Body Size Variation and Caste Ratios in Geographically Distinct Populations of the Invasive Big-Headed Ant, Pheidole Megacephala (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)

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Body Size Variation and Caste Ratios in Geographically Distinct Populations of the Invasive Big-Headed Ant, Pheidole Megacephala (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) bs_bs_banner Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 113, 423–438. With 5 figures Body size variation and caste ratios in geographically distinct populations of the invasive big-headed ant, Pheidole megacephala (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) BILL D. WILLS1*, CORRIE S. MOREAU2, BRIAN D. WRAY2, BENJAMIN D. HOFFMANN3 and ANDREW V. SUAREZ1,4 1Department of Animal Biology, University of Illinois, 515 Morrill Hall, 505 S. Goodwin Ave., Urbana, IL 61801, USA 2Department of Science and Education, Center for Integrative Research, Field Museum of Natural History, 1400 South Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, IL 60605, USA 3CSIRO Land and Water Flagship, Tropical Ecosystems Research Centre, PMB 44 Winnellie, NT 0822, Australia 4Program in Ecology, Evolution and Conservation Biology, Department of Entomology, University of Illinois, 320 Morrill Hall, 505 S. Goodwin Ave., Urbana, IL 61801, USA Received 7 April 2014; revised 2 June 2014; accepted for publication 3 June 2014 Body size is an important life history trait that can evolve rapidly as a result of how species interact with each other and their environment. Invasive species often encounter vastly different ecological conditions throughout their introduced range that can influence relative investment in growth, reproduction and defence among populations. In this study, we quantified variation in worker size, morphology and proportion of majors among five populations of a worldwide invasive species, the big-headed ant, Pheidole megacephala (Fabricius). The sampled populations differed in ant community composition, allowing us to examine if P. megacephala invests differently in the size and number of majors based on the local ant fauna. We also used genetic data to determine if these populations of P. megacephala represented cryptic species or if morphological differences could be attributed to change following introduction. We found significant variation in worker mass among the populations. Both major and minor workers were largest in Australia, where the ant fauna was most diverse, and minor workers were smallest in Hawaii and Mauritius, where P. megacephala interacted with few to no other ants. We also found differences in major and minor worker morphology among populations. Majors from Mauritius had significantly larger heads (width and length) relative to whole body size than those from Hawaii and Florida. Minors had longer heads and hind tibias in South Africa compared with populations from Australia, Hawaii and Florida. The proportion of majors did not differ among populations, suggesting that these populations may not be subject to trade-offs in investment in major size versus number. Our molecular data place all samples within the same clade, supporting that these morphologically different populations represent the same species. These results suggest that the variation in shape and morphology of major and minor workers may therefore be the result of rapid adaptation or plastic responses to local conditions. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 113, 423–438. ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: competition – induced defences – invasion biology – life history – plasticity – trade-offs. INTRODUCTION environment including predation, parasitism and competition (Harvell, 1990; Agrawal, 2001). Trans- Inducible defences are a primary strategy by which generational induced defences, or adaptive maternal an organism can respond to immediate threats in its effects, are a method by which parents can improve their direct and indirect fitness by modifying the *Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected] phenotype of their offspring in response to current © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 113, 423–438 423 Downloaded from by DePauw University user on 21 March 2018 424 B. D. WILLS ET AL. environmental conditions (Agrawal, Laforsch & An advantage to environmental caste determina- Tollrian, 1999). Maternally induced defences can tion is that colonies can rapidly alter investment in include increases in chemical defensive compounds, the number and size of workers in response to biotic the generation of specialized morphological struc- and abiotic conditions to optimize colony growth, tures (such as trichomes in plants or helmet and maintenance, foraging and defence (Oster & Wilson, spine formation in Daphnia), or a general increase 1978; Wilson 1984; Beshers & Traniello, 1994; in investment in the number or size of offspring Kaspari & Byrne, 1995; Yang et al., 2004; McGlynn, (Harvell, 1990; Repka & Pihlajamaa, 1996; Boersma, Diamond & Dunn, 2012). Both intra- and inter- Spaak & De Meester, 1998; Agrawal, 1999; Agrawal specific competition, for example, may influence body et al., 1999; Mondor, Rosenheim & Addicot, 2005; size variation through foraging behaviour and prey Kaplan et al., 2008). selection (Davidson, 1978; Traniello, 1987, 1989; Body size is a key life history trait that is closely Wetterer, 1994). In the genus Pheidole, which has a associated with an organism’s physiology, behaviour, dimorphic (and rarely trimorphic) worker caste con- reproduction and survival. Size also influences how sisting of majors and minors, colony investment in individuals interact with each other and their environ- major production can be influenced by major size ment (Peters, 1983; Calder, 1984; Schmidt-Nielsen, (Yang et al., 2004; McGlynn et al., 2012), diet supple- 1984; Losos, 1990; Stearns, 1992; Brown, 1995; Moczek mentation (McGlynn & Owen, 2002), and in response & Emlen, 2000; Chown & Gaston, 2010; Gouws, to both intra- and inter-specific competition (Passera Gaston & Chown, 2011; Tökölyi, Schmidt & Barta, et al., 1996; Yang et al., 2004). Major workers gener- 2014). Environmental factors (e.g. resource availabil- ally specialize in nest defence and in food processing, ity, competitors), in turn, can shift reproductive invest- retrieval and storage (Wilson, 1984). Minor workers ment in body size or alter an organism’s developmental typically undertake the remainder of tasks within the growth (Passera et al., 1996; Moczek, 1998; Moczek colony (Wilson, 1984, 2003). For example, Yang et al. et al., 2002). Subsequently, body size is often measured (2004) found a greater percentage of majors in in studies that examine trans-generational induced colonies of Pheidole morrisi from populations that defences (Passera et al., 1996; Boersma et al., 1998; overlapped with the red imported fire ant (Solenopsis Van Buskirk, 2000; Relyea, 2004; Yang, Martin & invicta). However, the average size of these majors Nijhout, 2004). Moreover, trade-offs exist in how was smaller, suggesting that trade-offs existed limited resources are allocated to offspring size, between investment in major body size and major number and condition (Smith & Fretwell, 1974), and percentage/ratio. Shifts in caste ratio have also been these trade-offs may explain when organisms induce observed in Pheidole pallidula where the perceived defence strategies (Harvell, 1990; Agrawal et al., 1999; threat of competitors increased the production of Van Buskirk, 2000). major workers within laboratory colonies (Passera While measuring investment in body size may be et al., 1996). Differences in the competitive environ- relatively straightforward in solitary organisms, in ment among populations may therefore induce shifts eusocial species, colonies partition investment into in investment into worker sub-castes that specialize the number or quality of different castes. In ants, for in colony defence and resource acquisition. example, a colony can invest in females by partition- In this study, we quantified variation in worker ing resources into discrete reproductive (queen) and size, morphology and proportion of majors among five non-reproductive (worker) castes. In species that have populations of a worldwide invasive species the big- polymorphic workers, ant colonies can further differ- headed ant, Pheidole megacephala (Fabricius, 1793). entially invest in sub-castes that may be specialized Introduced species often encounter dramatically dif- for food storage, foraging or defence (e.g. minors ferent ecological conditions within their invaded versus majors or soldiers) (Oster & Wilson, 1978; ranges and this variation in selective pressures Hölldobler & Wilson, 1990; Kaspari & Byrne, 1995; can impact relative investment into growth, reproduc- Dornhaus & Powell, 2010). Castes in ants are deter- tion and defence among introduced populations mined by the amount and type of nutrition received (e.g. Moczek et al., 2002; Wolfe, 2002; Zangerl & during larval development (Wheeler, 1986; Hölldobler Berenbaum, 2005; Berenbaum & Zangerl, 2006). We & Wilson, 1990; but see Heinze, 2008; Schwander chose populations that differed in ant community et al., 2010 for exceptions). The same is true for body composition allowing us to examine if P. megacephala size variation within the worker caste (Wheeler, invests differently in the size and number of workers 1991), although a number of recent studies have based on its interactions with the local ant fauna. found evidence for a genetic influence on some size Specifically, we use our data to test two hypotheses: classes in polymorphic species (Hughes et al., 2003; (1) populations introduced to areas with higher local Jaffe et al., 2007; Smith et al., 2008; but see Wiernasz ant diversity will produce either larger or a greater & Cole, 2010). number of majors relative to populations
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    bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted April 11, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Macroevolutionary integration of phenotypes within and across ant worker 9 castes 10 11 12 13 Nicholas R. Friedman1*, Beatrice Lecroq Bennet1, Georg Fischer1, Eli M. Sarnat1, Jen-Pan 14 Huang2,3, L. Lacey Knowles2, Evan P. Economo1 15 16 1 Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University, 1919-1 Tancha, Onna-son, 17 Okinawa, Japan 904-0495 18 19 2 Museum of Zoology, Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, University of Michigan 20 21 3 Biodiversity Research Center, Academia Sinica, Taipei 11529, Taiwan 22 23 *To whom correspondence should be addressed: [email protected] 24 25 bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted April 11, 2019. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission. 26 Abstract 27 28 Phenotypic traits are often integrated into evolutionary modules: sets of organismal parts that 29 evolve together. In social insect colonies the concepts of integration and modularity apply to sets 30 of traits both within and among functionally and phenotypically differentiated castes. On 31 macroevolutionary timescales, patterns of integration and modularity within and across castes 32 can be clues to the selective and ecological factors shaping their evolution and diversification. 33 We develop a set of hypotheses describing contrasting patterns of worker integration and apply 34 this framework in a broad (246 species) comparative analysis of major and minor worker 35 evolution in the hyperdiverse ant genus Pheidole.
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