European Journal (2001) 22, 903–918 doi:10.1053/euhj.2000.2372, available online at on

Review Article

Angiogenesis and the ischaemic heart

R. Tabibiazar and S. G. Rockson

Department of Medicine, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, U.S.A.

Introduction these mechanisms might be involved in the development of coronary collaterals in the ischaemic myocardium[5]. Historically, interest in the therapeutic implications of has centered on the inhibition of new vascular growth to retard the spread of [1,2]. More Mechanisms of formation recently, however, there has been equal enthusiasm for the therapeutic implications of inducing new vascular Formation of new blood vessels involves several steps[6]: growth in ischaemic disorders of the coronary and dissolution of the matrix underlying the ; peripheral vasculature. While medical, surgical and per- migration, adhesion, and proliferation of endothelial cutaneous catheter-based interventions provide sympto- cells; and, finally, formation and maturation of a new matic relief in a significant proportion of the ischaemic three-dimensional tubular structure to support the flow population, a substantial cohort of patients with ad- of blood[3,7]. Numerous elements stimulate angiogenesis vanced or refractory disease currently has no acceptable and can influence each step of the process (Fig. 1). In therapeutic alternative. In this context, the promotion of theory, modification of the process at any of these stages within ischaemic vasculature is based may confer the ability to control angiogenesis and upon a valid and intuitively rational scientific concept harness its effects to treat the ischaemic heart. These and presents an innovative approach to treatment of influences are briefly reviewed here. ischaemic diseases in the cardiovascular system. The Angiogenesis is a very complex process. Conceptually, purpose of this paper is to elucidate some of these the major triggers of this process can be simplified into scientific concepts and to review the recent advances in three broad categories: mechanical, chemical, and the field of angiogenesis. molecular factors (Fig. 1). Clearly, these elements may work in concert and contribute to the regulation of the angiogenic process at various stages. Principles of angiogenesis Mechanical influences Angiogenesis can be defined as the budding of that leads to the formation of new microvessels from Haemodynamics pre-existing vascular structures. This process can be Haemodynamics may influence angiogenesis in several differentiated from , which describes the ways. Augmentation of blood flow during [8], the formation of blood vessels from committed mesenchy- hyperthyroid state, and the administration of certain mal stem cells, mainly during embryogenesis[3,4]. En- drugs have all been shown to stimulate vascular hancement of blood flow to ischaemic myocardium can sprouting[9–11]. Furthermore, it has been observed that, result from either true angiogenesis, as defined above, or while large vessels with low flow tend to reduce or from the recruitment of pre-existing coronary collater- obliterate the endovascular diameter, the lumen of als. In fact, it is not entirely clear whether one or both of smaller vessels with chronically increased high flow tends to enlarge[12]. Augmentation of blood flow, there- fore, may both stimulate vascular sprouting and Key Words: Therapeutic angiogenesis, ischaemia, gene maintain patency of the newly formed collateral ves- therapy. sels, thereby providing blood flow to the ischaemic Manuscript submitted 13 March 2000, and accepted 12 July 2000. myocardium.

Correspondence: Stanley G. Rockson, MD, Chief, Consultative Cardiology, Director, Stanford Program for Atherosclerosis and Shear stress Cardiovascular Therapies, Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, Shear stress has an important influence on the develop- Stanford University School of Medicine, U.S.A. ment of collaterals in the ischaemic myocardium. Shear

0195-668X/01/110903+16 $35.00/0  2001 The European Society of Cardiology 904 R. Tabibiazar and S. G. Rockson

also been shown to upregulate vascular endothelial Molecular [22,23], owing both to increases in the (i.e. ) transcription mediated by hypoxia inducible factor 1 and an increase in the stability of vascular endothelial [24,25] Mechanical Chemical growth factor mRNA . The augmentation of vascu- (i.e. haemodynamics (i.e. hypoxia) shear stress) lar growth induced by hypoxia might be mediated, at least in part, by nucleotides released from ischaemic tissues[26,27]. Hypoxia also increases the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor receptors (FLK and [28,29] Activation of FLT) . This renders the endothelium susceptible to endothelium either the systemic or the paracrine effects of pre-existing growth growth [23,30] factors factors vascular endothelial growth factor . Animal studies inhibitors inhibitors on localization of vascular endothelial growth factor (–) expression during the vascularization process have em- phasized the potential role for a hypoxic gradient in the [21,31] receptors regulation of angiogenesis . The ability to induce vascular endothelial growth factor expression in re- sponse to hypoxia may play a crucial role in regulating angiogenesis in the ischaemic heart. A recent study has described inter-individual heterogeneity in the ability to induce vascular endothelial growth factor in response to Angiogenesis 1. New sprouts [32] 2. Recruitment hypoxia , although the mechanism has not yet been of collaterals elucidated. Figure 1 Hypothetical scheme for number of factors that lead to angiogenesis and influence each step of the process. Conceptually, the major triggers of angiogenesis can be Molecular influences simplified into three broad categories: mechanical, chemi- cal, and molecular factors. These elements may work in Inflammation concert and contribute to the regulation of the angiogenic Animal studies suggest that the presence of inflam- process at various stages. Formation of new blood vessels matory cells, including and neutrophils, is involves several steps: dissolution of the matrix underlying sufficient to produce angiogenesis[33,34]. Following myo- the endothelium; migration, adhesion, and proliferation of cardial necrosis, the influx of inflammatory cells, includ- endothelial cells; and, finally, formation and maturation of ing macrophages, monocytes, and platelets, produces a new three-dimensional tubular structure to support the the release of that are capable of stimulating flow of blood. In theory, modification of the process at any of these stages may confer the ability to control angiogen- fibroblast growth factor and vascular endothelial growth esis and harness its effects to treat the ischaemic heart. factor expression. Vascular endothelial growth factor, in turn, can stimulate and recruit other macrophages to augment the inflammatory response and further stimu- stress and stretch on the myocardium can lead to late angiogenesis. The inflammatory response can induce up-regulation of adhesion molecules in the endo- the expression of receptors (e.g. selectins, ICAM-1, [13] [14,15] thelium , attraction of inflammatory cells , and VCAM-1) for various proteins, stimulation of endothelial cells to produce growth monocytes, macrophages, and also for the growth fac- [16,17] factors . Myocardial stretch, of the magnitude tors already mentioned[35]. Myocardial ischaemia, with observed in clinically significant left ventricular dysfunc- an inflammatory response much inferior to infarction, tion, has been shown to increase vascular endothelial may provide a very different mechanism for angio- [18,19] growth factor expression in the heart . Endothelial genesis. cells can be viewed as mechano-receptors that respond to physical forces and therefore play an important role Angiogenic factors in linking mechanical influences with the molecular The existence of angiogenic factors was first noted with signals of angiogenesis. the isolation of a tumour factor that was shown to be mitogenic for endothelial cells and later found to be a member of the fibroblast growth factor family[1]. Several Chemical influences other peptides have subsequently been recognized to play a role in angiogenesis (see discussion below). These Hypoxia and tension gradient include: acidic and basic fibroblast growth factor (1 and The molecular machinery that initiates angiogenesis may 2), vascular endothelial growth factor, platelet-derived be driven by deprivation of oxygen and other important growth factor, insulin-like growth factor-1, , [20] nutrients . Hypoxia stimulates macrophages to release transforming growth factor (TGF and TGF), tumour various factors including platelet-derived growth factor necrosis factor (TNF), hepatocyte growth factors, and fibroblast growth factor 1 and 2[21]. Hypoxia has granulocyte colony-stimulating factor, placental growth

Eur Heart J, Vol. 22, issue 11, June 2001 Review 905 factor, 8, and several others[36].Ofthe cellular matrix, releasing stored growth factors and large number of angiogenesis factors that have been providing substrate for endothelial cell proliferation. described, the fibroblast growth factor and vascular endothelial growth factor families have been most inten- Extracellular matrix sively studied. Although several elements are likely to be The extracellular matrix also plays an integral role in the involved in the process of angiogenesis, as previously process of angiogenesis. The dissolution of the matrix discussed, in vivo studies have amply demonstrated that beneath the endothelium is the first step in the cascade the simple administration of an angiogenic growth fac- that results in neovascularization. In addition, the extra- tor is sufficient to stimulate the cascade of events that cellular matrix can serve as a reservoir for growth lead to angiogenesis and to the augmentation of blood factors through the avid binding of these molecules to delivery. the contained within the extracellular matrix. Furthermore, inflammation can elicit changes in the Role of growth factor receptors extracellular matrix that alter the binding of growth Several modulatory control mechanisms for the biologi- factors to the heparin molecules and their release into cal effects of growth factors have been elucidated. the adjacent cellular milieu. Administration of growth factors in the normal heart does not result in angiogenesis[12,37]. This phenomenon has been explained by the lack of expression of appro- Known angiogenic factors priate growth factor receptors within the normal tissue. Studies of tumour angiogenesis have documented that Historical perspective up-regulation of density is an important modu- The potential relationship of angiogenesis to cancer latory mechanism in angiogenesis. It has been shown therapy was first described in the early 1970s[1]. Al- that the FLK and FLT (vascular endothelial growth though the applicability of therapeutic angiogenesis to factor) receptors are up-regulated by hypoxia[28,29] and, myocardial ischaemia was initially conjectured in the possibly, by the presence of other growth factors. Vas- same decade[44], intense experimental exploration of this cular endothelial growth factor and fibroblast growth concept has not occurred until quite recently. The exist- factor, when administered simultaneously, potentiate ence of spontaneously occurring angiogenesis has been one another’seffect[38,39], perhaps reflecting reciprocal inferred from those individuals in whom vigorous up-regulation of their respective receptors[12]. endogenous of an underperfused region can prevent the symptomatic and functional conse- Down-regulation of angiogenic inhibitors quences of chronic myocardial ischaemia. Moreover, the The presence of angiogenic growth factors and their observation that infarcted human myocardium expresses respective receptors have been demonstrated in normal angiogenic factors that resemble those produced by tissue[40]. Despite the coexistence of both angiogenic various tumours[45] has further stimulated interest in the ligands and their receptors in normal tissues, persistent, ability to harness this phenomenon as a therapeutic tool. active neovascularization is not typically observed. This As individual growth factors have been identified implies the influence of an angiogenic inhibitor. Induc- throughout the years, their role in angiogenesis of the tion of the cascade of events that leads to angiogenesis ischaemic heart has been systematically investigated[46]. would, therefore, require the appropriate down- regulation of the inhibitory pathway. One such putative Peptide angiogenic factors inhibitor has been isolated from porcine heart[41] and Numerous peptide growth factors have been identified other inhibitors have been described more extensively in in relation to tumour angiogenesis[36,46]. Many of these the cancer literature[42]. same factors play a potential role in cardiac angio- genesis as well[47–52]. Activation of endothelium -2, also known as basic fibro- The role of the endothelium in angiogenesis cannot be blast growth factor, is an 18 kilo-Dalton (kD), single- over-emphasized[43]. Endothelial cells have a well- chain peptide with extensive mitogenic capability. The described, pivotal role in the endovascular regulation of fibroblast growth factors represent some of the most cellular proliferation, migration, adhesion to extracellu- potent of the known angiogenic peptides. As a family of lar matrix, and the formation of a three dimensional growth factors, fibroblast growth factors have almost lumen for blood flow. In addition, once ‘activated’, these ubiquitous distribution and a wide scope of biological cells provide a substrate for the adherence of inflamma- activity. They act as regulatory proteins to induce the tory cells, permit an increased receptor density, and proliferation of a broad range of cell types, including propagate the release of crucial growth factors[7]. Acti- cells with epithelial, mesenchymal, and neural origins[46], vation of endothelial cells is one of the earliest events in and mediate a broad spectrum of developmental and the formation of new blood vessels. Endothelial cell pathophysiological processes in vivo and in vitro[53]. activation, either by mechanical or chemical factors, They are produced by, and can act directly upon, increases the sensitivity to various growth factors. The vascular endothelial and cells, and func- endothelial cells respond by secreting growth factors and tion as angiogenic factors[36]. One of the characteristic a variety of proteolytic that dissolve the extra- properties of fibroblast growth factors is their ability to

Eur Heart J, Vol. 22, issue 11, June 2001 906 R. Tabibiazar and S. G. Rockson bind to glycosaminoglycan heparin. This property al- from a single gene[69]. All vascular endothelial growth lows them to be classified among the heparin-binding factor isoforms are secreted glycoproteins that can [54] growth factors . The failure of fibroblast growth factor homodimerize and bind to heparin, except for VEGF121. to be secreted in tissue culture is another characteristic VEGF165 is the predominant form and is secreted by a biological feature of these molecules. This property can variety of normal and transformed cells. The genetic and be ascribed to the absence of a signal sequence to direct structural properties of vascular endothelial growth fac- their secretion, and to their requisite association with tor and its isoforms have been reviewed elsewhere[63]. extracellular matrix[55,56]. The biological responses to the Interestingly, regulation of vascular endothelial growth fibroblast growth factors are induced through the acti- factor gene expression has been shown to be effected by vation of specific receptors and intracellular pathways in hypoxia in both in vitro and in vivo models[22,23]. Other a tissue- and temporally-specific manner[57,58]. The fibro- vascular endothelial growth factor-like proteins have blast growth factor-receptor family consists of four also been cloned[70]. Among those, VEGF-B appears to membrane-spanning tyrosine kinases. Each of these re- be particularly highly expressed in cardiac tissue[71,72] ceptors gives rise to multiple isoforms as a result of whereas, VEGF-C may play a role in formation of alternative splicing of their mRNAs[53,58]. Fibroblast lymphatics[73,74]. Nevertheless, some studies suggest that growth factor-2 can be activated through physical VEGF-C may also have some angiogenic properties in stimuli, such as hypoxia, and through the activity of a the vasculature of the blood [75]. Vascular endo- variety of other growth factors[21,59]. Recent studies have thelial growth factor has a crucial role in embryogenesis, suggested that vascular endothelial growth factor and inasmuch as deletion of the vascular endothelial growth fibroblast growth factor-2 may have synergistic effects, factor gene in early embryogenesis is a lethal muta- both in vitro[39] and in vivo[60]. Since fibroblast growth tion[76,77]. Vascular endothelial growth factor has also factor-2 is one of the most potent mitogens and chemo- been implicated as a regulator of physiological angio- tactic factors for the vascular endothelial cell, it has been genesis[78]. The first evidence supporting this hypothesis considered the prime candidate for inducing angiogen- was provided by in situ hybridization studies on the rat esis in the ischaemic heart. Numerous studies, both in ovary. These investigations revealed that there is a animal models and in humans, have begun to investigate temporal and spatial relationship between vascular en- the potential role of fibroblast growth factor-2 in the dothelial growth factor expression and proliferation of treatment of . microvessels in the ovary. In addition to its role in Fibroblast growth factor-1, or acidic fibroblast embryogenesis and physiological angiogenesis, vascular growth factor, in its mature form, is a 16 kD polypeptide endothelial growth factor also has a role in the neo- and, like other members of the fibroblast growth factor vascularization response in pathological conditions like family, has a wide spectrum of activity. It has potent ischaemia[21,22,79]. Vascular endothelial growth factor is mitogenic and chemotactic effects on a variety of cell thought to function by interacting with two high-affinity types, including fibroblasts, endothelial cells, and receptors, flk-1 and flt-1[80,81]. It is believed that both smooth muscle cells[46]. It has been implicated in the receptors play an important role in the angiogenesis of control of capillary proliferation during embryogenesis, the ischaemic heart, since their respective levels of ex- tumour progression, and . Fibroblast pression have been observed to rise in response to growth factor-1 is upregulated during collateral for- hypoxia[27,82]. In vivo studies have demonstrated that mation[49] and in the regeneration of endothelial cells acute myocardial infarction stimulates a rapid and pro- after injury[61]. Hypoxia has been shown to induce longed increase in the expression of both vascular release of fibroblast growth factor-1 by macrophages[21]. endothelial growth factor and its receptors, with charac- Despite the apparent therapeutic potential of fibroblast teristic spatial and temporal kinetics[28]. A role for growth factor-1, initial in vivo studies with this agent vascular endothelial growth factor has also been conjec- have proven disappointing[62]. tured in such diverse pathological entities as rheumatoid Vascular endothelial growth factor, also known as arthritis and proliferative [42]. vascular permeability factor, is a basic 45 kD heparin- Other growth factors binding glycoprotein. It was first described as a secreted Several other factors have been implicated in the angio- mitogenic factor specific for endothelial cells in vitro genesis process, and their role has been investigated to and a pro-angiogenic molecule in vivo[63]. Numerous varying degrees and previously reviewed elsewhere[36,46]. additional functions have since been attributed to the Among these factors, TGF induces an increase in the vascular endothelial growth factor molecule. These in-  level of vascular endothelial growth factor mRNA and clude: the induction of vascular permeability[64,65], the protein expression[83] and, thus, its angiogenic effect increased expression of serine [66] and intersti- maybe mediated by vascular endothelial growth factor. tial collagenases[67], that can promote a prodegradative Although the expression of these growth factors has environment during angiogenesis, and induction of been studied extensively in vitro, their temporal and vasodilatation[68]. Vascular endothelial growth factor spatial expression in vivo models is not well-studied[84]. exists in various forms and is expressed in various tissues in the body. Four isoforms of vascular endothelial Non-peptide angiogenic factors growth factor (VEGF121, VEGF165, VEGF189 and Several non-peptide molecules also have been reported [85,86] VEGF206) arise from alternative splicing of the mRNA to be angiogenic. These include: l-butyryl glycol ,

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[87–90] [26,91] the prostaglandins PGE1&2 , nicotinamide , (Fig. 1). In theory, modification of any of these steps, adenosine[89,92–94], certain degradation products of individually or in concert, may confer the ability to [95], and other uncharacterized low- control angiogenesis and change the natural history of molecular-weight factors[96]. Some of these factors are ischaemic heart disease. felt to have a secondary role, since they do not act through the direct stimulation of endothelial prolifer- ation, migration, and production. The mechan- ism by which some of these agents induce angiogenesis is Insights derived from animal models of unclear. In any event, they do not appear to exert their angiogenesis effect through increasing the bioavailability of pre- formed heparin-binding growth factors sequestered in Although it is likely that the concurrent effects of several the extracellular matrix [97]. factors produce a concerted response that results in new Among the low molecular-weight factors, adenosine vessel formation, as previously discussed, it is entirely may have a unique role in stimulating angiogenesis. conceivable that therapeutic administration of a sole Adenosine has been shown to increase vascular density angiogenic growth factor might be sufficient to augment in the chick model in a dose- blood delivery to the ischaemic myocardium. Such dependent manner[93,98] and stimulate proliferation of phenomena have repeatedly been demonstrated through human endothelial cells in culture[94]. Adenosine for- in vivo studies of experimental angiogenesis (some are mation stems from the ischaemia-induced catabolism of reviewed below). high energy phosphates[99] and this has been shown to increase vascular endothelial growth factor mRNA stab- ility via the A1 receptor[24,82]. Theoretically, adenosine Fibroblast growth factor-2 might mediate the stimulating effect of hypoxia upon The intra-coronary administration of fibroblast growth angiogenesis[100]. It is unclear whether adenosine or its factor-2 has been studied in a canine acute infarct metabolic by-products can induce angiogenesis in model. In this approach, when infusion of the growth vivo[100]. factor immediately followed induction of acute myocar- A potential modulatory role for has also dial infarction, reduction of the infarct size and in- been entertained in both tumour angionesis[101,102] and creased neovascularization were both observed[106].Itis other forms of neovascularization[103,104]. In fact, it is as yet unclear whether fibroblast growth factor-2 in- conjectured that a defective endothelial synthetic duces the observed neovascularization or whether it is mechanism for nitric oxide may provide an additional responsible for the recruitment of preexisting collateral therapeutic target in patients with advanced vascular vessels, inasmuch as administration occurred in the obstruction[105]. acute setting. Some benefitoffibroblast growth factor-2 has also been shown in the chronic ischaemic setting, utilizing various modes of delivery[107–109]. Reduction of From basic science to clinical practice infarct size in the acute setting has repeatedly been demonstrated[106,110,111]. Many therapeutic advances in cardiology have contrib- uted to the improved management of coronary artery Fibroblast growth factor-1 disease. Clinical benefits have been accrued through Studies with fibroblast growth factor-1 have demon- multiple risk factor modification, enhancement of local strated conflicting evidence of benefit in the process of oxygen delivery through direct percutaneous interven- therapeutic angiogenesis[62,112–114]. In vivo studies have tions and surgical revascularization, and through the demonstrated that fibroblast growth factor-1 has mini- pharmacological manipulations that maximize myocar- mal effect on non-injured quiescent endothelial cells, but dial function after injury and prevent further ischaemic exerts a marked mitogenic effect on injured smooth events. Nonetheless, there persists a large group of muscle cells[62]. In one series of experiments, admin- patients who cannot benefit from these interventions. It istration of exogenous fibroblast growth factor-1 in is for this subgroup of individuals with refractory myo- myocardium has shown striking vascular smooth muscle cardial ischaemia, in particular, that therapeutic angio- hyperplasia exclusively within areas of myocardial in- genesis may hold particular promise. farction but without significant collateral formation[62]. Since occlusion of a portion of the coronary vascula- Others have demonstrated radiographic and histological ture may be tolerable in the presence of appropriate evidence of stimulated coronary collateral forma- collateralization, the ability to pharmacologically induce tion[113,114] and have shown that exogenous fibroblast the growth of coronary collaterals could, in principle, growth factor-1 improves myocardial to the markedly change the natural history of ischaemic heart collateral-dependent ischaemic myocardium[115]. disease. Coronary collaterals are believed to develop either as a result of neovascularization or of the recruit- ment of neighbouring vessels. As discussed above, Vascular endothelial growth factor numerous biological factors stimulate these responses While the VEGF121 isoform has recently been receiving and can influence each step of the angiogenic process increasing attention, most of the earlier animal studies

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have been performed with VEGF165, the more abundant Therapeutic angiogenesis in human vascular isoform in humans. Studies in various animal models disease have investigated the role of vascular endothelial growth factor administration in the setting of myocardial is- Although there are several mechanisms by which the chaemia. In a canine model of ameroid coronary occlu- angiogenic process is stimulated, early in vivo studies sion, daily intracoronary vascular endothelial growth suggest that administration of individual growth factors factor injection enhanced coronary collateral blood flow may be sufficient to augment blood delivery to hypoxic and increased myocardial distribution vessel density tissues. These early studies have stimulated the current, compared to control animals treated with saline[116].Ina extensive research effort to define the role of growth similar study, although vascular endothelial growth fac- factors in the therapy of myocardial ischaemia. The tor administered via the left did not increase high-affinity endothelial receptors for various angiogenic collateral development, it significantly enhanced neo- growth factors are now well-recognized to mediate pro- intimal accumulation[117]. The difference in results be- liferation, migration and differentiation of the cellular tween the two studies is not clear. Another study using populations required for the augmented growth of new intracoronary protein injection also demonstrated an vascular structures in ischaemic tissues[46,127–129]. How- increase in myocardial perfusion, although it was ever, before therapeutic angiogenesis becomes a reality associated with systemic hypotension[118].Adifferent in human ischaemia, several critical issues will require study in a porcine model showed that periadventitial resolution. and extraluminal mini-pump administration of vascular endothelial growth factor improved myocardial contrac- tility and enhanced coronary blood flow and collateral- Which growth factors? ization[119]. A more recent study using gene transfer As already discussed, there are several known growth methodology showed that direct myocardial injection of factors that might serve as suitable candidates for the an adenoviral vector encoding vascular endothelial stimulation of coronary angiogenesis. Among these, growth factor cDNA improved myocardial contractility fibroblast growth factor-2 and vascular endothelial and perfusion with enhanced collateralization[120]. While growth factor have been the most extensively studied, these studies have established the feasibility of thera- both in animal models and in humans. It is as yet peutic angiogenesis through local administration of unclear whether one or a combination of these growth angiogenic growth factors, site-specific stimulation of factors can infer the maximal angiogenic response in angiogenesis has also been demonstrated for systemic human ischaemic heart disease. Moreover, no compari- administration of vascular endothelial growth factor[121]. son studies have yet been undertaken. Furthermore, a ff These studies demonstrated that vascular endothelial synergistic e ect of these two important factors has been growth factor appears to be an effective angiogenic demonstrated, at least in a rabbit model of hindlimb [60] agent in animal models of the ischaemic heart and ischaemia . The search for new angiogenic factors and ff warranted further investigation for its applicability in their e ects on angiogenesis of the ischaemic heart is [130–132] clinical studies. ongoing and intense . For example, investigation Considerable therapeutic efficacy has been demon- of the angiogenic potential of nucleotide metabolites has [26,92,96,97] strated for vascular endothelial growth factor admin- revealed a potential role for certain pyridines . istration either as protein or gene-transfer in animal The study of vasculogenesis during embryonic develop- models of peripheral ischaemia. Earlier studies demon- ment has traditionally led to the identification of im- [4,131,133,134] strated a significant dose-dependent augmentation in portant mediators of angiogenesis . Other ff perfusion accompanied by evidence of increased collat- molecular modulators, that a ect angiogenesis at the eral formation after intramuscular administration of cellular receptor or the intracellular level, may also vascular endothelial growth factor in the ischaemic present a potential for novel pharmaceutical inter- rabbit hindlimb[122]. Successful transfection of naked ventions for ischaemic heart disease. DNA encoding vascular endothelial growth factor in a rabbit model of hindlimb ischaemia showed augmented Which patient population? vascularity and perfusion to the ischaemic limb[123]. Currently, clinical studies of angiogenesis are focused Inadifferent study, site-specific transfection of plasmid upon the patient with severe, refractory angina. The encoding cDNA of VEGF165 resulted in augmented question remains whether the benefits of therapeutic development of collateral vessels and increased capillary angiogenesis can be extended to other ischaemic disease density documented by serial angiography[124]. Vascular states, like diabetes, ischaemic cardiomyopathy and con- endothelial growth factor was shown to improve gestive heart failure, and peri-infarction ischaemia. One endothelium-dependent vasorelaxation in microvascu- study has shown that vascular endothelial growth lar collaterals in a rat hindlimb model of peripheral factor–gene transfer restored the neovascularization re- ischaemia[125]. In a similar animal model, adenoviral sponse in a mouse model of diabetes[135,136]. In patients vector encoding vascular endothelial growth factor with acute myocardial infarction, where thrombus for- stimulated an angiographic increase in the vascularity mation may pre-empt the adequate formation of collat- of the treated limb compared with each control eral vascularization, angiogenic factors may accelerate group[126]. the process of collateralization and thereby limit the size

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Table 1 Various modes of drug delivery factors to the precise site of injury. Prolonged, yet time-limited exposure might realistically require multiple Gene transfer Native factor procedures for growth factor delivery. In addition, local injection of growth factors entails the potential risks Plasmid DNA Systemic associated with the required procedures, as well as the Single vs repeated administration potential for local reactions to the drugs, including Liposomal DNA inflammation and arrhythmias. A number of slow- Local release matrices such as polymers (hydrogels and porous Viral vectors Polymer-based devices Recombinant adenovirus (slow releasing polymers, polymers), microspheres, stents, heparin beads, and Retrovirus hydrogel, porous balloon catheters have been studied to allow Adeno-associated virus microspheres, etc.) controlled local delivery of growth factors[146]. Intravascular delivery (porous balloons, stents, Gene transfer iontophoresis, simple injection) Theoretically, the advantages of gene transfer include Cardiac catheterization the reliability of gene expression at the target organ and TMR/PMR the elimination of the technical difficulties that attend ‘Mini’ thoracotomy direct drug delivery[114]. Undesired effects of systemic CABG surgery drug administration are avoided[121]. Successful of human disease poses distinct challenges[147]. The disappointing recent clinical trials of human gene therapy in such inherited diseases as cystic fibrosis and of the infarct[45,137]. Animal studies with fibroblast Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy underscore the com- growth factor-2 suggest that this kind of intervention is plexity of such endeavours[147]. Some of the noted dis- feasible[106,110,111]. A recent study has shown that mice advantages of gene therapy include the low transfection deficient in vascular endothelial growth factor isoforms rates with currently available vectors, and the fact that developed ischaemic cardiomyopathy and ultimately the gene products were expressed for a short duration died of cardiac failure[138]. One implication of this study and only in limited amounts[147,148]. Local inflammatory is that treament with angiogenic factors might promote responses to the introduction of viral vectors pose an revascularizaion and improve heart failure[139]. additional potential side effect of gene transfer. As previously discussed, the ideal mode of drug Strategies for drug delivery delivery for therapeutic angiogenesis would entail a In simplest terms, therapeutic angiogenesis can be ef- simple mechanism for the delivery of growth factor to fected by one of two mechanisms of drug delivery: the precise site of injury. Exposure to the growth factor through transfer of the relevant genetic material, or would be prolonged, yet time-limited. Fortunately, the through therapeutic administration of the angiogenic same characteristics that pose difficulties in other disease factor itself (Tables 1 and 2). There has not yet been a processes, such as low transfection rates and transient, systematic comparison to determine which mode of drug localized expression of gene product, suggest that the delivery is most efficacious. The native factor can be currently available vectors might be ideally suited for administered either via the systemic route or locally, as therapeutic angiogenesis[149]. Disappointing results in noted in Table 1. Alternatively, local sustained-release of gene therapy have traditionally entailed the delivery of the native factor or direct gene therapy may provide intracellular gene products; in contrast, vascular endo- efficient delivery of angiogenic factors and facilitate thelial growth factor includes a leader sequence that more prolonged local exposure to the growth factors allows its secretion from intact cells[150]. Therefore, and minimize systemic side effects. despite low transfection rates, the paracrine effects of the secreted peptide may be sufficient to achieve a meaning- Native factors ful angiogenic effect[144,151–153]. Numerous animal and While it might reflect the simplest mode of drug delivery, human studies have evaluated the safety and success of systemic administration of the native factors raises the such gene therapy in the ischaemic heart[107,149,153–155]. spectre of several potential undesired effects of angio- Several important issues must be addressed to opti- genesis. These include: the acceleration of proliferative mize the potential of angiogenic gene therapy. Chief and, perhaps, of atherosclerosis[140–143]; the among these is the identification of the ideal vector for stimulation of neoplastic growth; hypotension mediated gene transfer. Liposomes and plasmid DNA have been through release[118], localized oedema and in- used in animal models of myocardial ischaemia[156–158] flammation[144], telangiectasias[144], anaemia, thrombo- and the latter has also been evaluated in clinical trials for cytopenia, and membranous nephropathy[145].In peripheral vascular disease[144,154,159]. The disadvantage contrast, local delivery of growth factors obligates lower of these vectors is the inconsistent and low transfection dosing requirements and therefore might reduce the rate[147]. Recombinant viruses have generally been likelihood of associated systemic side-effects. Local drug highly efficient vectors. Retroviruses, although they pro- delivery, however, has its own limitations, such as the duce stable transfection, require dividing cells for infec- technical difficulty associated with delivery of the growth tion[148,149]. The experience with vectors based on human

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Table 2 Potential modes of delivery of gene therapy for angiogenesis in the ischaemic heart[146,149]

Site of injection Method of delivery Vectors used Select references

Intra-coronary Adenovirus [107] Intramyocardial injection Epicardial (open chest) Adenovirus [161] Plasmid [154] Intracavitary (percutaneous) Intra-arterial wall transfection Hydrogel balloon Plasmid [144] Double balloon Plasmid, [186] Vector coated stents Liposome Pericardial application Transfer of cells Native [187]

adenoviruses has been more promising. Adenoviruses coronary dosing of fibroblast growth factor-2 over a  can transfer large amounts of recombinant genes into wide range of drug concentration (0·33–36 1)is a wide variety of dividing and non-dividing cells[148]. safe[162]. Several animal models[107,160] and clinical trials have An alternative method to a single dosing strategy is to effectively utilized adenoviral vectors for intramyocar- employ frequent, repeated administration of the growth dial and intracoronary delivery[149]. Recently, the com- factors. In the VIVA study, patients received a single pletion of a phase I assessment of direct intramyocardial intracoronary dose of vascular endothelial growth factor   administration of a vascular endothelial growth factor- at doses of either 17 or 50 ng . kg 1 min 1 on the first expressing adenovirus vector has been described in indi- day followed by repeated intravenous dosing on days 3, viduals with severe coronary artery disease[161]. 6, and 9[163]. The lack of favourable preliminary results in this study is currently unexplained, but may be related Dosing and frequency to dosing and frequency of the drug used. Most studies Another issue that also requires further attention, with- of therapeutic angiogenesis, however, utilize some out reference to the specific strategy for drug delivery, is method for slow and sustained delivery of the factors to the determination of the optimal dosing, timing, and avoid frequent dosing. In one study, use of microcap- frequency of factors administered. No comparative sules containing 100 goffibroblast growth factor-2 studies have been performed to address this specific implanted in the subepicardial fat at the time of CABG concern. As discussed earlier, the optimal angiogenic surgery was not associated with any ill effects and may effect is theoretically achieved with prolonged, yet time- have improved the patients’ angina symptoms[164]. limited exposure to the growth factors administered. Administration of a single dose of the growth factor, Outcome assessment: how to quantitate the effectiveness whether systemically or locally, takes into account the of therapeutic angiogenesis? assumption that binding of the factors to the extracellu- In animal studies, direct study of the treated tissues lar matrix can provide a reservoir for their sustained facilitates the assessment of treatment efficacy. Histo- delivery at the targeted area. Preliminary results of a chemical evaluation of the myocardial tissue and the recent clinical trial demonstrate that single intra- demonstration of enhanced endothelial cell proliferation

Table 3 Proposed end-points to document therapeutic angiogenesis in ischaemic heart disease

Functional end-point Clinical end-point Angiographic end-point (stress vs rest)

Angina class Nuclear medicine Angiograms (TIMI flow) CHF class Assess perfusion Morphometric vessel counting Exercise tolerance Echocardiogram MRI (myocardial perfusion) Mortality Assess LV function Regional vs global MRI Assess LV function Treadmill

CHF=congestive heart failure; LV=left ventricular; TIMI=Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarc- tion; MRI=magnetic resonance imaging.

Eur Heart J, Vol. 22, issue 11, June 2001 Review 911 provide objective documentation for new vessel forma- therapy. Clinical responses were characterized by an tion. Clearly, analogous assessment in the human clini- improved walking distance, relief of ischaemic pain, a cal context is impossible. Unfortunately, diagnostic marked reduction in analgesic consumption, and healing tools to identify effective human angiogenesis are, as yet, of persistent, unresponsive, painful inflammation of the largely unavailable. Table 3 summarizes the objective hallux[168]. In a larger study, intramuscular injection of clinical end-points utilized in the clinical studies to date. naked plasmid DNA encoding VEGF165 was performed Angiographic methods can be considered for direct in 10 limbs of nine patients with critical limb ischaemia. demonstration of increased vascularity both in animal The majority of the treated limbs demonstrated in- models and in human clinical trials. Angiographic creased collateral formation on angiography and im- methods suffer from the implicit failure to discriminate proved flow on magentic resonance imaging along with between true angiogenesis and collateral recruitment. significant improvement of the ankle–brachial index[155]. Furthermore, existing radiographic methods may not be Large clinical trials are currently underway to address sensitive enough to detect collateral vessels of less than therapeutic angiogenesis in human peripheral vascular 200 m in diameter[165]. Newer microangiography sys- disease. tems, with a spatial resolution of 30 m, have been utilized to investigate the development of collateral arteries in the rat ischaemic hindlimb[166]. A therapeutic increase in vascularity should ideally Chronic coronary insufficiency also result in an improvement in myocardial perfusion. This can be objectively documented through myocardial The clinical trials that are currently underway address scintigraphic methods. Here, again, the evidence is in- only those patients with severe ischaemic heart disease direct and, in addition, changes in vascular reactivity, who are refractory to conventional medical treatment induced by the growth factors, may alter coronary flow. ffi ff and who are not candidates for the conventional This may be di cult to di erentiate from an absolute mechanical revascularization procedures. The ongoing increase in vessel number or density. Functional studies clinical trials to evaluate the safety and efficacy of that assess left venticular function, such as echocardiog- therapeutic angiogenesis are summarized in Table 4. raphy, do not purport to quantify new vessel formation, but may provide important prognostic parameters to assess the success of treatment with angiogenic factors. Native protein Obviously, the ultimate goal of therapeutic angiogen- The first study to report efficacy for angiogenic therapy esis is the induction of clinical improvement within the of human coronary heart disease examined the role of cohort of treated patients. Therefore, the effectiveness of basic fibroblast growth factor in 20 patients with three- therapy within any regimen for therapeutic angiogenesis vessel coronary disease undergoing CABG surgery[114].  must include an assessment of the response of such In this study fibroblast growth factor (0·01 mg . kg 1 clinical variables as angina class, heart failure class, body weight) was injected close to the vessels after the exercise tolerance and time, and cardiovascular event completion of internal mammary artery to left anterior rates, particularly in comparison to the response of descending coronary artery anastomosis. All the patients placebo recipients. had additional peripheral stenoses of the left anterior descending coronary artery or one of its diagonal branches. Twelve weeks later, formation of capillaries could be demonstrated angiographically around the sites Human clinical trials of injection and a capillary network sprouting from the proximal part of the coronary artery could be shown to Because of the encouraging results in animal models have bypassed the stenoses and rejoined the distal parts using individual growth factors, several clinical trials of the vessel. No association was made between the have been designed to study the effect of these angio- radiographic finding and clinical improvement. Other genic growth factors in humans. The first clinical trials studies are currently underway to further investigate the were done in ischaemic limbs[167]. efficacy of fibroblast growth factor-2 in treating chronic coronary ischaemia[162,164,169]. The VIVA trial represents the first large placebo- Peripheral vascular insufficiency controlled trial to investigate the efficacy of vascular endothelial growth factor treatment in ischaemic myo- Pre-clinical findings in a case report suggested that cardium[163]. In this study patients with viable, under- intra-arterial gene transfer of a plasmid that encodes for perfused myocardium who were not candidates for other

VEGF165, using a hydrogel polymer coating of an interventions, were randomized in double-blind fashion angioplasty balloon, was able to improve blood supply to receive recombinant human vascular endothelial to the ischaemic limb[144]. In another case report, a growth factor or placebo. The effects of therapy were patient treated with six consecutive, weekly intravenous measured clinically as well as objectively with exercise infusions of recombinant fibroblast growth factor-2 treadmill time, ejection fraction, and nuclear perfusion. demonstrated a beneficial clinical response by week 4 of The trial, although showing encouraging safety and

Eur Heart J, Vol. 22, issue 11, June 2001 1 .Tbbaa n .G Rockson G. S. and Tabibiazar R. 912 u er ,Vl 2 su 1 ue2001 June 11, issue 22, Vol. J, Heart Eur

Table 4 Current list of clinical trials in evaluating angiogenesis in the ischaemic heart

Authors Year Trial phase Growth factor Drug delivery Patient selection Outcome measure Sponsor Reference

Schumacher et al. 1998 I/II FGF-2 IM CABG Subtraction angiography [114] Sellke et al. 1998 I FGF-2 Slow release, epicardium CABG Nuclear [169] Laham et al. 1999 I FGF-2 IC CAD Nuclear, clinical TM, EF, MRI Chiron [162] Laham et al. 1999 I FGF-2 Slow release, subepicardium CABG Nuclear, MRI [164] Losordo et al. 1998 I VEGF165 Plasmid, IC via mini-thoracotomy CAD Nuclear, angiography [154] Henry et al. 1999 I/II VEGF165 IC & systemic CAD Nuclear, clinical treadmill, EF Genentech [163] Vale et al. 1999 I/II VEGF165 Plasmid, IM via mini-thoracotomy CAD Nuclear, clinical Vascular genetics [170] Rosengart et al. 1999 I VEGF121 Adenovirus, IM CABG, CAD Nuclear, clinical angiography, TM Genvec/Parke-Davis [161]

CABG=at the time of coronary bypass graft surgery; CAD=patients with severe coronary artery disease who were suboptimal candidates for standard revascularizaion procedures; EF=ejection fraction; IC=intracoronary injection; IM=intramyocardial injection; MRI=magnetic resonance imaging; Nuclear=any nuclear perfusion study including nuclear SPECT, rest/exercise perfusion, and gated sestamibi-determined ejection fraction; Slow release=slow release polymer; TM=treadmill exercise test. Review 913 tolerability reports, has not yet shown favourable results understood[177,178]. More recently it has been suggested compared to placebo. that these procedures stimulate angiogenesis by a non- specific reaction to tissue injury[179], perhaps by inducing an inflammatory response and the release of certain Gene therapy angiogenic factors in the targeted myocardium[177]. To date, there are no final results on controlled trials Recent animal studies have used transmyocardial laser demonstrating consistent angiogenesis in the ischaemic revascularization in combination with vascular endo- heart through gene therapy. However, given the results thelial growth factor gene therapy to elicit complete in the animal models for chronic coronary and periph- reversal of ischaemic wall motion abnormalities in eral ischaemia, several Phase I and II clinical trials for ischaemic myocardium[180]. angiogenic gene therapy are underway. In a small phase Regardless of the , the results of I study, naked plasmid DNA encoding VEGF was 165 initial observational studies of transmyocardial laser injected directly into the ischaemic myocardium of five revascularization have been noteworthy. Transmyocar- patients via a mini left anterior thoracotomy. All dial laser revascularization was shown to reduce the patients had significant reduction in angina, and post- angina class in these patients, with some improvement in operative left ventricular ejection fraction was slightly their exercise tolerance[175,176,181]. The procedures were, improved in two of the patients. Objective evidence of however, associated with substantial peri-operative mor- reduced ischaemia was documented using dobutamine tality and morbidity and with an inconclusive objective single photon emission computed tomography improvement in myocardial perfusion[182]. Recent pub- (SPECT)-sestamibi imaging and, with coronary angiog- lished clinical studies demonstrated similar subjective raphy, showed improvement[154]. Similar results were symptomatic relief for those patients undergoing the recently reported for a larger cohort of patients as procedure, with little objective evidence for such im- well[170]. In a separate Phase I study of 21 patients with provement[183,184]. The surgical procedure of trans- clinically significant coronary artery disease, an adeno- myocardial laser revascularization was also associated virus vector, expressing human VEGF cDNA, was 121 with a high peri-operative morbidity and mortality, administered by direct myocardial injection into an area particularly among patients with depressed left ventricu- of reversible ischaemia either as an adjunct to conven- lar ejection fractions[185]. The complication rates can tional coronary artery bypass grafting or as sole therapy theoretically be minimized with percutaneous myocar- via a minithoracotomy[161]. While no systemic or dial revascularization, the percutaneous, catheter-based cardiac-related adverse events were reported, clinical form of the procedure. Another limitation in these improvement was noted in all patients. Coronary angi- studies[183,184] has been the lack of placebo controls. ography and stress sestamibi scintigraphy suggested More research, and possibly placebo-controlled clinical improved wall motion in the area of vector admin- studies, will be necessary to fully evaluate the indications istration, while in the group in which gene transfer was for these procedures and to understand their mechanism the only therapy, treadmill exercise assessment also of action. suggested some improvement[161].

Transmyocardial laser revascularization and percutaneous myocardial revascularization Summary and conclusions Any discussion of therapeutic angiogenesis should consider the insights derived from these laser-based Angiogenesis has generated tremendous enthusiasm for revascularization approaches. Transmyocardial laser its promise as a novel therapeutic modality for ischaemic revascularization, and the catheter-based form of the heart disease, especially for patients who do not have procedure, percutaneous myocardial revascularization, good therapeutic alternatives. Augmentation of physio- have recently been explored as potential therapeutic logical neovascularization in ischaemic cardiovascular options in patients with severe, refractory myocardial disease is based on an intuitively rational scientific ischaemia[171]. The initial rationale for the development concept and, thus far, numerous lines of investigation of these procedures was simple[172]. In transmyocardial have demonstrated the validity of this concept. Despite laser revascularization, a high energy laser is used to some mixed results, that serve, chiefly, to emphasize the surgically create 12 to 18 channels, about 2–3 mm deep plethora of as yet unanswered questions in this young and 1 cm apart, within the myocardium[173–176]. The field, there is a little doubt that stimulation of angio- intervention is intended to simulate the reptilian heart genesis by growth factors, drugs, gene therapy, or mech- and allow communication of oxygenated blood from the anical manipulation, will have a place in future therapy left with myocardial sinusoids. Although the of ischaemic heart disease. The future of therapeutic intent is to mechanically facilitate additional blood flow angiogenesis will be defined through further basic re- to the ischaemic myocardium, it has subsequently been search into the molecular mechanisms of the cellular observed that the mechanical benefit may be short-lived, response to angiogenic stimulation. In addition, well- because the newly created channels quickly occlude after designed clinical studies will be required to delineate the the procedure. The exact mechanism of long-term long-term benefits of such therapy on the morbidity and benefit of these procedures, therefore, remains poorly mortality of chronic human ischaemic disease.

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