Cleveland. They woo the opener tn the tenth 3 to 2 and the afterpleoe CHAMP FAILS in the ninth S to 4. Brooklyn pro* Little Favorite as U. S. Golf Amateur tec ted fifth place in the National

* ■ Heavy " — .. from Cincinnati’s threat* ——, ■ II.. a 'I u. M. ...I Begins_ with double victory over the Reds I to 4 | TO REPEAT ! of Cincinnati, began a new effort and t to 4 Steers to Have Convicts Defeat to get out of third place in the Na- Strong CHAMPION I CARDS DIVIDE tional League by trimming Pitts- Dickie Turns on Heat In Brenham To Take Poison/vy Torment burgh 3 te 1 on the combination o! soothed- 36-Hol« Finals Of Sunburn Grid Unit This Season Baseball Pennant ’s six-hit hurling and Heating Big Tourney GREAT FORM DOUBLE HEADER, four straight hits by Manager full BY CHARLES E. SIMONS regular and reserve, in Terry. ^ridedby , year*. 9. (Special to Th* Herald) HOUSTON. Sept. UP>— The AUSTIN. Sept, 9.—(A*)—Chances 4 Prove a The victory enabled the Qlants to HARLINGEN. Sept. 9.—Bill Bar- strong contender for ■Thieves” as the convicts at the Cubs Are Rained Out As for the Unlveraity of Texas to rank Californian Meets on the title If reserve Young pick up a half game both their ton of Mjrcidfc*. 1931 amateur goll with the leaden In the Southwest linemen come Texas penitentiary call their Texan In Giants Beat Bucs rivals, and pises one game behind champion of the Vailey, was unable Coherence football campaign de- through. Opening baseball players,, were semi-pro 1 end almost on untried With 3 to 1 the Cubs, whose game with Boston to defend his title successfully entirely s flock of more than ordi- Round baseball champions of this section sophomore and 1934 second string- nary passers and fleet becks. Texas was rained out. and 2H games be- the excellent second shots Monday. against ers. *11 an open It (By Tha Associated Press) hind the Cards play type game. CLEVELAND. Sept §