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J Ducation Head Talks T J .ea ducation Head Talks T eAt 'y11 Daily(lasses Dismissed ne g att At 11 O'clock To _fan_ Jade_ gether _Sto_t_e_ College_ SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, 1 IIFESDAY, MAY 9, Jose State xxvui. 1940 NUMBER id 13gi Hear Dr. Dexter DanWL who will Oct CO-ED 'ADVERTISEMENTS' At I I o'clock today the three-alarm general conference assembly AWS Jinx bell will ring and students and faculty of San Jose State it Redwood college will meet in the Morris Dailey auditorium to hear Cruz Moon. an address by Dr. Walter Dexter, superintendent of public 12. Held Tonight danc. instruction and director of public education in the State of ning will be California. the confer. In Women's CLASSES DISMISSED eme, "Down All classes will be dismissed; the library will be closed; and the entire college personnel will accept the invitation Ii hear talk. Gymnasium of the administration to wel- ere Are We ad "What's come Dr. Dexter, called by Climaxing four weeks of prep- oldness All Radio Network President T. W. MacQuarrie, aration, the annual Associated Wo- "one of the best speakers I have Jinx, final event of en to all who men Students' ever heard." organization's calendar will be Representative ling to Vie. the News of the superintendent's 7:00 tonight In the Wo- Les Ruddell, eld at visit was made known in a tel- e wishing to men's gymnasium. Here Friday egram received by Dr. MacQuar- EVERY CO-ED INVITED Immediately rie this week and came as a re- co-ed affair to which cost of the An all sult of an invitation extended by student is invited to Lee Strahorn, Assisted 5, according every woman the President. participate at no admission charge, By Dick Bertrandias, "Dr. Dexter's villa is of great 'night's Jinx will feature games, Will Hold Auditions Importance to everyone interested ..,scing, entertainment, and re- in the advancement of San Jose freshments. State college. He is in direct con- :t Of The answer to prayers of San Attending individually and by Jose State would-be radio stars trol of all state colleges and it groups, co-eds, attired in costumes wed will be here Friday afternoon In will be a great advantage to us representative of the "Advertise- the person of NBC representative if he becomes familiar with our ments" theme will vie for Iroup prizes Lee Strahorn, who is prepared to crowded conditions and need for ofered for the best outfits in both audition any and all students and more facilities," MacQuarrie ex- divisions, General Chairman Irma plained yesterday. I of talks or Getting ready to parficipat e in tonight's AWS Jinx are Har- sign deserving talent on the spot. Mann announces. Strahorn, assisted by former San HIGH SCHOOL QUESTION ble" will be Carrillo, Ann die Owen, and Chairman Irma GYM TRANSFORMED net Peime, Jerry Proposal that e First Pres. Jose State college student Dick the college take Under the direction Manzo. --Spa rtan Daily photo by Ken Roberts. over the high school v. John Fur. of Decor- Bertrandias, now an NBC writer, property te &lions Chairman Mary expected to be made st Berkeley, Ellen Ward, will conduct tryouts in Room lee before the the gymnasium will be completely of the Music building Friday after- State Legislature and Dr. Dexter's ganged, with the walls covered noon from 1 to 4 o'clock. support of the measure would be y the camp. d with trade labels and advertise- Fever' Presente The hearings, which will be open a great factor In its success, the will h. r". 'Hay porters. President said. 5 o'clock for Isent Games planned by to any student with microphone & committee headed by Eva Seko talent, are being held here because Inll of favorable notices itudents In also carry out the theme of brought to the the affair. For Third TnneTomght attention of the NBC scouts, ac- to attend SENIORS MEET Three cording to the representatives. pyterians or entertainment acts are scheduled Complimentary reports of the Rev- heduled for for tonight's affair. Vo- calist NOVEL SHOW JUNIORS AFTER low We Got Henrietta Harrison, pianist S.J.S. FLIERS TO elries last week, directed by Bill (Continued on Page Pow) Van Vieck, have been a deciding PURCHASE NEW Noel Coward's droll British wit, factor in the decision to hold the ht's address SPEECH TODAY novel form of audition here, the NBC men an- t the Mans TAYLORCRAFT combined with the nounced. ek later by presentation, marked a successful With plans already completed Stone Speaker Leaving tomorrow for Alliance, second night's showing of -Hay for an iron-clad Sneak Week cam- l paign and an espionage system it Ctsenthe Bible" on Q Ohio, to purchase a new Taylor- Fever", San Jose Players' second K W Program -organized which Senior Chairman Ralph Kel- craft plane for the newly major production of the spring Juniors Hear Unit 3 of the San Jose State col- ley defies any junior or juniors to season, last night in Room 1 of the OR "Photography and Character Ed- lege Flying club is Lawrence Ste- Dexter Before defeat, seniors have agreed to meet building. the ucation" will be the subject for this phen, brother of Ray Stephen, a Art juniors on peaceable grounds today immediately aftemoon's "Thinking Out Loud" club member. Tin, play. under the direction of following Dr. broadcast Class Walter Dexter's address in the URE over station KQW at Hillis Ashworth, former student Miss Margaret Douglas, will play Meeting Sao. to Morris Dailey auditorium. who WAS originally scheduled tonight and tomorrow night at 8:30 r home, fel George is unable to go. Junior classmen will convene in With each side holding its ne- E. Stone, assistant pro- make the trip East, selec in the last two presentations. the Morris gotiations in Mould fessor of photography, will be fac- Stephen will take delivery of the Dailey auditorium today absolute secrecy, to- VI Featuring four members of the day's meeting among ulty guest on the program. He will airship Monday and is expected to at 11 o'clock to hear Dr. Walter Is expected by Senior cast the comedy is Dexter, and at 11:30 will President es and Par efif Present an outline of a system be hack in San Jose Saturday, faculty in the Join the Barney Murphy to hit Of senior class the final blow of "Flo" student government as prac- May 18, according to F. F. Peter- one of the smoothest shows to be to discuss final Sneak to all friendly rela- on th ticed Week plans. tions between the two classes Pere in his laboratory classes. sen club adviser. given at the college, according to and Miss Gamer Associate by way of St. Due to the scheduled talk by definitely set the stage for next professor of philosophy tie will fly back Hugh Gillis, Speech department co class Dr. Dexter. which will delay the week's activities. Elmo Robinson and some of his Louis, Fort Worth, El Paso, Phoe- feel at head. regular junior class meeting called As a prelude to the actual How glided will then develop ROTC of nix, and Los Angeles. The other busi- only , It is the experimental production for today, the juniors will hold a ness of Sneak Week, o cal is the implications of this honor rola- two units of the flying club already upperclass- the quarter in that the stage IS special secret meeting immediately men will gather in the Men's , that allPfe 1 tla in a more general application have planes. of gym- ,ies majon -- set in the middle of the room on following the senior-junior joint nasium at 6:45 Monday evening ke the Ps the same level as the audience meeting, stated Junior President for a two-hour program of games, Home Mall' seats, and the watchers sit around Al Alton yesterday. entertainment, and dancing. The t,d in the Candidates Plan To It, seeing the action from all four With only three school days left spirit of rivalry will he maintained leg. The fee sides. In which to issue Information to throughout the evening, with join- e live-room "Hay Fever's" hectic situations the juniors for Sneak Week, all ers and seniors using different are taught Address Open Forum and rapid-fire lines lend themselves third -year men are asked to attend entrances and wearing name cards usekeeping naturally to this type of presenta- this last meeting, urges Sneak designating them by classes. to Mr. Gillis. Week Chairman Frank Bonanno. Members of both the senior Inunderlog ilfht of the 23 candidates for are expected to attend the meeting tion, according and their platforms. All Juniors who are planning on unior committees working on the so. Positions on the in order to present rho: student council going with the class on Sneak affair will act cony Each candidate will be allowed Day as hosts and host. ha" expressed a desire to present to outline the Pre-Legals Will Hear are asked to seek transportation eases so that all upperclassmen will the WWI their front 5 to 10 minutes platforms before a meeting ahead of time, states Bonanno, but be thoroughly "mixed" main features of his platform, and before the If the Dean Owens Of S.C. Open Forum will be based on these, any junior not provided with a ride evening is over. which the talks will lie --- held will he taken care of on the day All seniors who have at 12 o'clock today in the Irather than on personal remarks, cars and Little As guest speaker of San Jose the seniors sneak.
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