Israel 54360. Young State
-, .. ,:i -,~ , . , _ It. ,_ th. ",0{(' i . I , -, - . , " , " .' " TIllttsday, A'Ugust,24, 1900'· SEP 1ra50 THE JEWISH POST .. - ", - -.' ' -". ,- ~.' '. - nGurion/s New Stand On. Gal '~th S, . J.Dniche . 'as diScussion . Rabbi •Arthur' Chiel' "leader. -,'. " , . ' . Room and Board Room and Board Wanted 'f!;~~~!o~~n:uTt:~!~ !:. ~e:!! At North' End Schute" Mrs. 0:. P. potlieb will pre~de Room' and bOard in nice home. Home w~nted' for. young man tric stove.. Suitable. for couple, 222 Holiday ServiCe • . at' ,,:'the' luncheon' .sessioll7'- and "-Mr. OnSunday/sWestern Zoc Student preferred. Apply 321' Magnus entering .first year university, Will Pritchard Ave.· .. ..' .' Green' at the dinner.' .' .' .'. avenue .. Phone 590005. be. in Winnipeg first week. in Sept, . RabbiSch)V8rlz has recently re • to make arrangements. ,Write to Room for .,Rent turned'from Isr.ael.and it is expecte<i Ben 'Gurion's recent his... Suite to Share Mrs, H, A. Breslaw, Dauphin, Man. Room for rent,· with or '1;~~;1 that he' willgiv'e·8 ¢Otnprehensive ipcllic,y statement on the rela ! Young man under thirty wanted . -_.... board. Suitable f{)rstudent. report of"the . problems facmg tli.e "·world Jewry "-'.to Israel 54360._ young state. ~: I to share 4-room furnished apart- .Suite for R~t-2 Students last week, Will' be aired , '. I :went in central location. Reasonable Private suite for rent, suitable for SIGMA ALPHA:-·l.mJ-'--~i. for the first time by Zionist II rent. Box 163. two students. Exceptionally come '. (Cont; from page 1) .' Canada when ZOC Na 1/ of the Mid dustiee Batshaw 11 Furnished Room for Rent :;fo:;.rta.::::;b:;:;le;.:h::;;om::::;;e;;.;.;,Ph:.::o~n:::e.:58:::.::034::;;.' ....
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