total occlusions that have failed conventional angioplasty including hydrophilic wire. 2nd International Meeting on Interventional Cardiology. Jerusalem, June 30-July 3, 1997. 30. Beyar R, Roguin A, Hamburger J, Saaiman A, Bartorelli A, DiMario C, Colombo A, Serruys PW. Stenting of complex and simple lesions with the serpentine balloon-expandable stent (bestent): six months follow up. 2nd International Meeting on Interventional Cardiology. Jerusalem, June 30-July 3, 1997. 31. Beyar R, Roguin A, Grenadier E, Markiewicz W. Continued expansion of the nitinol self-expanding coronary stent during angiographic follow-up. 2nd International Meeting on Interventional Cardiology. Jerusalem, June 30-July 3, 1997. 32. Grenadier E, Peled B, Roguin A, Cohen S, Beyar R. Recrossing of a stents by other types of stents: clinical and angiographic report. 2nd International Meeting on Interventional Cardiology. Jerusalem, June 30-July 3, 1997. 33. Shofti R, Roguin A, Beyar M, Mordechowitz D, Cohen E, Beyar R. Acute and long term results of the beStent in swine. 2nd International Meeting on Interventional Cardiology. Jerusalem, June 30-July 3, 1997. 34. Grenadier E, Peled B, Kogan I, Roguin A, Cohen S, Beyar R. Multiple and variable coronary stent implantation intermediate and long term follow up. 2nd International Meeting on Interventional Cardiology. Jerusalem, June 30-July 3, 1997. 35. Grenadier E, Peled B, Kogan I, Roguin A, Cohen S, Beyar R. "Sandwich" stenting for stent restenosis. 2nd International Meeting on Interventional Cardiology. Jerusalem, June 30-July 3, 1997. 36. Beyar R, Roguin A, Hamburger J, Saaiman A, Bartorelli A, DiMario C, Colombo A, Serruys PW. Longer lesion coverage is associated with increase in six month clinical events: results from a multicenter evaluation of the serpentine balloon-expandable stent (bestent). 29th Congress of the European Society of Cardiology. Stockholm, Sweden, August 24-28, 1997. 25 CV – Ariel Roguin June 2014

37. Roguin A, Beyar R, Grenadier E, Markiewicz W. Continued expansion of the nitinol self-expanding coronary stent during angiographic follow-up. 29th Congress of the European Society of Cardiology. Stockholm, Sweden, August 24-28, 1997. 38. Roguin A, Markiewicz W, Grenadier E, Beyar R. Continued expansion of the nitinol self-expanding coronary stent: angiographic follow-up and 1 year clinical events. 1st International Congress on Coronary Artery Disease. Prague, Czech Republic. September 21- 24, 1997. 39. Behar D, Roguin A, Edoute Y, Reisner SA. A prospective study of patients hospitalized in an internal medicine department with pulmonary edema: clinical profile, in-hospital and 1-year prognosis. 1st International Congress on Coronary Artery Disease. Prague, Czech Republic. September 21- 24, 1997. 40. Roguin A, Markiewicz W, Peled B, Grenadier E, Beyar R. First six months experience with the bestent in simple and complex lesions. 1st International Congress on Coronary Artery Disease. Prague, Czech Republic. September 21- 24, 1997. 41. Roguin A, Markiewicz W, Grenadier E, Beyar R. Continued expansion of the nitinol self-expanding coronary stent in relationship to angiographic restenosis and 1 year clinical events. 70th American Heart Association Meeting. Orlando, Florida, USA. November 8-11, 1997. 42. Jacob G, Sbirski B, Robertson RM, Roguin A, Robertson D. Orthostatic tachycardia: does partial dysautonomia underline this disorder. 30th Congress of the European Society of Cardiology. Vienna, Austria, August 22-26, 1998. 43. Roguin A, Markiewicz W, Grenadier E, Beyar R. ”Reverse remodeling” with the nitinol self-expanding coil stent. 30th Congress of the European Society of Cardiology. Vienna, Austria, August 22-26, 1998. 44. Grenadier E, Roguin A, Cohen S, Lashevski I, Peled B, Boulos M, Gruberg L, Beyar R. Coronary side branch jailing after stent deployment: acute and long term results. 3rd International Meeting on Interventional Cardiology. Jerusalem, June 27-July 1, 1999. 45. Lashevski I, Grenadier E, Boulos M, Peled B, Gruberg L, Roguin A, Ben Zvi M, Beyar R. Stenting of coronary arteries without pre balloon dilatation: acute results. 3rd International Meeting on Interventional Cardiology. Jerusalem, June 27-July 1, 1999. 46. Nikolsky E, Halabi M, Gruberg L, Hir L, Roguin A, Grenadier E, Boulos M, Markiewicz W, Beyar R. Percutaneous coronary interventions in patients with multivessel coronary artery disease: staged versus one step approach. 3rd International Meeting on Interventional Cardiology. Jerusalem, June 27-July 1, 1999. 47. Halabi M, Gruberg L, Grenadier E, Roguin A, Ben Zvi M, Beyar R. Pilot prophecy registry: assessment of a new self-expanding nitinol tubular stent. 3rd International Meeting on Interventional Cardiology. Jerusalem, June 27-July 1, 1999. 48. Grenadier E, Peled B, Cohen S, Kapeliovich M, Lashevski I, Ben Ari B, Roguin A, Beyar R. Readministration of abciximab (reopro) in patients with significant coronary artery disease and unstable angina or myocardial infarction during percutaneous coronary interventions. 3rd International Meeting on Interventional Cardiology. Jerusalem, June 27-July 1, 1999. 49. Grenadier E, Peled B, Cohen S, Lashevski I, Roguin A, Boulos M, Beyar R. Coronary artery lesion resistant to cross by two different stents finally crossed by 12 mm AVE stent. 3rd International Meeting on Interventional Cardiology. Jerusalem, June 27-July 1, 1999. 50. Grenadier E, Peled B, Lashevski I, Cohen S, Roguin A, Boulos M, Beyar R. The use of anti GP IIb/IIIa abcximab (reopro) in acute and subacute intracoronary stent 26 CV – Ariel Roguin June 2014

thrombosis. 3rd International Meeting on Interventional Cardiology. Jerusalem, June 27-July 1, 1999. 51. Grenadier E, Roguin A, Lashevsky I, Cohen S, Beyar R. Treatment of acute coronary thrombosis (distal to the stent segment) by mechanical dislodgment and abcximab (reopro) administration. 3rd International Meeting on Interventional Cardiology. Jerusalem, June 27-July 1, 1999. 52. Grenadier E, Roguin A, Cohen S, Lashevsky I, Peled B, Gruberg L, Beyar R. Coronary side branch jailing after stent deployment: acute and long term results. 31st Congress of the European Society of Cardiology. Barcelona, Spain, August 28 - September 2, 1999. 53. Keren A, Meiner V, Potekhin M, Galimidi J, Katz A, Weinstein JM, Reisner SA, Sharif D, Lorber A, Shaheen J, Roguin A, Klein T, Blondheim D, Vered Z, Leibowitz D, Shemesh J, Rein AJJT, Peleg E, Dreyfus MJ, Leitersdorf E For the ISAAC investigators, Israel. Phenotypic- genotypic findings in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in the ISAAC national database. American College of Cardiology - 49th annual scientific session, Anaheim, CA, USA March 12- 15, 2000. 54. Nikolsky E, Halabi M, Roguin A, Gruberg L, Patil CV, Zdoroviak A, Hir J, Grenadier E, Boulos M, Markiewicz W, Linn S, Beyar R, Staged versus one stage approach for multivessel percutaneous coronary interventions. Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics 12th Annual Symposium. Washington DC, USA. October 18-21, 2000 55. Patil CV, Petcherski S, Roguin A, Nikolsky E, Grenadier E, Boulos M, Markiewicz W, Beyar R. Long-term follow up of diabetic patients undergoing percutaneous coronary interventions and prognosis in relation to completeness of revascularization. Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics 12th Annual Symposium. Washington DC, USA. October 18-21, 2000 56. Patil CV, Petcherski S, Roguin A, Nikolsky E, Grenadier E, Boulos M, Markiewicz W, Beyar R. Long term follow up of patients less than 50 years of age undergoing percutaneous interventions. Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics 12th Annual Symposium. Washington DC, USA. October 18-21, 2000 57. Roguin A, Levy AP. Haptoglobin phenotype and vascular complications in diabetes. 73rd American Heart Association Meeting. New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. November 11-15, 2000. 58. Roguin A, Nitecki S, Rubinstein I, Resnick MB, Levy NS, Abassi ZA, Lache O, Hoffman A, Levy AP. Successful Restoration of Blood Flow Using Continuous Infiltration of Naked-DNA Encoding Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor. American College of Cardiology - 49th scientific annual meeting. Orlando, Florida, USA March 17-20 2001. 59. Grenadier E, Hertz I, Peled B, Roguin A, Boulos M, Nikolsky E, Amikam S, Kerner A, Cohen S, Beyar R. Stenting very small coronary artery lesions (<2mm) using the biocompatible phosphorylcholine coated stent. 4th International Meeting on Interventional Cardiology. London, UK, June 24-27, 2001. 60. Roguin A, Beyar R, Imam A, Moses J. Medtronic AVE-bestent-2 revascularization trial. 4th International Meeting on Interventional Cardiology. London, UK, June 24-27, 2001. 61. Roguin A, Nitecki S, Rubinstein I, Levy NS, Abassi ZA, Hoffman A, Levy AP. Gene therapy delivery using continuous perimuscular infusion of naked-DNA encoding VEGF. 4th International Meeting on Interventional Cardiology. London, UK, June 24-27, 2001.

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62. Roguin A. Angiogenesis and restenosis (Plenary session). 4th International Meeting on Interventional Cardiology. London, UK, June 24-27, 2001. 63. Grenadier E, Nikolsky E, Roguin A, Boulos M, Amikam S, Cohen S, Beyar R. Urgent / emergent PCI of unprotected left main initial clinical experience. 4th International Meeting on Interventional Cardiology. London, UK, June 24-27, 2001. 64. Roguin A, Hochberg I, Nikolsky E, Markiewicz W, Meisel S, Hir J, Beyar R, Levy AP. Haptoglobin phenotype as a predictor of restenosis after percutaneous coronary interventions. 33rd Congress of the European Society of Cardiology. Stockholm, Sweden, September 1-5, 2001. 65. Hochberg I, Roguin A, Levy AP. Haptoglobin phenotype and coronary artery collaterals in diabetic patients. 33rd Congress of the European Society of Cardiology. Stockholm, Sweden, September 1-5, 2001. 66. Patil CV, Petcherski S, Roguin A, Nikolsky E, Grenadier E, Boulos M, Markiewicz W, Beyar R. Long-term follow-up of diabetic patients undergoing percutaneous interventions and prognosis in relation to completeness of revascularization. 33rd Congress of the European Society of Cardiology. Stockholm, Sweden, September 1-5, 2001. 67. Roguin A, Nitecki S, Rubinstein I, Resnick MD, Levy NS, Abassi ZA, Lache O, Beyar R, Hoffman A, Levy AP. A novel method for gene therapy delivery – continuous perimuscular infusion of naked-DNA encoding VEGF 33rd Congress of the European Society of Cardiology. Stockholm, Sweden, September 1-5, 2001. 68. Roguin A, Ribichini F, Ferrero V, Matullo G, Wijns W, Levy AP. Haptoglobin-2 Phenotype Increases the Risk of Restenosis After Coronary Artery Stent Implantation. 74th American Heart Association Meeting. Anaheim, California, USA. November 11-14, 2001. 69. Roguin A, Nitecki S, Rubinstein I, Sabo E, Abassi ZA, Frank M, Levy NS, Lache O, Hoffman A, Levy AP. Gene therapy using a novel method of delivery - continuous perimuscular infiltration. American College of Cardiology - 50th scientific annual meeting. Atlanta, Georgia, USA March 16-20 2002. 70. Grenadier E, Roguin A, Hertz I, Peled B, Roguin A, Boulos M, Nikolsky E, Amikam S, Kerner A, Halabi M, Beyar R. Stenting very small (<2mm) coronary artery lesions. American College of Cardiology - 50th scientific annual meeting. Atlanta, Georgia, USA March 16-20 2002. 71. Nikolsky E, Patil CV, Roguin A, Petcherski S, Kapeliovich M, Lin S, Boulos M, Grenadier E, Markiewicz W, Beyar R. Percutaneous coronary interventions in diabetic patients: the impact of complete revascularization. American College of Cardiology - 50th scientific annual meeting. Atlanta, Georgia, USA March 16-20 2002. 72. Halabi M, Nikolsky E, Hoffman A, Roguin A, Suleiman M, Gruberg L, Kouperberg E, Beyar R. Carotid stenting in high risk patients - a single center experience. 34th Congress of the European Society of Cardiology. Berlin Germany, 31 August - 4 September 2002. 73. Suleiman M, Levy Y, Aronson D, Roguin A, Halabi H, Kapeliovich M, Hammerman H. Is C-reactive protein level a useful marker of severity and infarct size in patients with acute ST elevation myocardial infarction?

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34th Congress of the European Society of Cardiology. Berlin Germany, 31 August - 4 September 2002. 74. Levy AP, Roguin A, Koch W, Kastrati A, Schomig A. Haptoglobin genotype is predictive of adverse clinical events after percutaneous coronary intervention in diabetic patients. 75th American Heart Association Meeting. Chicago, Illinois, USA. November 17-20, 2002. Circulation 2002; 106: II-625 75. Dickfeld T, Kato R, Zviman M, Rodriguez ER, Meininger G, Lickfett L, Roguin A, Frank KM, Berger R, Calkins H, Henry Halperin H. Assessment of transmural extent of radiofrequency ablation with magnetic resonance imaging. American College of Cardiology -51st scientific annual meeting. Chicago IL, USA March 30- April 2, 2003. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2003; 41: 424A. 76. Roguin A, Nitecki S, Rubinstein I, Sabo E, Abassi ZA, Levy NS, Hoffman A, Levy AP. Can Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Improve Blood Flow in Diabetes? American College of Cardiology -51st scientific annual meeting. Chicago IL, USA March 30- April 2, 2003. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2003; 41: 297A. 77. Meininger GR, Kato R, Zviman M, Susil R, Roguin A, Dickfeld TM, Rent K, Calkins H, Berger RD, Halperin HR. Electrophysiology Testing Guided by Real-Time MRI. 24th North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology annual meeting, Washington DC, May 14-17, 2003. PACE 2003; 26: 1003. 78. Jayam V, Zviman M, Roguin A, Jacobs A, Rhude J, Halperin HR, Berger RD. Novel Electrode System for Painless Defibrillation. 24th North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology annual meeting, Washington DC, 14-17 May, 2003. PACE 2003; 26: 1079. 79. Dickfeld TM, Calkins H, Zviman M, Meininger GR, Lickfett LM, Roguin A, Berger RD, Halperin HR, Solomon S. Stereotactic Magnetic Resonance Guidance for Anatomically Targeted Ablations of the Foramen Ovale and the Left Atrium. 24th North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology annual meeting, Washington DC, May 14-17, 2003. PACE 2003; 26: 1053. 80. Roguin A, Zviman M, Meininger GR, Dickfeld TM, Berger RD, Calkins H, Halperin HR. Effects of MRI on Pacemaker and ICD Systems. 24th North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology annual meeting, Washington DC, May 14-17, 2003. PACE 2003; 26: 959. 81. Nasir K, Bomma CS, Roguin A, Tandri H, Tichnell C, James C, Berger RD, Calkins H. Filtered QRS Duration Predicts Implanted Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD) Firing in Patients with Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Dysplasia. 24th North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology annual meeting, Washington DC, May 14-17, 2003. PACE 2003; 26: 943. 82. Beyar R, Roguin A. Stents, design and vessel wall biology: two decades of progress (invited lecture). 3rd World Congress on Heart Disease, Washington DC. 12-15 June, 2003. 83. Roguin A, Zviman M, Meininger GR, Rodriguez ER, Dickfeld TM, Lardo AC, Berger RD, Calkins H, Halperin HR. Modern pacemaker and implantable cardioverter-defibrillator systems can be MRI safe. 76th American Heart Association Meeting. Orlando, FL, USA. November 9-12, 2003 - YIA competition winner. Circulation 2003; IV-372. 84. Nasir K, Tufail K, Bomma C, Roguin A, Tandri H, Tichnell C, James C, Berger R, Halperin H, Crossan J, Spevak P, Calkins H. ECG and SAECG predictors of disease severity, VT induction and implantable defibrillator firing in arrhythmogenic right ventricle dysplasia.

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76th American Heart Association Meeting. Orlando, FL, USA. November 9-12, 2003 Circulation 2003; IV-505. 85. Bomma C, Roguin A, Tandri H, Tichnell C, James C, Rutberg J, Spevak P, Crosson J, Berger RD, Halperin HR, Calkins H. Cardioverter-defibrillators in patients with arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia. 76th American Heart Association Meeting. Orlando, FL, USA. November 9-12, 2003 Circulation 2003; IV-387. 86. Suleiman M, Kapeliovich MR, Roguin A, Aronson D, Meisel SR, Reisner SA, Hammerman H, Lotan R, Levy NS, Levy AP. Haptoglobin phenotype and 30-day mortality in diabetic individuals presenting with acute myocardial infarction. 76th American Heart Association Meeting. Orlando, FL, USA. November 9-12, 2003 Circulation 2003; IV-745. 87. Zviman MM, Roguin A, Jacobs A, Rent K, Lardo AC, Halperin HR. A new method for inducing hypothermia during cardiac arrest. 76th American Heart Association Meeting. Orlando, FL, USA. November 9-12, 2003. Circulation 2003; IV-419. 88. Dickfeld TD, Kato R, Zviman MM, Meininger GR, Roguin A, Lardo A, Lickfett L, Berger RD, Calkins H, Halperin HR. Evaluation of ablation gaps between radiofrequency lesions with magnetic resonance imaging. 76th American Heart Association Meeting. Orlando, FL, USA. November 9-12, 2003. Circulation 2003; IV-655. 89. Roguin A. Interventional MRI in cardiac procedures. (invited lecture). 5th International Meeting on Interventional Cardiology. Tel Aviv, Israel, Dec 7-9, 2003. 90. Steinberg BA, Roguin A, Allen E, Wahl DR, Smith CS, St. John M, Watkins S, Sohn R, Halperin HR, Hill P, Resar JR. Reproducibility and interpretation of magneto-cardio-gram maps in detecting ischemia. American College of Cardiology -52nd scientific annual meeting. New Orleans, LA, USA March 7-10, 2003. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2004; 43: 149A. 91. Nasir K, Dalal D, Bomma C, Tandri H, Ahmed D, Roguin A, Tichnell C, James C, Calkins H. Value of signal-averaged ECG and electrophysiological testing in identifying arrhythmogenic right ventricle dysplasia patients who do receive implantable cardioverter defibrillator therapy. American College of Cardiology -52nd scientific annual meeting. New Orleans, LA, USA March 7-10, 2003. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2004; 43: 142A. 92. Nasir K, Bomma C, Dalal D, Ahmed D, Tandri H, Roguin A, James C, Tichnell C, Calkins H. Value of electrocardiographic parameters in identifying patients with a mild form of arrhythmogenic right ventricle dysplasia. American College of Cardiology -52nd scientific annual meeting. New Orleans, LA, USA March 7-10, 2003. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2004; 43: 108A. 93. Dickfeld TM, Calkins H, Zviman M, Bradley D, Eldadah Z, Jayam V, Meininger G, Roguin A, Berger R, Halperin H, Solomon S. Anatomical Stereotactic Real-time Catheter Navigation on Three-dimensional MRI in the Human Heart. 25th annual meeting of the North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology - Heart Rhythm 2004 -. San Francisco, CA, USA. May 19-22, 2004. 94. Dickfeld TM, Kato R, Zviman M, Nazarian S, Meininger G, Roguin A, Lickfett L, Berger R, Calkins H, Halperin H. Evaluation of Intralesional Characteristics of Radiofrequency Ablations with Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 25th annual meeting of the North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology - Heart Rhythm 2004 -. San Francisco, CA, USA. May 19-22, 2004. 95. Nazarian S, Bluemke DA, Lardo AC, Zviman MM, Wu KC, Watkins SP III, Azevedo C, Roguin A, Dickfeld TM, Meininger GR, Berger RD, Calkins H. Magnetic Resonance Assessment of Scar 30 CV – Ariel Roguin June 2014

Transmurality Distribution Predicts Inducible Ventricular Tachycardia Regardless of Disease Etiology. 77th American Heart Association Meeting. New Orleans, USA. November 9-12, 2004. Circulation 2004; IV-346. 96. Roguin A. Bivalirudin and renal dysfunction. 6th International Meeting on Interventional Cardiology. Tel Aviv, Israel, Dec 8-9, 2004. 97. Roguin A. Safety in MR – pacers and defibrillators. 8th Annual Scientific Sessions of the Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, San Francisco, CA, USA, January 21-23, 2005. JMRI 2005; II 98. Nazarian S, Roguin A, Zviman MM, Lardo AC, Dickfeld TM, Berger RD, Bluemke DA, Halperin HR. Evaluation of a Safety Protocol for Clinically Indicated Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Patients With Permanent Pacemakers and Implantable Defibrillators at 1.5 Tesla. American College of Cardiology -53rd scientific annual meeting. USA March 7-10, 2005. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2005; 45: 99. Rispler S, Aronson D, Abadi S, Roguin A, Ghersin E, Beyar R, Israel O, keidar Z; Assessment of hemodynamically significant coronary artery lesions – Initial experience with an integrated SPECT/CT device. American College of Cardiology -53rd scientific annual meeting. USA March 7-10, 2005. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2005; 45: 100. Roguin A, Zviman MM, Goldsher D, Boulos M, Amikam S, Suleiman M, Nazarian S, Halperin HR. Can patients with pacemakers and implantable cardioverter-defibrillator systems undergo MRI safely? In-vitro, in-vivo and initial clinical experience. 37th Congress of the European Society of Cardiology. Stockholm, Sweden, September 3-7, 2005. Eur Heart J 2005, Suppl A; 668. 101. Aronson D, Goldberg A, Roguin A, Petcherski S, Rimer D, Gruberg L, Markiewicz W. Effect of obesity on the relationship between plasma C-reactive protein and coronary artery stenosis in patients with stable angina. 37th Congress of the European Society of Cardiology. Stockholm, Sweden, September 3-7, 2005. Eur Heart J 2005, Suppl A; 2257. 102. Santos RD, Nasir K, Cambell CY, Roguin A, Braunstein JB, Carvalho JAM, Blumenthal RS. The association of subclinical coronary atherosclerosis with abdominal and total obesity in asymptomatic men. 37th Congress of the European Society of Cardiology. Stockholm, Sweden, September 3-7, 2005. Eur Heart J 2005, Suppl A; 1624. 103. Piccini JP, Dalal D, Roguin A, Bomma C, Cheng A, Prakasa K, Tichnell C, James C, Russell SD, Crosson J, Bluemke D, Calkins H. Primary and Secondary Prevention of Sudden Cardiac Death in Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Dysplasia. 78th American Heart Association Meeting. Dallas, Texas USA. November 11-16, 2005. Circulation 2005 104. Aronson D, Goldberg A, Roguin A, Markiewicz W, Beyar R. Effect of Obesity on the Relationship Between Plasma C-Reactive Protein and Coronary Artery Stenosis in Patients With Stable Angina. 78th American Heart Association Meeting. Dallas, Texas USA. November 11- 16, 2005. Circulation 2005 105. Nazarian S, Roguin A, Zviman MM, Lardo AC, Dickfeld TL, Berger RD, Bluemke DA, Halperin HR. Clinical Utility and Safety of a Protocol for Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Patients With Permanent Pacemakers and Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators at 1.5 Tesla. 78th American Heart Association Meeting. Dallas, Texas USA. November 11-16, 2005. Circulation 2005 106. Keidar Z, Rispler S, Ghersin E, Roguin A, Dragu R, Bar-Shalom R, Engel A, Beyar R, Israel O. Assessment of hemodynamically significant coronary artery lesions – Initial experience with an integrated SPECT/CT device. NUCL. Med. MEETING, J Nucl Med. 2006; 47 (Supplement 1):204P. 107. Keidar Z, Rispler S, Ghersin E, Frenkel A, Kuptzov E, Roguin A, Dragu R, Bar-Shalom R, Israel O. Assessment of left ventricular function – Comparative analysis using an integrated SPECT/CT device. NUCL. Med. MEETING, J Nucl Med. 2006; 47 (Supplement 1):253P. 108. Roguin A, Boulos M, Sulieman M, Goldsher D, Amikam S. MRI in patients with pacemakers and ICDs. 38th Congress of the European Society of Cardiology. Barcelona, Spain, September 1-5, 2006. Eur Heart J 2006, Suppl A; 3046 31 CV – Ariel Roguin June 2014

109. Roguin A, Rispler S, Ghersin E, Litmanovich D, Beyar R. Cardiology consultation as a gatekeeper prior to coronary CT. 38th Congress of the European Society of Cardiology. Barcelona, Spain, September 1-5, 2006. Eur Heart J 2006, Suppl A; 2491 110. Kerner A, Roguin A, Gruberg L, Beyar R, Aronson D. Systemic Inflammation is Associated with Reduced Coronary Collateral Support in Patients with Stable Angina. 79th American Heart Association Meeting. Chicago, IL USA. November 10-15, 2006. Circulation 2006; 114: II_586 111. Rispler S, Keidar Z, Abadi S, Roguin A, Ghersin E, Beyar R, Israel O, Aronson D. Integrated Myocardial Perfusion Imaging/Computed Tomography Coronary Angiography for the assessment of coronary artery lesions in patients with non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndromes. 80th American Heart Association Meeting. Atlanta USA. Circulation, 2007; 116: II_575. 112. Roguin A, Abadi S, Oshorov A, Engel A, Beyar R Novel Method for Real-time Hybrid CT and Angiography Image Registration in the Cath Lab. 80th American Heart Association Meeting. Atlanta USA. Circulation, 2007; 116: II_342 113. Rispler S, Aronson D, Abadi S, Roguin A, Ghersin E, Beyar R, Israel O, Keidar Z. Cardiac SPECT/CT Utilization for the Assessment of Clinically Significant Coronary Artery Lesions With Respect to Coronary Calcium Score. American College of Cardiology -56th scientific annual meeting. Chicago, USA March 7-10, 2008. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2008; 114. Roguin A. Magnetic resonance imaging in patients with electrophysiologic devices. 40th Congress of the European Society of Cardiology. Munich Germany. Aug 30-September 3, 2008. Eur Heart J 2008, Suppl A; 115. Osherov A, Aronson D, Borovik-Raz M, Agmon Y, Hammerman H, Kapeliovich M, Kerner A, Grenadier E, Nikolsky E, Roguin A. Incidence of early left ventricular thrombus after acute anterior wall myocardial infarction in the primary coronary intervention era. 40th Congress of the European Society of Cardiology. Munich Germany. Aug 30-September 3, 2008. Eur Heart J 2008, Suppl A; 139 116. Osherov A, Aronson D, Hammerman H, Kapeliovich M, Roguin A, Kerner A, Grenadier E, Markiewicz W, Beyar R, Nikolsky E. Impact of Platelet Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptor inhibitors on renal function in patients with acute myocardial infarction treated with primary percutaneous coronary intervention. 40th Congress of the European Society of Cardiology. Munich Germany. Aug 30-September 3, 2008. Eur Heart J 2008, Suppl A; 137 117. Nazarian S; Hansford R, Roguin A, Zviman MM, Lardo AC, Calkins H, Berger RD, Bluemke DA, Halperin HR. Clinical Utility of Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Patients with Permanent Pacemakers and Implantable-Cardioverter Defibrillators at 1.5 Tesla. 81st American Heart Association Meeting. New Orleans USA. Nov 8-12, 2008 Circulation. 2008; 118: S-777. 118. Asaf R, Blum S, Roguin A, Kalet-Litman S, Kheir J, Miller-Lotan R, Levy AP. Haptoglobin Genotype Is a Determinant of the Severity of Diabetic Cardiomyopathy and Affects Survival and Cardiac Remodeling after Myocardial Infarction in Diabetic Mice. 81st American Heart Association Meeting. New Orleans USA. Nov 8-12, 2008. Circulation, 2008; 118: S-1167. 119. Hamed S, Brenner B, Roguin A. Nitric Oxide and Superoxide Dismutase Modulate Endothelial Progenitor Cell Function in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. 82nd American Heart Association Meeting. Orlando, FL USA. Nov 9-13, 2009. Circulation, 2009; 120: S1039 - S1040. 120. Kerner A, Abergel E, Berger M, Halabi M, Boulos M, Beyar, R, Roguin A. Radial Approach is Associated with Lower Bleeding Complications in Patients Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention with IIb/IIIa Inhibitors. American College of Cardiology -57th scientific annual meeting. March 14-16, 2010, Atlanta, GA, USA. 121. Nazarian S, Hansford R, Roguin A, Goldsher D, Zviman MM, Lardo AC, Caffo BS, Frick K, Kraut MA, Kamel I, Calkins H, Berger RD, Bluemke DA, Halperin HR. Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Patients with Implanted Cardiac Devices: Prospective Study to Assess Safety and Utility. 83rd American Heart Association Meeting. Chicago, IL USA. Nov 13-17, 2010. Circulation, 2010; 122: 2010; A14266. 122. Erbel R, Eggebrecht H, Roguin A, Schroeder E, Heitzer T, Philipp S, Ayzenberg O, Schwacke H, Serra H, Slagboom T. Energy 1000 Patient Registry with a Thin Strut Bare Metal Stent with 32 CV – Ariel Roguin June 2014

Passive Coating Presenting Six Month Follow-Up MACE. TCT Meeting November 7-11, 2011, San Francisco, CA, USA. 123. Roguin A. Cardiovascular Seminar Post arrest Cardiac Catheterization: Debate: Immediate Catheterization After ROSC Is Not Necessary. 84th American Heart Association Meeting. Orlando, FL, USA. Nov 12-16, 2011. 124. Eliyahu S, Roguin A, Kerner A, Boulos M, Lorber A, Halabi M, Suleiman M, Nikolsky E, Rispler S, Beyar R. Live Case Demonstration of Interventional Cardiology Procedures - Is it really safe? 84th American Heart Association Meeting. Orlando, FL, USA. Nov 12-16, 2011. 125. Roguin A, Brain malignancies among interventional cardiologists. EuroPCR, Paris, France. May 15-18, 2012. 126. Jaffe R, Halon D, Roguin A, Rubinshtein R, Lewis B. A Poiseuille-based coronary angiographic index for assessment of the physiological significance of coronary lesions. EuroPCR, Paris, France. May 15-18, 2012. 127. Erbel R, Eggebrecht H, Roguin A, Schroeder E, Heitzer T, Philipp S, Ayzenberg O, Schwacke H, Serra A. ENERGY 1000 subject registry with a thin strut bare metal stent with passive coating presenting one-year MACE data. EuroPCR, Paris, France. May 15-18, 2012. 128. Roguin A, Brunel P, Tondi S, Darremont O, Indolfi C, Korpilahti K, Loubeyre C, Perisic Z, Pierli C, Teiger E, Danzi GB Percutaneous Coronary Intervention of Left Anterior Descending Coronary Artery is Safe when using Latest Generation Drug Eluting Stent. Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics conference, Miami FL, USA, Oct 22-26, 2012 129. Iñiguez A, Fath-Ordoubadh F, Calvo Cebollero I, Elsässer A, Atmowihardjo I, Gaspar J, Lesiak M, Openländer K, Quang Ngoc N, Roguin A, Spyrou N. Drug-eluting stent with biodegradable polymer in patients with STEMI – short and long term outcomes: data from e-NOBORI and NOBORI 2 trials. Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics conference, Miami FL, USA, Oct 22-26, 2012 130. Erbel R, Eggebrecht H, Roguin A, Schroeder E, Heitzer T, Philipp S, Ayzenberg O, Schwacke H, Serra A, Slagboom T. ENERGY 1,000 Subject Registry with a Thin Strut Bare Metal Stent with Passive Coating Presenting One Year MACE Data on Pre-Specified Subgroups. Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics conference, Miami FL, USA, Oct 22-26, 2012. 131. Roguin A, Use of the M Guard stent for SVG treatment. Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics conference, San Francisco CA, USA, Oct 27-Nov 1, 2013. 132. Roguin A, Erbel R, Eggebrecht H, ,Schroeder E, Heitzer T, Philipp S, Ayzenberg O, Schwacke H, Serra A, Slagboom T. ENERGY 1,000 Subject Registry -2 years follow up. Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics conference, San Francisco CA, USA, Oct 27-Nov 1, 2013. 133. Musallam A, Volis I, Dedaiev S, Abergel E, Soni A, Kerner A, Yalonetsky S, Roguin A. Patient and Operator Radiation Dose using a Pelvic Lead Shield during Trans Radial Angiography: 3-fold decrease to operator but double exposure to the patient. EuroPCR, Paris, France. May 20-24, 2014. 134. Musallam A, Volis I, Dedaiev S, Roguin A. Can radiation be reduced in the catheterization Laboratory? 46th Congress of the European Society of Cardiology. Barcelona, Spain, September 1-5, 2014. Eur Heart J 2014, Suppl A; 3046

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Israel National Congresses and Meetings: 1. Roguin A, Ben Dror D, Hazani E. Orchitis due to rare etiology. Northern Israel Internal Medicine Forum. Haifa, 24.6.1993. 2. Roguin A, Kasis A, Weyl Ben Arush M, Sharon R, Berant M. Fever and neutropenia in children with malignant disease. Israeli Clinical Pediatrics Association. Herzalia, 22.12.1994. 3. Beyar R, Roguin A, Grenadier E, Markiewicz W. The nitinol self expanding coronary stent: acute angiographic and clinical results of the pilot registry. Annual meeting of the Israel Heart Association. Tel Aviv 29-30 April, 1996. 4. Roguin A, Beyar R, Grenadier E, Markiewicz W. Is the effect of stenting with self expanding nitinol stent larger for recoiled arteries. Annual meeting of the Israel Heart Association. Tel Aviv 29-30 April, 1996. 5. Roguin A, Rinkevich D, Markiewicz W, Reisner SA. Severe rheumatic tricuspid stenosis - long term follow up. Annual meeting of the Israel Heart Association. Tel Aviv 29-30 April, 1996. 6. Mutlak D, Lessick J, Kapeliovich M, Roguin A, Grenadier E, Beyar R, Markiewicz W. Does the availability of stenting change PTCA practice. Annual meeting of the Israel Heart Association. Tel Aviv 29-30 April, 1996. 7. Roguin A, Gavish I, Edoute Y. Salmonella empyema. Northern Israel Internal Medicine Forum. Haifa, 3.6.1996. 8. Roguin A, Mutlak D, Tchaban I, Itzkovich D, Linn S, Rinkevich D, Markiewicz W, Reisner SA. Morphologic Patterns in Patients with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: Correlation with Demographic Data and Prognosis. Annual meeting of the Israel Heart Association. Jerusalem 14-15 April, 1997. 9. Grenadier E, Lashevski I, Roguin A, Cohen S, Beyar R. Adjunctive IIb/IIIa receptor blockage in PTCA and stent procedures: initial clinical and angiographic experience. Annual meeting of the Israel Heart Association. Jerusalem 14-15 April, 1997. 10. Beyar R, Grenadier E, Roguin A, Hir J, Maaluf S, Markiewicz W. Laser wire facilitated angioplasty for chronic total occlusions that have failed conventional angioplasty: initial experience. Annual meeting of the Israel Heart Association. Jerusalem 14-15 April, 1997. 11. Roguin A, Peled B, Grenadier E, Markiewicz W, Beyar R. Preliminary Israeli experience with the bestent in simple and complex lesions: acute and 30 days results. Annual meeting of the Israel Heart Association. Jerusalem 14-15 April, 1997. 12. Behar D, Roguin A, Edoute Y, Reisner SA. Clinical profile and hospital outcome of acute cardiogenic pulmonary congestion: a prospective study on 150 patients hospitalized in internal medicine department. Annual meeting of the Israel Heart Association. Jerusalem 14-15 April, 1997. 13. Roguin A, Beyar R, Relative roles of self- and balloon-assisted expansion of the cardiocoil stent. Annual meeting of the Israel Heart Association. Jerusalem 14-15 April, 1997. 14. Beyar R, Roguin A, Grenadier E, Markiewicz W. Continued expansion of the nitinol self-expanding coronary stent during angiographic follow-up. Annual meeting of the Israel Heart Association. Jerusalem 14-15 April, 1997. 15. Grenadier E, Peled B, Roguin A, Cohen S, Beyar R. Recrossing of a stented segment with other stents in complex coronary patients. Annual meeting of the Israel Heart Association. Jerusalem 14-15 April, 1997. 16. Grenadier E, Peled B, Kogan I, Roguin A, Cohen S, Beyar R. Multiple and Variable Coronary Stent Implantation Using the High Pressure Balloon Technique. Annual meeting of the Israel Heart Association. Jerusalem 14-15 April, 1997. 17. Grenadier E, Peled B, Kogan I, Roguin A, Cohen S, Beyar R. "Sandwich" Stenting for Treatment of Stent Restenosis. Annual meeting of the Israel Heart Association. Jerusalem 14-15 April, 1997. 18. Rinkevich D, Roguin A, Milo S, Reisner SA. Diagnosis of mitral valve aneurysms by transesophageal echocardiography. Annual meeting of the Israel Heart Association. Jerusalem 14-15 April, 1997. 19. Roguin A, Grenadier E, Markiewicz W, Beyar R. “Positive remodeling” with the nitinol self-expanding coil coronary stent. Annual meeting of the Israel Heart Association. Jerusalem 20-21 April, 1998. 20. Tysler S, Grenadier E, Brenner B, Lashevsky I, Markiewicz W, Gruberg L, Roguin A, Beyar R. Thrombocytopenia during percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty in patients receiving abciximab and heparin. Annual meeting of the Israel Heart Association. Jerusalem 20-21 April, 1998. 21. Gruberg L, Kapeliovich M, Roguin A, Grenadier E, Markiewicz W, Beyar R. Physiology guided angioplasty: the use of coronary flow reserve in lesion and procedural assessment. Annual meeting of the Israel Heart Association. Jerusalem 20-21 April, 1998. 22. Roguin A, Gruberg L, Grenadier E, Markiewicz W, Peled B, Hir J, Eisen I, Kogan I, Beyar R. Is longer worse? observations from the treatment of coronary narrowings with the bestent. Annual meeting of the Israel Heart Association. Jerusalem 20-21 April, 1998.

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23. Grenadier E, Peled B, Cohen S, Lashevsky I, Roguin A, Gruberg L, Beyar R. Coronary artery side branch jailing after stent deployment in PTCA patients: acute and intermediate results. Annual meeting of the Israel Heart Association. Jerusalem 20-21 April, 1998. 24. Gruberg L, Grenadier E, Peled B, Roguin A, Miller H, Markiewicz W, Beyar R. Quantative angiographic results with a cost effective strategy for a premounted balloon-expandable stent. Annual meeting of the Israel Heart Association. Jerusalem 20-21 April, 1998. 25. Halabi M, Gruberg L, Grenadier E, Roguin A, Ben Zvi M, Beyar R. Pilot prophecy registry: assessment of a new self-expanding nitinol tubular stent. Annual meeting of the Israel Heart Association. Tel Aviv 25-27 April, 1999. 26. Halabi M, Nikolsky E, Grenadier E, Roguin A, Boulos M, Markiewicz W, Beyar R. Staging vs. a one step approach for multivessel percutaneous coronary interventions. Annual meeting of the Israel Heart Association. Tel Aviv 25-27 April, 1999. 27. Lashevsky I, Grenadier E, Boulos M, Peled B, Gruberg L, Roguin A, Ben Zvi M, Beyar R. Stenting of coronary arteries without pre balloon dilatation: acute results. Annual meeting of the Israel Heart Association. Tel Aviv 25-27 April, 1999. 28. Grenadier E, Peled B, Lashevsky I, Cohen S, Roguin A, Gruberg L, Beyar R. The use of anti gp IIb/IIIa abcximab (reopro) in acute and subacute intracoronary stent thrombosis. Annual meeting of the Israel Heart Association. Tel Aviv 25-27 April, 1999. 29. Grenadier E, Roguin A, Cohen S, Lashevsky I, Peled B, Gruberg L, Beyar R. Coronary side branch jailing after stent deployment: acute and long term results. Annual meeting of the Israel Heart Association. Tel Aviv 25-27 April, 1999. 30. Grenadier E, Roguin A, Lashevsky I, Cohen S, Beyar R. Treatment of acute coronary thrombosis (distal to the stent segment) by mechanical dislodgment and abcximab (reopro) administration. Annual meeting of the Israel Heart Association. Tel Aviv 25-27 April, 1999. 31. Reisner SA, Roguin A, Tchaban I, Mutlak D, Lessick J, Rinkevich D, Linn S, Markiewicz W. Unexplained left ventricular hypertrophy - correlation with hypertension, pattern of hypertrophy and prognosis. Annual meeting of the Israel Heart Association. Tel Aviv 25-27 April, 1999. 32. Shofti R, Gruberg L, Roguin A, Tio R, Beyar R. Oversizing ratios of a self-expanding nitinol stent correlates with the proliferative response in a swine model. Annual meeting of the Israel Heart Association. Tel Aviv 25-27 April, 1999. 33. Grenadier E, Peled B, Cohen S, Kapeliovich M, Lashevsky I, Ben Ari B, Roguin A, Beyar R. Readministration of abcximab (reopro) in patients with significant coronary artery disease and unstable angina or myocardial infarction during percutaneous coronary interventions. Annual meeting of the Israel Heart Association. Tel Aviv 25-27 April, 1999. 34. Roguin A, Grenadier E, Markiewicz W, Hir J, Gruberg L, Ben Zvi M, Suryaparnata H, Boland J, Serruys PW, Beyar R for the rose trial investigators. The rose (registry for optimal bestent evaluation) trial – final clinical and angiographic results. Annual meeting of the Israel Heart Association. Tel Aviv 25-27 April, 1999. 35. Roguin A, for the PE improvement team. Clinical practice and outcome improvement in pulmonary edema The 5th national conference of the Israeli association for quality. Haifa November 25, 1999. 36. Roguin A, Carrasso S, Azzam Z, Avivi I, Basis F, Baruch Y, Eilam O, Levy H, Meilik A, Mahamid E, Miterani T, Shpercer E, Veitzman E. Pulmonary edema – in-hospital outcome and one month follow up: a prospective study on 266 patients hospitalized in one hospital. Annual meeting of the Israel Heart Association. Tel Aviv 10-12 April, 2000. 37. Roguin A, Carrasso S, Azzam Z, Avivi I, Basis F, Baruch Y, Eilam O, Levy H, Meilik A, Mahamid E, Miterani T, Shpercer E, Veitzman E. Clinical practice and outcome improvement in pulmonary edema – baseline characteristics and intervention plan – data from a quality control program. Annual meeting of the Israel Heart Association. Tel Aviv 10-12 April, 2000. 38. Grenadier E, Roguin A, Lashevsky I, Amikam S, Cohen S, Boulos M. Coronary revascularization prior to sildenafil citrate (viagra) initiation in symptomatic cad patients. Annual meeting of the Israel Heart Association. Tel Aviv 10-12 April, 2000. 39. Grenadier E, Lashevsky I, Roguin A, Boulos M, Amikam S, Cohen S, Beyar R. Insertion of a new phosphorylcholine coated ministents (2/10) in very small coronary arteries during percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Annual meeting of the Israel Heart Association. Tel Aviv 10-12 April, 2000. 40. Nikolsky E, Halabi M, Roguin A, Gruberg l, Zdoroviak A, Hir J, Boulos M, Grenadier E, Markiewicz W, Beyar R. Staged versus one step approach for multivessel percutaneous coronary interventions. Annual meeting of the Israel Heart Association. Tel Aviv 10-12 April, 2000. 41. Halabi M, Hoffman A, Roguin A, Ben Zvi M, Engel A, Markiewicz W, Beyar R. initial experience with carotid stenting – a new frontier in transcatheter therapeutics. Annual meeting of the Israel Heart Association. Tel Aviv 10-12 April, 2000.

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42. Roguin A, Nitecki S, Rubinstein I, Resnick MB, Levy N, Abassi Z, Lache O, Hoffman A, Levy AP. Successful restoration of blood flow using continuous Infiltration of naked-DNA encoding vascular endothelial growth factor. Annual meeting of the Israel Heart Association. Jerusalem 1-3 April, 2001. 43. Roguin A, Hochberg I, Nikolsky E, Markiewicz W, Meisel S, Hir J, Grenadier E, Beyar R, Levy AP. Haptoglobin phenotype as a predictor of restenosis after percutaneous coronary interventions. Annual meeting of the Israel Heart Association. Jerusalem 1-3 April, 2001. 44. Grenadier E, Nikolsky E, Roguin A, Boulos M, Amikam S, Cohen S, Beyar R. Urgent/emergent PCI of unprotected left main. Initial clinical experience. Annual meeting of the Israel Heart Association. Jerusalem 1-3 April, 2001. 45. Grenadier E. Hertz I, Peled B, Roguin A, Boulos M, Nikolsky E, Amikam S, Kerner A, Cohen S, Beyar R. Stenting very small coronary narrowings (<2 mm) using the biocompatible phosphorylcholine-coated coronary stent. Annual meeting of the Israel Heart Association. Jerusalem 1-3 April, 2001. 46. Roguin A, Nitecki S, Rubinstein I, Sabo E, Levy NS, Abassi ZA, Lache O, Hoffman A, Levy AP. Lack of VEGF Benefit in Restoring Blood Flow in a Diabetic Hindlimb Mouse Ischemic Model. Annual meeting of the Israel Heart Association. Tel Aviv 23-24 April, 2002. 47. Grenadier E, Nikolsky E, Gruberg L, Roguin A, Boulos M, Amikam S, Cohen S, Deleanu D, Wenyi G, Beyar R. Urgent/ Emergent Revascularization of Unprotected Left Main Disease. Annual meeting of the Israel Heart Association. Tel Aviv 23-24 April, 2002. 48. Roguin A, Ribichini F, Ferrero V, Matullo G, Herer P, Wijns W, Levy AP. Haptoglobin phenotype and the risk of restenosis after coronary artery stent implantation – a prospective 6 month angiographic study. Annual meeting of the Israel Heart Association. Tel Aviv 23-24 April, 2002. 49. Grenadier E, Roguin A, Hertz I, Peled B, Boulos M, Nikolsky E, Amikam S, Kerner A, Cohen S, Beyar R. Stenting Very Small Coronary Artery Lesions (<2 mm) Using the Small Vessel Designed Biocompatible Phosphorylcholine- Coated (SV/ PC) Coronary Stent. Annual meeting of the Israel Heart Association. Tel Aviv 23-24 April, 2002. 50. Gingold L, Dagan M, Roguin A, Kutcharo R, Nikolsky E, Gruberg L, Beyar R. Differences in Routine- Care Protocols among Coronary Catheterizations Laboratories in Israel. Annual meeting of the Israel Heart Association. Tel Aviv 23-24 April, 2002. 51. Suleiman M, Gruberg L, Halabi M, Goldberg A, Nikolsky E, Roguin A, Hir J, Grenadier E, Boulos M, Markiewicz W, Beyar R. Comparison of Two Platelet Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa Inhibitors, Eptifibatide and Abciximab, In the In-Hospital Outcomes and Thrombocytopenia During Percutaneous coronary interventions. Annual meeting of the Israel Heart Association. Tel Aviv 23-24 April, 2002. 52. Suleiman M, Roguin A, Nikolsky E, Halabi M, Beyar R, Markiewicz W. Impact of Normal or Non-Significant Coronary Angiographic Findings on Discharge Diagnoses and Medical Recommendations. Annual meeting of the Israel Heart Association. Tel Aviv 23-24 April, 2002. 53. Nikolsky E, Patil CV, Petcherski S, Roguin A, Grenadier E, Boulos M, Kapeliovich M, Linn S, Markiewicz M, Beyar R. Percutaneous Coronary Interventions in Diabetic Patients: the Impact of Complete Revascularization on Long- term Prognosis. Annual meeting of the Israel Heart Association. Tel Aviv 23-24 April, 2002. 54. Halabi M, Nikolsky E, Ben-Zvi Zvi M, Hoffman A, Roguin A, Suleiman M ,Gruberg L, Kouperberg E, Markiewicz W and Beyar R. Carotid Stenting in High Risk Patients- a Single Center Experience. Annual meeting of the Israel Heart Association. Tel Aviv 23-24 April, 2002. 55. Suleiman M, Aronson D, Petcherski S, Roguin A, Shwiri-Zidan T, Boulos M, Markiewicz W. Influence of external and internal cardioversion on cardiac troponin T and other conventional cardiac markers. Annual meeting of the Israel Heart Association. Tel Aviv 23-24 April, 2002. 56. Suleiman M, Kapeliovich M, Roguin A, Aronson D, Reisner SA, Hammerman H, Lotan R, Levy NS, Levy AP. A Common Allelic Polymorphism Which Predicts Infarct Size and 30-Day Adverse Cardiac Events in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction. Annual meeting of the Israel Heart Association. Tel Aviv 25-27 April, 2003. 57. Grenadier E, Nikolsky E, Gruberg L, Roguin A, Boulos M, Amikam S, Cohen S, Deleanu D, Wenyi G, Beyar R. Urgent/Emergent Revascularization of Unprotected Left Main Disease, Extended Experience: Acute, Intermediate and Long-Term Results. Annual meeting of the Israel Heart Association. Tel Aviv 25-27 April, 2003 58. Asaf R , Blum S, Roguin A, Kalet-Litman S, Kheir J, Miller-Lotan R, Levy A. Haptoglobin Genotype Determines Long-Term Survival and Affects Left Ventricular Function and Cardiac Remodeling after Myocardial Infarction in Diabetic Mice. Annual meeting of the Israel Heart Association. Tel Aviv 18-19 April, 2007. 59. Kerner A, Roguin A, Sebbag A, Gruberg L, Nikolsky E, Aronson D, Grenadier E, Amikam S, Markiewicz W, Beyar R. Contemporary Clinical Practice in Percutaneous Coronary Interventions and Acute In-Hospital Outcomes in Israel and Europe: A Report from the European Heart Survey. Annual meeting of the Israel Heart Association. Tel Aviv 18-19 April, 2007. 60. Kerner A, Grenadier E, Makhul N, Gershony G, Roguin A. Focused Force Angioplasty in Complex Calcified Coronary Lesions Using Angiosculpt Device for Pre-stent Preparation. Single First Operator Experience Angiographic and IVUS-Guided Study. Annual meeting of the Israel Heart Association. Tel Aviv 18-19 April, 2007. 36 CV – Ariel Roguin June 2014

61. Hamed S, Brenner B, Aharon A, Lanir N, Beyar R, Roguin A. Hyperglycemia and Its Impact on Endothelial Progenitor Cells. Annual meeting of the Israel Heart Association. Tel Aviv 18-19 April, 2007. 62. Marcusohn E , Roguin A, Sebbag A, Kerner A, Boulos M, Markiewicz W, Nikolsky E, Beyar R, Hammerman H, Kapeliovich M. Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in Survivors of Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest. Annual meeting of the Israel Heart Association. Tel Aviv 18-19 April, 2007. 63. Kerner A, Gruberg L, Roguin A, Beyar R, Aronson D. Systemic Inflammation is Associated with Reduced Coronary Collateral Support in Patients with Stable Angina. Annual meeting of the Israel Heart Association. Tel Aviv 18-19 April, 2007. 64. Lessick J, Agmon Y, Abadi S, Keidar Z, Hammerman H, Rispler S, Ghersin E, Engel A, Israel O, Sebbag A, Carasso S, Roguin A. Comparison between CT and Nuclear Perfusion to Predict Late Myocardial Function Following Reperfused Acute Myocardial Infarction. 56th Annual Congress of the Israel Heart Association. Tel Aviv 22-23 April, 2009. 65. Danenberg H, Hertz I, Tamari I, Roguin A, Guetta V, Frimermann A, Goldberg A , Lotan C. SKICE – Skylor in real world practICE: Results from the Israeli Multi-Center Registry. 56th Annual Congress of the Israel Heart Association. Tel Aviv 22-23 April, 2009. 66. Dragu R, Kapeliovich M, Roguin A, Grenadier E, Kerner A, Boulus M, Nikolsky E, Beyar R, Hammerman H. Should Therapeutic Strategy be Decided According to Renal Status in Patients with Non ST Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction? 56th Annual Congress of the Israel Heart Association. Tel Aviv 22-23 April, 2009. 67. Hamed S, Brenner B, Abassi A, Aharon A, Daoud D, Roguin A. Synergistic Effect of Hyperglycemia and Ox-LDL in Type 2 Diabetes. 56th Annual Congress of the Israel Heart Association. Tel Aviv 22-23 April, 2009. 68. Cohen E, Osherov A, Sebbag A, Tafesh SM, Kerner A, Roguin A. Perioperative Antiplatelet Therapy in Patients with Coronary Stents. 56th Annual Congress of the Israel Heart Association. Tel Aviv 22-23 April, 2009. 69. Marcusohn E, Roguin A, Dragu R, Zdorovyak A, Zukermann R , Sebbag A, Kerner A, Boulos M, Aronson D, Hammerman H, Kapeliovich M. Clinical Characteristics, Treatment and Outcome of Patients After Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest: Insights in Rambam Intensive Cardiac Care (RICCa) Registry. 56th Annual Congress of the Israel Heart Association. Tel Aviv 22-23 April, 2009. 70. Carasso S, Agmon Y, Mutlak D, Roguin A, Lessick J. Comparison between 2D-Echo Myocardial Strain and Visual Grading of Myocardial Function in Patients after Myocardial Infarction. 56th Annual Congress of the Israel Heart Association. Tel Aviv 22-23 April, 2009. 71. Kerner A, Abergel E, Berger M, Halabi M, Boulos M, Beyar, R, Roguin A. Radial Approach is Associated with Lower Bleeding Complications in Patients Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention with IIb/IIIa Inhibitors. 57th Annual Congress of the Israel Heart Association. Tel Aviv 14-15 April, 2010. 72. Almagor Y, Roguin A, Bolotin G Dvir D, Kerner A, Porat E, Rozenman D, Balkin J, Mutlak D, Sagie A, Bitran D, Kornowski R. Transfemoral and Transapical Transcatheter Aortic Valve-implantation: The Israeli Experience Using Edwards-Spaien Valve System. 57th Annual Congress of the Israel Heart Association. Tel Aviv 14-15 April, 2010. 73. Lessick J, Agmon Y, Carasso S, Abadi S, Aronson D, Engel A, Rispler S, Sebbag A, Hammerman H, Roguin A. Perfusion Defects Identified on Cardiac CT after Acute Myocardial Infarction are Related to Degree of Ventricular Remodeling. 57th Annual Congress of the Israel Heart Association. Tel Aviv 14-15 April, 2010. 74. Eliyahu S, Roguin A, Kerner A. Boulos M, Lorber A, Halabi M, Sulieman M, Nikolsky E, Beyar R. Live Transmissions of Interventional Cardiology Procedures – Is it Really Safe? 58th Annual Congress of the Israel Heart Association. Tel Aviv 4-5 May, 2011. 75. Huber A, Viner G, Poliakov A, Koning I, Dadaev S, Larinov I, Halabi M, Kerner A, Abergel E, Nikolsky E, Sudarsky D, Roguin A. Lowering Radiation Exposure Levels in the Catheterization Laboratory. 58th Annual Congress of the Israel Heart Association. Tel Aviv 4-5 May, 2011. 76. Poliakov A, Huber A, Halabi M, Sudarsky D, Kerner A, Dadaev S, Larinov I, Abergel E, Roguin A. Clopidogrel “Nonresponsiveness”: Platelet Monitoring before PCI: Is it Feasible? Is it Necessary? 58th Annual Congress of the Israel Heart Association. Tel Aviv 4-5 May, 2011. 77. Barac Y, Kerner A, Roguin A, Mutlak D, Cohen O, Kertzman V, Ziser A, Bolotin G. TAVI – The Non-Touch Femoral Technique. 58th Annual Congress of the Israel Heart Association. Tel Aviv 4-5 May, 2011. 78. Dotan M, Roguin A, Sinyor D, Khoury A, Schwartz Y, Khatib I, Lorber A. Increased incidence of coronary artery origin anomalies associated with patent ductus arteriosus. 59th Annual Congress of the Israel Heart Association. Tel Aviv April 16-17, 2012. 79. Kerner A, Abadi S, Abergel E, Solomonica A, Roguin A, Aronson D, Lessick J. Direct comparison between coronary computed tomography and invasive angiography for calculation of syntax score. 59th Annual Congress of the Israel Heart Association. Tel Aviv April 16-17, 2012.

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80. Roguin A. Dilemmas with the new antiplatelet drugs. 60th Annual Congress of the Israel Heart Association. Jerusalem April 3-4, 2013.

81. Musallam A, Volis I, Dedaiev S, Abergel E, Soni A, Kerner A, Yalonetsky S, Roguin A. Patient and Operator Radiation Dose using a Pelvic Lead Shield during Trans Radial Angiography: 3-fold decrease to operator but st double exposure to the patient. 61 Annual Congress of the Israel Heart Association. Tel Aviv April 25- 26, 2014. 82.