Ants of the Nevada Test Site

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Ants of the Nevada Test Site Brigham Young University Science Bulletin, Biological Series Volume 7 Number 3 Article 1 6-1966 Ants of the Nevada Test Site Arthur Charles Cole Jr. Department of Zoology and Entomology, University of Tennesse, Knoxville Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Anatomy Commons, Botany Commons, Physiology Commons, and the Zoology Commons Recommended Citation Cole, Arthur Charles Jr. (1966) "Ants of the Nevada Test Site," Brigham Young University Science Bulletin, Biological Series: Vol. 7 : No. 3 , Article 1. Available at: This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Western North American Naturalist Publications at BYU ScholarsArchive. It has been accepted for inclusion in Brigham Young University Science Bulletin, Biological Series by an authorized editor of BYU ScholarsArchive. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. COMP, _QOL. LIBRARY JUL 28 i9 66 hARVAKU Brigham Young University UNIVERSITY Science Bulletin ANTS OF THE NEVADA TEST SITE by ARTHUR C. COLE, JR. BIOLOGICAL SERIES — VOLUME VII, NUMBER 3 JUNE 1966 BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN BIOLOGICAL SERIES Editor: Dorald M. Allred, Department of Zoology and Entomology, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah Associate Editor: Earl M. Christensen, Department of Botany, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah Members of the Editorial Board: J. V. Beck, Bacteriology C. Lynn Hayward, Zoology W. Derby Laws, Agronomy Howard C. Stutz, Botany Wdlmer W. Tanner, Zoology, Chairman of the Board Stanley Welsh, Botany Ex officio Members: Rudcer H. Walker, Dean, College of Biological and Agricultural Sciences Ernest L. Olson, Chairman, University Publications The Brigham Young University Science Bulletin, Biological Series, publishes acceptable papers, particularly large manuscripts, on all phases of biology. Separate numbers and back volumes can be purchased from University Publications, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah. All remittances should be made payable to Brigham Young University. Orders and materials for library exchange should be directed to the Division of Gifts and Exchange, Brigham Young University Library, Provo, Utah. Brigham Young University Science Bulletin ANTS OF THE NEVADA TEST SITE by ARTHUR C. COLE, JR. BIOLOGICAL SERIES — VOLUME VII, NUMBER 3 JUNE 1966 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION 1 Glossary of Special Terms 1 FAMILY FORMICIDAE 1 Myrmica emeryana tahoensis 3 Pogonomyrmex californicus 4 Pogononujrmcx occidenUdis 5 Pogonomyrmex rugosus 5 Pogonomytmex sulinus 6 Pogonomyrmex imherbiculus - - 6 Stenamma smithi 7 Aphaenogaster boulderensis 9 Aphaenogaster megommatus 9 Veromessor luriiersi 12 Veromessor lohognaihus 12 Veromessor pergandei 13 Veromessor smithi 14 Pheidole bicarinata paiute 15 Pheidolc desertorum 15 Pheidole inquilina 15 Pheidole pilifera coloradensis .... 15 Crematogaster coarctata vermiculata 16 Crematogaster depilis 16 Monomorium minimum 16 Solenopsis aurea 17 Solenopsis molesta validiuscula 17 Solenopsis saline 17 Solenopsis xyloni 17 Leptothorax andrei 17 Leptolhorax nevadensis rudis 17 Dorymyrmex bicolor 18 Dorymyrmex pyramicus 18 Liometopum occidentale luctuosum 18 Iridomyrmcx pruinosum emails 18 Camponotus hyatti 19 Camponotus maccooki 19 Camponotus ocreatus 20 Camponotus vicinus 20 Lasius crypticus 20 Lasius sitiens 20 Acanthomyops latipes 20 Myrmecocystus comatus 21 Myrmecocystus lugubris 21 Myrmecocystus mexicanus 21 Myrmecocystus mimicus 22 Myrmecocystus mojave 22 Formica fusca 23 Formica integroides planipilis 23 Formica lasioides 23 Formica limata -4 Formica microgyria -4 Formica moki "4 Formica neogagates 26 Formica neorufibarbis 26 Formica obtusopilosa -" Formica luhptAila cumponolicvpi y, \. n inmjrmi v minor j(, I I I I 1:1 ( I II. \ I I I I) m LIST OF IK a 1(1 s Page I Disturbed Pinyon-Junipci communit) on Rainier Mesa 2 in -.1 i.l Pogonomyre* valifornicm in mixed communit) S ' mi -I gravel mi tl nl Pogonomijrmex occidentals w :in Vrtemisia (.ommunit) 5 I I I ii (»ravel ilisi nl Pagonomyrmex rugosus in the Grayia-Lyeiiim communih "> Lo' (ravel mound ol Pogonomijrmex salinus in a Pinyon-Juniper communih 7 fi Contour, in profile, ol tlioraeii dorsum and nl petioli ind pnstpetinle of Steiuimma smithi, s|i ii. , I loli itypi 7 ntours, viewed from above, ol petiolar and postpetiolai nodes ol Stcmimmt, smithi. n. sp. Iiolotypi 8 H Contoiirv m profile view, ol petiole and postpetiole o( a male \phaenogaster megommatui 'i ni. nl mi paramerc ol .i male Aplwenogastei megommatui 9 in Volsella ol a mali \pliacnogastei megommatui 9 II. Acdeagus nl .i male Kphaenogaster megommatui 9 12 Abdominal si. nut. I\ i.l .i mali \phaenogaster megommatui 10 ' iiiitiiin in profile, ol thoracic dorsum and of petiole and postpetiole "I a female iphaenogastet mi gommatus 10 II Contours, viewed from above, of petiole and postpetiole ol ,i femali Kphaenogaster megommatus in II. Mound nl Vvromessoi Uiricen-i in a mixed plant community 12 16. Contotu nl thoracic dorsum and of petiole and postpetiole \ Veromessor smithi; H \ ; lariversi, C V. hbognathus. Worker caste I 17 Mound nl Veromes&o oergandei in a Larrea community 13 Is Mound nl Veromcssoi smithi in .i Coleogyne community II 19. Mound ol \lyrmecocy.itiii mexicunm in a mixed community 22 20. Thatched mound ol Formica integroides planipilii in a Pinyon-Juniper communit) 21 21 Paramen ol a mali Formica moki 25 2". 22 Volsella nl .i male Fonnica moki 23. Aedeagus nl a male Formica moki 25 2-4. abdominal sternite IX nl a male Formica moki 25 I is i in rAXONOMIC KEYS Page Subfamilies ol Formicidac 2 'i ol \l\ nun in. if .! . i. - Spi ol Pogonomyrnu i I S| s ill Apliacnogaili i 8 Spei ies nl \ ' i rami vtoi 1 I nl Pheidole 14 fi igasti i H> Species nl Solcnopsii l(i Si ii cies i .1 Li pti 'ili' 'rax 17 nl I >i ilii In idi i in. i' 17 Specii nl / Utrymyrmi \ IS Genera nl I mum inai 19 Spei ies ol Camponotin 19 S] I / usim 2(1 ii i/tiin 21 irmica 22 ANTS OF THE NEVADA TEST SITE' bv ; Arthur C. Cole, Jr. INTRODUCTION During the summer of 1962 I had the priv- soil moisture, and cooler diel temperatures than ilege of being stationed at the Nevada Test do the other communities of the test site. As a Site, as a part of Brigham Young University's result of atomic detonations, the natural environ- research team, to make a study of the ants of ment was considerably altered, apparently fav- the site. Previously I had identified extensive orably so for many ant species. Most of the samples of ant populations that had been taken trees were killed by the atomic detonations, and from can traps imbedded in the soil. The can surface rocks were disturbed considerably (Fig. traps served admirably in supplying me with 1). Unless otherwise stated, a disturbed com- nearly a complete list of the taxa occupying the munity is one which has been affected by one site, and my field collections provided only a or more atomic detonations. very few forms that had not appeared in the For excellent accounts of the plant commun- can samples. Thus, before I went to the site ities of the test site, the reader is referred to I had learned not only what taxa were there, the publications in this series by Allred, et al. but also geographic which areas and plant com- (1963) and Barnum (1964). munities were involved. I am indebted especially to Dr. Dorald M. Daily collections in the field provided many Allred and Dr. D Elden Beck, project super- important data about the ants of the site and visors, who invited me to participate in the disclosed the presence of some taxa that were project and were very helpful in providing ex- either new records for the state or species new cellent facilities for my use. I should like to to science. Three new species were represented; express my appreciation to Merlin Killpack for one of these (Aphaenogaster megommatus M. R. his interest in my studies at the site and for his Smith) described was recently (Smith, 1963), patience during our joint trips to collecting one (Veromessor smithi Cole) was described stations. subsequent to my studies on location at the site (Cole, 1963), and the other (Stenamma n. sp. ) is Glossary of Special Terms' described in this paper. Males of Formica moki Wheeler, which were found in a nest with as- Cephalic index (CI). Head width X 100/head sociated workers, are described herein for the length. first time, as are also both sexual castes of Epinotum. The first abdominal segment fused Aphaenogaster megommatus M. R. Smith. with the thorax; the propodeum. Although ants were represented to some ex- Eye length (EL). Maximum length of compound tent in all plant communities of the test site, eye. the disturbed Pinyon-Juniper community on Eye width (EVV). Maximum width of compound Rainier supported the Mesa greatest number of eye. taxa. Of the total of 52 taxa discovered at the Funiculus. Portion of antenna distal to the scape. test site, 28 were inhabitants of that communitv Head length (HL). Length of head, in full and 19 were found only there. Two conditions face view, from anterior border of lateral clypeal probably account for this distribution: (1) the lobes natural condition of the habitat and plant com- to the extreme posterior limits. munity, and (2) the altered situation produced Head width (HW). Maximum width of head, by the atomic detonations. The undisturbed excluding the eyes, in full face view. Pinyon-Juniper community provides some degree Ocular index (OI). Eye length X 100/head of shade, a different type of soil texture, more length. B.Y.U.-A.E.C. Publication No. COO-1355-15. This work was suppoiled under reseanli,1. contract.ronlr ATl I I -1 I -7Nli and AT(11-1)-H55 lie tween the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission and Brigham Young University.
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