U.S. Coast Guard holds public Slough hearing

By CIND Y HEATON Staff Writer Testimonies given Wednesday at a public hearing held by the U.S. Coast Guard may determine the fate o f the Goleta Slough. December 12, 1969 «EBSESSWSraSK University of , Santa Barbara Construction o f the proposed extension o f Ward Memorial Boulevard requires four bridges, including one for bicycles and two for autos. Granting o f permission for such bridges is partially the prerogative o f the Coast Guard. One o f the major considerations, according to Capt. Henry A. Pearce, Jr., who presided at the hearing, in the granting o f bridge BSD: in Panther raids permits is the “ total environmental impact” the construction will have. The majority o f the witnesses speaking at the hearing seemed By JEFF CAGE their struggle, the “ pigs” will have to destroy this to fed that the impact o f the freeway would be a negative one. Associate Editor whole country. Assistant Professor o f Geology Norman Sanders asserted that In response to the police raid for weapons on He went on to say that the consciousness “ no private citizen is for the extension. It serves only UCSB.” the Black Panther headquarters in Los Angeles motivating the Black Panther Party is the same According to Representative at Large Linda Rudolph, those whom Monday in which three black men, two black consciousness motivating liberation movements Sanders stated the freeway is meant to serve are opposed to its women and three policemen were shot, the Black throughout the world. construction. Student Union held a rally Wednesday in support Reiterating the connection between police Miss Rudolph cited the campus polls which showed that 83 per o f the black community which they feel has been raids on the Panthers and oppression in general, cent o f the students and 70 per cent o f the UCSB faculty oppose under constant military attack since January. Flacks appealed to the whites in saying, “ The the freeway. Speaking at the rally were Associate Professor pigs are suppressing the black movement. Assistant Professor o f Biology Joseph Connell, speaking on the o f Sociology Richard Flacks, black faculty Eventually it will be the white movement.” importance o f the Slough as a natural habitat, asked that a delay in member Elliot Evans, BSU member Cyrus Keller, Referring to the seven people being tried for the construction o f the freeway be granted until research regarding MECHA member Miriam Ojeda and Radical conspiracy to incite a riot at the Chicago its effects on local ecology could be completed. Union member Mick Kronman. Democratic National Convention, Flacks said This research, according to Connell, could take from six months Evans remarked that the Los Angeles incident that if the Chicago Seven are found guilty in to a year. was only one instance o f a nation-wide policy o f Judge Hoffman’s court, they have little chance o f Representatives o f Scenic Shorelines, the Audobon Society and political oppression and antirevolutionary being acquitted in the Supreme Court since the Santa Barbara community also spoke against the proposed fascism. He said that, although the attack is “ Nixon is stacking the Supreme Court against freeway. predominantly on the blacks and chicanos right them.” Robert D. Montgomery, regional manager o f the State now, the trend is toward oppressing any and all He continued by suggesting that “ when we Department o f Fish and Game, spoke in favor o f the freeway, revolutionary elements in this country. demand immediate withdrawal o f the military asserting that the benefit derived by the public from its existence He attributed the fact that Huey Newton and from Vietnam, we must demand the immediate would outweigh the loss o f a valuable habitat for 127 species o f Bobby Seale are currently in prison, and that withdrawal of military from the ghettos.” migratory birds. Fred Hampton was shot in his sleep during a Leland Stewart, county road commissioner, confirmed the recent police raid on the Panther headquarters in Leveling a direct attack on American fascism, importance o f the extension in the development o f the Goleta Chicago to their being revolutionaries rather than Miss Ojeda parallelled the United States with Valley. to a racist issue. Nazi Germany, charging that the only difference “ If there is no Ward extension,” said Montgomery, “ the Goleta Relating the war between the Panthers and the is that Hitler’s name has been changed to Valley general plan would be in need o f nuyor revisions.” police to all liberation movements, Kronman Johnson, Reagan and Nixon. During the six and a half hour hearing, representatives o f the called for people to “ take a stand right here and When chicanos, blacks, Asians and whites alike UCSB administration, Santa Barbara City Council and the State now in support o f all movements o f are being killed in this country and in Vietnam, Division o f Highways spoke in favor o f the freeway. self-determination.” when there is talk o f reactivating concentration Their statements were based on its purported importance for Citing American fascism as the ever-growing camps for political prisoners, and when military both UCSB and the greater Santa Barbara community. force behind political oppression in this country action is taken against minorities who demand Testimonies taken during the hearing will be submitted to the and third world nations, BSU spokesman Keller justice, she strongly indicated that it is time for commander o f the 11th Coast Guard District who, after reviewing maintained that in order to stop the Panthers in something to be done. them, will make a recommendation to the Coast Guard Commandant in Washington, D.C. The commandant’s report will be submitted to the U.S. Department o f Transportation which will have final say on whether to issue a permit to the California Academic Senate votes to open Division o f Highways. Captain Pearce o f the 11th Coast Guard District reported that additional material may be submitted to his office, 19 Pine Ave., Long Beach, if post marked by today. According to John Eichstedt, Bureau o f Outdoor Recreation, meetings to students, employes Department o f the Interior, a request for an extension o f the hearing will be made by his department. By BECCA WILSON “ The Academic Senate Some faculty members Editor-in-Chief needs “ new life, new voices, feared that the presence o f After refusing to meet new perspective,” he said, and students who could speak on Food, clothing, toy drive November 20 because o f the students “ can provide such.” motions would prevent the presence o f students, the “ Share the power-we are orderly functioning o f the Academic Senate voted 80-22 ready,” he concluded, “ We do Senate’s proceedings. sponsored for Miss. Delta yesterday to open meetings to not want to observe. We want (Econom ics Professor students and University to participate.” Mortimer Andron, who was Underprivileged people o f the packages to the Mississippi employees. Before Stumpf and Knell hissed at by students when he Mississippi River Delta will be River Delta. The 25 students present spoke, the Senate was compared the proposal to the recipients o f food, dothing The BSU has organized the were allowed to stay for the presented with a proposal from allow students to sit at Senate and toys which are being drive because o f the apparent deliberations, but were not the Associated Students’ meetings to including patients collected in a Christmas drive need to bridge the gap between allowed to speak until all Committee on Educational at medical conferences, said “ I sponsored by members o f the the haves and the have-nots. motions before the Senate had Policy (ASCEP) and Leg refuse to debate when students Black Students Union (BSU). The Mississippi River Delta is been acted on. Council to allow students to are allowed to hiss and Starting Monday, tables will one of the economically AJS. Administrative Vice not only attend meetings, but debate.” ) be set up throughout the week poorest regions o f the United President Greg Knell, who said to speak at them as well. Another faculty member in front o f the UCen and the States. Forty per cent o f the he was representing 73 per cent Chuck Newman, a student feared that even if students Library where contributions total population is non-white, o f the students in a recent poll representing ASCEP, said that were present but not allowed can be made. Besides with median average incomes favoring a campus-wide senate the Committee was also asking to speak, there would be “ no non-perishable food items, new o f $3,000 or less. Sixty per composed equally o f students, that the Senate show its guarantee that we will be and good used clothing and cent o f all non-white housing faculty, staff and commitment by setting up a allowed to go into dosed n e w toys, monetary was buOt before 1939 and has administrators, said that special committee including session when we want to.” (At contributions are urgently been classed by the students were not interested in students to implement the the last non-meeting o f the needed to cover the shipping government as deteriorating “ watching you do your thing,” proposal. Senate, students refused to costs to the Delta. and dilapidated. but in participating in Most members o f the Senate leave when asked to by a vote The drive parallels the one The BSU stresses that it is becoming legitimate apparently were not in favor of o f the Senate.) organized each year by the acting only as coordinator o f participants in the governance establishing a special One faculty member argued Southern Christian Leadership the drive, which is to represent o f the University. committee, and instead voted that alumni, parents, and other Conference to send Christmas all students o f UCSB. Steve Stumpf, representing to send the ASCEP proposal to taxpayers have as much claim the Radical Union, said “ We the Committee on Rules and to representation in the Senate wish to assist in restructuring Jurisdiction. as do students. the Academic Senate to The Committee will be In other action, the Senate stheadmastheadmastheadma include student voice and responsible for preparing also voted, after lengthy debate Becca Wilton . Editor-in-chief Gerald Neeee « .Sports Editor voting power.” He added that legislation formalising the on th e overlapping Steve Ptevln . • • . City Editor Larry Boggs • • • • Arts Editor students are aware that the presence o f students, and will responsibilities o f various John Hankins Managing Editor Sharon Wallis • . Copy Editor Pat Melty . . Editorial Editor Cyrus Keller . , News Editor Regents’ Standing Order 105.1 consider the proposal to allow committees, to ask that the Ruth Biinton Calendar Editor Thom McDonald. .Head Phot eg must be amended to include students to speak at Senate Committee on Educational April Heater • • Night Editor Jeff Cage . . Associate Editor them in the Senate. “ We are meetings. Policy (CEP) “ investigate the Staff writers: Valerie Baker, Mike Grossherg, Cindy Heaton, Ann here in an effort to revitalize There was apparently some matter o f student partidpation Henry, Hilary Kaye, Clay Kallam, Denise Kessler end Jeff Prohtt. Photographers : Gordon Chappie, John Corey, John Franklin, Joe an inefficient, self-motivated opposition to the proposal to and its degree, on all Melchione and Ralph Smith. and dispirited force,” Stumpf give students privilege o f the committees of the Academic Production assistants; Vicky Ashworth, Elsie Camerlenge, Ellen explained. floor. Senate.” HIMson, Joanne Jemmott, Kim Matthews, Kathy Paterae n end Sue Tate. The merciless brutal arrests and killing of members of murdered in his bed as he slept. The pigs say they had the Black Panther Party are but one phase of the fascist been fired upon first and Hampton was killed during an power structure's "secret timetable" for the elimination ensuing 15 minute gun battle. An autopsy revealed that of dissent in America. The latest attack on the Panther Brother Hampton was shot behind the head at close range office in Los Angeles serves to demonstrate the in his sleep. Credibility Gap! viciousness and determination of the pigs to destroy the Elimination Any act committed by the pig members of the fascist Party. power structure in America is justifiable, including The pigs clearly and premeditatedly misused the legal homocide. process by issuing warrants on inadmissible evidence. We, the BSU, sincerely believe that it is the people There were from 300 to 500 pigs, armed with machine who must control their own destiny and that human law guns, bullet-proof vests, tear gas, dynamite and a tank, of is the supreme law of the land. It is the people who must present to serve the warrants. rise up and throw off the chains of oppression and free Police came to serve a warrant, not that any law was themselves from fascist domination. violated, simply on suspicion of having a gun 10 days The power structure of this country is a traitor. after an alleged incident in front of the Panther office. It dissent America has become the major obstacle to "life, liberty is to their credit that the 11 courageous Panthers in the and the pursuit of happiness" for oppressed peoples on office were strong enough to defend themselves against the planet Earth. The self-righteous imperialistic attitude such insurmountable odds for four hours. of America must be exterminated at home. This is only one of the many brutal attacks on Panther Politicians responsive to the military-economic offices around the country. Since January, 28 Panthers interests must be replaced by statesmen responsive to the have been killed and hundreds arrested and jailed for needs of people. A society that depends upon its ability charges ranging from spitting on the sidewalk to By to destroy itself and the rest of the world to maintain its conspiracy to liberate Black people. The twenty-eighth existence is no longer sensitive to human needs and will victim, Chicago Panther chairman Fred Hampton, was Robert Mason eventually perish.

-Dangerous good vibrations

Last month’s moratorium in San Francisco gave many speakers to show the connection between the Vietnam war, , people-mostly those who participated-nice feelings. the destruction o f natural resources, and the political persecution and The vibrations were good-people were together, thousands o f them. murder o f blacks, browns and whites who are threatening and So together that many o f them forgot that they were marching to challenging the status-quo. demand ve^y insistently the immediate withdrawal o f troops from Some o f those not too stoned to listen were hostile to these Vietnam. comments, and cried “ Peace” . When speakers at the rally tried to compare the war in Vietnam to Peace and sharing and good vibrations are fine and good. Especially if the war being waged against blacks and browns in this country, the you’re white. But if you’re black or brown, and you know that your response was either neutral or negative. Participants were so high, so people are being harrassed and killed, you don't let good vibrations content to listen to the bands and dig on he people, they seemed unable dissipate your anger. Or your wisdom. to join in expressing anger and frustration. This is why not many black or brown people were at San Francisco. Perhaps at times like these, as during events like the Woodstock For they can’t waste time with people too stoned to remember what festival or the recent Stones' concert in Livermore, the temptation is they’re marching for. They can’t waste energy trying to help them see keen among hip middle class whites to make happen at that how Vietnam and racism are connected. moment. So free food is passed around, people smile at each other and talk gently. Joints and wine and blankets are shared communally. And Over 25 Black Panthers have been murdered by police since last it’s a'good thing. January. Leaders o f militant black, brown and white movements But it’s also a dangerous thing. For it leads whites (who have little to continue to be arrested on absurd charges. Judges in Chicago and San be angry about, except being called "dirty hippies” ) to have a false Jose treat dark-skinned people as sub-humans. sense o f well-being and comfort. It leads them to re-adopt one o f the This month the moratorium, if it is going to genuinely say something most destructive o f middle-class white snydromes: rejection o f reality. to the power structure, must demand not only the immediate At the moratorium, it led many to refuse to listen to the anger of withdrawal o f troops from Vietnam but the immediate withdrawal o f Black Panther David Hilliard. It led many to ignore attempts from other troops from the ghettos and barrios o f the nation.

LETTERS "Capitalistic morality," i.e. you gymnastics and feats in work for your own personal contradictory living to prove to me Reply to Bank of America satisfaction just as a business works that you can both love and be Selfish love To the Editor: To the Editor: for an economic profit. selfish at the same time. Men from D.J. Poulsen, Manager of the Isla Vista branch of Bank of America, in his Although many points could be You may talk all you wish about Confucius to Aristotle to Christ to open letter to Leg Council (EG 12/5) found it difficult to understand why disputed in Tibor R. Machan’s the psychological detriment of Freud to the Beatles have the Associated Students took their business elsewhere. He explained how the editorial, "Morality: the radical feeling guilty at self-oriented living, proclaimed that man is but another benevolent B. of A . is operating the I.V . Branch and other branches in way" (EL GAUCHO, Dec. 4), but what becomes of you when you animal if he cannot love. University areas at a loss and grants thousands of student loans, all to serve permit me to comment on one do something for somebody else? If you choose to remain in the students. aspect. I should like to quote Mr. You have to surrender a little bit of traditional quagmire of selfishness, You're not giving away anything. The reason for running the I.V . branch Machan: yourself; you have to become less Mr. Machan, leave some of us at a loss is not to help students but to help the Bank of America to gain the " . . .Each man must advance his than you are. In other words, how behind. Let us go our own radical patronage of the graduates of U.C. Santa Barbara. The loans follow from the own self, promote his own interest, does your "new morality" perceive way and attempt to achieve our same motivation. Why else do you require that loan applicants have secure his freedom to pursue all love? happiness through love without maintained a B. of A. account for six months prior to their application? that is best for him." To my mind it leaves no place blaming the psychological mess of Mr. Machan, man has been doing for it. And I am not talking about modern man on a moral code he You state, "Our Bank responds to the need of legitimate industry. From exactly that since his appearance on love of God or country or mankind, has never realized. its inception. Bank of America has been interested in and involved in the this planet. It would seem to me you would have to perform some BILL SHEA, R.A. welfare of agriculture as an essential food industry." Fine words. If by that you are prescribing a kind of miraculous philosophical Senior, Political Science "legitimate industry" you mean exploitation of minority people you are correct but your subsidiary corporation. Agribusiness Investment Company, hardly qualifies as a "legitimate industry" in the proper sense of the words. Agribusiness Investment is the employer of hundreds of Chicanos, Filipinos, Blacks and poor whites. This dummy corporation has refused to negotiate with the UFWOC or recognize the union as the legitimate voice of the farm worker. Agribusiness Inc. (Bank of America) is guilty of blatant racist-oppressive policies in the San Joaquin Valley. Presently there are several lawsuits against this corporation for the hazardous use of agricultural chemicals (May 1969), and for the unsuitable working conditions which include, 14 to 15 hours per day, 7 days a week, no over-time, no medical care, and no workman's compensation. Workers involved in these suits have been fired because they have sought the assistance of the UFWOC and Rural Legal Assistance. You regret not having been invited to discuss the issue. We welcome your change in policy. Last year when UFW OC first declared a boycott of B. of A ., we attempted to discuss it with you in your office and you refused, assarting that it was a question for the Board of Directors. The issue here is not one of banking service. You are the biggest so you can provide "good service." That is irrelevant. The issue is: do we, as students, wish to financially support an institution which is perpetuating racism, poverty, injustice and war (as the reserve bank for the Army in Vietnam)? We want no part of it and we will be active in the attempt to get UCSB's eleven million out of your coffers.

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8 HOUSING OFFICE I 5 Room 1234 Administration j 8 Building » Phone: 961-2795 or 6 961-2750 J

ETHEREAL SUNSET RECORD CO. PRESENTS "prophecy fulfilled" REMEMBER : TUESDAY, DEC. 16th a dynamic new album from VOTE FOR THE STUDENTS! on sale next w eek ALEX MALER in front of UCen and I.V . record stores BOARD OF EDUCATION Carlos Albarracin-Sarmiento William Miller William Allen Horace Mochizuki Seymour Bachmuth Michel Monnot Gordon Baker W. Douglas Morgan William Botwright William Murdoch STA-PRESS SLACKS ------—------$4.98 Robert Brandits Ethan R. Nadel David Brokensha Roderick Nash LEE-STA-PRESS SLACKS ---- —— $6.98 Jonathan Brower Thomas O'Dea Gerald Carr Catherine Peake Craig Cassin Robert Potter BLUE DENIM BELL BOTTOMS----—- $4.98 Aaron Cicourel David Premack Brad Currey Carroll Pursell Roberto De Souza Peter Relis NAVY BLUE C.P.O. SHIRTS ______$9.98 Burdette Dunn Bruce Rickborn Ellis Englesberg John Ridland PLAID C.P.O. SHIRTS ------$12.88 John A. Ford Merrill Ring Peter C. Ford James Robertson William Frost Ron Robertson N A VY PEACO ATS from - $14.95 Richard D. Foust Jr. Francis Sarguis I x Marta Gallo John Schaaf David Gold Tom Scheff BLUE NAVY WORK SHIRTS—------$2.49 Otis Graham John R. Seeley Elvin Hatch Stanley K. Sheinbaum Jerry Higgins Albert Shirk WESTERN STYLE WORK SHIRTS $4.98 Charles Hubbell Harry Steinhauer Leo Jacobson Daniel Stuermer Mireya Jaimes-Freyre Ralph & June Sunderland ASSTD. TURTLE NECK SHIRTS from $.98 John H. Kennedy Nancy Turitz Gregory L. Knell Frederick Turner Elijah Lovejoy Richard V. Vargas PARACHUTES & CAR COVERS from $7.98 Eric Lyons William Villa June Main L. Purcell Weaver Andre Malecot Julian Weissglass SLEEPING BAGS from ----- ______$8.95 Peter Mark George Wollschlaeger Horace McMillan MD VIVA LA CAUSA! Ba n k A m e r u m d 6581 Pardall Rd. I — PAID ADVERTISEMENT ---- 968-6710 P A G E 8 --- E L G A U C H O ----FRIDAY. DECEMBER 12, 1969 4 IICSB profs Peace march, vigil andfast Housing Comm, program get Ford grants UCSB’s Housing Committee, headed by graduate student || Some o f the most pressing Manfred Van Nordheim, has initiated a crash program |§ human problems in California aimed at improving housing contracts and facilities as well §§ for December moratorium and the nation will be as finding ways o f obtaining better and cheaper housing. investigated by University of Lack o f student cooperation, however, has made these if Anglican Bishop C. Edward Crowther will speak against the war California professors and other programs increasingly difficult to implement. Nordheim, § in Vietnam Saturday, December 13 at 6 p.m. at a rally in West researchers in 22 projects consequently, has requested that any students interested in || Alameda Park following a candlelight procession along State Street. sponsored b y a Ford working with the Housing Committee leave their names if The procession and other peace activities to be carried out on Foundation grant. with the A.S. secretary at 961-2566. Friday, Saturday and Sunday, December 12-14 and Christmas Eve Four o f these projects will The committee has already written up a new contract || are sponsored by the Santa Barbara National Vietnam Moratorium be undertaken here at UCSB. but realtors have not yet agreed to implement it. Students ifl Committee. Assistant professor of are, therefore, asked not to sign contracts for the coming || Preceding the march there will be a “ Peace Happening” starting sociology Harvey Molotch year until acceptable arrangements can be made. at 3:30 p.m. in De la Guerra Plaza, featuring story-telling for received a $10,000 grant for children, improtnptu theater, folksinging and the appearance o f the development o f a detailed “ old Saint Peace-Nick.” A t dusk the assemblage, singing carols as plan to show how to determine they go, will proceed two-abreast along State St. to the rally at the if certain social institutions comer o f Anacapa and Sola Sts. cause inequality in American Bishop Crowther, who has been in the forefront o f peace society. activities throughout the nation, was recently appointed by Walter The extent to which cultural P. Reuther, president o f the United Automobile Workers, as entertainment such as the arts, director o f the Church, Campus and Community Relations in the films and the dance are Alliance for Labor Action (A L A ), a social action group sonsored available to the black jointly by automobile and chemical workers and teamsters. population in the Santa A silent vigil will be held in Lompoc Sunday, December 14 at Barbara area will be studied by 12:30 p.m. in support o f the 24 men incarcerated for draft visiting associate professor of resistence activities at the federal facility there. Participants are dramatic art Floyd Gaffney, asked to meet at 12 noon in Ryon Park in Lompoc for directions who was granted $5,000. and instructions. Basic knowledge about the THEM READ THE EL GAUCHO A resolution calling upon the Santa Barbara City Council to nature of political A FULL YEAR FOR ONLY voice opposition to the continued fighting in Vietnam will be communication in the $6.00 presented on Tuesday, December 16 at 2 p.m. by a delegation from Mexican-American community, TWO QUARTERS- $5 the local moratorium group, according to Dr. Laurence Houlgate, obstacles to more effective chairman. com m unication, and the ONE QUARTER - $2.50 A 24-hour fast and vigil beginning at 7 a.m. on December 24 will potential for improving the be observed by a group o f war-protesters. They will gather for the channels o f communication first 12 hours in front o f the Santa Barbara Art Museum at will be acquired under the SUBSCRIPTIONS ARE AVAILABLE Anapamu and State Streets, moving to the steps o f the Old Mission $5,000 grant given to acting Santa Barbara for the second shift. assistant professor o f political IN THE STORKE COMMUNICATIONS A midnight mass will be conducted at the vigil site. The fast will science Charles Ornelas. BUILDING. RM. 1053 end with the serving o f rice at 7 on Christmas morning. Those The fourth UCSB grant was wishing more information may contact Allan Brilliant at 963-8210. a $5,053 study o f the history OR WRITE TO P.O . BOX 1 1 149, UNIVERSITY Other peace groups will be distributing anti-war literature and culture o f the Chumash CENTER SANTA BARBARA, CALIF. 93107 outside o f churches following Christmas Eve services. Indians and their relations with Dr. Houlgate noted that some war-protesters plan to invite the Santa Ynez band o f members o f the U.S. armed services into their homes this Mission Indians which was Christmas. completed in September by the “ There’s no better way to support our servicemen,” he said, chairman o f the “ than to work for peace.” department, David Brokensha.

ONE BIG Aum LOCATION 3951 STATE < 3 » | 5 POINTS PHONE OPEN EVENINGS I D C I* rIV1 7 r\ A VC 4/1,j A T 2 j M - W - F 9-9:00 SIN CE 1 9 5 4 967-4541 1 2 -5 : WE'RE LOOKING FORWARD TO SEEING YOU AGAIN IN WHAT WE HOPE WILL <$» BE A BETTER AND MORE PEACEFUL DECADE. F R I D A Y . D E C E M B E R 1 2 . 1 9 6 9 ----E L G A U C H O ---- P A G E 9 KCSB-FM

will continue S' broadcasting 24 hours thru December 21st

Between Dec. 22 and Jan. 4 ABOUT YOUR TRAVEL PLANS? the station will be on the air MIXED UP ■ I from 6 a.m. - Midnight.

n Ginger Gainer your Campus Representative g 24 Hour Broadcasting US % I u * X will resume on Jan. 5th. ■ 1 ■ | ■ 1 will help you solve your problems — youth | B % è f 'tiì

The Student Health Center ID cards, youth fares, schedules, or Emergency Telephone Number on weekends, g H p § holidays and after 5 p.m. w hatever? during the week is 961-2166 and 961-2167. The number listed in the Hustlers Handbook is not correct. | Phone Ginger at 968-9587 \ Please make this notation in 1 1 1 1 "% your directory! 1 American Airlines I l 1

■ J & . $ * % EipiCiaWg-fwHei.. Make Si flrf C k t t f iM W aves for % Christmas Si Sister Corita Si Phil Vanderlei Si Chethlahe Paladin Si and more Si Austin Si Si Gallery Si Si 539 San Ysidro Road Si Monday-Saturday 10-5 Si Si Si Si Her First Love: Si Si A Sharp New * Si & Car Coat &

A junior size coot with so Si much going for it: shaped & Si to the body styling, double * 1628 w carrlllo buttoned in shiny metal, J«anta barbar Si * 1 9 6 3 -2 8 1 7 with back belt and pleat. Si Wool and nylon with plush % Great For Christmas Ideas Si acrylic pile lining. Brown & Si or navy. Sizes 5 to 13. CHARTER FLIGHTS Si to LONDON 40.00 & AMSTERDAM Si ON THE PLAY DECK $259 May 13/June 14 & $359 June 15/Aug. 6 $289 July IS/Sept. 2$ Si $139 Sept. 4 One Way %

Inquire for low priced * Study Courses In Russia. Si Prof. P. Bentlar, U C LA Phone (213) 274-0729 e.o. Si SIERRA TRAVEL INC. 9975 Santa Monica Bhrd. Beverly Hills 90212 $210 Steamship June 15 Florida to Southhampton Si weekly wlntar/tpring flights Si 917 STATE • PHONE 962-7627 FREE CUSTOM GIFT W RAPPING • FREE PARKING s. $388 R .T. to Europe •jSC -J & -J&L -2ST ss5T dflT d f rO C a i r a l f t . P A G E 1 0 --- E L G A U C H O ----FRIDAY. DECEMBER 12. 1969 USE THIS HANDY SHOPPING GUIDE FOR GREAT IDEAS FOR CHRISTMAS- •1 " P i e ^ t c y e ^ f n e e A % BARGAIN SPECIAL« MS 6-8 ft. trees $3.50!

•desD weetc* { TO ALL j i "74e @cuutetl « p e o i f t u

assorted plaid bellbottom wranglers

special purchase $11 BUT now only $7 SOFT SLEEP FASHIONS

by Gossard Artemis . . . delicate floral eCSSCc eyelet makes this one of the prettiest and y ^ + W % coziest collections of the season. Of brushed fikBTHES amel triacetate and nylon in turquoise, copacoral or jonquil. Long gown . . . 13.00, GOUMYJ short gown . . . 11.00, baby doll . . . 12.00 intimmte Apparel 1303-A STATE STREET 4es » Telephone 966-6953

Courtesy Parking Arlington Lot.. . Enter from Sola Street FRIDAY. DECEMBER 12. 1969 --- E L G A U C H O ----P A G E I I

NOW OPEN m THE ® I i v y i THIRD HOUSE ■ ■ m y i STEAK HOUSE RECORDS AT DISCOUNT i We BUY and SELL used paperbacks ic5ç§c§E Next to Fad at 2908 De La Vina X Kirstenhof f MON. - SAT. 10-8 X for Christmas . . . X 1/ OF HAWAII & « a sgasavi I gifts sculpture g STEAKS & LOBSTER Dinners: $2.95 — $4.95 m gourmet corner 1 Cocktails Watch & 1^-pnnts^.pojtm l Open Daily 5:00 Jewelry Repair M Std'cor“ v' W * Late Dinners near La Also Engraving at Special accessori« jjj 3888 STATE ST. Cunibre Plaza Courtesy Prices issiate ^pewter f ousewares 8 $_ ^ candles Crown 2 m£wooden * 9 ware 9 5796 DAWSON 9 Je welers 1 G O LETA p Hours: Now until Christmas... I X Monday thru F r id a y : ■ 1101 State Street 8 10 to 9 p .m . 2 Saturday: 10 a .m . to I p .m . jR F I N E F O O D S Aa»s»imsMm(Mi»ansnK. WE MAIL ANYWHERE

SIMPLIFY YOUR GIFT LIST TAKE HOME CUSTOM CHEESE PACKS k ‘The House of a Thousand Candles’ % OR GOURMET FOOD PACKS & MADE FROM YOUR SELECTIONS $3.50 and up. Casa de Candela » & * FRUIT PACKS MAILED ANYWHERE IN THE U.S. k % & FREE & FREE! & BAYBERRY % & HOURS: % 10 to 0:30 Weekdays 10 to 5 Saadays * CANDLE % % With Any Purchase k La Cumbre Plaza LA CUMMC MAO ANO STATI STOUT U SANTA SAMAOA & Plus « * k CANDLE % k MAKING * % DEMONSTRATION * FRIDAY & SATURDAY k k DEC. 12, 13— Noon to 6 p.m. k III will demonstrate the art o f making Mr. Peter Goff of Charwtck Candles k ^ La Cumbre Plaza k the art of making hand-dipped Bay- k LA CUMBRE ROAD AND STATE STREET □ SANTA BARBARA k berry Tapered Candle* in person! k % Make It a . . . Bayberry Christmas! k k Out of the Past . . . a Bayberry Candle for Good Luck k k and Good Holiday Cheer! k Bayberry Urns Bayberry k (6" green glass)...... 2“ Large Um Planter ...... 3" k Bayberry 1 50 Bayberry 0 7 5 % k Lace Planter...... 10" Tree C a n d le ...... k 10 Bayberry Goblet Bayberry Tapers k k green g la s s ...... 2” (gift boxed)...... 2 s 1 ” k Bayberry Essence of Christmas k Carousel Goblet...... 2M 1 “ DISCOUNT k C a n d le s ...... Fro m k k k Angel Chimes $5 G ift & Under with your student I.D. £ The most unusual and wanted k From Sweden. 2^95 Christmas exchange gifts to be k Candles Included found anywhere! k Unlimited choice of stock k k k OPEN SUNDAYS — 11 A.M. to 5 P.M. k k Night Shopping 'til 9:00 p.m. — M onday thru Saturday k k I^Qurabrs PLaxa k FRIDAY NIGHT ONLY Ph. 687-3835 BankAmericard Master Charge k * P A G E 1 2 --- E L G A U C H O ----FRIDAY. DECEMBER 12. 1969

Students Toward Ecumenical Progress sponsors this paid advertisement as a gesture of concern against violence and the misuse of politics. The undersigned, not necessarily as Christians, but as concerned individuals, support the moratorium in its non-violent plea for humanity. Ron Leonardo Bob Gregory No Interest William D. Hyder Linda Petrini Cynthia Marie Kressin Peter Lark No Carrying Charges Ruby Aschenbrenner John P. Powers Karen Beck Raudolph Holtz No Hidden Cost Kathy McMullen Eddy Laine Martha Gill Kelly McClung Mabel Borges Margaret Munch Joan Mitchell Starr Lindberg T l IVA i l k Robert Siberry Melinda Wright Michael Q. Davehue Ken Dalgleish Barry C . T ucker Carolyn Dalgleish David Allan Nancy Atwood Valeri Johnson John Campbell JEWELERS Ken Borland Patricia Campbell Genny Holmes Rick Wheeler 1101 State Street Ross Jennings Wendy Wheeler William S. Rodley Georgia Floyd Chris Carneigh Jeanette Sill John Polanshek Beth Smith Les Lizamma Kathie Anderson Carol Rathbun Lorraine Vogt Susan Reynolds Abrahim Khogeer Michel Nonnt Rom O'Malley Marilyn Martin Kenneth G. Johnson "» STUDENT DIRECTORY Bill Higgin Jr. Scott Kennedy Eileen Kelly Steve Dewey is just what you need for Christmas Lynn H. Elliott Debbie Wood bey Anne Davell Robert Schuster £ Timothy W. Wells Robert Crestfulel FOR SEW ING CARDS OVER THE HOLIDAY g Scott Aarmer Otto Bremer YOUR DIRECTORY WILL SUPPLY ALL THE ADDRESSES. E Paul Lukasiewicz Robert F . Shilling Raquel E. Rodriguez Pat Woodece I Bill Selman & Family Roy Danbower AND IF YOU NEED A RIDE HOME, YOUR DIRECTORY WILL TELL M Tim McNally Art Battson K YOU WHOM TO CALL AND WHERE TO REACH HIM ON THE CAMPUS. 3 Robert Alan Leder Christine Schaffner t Robert Lawrence Lewis Paulette Englehardt I I Dale Kinella Pat Shannahan Tony Grieb Roberta Shellum H E its $1.00 Margaret Nicholas Paula Griggs I Paul Aranda Michael R. Boyle On Sale O n ly at the Campus Bookstore Joe O. Clarke Charles Hubbell I Steven M. Crain I

• with this ad • • with this ad •




6525 PARDALL (across from Taco Bell) mÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊHÊÊtmÊmÊi ISLA VISTA 968-4665

(offer good any time with this ad) K f i 2fë3 W j r o t ì i f c A FRIDAY. DECEMBER 12. 1969 --- E L G A U C H O ----P A G E 13





■GSSrÔi pharmacy 1 EMBARCADERO DEL MAR AT TRIGO Telephone 968-4913 IfiS S S H I r a a n Convenient Terms cz m m NO service charge to UCSB students

Complete Prescription Department • Cosmetics • Drugs 4 Sundries 24—Hour Photo Service 955 Embarcadero del Mar 968- IBiKISiaesiKSswiHnnsW lVBKlKIKSSQHinHHP

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Please enter my name in your drawing for a custom designed Vi carat diamond engage­ ment or dinner ring. To be made from any de­ sign or yours.

Drawing, limited to persons II or ever, wIR be held Dec. 20. Entry nay be placed at both locations.

______Jia K !S i!!f!''g»^» * 3 | . . .into your pocket for $5 and buy a 1970 LA CUMBRE. - Deadline is Dec. 31 for this special price! I FOR BUSY BODIES... ’ Communications Board & Finance Board have extended I bripnt® fflrt I the purchase date and set these prices: If purchased between Jan. 1 — Mar. 31 . . . $6.00 designers • jewelers • geologists If purchased between Apr. 1 — May 29 . . . 97.00 SAVE NOW AND LaQam bre Ptaura Mail $5 to LA CUMBRE - P.O. Box 11149 UCen 1 University of California Santa Barbara, S.B., Calif. 93107. N ight Shopping, Monday thru Saturday ’til 9 p.t P A G E 1 4 --- E L G A U C H O ----FRIDAY. DECEMBER 12. 1969 11 Shopping Days Until Christmas


OPEN THURSDAY & FRIDAY T ILL 9 P.M. Crow n UNTIL CHRISTMAS m e n s w e a r 966 EMBARCADERO DEL. MAR Jew elers 1101 State Street

SHOP NOW UNICORN BOOK SHOP FOR CHRISTMAS (V/vuAtntM SuyyeA tüw A YOU WILL BE PLEASED WITH OUR SELECTION OF RICHARD BAUTIGAN'S THE LATEST IN TRILOGY-$6.98 MEN’S WEAR A RANGE OF POEMS - Gary Snyder $6.00 • Jantzen • Jockey • PICTURE BOOK OF SEXUAL LOVE - • Arrow • Manhattan • Levi • CHRISTMAS $15.00 ^ OPEN HOUSE • Interwoven • Lord Jeff • 10 a.m.—3 p.m. Sat. Dec. 13 SONG - David Melzer - and Pendleton • - record - $4.95 Punch-Cookies & Trimming of the Tree

Ba n k A m e r ic a r o I William Blake's Illustrations to GRAD PLAN OFFICE I 6553-B Trigo Rd.______1 f u i t I THE GRAVE-$5.00 A CHILD'S CHRISTMAS IN WALES —Dylan Thomas — $4.00 SHOP SHOP FOR TWELVE YEARS OF CHRISTMAS EARLY- EARLY- CHRISTMAS USE USE —Rod McKuen — $3.50 OUR OUR GIVE LAY-A- LAY-A- Monday—Thursday 12-6 WAY WAY THE MEN’S SHOP Friday, Saturday 12-12 PLAN 5850 HOLLISTER GOLETA PLAN Sunday 2-8 Ij O V S 967-4801 6551 TRIGO RD. (ISLA VISTA) 968-4810 905 Embarcadero del Norte (Goleta) I I (Isla Vista) 968-6616 LONDON \L CHRISTMAS OFFER WALK PRETTY ile your Reading Efficiency in Scholl Exercise Sandals and Save Money Too! WINTER CLASS SCHEDULE $35.00 DISCOUNT Starting Dates The perfect marriage of foot and REGULAR CLASSES footwear. S c h o ll S a n d a ls make (If paid in full by each step a beautifying experi­ 12 7:00 ence. Walk pretty. Look December 15,I960! jAN P.M. $35.00 Discount pretty in the same fash­ Tuition $125.00 less jAN 13 7:00 P.M. ion that won the hearts $90.00 14 7:00 P.M. of London's stylish swingers. Bone or red, flat or raised Use your master charge^ heel. ;— Classes begin January 12,1! ^lagges will be held at our Make your reservation no 1900 E Embarcadero del Suite C _ _ _ a READ IN G s y s t e m s c m a k e s a g r e a t c h r i s t i YO U « Q SSHOI r - - ^ A T I O H c- t^

frc Jm ------— • a d d r e s s .______—

§ \

BOH TCMtLL’S r e a pin g

CLASS SCHWULES W ,IT* f o r information a n d o t h e r VHEY'RE HERE! Dee Terrell's Reeding Systems Home Office *.7-7571 * « Santa lorbara. Californio «105 ISIA VIST« PHARMACY 955 EMBARCADERO DEL MAR - 968-2310 t

FRIDAY. DECEMBER 12. 1969 ----EL. G A U C H O ----P A G E 15

a S S B S B E FLY YOUR OWN JE T nn t ip FLY NAVY An intimate collection of things For details see the naval aviation infor­ mation team at the Placement Office 15 and 16 December 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. from fashions to furnishings. OPEN EVERY EVENING U NTIL CHRISTMAS Orientation flight available to qualified 145 Fairview Center applicants. Near Builders Emporium UsamwsxaKSKMtmiJwtMtsKimE;







Soft as a Glove —a Pleasure to Wear—a truly magnificent gift. Pile Lining and Pile Collar. Too handsome to describe in a few words. Priced at $95.00 Why spend time that you c a n 't a ffo rd pecking a t a keyboard, making mistakes and losing valuable time correcting a ll of them? Call us and w e'll do the Job in no time at a ll. We are here to serve you 2k hours a day, 7 days a week. We are the only ones to do this. PUIS we have new low, low rates that everyone can afford. We know you w ill be satisfied and work la guaranteed. So make It "light" on yourself. Strive to be happy. Just call ELECTRA- TYPE—and w e 'll do the Job fo r you l

PH. 967-5605 CUSTOM MEN’S SHOP ELECTRA-TYPE CHARGES WELCOME 8 MON—FR I after 10 pm LA CUMBRE PLAZA SAT after 6 pm & all day SUN Ph. 968-8216 P A G E 1 6 ----E L G A U C H O ---- FRIDAY EAK A TE S K R 1 O P I M IA T Y S H O U L D E R C U T S ROAST S A O R P M U R U T M Tl- O ] CUSTOM TtlM-OOM W


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