22 bus time schedule & line map

22 bus station - Square View In Website Mode

The 22 bus line (Dundee bus station - Kirriemuir Square) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Dundee City Centre: 9:43 AM (2) Kirriemuir: 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 22 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 22 bus arriving.

Direction: Dundee City Centre 22 bus Time Schedule 54 stops Dundee City Centre Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 9:43 AM High Street, Kirriemuir High Street, Kirriemuir Tuesday 9:43 AM

Mcgregor's Land, Kirriemuir Wednesday 9:43 AM

Hillrise, Kirriemuir Thursday 9:43 AM Roods Place, Kirriemuir Friday 9:43 AM

Woodville Inn, Northmuir Saturday 7:34 AM Shielhill Park, Kirriemuir

Airlie Place, Northmuir Airlie Place, 22 bus Info Easthill Road, Northmuir Direction: Dundee City Centre Stops: 54 Northmuir Golf Course, Northmuir Trip Duration: 58 min Road, Scotland Line Summary: High Street, Kirriemuir, Mcgregor's Land, Kirriemuir, Hillrise, Kirriemuir, Woodville Inn, Cairn Road, Northmuir Northmuir, Airlie Place, Northmuir, Easthill Road, Northmuir, Northmuir Golf Course, Northmuir, Cairn Mid Road, Northmuir Road, Northmuir, Mid Road, Northmuir, Woodend Mid Road, Scotland Drive, Northmuir, Kinnordy Road, Kirriemuir, Slade Gardens, Kirriemuir, Vieweld, Kirriemuir, Knowehead Woodend Drive, Northmuir Crescent, Kirriemuir, Spar, Southmuir, Isla Road, Southmuir, Duthie Street, Southmuir, South Street, Kinnordy Road, Kirriemuir Southmuir, Wester Logie Road End, Roundyhill, Logie Kinnordy Road, Scotland Sawmill, Roundyhill, Drumshade Caravan Park, Roundyhill, Phone Box, Roundyhill, Leys Of Cossans, Slade Gardens, Kirriemuir Roundyhill, Station Cottages, , Bridgend, Glamis, Deanbank Cottages, Glamis, Primary School, Vieweld, Kirriemuir Glamis, Bus Shelter, Charleston, Charlestion Road End, Charleston, Mill, Milton Of Ogilvie, Meikle Knowehead Crescent, Kirriemuir Kilmundie Road End, Charleston, Lumleyden Cottage, Charleston, Finlarg Farm, Todhills, Tinkletap Slade Road, Scotland Farm, Todhills, Westhall Terrace, School, Spar, Southmuir Westhall Terrace, Braeside Cottages, , Farmhouse Road End, Barns Of Westeld, Kirriemuir Wedderburn, Findowrie Street, Fintry, Longhaugh Isla Road, Southmuir Terrace, Fintry, Doon Terrace, Pitkerro, Craighill Court, Lindsay Street, Kirriemuir Pitkerro, Court, Pitkerro, Rennel Road, Stobswell, Wortley Place, Stobswell, Morgan Duthie Street, Southmuir Academy, Stobswell, Maitland Street, Stobswell, Brown Constable Street, Stobswell, Cowan Street, South Street, Southmuir Hilltown, Victoria Street, Hilltown, Wellgate Steps, Dundee City Centre, Murraygate, Dundee City Centre, Wester Logie Road End, Roundyhill Marks And Spencer, Dundee City Centre, Bus Station, Dundee City Centre Logie Sawmill, Roundyhill

Drumshade Caravan Park, Roundyhill

Phone Box, Roundyhill A928, Scotland

Leys Of Cossans, Roundyhill

Station Cottages, Glamis

Bridgend, Glamis

Deanbank Cottages, Glamis

Primary School, Glamis 2 Dundee Road, Scotland

Bus Shelter, Charleston

Charlestion Road End, Charleston

Mill, Milton Of Ogilvie

Meikle Kilmundie Road End, Charleston

Lumleyden Cottage, Charleston

Finlarg Farm, Todhills

Tinkletap Farm, Todhills

Westhall Terrace

Murroes School, Westhall Terrace

Braeside Cottages, Burnside Of Duntrune

Farmhouse Road End, Barns Of Wedderburn

Findowrie Street, Fintry Kilravock Gardens, Dundee

Longhaugh Terrace, Fintry Longhaugh Terrace, Dundee

Doon Terrace, Pitkerro Pitkerro Road, Dundee

Craighill Court, Pitkerro Pitkerro Road, Dundee Kingennie Court, Pitkerro Kingsway East, Dundee

Rennel Road, Stobswell

Wortley Place, Stobswell

Morgan Academy, Stobswell

Maitland Street, Stobswell Dura Street, Dundee

Brown Constable Street, Stobswell Wallacetown Court, Dundee

Cowan Street, Hilltown Dens Road, Dundee

Victoria Street, Hilltown Dens Road, Dundee

Wellgate Steps, Dundee City Centre

Murraygate, Dundee City Centre Commercial Street, Dundee

Marks And Spencer, Dundee City Centre Horse Wynd, Dundee

Bus Station, Dundee City Centre Direction: Kirriemuir 22 bus Time Schedule 59 stops Kirriemuir Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Seagate Bus Station, Dundee City Centre St Andrew's Lane, Dundee Tuesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM

Forum Centre, Dundee City Centre Wednesday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Meadowside, Dundee Thursday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM Wellgate, Dundee City Centre Friday 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM North Marketgait, Dundee Saturday 5:45 PM Nelson Street, Hilltown Victoria Road, Dundee

West Lyon Street, Hilltown Dens Road, Dundee 22 bus Info Direction: Kirriemuir Dens Road, Stobswell Stops: 59 Brougham Gardens, Dundee Trip Duration: 58 min Line Summary: Seagate Bus Station, Dundee City Stobswell Road, Stobswell Centre, Forum Centre, Dundee City Centre, Wellgate, Dura Street, Dundee Dundee City Centre, Nelson Street, Hilltown, West Lyon Street, Hilltown, Dens Road, Stobswell, Baldovan Terace, Stobswell Stobswell Road, Stobswell, Baldovan Terace, Stobswell, Morgan Academy, Stobswell, Dalkeith Morgan Academy, Stobswell Road, Stobswell, Clepington Road, Stobswell, Alloway Terrace, Pitkerro, Craighill Court, Pitkerro, Dalkeith Road, Stobswell Doon Terrace, Pitkerro, Longhaugh Terrace, Fintry, Pitkerro Road, Dundee Grampian Gardens, Fintry, Farmhouse Road End, Barns Of Wedderburn, Braeside Cottages, Burnside Clepington Road, Stobswell Of Duntrune, Murroes School, Westhall Terrace, Westhall Terrace, Road End, Tealing, Alloway Terrace, Pitkerro Tinkletap Farm, Todhills, Finlarg Farm, Todhills, Lumleyden Cottage, Charleston, Meikle Kilmundie Craighill Court, Pitkerro Road End, Charleston, Mill, Milton Of Ogilvie, Charleston Road End, Charleston, Bus Shelter, Doon Terrace, Pitkerro Charleston, Mary Countess Way, Glamis, Deanbank Cottages, Glamis, Bridgend, Glamis, Station Longhaugh Terrace, Fintry Cottages, Glamis, Leys Of Cossans, Roundyhill, Phone Box, Roundyhill, Drumshade Caravan Park, Longhaugh Terrace, Dundee Roundyhill, Logie Sawmill, Roundyhill, Wester Logie Grampian Gardens, Fintry Road End, Roundyhill, Beechwood Place, Southmuir, South Street, Southmuir, Duthie Street, Southmuir, Isla Road, Southmuir, Spar, Southmuir, Knowehead Farmhouse Road End, Barns Of Wedderburn Crescent, Kirriemuir, Vieweld, Kirriemuir, Slade Gardens, Kirriemuir, Kinnordy Road, Kirriemuir, Braeside Cottages, Burnside Of Duntrune Woodend Drive, Northmuir, Mid Road, Northmuir, Cairn Road, Northmuir, Northmuir Golf Course, Murroes School, Westhall Terrace Northmuir, Easthill Road, Northmuir, Airlie Place, Northmuir, Woodville Inn, Northmuir, Northmuir Westhall Terrace Primary School, Northmuir, Hillrise, Kirriemuir, East Hill Bank, Kirriemuir, St Anthony'S, Kirriemuir, Post Tealing Road End, Tealing Oce, Kirriemuir, Bank Street, Kirriemuir

Tinkletap Farm, Todhills Finlarg Farm, Todhills

Lumleyden Cottage, Charleston

Meikle Kilmundie Road End, Charleston

Mill, Milton Of Ogilvie

Charleston Road End, Charleston

Bus Shelter, Charleston

Mary Countess Way, Glamis 19 Dundee Road, Scotland

Deanbank Cottages, Glamis

Bridgend, Glamis

Station Cottages, Glamis

Leys Of Cossans, Roundyhill

Phone Box, Roundyhill A928, Scotland

Drumshade Caravan Park, Roundyhill

Logie Sawmill, Roundyhill

Wester Logie Road End, Roundyhill

Beechwood Place, Southmuir

South Street, Southmuir

Duthie Street, Southmuir

Isla Road, Southmuir Lindsay Street, Kirriemuir

Spar, Southmuir Westeld, Kirriemuir

Knowehead Crescent, Kirriemuir Slade Road, Scotland

Vieweld, Kirriemuir

Slade Gardens, Kirriemuir Lochmill, Scotland

Kinnordy Road, Kirriemuir

Woodend Drive, Northmuir

Mid Road, Northmuir

Cairn Road, Northmuir Northmuir Golf Course, Northmuir

Easthill Road, Northmuir

Airlie Place, Northmuir

Woodville Inn, Northmuir

Northmuir Primary School, Northmuir

Hillrise, Kirriemuir Roods Place, Kirriemuir

East Hill Bank, Kirriemuir East Hillbank, Kirriemuir

St Anthony'S, Kirriemuir 33 The Roads, Kirriemuir

Post Oce, Kirriemuir 28-30 Reform Street, Kirriemuir

Bank Street, Kirriemuir High Street, Kirriemuir 22 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in Scotland. About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved