TRENDS AND PERSPECTIVES OF CARGO TRAFFIC ACTIVITIES IN THE PORT OF SPLIT Luka Vukić University of Split Faculty of Maritime Studies E-mail:
[email protected] Zvonimir Lušić University of Split Faculty of Maritime Studies Danijel Pušić University of Split Faculty of Maritime Studies Silvija Galić Luka d.d. Split Commercial Department E-mail:
[email protected] UDK 656.615 (497.583 Split) Summary Predominately perceived as a port for both national and international passenger traffic, cargo traffic activities in the Port of Split are often marginalized despite the positive trends of cargo throughput volumes in the recent years. With the absence of significant investments in port facilities, inadequate infrastructure and insufficient cargo-handling equipment, Split cargo basins jointly handled more than 3 million tons of various commodities in 2017. The current cargo throughput levels positioned the port on the third place, just behind Port of Ploče on the national level, nearly reaching the historic peaks of cargo traffic volumes. Due to the advantageous geographical location, expected economic recovery and growth of larger Split region and higher demand, it is fundamental to provide overview of current cargo traffic indicators, trends and capacities and determine the development perspectives of Port of Split and cargo-related services, which should enable the increase of the port performance and recognition. The growth of the port cargo volumes, from the port performance standpoint and considering mainly wider local and regional significance of the port, is reachable solely with large investments in modernization of infra and supra structure, especially cargo-handling equipment, complementary to the demand for commodities and services of its hinterland.