PEOPLE'S STEAMBOAT CO. ^MOVEMENT SOCIETY — THE MERRICONEAG HOUSE —1*80 or !30 0R6ANIZED AT HARPSWELL MEETS AT BAILEYS. • \ NEW LINE ELECTS OFFICERS. I SOUTH A COMMENDABLE WORK BEING Little of a Fnraace that AND Story APPLIES FOR CHARTER. ► DONE BY j COMMITTEES. HARPS WELL SAVES BIG MONEY Plans Made for Summer Being and Summer and Permanent Residents Co- . Winter Service to Casco Is- to Benefit ICH sum would Bay operating Island's High- yeu rather spend for yur winter lands. heating? Ways, Fire Protection, etc. An averaie furnace will eat up about $80 worth of anthra- In a month's time a W. W. TIBBETTS. new stearr-*• A meeting of the Improvement As- cite and warm an house in a line may be in Casco if eight-room moderate climate. It will running Bay sociation was held at the School house the plans of the on Manager. average less than $30 to pay for recently organized on Monday evening (heaptst slack, which, burned in the Line at Peoples Harpswell are p> r* to hear reports from several of the fected without The movemt delay. i.' committees on ways and means of fl- Enlarged and has been on foot for several weeks an>l ouring the cooperation of all the Is- newly furnished. PECK-WILLIAMSON a great deal of work * quiet has be« land in promoting the public affairs. Always the most done on many I a r islands. The final The Committee on Taxation. Bound- Popu H o t el UNDERFEED meeting was of aries In Casco FURNACE considerable intercfT and Roads reported that the most Bay. w ill heat u and was held at Seaside out in give ju»t clean and considerably Hall. OrrV pressing need of the Island in the mat- Right the more uniform. Island last ocean. 1A Carrying out the figure*, Thursday evening, at which ter of roads was felt in the Pasture, miles find that the officers were from Portland you')! every year you'll elected and organ- where there were many houses but no by ization at steamer. 15 papers applied for Augu?'J» public highways. A recommendation § Save to of Coal Bills The of miles Yx % capital stock the company will was made as to the most suitable lo- from be $5A.0fln with a Bru nswlck The Underfeed is a furnace which toon par value of $10. and i cation of the roads, and the associa- by it has been announced that one road. fmjs f%r tfse/f. Fed from below, with all fire or t«(i1 tion was urged to frame a petition rn smoke and fast steamers would be to Rates on appli- trp, gase* wasted in other fur- immediate!;* the selectmen of the township ask- cues are totally consumed in the Underfeed. cation. Thoacwho own an Underfeed declare it to he the BEST furnace on earth. We'd like to show t you some of the "boosts" given by tho« who know how much money the CndeHetd has saved for them. House Coll and 5c« This Furnacm MaromL RALPH E. HOWE. Mngr. Peaks Island, R. S. DAVIS CO. Cairo Bay. Me. COMPLETE HOMEFURNISHERS. Famous for years for its un- equalled 1 o c a tio n , liberal management and fine shore din- R. S. ners. Every- DAVIS CO. thing modern. Electric Portland's lights, Complete Homefurnishers steam heat, pri- vate dining Cor. £xchange and Federal Sts. rocms, etc. Ac- commodates 500. F. £. HASKELL, Treasurer* Rates, book- lets and floor

W. L. on PURINGTON, CHARLES S. THOMAS. plans appli- One of Promoters of cation* The Big Store with small profits People's Line. Pros, of Improvement Society. procured and if i>ossible the line for the would ing construction and mainten- Weymouth. Mass.; Miss I.ida Draper, begin o|K-rations in two CHARITY WHIST. months »-r ance of these roads. The township Boston: Mrs. A. L. Porter. Brock- less, giving; winter and summer ser- should also be asked to lay out a ton. .Mass.; Mrs. E. H. Talbot and vice. MR. AND MRS. H. C. NEEDHAM public right of way along the ocean Miss Ethel Talbot. Dorchester: Mrs. The officers elected front Thursday were by the Giant's Stairway and the ENTERTAIN FRIENDS TUES- H. S. Peare. New York; Mrs. M. as follows: C. Pinnacle, thereby securing for all on DAY AFTERNOON. Perkins and Mrs. H. C. Needham, Dr. I^eon I,. Hale. the IRA f. Chebeague. presi- Island the right to enjoy these Hudson. Mass.: Miss Priscilla Lane. & dent; (LARK natural beauties CO. of the The The place. Progressive Whist Party in Aid of gentlemen's first prize, a John E. Osborne. Orr's treas- committee is of leather Island, composed Messrs. Park Fund. pocketbook and card case, was urere; Wm. D. Smith. C. M. Clary. Hudson awarded to Mr. C. D. Bates, with 31 John B. Kehoe. Orr. The beautiful summer Portland, clerk: Elisha Leeman. and John F. home of Mr. l*>ints. while Mrs. H. S. Peare with Directors: Dr. Leon I* Gulliver. and Mrs. H. C. Needham Hale. Che- of Hudson. 32 points, won the ladies' first prize, beague: John E. The Mass located at the east Osborne. Henry Al- Committee on Fire Protection end of a cluny lace doily. Dr. J. H. iJbby len. Orr's Island: Almon A. that Chebeague Island, was the scene Quimby. rej»orted arrangements had been of won a l»ox of candy as a second prize, Chebeague: made for a a William Lb Purington. demonstration of the effi- very pretty progressive whist party with a s< «>r<- of 2K. and for the ladies' South Portland. To of and sale One Price these will be ciency chemical fire extinguishers candy Tuesday afternoon in second. Mrs. Frederick Lane and Mi*s Cash. added Lendall M. on aid of the York and Everett Pebbly Beach on Tuesday even- Chebeague Park Fund, of KNif Litchfield were tied at 23. Mrs. Spot E. Sinnett of Bailev which Mr. It Island and Thom- ing. was recommended that the Needhani is the prime- I^ane chose a work basket, and Miss •Af. of mover. he Flaherty . householders either purchase small being president of the asso- Litchfield took a sugar bowl and Early in the ciation. The evening there was a extinguishers or form groups of three Needhams have always creamer. A handsome Dresden china mass meeting at which about or four and been noted for their 100 were that each group purchase hospitality and sugar bowl and creamer donated by present and when It was a small willingness to Clothiers, Hatters, asked how extinguisher. A volunteer promote any cause that R. S. Davis Co.. of Portland, was many of these would tends to benefit support the line fire department should then be organ- the island's welfare. awarded to Mr. John S. Crowley of all were said to have stood ized to The guests were bidden to up. It flght any large conflagration arrive at Beverly. Mass. The candy met with a has been announced that 3 p. m. and at that the sale of by collecting the small extinguishers. hour all were 'n ready sale and many thanks are due stock has been a excellent and that When cottages are closed at the attendance for delightful afternoon's Arthur Hamilton and H. L. Thomp- shares unsold are end Furnishers, readily disposed of of the summer, the extinguisher*, enjoyment and social chat. There son for their gift of materials for as the instead were five tables company propose to run safe, of being emptied, could be as- In play, the following candy, as well as those who donated fast and comfortable sembled at In boats between points to be designated by being attendance: Mrs. Frederick candy. Among those who gave every island below the prizes I,ong and as far department where they would not Lane. Maiden, Mass.; Mr. and Mrs. for the whist were Messrs. Crowley as Orr's. making the freeze and / necessary num- would be available for fight- George F. Taft and daughter. Miss and I.unt of the Breeze and Mrs. H. ber of round to ing Are which Helen trips Portland dally. any might occur. The Taft. Allston. Mass.; Mrs. W. C. Needham. v Three It also has been said that committee Is A. Floors, 26 and 28 Monument freight rates composed of Messrs. L. White. Roxbury; Mrs. George R. The function was a glorious one,< Sq. would be cut and re- M. York. John F. Faucett. passenger fares Gulliver. C. W. Stamford, Conn.; Dr. and and fortunate were they who were in duced. the line run E. S. J. H. belntr to accommo- Clary. I^eeman. Walter E. John- Mrs. l.lbby. Miss Elsie Litch- attendance. The sum of was date the $17.'*) people of the Ix»wer Bay and son and D. P. Sinnett. field. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Bates. East realized. giving best possible service at rate* i nc lommtttee on Membership re- sufficient Tolman, Bradford Furniture only to par dividends on the l>orted that 115 membpr* hart been ae- Co., capital of the company. b- In planning a complete canvass ol talned new the klnda bought and aold. Alao Auctioneeraand steamers specially suited Inland with a view to giving every Appra>aera.! to the needs of the lower bay service one who wishes to take part In thla will be built. The work for Portland terminus the public welfare an oppor- will probably be Portland Pier wh"re tunity of so doing. Thin committee the boats of the Harpswell Steamboat I* composed of Messrs. A. C. Burn- Company formerlv landed, but no ham. E. E. Slnnett. I„. M. York. Her- lease has been entpred into as yet. 1 bert F. Johnaon. Charles 3. Thomaa. Btork was quite freely subscribed to C. T. Root. Wro. D. Smith. J. F. at the No. 6 Under the Sea. meetinc after the company had Culllver anrt C. R. Mann. been organized and also it is said that The Committee on Sanitation .*e- a great many shares were engaged dur. ported that arrangementa hart been Ing the canvass the marte for the Hammer w»« on and tbe preliminary of eatabllshment of a sani- coming Royal Court wn held beneatn a which bay will now be taken up oy tary ayatem of disposal of refnae rtur bage iceberg wboie frigid balk tbe ocean at the kept deptba comfortably buyers. log coming season. Special com- clove to tbe freezing point. Neptane wae bony getting tbe Sea 8er- mltteea have been appointed to con for bit -Ider pent ready annual appearance* at Atlantic City and Bar Har- particular condltlona where FIELD land and bor. Tbe court at uaoal were from ennai. DAY. swampy the topography of •offering Neptane called the land for material* and bit produce condition* favorable writing wratb tore tbe ocean into foam for mile* CHEBEAGUE ISLAND'S YEARLY to the breeding of mosquitoes and un- aroond when be saw tbe EVENT stationary bi* attendant* offered for bi* o*e. WILL TAKE PLACE favorable to sanitation. The commit- "Great waterapont*!" roared bi* Majetty. "William W. Roberta Co. NEXT WEEK. tee is composed of Messrs R. R. Portland aell Slnnett. Dr. J. L. of better paper tban tbat at 15 eta. a pound for racatlon Seward. I>avld W. and Herbert F. oae. (JO boy me a few pound* of tbat." Monday Tuesday Are The Days Doughty. Johnson. A. C. Rumham. and Xanthua Sat For Popular Celebration. R. Smith. The Committee on Arbitration. Uw The Chebeaene Field Day organI za and Order, composed of Meaara. C. have tlon had wv»r»l mating* lately T. Root, fha*. Thomaa. Edward F. and at | the preaent time they are plan- Rlack. and A. C. Rurnham to reported ning hold their regular yearly event that It had organized for work and WILLIAM W. Monda v and Tneeday. Aug. 24»h could be called when needed. ROBERTS CO. and 2Sth. Committee* have been ap The Committee on Library r\nd pointed STATIONERS to ranva«« all the hotela and School reported that It had begun coV boarding houie* (or xabacrlbera and lectlng information a* a basis of It* the reunite from thla work will pctlon. Announcement was also made 233 Middle determine St., PORTLAND, ME. the anrreaa of the affair. that an entertainment for the benefit If the prenent plan* are carried o-it of the library hart been given daring ®* ®«4«m (Continued on "«J2 f»w 5/1^ ****?,>a #,2IZ *rp°4*t«i#*u Rath* UK Page *.) (Continued on Page 9.) KmVS. rux,./-"-n" "•'•'• *> «•". SSi SJ OCEAN VIEW HOTEL. this season. and in past seasons Mrs. Peare has mer residents and they will gladly wel- been an active worker in a social way. j some the opportunity of joining in the They have many friends among the services of the day. The The Ocean View Hotel HOTEL AT BAILEY ISLAND ENTER- I offertory WOODBINE AND C0TTA6E. guests of former seasons all of whom will be given to the church TAINING SELECT PARTY. Chebeague i are glad to welcome them back once building funds. BAILEY ISLAND, ME. JOTTINGS OF QUESTS AT BAILEY again. Will Mr. and Mr*. George D. Loring of Recent Guests Enjoy Ssils and ISLAND HOUSE. Mrs. O. F. Sage of Boston was Portland, were among those who reg- WALTER D. CRAFTS* • •up- daughter. Ina M.. are spending an ex- Popular shoe trade. at the hotel tended vacation here. The daughter At the two weeks. He spent a few weeks at plied trom a fir»t elm Seaside and the Mrs. Cottage Katharyn Moore of Newark. N. a New York has been here before and is familiar August guests are seen I watering place before grocery and provision about the J.. In company with her three with the island, while her parents. and daugh- coming east. verandas on sailing trips in large ters. Misses M. •tore. Fre*h invoicee Mr. and Mrs. Sudeker are on their ini- Alice. Laura B. and numbers. The cool location and ex- Rev. Charles N. Cate of Yonkers. of Anna, registered last week for their Meat, Fowl, Game, tial visit. cellent outlook make it a house which N. Y.. who is summering here, preach- summer outing. Last season ProvUiona and Fruit* is Misses ed a re- Ralph A. Sherry of Troy, X. Y., justly popular. Among the guests Alice and powerful sermon at the Chebea- Laura Moore both of whom reivea daily. our {trices are low, the arrived Monday for an extended vaca- who are stopping here are Miss. F. I. gue Methodist church. Sunday. A considering quality of good* received. We carry are school teachers in the public tion. and will without doubt enjoy a Browning. Mrs. E. F. Watte and Miss large number of the summer people Hardware. Paints. Oils. E:c. Hardwood (or open fire?lares a schools of Newark. N. J., were here specialty. Dry Goods, time as he has H. N. Mulford of who are were in the congregation. Boots. Shoes, and Rubbers ana tisherateu's pleasant acquaintances Metuchen. for an extended sojourn. supplies. Oar teams visit all paits of the island. on the island. taking several short day trips. Th^y John F. Oremen of Baltimore. Md.. were at Cliff Island. last. Mrs. F. F. Walte of Jersey City. N. Friday is here at the house for a two weeks* is a Miss Sarah Mott and Miss C. A. J., also here for short outing, sojourn. Mr. Cremen is cashier at Howard of Richmond Hill. L. and Aucoclsco House. having arrived on Tuesday. I., the Baltimore office for the Mutual Miss M. T. Dowd of were Woodbine & Misses Anne M. Holen and Mary Brooklyn, Benefit Life Insurance Co. During the on a day's trip to Orr's Island. Satur- GUESTS FIND MUCH ENJOYMENT Cottage. F. Pulley have come for a two weeks" summer of 19o< he was here for an ex- day visiting the Pearl House and sojourn. Like all other guests they other tended outing. IN CARD PARTIES. Mrs. H. 5. Sinnett, local points. The return to Prop. Bailey Island, Me. are pleased with the Island. Bailey'o Mr. Frank H. of and its cooler Tyler Boston. This IdMl temperature was re- About bmrdiag house bu bMi overhauled and manjr Improvements Sunday there were a large number Mass.. arrived Saturday to spend a Sixty Vacationists are Regis- made, among freshing. cbtm a rovn of transient here for two weeks' vacation at this b«lo( lar(« at* dialog capable of «*atlof Jl guests; 30 fin* guests registered Mr. Harold E. Cram of Boston. Miss popular tered at Present. chamber*, nicely house. Mr. furnished. Excellent table with of tea food. one of Mauager \V. D. Craft'* dell- Gertrude M. Tyler has been to Cho- plenty Open Jane 1 to Sept. 1. lutes on Partridge of Newtonville. Last Saturday evening's card applica- clous shore and combination dinners. Mr. beagu** before this season. party tion. rate* for Jane and Accomodates 90. HI A. Talbot and Miss Talbot of arrbttng the Special Sept. a with the a ^eiven by guests registered here This year Mr. Crafts is making New took a Strollers for York, pleasant sail in Mr. dayfc furnished much merriment for specialty of his Sunday dinners and Talbot's Mr. Tyler is a traveling agent for the every- yacht. Wednesday, of last body. there being four tables of 500 weekly there are always a large num- Mallory Steamship Co.. which has an week, visiting nearby islands. in as office at 192 play well as two tables of bridge ber present. The following was the Mrs. W. W. Washington street. Bos- Gilchrist and Miss S. E. whist. Prizes were awarded menu served: ton. the win- Beaman. who are on a week's trip ners at each table, which were Lam- CHARLES S. THOMAS to the White DINNER. Mountains, are expected son'* pictures for the highest number and Butter. to return to the of Carpenter Builder Steam Clams. Drawn Svside this week. points, and those winning were. Mr. Gilchrist was rialley'B Me. SOLP. in Portland. Friday. The Hamilton. Mrs. W. R. Murphy of Island, Philadelphia: EatlmtUi given on Miss cheerfully all kind* of Clam Chowder. N. H. Paine of Richmond: Miss and repairing. All work under building my personal super- Tomato Soup. HILL A NUMBER OF DISTINGUISHED M. Wylle of Philadelphia and Miss vision. FISH. CREST. MUSICIANS AT CHEBEAGUE. S. T. Murdock of Baltimore, at the Plain Lobster. 500 tables, while Mr. Edward Gray Baked Haddock and Dressing. HOTEL STILL CROWDED and the TO OVER- Hotel More Popular Than Ever. Jot- celebrated bridge player. Miss Boiled Halibut and Egg Sauce. FLOW WITH SUMMER Katherine B. Jones of Baltimore, win- TOUR- tings of The Week's Arrivals. BAILEY BOILED. ISTS. ning at whist. Miss Elizabeth B. I8LAND. and White Sauce. Mr. Edgar H. Batchelor of Fowl Paine, proprietor of Baltimore was awarded Ml»» j. e. Matte y, The the Prop. ROASTS. Hamilton at Chebeague is enter- consolation prize, a sweet grass Everybody For The Field a basket. The most Lamb and Mint Sauce. Preparing taining number of well known musi- Refreshments of ice cream delightful iud exclusive spot on the leland. Situated on Beef and Brown Exercises. cians, vocalists and and cake were the east eud to full Gravy. Day instrumentallsts- enjoyed after the party, of the ocean. at Keautiful pine croves and ENTREES. the hotel this season. at Cobb's, at the head of walks around the The hotel is still to Its At MKb the new pier. house. The house is mod. crowded full ern in Peach Fritters and Maple Syrup. Wednesday and Mr. and Mrs. every respect, toilets, baths and sew. capacity and at the pr*»s«»nt time there Saturday evening hop Henry D. Williams KAtee and VEGETABLES. there are some circulars on application* are one hundred and exquisite musical num- and daughter. Miss A. Carroll Williams Long distance In sixteen guests bers telepnone house. open Plain and Mashed Potatoes. by these guests, which are of June 15 to Bept. 15. registered here. The past week has a New York, accompanied by Mrs. Corn on Cob. Beans. a rare treat. Last String been delightful and the have Saturday evening Richard Pairo of *re guests a most Washington, RELISHES. been pleasing group of songs *a« among the enjoying sailing and Ashing par- latest arrivals at this popu- Cucumbers and Tomatoes. rendered by Miss Gertrude lar ties daily. The dances Walker of summer house. They arrived Sun- PASTRY AND DESSERT. semi-weekly Salem. Mass. The SEASIDE, are always the enjoyable affairs that dancers were day. and are expected to be registered COTTAGE Custard Pudding. ceated after the first waltz and MIsa here until Bailey's Island one might expect from th#» young com- September. They arc Maine, Mrs. F. E. Cram, Prop. Honeycomb Pudding and Wine Sauce. Walker's sweet soprano voice friends of pany that compose the greater num- reached Mr. and Mrs. Chester Turn- Fine home-like Apple and L#»mon Pie. every confine of the hall. She bull of boarding house with fine chambers and ex- ber of guests. At the present time sans Baltimore, who are also guests cellent Ice Cream. "She Wandered down the table. Rates on from all are busy ready for the Mountain here. application. Open June 25 to Oct 1. Tea. getting nide." bv and Coffee. Clay "The Lass The Transients accommodated. ~ Field Day exercises and the bal-mas- with Mr. ami Mrs. William B. Delicate Air." Old Kurtz and que. which will be given at Hill Crest English, showing family. Miss Ross, Miss the superb vocal Knight and Hall the opening night, will out quality which has Mr. and bring earned Mrs. Wltman. all of German- G. In full her a wide reputation as con- JAMES STETSON. some striking and original cos- town. Pa., are guests at the and Robinhood Inn. cert singer and teacher hotel, tumes. Hill Crest masquerades have during the have a nearby where Bailey's Island Ice Cream Parlors. past few years. She cottage they been the social events of each was most en- This Ojr Ice always stay. Is their first visit to Cliff Cream Is msde fron par* dairy cratm tnd Mlwted SECLUDED NOOK ON BAILEY IS- received. or crushed fruit. Delivered in brick* season. With the social di- thusiastically bjr quart gallon Stetson* famous carmels tr« mad* on many Island, the most Island of the prrmum and arc Misses Minnie A. delightful the Mm stores in tho bar- No floor daily for sale by *" LAND MOST ALLURING versions that are here, Heminsley, Ger- the candy made. Complete lino and boxed usually given trude bay. tionery. Fruit. Nuts. etc. Try our cool all roods of Confec- the M. Wlnslow, Ethel R. soda. fruit syrups. Wo are tho exclusive TO TOURISTS. guests And plenty to make the Wlnslow. Casco Bar Brm>. orders taken horo- Papers. scent* for tho Jennie I. Rev. John Dows D. D, with and Magazines. Souvenir Postals, etc. Our team calls Arnold of Paterson, N. Hills, delivers orders. We aim to please our for hours pass altogether too quickly. J., wife and trade. and Ethel M. Karchllng of Elizabeth daughter. Miss Adlanna Hills Dr. Jesse H. Llbby. wife and N. of Oil City. Pa., arrived last MIm J. E. MatMjr'i Hostelry Filled J., were registered Sunday, the Thursday young son. Channlng Price Llbby. of for a for their summer vacation. Mr. Hills DAVID to Limit. 7th, two weeks' P. East Weymouth. Mass.. arrived here outing. They is rector of Christ SINNETT, are a Jolly party of young ladles who Church. OH City. Good time* are at the Robin- Sunday morning for their usual aum- Boat plenty are enjoying the beautiful and Builder, mer vacation have been walks Bailey's Island, He. hood Inn on Ball*? Inland. Mlas Ma* They regu- the sea Messrs. M. bathing and boating to the Price of Trenton. N. J.. Motor and pleasure boats of all kind* a«r the finest season and lar sojourners here for the past four R. made to order. We have oar reports jet utmost. A trip to New was M. Gideon and Samuel Rosa Limer- own wbarf at summers and have Meadows private Mackerel Cove. Boate to let is away guests. The cool and hosts of friends one of ick of by tbe day, week or tee- turning the outings of this week. Philadelphia, arrived Sunday eon. Wbarf privilege* at reaeonable comfortable room is most in- here all of whom are delighted to wel- cbargee. Excluelro agent for tbe living Miss Alice Bartow of Fltchburg. for an outing at Cliff Island, and will Letbrop and Hartford and the south come them bark once again. Dr. be Englnee. viting veranda, alluring Mass.. who Is a guest here with her registered here during their stay in Llbby Is one of the ardent workers its shaded and sephyr swept space friends, Mr. and The party came on the for the Mrs. H. E. Jennl- recommenda- the sea. A number of new Field Day festivities and he ta facing son. Is an accomplished pianist and tion of a friend of Mr. Limerick, Mr. arrivals have been unceasing In his efforts to make the E. S. noted the past few Is a pupil of Karl of the New John EH Ikes, also of Philadelphia, who LEEMAN affair the success of former years. Staarzny days among whom are Mr. A. C. Lv England at with his wife their In with the Conservatory Boston She spent honeymo>n ■alley's Island, Mains. Monte with Mrs. La Monte and company Libby's are Mr. has here son. rendered many selections and ac- the early part of the season and Mrs. Charles D. Bates, also of Livery, Teaming and Baggage Our of 8cranton, Pa. The former Is con- companied Rome of Miss Expressing. carriages that the singers re- Mary Caawell. of meet ail boats; structing engineer for the Delaware town, both of whom are enjoying secretary cently. Wellesley College, 1a U«t» ortm «t f««r h«M w and the Island for the first time Mr. registered among boaHlag ytoM tmr lamin a •— Lackawanna R. R snd In coming the Rrpr«M. T*l#phoa» 1 « Bates Is In of the Saturday evening Mr. Edgar II. guests, she having been here since to Casco Bay. the family are very charge upholstering Paine will tender the of the the first part of August much inclined to congratulate them- department at B. H. White depart- gueata hotel and Invited frlenda a Miss M. selves. It Is their first to the ment store at Boston. Mass also with private Wylle and Miss L. St.C. trip maaked the aame W. coast. the party are Miss Elsie B. Litchfield ball, to take place Wolfe of Philadelphia, who hare be*n George Johnson, In the mualc room and at here on a Maine. Rev. A. T. Arkln of North of that town and Mr. and Mrs. Henry lobby S.34 short stay, left Monday for ■alley Island, Philadel- p. in. The Spertsl attention A. Harding and young daughter, Doro- Invitation* to the party Farmlngton. N. H.. where will t+ran to IWilfiff and niHnt partiaa Motor alonp phia, who Is rector of the Episcopal havo they Ia*M already b«>en Rent oat and the one week with PtraoM, rtptbl* of carry In« forty. Bait and linaa fumiakai to church has been here thy of Wo! I as ton, Mass. Mr. Hard- spend Miss Wiley's sla- there, several function Aahfaur ptrtlm. Prteo 00 Is and treasurer of the protnlaea to be a brfl* ter. After their sojourn there SI aKk. MHnc. 8c ateh. Ltfa praaariai seaeons. He arrived last week and ing president they for all. llant affair. Prlzea are will to ToOot ammtiiKnti. ate. Sailing partiaa da'ljr at t p- m. from was Protective Disability Insurance Co., to be award- go Olrard College, where th*y warmly welcomed to Bailey Is- ed and Matkoraf Cm wharf. with office at l«l Devonshire 9t. Bos- many have already signified are teachers. land again. their ton. Mass. Intention of competing for the Mr. Henry A. Alkenhead haa Joined honors. his family at Juniper, and will stay Miss Ethel Dodg» and ulster. Mis* Rev. P. through the remainder of the month. Rath Dode with MIm Marietta Wool- Coatello Johnaon of the St. LOST. He has Paul a Rplacopal church. New large factories for men's wear bury of Beverly, Maw are among York, Pair of tortoise shell eye DOMESTIC In will hold aervlce* In the glass**— many Tork state cities. this week's arrivals to register at this church par- on Orest lora lorgnette-gold chain, Che* KEY WEST Messrs Hemsley Massey of Phila- popular hostelry for the remainder of Sunday morning from 7.50 to « a Aug. 6, between Central m. after which bengue delphia. I^w. Foster, of Jersey City, the month Th*y arrived Monday Holy Communion will Landing and W. H. Meldrsm's bouse and be celebrated. There are Will Powers of Brookllne, have evening and are upending thMr first many Rpla Finder pleaae return to Caseo AND ropallan* among the Bay IMPORTED gone to Bar Harbor on a ten days summer outing In Pasco Bay. and will gueata and sum Breeze, care H. W. Bowen at P. O. cruise In the Yarht "Oulda." sailing without doubt become Infatuated with CIGARS. Saturday last. this charming Island. Mrs. Collin and Miss Roth CoAn Mr. and Mrs. H. 8. Peare and aon n. W. JobMM, Prop.. MIot'i l.laarf. Ma of Newark, who registered this week, Wlllard, of New York City, registered BROWN & have eu TURNER, visited this hotel several years Monday to spend the latter part of sir* ircwattetloia boro. dttkltf. bnotlo* «o4 MlH- >lag hurt la frost of ago and always held a warm pla^e August at the Hill Crest. Mr. and tha bom. RtMimt table wHh w» food, lobctor* ot«. TaMo board VM por owl. APOTHECARIES, for Bailey Island In their hearts, fi- Mrs. Peare have been regular totrlsts looai aceordtaf to kxaUoa, otr. opn ootll Sopt. I*. To lot floo tarfo oloo room for tbo moath 501 nally returning for another sojourn to Chebeague for a great many years aottoga of itoM. Eseolloot tWw of oewt aod boy. Apply Congress St.. Formerly Sehlotterbeck's, Portland. to H. T.J ohaaoo, Bal lay'a Mland, Maiao. ROCKMERE HOUSE FORMER AND NEW QUESTS CON- Casco Bay It is House, LonUilBnd' universally conceded that we carry the TINUE TO THRONG THIS POP- Island ULAR HOTEL. Long CHA5. £. CUSHING, FINEST ICE CREAM in Oasco Bay Prop. Notes of Their Activities During the Pact Week. our Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Hartsnorn. Mr. Try and Mrs. F. The ever popular Rockmere House S. Hartshorn, Mrs. C. EL 8. & Pace and Miss of H. BOOT BEEB, it is continues to receive Its hosts of sum- daughter. Margaret, simply perfect Mrs. E. mer patrons who never faH to find Franklin, Mass.. J. McLeod, Mr. and plenty of amusement and attractions Mrs. O. E. McLeod of Hyde Gold Mrs. Soda, Naboth Grape Juice on the thickly wooded Island. Most Park, Walter M. Church and Miss Anna C. Fredericks of hotel proprietors will agree that the Milton. are at best advertisement for their house Mass.. the Barracks, tfcc reun- Suchard's and ion of the Beputation Chocolates lies In the recommendations of their building 1-10-29th re?. Mlas Grace Walker old guests, through whose praises and Mr. Roy O. Phllbrlck were recent guests at many new patrons are persuaded to Oaxnp Anchorage. Miss Mabel Wood enjoy the attractions of the place for took part in King's a -'At the Head of the New themselves. The Rockmere has prov- Daughter, play \ Pier* given at Ferry Beach laat week. ed no exception to this rule, and Mrs. Wm. Larry and Miss Ethel many of Its new guests are attracted ^\t V^VyDD Cliff Maine Larry of Windham, Me., Miss Island, In this way. Among the people who Mary Hubbard of Glllhall, Vt.. are have come to the hotel this season visiting at the Imp, the summer home of Mr. the house on this through recommendations of H. J. Closson. Leading island, commanding a fine rlew of the bay. PIat friends are a party from grove the house Brooklyn, Mr. and Mrs. John Thurston of Cam- alongside where rockers and hammocks are for the use at made up of Mr. F. D. Hutchinson, Mr. bridge, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. guests. Bathing, boating and fishing. Clam Bake House E. Lb Haussmann. Miss Florence A. Edgell accommodates 401 of Cambridge are at the with dancing Clam Adams, Miss Margaret 8. Window Cambridge privileges. Bakes and Shore Dinners served here. Opea cottage. June 15 to and Miss Rosella Zelr. were Sept. 15. Rates and circulars on application. Accommodates They Miss Madge Rogers of Boston Is a 1011 & preceded here by Miss Marion D. Only twenty minutes sail from Portland. Colonial Furniture guest of Mrs. E. M. Dernier at Marin- Antique Andrews of their who has re- city, er. We turned with them a second time this also manufacture Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Frost are at the season to enjoy another at Ghre Us Tow Order after Shera- outing D'Shawmut and have as guests Mr. and tecefcre Sitisfactftoi Chippendale, this delightful place. and Mrs. W. P. F. H1U and daughter Orders to our stock are ton and Miss Catherine A. AH- replaoe received Hepplewhite de- Nelllgan of Eleanor. Mr. Willis Lawrence of New dali,» ston, with Miss Nellie thus our L Nelllgan and York and Miss Marlon Thurston of making sign*. Miss Ellen T. of McDonald Lewlston Portland, Miss Alice E. Loreltt is have Mr. and Mrs. PORTLAND UPHOLSTERING ANO Joined Daniel F. here and entertaining Mrs. C. EL Moo- Lehan and their iss party at the Gray dy, South Portland; Mrs. G. C. Llbby Groceries Provisions DEC0RATIN6 CO. cottage. The others are Mr. J. J. of Portland, and Misses Maud and Eva The best to be purchased is Casoo Bay. 27 Frtt Strut. Portlaad. if. Connelly and sons. Miss Agnes T. Moody of South Portland. Two deliveries Cashman. Miss Nora F. Miss Mr. daily. New Bafltnd 173-11 Burns, and Mrs. H. E. Harris of South Telephone Mabel F. Kennan and Miss Gertrude Portland were guests Sunday at the L. Hie A. H. Nelllgan. party have enjoyed Harris cottage. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. HAMILTON Central Landing many pleasant outings together and Robinson and Miss Helen of Nestle- on went Saturday to Chebeague to down cottage, Evergreen Ldg., were watch the baseball game. also recent guests here. Mrs. S. J. Recent guests at the Old R. H. Chamberlain and Mrs. Home- Grocery, Horn*CLEAVES Caroline E. Burr age of stead, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bakery and lew Cream Parlor Weston, Mass., Anderson, earxy the best line with the tatter's Mr. Clarence Whlttiemore of of Grooarlaa on the Island. our son, Master Phllltp Bowdoln" eanned and Try "Daisy" brand of The First Co. A. Bur ham, Mr. and Mrs. W. WB package roods. They stand for Our rage, are located at H. Brown. Sag- lea are qmality. bakery goods and Jump Mining the Home oraam both made on the and Mr. premises same ss Cottage, the new hotel annex. inaw, Mich., Chas. H. Roberts and in your own kitchen. Our eontein;the ingredients used, The lnorseslng trade Is our best Visit ladies Mrs. Jas. Dow of Chelsea. •toreand see for advertisement. ou, Stephens County, Washington were recently joined by their yourself. We are located next door to Poet Mr. Harold E. Office, Chebeague. brother, Mr. A. & Upham of Weston, Maclnnes of the- Mai- den Trust Co. is SHARES FULLY PAID AND NON-ASSESSABLE who will enjoy his vacation with them visiting his parents at LJtttejohn's. at the Bickford cottage; his brother, Mr. Herbert A. WEBBER & Among the many motor boat trips Maclnnes, arrived HAMILTON, Island acres of here Wednesday in his Chabeague Sixty richly mineral lead ground. In the famous Daertrail camp. enjoyed recently by the "Rockmere" yacht Norma, SOUVENIR, AND ICE CREAM SHOP Twenty acree on the aame veip as tha Eunt Qnccn and Sent from guests on the sailing here from Boston in less than Cigar*, Minea, "Esther" was the one Ttbaoco, Souvenir Postals. Ico Cream Delivered which $200,000 worth of ore haa been taken. To tart her contiooe devel- last four days. His Q all on. Cool Soda With to Order by Quart sr Monday up the New Meadows friend, Lester B. Purs Fruit at Our opment work, a few thooaand aharea will be aold for FMIH PISH MARKZT. Syrup Nsw Fountain. the low price of River. Thompson, accompanied him on the Wo bars at our store at Hamilton's Those who made up the party variety of sea food fresh from the Landing trip. After a short t'1* ocean. Dally delivery at ^ersty were Mrs. 8. W. Sharot and visit here they will tlejooa's Cbebeacue and Lit- daugh- return in the Norma. TenCts. Per Btxare ters, Misses F. E. and Jessie Sharot of New Mrs. A. M. Conley of Lisbon Meft rgnce Permieein: York. Misses Louise and Em- Falls, 6/ Crowley S Lunt.Pubfithtr* of The CaecoBoy Bre ze ma who has spent seasons Stenken of Bast Orange, Mr.'and many here at the West End. is a at EDWAHD J. Mrs. B. W. Millen and Miss Rebecca guest the Gran- FOBE8 ite Spring Hotel. Her C&. M. Drake, of Philadelphia, Mr. J. J. sister, Mrs. Charles Dickinson of is al- J. W. PHILLIPS. FISCAL AGENT Peters, Misses Mabel L*. and Ethel Pejepscot APOTHECARIES so here. Pure and 9 AND M. Simmons and Bertha L. of Droga Chemlesla. ROOMS 10. ODD FELLOWS BLOCK. MASS. Cutler, Mr. and Mrs. J as. Prsscriptftona BEVERLY, Mrs. S. Goodall of Poland Carefully Woburn, J. Chamberlain, and Mr. Compounded from StooK of and Mrs. Geo. of Freeh Mrs. Carolyn E Burr age, Wlhtehouse Druga. Phillip Bur- Hillsboro are at rage and Mr. A. E. Grove cottage for Upham of Weston, August. Miss Ethel M. of Weaver, Lowell, Miss Edith Campbell of Mrs. Henry T. Hodgskln and Miss Dorchester, Mass., is a guest at View CLEAVES VILLA Helen C. of Grand cot- Hodgskln Brooklyn, and tage. MRS. C. L. Mr. and Mrs. CLEAVES, W. M. McCullock and Mr. and Prep. FIRE three Mrs. Chas. Schonland were Cmntra/ INSURANCE children, John, Kenneth and in St. Mm. Manchester, N. H., last week at- Landing, CM»mgu» I., is worth all it because it a man Eliazbeth, of Homelike situated costs, gires the assured feel- Pittsburg* The party tending the funeral of bona*, on North had a their niece. road, near nd of content which he does not otherwise delightful day for the trip and Miss Flora grove beach. Nioe rooma, ing hare unless a Scheer, who was drowned farm prod acta raiaed on thoroughly good time was at plaoe. Bates, he cairies this form of When new enjoyed Newport. Miss Scheer spent a num- 18.00 to protection. placing by every member of the |M0. or jolly crowd. ber of seasons here with her additional insurance we would be to talk it The regular parents, pleased weekly dance which is who occupied the Everett orar with We make a of so cottage sev- yon. specialty Summer Homes heartily enjoyed by the guests and eral seasons. William A* Trufant of all kinds. A cottagers was held in postal card will reoeiye attention the hotel par- Hn. Gertrude E. HamlKon'a prompt lors last Perry was a re- lalane Friday evening. The rooms cent guest at were Sunny Slope cottage. Landhjig^Chstoeegue prettHy decorated for the affair She baa just returned Parties can secure pleasure boaU of H. 3. HAMILTON in from London, all and spite of the weath- kinds for all occaalons, alao unpleasant England. Mr. Clarence Smith and son Launches Naphtha er, a capable of caxryln* twenty pas- CARPENTER AND BUILDER large number were present. Edgar were with tO also guests here. sengers experienced men In charge. St, Portland, 966 Among the visitors were Row boats to let .Contract etnfnOr performed. Exchange Telephone Messrs. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Barlow at reasonable charges. * attend- Wharf Privileges to let. mXUarU* P«W«y Batchelor, Perkins, Curry and Wood- ed the birthday party of their utend& srd, who had nephew, come ashore from their Mr. Fred E. of CHEBEAOUB Ma. * Hughey ISLAND, ^ ^ yacht "Junior" in Washington which they are en- avenue. They report a most Island ProprUtor a enjoyable Lon^ Market joying cruise along the eastern time and delicious coast. The refreshments were young men were guests served. Cottage Lots CORDES of Misses Beatrice and Mr. There are no house lots better for CAFE, Marjorie Chas. M. Llbble of Boston is a of summer homes than on CHARLES W. COROE8. Sprague Somervllle, and MJsses pleasing guest of Mrs. W. P. those the Llt- Lillian Keene tlefleld 489 and Blanche Woolner of Ever- of the Everett cottage. property. Great Chebeague Congress 8L, Portland. ett who are Island. Have 70a considered staying at the Rockmere. Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Sawyer and fam- them? Adjoining the (apneas Longfellow On the of Address A. R. Great Monday young gentlemen ily Haverhill are In the cot- Llttlefleld, Che- Mansion. Pour floors. 12 Private from the Unique yacht "Junior" entertained tage for August. beague Island, Me. dining rooms. Misses Lillian and Recent arrivals at THE 8W0RD. toratlon. There 1b a which Blanche Woolner, Silence Villa are distinction Miss Miss Marjorie Sprague, and Miss Sa- Anne McRoble. Mrs. W. If. cannot be obliterated and never should rah Simp- The Stewart aboard the boat. The son and Mr. W. T. Reason for Its Restoration in be between Kirkham of West- Ignored the officer and the party a mount. The Armies. enjoyed very pleasant sail Que. cottage has been re- European man. Anything which deprives the among the islands. named B"wotth Weeping Willow on account of cMh- former of a mark of miss m. h. Vlets the «sw« As a result of experiences of officers distinguishing of Maiden arrived departure of Mr. A. Forbes and Kius'ssiass?,ot his rank must react on and at the son and In the Boer Great Britain discipline Gray Cottage last Monday, Arthur, the Misses Babe Rob- rr obto: war. relegat- where ed the interfere with that subordination with- she will remain for the month. erts. Lillian May. Susie (Ortr Ira F. Clark's) sword entirely to parade uses. and Robertson, a-z out which an army soon becomes but Mrs. J. A. and Mr. F. M. McRobie of West Moaum.nt In its place officers were McCoy daughter. mount. «q„ M«. supplied a Miss Florence I* Que. *»ot Foni»nd, with a mob. distinguished from other mobs McCoy, of Somer- Negotiable small carbine, something like ville, were Master the only by the uniformity of its clothing. recently joined by Mr. Mc- George Carpenter Is spend- ancient fusil, which they were to Coy for a short ing the summer Fanciful as It to vacation. The party fith his father. Mr. J. carry In actual the may appear civilians, G. service. In effect left last after a Carpenter at the tnere can be little doubt that the Wednesday three Harvard cottage, officer was en- offi- weeks' the West made to look like the visit and have gone to East End this season was the cer without bis sword is an officer who sheet and listed man as much as possible. Those Jaffrey, N. H., where they wiH so- pillow case party given Fri- has undergone a considerable reduc- journ for the day long distance marksmen, the Boers, rest of the season. evening by Miss Bessie Wray at tion of his Influence. Mrs. A. the Bronx picked out the officers by the flash of Stewart of Brooklyn was cottage. The evening was SOUTH HARP the future use of passed In various SWELL., MAINE their swords the Probably the sword recently joined by her sister-in-law. games. A and consequently dy hurdy gur- Stables at will be simply to the lead- Miss Sarah B. Stewart. are en- furnished music for mortality among holders of commis- emphasize They dancing on of officers. joying their at the the piazza. Delicious Nmi Vltw sions was ership Personal combats stay Fern Cottage, refreshments HtrrkoMag Octin Koau Auburn great, to the demoralization near were Colon* will become rare the hotel. served during the of the men In despite the record of evening. The finest and the ranks. Germany Mr. W. W. Misses Helene and livery, boarding sales stables in Caaco (he Japanese war. Such a Sprague left on Sunday Mildred Schon- Bay. for the same reason took away persistent to land Oar three ntables are ed to also return to his business in 8oraer- entertained their the equipi handle all the baniness of the death-despising hatred as the armies friends, this sword from officers and armed vHle. He was Misses Olive place and we are to of Russia and accompanied to Port- Eastman. Mildred Merri- prepared furnish teams with carefnl them with a Japan manifested for weather and small rifle. The theory land in the "Esther" by his wife and Mildred Mace. drivers at any hour of the or each other Is not encoun- Miss day night. and of the change was that all wars were frequently Beatrice and Elizabeth of Expressing In daughters, Marjorle and Harvey Somer* moving of all kinds receive tered history. Most armies, espe- a vllle is a guest prompt and caretnl attention. fought and would continue to be fought party of friends. They were Mrs. of her sister, Mrs. Have all cially those of the great Z. a Libby, who Is yonr baggage checked in care of A. 1 •t such long ranges that the sword military pow- Sault of Somervllle, Mr. Warren summering at West- E. inkham, ers, with a Hill and lawn. Mrs. Annie South Maine. * would be of no a fought purely professional family of West Hsrvey is also a Harpswel), value as weapon, Somervllle, guest here. while interest, and entertained for one an- Mr. R. W. Lilley of Boston. Misses officers would be made more Miss Jane other no feeling resembling rancor, Lillian, Blanche, Gertrude and Sara Mlddleton was a recent conspicuous targets by brandishing It guest of her aunt range Woolner, and Mrs. A. Stuart of Brook- at the Owl ana as directed the movements tang firing efficiency still prom- Mrs. cottage. they lyn. Allen Is her of ises to be the determining factor of entertaining nephew, their men. Now as the result of Mr. Chas. of other Mr. O. K. Healey of Boston a Kennedy Ashmont. Dor- the of the hsttles* conditions being equal. spent chester. observations Rosso-Japanese fpw days last week with Mrs. war Personal encounters between officers Healey TENNIS 5HOE5 the sword has been restored to at the Ex-Com mod or* ANDC»ROWN /5 hotel. J. F. Penno of officers of high rank are of Infrequent occur- the Good both of the British and the Mrs. Phlnney and her Wollaston Yacht club «u Wearing Tennis Shoe® at low rence. Some of the most daughter. the entertained prices. Men's, Ladies', uojsr Oerman armies. The fierceness of the distinguish- Miss O. E. of past week by Mrs. E. Youths' and Children's ed leaMrs Phlnney Northampton F. Taylor Beet White Bole of men In battle hare relied are guests at of the new Goodyear Tennis, Higb struggle between the Japanese and the the Oray cottage for Reward cottage. Mr. 8. R. and Low Cut Agents for the Fsmons upon personal example of Indifference a short Bradley, who was a Terhnne Shoe (or Men. Russians, the frequency with which stay. They are accompanied guest here, has re- to danger rather thsn Mrs. turned to his both armies at close upon weapons. by Andrew Cassldy and daugh- home In Dorcbenter. Tfi9 Touritti' Stort foaght quarters, When In KARR'N 47 Sire * Marat found a riding wand sufficient ter, Miss P. Mabel of Boston. Portland don't fall to Exchangt the activity displayed by the Japanese Casaidy on call for his In Dr. and Mrs. Coblentz Mr. I.*nge of the officers In the fre- purposes directing the of New York Portland Uphol- personal leadership, were Merlng and charge of the Napoleonic cavalry. He guests at dinner last Thursday. Decorating To. for quent value of the sword not only In will he pleased to show very seldom wore a sword. Chinese of you his stock pointing the way but In personal com antique and colonial Gordon the ever New Um for "Cat-Tall*.* furniture, or hat*, hare a pointed way of "the he will wrought radical change reproduce any form of furni- In Invincible army" with a bamboo cane, "Cat-talla.'* which are util- ture for European expert opinion as to Its scarcely you after Chippendale. Rhera- ▼aloe. and doubtless other Instances ised at all In thla are aged ton or It Is realised that practice has might country, Hepplewhlte design*. He re- be cited of generals who In service In as for the ceived an order Impeached theory and that men In- England filling uphol- Isst week for a desk Shore never to be nent to 60c drew a sword for a Dinner, any of bnt hitherto the customer In spired by heroic leadership or by pa purpose stering fornltaro; Re* Kentucky. other than to return a hss been sdrcrtlsement. trlotlc Impulse will disregard tones of salute.—Boston supply rerj small on ac Mr. A Ion so .Worrell fire and will rush Transcript. count of the poor results which have and wife snd them with such en- Ml*s as been obtained the use Krsnddaxhteur, Lola Record of THE ergy to by of ma- discompose defenders arm- this Kast Auburn. CASINO ed with terial. The closest Me., are at their cot- long range weapons and ren- On® Cannot Be Both? competitor of tage. Mariners Ending, for severs! Littlo der their aim wild. "cat-tails" Is the Indian fibre kopok. weeks. Diamond Island "It Is easier to be good than treat,' The srgument for which hare thua far been sent to Mr. and the restoration of remarked the morallser. Mrs. A. N. Wellman of the sword Is both and Rnglsnd from tho United States hare Portlsnd are SPECIAL THIS WEEK practical senti- "Yen," rejoined the csmplng out st mental. demorallaer. rarled In from 2 to Wellmsn near Csmp It Is to the ofllcer what the price 4 cents per Ponce's Clan Cbowtor "one haa leaa opposition."—Chicago Mr. landing. Pith Cbowdrr Lobster 8:ew baton Is to the pound. A I/ondon Importer has Fred Ford of the orchestra leader, even Newa. In- Boston Tran- OlMBMd Clams Pried Clams Dully vited the script Is his If he Is not called upon to use It In through Bureau of Manu- upending vacation at the Olives aDd MIxH Pickles West End Botled •eff-defenre. factures of Waahtngton the with hi* family Lotwtar Fish Potatota In the past It has erer sending Mr. Birsd iDd Batter HeTentjr-flr* percent of the home- with snd Mrs. P. E. Dssstrt 1 sa or Coffee been the of a of sample* lowest f. Walbrldge of point charge and It has stead en In Laa quotations, Maiden. trice the Anlmaa forest o. Maas.. are guests of always been the mark of the officer. b. seaboard, preferably Now Tork. Mrs. HERB YOU OET THE reserve In Colorado are fraudulent, and Walbiidge's brother, Mr. Eddie SHORE DINNER WHAT AH, Reasons which be hla addreas will be furnished at James may called those of Daniel E. In up- the West End. THE AND *Mjrs Pit ton. charge of the on to the LOBSTER THE FESTIVE CLAM morale have also pleaded for Its res- application bureau—Boa rcaerre. ton Herald. (Continued on Page 6.) and over a rippling sea. It Is a balm also guests at the Spear cottage. for wounded hearts as well as an In- On Saturday forenoon several of spiration for lovers. the Spear party enjoyed a most suc- cessful deep-sea Ashing trip, bringing in a catch of one hundred pounds, in- cluding the remarkably large ocd caught by Captain H. B. Evans, which is reported to have weighed THE twenty- NEW HILL CREST L five pounds. Mrs. Allyn also made a CHEBEACUE, MAINE Lktlejohn's * - a fifteen Charles W. Summer Retort Journal in New fine catch of pound cod. Hamilton, Proprietor Largest England Those who made the trip were Mr. T. Published R. Spear. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Every The "Blue J ays" at the Shepherd log- Spear and daughter. Elizabeth. Mr. cabin continue Thursday Afternoon to enjoy the most de- and Mrs. W. W. Allyn. Captain H. B. lightful sort of a vacation. Two moon- and Miss Vena Prom to ami on the Last in Each Evans Erhart. June September Thursday Month light sails were in the from October to participated Mrs. W. R. Fullerton has gone tQ May first of the a week, trip among the in- Prout's Neck for the rest of the sum- ner islands and another to the outer mer. after enjoying a rest of eight CROWLEY LUNT, Editor* sad Publishers bay being enjoyed. On Tuesday after- weeks at "Crow's Nest." Mrs. A. M. noon the young ladles went to Casco Ames' cottage. 92 Castle and Office, Exchange Street, Boom 5, Portland the next evening enter- A brooch pin in the form of a tained their many friends from the "fleur-de-lis" was lost by Mrs. W. H. TERMS hotel and cottages by a progressive Osborn of the "Arcade" last Friday ••five-hundred" party at the log-cabin. morning, probably between the steam- On* Year, $1.00; Summer Season, SOc; 5c The Single Copy, trip by steamer and electrics to boat landing and the cottage. She is Bowdoln college and Brunswick was very anxious to recover her loss and ADVERTISING RATES made fifteen by of the party Thurs- would be greatly obliged to one inch first additiona 1 insertions at reduced any $1.00 per week; rates. Reading Notices, day and the next day was a busy one who finds and returns the pin. 15 cents line. A our man with a visit to per postal brings advertising Fort McKinley, a clam- A party of friends of Mrs. Frank bake on the beach at noon, and the E. Spear enjoyed a very pleasant dance at the hotel in the evening. cruise in the "Minna" last Friday af- Advertisers must send in on or before Five of the ladies returned to desiring changes copy Monday preceding young ternoon. The trip was made up Harps- of their on day publication to insure insertion. homes Saturday and made well Sound and occupied about two the trip to Portland in the camp hours. the were Hotels and Houses in the for four or more inches Among guests Mrs. B«^r*»ng Bay contracting launch. were Miss Marion located. it *or They West R. M. Smith and her Miss Vir- The rlew from the' space per displayed advertising, have the privilege of inser- friend. brnrm^m room* weekly of Wollaston. Miss Irene Kimball of Wise of on tacb floor. Fin lon of names under the classification of of of ginia Williamsburg, Mrs. S3aSn2 "L* To'i?5 table Register Tourists, free charge. Miss Va., SSKrSf4 $5F*lfc jftj* la supplied with 3 Newton. Sybil Wytt of Dorches- E. P. Soule and several of her own arm. •.— visit- 'r°m Tennis court on ~lawn~lc "ftonr — — ter. and Misses Morrill Sous? JtatWh o«f Gladys and ors, Mr. Lincoln and Mr. W. A. Ho"»® on>r 0r* minutes from Soule. Lmdln*:^ d«nct h»ff and MfrrtPm*» AUGUST 1908. Margaret Morrill of Concord, N. H. and of amusement room outside the "»'i hotel Pl-mr THURSDAY, 20. Harris. Jr.. Master Daniel L. Har- aim*Wi 2.Ji*S •"* rascal- The were to etc. BookiriTui "Bluejays" Joined the same ris of Chebeague. S^J^tSSo52: SWran? Miss day by Edith Meadows and Ethel Miss Mary E. King has returned to Increases the ton values which as Stone of and MINIATURE ALMANAC Canton, Mass.. Miss her home in Boston after a delight- Ratis oi Appllcitioi. Aecoaiodatts above said, run about fllS at Romer of 120. Opi Jim 15 to October I, present. Lucy Dorchester. ful visit of two weeks at "Hill Crest" Week of 20 to 26. The United States Nickel Mr. and Mrs. T. August August Company, Henry Hodgskin with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ready and Sun Tide which owns the have a and son. and Mr. Hodgskin's Length High mine, standing sister. family of Roxbury. The young lady Season ol 1908, Joie 20 to it Day. Rises. Sets. of Even. offer of Miss Helen C. all of New SepL Day. Morn. $100 to any one who can blast Hodgskin, has grown very fond of Llttlejohn's 20 5.08 6.58 13.50 5.50 6.26 a York, are August at the piece of rock within a radius of one- spending Island, and anticipates many more SUMMIT HOUSE 21 5.09 6.56 13.47 6.50 7.27 Hamilton cottage. half mile as as a pleasant vacations here. It is safe to square large walnut The ChibMgut Island. •22 5.11 6.54 13.43 7.51 8.25 young ladies from Allston, that she in which the nickel cannot be seen say will entertain her many On 23 5.12 6.53 Mass.. who are on the crest of the choa> 13.41 8.49 9.16 summering Little- friends in the with en slope, with the naked eye. No one has city interesting by «r«ryon« u an ideal 24 5.13 6.51 13.38 9.40 10.01 yet John's have formed two baseball teams tlon. loci* accounts of her experiences on the Ovarlooking the oc«a» troubled them for the The which call and 25 5.14 6.49 13.35 10.25 10.42 money. they the "Allstons" and wooded isle. tha restful Island scenery of field and *26 5.15 6.48 13.33 11.06 11.22 mountain appears to back up the con- "Rockmeres." In the game recently wood. No better spot for complete rest and fidence of the owners at played on the diamond near "Hill rao* every point. re*tlon. Table and sarrtca first- • Crest" Miss New Moon. The location is ten miles from Rum- Catherine Nelligan and class, Accommodates, with cot- Miss tar*. Tl fueats. New ford Palls an Nellie Nelligan exhibited re- cottar- by excellently graded MRS. CLINTON M. HAMILTON. annex this year. Rata* markable at the as Proprietor. ■nna hi* rea which runs ability bat, did the LARGEST NICKEL MINE IN road, within 500 feet of the Misses O'Brien. Mrs. Ready of the Harbor WORLD BEING mill. The concentrates are Candy's DEVELOPED IN sacked, "Allstons" knocked a home-run. but MAINE. sewed up, taken to the railroad and her team was defeated by the score, shipped in sealed cars to the refineries 12 to 4. A return game will be Island View played Oakhurst Island. Cottage It is known that which buy them outright before soon. gradually becoming they This week has witnessed an influx Great Chebta^ue, Me. the big deposits of nickel in Rumford leave the company's inllL Mr. and Mrs. O'Brien. Jr., have ar- of visitors that has tested the capa- I*. F. are The rived at the Allston where HAMILTON* Proprietor likely to be the source of supply present plant has been erected cottage, city of both the houses on this island they will sojourn for two weeks. of a share of the world's demand as a unit and is to be to such an extent that a LOCATION and good augmented by Mr. tent has been "JJIINE everything first-clsss. and Mrs. R. H. Green have re- JD V%fmndiiA and rooms. for this metal for years to come. The another set of crushers, rolls and ta- erected under the pines to be occu- large airy Rates on turned to their home In New pllc*tlo&. Cottage and annex iccommodtla of this bles the next few York, pied by a from West Importance statement is hard- during months, after after a visit of two family Newton. 86. Nioe shade tteei. Jane 16 to weeks with Mrs. There are Open 15. realized without a which the will 20 guests here, all Sept. ly personal visit to development be grad- Green's mother. M. A. at enjoy- Mrs. Wood, ing the many the mineralized territory where a ually extended until at least 1000 tons the White cottage. diversions, sailing par- ties to Quohogue bay and adjacent modern concentrating mill is now in a day are handled. The rock is con- Mrs. A. M. Yetten of Waltham ar- islands, motor boat parties to Port- and about a ton of centrated 15 to 1 on the rived last for a two Hamilton Villi operation valuable average. The Wednesday land, races weeks' visit at swimming at Sandy beach, Island concentrate is being made It has mine is only six hours ride from Bos- "Lindhurst," Mr. C. Chebeague daily. Hick's just across the way from here, and ton and three cottage. Mr. H. Seavy has also Aimo E. Hiiauos, Prop. been known that the Appalachians are from Portland via the visits from guests of isl- returned to L4ttlejohn's from his home surrounding At the popular East End. highly mineralized in places but Maine Central Railroad and is well ands. helped to make an in- Oily only in Somerville and will remain here for unusually t minutes' walk from Eaatern a few worth a visit. The teresting week. Mr. one very prospectors have ever been company is capi- the rest of the season. Brown, of the landing. Pine grove and shaded able to convince talized under the guests, took a on the walks. Preah (arm and onsen Investors that the ore laws of Maine for Mr. Edmund Munsie has returned to large party motor boat, to products. Best of refsrsncee. bodies were of commercial value. It 500,000 shares, par value $1 and hard- his business in Leominster. Mass., after "Reliance," Xewmead- ows Inn on Bates on application. Aoeom- remained for Mr. ly stock has been spending two weeks with Thursday, all returning at W. N. McCrillis of any sold, most of it his family at modates with oottage 40 pwti. the "Pine eveniug enthusiastic over the trip. Rumfofd Falls to locate, promote and being retained as treasury stock and Cone" cottage. On Satur- day evening Mr. and Mrs. Munsie develop into a producing mine the bis payment for the property. The work and North road, near Noddle Head, near East- their daughter Margaret, were includ- property now spoken of, and in doing accomplished already would have ern End and Central 1 min. ed in the party from the island, which Central landings. Only 4o he has not only opened wide the been made the excuse for selling at walk from shore & attended the playette "Peter Pan." bathing beach, boats, et beague. ast week at guests of Mr. Stetson and rivals at the camp last week, among lnteresieu guests hete on tne lsiauu It is understood that Mr. E.-. K. Bal- family last While heie Miss Snively was Intervale, N. H. They returned home week. very them being Miss Elizabeth McGregor many ol wuoui purcnased sctnts o» lard of "Khatmandhu." who has been pcpular among the younger people. to Bailey on Tuesday after a most de- itd Mr. acd Mrs. J. C. Hill, of Athol; tuis vicinity. Lau> in tue season ulna suffering lately from severe neuralgia, Mr. Benjamin N. Lackey, the fash- nd at all times was most active in lightful stay where the environment (Mark Miller, of Pittsburg. Pa., who i^raotree will conduct auoiuer exhibit. has derived much benefit from the ionable dressmaker of New York city, the social functions. Miss Snively 1b differs from that to be had at Bailey. is a member of the camp and whose Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Weeks auu treatment of Portland The arrived two weeks ago and is now en- i charming young lady to meet, and specialists. Mr. C. Brook of parents. Judge J. J. Miller and wife, rwatnerme ac- friends in Casco of Mr. Bal- Harry Hartford. tertaining liberally at the "Studio" his her host of admirers regret to have granuoauguter, weexs, many Bay. arrived here ne at The Hamilton; Miss Angle ms. will be to hear of his Im- Conn., Saturday for an host of Bailey Island friends of the UT leave so early in the season. companied oy Wee*8 sister, alt lard, pleased extended vacation and will be enter- social Wheeler, of Kverett. Mass.; F. F. of arriveu condition. set. l^ast season Mr. Luckey A Maluen, Mass., Saturday ioi proved repetition of the playette. scenes Williams, a prominent of tained at "Edgecliff." the summer was a devotee of painting, but during attorney a bojourn of two weeks at the lsiauu Mrs. Guy Ridge, with her young sou, from "Alice in Wonderland." which N. whose son. Is home of Mrs. Kdwin Tolles on Little his vacation this 3uffaIo. Y., Roger. View cottage. a year his time will wps given on William Monteith, is expected for Harbor shore. be Friday evening. August in the camp; Rev. I^awrence Haywood. employed in other recreations. ."th. at The tenia birthday 01 second visit of a few weeks, at the Cottage Hall, occurred Friday r.f the Unitarian church of Newbury- anniveisary Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Smith of Miss Mabel Irish, who has been last an Amoia narris Harris was celebrated Ridge cottage at the West End. visit- evening tefore audience that l»oit; Mrs. W. D. Lucy, of Worcester, by Worcester. Mass.. arrived on the island ing at Old Orchard, arrived at taxed the of the a number ot uer young trienus a* Mr. Waldo Gllddcn has returned to Bailey seating capacity hall. whose son. Donald. Is In camp, and Thursday last for a two weeks' Friday to join at the Turner i"he childi en "iNOddke Heau' last stay, cottage were seen to fine ad- r. K. Gibbard. of New York City. s»aiurday alter- Boston, after a pleasant vacation spent and are registered at the Seaside. her brother. Mr. F. S. ard their work noon, ihe took tne lonn 01 a Irish, deputy .actage showed care- The camp enjoyed the semi-weekly patty with his parents at their pleasant sum- Mr. Smith holds a very prominent sheriff of Miss ful little Androscoggin. Irish, instruction and rehearsals on the sail on ('apt. Seabury's yacht. Fanny "Spider-web oee," each guest mer home. l>ositlon as assistant city clerk of Wor- who is a school teacher at her native •>ait of tnose under whese it out a maze of uun> auspices I*" Thursday. Rough weather pre- lo.lowing string .Mrs. James sinkinson 01 Belling- cester. and formerly for several years home, is to be entertained as a was The were ne teacneu ine euo aim a guest given. following the vailed. but a were out and lound sou- who some time met with an was associate jolly party ham. ago editor of the Worcester at the Turner cottage for about two children in the cast: Vlvla venir attached thereto. was 101- Barnard. enjoyed the sail. Tnis accident which deprived Evening Fost. weeks, after which she will return temporarily to Icscelyn Wccdman. Katherine Burnet. will not be closed un- lowed uy the customaiy games and u l>e Camp Pequoig her of the use of one of her arms, is Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Osborn of in readiness for of • ildrcd Sinnett. Winifred Woodman se-rveu commencing til the latter part of August. The uainty repast was in tne spa- now Croton. N. school. nd Master Monroe rapidly recovering. Y.. located on the Hudson Gray Barnard. first year has been a successful cious liviug room. L.lttle Miss Ambia very Miss Sinkinson. who is an enthusias- river, are occupying the Adams cot- Mr. Foster Marshall of Philadelphia Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Neavling and one. received a number of pretty and use- the .s tic worker for the Portland Fraternity, tage. "Seashell," for the month of cx|>ected about August 2.~>th. and "amlly of Neal street. Portland, are at ful in honor of her an\» gitts birthday, has entertained several of August. They were in search of the will be a guest of I)r. and Mrs. the "Periwinkle" on ner friends had a most parties Sidney Mackerel Core On Sunday occurred the christening young enjoy- rest that T. Skid more and young girls from her district in Port- only Bailey Island affords, daughter at the Rose shore for two weeks. Mr. Neavling is of able time together. The little visi- Donald Weston Bell, the ten-weeks- land. at her summer and were recommended to this place cottage. 1 traveling salesman for the National tois included the children of Mrs. home. Belling- old son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. ham. by friends. Mr. E. I*. ('ash Register Co. Mr. sis- Hawkins of Burgee of Ix>uisville. Ky.. Neavling's Hell of Portland. The pretty ceremony Phillip "Mtnnanoke," Miss tor. Mrs. J. E. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Sherman are Josephine Thorp, who owns a arrived last week for a visit at the Sweeney, and husband was performed by Rev. James F. Edith and Stewart, and Mr. Prescou beautiful summer on cf were spending their first summer in their home Pebbly "Farmhouse" with Dr. and Mrs. B. P. Harrisburg. Pa., visiting a Albion, pastor of the First Unlversa- Hitchcock's children, Hilda, itacnel beach is few last week aDd returned new cottage and have had a shore, greatly missed by her Luckey and family. days home list church. Portland, on the lawn at and Klchard, who are summering ai pleasant season. host of Island friends. This on Thursday. Mr. is man- the bowen on They are planning to return Bailey Mr. and Mrs. I^ee S. Clymer and Sweeney the summer home of ("apt. and Mrs. cottage the Nortn summer she is touring and will ager of the Pennsylvania Tele- Road. to Woodfords in time for the fall term Europe daughter Valeria. accomi>anied by two Oscar Charleson at Great Chebeague. visit many of the cathedral cities of phone Co. at that place. of school. aunts, of Reiglesville, Pa., were guests After the ceremony a delicious dinner Mr. John M. Ash, Jr., of Philadel- France. Miss Minna Mr. O. F. was on Tuesday of Mrs. E. S. Richards at Kramer, of Boston. was set\ed on the lawn, at which phia. is enjoying a two weeks' stay Sage, of Boston, the Rev. John Kimball. |>astor of the Uni- her summer home at Rock Point. Mass.. who is visiting Miss Howell. there were the following invited guests: with his family at their beautilui winner of a silk umbrella in the versalis! church at was in s|>ent last in Portland. While Mrs. Miss Jessie A. weekly roll-off at the Marlboro, I)r. A. Mann Richardson of East Tuesday Margaret Bell, summer home, "Ashcroft," near tht Friday evening Turner a few last week, where there Miss Kramer visited River ton Mis. Ida M. Master Chebeague bowling with a two- days Orange. N. J.. is the guest of her Bell, Chellis, bouth Koad. alleys he was formerly pastor of the Univer- Park. Harold S. Chellis. Mrs. B. \V. Titcomb, string score of 185. There was much brother. Prof. Charles Riborg Mann Air. ti. 8. Codding of Waltham was salis! church at that He re- Mr. Miss Adelaide S. Miss Flor- enthusiasm as usual, as all were eager place. of Maiden Ing Island, will spending the summer. cottage. make excursions into mountains and John N. Rose. Mrs. Kmily Hamilton. following Saturday morning the one- be entertained for the rest of August over hills >lr. and Mrs. Bert rand J. Miss Harriet Pownell, daughter ot half dozen ladies' handkerchiefs were .Miss Klizabeth C. Adams of New- at the by foot. Mr. Rarnard and Doughty, summer home of the Skid- Mr. won is will a and Mrs. Oscar Charleson, Rev. Pownell, city electrician of Wal- by Mrs. O. II. Burkhardt. of New- bury port. Mass., a recent arrival the Rose daughter devote week to this ("apt. more's, cottage. is this week at tilt ton. as the first in to register at the Johnson House near profitable and healthful and Mrs. James F. Albion and family. tham, spending prize the ladies' Mrs. itastime. Little Harbor Owen R. Havens of Rocky Hill. Codding cottage. roll-off. Her score was 159 for the for her summer vaca- Mr. C. R. Mann, of Maiden I^ane, Mrs. A. L. Porter and daughter. Miss tion. Conn., arrived Wednesday of last week The a ot two strings. Iifunchcd a handsome new row-boat Catherine, of Brockton, arrived on the Strollers, party consisting for the remainder of the and Mr. month, in Mackerel island and are to be enter- eight young men from Boston, broke Mr. A. I>. Hentershee. who is inter- Kenneth Bingham, the cele- will be Cove Tuesday last. Monday entertained at "Edge Cliff." the at Soule's on ested in the brated New York baritone who Miss tained at the delightful home of Mrs. camp grove Sunday. antique furnituVe. busi- siient summer home of Mrs. Edwin Tolles. Jane ('reviling and Miss Doro- the H. C. Need ham, who is a sister of Mrs. They have been on the island for ness at Fall River, is with us afcpin greater |»art of last season at the thy .ticOrath. of East Orange. N. J.. At the on Summer two weeks and are this and for the next two "Farmhouse" with X. "Wyndhurst" »re Porter. They are to be here for about among the yearly year, weeks* Benjamin Hill the guests on the Island. Roth is also party was joined Sunday 3 week's visit. summer been will be at the home of Mrs. A. A. Hill. l.uckey, among the younger by young ladies were visitors on visitors, having coming Mr. and Mrs. Frank F. Dana and little .this here for several I»eople untitle to return here this year. island last and Mrs. Arthur W. Bell entertained a seasons. R. S. Davis Co.. Portland, sell good daughter Barbara of year were registered .Mr. Bingham is summering at Neus- (ireenfleld, Mass.. at the "Seaside." large |iarty of friends at her summer Mrs. George Lloyd and little daugh- furniture at low prices.—adv. for a two weeks' stay. Chester M. traitz. Germany, where he is studying Mr. home. "Amordale," on Tuesday in ter Charlotte, of Arlington Heights, The Church Fuller, who is spending this month and Mrs. Harry Smith of Wor- Chebeague Building Uernian. as well as doing concert honor of her birthday anniversary. A are to be entertained during August committee met at the at the cottage, returned to Boston Sat- cester. Mass.. who were formerly Friday evening work, and is to remain until after the delicious shore dinner was served the at the the summer home of Howard S. on a business s|»ending their vacation on "Bide-a-wee," home Hamilton and or- concert season. In he will re- urday trip. Harpswell on the January are guests |>orch which was deco- of Rev. and Mrs. John Hutchison. ganized with the following officers: Mrs. comfortably settled on this island. turn to New York to meet his many Saturday Joseph Cheney and rated for the occasion, golden-rod and Also visiting is Mrs. C. T. Parsons John S. Howard Miss Tuesday last they enjoyed a Ashing Crowley, chairman; concert engagements. Dalrymple of Worcester will ar- ferns being used in Seated of who has S. outing, serving later on the profusion. Arlington, been register- Hamilton, treasurer; Clarence H. rive at the to the supper I»r. and Mrs. A. T. Bristow of the Ilonnyview spend rocks. at the table were Mrs. Oscar Charle- ed at Cleaves Villa. I-lint, secretary. Reports were re- remainder of Mrs. F. "Hose s|tent of last August. E. lieede son, Miss Klsle Mitchell, Miss Flor- ceived from the Fair Mrs. l^edge" Monday of this Mrs. Herbert Miss Martha Thompson of Portland treasurer, week delightful cottage is visiting Richardson, of East ence Miss Bertha Miss A. at Brunswick with Prof. W. A. IJbby, Bond, was a few the J. Hamilton, and also from Allen with Mrs. Newman at Orange, N. J., returned home last spending days flrst part Houghton, who was a classmate of Bowdoin, Me. Kthel I^evln.Miss Charlotte Ilsley, Miss Harris, treasurer of the Peter Pan week, after a few weeks* with of the week at the "Spruces," the sum- Dr. Bristow at Yale. Mr. is Mr. Walter Hall, a well known mis- stay Dorothea Islley. Mrs. Ernest W. Tit- funds. Contributions check were Houghton relatives in Maiden l^ane. mer camp of Mrs. Goddard and daugh- by of of New is the comb. Miss Adelaide Master professor Ick- cottage Massachusetts Col- a l^ewiston, returned last week to s|>end |>opu- Woodbury. ing adjourned until later date and lar young men will be York, recently guests at the "Seaside" wood. Mass.. Miss A. ony, Sunday. the remainder of August at the "Rose- cordially wel- Merrimac. Lucy will be held at call of three of the comed their ■ottage. returned home after Kast Mrs. Ber- Mrs. (Catherine Robbing niont" on Summer llill. where she has by many friends. Mr. Sunday French. Weymouth. and her members. Among other ways of ilall and are •M>ending a delightful two weeks on trand J. b«»en since in the season. family not strangers to Doughty. Boston, and Mrs. •laughters. Misses Ernestine and raising money a concert was suggested early this Miss this inland, having s|»ent the island. Talbot is a charm- Arthur W. Bell. Marie Robbins of Bristol, Pa., enter- to be given at The Hamilton sometime Dr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson with past three summers on ing young lady and won many new tained a number of at the this month. The tneir Bailey Island. Mr. II. C. Needham will return Sun- guests Eph- amount on hand is sister. Miss ohnson and daugh- friends during their short Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Irish of Buck- stay. for an extended at his raitn Hamilton homestead last Thurs- about $200. in addition to the deed of ter. Miss Helen Johnson of Chicago. en- day outing field. S. C. Pratt of Mrs. Root arrived early last week home and the day afternoon. The the lot which has been for. Joyed a sail to Gurnet Bridge Thurs- Turner and Elisha here, during coming young people paid Pratt of with their had a day last. Kumford left for their homes young son, l^ewis. Both Mr. week there will be a flag raising at very pleasant time, playing Miss Helen Wallner. of Boston, is on and Mrs. Root are Monday, while another party ar- residing at the which several of their friends will be many novel games which make such H|tendlnf( two weeks at the Bellevue. Mrs. R. G. White's niece. Mrs. Annie Pnlsifer rived the same day for about a week's cottage. Invited. Mr. Needham has been in an affair mont enjoyable. Refresh- She Is fond of and has K. Rose, and daughter. Miss Mabel E. yachting outlnK at the "Clarada" on Little Har- Mr. George Twlss, of Cleveland. O., Hudson for the |»ast few weeks look- ments were served In the parlors be- handled the tiller times In Bos- Rose of llrooklyn. arrived for many Sunday bor. Those who arrived this arrived and ing after his business Interests fore the broke to attend the ton harbor. a two week Tuenday will register at many party up weeks' vacation to be sjn-nt at are Miss Ina I hi rgin and Mrs. R. J. the "Seaside." Mr. Twlss Is a teacher there. dance at one of the hotels. The the Bonnyview on Summer which Oale Stearns, the noted artist of Ilili. Virgin of Rumford and Mr. and Mrs. of pnysics and has for several guests Included: Mrs. Cooke of Is one of the most yearn Miss Lacy A. French, of East Wey- Harry Washington, I). C.. gave an exhibition picturesque sites on F. L Pratt of Ix-wiston. held the |iosltlon of in the Mass.. and Minn Florence Gal- the "Barnacle" and Mrs. J. F. Swee- the Island from which to obtain a principal mouth. of water colors at lllll ('rest hall Fri- the Cleveland High school. He also Is of are the ny of the AMer cottage. Misses NHI suiterb view of the other islands of Friday Luckey and Smith fami- pln, Woodbury. Conn., day evening, at which all the art lies were Identified with I*rof. C. R. Mann McCormlck. Esther the bay. the imrticipants in a picnic of the guests of Mrs. Oscar Charleston at Cooke, E1l*ah*'th lovers were present. Mr. Steams' to 1J. of as Small Point, making the on the Chicago the author of Mr. her Hummer home. Ash, Hart lister Harris. Harriet work 1h a new Mr*. Jamfn 8. IV» trip and fresh conception of Hart of Kant R. S. Mann's well known book on Polly Physics. Mm. Krnest Weston Tltcomb and Sweeny. Margaret Newell and. Mary the art as seen here and the Orange, M. J., arrived la*t Mr. Twlss usually WwlnowJay K will remain for several Messrs. Walter Rogers, Nel- Is an the of Mrs. T. Root and daughter. Ml*» daughter. Adelaide, who have been Newell; detail extraordinary. Among other gueat her i>ar»*nt«. Dr. and weeks. son JpkhIp P. Root of the summer at Newell. Harris Newell. Morgan most excellent sketches were the old Mr*. J. I*. Reward of Maiden l*ane. Chicago. III., will be spending "Amonlale." at Minn L Ash. Allen Harris. Harris. Mra. I)e Hart giHRtii the "Barnacle" with Mrs. Dal*)- Hough and Mis* Ber- will return to their home on Atlantic Chesley "(Jeorge Hamilton house." "Camp will remain here three nlce Mary K. I'eck. who In a M. Chatflold of New Haven. Conn street, the last of the week. Daniel Harris. Frederic Sweeney and Breeze." and "Finh week*, and part of the time will he nUter-in-law "Camp Pequolg" 01 Mr*, (toot. inlved at the "Seanide" laxt Allan Cooke. Houses" at Kpent on her father'* hand*ome Saturday Mrs. Oscar Charleson and Miss l^icy Chebeague and "Pinnacle yarht for a wwk'* Both ladien Rock" In Mr. Alfred Streull of ntay. young of are Mr. William C. Newell of the and "Boat Houses" at Bailey "Clarlta." crulnlng about the hay. Montclalr. N. ire French, "Amordale." spending rooming with Mm. Bert Slnnett. Newell Putman button manufac- Inland. A number of views were For many nummer* Mr*. I»e Hart ha* J., arriv«*d Saturday for an extended the latter part of the week with rela- Co.. large vacation at Mr. E. II. of turers of is sold. be*>n a rewldent of thi* l*lan>l. and a the "Breakera" where Mr*. Reynoldn. Southbrldge, tives In Yarmouth. Springfield. Mass.. enjoy- member Streull In with Mans., after a delightful two week*' ing his vacation with his family at Mr. Samuel or prominent of the *orial clrele. fuimmorlng her mother. You can always save money by McClure, Pltchburg. At the clo*e ntay on thin Inland returned home "Justamere" cottage near the bathing Ma**., In at his of ner vl*it here *he will Mr. Theodore Marrlner anany her hu*band on a trip to Thornton Pray of Newton vllle. Mam*, homefurntshers.—adv. bathing beach. Monday ho the Southern State* and Mexico. who are at a Mr. Franklin Root, non of Charlen Among th«* recents at "Nod- wa« Joined by hi* daughter*. Mr*. A. cottage at Cape Eliza- Mr. Oeorge Parker of Bedford ha* gursts Mr. and beth. were T. Root arrived on the Inland dle Head" was Mrs. Mabel Wheeler K. Iludnon and Ml** Annie McClure. Mr*. H. BL llarrl* of San entertained Friday at the Sunday been a guest at the Codding cottage 'Tnnoda Re*t" on lant. of who the of lleverly. Ma**., both of whom will Iternardlno. Calif.. are gne*t* of Mr. Summer lllll. the past week. Bailey Brooklyn, spent day and Mr*. A new with her old classmate at Smith Col- remain for two week*. Sunday Mr. Charle* W. 8lee|»er at "Re*t- The "Katie Palmer." fluhlng achoon- Hummer cottage of the latent ablt." In Mr. and Mrs. Frank Snow and lege. Mrs. William A. Harris and her ffudnon will Join hi* wife for a week'* For the |»a*t three Mr. er which waa anchored In Mackerel denlgn being erected on the wentern llarrl* ha* whore for Miss Gladys of Milton arrived visit. The McClure family were been at the Maine General Cove three weeka ago, arrived In Bos- Mr. A. B. Paten of Dover. Ferry family. N. at the Crossman for among the early famllie* that made hospital. Portland, where a bad wonnd ton Friday lant. after a nt>cceanful If., who han been a guent with Saturday cottage Mr. John Williams, a well known trip I*lanav In Co. and bny that Mr. and Mrs. (1. B. Jordan, with Ro*e cottage until late in week*, left for her home on September. ing the Mummer with her at Saturday, Crane at the cottage furniture. Junf what de their aon. and daughter Barbara, of Mm. wa* a family *|»ent a "Tip Top" laat week, you Home jtucat at Chebea- the having delightful vacation. nlre.—adv. and "Barnacle," celebrated her birth- md spent a moat enjoyable outing. Waltham. Mr. and Mra. (Icortcc gue About Ave yeam ago. and on her Mr. and Mr*. A. B. day anniversary on August 1Mb a Fay and family Rlvfll of Wmtbrook are at the rot- arrival found a by of Mr. and Mr*. lilalr Friday evening a delightful great many chance* for a number of her Waahlngton. who have been at the T. Bcott and nurprine ta*e of Mlaa H. J. for the picnic young daughter party wan given to Minn Matilda Welln Bonney which dhow the rapid advancement of The l.yle cottage In the l'a*ture* thl* aum- Gertrude of Philadelphia next two friends. party left Chebeague at the weeka. Mlaa Bonn**y enter- the Inland an a anmmer renort. mer, went to Went registered at the Woodbine Wclln bungalow, by her hont of late In the afternoon and reached Kennebunk laat Haturday talna a (treat many frlenda at her for a three fiiendn among the mmmer French's week for the remainder of the *«*a*on weeka' stay. Their dangh- colony. dellghtfnl E*tell«» (1. Hall of Taunton. Ma**., Island In time to light the Miaa The affair wan In honor of her cottage. to occupy a new cottage which wa* ler. Gertrude. haa be*-n the guest birth- recently purchased two choice lota camp Are and pre|»are sup|>er before r»f ftr. hk day Mrs. recently purchaaod by Mr. Kay. Id more and far.itljr since early annlvernary. and the nurprine well William Stone and son Clar- of land on the extreme eaat end of the dark. The cloth was spread on a bluff In the season and on the arrival planned. Mian Wella. who la very ence. of Attlehoro. are with near the shore and the Mr*. Charlea H. Mann, wife of Re*. of vlaltlng Merrlam-Home Realty Co.'* property. guests gath- her parents Joined them at the popular among the younger of Dr. and Mrs. L. L. Hale. «nd are 10 room ered round to a most Charlm ||. Mann of ar- Wood- people A line elaht cottage la to be enjoy appetlxlng Klkhart. Ind., bine the Inland wan the and Cottage. recipient of many remain until the end of the month. erected during the fall and winter spread and cnt the birthday cake. rived Tn«Ml»y an a jcnewt at the cot- handnome gift*, which were retnem- which will be After the bountiful meal had been dis- tax#' of Prof. rharlea Hlhorx Mann. Wedneadajr evening a John Archie Walker and months. ready for occn pretty little berancen of thone preaent. The even- Mnrphy, posed of the Mra. Mann haw been upending aereral party wan Riven Mlaa Samuel C. Clark of pancy next *eaaon. Thl* dealmble young people enjoyed by Polly Knaaell ing wan npent In the unual with Everett. Maaa., themselves In wM» at on Smith at way at the eaat end la telling anecdotes and Njrak the lludaon aa the the anmrner home of her gamen an«i with Q. Roy Goodwin of Maiden, are property being rapid- during the evening refrenh- singing favorite song*. Jnat as the rnMt of her Mra. and a ram on ly deveinjx-d and within the we-'k daughter. MaeNHIIe. father, very pleaaant evening menta were pin a a very plctnreaqne site past nerved. The member* of a moon roae over the horizon the sail Rev. and Mra. Mann and were wan her on the ahore large number of aummer have family passed by friend*. On Thnra- the a front near Central land people the party en>oycd very delightful over the for home was commenced. A most among flrat to make Inland day another waa Riven at Inf. The men hare been on gone land. Ralley party the evening and wlnhed Minn young waa their unmrrwr Wella many enjoyable time had by all the home, and yearly mem- "Farmhouae" by Mlaa Harriet the laland for two weeka and are to Mm. lAtckey. happy retnroa of the day. Once V. Edward* and daugh- party, who will count this outing as t»era of the come to the laland remain nntll family Mlaaea labor Day. "Camp My- ter of Metuchen. N. J., are one to renew the Marlon L Chamberlain. Rlla I*. camping of the most pleasant memories of acenea of their child- M. Tork in aery No. 2." Is what have Kennan. Kthel O. Howe and nupplying everything they named at the end of the wood walk In Soule'a their summer vacation. Tfte guest* hood. Gertrude in the fruit and a too M. vegetable line, trop their domicile, bnt thla doea not Imply grove. Two were Cheney of Worcester registered at ieal yeam ago they Included. be*ldes Miss Cooke's family, Maater Clarence import*. to hin cuntomer* on that are Mahoney. aon of the Johnaoti House mnny they not enjoying a delight- among the camper* at Chebeagn*. Mrs. J. F. Sweeny. Misses Harriet Mra. Minnie AnguM Xth for the inland. Mr. York'a trade la Mahoney. who la em- their summer bigger fnl vacation, aa there la mnch merri- where also were vacation. than they *everal yeam Sweeny. Kllzabeth Ash. I fart I tester ever thia year. ment la the all circle, being able to before. (Continued on sixth page) The colony team was made up largely recent guest of Miss Marguerite of young boys and their May- Zander, of pitcher. berry at Rancllffe cottage. Mr. Chicago. III., were enter- Wocdruff label I. who Is Temple tained on only fourteen baa traveled In tbls Saturday by Mr. and Mrs. mhi years extensively coun- Mark %m eld. showed fine control, Peaks Owen of Chicago at their cot- striking try and Europe but thinks that the Island out fourteen men. Mr. A. tage on S. Young natural of Torrlngton Point. "Ryeland acted as beauty scenery on. and Beach." umpire. about. Cliff Island is The Auburn unsurpassed. m Colony tennis tourna- Dr. and Mr. and Mrs. H0TEL8 AND Mrs. have O. COLONY ENTER- ment had not been May berry enter- Peaks Island Henry Messenger completed at last tained this week defeated the Berlin with Miss Nellie TAINING MANY CITY is manager of Mr. Cressey. of the Messenger and Mr. PEOPLE. the George C. Shaw reports, Mr. David Rankin then Mills nine 5 to 4 on at the being well-known piano firm of ft Saturday James MacCartney. all of Boston, are Grocery Company in Portland. in the lead. Cressey Central Ave. grounds. The Allen. Portland. Me. home team having a most enjoyable of two Notable At Summer Home Mr. W. A. Fitts Mr. B. W. Baxter with has been outing Wedding has recently pur- his son, Mr. Mr. Cnarles W. Karcher playing good ball the last weeks at the Brackett Of Mr. and Prank L. of Spring- Tew cottage. The Mr*. Stephen Talis chased a new motor boat Baxter, and Miss contests, and has a num- twenty-foot daughter. Held. Mass.. has Joined his for large young people are very much im- Smith. of the Helen Baxter, have family ber of to its open type. It was built by the accompanied their two weeks. The games credit. Hayes of pressed with the attractions recent party have a pleas- of Peaks Palmer Engine Co. and is with guests, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. P. the Berlin Mills was unable to with- fitted ant and convenient camp on the North Island, and plan to spend their vaca- one of their Slay ton and family, to Poland stand the test of the Peaks tions Mitchell-Eisenhart. five-horse-power engines. Springs. road. Tney will leave for Island here in the future. On .Mr. Fitts* The trip Is made in the probably boys' Monday, the 17th. Miss Anna family enjoy dally excur- being Slay- borne at the end of Mr. batting which resulted in their Mr. sions tons' Berlit Karcher's visit. and Mrs. P. L Butman enter- Maria Dandridge of In the trim little craft, and ex- touring-car, and the jour- defeat. Mitchell, Vir- Mrs. P. Ij. I^ewis and daughter, of tained Mr. and Mrs. and Mr. pect to gain much ney will be continued the Charles R. War- ginia. Luther Pfahler Eisen- pleasure and amuse- through are Mrs. John Clark of 20 ren at White Mountains Springfield, occupying the Prank Sherman their pleasantly situated cot- hart, of Princeton. N. J., were married ment from the new outfit during the and Vermont. Walker street and Mrs. cottage for a month. Mr. Mary Foye of 124 tage, "Donnington for the at the "Red on remaining weeks of their Mrs. H. R. Rose with her son. Ken- Lodge." Cottage." Ash PolnL vacation. I^ewls is expected to arrive later. Spring street, Portland, were the week-end. netn. and daughter. Mrs. Mr. Butman is making ex- occupied by Mr. and Mrs. S. Pahs Mrs. L. Bibber a recent Edith, have ar- I^ewls came down guests on of Mrs. tensive enjoyed rived at their Saturday in com Wednesday Warren improvements on his home. Smith, of York. Pa., where Miss visit with her Mrs. cottage, having made with Chase on Welch sister. F. A. Wil- pany Mr. Karcher. who comes avenue. Mrs. Chase Mr. and Mitchell has been the trip from their home in Auburn Is Mrs. Prank Barker of spending the sum- son. and her daughter. Miss Caroline from the same entertaining her sister. Mrs. E. L. Epp- last in Mr. Ara city. ingham. N. H.. arrived mer with her sister. Mrs. Smith. It Bibber. The to Orr's Saturday Cushman's of recently for a trip Island was Miss Mildred of Greenslitt. Worcester, and a party two weeks' was an made automobile. Mr. Cushman returned to Bradford, Charles- of visit with friends at the exceedingly pretty, though In Mr. W. A. Fitts' launch and ton. W. friends from Manchester. N. H. She the city on Va.. is visiting Miss Phoebe western shore. quiet, home wedding, and was at- Mrs. Bibber was her Sunday. will go with Mrs. accompanied by Miss Hunter, at "Spruce Gum." Greenslitt to the tended the relatives Alice Creesh has arrived at the White Major Herbert Bartell has only by and near daughter, Mrs. E. W. Emerson, of Mountains for a month's stay in returned of Packard cottage in the Auburn On last Wednesday Mr. Edward to friends the bride and groom, as Dover. N. H.. her granddaughter. Miss Colony the fall. Daneville, Canada, after a delight- the for a visit of two weeks. Sortwell and Mr. Ingraham ful vacation with bride was in mourning. Tina Bibber, and Mrs. S. E. Pendel- Pearing. Mr. Capt. A. D. Boucher of and Mrs. J. B. McFarland of at The room was bowered with bury. Wlscasset. Me., stopped at Mrs. "Woodland Cove." Capt. Boucher spruce C. Groveton visited Mr. and Mrs. F. and SOCIAL LIFE HUMMING P. Hunter's on this island in their Gay- and his will boughs trailing evergreen, and a Mr. A. lor at the family leave for their George Elliot of East Roch- AT yacht to GlenclifT cottage over Sun- in miniature altar of white and GREAT CHEBEAGUE. "Ishkoodah." remain three home Montreal on Mondav. green ester. N. H.. spent Sunday with his days. day while on their way to Boston. added t!»e chapel effect. (Continued from fifth page) Mrs. J. S. wife. Mrs. G. A. Elliot, at the Bibber Mrs. Frank McDonough and her chil- The ceremony was Messrs. Price and Wiley returned to her dren. John and performed by homestead. Mrs. L Bibber en- Gilkyson. Gideon, lx>retta. are occupying Rev. also Harris, Ernestine of home in Llndonvllle. Vt.. on Henry F. Kloman. rector of St. tertained her Robbins, Marie Rob- Philadelphia. Pa., are here for a Monday their cottage at Ocean Terrace for the son, Mr. A. H. Bibber, after a visit of Stephen's church. and the bins. and Messrs. Walter week's stay, and to their delightful three weeks summer. Mr. Portland, of Portland, over the Sabbath. Rogers. plan spend at the McDonough returned to bride was Allen time Clement cottage. Mrs. Selden his given In marriage by her Harris. Chesley Harris. Daniel yachting. business in Boston on Mrs. Gertrude Chaffee, of Worcester, Nelson Phlpps of Miland. N. H.. and Mr. and Tuesday brother. Mr. Bassett Mitchell, while Harris, Newell, Harris Newell, Mr. Prank A. Law ton after a pleasant vacation with his is the guest of Mrs. L*. H. Scott at returned to Mrs. Simon Stoll of the groom's brother. Dr. William Morgan Ash and Frederic Sweeny. Berlin. N. H.. were family. the Springfield. Mass.. Thursday, after a at the was Worcester cottage. Mrs. L. H. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. guests Clement cottage for the Eisenhart. best man. and the Richardson, pleasant two weeks with Mrs. D. F. Is Scott made a recent visit to her home of spent his week-end. Bailey the guest of her bride's sister. Mrs. S. Pahs Smith, was Worcester, Mass., arrived Monday here. Mr. city, her family Lawton is one of daughter. Mrs. H. L. Deacon of Somer- matron of honor. accompanying son, Mr. Al- to spend the remainder of the month the Mrs. L. D. Brown, of city assessors and after the tax Bethel, Me., vllle, at the "Manzer." Is bert B. Scott and his wife, when at Jones with ner This Mrs. The bride was they the cottage. Miss Helen rate is made each son. Mr. Carl Brown, were handsomely gowned returned after their takes a short vaca- Bailey's first visit to the island and and carried a recent visit of Richardson has been a at guests of Mrs. W. H. bouquet of white roses. guest the tion. The tax rate was Kimball recently she is her two weeks at the Miss Emma Jones Springfield at enjoying stay very much. After the ceremony a small cottage. cottage for some time past. for her cottage on Point. recep- E. has determined 1908 about August 1. Torrlngton Miss tion was Woodruff returned to Washing- Alfred E. of Miss E. Minnie Grant, the leading so- held, and the newly married hunt, Beverly. Mass., Miss Mary Kimball of Uconla,N. ton after two weeks as is Elizabeth Lewis of prano 01 the l»air departed on their spending the the guest of his brother, Clarence Washing- H.. is a guest at the for the Handel-Hayden Society wedding Jour- of ton. I). C., Is cottage of is a guests Mr. and Mrs. I*. H. Scott. H. hunt, at Breeze." being entertained this week. Mr. W. H. Boston, guest of Mr. and Mrs. ney. "Camp Mr. Lunt week at Kimball and his son. Mr. W. will Glenwood ottage as guest of G. A. Downs at Tamp Waltham. Mr. Miss Mitchell Is the daughter of the W. Nye of Fairfield. Me.. shortly leave for Chicago where George M. Kimball, have re- Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Griffin. Miss recently and M rs. Frank Beason have late Charles Tunis Mitchell of Charles- arrived on Monday to be the guest he will open headquarters for the Re- turned to their home in Stratford. N. returned of Mr. Lewis is a new-comer at Cliff and en- to their home In San Francisco ton. S. C.. and and of and Mrs. H. R. Clark and their publican college clubs. the II.. after an enjojyable vacation at the after Liverjiool. Eng.. During Joys the cool a delightful visit of two the late family at the for the coming Mr. temperatures very much. cottage. weeks spent Frances Carter Bassett. of Spencer cottage campaign Lunt. who is at the week. of Rev. Arthur Jamison and camp. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Heard Hanover Co.. Via., through whom she president the college clubs, will be friend. Mr. c. E. Austin of New Rev. Mr. of Haven, have left "Camp Perriwinkle" is descended from the Mr. and Mrs. actively engaged the inter- Reynolds, New York, are t-oaca of the nearby Carys. Burn el Is. Nathan Clark, of Lew- awakening Yale Glee clubs for many and returned to est among the members. rooming at A. S. Cobb's cottage. Waltham. Churchills. Washingtons and other iston. opened their camp at their new league They years and a celebrity in musical Mrs. A. L. Davis will later board at Cliff Both Mr. and Mrs. W. B. historic families of Virginia. property on Hurricane Ridge last and daughter. Miss cottage. circles, has arrived at Peaks Island Robinson of Mr. Adalaide E. were on the island last summer. Natick. Mass.. are Eisenhart Is a graduate of the Thursday. The camp is located near Davis, primary head of and is a guest at the "Valetta." Mr. entertaining Mrs. Johns the Charlton St. There are Nettie Bartlett and her Hopkins LTnlverslty. and is a that of Mr. and Mrs. George Parker, school, Newark. N. J., more guests at Cliff Cot- Austin has been a visitor to the island daughter. Miss member of are at the Summit House than ever Grace Bartlett. of at of the faculty of Princeton Greene. Me., who arrived a week for an ex- tage before and the house for several seasons, and as usual will Natick. their tended vacation. and annex cottage. Mr. Frank University. earlier. The ladies are sisters, and Friday they were has been crowded this be a member of the weekly "Valetta" Robinson, who is joined their month. in ine coal and wood business Among those present were: Mr. and both families have camped at South by father, who came to theatre |>arty. The i>arty attended the at Mrs. S. Fahs spend a few with them. Natick, is his vacation with Smith and Master Bur- Harpswell for many seasons. days Sunday Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Webster and Gem last evening and saw "Before and sending his parents. Mr. and Mrs. well Smith, of York. Miss Vir- they enjoyed the White Mountain ex- Misses Clara and After" presented the \V. B. Robin- Pa.; .Mrs. A. D. Barker and her Olive Webster have by capable cast son. daughter. cursion. in time for ginia Mitchell and Miss I>aura Miss (Jrace of returning supper. left the Cliff Cottage for Oakhurst there. Barker, I^ewiston, are At the Mitchell, of Mr. and Mrs. present time Mr. Davis is visit- Island where will ('apt. George Brown, Virginia; the guests for the week of Mrs. C. H. they stay for a time Miss I. V. Combs has returned to stage manager H. ing his brother. Albert H. of the Gem was Carey Etnier, of York. Pa.. Mr. and Packard. Mr. Davis, at with Mrs. V. M. Darling. her uome in Theatre, entertaining Packard and his son. t>oonton. N. J., after a a Mrs. William Grafton, of l^akeport. N. H. party of friends on a sail down to Pittsburgh. Mr. C. F. Packard, came down from Dr. Alvah M. Davis and Cecil An- very pleasant visit of three weeks as Pa.; Miss of Mrs. Stephen Curlt. of (Thebeague The was Huber. York. Pa.; Dr. the city on to a Yarmouth, of the guest of Mrs. F. B. Friday. trip made Friday pay week-end her derson. Germantown, Pa., arrived Bickford. on the and Mrs. A. E. Austin, of Mr. visit visited daughter. Miss Renie Merryconeag and the Boston; at the cottage. Wednesday at Cliff Island and are I)r. i>arty and Mrs. Curit. at Aaron Cleaves' Andrew Brown of New York ar- went as far as l^eonard H. Spaulding and Captain home, at Eastern landing, Dr. H. E. Jordan. of boarding Mrs. L. W. Southard's. rived on for a Miss Spaulding. of Winchester. professor last Monday. Tuesday week's visit taking in the scenery from the Mass.; at the Dr. Davis is a prominent with his prome- Mr. and Mrs. Charles embryology University of Vir- Mr. William Plummer and Mr. physician. brother. Dr. Albert A. Brown, nade deck. Those P. Sherman, of Ralph Both were here invited were Mr. ginia. is expected at the Tufts during last summer. at "Dew-drop Inn" one of the F. and Philadelphia. Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur College Williams, of Portland, visited their H. Mrs. W. E. Simmons of New York. laboratory with Mrs. Jordan for a wives at Mr. and Mrs. Puller Butman bungalows near the "Valetta." Miss Pomeroy. of Cleveland. Ohio; Mrs. E. Cleaves* Villa on Sunday. Henry and M. V. Adams of New Orleans, short visit. Dr. A. Bates has Miss daughter, Marjorie, of K. S. C. Matthews, of New York; Dr. and George Ada Cadmus, of Orange, N. J., Bloomfield, N. Davis Co., is homefurnishings Mr. Harry Hibscher of Newark and returned to his duties at Tufts Col- J., were the arrivals of Mrs. Hamilton, of Tufts College; Mr. and Miss Elizabeth Sparrow, of among Sun- headquarters in Portland.—adv. Mr. and Mrs. J. Fred Braun of lege. Boston, after his summer rooms and Mrs. Luther Pfahler work Newark. N. J., are numbered day. They have at Wannelaki Mr. H. I*. Newark, all of whom are and Miss at the among Bowles of I>ongmeadow, stopping at of station. Mr. Scammon of the the guests who have Ledge for a month. the Peaks Pfahler. Holyoke. Mass.; Rev. and arrived at Mass.. and his sister. Mrs. Algie Ham- Island House for two weeks. Mrs. Harvard Medical School has taken up Cleaves' Villa A fund the Henry F. Kloman. of Portland. tecently. towards the painting of the mett. of who were They gave trip much praise. research work at the Newtonville, tour- laboratory and Among the guests who have arrived church has been raised Mrs. is by K. B. ing through New England in Mr. Mrs. making a special study of the at the Central Batchelor and George Payson and Miss Mc- recently House are Mrs. guests of the Aucocisco Bowles' fine car, a Pierce Great Ar- of anatomy and habitat of the dog-fish. Mabel E. Crandell. of House. have OPEN LETTER Dowell. Portland, lunched with Mrs. Worcester. Mr. They also presented the row. s|>ent several days recently with TO PRESIDENT J. P. Attractive home and Mrs. James of church with a Thomas on Friday. furnishings may be Wood, Boston, and Bible and collection Mr. and Mrs. D. J. MacDonald. Aside ELIOT. purchased from the R. S. Davis Mr. and Mrs. J. S. of New plates which were Miss Anna Huber. of York. Pa., is Co.— Cassidy, badly needed and trip was made in the car to Poland Portland. Maine. July 4, 1908. adv. York. highly appreciated. the guest of Mrs. Carey E. Etnier. at Springs by the party, ami on Thurs- President Kliot, Mrs. Mr. Harry Cooke, of Newton Ash Cove Farm. J. W. Queen is entertaining her Centre, Ernest Southard took a bowling day Miss Ethel Marshall, of Portland, Harvard College. Mr. E. A. Mass.. Is enjoying a week's vacation who is Dear Sir:— President and father, Whitfield and party over to the Merriam-Horne al- summering at the MacDonald Mrs. Hamilton, of daugh- with his at the Tufts ter, Miss Virginia Whitfield, at the family "Barnacle." Mr. leys at and had cottage, returned to with Can you not suggest that the College, are the guests of Dr. Cooke is Chebeague Thursday Springfield public Dr. Mandeville affiliated with the Shopard the satisfaction of Mr. Bowles and his schools be and Mrs. A. E. Austin, of Bar Island cottage. rolling the high sister in the auto- opened not earlier than Norwell Co.. of Boston. Ills score October Point. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Conant with family of 56, thereby winning laurels, Providence, R. I., where one of the 1st. 1908, in the large cities are on the island for their second sea- their children. Miss for the rest of the |>arty made no won- mobile. The tourists i»assed and towns of New England. New York, Commodore Mary Conant and son and are through Spaulding is cruising in very popular among the derfu! famous Baltimore and other where his Master Roger Conant, of Auburn, have strings. Those who took the Dairy Hunches, of States, there are long, yacht "Sheerwater 2nd" with Mr. summer colony. which opened the Frank Conant trip were Mrs. Pred Searle, Misses Mr. Bowles is owner, is located. trying and almost continuous terms of Robert Pond. Jr.. of Boston, and Mr. cottage. are Searle, Mr. Pred Jackman, Ernest There are over a score of the stores school, as September is the finest Oliver of They entertaining Mr. Nathan Stevens, Ix>well. Wink in the system, all month for weather Harris. The cottage has been re- Slater, Hodges. Pred Searle and under the same man- good of the whole Mr. J. P. Thomas leaves C. W. year, and this Wednesday modelled. a new wing being added at Nixon. agement and the one in Providence is year there are to be for a two weeks' cruise said to be some along the the rear and fine wide Mr. A. for the largest restaurant in unusually hot days to endure coast. piazzas being Joseph Warren, agent the Mr. Frank Baxter. Mr. I^eslie built on the country. Mr. Bowles is after the long heated summer at the front and sides which Cliff Island S. D. Warren Co.'s paper mills at planning season? l/ord and Mr. Holmes will to make an extended This is asked on the accompany add very much to the attractive ap- Cumberland Mills, was calling on Mr. trip through the chiefly account hlm. They will visit Bar Seal mountains in the of the decline of the Harbor, pearance of the delightfully situated and .,lrs. C. M. Cobb, Tuesday. fall. public school chil- Harbor and Northeast Harbor and dren's health, to house. Mrs. Kev. Dr. Donald C. Macleod, who Is say nothing of the other William A. Ixx>ke, of Portland, health of places. the of the the parents. To make the Kev. H. P. Woodin, of ac- with her mother, will have the Casco t»astor First Presbyterian On Auburn, Petition for matter plain on this Saturday the ladies of the Harp- Naming Streets Goes in to church In Washington. D. was a line, you may companied Warren Watson in the lat- cottage from the 26th of the month ('., have kwHI Yacht club gave a most Board of Aldermen. recent of his noticed the very alarming sta- enjoy- ter's yacht, the on for two weeks. Mr. I^ooke is an guest brother. Donald J. able tea sloop "Florence," engi- tistics given out a at the club house, from 2 to a At the meeting of the Improvement Mar Donald and his While visit- by recent meeting very pleasant cruise to Small Point neer employed on the Panama canal. family. of the 4, which was attended afternoon at Mr. at various "boards of health" in largely by the last week. Mr. Watson is to Society Monday A. ing Torrington Point Dr. Macleod club members planning A. Holden's Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cousins and New York, where it was and their guests. The make a more cottage, the petition to christened the infant of Mr. cited that extensive trip along the Miss daughter there entrance to the club house was the and Aldermen daughter. Margaret of Somer- and were about millions pretti- eastern coast in a short time. Mayor for naming Mrs. MacDonald. twenty as a of streets was ville, arrived at "Camp Cliff** (20.000.000) of children ly arranged pagoda, while flags read and approved and Friday, Miss Alice attending Judge F. M. Drew and of I^ew- a M. Mitchell left Peaks and hangings wife, the paper, which was for week's stay. Other members of schools In the United States and that brightened the Interior. largely signed, Island last to visit Tea was iston. were the guests recently of Mrs. the who were have Saturday Mrs. thirteen millions |ioured by Mrs. I*. H. Spauld- was given to Mr. John B. Kehoe to be party staying here Kallock (13.000.000) of them L A. Burr at their on Hurri- Holyoke at Brewer, Me., for were ing. wife of Commodore as cottage forwarded to the at once. returned to their homes, after a most suffering with diseases of the Spauldlng. cane Mayor Mr. two weeks. Ridge. nose, ear, and idxted by Miss Annie B. Packard, pur- Asher F. Black had charge of the mat- delightful stay. throat, to say nothing Rov. H. P. Mrs. Harriet Peterson and her of the ser of the club. Miss Helen Si»auldlng. Woodin. of Auburn, has ter of signatures on the petition. The Mrs. E. M. Carnwick and child «f lung, heart, kidney, liver, blood, been daughter. Marietta, are at the and brain assisted by Mrs. Arthur of joined by his sister, .Miss Ger- names and locations of streets are as New who have guests diseases, etc. Much was said Pomeroy, York, been registered Samuel trude Woodin. at the Noble follows: Clark cottage on Torrington about defective Cleveland, received the members and cottage. Tradeway. from the steam- at the Aucocisco House since August eyesight, wearing of Miss Woodin is a r-olnt. glasses, etc. guests. Music and refreshments added graduate of Welles- boat wharf to the Sunset ave- have rented one According to this, even ridge; 1st, of Mrs. Lovett's If to the general ley College and her home in In Wash- nue. from Mr. and Mrs. R. V. W. they—the children—do succeed in pleasure. Tradeway opposite P. O. cottages on the south shore, and are Settley of ington. D. C. I,uckse's New York are guests of Mr. and graduating from the public W. H. Cleary. Ksq.. of Springfield. along Sound shore to North- to remain until the middle of Septem- Mrs. schools, One of the east Griffin II. E. llaker of Portland at "I^e Re- colleges, etc.. their above enumerated Mass.. has at last broken all records points of interest at end; road, from end of ber, which is a delightful season In South Is to the pose." physical defects will not insure em- by s|K>arlng a sword fish weighing 300 llarpswell the novelty de- Tradeway Bathing Beach; Pet- Casco Bay. Mr. Carnwick is expect- partment at R. M. Strout's tenglll road, from The ployment In the Army or at pounds off the good ship Mary—(can- store where Bathing Beach to ed on tbe island the latter part of the many friends among the resi- Navy a full line of the Wannelaki dents $13.00 |*>r month, as the male scholar eague)—after a struggle In which he embroidery, sketches, cliff; road, from Trade- month for a short and visitors of Peaks Island will stay. will Ik? unable to pass the regular was assisted by Mrs. Cleary. The decorated candle shades, burnt leather way opiioslte Sunset ave., along be glad to learn that their old neigh- pre- Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Berry of Weat- scribed U. S. Army or I abass-co-degan) was landed and the goods and fancy articles are on ex- Lucksc's Sound shore to Southwest bor. Mr. Oliver lladlock. of Torring- Navy Examina- brook. Me., were week end guests at tion. and as far as success in sword has been presented to and wl!l hibition.—adv. end; Johnson road, from Bathing ton Point. Is recovering from his seri- private the "Rancllff" on the south shore. ous employment goes, will be go on exhibition at the store of which Miss Margaret Scott and Miss Beach, past residence of Alvra Petten- |iolsoning. Mr. Hadlock began to they heavily Wnat Is the future Mr. is one of the gi 11. Woodland Iceland the grocer, is suffer from the effects of a handlcap|>ed. Army Cleary managers in Georgie Scott have arrived at the Northeasterly; road, Merrill, having slight flesh and from 8unset a fine trade in canned wound some Navy (spoken of by 'President Springfield. After landing at the pier Noble cottage to si>end the rest of ave.. past residence of proviaions, meats, weeks ago. and on Sat- Roosevelt) to come the Mr. and Mrs. were their at South Frank Walker, to Griffin road; Ocean good*, groceries, fruit, berries, etc. Mr. urday was removed to the Maine Gen- from—from Cleary met by stay llarpswell. millions from Walter Merrill a I no carries Ronton and eral twenty (20.000.000) of Ameri- II. II. H. It. (Hobby Bibber's Brass Miss I View, Griffin's residence j>a joten. of South I x?w is- can school children with glasses on? Band) playing that old familiar tune to Southwest shore. The petition asks i« agent for a bakery, lie delivers all and the gentleman hoi*es to be able ton, Is enjoying a delightful visit with i no i>ercentage of diseased "See the hero comes." for suitable posts and signs on each over the island. to return to the Island In a short iichool conquering Mrs. II. A. Tague. of I >e wis ton, at the children In road and junction Amasa A. time. Increasing every day, and Arthur Palmer Is doing a Douglas Mr. J. F. point. Dr. and Mrs. H. L. Putnam and son and nulling cottage. Pickering Asher by by It will be 7W and over In- business flolden. F. Black and l^aura K Donald of are at his South and West Harp- has returned to his business at l>ewis- Houlton, Me., occupy- Miss Mabel Willis of Ipswich. stead of 50 to tne Bennett are the committee on Mass., G©«£—at present rate swell markets. These stores are the ton after a two weeks'* special ing one of the Urlflln cottage* on :he Is a few of vacation with this enjoying days' visit at "Ord- Increase. Once was the time when finest matter and their names headed for two weeks. stocked in Casco Bay anouglas cottage. Mr. louth shore, They way." Mr. O. P. Weymouth's common school book the petition, followed by of th»- cottage. knowledge was tain every delicacy and staple In the and Mra. Tague with Mr. and Mra. many were accompanied by Miss Harriet at a great Island's business men. voters and tax- Mrs. Sarah Hall and her premium. perha|»s greater market. are old visitors at South Bass of Willlmantic, Conn., who Is to daughter. than a Pickering Miss Minerva college education Is now. That payers. be their on Hall, of Detroit. Mich., The Macedonian f'lrcle of the llarpswell, having spent their vaca- guest their visit to Cliff whlcn Is rarest Is King'* are the summer with usually the most tions here for Island, this season. sending friends haiiKhlcm held their annual fair on many years. on the sought and the highest priced. From About 100 member* of the Island. Miss Hall Is a guest at 8011th Sona of Mr. and Mr*. Frank K. the above Tueaday evening llarpawell. Mm. Elliot Wood, of Hersey and at th#» and Is the well figures, perfect health Is WInthrop. Me.. Temperance have engaged Cobb'* "Perry" known now Many decorated tabled were son. Master of Kant at the premium and will be at a prettily In expected today at the Douglss rot- ra*lno for l.abor Henry, Weymouth, teacher of music in the western at Day and will have an greater later arrange which uneful and fancy lane to be the of are to be at the "Sunset View*' for the schools. Mrs. Hall premium on. All this Is guest .Mr*. J. V. outing and ahore dinner. A Kit* Com- has spent her va- articled were on aale. and cake. Ice remainder of August. In other sea cations boiling Itself down to this proposition. Pickering for the remainder of the i>any have alao ojtened on the Island for sov«»ral years rream and were aerved to the negotiation* Hons Mr. and —which stands the best chance to win candy month. a past Hersey family have and Is one of Its fondest admirers. for dinner at the popular Caalno out In the many patron* during the evening. A occupied the "Bay Cliff," one of Mr. long run under the fierce Mr. J. If. Petpmon hax soon. Mr. and Mm. npeclal entertainment had been ar- retnrned to Bailey's cottage* which also haa a fine Harry Bowlea and non, competitive struggle Incidental to our hi* home In John Stone of John, have ranged for the enjoyment of the vial- Brunswick, but I* ex- Maiden, and Tloaton. location, but this season plans devel- returned to their home In present economic system, a healthy. which l»ected to rejoin hi* at their wan In Portland on bualneiui the Adirondack Mountain* or a tora. Included a mimical pro- family and cam* oped In a way that the cottage where of Nfw Htrong dunce, sickly, afflicted book- cottage on Hurricane in a down to York atate after a wise gram and elocutionary reading* Thla Ridge few upend Friday and Saturday are now waa delightful vacation child? This la. as yon know— Ml** with hi* they stopping preferable. waa followed the Mra. days. Nellie Peterson visited her mother. Mr*. O. P. Stone, at iipent at the "Perry." and no one knows better than do by Jarley'a Mr. and Mra. J. 8. Carr of San An you wax work* brother. Mr. W. O. Peterson and fam- her cottage. Mr. Stone will take —"the milk In exhibition, cleverly ar- a Mr. and Mra. the cocoanut." the In vacation tonlo. Tex., who has been entertained John 8. Meaerve and ranged by Mra. I>. P. Mother ily. Portland last week. Mr. Peter- trip to Home mountain or in- Alpha and Omega of the entire dis- Tenny. at the "Shadynook" by the Mlsaen Ben- little daughter, Dorothy, of Hoaton. (tooae In Wax wan son Is an officer with the rank of land rewort later. cussion. not the repreaented by nett since their are upending their vacation at the Why give children Miaa major In the Maine Rtate and The arrival, about a week shorter C. C. Wood, who waa aaal*ted by Guard, reKular Sunday *er- "l/one hour*, fewer hours, fewer I* morning ago. went to the Auclaco House on Star." They are entertaining days' Mra. W. A. McCandle** and a number engaged In the in*uranre bualne**. vice* were again work? Their parents are very largely attended Mr. and Mra. of Boa- asking for of laat Wednesday, where they are to be Joaeph Dudley, other ladlea. The fair wan very Two week by the people and the aer- ton. Mra. them, demanding thorn, fighting for gentlemen who had come to guests for the several weeks remain- Dudley la a contralto In the Nttcceaaftil and a large *nm will be South mon. "Ye are the light of the choir of them. Why should not the children— tfarpswell for the day laat Run- world' ing this seaaon. the Commonwealth Avenue realized which will be uned In meet- waa given by Rev. V. C. the diseased thirteen millions day were so entranced with the at- Harrington, Baptlat church, and ha* a large hoat (13.000.- ing the expenaea of the many benevo- of Oberlln College. Miss Nellie F. Bennett of the OOO) testified to by the said board* of tractions of the place that they Oberlln, O.. who of frlenda In mimical circlea. Mra. lencea which the will la vlaltlng at the Mra. "Shadynook" left the Island health, get these betterments? The aoclety engage ne*|«»cted entirely to arrange for their Coyle cottage Monday John 8. Meaerre wax Mlaa In the Much Intereat la morning for a few to Bos Peggy children cannot during coming year. return to Portland. It was late In the manifested toward daya* trip Pittman before her help themselvea.— where she has marriage and will the aervlcea and the laland are ton. gone to combine he they must be helped by their elders, Mra. W. H. White, who haii been evening before they reached the city, people remembered among the profeaalon doing to business with pleasure. an fiook stuffing of the brain to sell new enjoying a two weeka* vlalt with having had to necure one of the local everything poaalble have the popular atar of the Buffalo everyone In attendance. The and more books to dividend* on friend* In Portland, ban arrived at motor boat owner* to carry them back. innate Stock Co. pay haa been left In the some "book trust" or the "IJnwood" where *he will entire charge of Souvenir* at other Is good cottage The McKenney'• Mr. A. II. remain Harpawell Auburn Association the gueata of the Aucoclaco Benoit of the Edgewater for that "tnist" bnt hard on with her parenta. Mr. and Mra. House, The MeKenney Jewelry Co., of Mow pretty Jordan baseball team were victors In their who have fumlahed excellent cottage haa left for a hualneaa to the children. White, for the rent of the anm mualr, nmrnt Hoaare, are a trip game with the "Ocean View*" laat both aoloa and Portland, doing Boaton and New York and will who has from mer. chorna work. Much buainena in be Kverybody graduated large dainty souvenirs, gold gone about two the Raturday afternoon by the score of 14 credit la due them for their efforta to- weeka. Mr. Benoit concentrated high speed public Mr. and Mra. fJeorge Barrowa and to 8. and enamel, whieh sre enpeeiallv intend la In the The game was very lntere*tlng ward building np the Cliff whoieaale clothing buaiaeaa. school system will agree that It Is daughter. Kthel. were gueata of Mr. laland ed for and The dm is from the spectator's of view and church. prises gifts. pi ay and haa atorea located In what remembered that and Mra. W. A. point attractive and Weatbrook. they actnally Pitta at the Bibber a very many rammer vis Bangor and was large number of the visitors were Mr. W. aeveral other citiea. the real benefit, not what they cottage, over Franklin Temple, of itors are numbered their ens Hunday. Mr. Barrowa on hand to cheer their Jr., among Mr. and Mra. R. W. Zander and read or studied. Rome measurements favorite nine. Harvard Medical haa •' their College, been a tomers. daughters, Mlaaea Florence and Ethel (Coatiaaed oa ninth page) COMMONWEALTH HOTEL. Freeholders Opp. State House, Boston, Mass. ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF. Stone Cousin's bland floors, nothing wood but the doors. in W. S. Equipped with Its own Sanitary Vacuum France. JORDAN CO. Cleaning Plant. Long Distance Tele- •P O R T phone in ev*Yy room. Strictly a tem- LAND perance hotel. Send for booklet The opportunity of saving a human Consul-Oeneral Robert P. Skinner Offers rooms with hot and cold watei of DliLD XV life rarely occurs more than once in Marseilles, has made ai for $1 per day and up; rooms with France, pri- a lifetime and comes at the vate bath for $1.SO per day and up; generally Interesting report on the subject 01 I tee of two most unlooked for — rooms and bath for |1 per moment. Such a freeholders and real estate and transao Groceries y rates a up. Weekly on rooms chance came to Mr. Seth B. Groves Uons In Provisions with hot and cold water and shower that country, in which h< to of this island last Saturday afternoon. baths, fi $»: rooms with private batns, says that there are 8,000,000 free Tackle $9 to $12; suites of two rooms and bath. The young man happened to be stand- Fishing Anchors Oars Cordage 41S to $22. holders in France, and outlines a ing on the wharf belonging to his fa- »ys Oiled Clothing Dories Skiffs STOKER F. tem whereby French CRAFTS. Manager. ther, Mr. Henry Groves, watching a worklngmex Punts Row own their little Boats 8t. Lawrence River 8klffs party who were hastening to reach country homes. Mr shore from their launch in a small Skinner says In part: boat to escape the approaching thun- "There are upward of 8,000,000 PAINT FOR COTTAGES der storm. As one of the ladies separate freeholds In France, as com- from the Interior or Exterior. stepped launch into the tend- pared with about 300,000 In Great Also for Screens. er the latter was and suddenly upset Britain, a fact which In Itself speaks Piazza Stove its occupants thrown into the Chairs, Pipes, Floors, etc. water. volumes. A Frenchman will TREASURE ROUTE OF CASCO BAY They were Mrs. Mary McKeen of Jew- part with anything rather than land. E. ell's Island and her sister and two J. 600LD & COMPANY, 201 & 203 Federal Strut, Pirtland, Haiti When the United States daughters. When young Groves saw Immigration DAILY EXCURSIONS Commission visited a the plight of the women he pushed off certain spot near Marseilles A Visit to Portland or Main* Is lot Without a from the shore and reached them just recently It was found Comp'oto in time to rescue Mrs. McKeen, who Impossible to ascertain 'the average Sail Aming tho 365 fo?ands off Casoo Bay. was price of The just going down for the third land' In that locality, because 4SCERIC I. To Garnet, Cusdv's Harbor, Hebmoo tnd Chebeague Bowling time. The others had been pulled no transactions ever took place, other Famous New Meadows River Points, 75 mile aboard the CASCO BAY Shore Dinners. Boat leaves 9 a.m. launch by one of their than by Inheritance. In cities It la Mil, fl. and number and all were Returns Portland 4.30 p. m. Alleys Casino brought safely difficult for persons of modest means ashore and taken care of at Mr. like To Bailey's and Orr's Island, 60 mile* aail worklngmen, to own real 75c. To 8o. 40 mils sail 90c. Shore Four Grove's home till the storm had for estate, Harps weil, regula- obvious reasons. Dinners. Boai leaves 9.40 a.m., 2.15 passed. Great praise is due Mr. Nevertheless, 8, 12.20, tion alleys in and especlslly In p.m. Returns Portland 1.35, 4.10, 6 p.m. Groves for his presence of mind and Marseilles, where one of the fin- there is an To So. Casco 30 mile ssil action in excellent two-cent fare Freeport, Cattle, prompt what might have mils aail 90c. est street car 50c. Mair Point, 40 Harpawell buildings proved a terrible service, outlying property leaves catastrophe. la Centre 75c. Shore Dinners. Boat 9.30 for the pur- Regular church services for the being taken up by families in a. m. Return Portland 3.20 p. m. residents and moderate KARPSWELL pose on the visitors were held at circumstances. Double ssilinc trips down Casco Bay on the Maine chapel on Sunday afternoon. The "There Is also a local custom elegant new Steamer Mschigonne, stopping coast. was of interest. 50 sail meeting opened by Mr. Chesbro among poor men who feel that at principal points mile can be of they 75c. Boat leaves 9.45 a. m., 2.15 m. Alleys South Parish, who is substituting must reside In the only p. city of buying an Returns Portlsnd m. for in place of the regular pastor. Rev. LINES 1.35,6 p. engaged outlying patch of ground and erect* Albert H. Stanton of the Steamers Leave Custom House Wharf private par- Baptist Ing thereon a 'cabanon' of church at Yarmouth. Mr. Leon R. two or ties. Finely more rooms, where Cooke of Yarmouthvllle also gave a they spend Sun- and days and lighted very interesting account of the tri- holidays. There are settle- ments where perfectly ad- ennial International Sunday School hundreds of these toy houses are to justed. Cigars convention, which he attended at be found, each with a bit of a Lowest Prices on Ever in and Confec- Ix>uisville, Ky.. in June. garden, deserted throughout 6LASSES Known Maine Until Sept.27 A benefit entertainment was held the week and scenes of great anima- S3 R/MLESS EYEGLASSES $1 Eru'u* Chains. 50c. tionery. Light at the hall on St Thursday On tion on the L»—» Croon 1 to 50c Drinks. Ice evening. Sunday, most Intense In order to thoroughly advertise my Pr«Kfi»ti»a Order, account of the stormy weather methods of oach and op. pre- rivalry existing to have the best gar- up-to-date examining and Cream. Pool vailing at the time a fair the and to REMEMBEk! These are not only sized den or the most attractive fitting eyes, attract your ready xaoie. ljaaieb' deception Koom. Don't fail to visit the Casino audience was present and several of 'cabanon,' attention to my New Automatic Lena made or auction goods bat are all new, the day In a fresh from the and warranted while are in the entertainers did not How- terminating reunion, Grinding Machinery, I shall offer factory yon Casco li»v. All are welcome. Steamers land appear. where of the best poetical Improvisations are Until Sept. 27 Only these low qalUty. often. ever, the affair was thoroughly en- prices. Merriam Pt.» Cast End listened to, songs Chebeague Joyed by those who did come. Mr. Leon sung and speches $3 Gold Filled Rialftu Eyeglasses $1 WE GRIND OUR OWM LENSES F. A. R. Cooke made. Onr new michinerv enables us to MERRIAM, Manager exhibited a most interesting are best "The (These quality mountings* the most difficult lenses set of stereopticon views taken by GoTernment Itself, which fos- set with first quality spherical lenw» fafnlsh very promptly and at t he lowest prices. himself and illustrating his recent ters thrift by every means, and fully warranted). encourages EYES EXHUMED FREE trip through Kentucky and to the working people to abandon the SoBd Gold Ei*(Un Fram**, $2.50. Alniaoi Frtmtt, SOc. And satisfaction guaranteed in every mammoth cave. The pictures were re- wretched, crowded habitations of the Nickal FrtMS 25c. case. "MOTHER'S markably clear and his interesting cities and to become BREAD" remarks made householders, by them all the more to out the be loaning money of the savings appreciated. Mr. Flnell of Brook- banks H. T. WORTHLEY. JR., Maine'* ('classes d'epargne*) not to the Leading Optician Fresh Bakery Goods of All Kinds lyn. who is staying on the island, a Individual, but to societies 478} Congress St„ On- Critic House, Cnr Fidelity Trust Co. Both 'Phones sang solo in a very pleasing man- patronized by the State. These ner, and was accompanied on the societies effect the transactions piano by Miss Conroy. Music was also with the individual. furnished by Miss Lucy Glinn of Dor- Thus, the Societe des Habitations A riKii-r» PftlmoK'fi High Gride Groceries u4 Froiislon chester, who is spending her vacation Salabres, 32 Rue Paradls, «■ w- w«"°° i&rillUI Mr aimer 9 at Marseilles, South and West Harps we I the "Elms." Miss Ada of advances money for WATSON BROS. Seabury the construction Nearest to the Yarmouth, an elocutionist of Steamboat Landing of much cottages at the rate of four and merit, read a selection which met one-half per cent. As savings banks AND with well earned praise. GROCERIES PROVISIONS pay depositors two and three-fourth FRESH CANNED Mr. Randall Spaulding, superintend- MEAT8, GOODS, PRODUCE ent per cent., the margin is close. and Rock mere of public schools at Monclair, N. Cigars Tobacco, Fine Confectionery. Ice, Coal and Wood, Gasoline, House "These dealings are Fre-h J., visited Mrs. J. S. Tompkins at the regulated by Fish, Complete Fishing Outfits. the law of We call (or snd deliver orders and "Sea Breeze" cottage recently. Mr. April 12, 1906. Loana in Candy's Harbor and East Harpswell, and are Cottages and Mrs. Franklin Ward of limited to 9500 francs ($1833.50) ship goods by boat to any landing. Montclair. In Littlejohn's Island. Me. who are staying at the "Lafayette," the city and to 7000 francs ($1351) Bsggige Moling Cm dy'i Harbor, Me. Switiir Postals in also In the Portland, enjoyed a short stay environs. At present seventy- e. H. HMMILTOM. at the "Sea five Prop. Breeze," as the guests of cottages have been in the constructed on the shore, wnn ladies who are Marseilles Right '"""i with 100-footluu-iooi sojourning there. under this law, the occu- elevation. Set In spruce grove. A 6- Mr. Walter of the Stanley Hartford. pants becoming with _ owners, a clear commodates 100.i. ExoeUent cuisine, Conn., bar association arrived last title, at the end Daily mails. pen until_ of years. Gasoline Open October 1. Saturday- to be the guest of Mrs. L. twenty E. W. HO LBROOK Rates on application. Building plans to O. Van Doren at have be submitted %gSJr "Hachmatack lodge" to CUNDYS for the architects of the HARBOR, MAINE the week. Mr. William H. Torr has society, and must conform to returned to his home in Philadelphia certain standard re- Groceries. after a delightful visit at the quirements as to light, ventilation and Fresh Meats lodge. Fresh Fish andProvisions, Lobsters. Fishermen's Mlii L Emm* Jones fill* all Mr. and Mrs. Walter Russell and sanitary arrangements." Ice Supplies. commissions promptly and carefully. Let bar Cream by piste or mess are. Cool Buds. Ursin sod Feed two young daughters are There are also at know your needs. Orders filled the day received. Time snd spending work on some- Clears sod Tobscoo. Canned Goods. Fresh Bakery Goods. travelling expenses part of their vacation at the what parallelel Cundy's Hsrbor Stsble. eared. Send for booklet giving method of work and terms. home lines several French Livery Baggsge Expressing Daily Address, of ("apt, Alonzo Hamilton. to and from building and loan associations, which Stage Brunswick. We call (or and deliver orders in Candy's Mrs. A. A. Bsrbor snd Esst well. L. EMMA • • Seymour with her friend. differ from American Harps Laundry Axency. JONES* Box 451* Mrs. associations in Portland M. C'alardo of Portland are that they usually operate over more spending the month at W. F. or Phillips' less the whole of as do beautifully situated place at Mr. Hen- France, the great French banks. The ry Groves' farm, known as attempt Is Camp made by the Gypsy. They are accompanied Mrs. moving spirits In these by associations to Seymour's children, Alice, I^aura, Ed- expand their utility Abner «T. Harris gar. beyond mere Jane, Ruth and Catherine. Mr. public service as money- CASH GROCERY CCNDYS HARBOR, HE. Joseph Haley also pays frequent vis- lending agencies. its to We carry a full stock of first-class Groceries and Pro* "Camp Haley,' where he wmie depositors In these building entertains of visions In season. Also Lobsters and Sea Foods. Fisher- many his friends from associations are to the permitted build men's Belmont city. to Supplies. Boots, Shoes and Rubber Goods, Candies, according their own plans, they are Souvenir Poetals and Souvenir Novelties. Our teams visit decidedly encouraged to adopt Local Option in standard all parts of the island dally. 8pecial rates made for excur- Norway. designs, of which there are "The slonists and caase of temperance is work- many suited to all camping parties. Boarding and hitching for purses. It Is really CLUB ing great headway In We to horses. Trade here and eave money. Postoffice in the store GINGER Norway. surprising discorer ALE what comforta- have the local adopted option policy ble little houses can be with erected In excellent results," said P. Anen- this country for a Well Known very small amount, Facts!! sen, a manufacturer of white sometimes paper, $200 and $300. All houses Sklen, Norway. are There are 865 islands in Casco built of practically Imperishable Bay. "Whenever the people of a certain and fireproof There are 365 in materials, cheap frame days the year. district or county wish to abolish constructions never being employed. Oakhurst Island The Belmont is 365 feet sea drinking houses an election Is spring above the level. held at High Grade CUNDY'S HARBOR, ME. It will add to which all adult males In that terri- your health and if taken Journalifttn's Bromidiom*. enjoyment every tory are supposed to vote. If any are Mr*. V. M. Darling. Prop. (Being a few of the day. absent their votes are counted for questions every It is the and best made. On prohibition. Another newspaper man is asked Boarding and lodging In on* of th* fin- purest sale election cannot every day.) est In Cuco by "It must spot* Bay. Pine oak grov* be held for Ave years, and It la be Portraits with bathln* very terribly hard to get boating. and flahlng privi- L. M. up June 15 YORK, Bailey's Island seldom tbat a second vote Is ever tak- something new and leges. Open to Oct. L Rate* •• " Interesting 17 to $8 per week. of *ea J. en •very and Plenty foods, G, 8TETHON, when a community once goea single day. Isn't It?" Developing Printing fresh vegetable*, milk. etc. •• " "Can you C. M. CLARY, against license. Another thing that get In free at all the For Amateur*. J. O. BRIG II has made national la theatres?" AM. Orr'» Inland sobriety the reg- Mail Order* In "But most Olven Prompt W. C. RANDALL, Harpnwell ulation, many placed, that liquor newspaper men are ter- YACHT APHRODITE cannot be ribly Attention. GEO. A Ho. well bought except by the bot- dissipated, aren't they?" C>pL Fsrrest L Osrtt. MeariHea'a I4f., ttrtfn L RICHARDSON, Harps and "About what Is 33-foot C. M. COBB, ClifT Inland tle, requiring the purchaser to the Star's circu- aloor, *•(• *nd comfortable; toll** lation?" accommodate* 28 to can en- take the bottle to hla home before ua- below; 30; b* A. II. HAMILTON, Or. "Do gaged for aailinf parties the dar. Chebeagne Ing any of Ita contents.—Baltimore you know Mr. Blank? by E. J. FOBKH •• •• In the He'a Hanson Flatting pert ire, six or orer, fl.OOaach, CO., Chimes' Studio bait American. furniabed. sails to ment." advertising depart* Moonlight any island. Leave orders with clerk at roar 12 Manument or Or order from the "What are your Sq. hotel, *pply at Hamilton's Land log, Dtmand Advertised Warti. ambitions—a or at residence. North • novel or play, PORTLAND road. "Not one pair of ahoe*. one salt of what?" "Do BELMONT SPRING WATER COMPANY one they cloth**, bottle of medicine, one blue-pencil much of your articles?" BELLEVUE 71 Ch««tnut can of cocoa will the dealer un- (Everything, to the Bro- COTTAGE St., Boston, Matt. buy. mide, that lea* be know* It will be demanded," appears In a newspaper— nr*. C. A. ROOER5 paragraph, nay* the Bu*lne*a Builder. "De- story, verse, obituary— EAST Is an "article.") Sabattus S. Tomer END, Chebeague Island, Ma. manded Rood* offer hi* greateat as- "Doe* BASKET DEALER Aceommodatlona for surance of fto-and-ao (the permanency. He will buy cartoonlat) boarder*. Lircr, air* room*, with Bwry fnrnlth hi* own South Harptwell, Maino New Granite Hotel wbat the public want*, whether the Ideas?" oooTraitnM. Fin* table. Bathing, Boat- Spring "Well, there are Indian ba*k»ta of all kind* for sale i*4 Rata* on margin be wide, or whether It afford* lots and lots of lo( PUhlng. application. Ponce's people that Jnst look or made to order. Visit oar tente at OPEN JUNE 20 TO SEPT. 15 Landing merely a llrln* profit/* These word* for Ella Wheel er Wllroi's things 8011th Harpnwell and also at Flallaj'a Cong Island* Mo. are. of courae. addreaaed apeclflcally I every day. They must he popular." Inland. W# hare Juat what will B. to the manufacturer who think* that P9HC%, Pr9pri%i%r "Was Evelyn pleann for a nonrenlr. adrerM*lng I* the of Thaw really so Hotol flcona*rur.t<>«i tb* province the re-1 pretty?" taller FREE ART EXHIBIT P«t 799*. t-arfs, fln# oham- only. It la the manufacturer'* "Why did yonr SHOLFIELO At function to dramatic COTTAGE _ Flrdala Studio and Sovrwlr bars. Sitk fkom wfcaro force the middleman to oast critic Mara. that show? I MB* A. A. PROP. 3rr* Wand. Ma., I minute* walk abora caa mi a wt- handle hla rood* thought It was »K0LFI1LD. gnasts joy salt by bringing preaaure ulte good." the vtaamboat landing on tha roe* to ter bath. Fh<-»:i«nt taBTo to bear on them through the consum- CuMy'i Harbor, Me. Pearl Houao. 8padai fraa exhibit of tha "Why don't yon anlr Oil Palo Una In U»» with s«a foods fa abun- er. The will get Into magatlne C/rlo-Panoranilc public want and Inalat work? The Uafted gtataa. abowlat "an tha way dance. Shore served magazines Orra dlQSers upon baring the producta the manu- print some around Man-a" an airship btrda-ara terrible staff." aa dalljr. Pool and Bowling la facturer ▼law aaan »00 faat a bora aaa laralj papularisea through the col- "You - °™ the hotol. Op*n from Jan# don't write the to umn* of the dally newapaper.—Hunt- headlines szu 15 to Soft IS. Rates on ap- yonr own Articles, do yon?" cisrj7p^si1cMr; ington Adrertlaer, "Who plication. writes all those fanny stories? He's awfally clever." C7>c Elmwood Some men apend moat of their "It gets yoa acquainted with lota 1* Elm St. IItm for been of apologizing baring actresses, doesn't It?" born. Fortland, Main* "That's all 1 bay that papar for." Bo oa ad Speech may also be a meana of lib., ad nana, and ad Infln.— Dinner from 11.16 to 1.00 Tranklla P. SUBSCRIBE NOV. concealing wbat we really think. Adams, Pwh- Gl D. DUP1I, PiepiMtr LONG ISLAND FIND CHRISTIAN RAILROADS I MAIL,it OA DS Summer Visitor* CHURCHES IN EGYPT. (Continued from Pace 3.) Mm Nni Us JUrfy Fir All Owing to ill health Mrs. V. Q. Bragg of Tarry-a-While cottage haa not been Cxiated Two or Thr#« Centuries entertaining this season. Her collage After Dtath of Christ Is was the scene of e " Opinio* many gay ties other Kodak' of Arohsoolofllste. seasons. The Scenic Route to the West Mr. E. Dark Supplies Ralph Wright left last Son* Boom at Tour day for Hopkins summer school to News received Strrioe. | from Dr. David Ran- prepare for the Yale examinations for dsll Maclver's fall. on Your to archaeological expedi- this Bight Way tion to Egypt has thrown Miss Alice Eaton la the Boat. scientific entertaining Bostont Maine R. R. circles at the University of Pennsyl- her friend, Mlaa Bern ice Payson of tHTEMIMS 182 MMtfto Portliri vania, Philadelphia, into a flutter of Boston at her summer home. Over- i CYCLE Strict, look CO., excitement, (or the director of the cottage. Mr. and Mrs. W. EXCELLENT TRAIN SERVICE expedition, in the report just received, H. Poole and son Ara of Belmont, Mass., are guests at announces discoveries hardly less iif the Davis cottage. Mr. Poole ia of the - - portant than those which hs BUFFALO CLEVELAND DETROIT made at Poole Piano Oo. of Boston. ▲nlbeh early la January. , Mr. Geo. V. Sheffield, treasurer of LITTLEFIELD ® While In CHICAGO and ST. LOUI8 the north of CO., Grocers Egypt, early Innls, Speiden 6 Co.. of New York; tn February. Dr. Maclver 109-111 Commercial St, Portlud ud Peak's He. discovered Prof. Andregregg of Oberlin college, and Tourist Cars Island, several Christian churches Miss Parlor, Sleeping* Dining HEAD OP STEAMBOAT WHARF of a date Ohio; Charlotte Brooks and Miss within two or three centuries after Flora Van Horn of Denver, CoL, are ONLY ONE CHAMCK TO THE PACIFIC COAST the death of Christ. These ancient guests at Look-to-Se* cottage, the Wholesale and Retail summer home of Dr. Qroceries, Meats and sanctuaries of the earliest adherents Demarest. The I. i. FUMED!, Piss. Tnf. Up. C. D. BOOT. En. Pitt. Demarest family expect to move into Provisions of ot the then despised Christian sect All Kinds their new summer home on the Sooth were carefully cleared of the heaps We make » of Side the last of this week. VUA.HTWI8K STEAMERS specialty supplying Hotels, Cottages. Schooner* ud Yacht- ot desert sand which have covered I JNrtlei. In fact we every in comraaes Kooa. fobs, Mullen. RAILROADS. hare thing oar line. Order Teams visit all them during the of rts of Irak's Island eereral times lapse centuries. Grant, O. F. Hunt, Welcher, Ham- dally. Everything here just as good as The members of ••Id In the city. the expedition then mond. Cummlngs and C. H. Hunt MERCHANTS & MINERS TRANS- made careful Ow Prices Are maps and photographs were at Camp Connor, the 7th Me. Right—Prompt gsrvlce EverytHsg First Class ot the shrines. It is PORTATION AMSHIP LINES thought at the regiment building Sunday, preparing Maim Central R. R. university that when these for their reunion, which waa held CO^STE maps and here BOSTON A PROVIDENCE are this week. Wo Mako a of Sou voir pictures published much will be TO Specialty Spoons, Brooehot, Bowothoo, Etc added to the little Mrs. Henry Smith and children of amount of knowl- NORFOLK, NEWPORT NEWS A Da Excursions! Bradford, Mr. and Mrs. EL of i edge antiquarians possess regarding Wiley BALTIMORE GEORGE T. Stoneham, Mass., were recent Mo«t delightful rout* SPRINGER the churches and the modes ot wor- guests to Southern and at the Cook weittn Points. S2.00 ship of the earliest Christians cottage. out- Mrs. Sarah A. Murch BOSTON TO Portland «.« a. ni ran to (kkf Watches, of and Miss PHILADELPHIA Diamonds, and Silverware side the city of Rome. B««t route to So Lake..steamer acroee Sebago Lake aa4 Jewelry Kate L Lambert and Mr. Clarence Jaroay Coast Rsoorts. Ac- the As a rival to the famous coramondatlono and culslno UP Songo River, take dinner at Naples 518 Cleopatra Bosworth were the latest guests st •and for unaurpaaaed. or Brldgeton; arrive Concrete St., Portland, Maine vase booklet. returning Portland discovered at Anibeh, which Is the Lambert cottage. now carefully boxed up In Cairo, Miss S. J. Clark of Maiden and Mr. fM can take a cat to init of interest point from in ront of the Falmouth awaiting shipment to the university Harry Keller are guests at the Olive Remodeled and re'furnished. It is a practically SI .SO fireproof building museum. Dr. Maclver In cottage. Mr. Adrian and Miss Frances TO tSBAOO LAKE AND RAYMOND. discovered. Leave a little known near Keller spent several last week Portland at a. rtu, and at locality the sec- days Sebago Lake with friends on Cliff take steamer acroee the ond cataract of the Nile, a number of Island. Uke and up the east In- Mr. shore. passing MAINE carved and Mrs. Harry Henderson and dian I aland. White's Bridge. Raymond PORTLAND, marvellously capitals ot col- The son Russell, and Mr. Jas. of Images and up the River Jor> umns'and a cornice KUday NewYirKBIrictLine o to with Raymond P. H. or sculptured Maiden are at ape. village for dinner and NUMN8, Propria nl the heads of guests Verona Villa. a visit to the 8tate flah Europun Amrican Pin the Royal Draeus. This Miss hatchery, where Annie Linsky of Maiden. Miss the whole process of hatch and rais- snake was the emblem of SI—Nil York ill Retire—IT Ins the ancient Mary Trodden of East from ins trout snd salmon may be seen. Cambridge. Portland Return Egyptian monarchy. The columns Miss Annie Is made, arriving in Portland Scanlon of West Medford, Jtn* August Had TICKETS l it pi m. and the on cornice are similar to the all clerks In the Boston Elevated R. day*, sala at the Com- pony's Office, Franklln] Wharf. sculptures of Phllae, and are of the R. office, spent their vacations with The Afternoon same Mrs. Albert Souvenirs period, but are said to be Id Woodbury, Beach avenue. River you desire perfect condition. Dr. Maclver be- Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Roulston and Fast modern steamships of the Songo Trip something origi- children of Portland Lihe from Via Steamtr and lieves that these discovered Mattapan, Mr. and Mrs. A. s§il FY an Win Hail, Harrow Gang* nal, altogether attractive and newly Wharf to of H. Palmer of Brooklyn, N. and Mr. New York without IF as a and pieces architecture represent the Y., Heating on souvenir of W. B. chance, at 10 a. m.. S2.00 appropriate, finest works of Mclntlre, captain of Co. 5 of Mondays their class tn exist- Leave Portland 1.06 arrive do not fail to Cambridge, are the latest arrivals at Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur- p. m.. Seba- Portland, inspect ence, and for so Lake 1.37 p. m.. where the our beauty of design and the Beach days st Ul p. this Steamer large stock. Avenue House. A, making de- takes you across Sebago Lake, the Plumbing execution he says they rival some of short up Mr. True C. Foss and wife of the lightful, sea-mp in shout Songo River, across the Bay of Naples the work on some of the most hours. and Long Pond to North * famous Deering District, and Miss Edna twenty-two No summer ho Bridgton. Tally- * * Bry- to Brld*ton village. Narrow to of the Grecian ant were tour complete without 1L Full Gauge temples. i recent guests at the Olivett, In Brldgten Junction, thence Maine Cen- Engineers ur. formation st wharf office. tral to means of our Macirer left Anlbeh, the scent the new summer home of Mr. and Portland, arriving Portland fully equipped A. p. m. of his earlier on Mrs. Ira T. Tlbbetts. H. CLAY. Agent. repair shop we are able to re- STOVES, RANGES, discoveries, January Franklin 15, leaving half of his inib. joun 11. nynt, Mrs. Elizabeth Wharf, Portland, Me. BYpair your broken or TINWARE party there to To the White Mo an jewelry Seavery of New N. tain* at short continue the excavations in charge of Castle, H., Mrs. M. and glasses notioe. Ship Stores, Lanterns his A. Humphrey and Miss Mabel Return and Fur- assistant, Dr. Wooley. After mak- HIng- was Galley ham are guests at the Farms, Mass., here on the Tues- ni ing a careful of the Allston cot- in * * * things. study Middle tage. day company with his two sons. S4.70 Empire forts and towns of Mr. McDonnell owns several acres Letre Portland 9.05 a. m. Four boors Mlrgeahlch After the ball game of at end near Saturday, the land on Crawford*. Bret ton Woods or Fab- Behn, Wady Haifa, the the extreme end of the yans for F.&C.B. NASH party, young people of the West End were Island, dinner and delving, CO. which he intends back arriving Co. began working northward. Owing to entertained the to cut up into lots in Portland at 7.41 p. m., or by re- McKenneyJewelry 3J4-39D HMEtt. by Misses Thomas at at the and offer for sale. maining Fabyans an bourcan arrive la great success of the their summer home in cXConument 'Port/and expedition. honor of the Misses Portland at I K p. m. Square, Dr. Maclver may stay in captain of the Amy Robertson, Grace Pres- Tourists on this can also Egypt longer nine, who left Sunday Mabel trip visit than was for ton, Woodbury and Laura Mc- FryeburgNorth Intervale. Jack- at first expected. In his New Haven. were Conway. Refreshments four son and Bsrtlett if prefer at a leas served a Curdy, lively young ladies of the they latest report he expressed doubt as and most enjoyable time expense or Maplewood. Bethlehem. Pro- social set, of Beverly, who are file to whether he will his passed. Just before the party broke Mass., House. Jefferson. Lancaster at a bring expedi- occupying the Roberts cottage at the slight additional expense. tion home before up the young ladles surprised the early part of Capt. East end for two weeks, went to next R. E. Wight by him year. presenting with Fabyans, N. H., on the Poland a very pretty watch fob. White Moun- Springs, Maine tain excursion to 8pMrtknity Exceptional Capt. M. R. of the Wednesday. They ar- IS.K Poland Spring House and Re- Joy Boston fire rived on the island turn. JUST ASLEEP UNDER WATER. department was a Sunday and will SALE recent guest of G. take a $3.05, going Saturday and PLA6EBJN R. Knight. number of side trips while Returning here. Portland S.2S a. m. One of the Mr. and Mrs. Geo. White of LeaVe 7.10, or X1.CS aSSTM'S IS MAINE Fanny Incidents Possible Brigh- Miss Marlon Hutchings of Rumford a. m.; arrive Poland Sprinc House I.N, LAMB, ton, Mass., are guests of 10.30 sl m. or 1 m. Three choice front Iota. la a Mrs. James Falls met with a p. Take dinner and Diver's Life. Wallace of painful dislocation of remain until about I and Two choice fear lots. the Home Bakery. I lie knee p. m.. arrive at As To the joint Sunday and after some Portland 5.26 p. m. Ooe house and lot. showing how much at home a Girls of the West End— hours of effort Dr. Ftankel of New EVERY SUNDAY All one-half man may be under Feeling that I did not half express TO MOOSE HEAD mlnate from to-day water, I my York called Dr. F. H. of Nor- LAKE AMD RANQILIY LAKE. ocean. Three E gratitude on Nutting minotee' walk J*^n[UfT(OTTAG may relate an amusing receiving the watch fob, wood who Leave from story. 8oms which cottage replaced the dislo- Portland 6.60 a. m. arriving on steamer landing (steamer they so presented to return at 7.40 m. months ago, while the great battle- kindly me, cated bones. Miss was p. $2.50 the round trip touching four timea (urr. |SLAND.^Ei I wish to do so Hutchings to either daily). through the Breeze. still and in place. Going Saturday or Sun- Fifteen minutes' a il f:om ship Dreadnought was at Malta, one standing the act of turn- day to Moosehead and return Nothing they could have me Sunday or Ca*tle of the seamen given ing around the knee Monday Ossco, Sooth —• divers went down to would have slipped out of One and one-half Freeport. M pleased me more. More joint hoot's to Wimfakl, Lo4 sam thoughts reset ic. that had become and that were to H. K. on application. entagled, behind the gift and wish Another accident Excursions Apply Patterson, *?b!S* he failed to come happened which Sunday On the Island. A. H. Southard. Lloensed up. It chanced that I had done more to merit it. was Motor*Boat. lac leeult of carelessness on the to the White Excursion and Fish Id* Parties. that the rest of the battleship'* div- Therefore. I tender them heartfelt Mountains my part of Walter J. Verry of Roslindale. Leave Portland 9.30 a. m.; arrive ers were and gratitude and to see 13.55 noon. ashore, grave concern hope them all "Alio fchot himself the in Fabyans Leave Fabyans 2.40 next through hand arrive was *elt on the Ironclad for the miss- summer, when I to show revolver p. m.; Portland 5.50 p. m.; con- hope practice. Mr. Verry was re- for Boston. ALBERT WOODBURY them what I think of their necting ing worker. Slgnsls by telephone many kind- loading when the gun went off, the Long Island, Me. and nesses this yesr. ball lifeline were sent below, without just skipping a joint and breaking RAI.PH E. no S1.50 Trip Round CONTRACTOR A BUILDER. avail. In the launch above the WIGHT. hones. Dr. Nutting dressed the throb, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. M. Ward of TO NAPLES. CotUce Work a throb of the air Port- wound. Specialty. Etetl pump's cylinders land were recent mate* went guests of Mr. and Master Barry dough of cheerfully siren any time. Re- on, but the attendants looked Mrs. A. Lawrence, Sundays to Naples or Raymond for C. Nichols of the Bohemian. who is in dinner. pairing or altering at one another stopping the McDonald cot- Leaving Portland 9.30 a. m. Si promptly and .sat- in dismay, I Dr. R. W. of across fearing and PALMER lafactorlly done. Sawyer Dorchester was tage suffered a severe bite in the left Sebago Lake up the Songo Cottages and cot- some a recent River to Naples or acroas Sebago Like to 25 strsnge tragedy deep down in guest at Bellevue shoulder a n H. P. Two tage lota tor tale. cottage. by dog belonging to to Raymond. arrive at Port- those heaving green seas. The Misses Florence George Returning, and four 2 Macnelll, May A. Greene, the contractor. The wound land 5.50 p. ip. cycle. 1, The worst was feared when some Craig. MabH J. Craig. Ida Andrews was and 4 of cauterized by Dr. Nutting. The DAILY 8AIL8 IN CASCO BAY. brushes and Brighton, Mass., was $1.50 the Round cylinders. big other tools came May Butler of Ja- dog promptly killed by the owner. Trip 17 ft. UrancbM complete to the maica Plain. Mass., and Julia Connell P. H. A floating surface, and thereupon Christiansen is doing a rushing A Through Parlor Car Leaves Portl.ind with engine $189. Variety of That Will of a. Trip® Delight the navigating lieutenant sent Canton, Mass., Mr. Edward Mur- business at his and 9.05 m., arriving Montreal 9.16 p. m. A anhore grocery provision full line o( repair parts Tourists. taugh of Brighton. and store at A Tturourh an urgent message for one of the Mass., Miss Doughty'* Landing. Slsspw Leaves Portland alw«y» in stock. Alice of dally. Sundays Included. 9.16 ar- Beautiful and refreshing scenes that other Geary Brighton, Mass., were p. m., divers. The man came on riving Montreal 6.15 a. m., Catalogue free. will charm the sight and All the hearts recent guests at the the Monduran dressed Belmont, Hardwood. A Parlor Car for Leaves Port- of excursionists with board, Immediately, and wont summer Fabyans keen delight pleasant home of Mr. and A railroad In land at 9.05 a. m.. 1.60 below, only to come full Honduras, which has p. m.. dally except PALMER BROS. abound In beautiful Casco bay, and up of Indig- Mrs. J. W. Howson. Sunday. nation. Just been opened to traffic as far as A 48 Portland the daily satis offered by the Casco Mr. O. A. Bell of Parlor Car with Broiler Buffet Leaves Pier, Portland, Mo. Dorchester, Mr. Celba Portland at 9.06 a. m. Sun- Bey tc lines are "Why, that fellow's been Frank D. thirty-Are miles, was built dally, except Harpswell arranged asleep all Townsend of day, arriving at Quebec 9.60 m. to Brunswick, with creosoted ties p. include every point of Interest In thla time!" he aald. wrathfully. It correspondent of the Portland Eve* pine from the Fred 5. the routes traversed was true. United States. It Is Purrington by the splendid The man had just had his nlng Express, Miss Eleanor Flanagan worthy of note ScrvlcoWEST North Hirp«w«ll, Me. steamers of the fleet. The sail and of Portlsnd were that while creosoted ties Through dally lunch, finding the work much entertained by Mr. pine are To the West via to Beal of the the Crawford Notch Harpswell Center, that leaves Cus- Na serious than he had Overlook cottage last being shipped from the United States of the While Mountains. tom thought, he PLEASURE. YACHTS House wharf every at week. to Iyave Portland. 9.06 a. m. 9.16 m. morning finished It In a few minutes and then Honduras, hardwoods a*-« p. of an tenia from IS to M 9.30 a. m.. touches at >irs. coming Arrive 9.16 m. 6.16 a. m. pat ft., built and Sunset landing, sat A. uiarKe has as bursts Mr. to the United Montreal. p. la oar of wood. Alao comfortably on one of the States from that coun- Arrive Ottawa. 1.40 a. m. flnlnhed style Boats Oreat Chebeague, Cousin's and Bib- giant snd Mrs. Geo. 1S.66 noon all built the 8. Parker and son Arrive Toronto, 7.66 a. m. aad Tenders, by day or coo- ber's blades of the Dreadnought's try. Americana are doing the 7.60 p. m. tract. 1 will be a lad to estlmata on Islands, South Freeport (Casco propel- (banning I* Parker of ship- Arrive Detroit. L10 p. m. S.66 a. m. any ler went 8omervllle. both or ■ma>L Please Mere and to with ping ways. A tract of Arrive St. I»ul*. 7.63 a. m. 1.00 m. job largo write or give Castle), Point. Birch Island and sleep, Inqulnl- Mass.. Mrs. Kittle Miss 8,000 p. ■se a call. tire Fernald, G. acres In Arrive 9.60 m. 10.66 a. m. to many minds passes over fishes swarming around Newton snd Honduras has been secured Chicago, p. the pret- him, at-1 Miss Marion Pheau of Arrive St. Psul. *.J0 *. m. tl#»st route In tracted uy an American the enthre bay. by the dassllng searchlight Boston. company which will For further particulars, folders, guide The palatial steamer on his breast! The Miss cut the and books snd other literature, call on Machlgonne officers were so Williams of Overlook cot tare mahogany other valuable makes two round each amused at nave a trips day to the occurrence that no Thimble party to the hill hardwoods and ship them to the F. E. BOOTH South sum Unit- BY, AMERICAN DAIRY LUNCH Harpswell, Bailey's and Git's was m«T residents ed punishment Inflicted on the lazr last week that was very States.—Forest and 8tream. O. P. A.. M. C. R It.. Portland. Islands stopping at Long. Cliff and Che- much O. J. MacDONALD, Proprietor. one.—From "The Divers of a enjoyed by all present. Refresh- Islands en Navy beague route. This trip ments were served on and Their Adventures/' In St. Nick* the spacious Now Location at 121 Commercial St. offers either an all day excursion to piazzas and olas. Mrs. Ida Ing, "Let your light so shine that Somervllle, Mass.. are guests at l>ong- tToprfiur Cliff and Chebeague I*lands. South others." seeing your good wood. work, may Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Maclachlan Harpowell, Bailey's and Orr's also take pattern and the Match Imb Islands, therefrom. twins have returned to Bar, OQfyfGftA V?A/G(d and the New Meadow* river The their Cliff resorts, slovenly workman Is always In home In Melrose, Mass. Island U lla jaw. AoUnnco and Cundy's Harbor. Aboua evidence. He can PbRTijiyDjtft- be traced by the Philip James, son of E K. Fhf two hour* Is allowed for dinner at | James, Bathing, careless manner In which of Portland, and and 249 MIMIc %* Portland. th* fjurnet. bis Jobs Ray Northrup, aon Boating FN blag. The steamer returns to are of H. put together, by the llUer of odds Northrup of Bomervllle, were Exctllaet Cabrln*. nl<-» Portland about * p. m.. In time for It tota want r. nett. Mrs. Herbert F. Mrs. Burnham. Mrs. C. B. Boynton. Miss Amv E. Prop. Alvah M. Davit. Phtla. Johnson. Blanchard. Mrs. Mi»» N. H. Paine. Richmond (See adr. in another column.) Cecil Anderson. Phtla. John D. Bluxome. Mrs. I). S. I Ruby Johnson. Mrs. A. C. Burnham Barker. Dr. H. k. room for our now Miss S. T. Murdoch. Baltimore v»eo. F. fuller & Burnet. Miss Isabel Bonel. Fall Goods Taft. wife and fam ly. Henry d.. Bloomtield Mrs. C. T. Root. Miss Edward F. Black. W. Miss Elisabeth B. Batchelor. AlUton Rev. Mr. Reynolds. X. Y. Margaret C. Benjamin. Harry C. Black. Dr. H. K. Brook. Miss M. F. Baker. Miss Baltimore A. P. Bicknell. wife and fam.. Burnet, and Walter Black. Margaret Miss Annie P. Owen R Havens. Mrs. O. R. Havens. Jordan. Norfolk Dorche»ter SUMMIT E. Johnson. This committee Chas. $5.00 Edw. H. HOUSE. plans H. Hankey. John A. \V. E. Has- arriving daily. Gray, Baltimore Mrs O. II. Burkhardt & ton. Chcbcacu* Island. the brook. Hay. Miss Florence M. Me. enlargement of the library and the Walter H. Hall. Charles M. Miss Small. Newton Centre Mr*. C. M. Hamilton. Hulda N. Clary. Baltimore Mr*. M. H. Prop. of a house Clark. Chas. W. Clary. Mrs. E. E V. Seavern*. I See adv. tn another building suitable for It. and Cross. W. Miss Alice II. Small. Bait. column.) D. Crafts. Oeorte H. Johnson Maiden. Ma**. Miss the development of the school in what- Herbert F. Miss Elise Fannie Mr*. Fred'k Lane Julia F. Chapman. Prov. Johnson. Mrs. II. F. Johnson. Geo. — W » and Gray. and family. H. H. ever fohnson. Fred Baltimore M al>len. M»>. Lanjj St w., Montreal ways may seem desirable **n* Gertrude Knox. Natural Resources and Im- t>avui W. Doughty. Mrs. S. De- Brooklyn Bursch. Hdye Pk Landscape Hart. E. S. J. *10 and "2 Mrs. Richard Kimball. Balto. Mi*s Claire L. Bur»ch. M ontreal provement has not been I-eeman. Chas. B. Leeman. .Scott quality ** Miss yet complete- M. Leeman. Miss Charlotte Kimball. Wm. S. Wallace. SoriniiieM Evelyn Lang. Montreal, Clarence H. Lunt. R. A. Lippin- M;»« Ruth Lane. Westmount i ly organized, but expects to be so in cott. B. F. Mrs. B. F. Sfuowtor' Miss Kath. B. Balto. F. W. \ Luckey. Luckey. Miss $7.85 Jones. IliKif.n* w., Br^line Mrs. G. W. Harriet Mrs. W. R. Phila. Edna I.. Elliot. Montreal) the near future. It will endeavor to Luckey. Charles H. Mann. Sirs. C. H. Murphy. lltKumt. Brookline Mrs. E. Thomas. Mann. C. Miss A. Adele Phila. A. Hnuin*. Br'kline Montreal maintain the natural Riborg Mann. Mrs. C. R. Mann. Murphy, Dorothy Mrs. Geo. Faucett. attractions of Perry R. T. Blue and White & w.. New Lisbon Wm. L. Lloyd \ R._ MacNedte. R. Mathews. W. A. Gray Worsted $15 Suits, Stamford. Conn. the Island in such condition that all Muuxy. Mrs. L. B. F. A. M. Brown. w.Jk d.. Arlington. Matt. Munroe. Mi*s Josephine M. now Geo. E. Faucett. them Flin*. Mrs. F. Peck. Mrs. N. C. Pear sell for Baltimore Maud E. Abbott. ** may enjoy freely, and to beau'I- Mary Roxbury Elixa H. Faucett. son. Mrs. Clara S. $9.85 Mrs. M. M. Keller. Baltimore l.evina Bunt on. Arlington H"t* the Pulsifer. F. E. Partington. Geo. G. Bell f.. X. fy Island by suitable planting of I Mr* F. E Mrs. Geo. A. Fleming. Balto. Mr». M. C. Perkin*. Hudson Rochellel Partington. A. B. Payton. Mi»s S. " PllU Harvcv w.. N.Grafton trees and sbrubs. The B. Parker, Charles S. Miss Elizabeth Fleming. W. E. Clemmer \ Boston | following have 1 Thomas. F. F. Thurston. and Florence S. Ilarvev. X.Grafton Mrs. F. F. Outing Worsted $3.00 G. P. Strllman. Baltimore li. F. Farmer \ w.. held been invited to be members of this Thurston. Ernest L. Thurston. Pants, Spring Edith M. Luke. Westmount Edwin ToJles. Mrs. Miss Dunton. N. Y. lohn M. Lyon*. E. committee: Messrs. Emma A. Tolles. James sell now for Weymouth Mrs. M. Toline. Montreal Herbert F. John- Thomas. Chas. T. Root. Mrs. Zoe Lebman. Brooklyn V. W. Iliggm*. * & c.. C. T. Root. Mis« $1.98 Ann:e M. Haven. son. T. E. Win fred R->ot. Chester Turnbull & w.. Balti. Brook! ne. Lynn Hazell. E. J. Starr. Perry Ralph R<>ot. Franklin T. Rott. Ma«*. Mrs. Martha W. Chas. E. Frank Robtn*on & sr.. Port. Mis* Edna .Brookline Hovel*. R. MacXeille. and Mrs. Elisha Ronaldson. D. P. Sinnett. Everett E. lliggm* C. Smnett. Mr«. Mi*s Mary Caswell. P. A. Mac aula*. Boston Worcester E. E. Sinnett. J. G. Stetson. J. Wachusetts Coat Shirts, and Wellesley W. Parker & w.. D'chester Johnson. Mrs. D. P. Sinnett. and L. Seward. Mrs. L. $1.00 Rev. John Dows II ill*. D.I)., A. F. Jenkin* & w\. Melro*e J. J. Seward. Wm. D. Smith. Kenneth & Howard Mrs. A. F. H. \ w.. Oil Pa. (•race Brockton Parker. Chester Sinnett. Streuli. Mrs. A. F. Streuli. Dr. $1.50 value, at City. Hurley. Dorchester T. Sk-ilmore. If. Mis* Adiana IIill*. Oil City M. J. Hackett. Marlboro A very of co- Sydnry Alfre«I V. Sayre. W«. L. Parker. friendly spirit mutual —. M. Price. Trenton Katherine Collin*. MarP>oro Gladys Dorche«ter Sa> Xanthus Smith. Mrs. Mary B. Smith. I. B. Ham*on & w.. operation pervaded the and I \antku< R. R. Si. Gideon. Phila. O. F. & w.. Irvmgton meeting Smith. Mrs. E. i). St. John. Dr. Sage. Jr.. Boston "A. K. & I*. St 75c anda 98c Samuel R. Limerick. Phila. Mi*» E. E. Jackson w.. Maiden augured well for the gradual strength- E. John. Era»tus J. Starr. Mrs. E. Boys' Wash Suits, dark Kelley. Roxbury Frances C. ! Starr. Miss J. Mr. Whitman A: w.. Mitt II. L. Lvnn Jackson. Maiden and Bertha Schog. E L. Sumner. «leo. Cahill. O. E. ening extension of the cordial re- Smith. and at it rmantow n Jackson. Maiden Harry C. Sm'th. Mrs. II. N. Stokes. light, Hit H. T. Rrdican. Boston Louise lations that have Win B. Kurtr & f., Mr*. Harlow. Milton always existed Mi-* H- W. "Stokes. R II. Wwxlman. Mrs. R Katharyn Moore.Newark Mrs. Louise II. Mi»> Kciv.. (iirmmtuviii M. Alice Moore. Newark Harlow. Milton among the residents and Woodman. Mi*« Ida Waugh. Mrs. R. G. Lewis Harlow. sojourner* Mrs. Mis* Knight. titrmintD»n Laura B. Mi>ore. Milton on th* White. A. M Wilson. L. M. S'ork. Mrs. Newark Mrs. W. Knox. Island. The movement plares Henry I). Williams. N. Y. Anna Moore. Newark J. Montreal L. M. York. Isaac R.chards. Men E. D. Harrison & w.. "Everything and Boys Wear." Miss A. Carroll Williams.N.Y. Mitt M. P. Hurley. Mrs. R:chard I'airo. Wa»h. Rockland. Ma*». Irvmgton II. Harcourt. B'>»t'» Wm. Parker. tails Frank Sullivan. Pn.jlo Anna L. ADD CASCO .. Wapt>au4 Florence Mann. Montreal M. Lynch Stanton. W. P. Merrill. Hawly, Dorchester Mi** M. L. Donnivan. Somerville A. Wash. Grace Knftn. Mont"! Mm >u»ic Robertson. Hamilton. Ont. W. Portland. HolcomHe. A._ *». \V. Simmom. Springfield _ C. I>rayton & w.. Natick Theodore H. & «.. Frances P. Nye «. ... Mis* A. L Kerr. Montreal Cha*. «>. West. Boston W'«tmoant R. K. Forb<», N. V. AMERICAN I>ra>ton. Natick CLOTHING CO Worcester Mr». M. Katherine M. Denno. Boston Lynch 5»tanton. A. Church «r.. John A. Kerr. Montreal M. A. C. Herman Bi*ler. I*htla. J._ & \V. Morn«»ey. Springfield Cora M. Peters. Fitchbur* Hamilton. Ont. A. K. Dooniran. A. W. Mac Donald. Montreal Nellie Morri«»ey. Sprmgrield Rufu* Minor. Montreal Lexington 255 Middle Hie | Xellie G. Smith. Medford M»»* I-la I. niiamann, Phila. Mr*. Thos. Hunter. I*hila. Street* Portland, Mrs. Barnston. Montreal Edwin D. Farmer & w.. Mi«« Lucy Edward H. Howard \ w.. Prtt«. Chd«(a Mr*. W. H. Simp*on. Mont. G. Luckhur»t & w.. Montreal Mi«« A. MiM Bessie Hunter. Phila. Springfield | C. McLaren. Ottawa Kitty M. Robte. Montreal >ir«. H. Ethel M. Blaikie. Belmont Mi** Ethel D«>dge. Beverly Albany Lmdeman. N. Y. Albert A'j*u«ta WAVooI. Hacker.«ack Miss Belle Lindeman. N. Y. L. Blaikie. Belmont Mi** Ruth l>odge. Cora Beverl} " I. Maune Natick Brook*. N. Y. Mi** Marietta Woodbury. MiM Marie | Sarah F. Demare^t. Miss M. L Van Horn. Howard. Albany Bailey'* Island. Me. Ueo. H. Guy. Brockton Grace I>. Stewart. E. F. I>enver ISLAND VIEW Orange Mr*. F. E. Cram. H. Collins. Flushing COTTAGE. Kenneth C. Cox. Boston Proprietor E. B Twist Mi*s Annie McRobie. Montr'l Me. (See adv. in another I THE HAMILTON*. & w.. N. V. Chebeague Island. Aver. Pawtucket column.) R. A. Gladys Blaikie. Winchester L. F. Hamilton. Mary J. Edmund B. Chebcague Island. Me. Alley. Boston Be*»ie Oram. Providence G-Ichritt. Phila. Clarence Geo. F. Adam* & w.. Nashua (See adv. in anotherProprietor Jf. W. W. Edgar H. Paine. i J. Fouche. Quincy column.) Mr*. R. Bos. Gilchrist. jr.. & w„ Proprietor Mr*. L. F. E. Beal & w., Everett Siilney Blakelejr. (See adv. in another column.) E. Denton. S. Orange Mr*. W. II. Lowe. Chicago Kleanor L. Btakelev. Boston Philadelphia ; THE W. lloran & w.. Boston Mr*. F. F. A. ! Irving J. Denton. S. Orange "Caloric" J. Dr. Mis* Ross Lowe. I.. Boston Watte. Mettichen J. County, wife and son, Miss Sadie Julia Margaret Blakelc). •• St. Pa. E. H. Smith Jk w.. Patterson Stevens, Braintree A. W. Mi** F. I. Browning. Davids. Miss Edith Chicago Ha*ttng». Bo*ton Mm M. Catherine Smith. Patterson Nesbitt. Mr*. lirown. F. Skelton II. N*. Mulfori. J. Stullen. Pittsburgh Jame* Westfield B. & w.. Rotlindale M. E. M. White. Brooklyn S. Weymouth Mis* Alice Brown. We*ttield Bridgeton. N. t. iiiy Fraley, St Davids. Pa ! W. A. Roulston. Montreal Margaret Skelton. Ko»lmiale Mi** Mrs. N. P. Evelyn Can«lerzeer. Fireless Cooker E. \V. At water & w\. Gertrude M. Partri' lletHey. Brooklyn Brooklyn BrTclyn j. E. Chappell. Phila. 1««.| Miss Julia Howe. N Y. Mi** Ruth Atwater. Newtonville Nellie E. Hetfley, Br'klyn C. E. William* & w.. Edge*-d Miss Hazel " Emma Howe. N. Y. BELLEVUE COTTAGE. Edith It. Hunter. Andover Kuth Harold E. Cram. Bo*tor. Heffley, William*. Edgewood Mrs. E. F. Mr«. M. Howe. N. Y. Chebeague Island. Me. Grace L. Sowerbutt*. Mt*» B. E. Mr*. Louisa A. Bucknam. Bngharr.. X. V. Chapman. Mrs. R. B. X. Edna Bworen. Newark will or Walter C. Rogers. X. Andover Mi»* E. M. Dorche*ter Coxtord. Y. bake roast, as Manager Cook. Prov. Mr*. Miss S. B. Nichols. Frank E. Benedict. Newark (See adr. in another column.) Frank Jordan. Boston A. L I)avi*. Newark A. H. Longfellow & *.. Phila. New York M ss I. M. X Y. Terry liealey. Fitchburg F. A. Merriarn & w., Daniel llealey. Bo«ton II. K. Bellour & Hop*. A. M. as Portland Spring. Geo. E. B;bher. Portland Mrs. J. H. Richardson. Phita. Parmetee. Boston well boil, stew or Mary H. Natick Mi** Edna Dyer. Reading Ida M. Eadie. Dorchester E. O. Brockton Margraves. Emery H- \Vm«Iow. Portland E. G. Matloch & w.. Perth Noyes. Bess Higgins. Brookline Le*lie Marden Jit w.. \Vorc'*t'r Mr*. Glady* F. Fillebrown. | <). N. Nayhr. Lowell Mi** Mr*. L. B. Munroe. N*. Y. T. J. Miller & w.. steam Helen L Wallncr. Dorchester Sullivan. Boston BoM on Pittsburgh S. M. Martin & w.. Fall any Mi** Viria Munroe. N'. Y. C. M. Cate & Yonkers River perfectly, Bessie La Mi** (Iilford. Bo*ton Mr*. I.. M. Goodwin. A. P. Alderman w.. Mont. Lynn Lynn NIi*» Miv Munroe. N. Mrs. Frank Leake. Phila. & Hartfd Mi** Carrie E. Raddin. Mr*. L. M. Hitching*. Y. Madge Joseph McGilvarjr. Cambridge Lynn Mr*. A. P. Flmt.Oakland.Cal. Miss Marion Leake. Phila. Penny. I)orche*ter and all kinds of food. Frank Murphy, Maiden Charlotte M. Ileald. Boston H. R. Norton & w.. DorchVr Springfield Mi** \V. W. <;ilchn»t X w.. Phila. Miss Margaret Featherly. Wm. Cummings. Springficlii <»ertrude Potter. Maiden Mrs. N. li. Sawyer. W'mouth Mis* Ella W. Raddin. Mi** Kathryn Bunce. Brooklyn Wm. Royce. Springfield Maiden WOODBINE ft COTTAGE. Miss Mtss Hilda W'mouth N'ew Britain Elida Sawyer. " You the over Sullivan. T. B. Week* & w.. Maiden Bailor's Island. Me. Featherly. Mis* Adelaide simply get hot an Joseph Springfield F. P. Balto. \V. E. Fay A w.. Boston Sawyer. things ordinary S. ^ w. & f.. Newton Katherine Week*. Maiden Mrs. H. S. Sinnett. Wainwright. Tohn M. Sinclair. oung. Proprietor I. R. Boit 8c w.. Bo«ton Miss Edith Fay. Boston Waterbury coal, or oil stove, them John T. Comerford. Brookline Mi** Week*. Maiden (See adv. in another column.) Mr«. E. F. Soule. Portland gas put into the "Caloric" and Mi** Mi** S. E. Bramin. Phila. Master Arthur Fay, Boston Edward Warfield. Worcester Upham. I!o«ton Mi«s Ethel Oldtng. N. Y. Cunningham. Washington Dr. Wffi R. Bucnanan & w.. M. \Y. Kctiney & ».. Boston will cook without futher fuel or G. M. Lawrence. Worcester Mis* Buxton. Boston Mrs. E. T. Smvth. N. Y. they attention, to a J. Scherp. X. Y. Washington <1. H. Geller Sc w.. Balto. Bertha L. Bosworth. Wcest'r Mrs. Martha Smith. A!a»ka H. Mrs. II. Phila. FrH A. Home & w.. Nashua of deliciousnessithat never Erma MERRICONEAG HOUSE. Marj- Culp. Brooklyn ). Wallace. H. C. degree you dreamed of (as I. Bosworth. Worcester Miss Mattie Smith. Alaska L. ft. Littleton. X. II. Miss E. B. Wallace. Phila. Slerrill. Nashua Marion South Harpswell. Me. Jarvi*. Mis* Eva C. MacMurrar, Provi. Dr. Geo. F. Lewis & w.. Wm. A. McCord. M. M. Elti.. X. Bassett. Concord no or flavors can and Mildred W. W. Tibbetts. Cincinnati Tinsley. J. Mrs. T. E. Wood. Bo*ton juices escape) without dam- Richards. Lynn Manager Collinsville. Cor.n. Augu*t Goi*er. Miss II. E. Howes. Boston any Ida L. Paw (See adv. in another column.) Cincinnati _ Miss V. H. Carson. tucket Mi«s M. P. Lewis. M. M. St. Loui* Miss B. G. Wood. X. Bedford Word. Boston of no matter how Carrie B. B. ** Armstrong. H C. filidden. N. age burning, you leave them in. Johnson. Pawtucket Xelson Gildersleeve, X. Y. Elliott X. Chase. F. M. it Mist A I). Dover. H. long John*on w.. Chicago Fr>. • •race Mabel F. P. Burk* Miss D ... E Miller. Newark It an ■ | is Prcj*Uience Minnie Booth. M Ctm C. Cotronf'js •» ideal stove or even Anna Capwell Mmw. Rrosmug. T. H. Bean & jpj cottage, camp, auto- Aylesw-orth. Trovidence Mr*. E. P. Cooper & dtrs.. Hartford. Conn. Mi** Helen Miss Pearl Browning. Columb. w.. Boston M. Grace Pawtucket £ohn*on. Chicago M s« Boston Miller. Northampton. Mat*. Mrs. Agnes S. Flynn. Boston Nli*« C. L. Gerri«h. Lewiston I Mrs. A. E. Allen. Columbus Moody. mobile. Mrs. Mrs. M. | Lawrence \ Claire Raymond. Lynn Burke. Jamaica Plains Miss Lucy D. Flynn. Boston Mi** I— M. Soule. Lewiston Mrs. M. II. Merchant. X. Y. Henry w.. W. I AIKI. Henry Caldwell. Portland Mr*.W.H.Lee & d.. Evanston Miss Mary G. King. Boston Mi** Su*an Lewi*ton Mi»s Isabel L. Merchant. X.Y. 'in|.f.uit, There is no felt or cloth to II. " Gray. C. H. Halt. get greasy. All Frank V. Fowler & sr.. Phila. W. Kennedy Jfc w.. X. Y. Miss Margaret M. King. NIi»* H. L. Water*. Mi*s Frances M. Merchant. Waterbury parts Frank Packard & Miss A. XI. He!«i F. IIa«l(in«. Boston are w..Mattapan Kennedv. X. Y. Miss Josephine S. Dsw. S. Braintree Miss E. Dives. Phila. and cleaned. Phila. Mist H Mary | W. H. Btirrf!!. Boston easily quickly Jane McLaughlin. J. Mitchell. X. Y. Montreal Mi** > M. Brown. Mis* E. C». Dives. Phila. Alar ion W. T. vr. Randolph R. L Baldwin. Boston 1 Foss. Lynn Farwell, 5c i. Miss Henrietta Fraser. X. Y. Mi*« M. T. D<>wd. Miss Annie L. Moore. Phila. 1 compartment and Montreal M.*s Bro<>klyn | B. Ballard. Boston styles $7.00 $8.00 Peggy Sylvis. Phila. NIi«* Mary F. Lee. Richmond Walter L. Dives. Phila. Miss L. ... W. A. Hflfn B. Solahan. Boston ROBINHOOD inn. J. Roberts. Y. Gray, Worcester, Mass. NIi»« L. E Bu*tick. Richm'd H. I'. Hamilton & ».. 2 E O. Pennell. Boston W. S. Itli«*. Worcester. Ma«*. F. \V. V.vanj, Boston compartment styles $12.50 Mr*. L. Flemer. :>pnrgnetara Mott. Richmond Mr*. C. II. McLrllan. X. V. August F. C. Edgerton & w.. Mrs. Wm. Bunting, Tr. Fred Brawn ft w.. Newark Mi** C. A. Howard. | I.. J. Chandler & w.. Spr'gfield Meridan Brookline » ?arry Hebscher. Newark Nli*« Henrietta Bo*t'n A. Alexander & .. >pr"n«field $9.00 ones at ones vr Water*. W. w.. $4.25 at George P. Grant. Jr.. & Mr*. E. V. Blunt. Brooklyn Mr*. C. \V. J. lluimhj: .V Newark $3.95 Ethel B. Mr*. Brown. Bo*ton I Turk. Sprin*held Mim $2.13 ssft^S? tsstts Fitchburg Mt*« Rlunt. Brooklvn Utl H E. I>fa Frederic. N. Y. Jennt*on. Fitcnb'rg Mt»« Adelaide Strauss. $1 .50 ones at E°£r,BrooWine Miss Grant. Fitchburg Mi** Ktfie Blunt. Brool Mih Marjorie Jwniwn, N. Y. 89c w Mix R'-ra I> \ g,sfcsMSi**- Margaret Grant. Fitchhurg lame* Hunting St Flushing ROCKMERE HOUSE. M »« Alice Barlow. Foofe. V 3rT Henry R^k,ine Rosamond Grant. \li*« X. Fitchburg ; H (1 TbovMM, Yonker* "Cade or Cloucseter Fitchburg l.ily Patch. Y. Littlejohn* Island. Henry E. Baton. Phila. Ann/' Hammocks, $9.89 A'^fcochelle W. II. Ilsley it w.. Boston Mi** Mabel Wright. X. Y. G. H. Hamilton. Mr«. A. Richard»on. Harry Ko«ter. N. Y. Mia* J- A* Proprietor J. Phila. S»1k F. Martin Warren IJsley. Boston \lr*. A. O'Hare. N. Y. (See a4*. in another column.) I Mm Nr. A. Griffith*. N. Y. Elizabeth Best Sprint* Mrs. C. Smith. Boston Kev. G. Nellie Choke. Elizabeth Hardwood Lawn Settees, H£xa«ota E. Stone. Burlington R. H. Will am* ft fam Mr*. A. T. Griffith*. X. Y. usually $1.25, 69 CtS MiM f. L- E. E. II. II. Mis* E. >. Larmour. N. Y. Mills. Xewburyport Hilton & w.. Bo«ton Montclair A. L Bauaert Spring* B. F. Frost Mi** M. A. I F. Larmour. N. Y. SsIra*avid*on s« MiM M. E. F. T. Sc sr.. Geo. L M C. F. Barbour. N. Y. Hawley Brookline Drowne. Worce*ter Maiden Ottawa Spring* Frederick S. Lee. X. Y. Mrs. P. W. V. Miss A. C. Barbour. N. Y. !£»•, Strong. N. C. G. Bfftw A w., Brookline Mi** M. A. Mrv James R. ("umm N. IIe»nin*ley. A. E. Rowe Ac w.. ng«. Y. Mm Virvinia Strong. X. Y. W C. Hill .* Bo«ton fam W. Som'l Pater*on Mrs. \V. N. Toronto W. H. Clearry Jlc w.._ Mrs. IV w.. Mi** L. F. Merchant. n Cleary. Cundjr* N. Y. Pater** A. L. W. A. Hickox 8c w.. Meridan V. M. I. Mi** Eli*. Cleary. N. Y. Mr*. Darling. Prop. Henry Iioi(*kin. w. St ».. O. Avery. We*tfield M. Mansion Portland. II. G. Epps & w., Indianapolis j Mi«« G. Cleary. N. Y. 0pp. Longfellow U A- Oriffi** Mabel W. Mi«* Roger*. St children port Miss Edith Klein. Phila. Brooklyn Margaret Loui* S. Deiber A w Pnila. Mi«« Marion Hall. Brooklir.e Pttt*burj R. C. Cadmus w.. A. M. Fitts & w.. Mm Loui* S. I>eiber. Phtla. & Ftiil*. OPEN LETTER TO PRES. ELIOT. MiM A«°e* M K Murakami. Bo«ton Gertrude Woolner. Jr.. Ethel B. FIELO DAY. South Framingham Arnold Deiber. Phila. Howard. Boston Centre Paul K Hi«aui«r Strnkon. A. M. Cerf. X. i. Hyde of Mr». Mattie Gradr. New York Marjorlr Potter. Broold BC Orange | Miss Y. memory capacity of the public there will be races of | Mi** Emma W. G. Gold«m th * w.. X. Y. LerrTS. all kinds on MiM Aftie*n.^«e,Ma*. Master Tarlor. New York Mi«« Pearl Sherrille. Trojr Stenkon. Orange Frank W. Marston ft school Mi«* Ellen M. V. G. Barnard A Lowell w.. system should now be in order Music be Anna M. Mc Master. H. V Chamberlain A w.. Som 1 Wearer. Lowell ^.. Paterson both«day*. will furnished Mj^C.mbriafe Mt«« MaWI La Simon*. S. J. Strati** A w.. and the unnecessary studies be elimi- S:;: * Pittsburj. Pa. I Mr. f>lvnn A Boston Wob'n Chas. A. ft w by the Chebeague brass band. Mon- t Ethel M S mon*. Wi!ke*barre Bergen A C LaMonte. -• Mn. C. H. Hitchcock. Boston Mr. A«henb»ck. w A d.. Woburn Paterson nated. College students have diffi- ^4,. ] Mi** Blanche Wooner. Frank A. Strau**. Wilke*barre day evening the Field Day Masquer- Fstelle Davis, Worcester Elirabeth Everett W. A. Coburn ft w.. in *£;mtoa S. Mr*. S. culty doing their old grammar ade ball t«hn 1*at. Caroline R F S. Web»ter A w.. Newton Mr*. W Sharot. N. Y. Delbert. Phila will be given at Hill Crest Brooklyn Raphael. BrTdyn j S. Northampton school Auburn Mm < lara Mi*« F. E. Sharot. N. Y. I>elb*rt. Jr., Phila. stunts, owing to defective IfS., A. Maud B Seaton. Web»trr. Vewton Ralph E. C ohtim. N'ampton Hall and It will no doubt be the suc- Marion H. Aubtirn Mim Oli*e Web»ter, Newton Mi** le**'e Sharot. M. Y. Mi** Delbert. Phila. LfO H. | memory. Sibley. Mi«* Pwtft ft w.. cessful affair of w Aik"^,_Wu I.innie E. Auburn Mm. Frank one Wil*on. Mt previous years. All to Keep. St met*. Newt'r Veraon.y.J. Mary W. Porter. N'ampton As for the '•well-to-do." can Claribel Baldwin. Keene Mim We««elU. Mr*. II D. Cranor. PEAKS ISLAND HOUSE. Mim they the young people are to at- ... Emiljr Saldtne. X. Y. afford planning Annie F. Con«hohocken. Pi P'»ta Island. Me longer outings; as for the very Spra*ue. Worcester I Elizabeth JowehiM T. Saldine. X. Y. tend and some unique costumes are Mrs F. F Cowden. Webster Mr. Will*, w. A Eluabeth D. F. Cranor. Con*hohocken Ralph E. Row*. Propriet or r\ it. poor. It Is far easier for the | le L. Corfia, <>la*tonbtiry poor promised In order to make the event S. R. Matthews, w A d.. Mr H. B Brown. Bo«ton Jfelligan. AlUton (See jIt. in another column.) Anna L. Gtlmortn. child to on an Mi*« Mabel F. Kennan. SpnngfieM play empty stomach a success 553. Srw Haven I Mi«« F.l rabeth Prim* BwlMI Miw Benlet Robtn*on. Sara B Hamilton. SprinctrM are needed and If all k»c«K*«••* Mrs. Wm than to study on one. Pennell. Br-in«»'k| Mi*« Ann Prince. Bo«ton Brighton Somenrille Mr*. W. E. Wh.taker * a.. will contribute a small the Mora F Burn*. ** amount, Miss Sarah Pennell. Mim E. V. Townley,Elirabeth Mattapan Mim Lorttt* Robtn*on North Adam* Can you not help the children get OCEAN VIEW HOTEL. Mm If A«ne* T. C»*hman. AlUton | committee will their time J Hewin. Brookltne | M.** Gertrude Mor*e. Dfdh'm Grace Whttaker. N. Adam* more of nature's vacation ozone this gladly give Bailey'a Island. M«. Mr*. Fred & I. I Connelly St «.. AlUton to make the Spauldinc d.. " Mr*. C. Carrie Rra*. M. Adam* celebration a success. W. D. Craft*. CENTRAL HOUSE. I F. w A. Stork. Andorer J. year. 190*? Proprietor Lancaster Dante I.ehan. St *., Mm M Vv If (Sr« i4r. in another column.) Chebeague ItlMld. Me Amy L. Stork. AMortr Ltbby. Aip*ta Alletta Ve»hte. Som i. N 1 Mrs. Selden Hill. Mr». S. E N. Y. Ao(u*ta T. Ltbby. Aafutta Yours truly. W. G. Portland Kfflma L Proprietor GRANITE Hoftett, Sawyer. Johnson. Watervilfe < See fir. in another colttmn ) SPRING HOTEL M.m E. Ho«*ett. M Y. Mr*. C. J. IIairy. Ro«ton C. E. DAVIS. . Albert P. Willia. Phil*. Carolrn R<»»»nfco>i««- Wash LonC laland. Me 3. B Gale Steam*. S. P. Turner A Haley. Bo*ton Portland. Maine. Wm G. SthmitrhTfer, M. Y. Flirabeth C. Adam*. Waihinfton E Pont*. Proffittof St. Vt. (. E. Otitlmr, Boston r>r. P. Albion, w. * fam John*bury." F. A. Harrow. I J. (See adr ill another column M. A. P. 8. Later Interviews. The 17th Maine N'wl.-iryport Portland ) j M.m Bell Tomer. IIall, Boston Regiment, the G. V. Z. 1'Ofig. Pbila Mrs Fred R M r». Mr* One Spaulding, W. w. & T. L. E^wtrdi, Newton E. C. Tripp. M. BH(oH Jamr* Stower*. Bo*ton leading public school educator fighting" regiment, held the 48th an- Olifff Mofflinin. Pbila. Lancaster Swan, fam Montreal Rowlla | Mm. S. Montreal C. E. B Price. Montreal Mr*. M. A. Dvtckie, Rhoade*. WotCMtfr of at of Mr. ft Mr*. R A. Spink. Helen Lancaster J. Wilaon, Inn G. Massachusetts, summering Orr's niversary It* muster in at the Little Spauldmg. Mi** Helen Wil*on. Newton Mr». M. Donhimmer. Wri«fdaie. M. Y. Carpenter, Worceater Brooklyn. M. Y. | Gertrude M. Chertejr. A. ProTi'Vr. Ethel E. Worcester Island, says In substance: "I endorse Diamond Island Casino Rer Dr. _ Boon*,lie J. Au&II, !>udlejr. Tuesday. I^Mti W N. I. Worcf«»fr Chaffee A w, 'iorbrrf, | Goebet ft w., Berlin IVarl Bo«ton Carrie L. Dudley. Worcester later opening of the public schools, The members of the Cha* B Fraade. N. Y. F.thel G Howe. Worcester Winchester [. Tapper. association Mi** V•nnerar ft w.. Concord W. Porttrro-jfh Albert Hertoc ft w Brooklyn and Alnin4ff N. Y. Flla A. Kenna». Worcester Afne* Wallace. Beverly ). Kelly, why do you not suggest to Presi- met at Custom Hous* wharf and took JT DriMont, Mr*. i«« E R Vannerar. Con'rd M.m Mine R Lackey.N.Y T R Cnrtt*. H. Y Rfr. F. Marion L Chamberlain. Mabel E. Crandrll. I f I dent Eliot that he a date for 9 C. ®urrou*h« c. H. Foster, Concord E. E Gram ft v., N'ampton Harry C. Hardtng t *r„ Bo* suggest the o'clock boat, arriving at the Ca- White River Jet.. Vt. Worcester I JJr»«r« L. D M. Miw F. E. Garlic the of the schools not ante* Wood A •„ Bo*ton Oa*ood. Peterhoro Sehrader ft w., N'ampton k. Waterb'y opening public sino at about 9 20. when breakfast Hendriek. Sprinrllfld Mm Hilda F. A. Bak^r A w., Bo*ton E Tabor. 5. Ca**idy A w.. N. V. Wnite, Peterboro Schenectady earlier than that of Harvard College. was served those who tH.iw Springfield CLEAVES VILLA. {Worce*t«r Antonio Boston Dr W Smith * » Balto A. Netahooae. cared for It, aft- Knapp, Rico, J. Schenectady Your children need or as Eleanor Ward. Me G. I,. Mr* M. C. i. longer, long er which a Brooklyn Chebeirue Island. HAMILTON Norton. Botton Cheno worth ft '' business meeting was held G. Die*en, VILLA. H. vacatloos as men Brooklyn Mrs. C. L Cleaves. Prop. ChebeaciM Island. M« CASCO BAY I CiMwtll. Boston Montreal rugged In the hall on th* second Alfred S. Kee«. Providence HOUSE, L V C. Trohahl floor of the (See ad* in another column.) | Alfred E Hamilton. (aland, Mr J. Spratt. Bolton ft | Another New York educator who casino. Prederiek L Irrtmr. Pror. Prop. Emma L. Bo*»on Patil *.J?ifwark In the absence of the Mrs. C. W. A ch.. (See ad*, in another column.) Chaa. E. Cwakinc Spratt. Banntn«arten. X. Y. was at a presi- H. H. C'apen, w. A *., Spencer Jenninys Proprietor T. Mia* F. Casco Bay resort commented dent. New York | J IWan. Brooklyn Oamkley. N. Y. Horace A. Smith of Dublin. Tex- A E King*ley A w.. Spencer Mim Sadie firman. Montreal | Co*»elJ D«irure«'. Pain Mr*. M stftem. Album Mia* A. N. Y as follows, (substantially): "Newton. j Mrs Winfred Buckland. N Y Mim * J. Qtimkley, as. Gen. Charles P Mattocks was K H Thonnnn A w., Louiae rope. Quebec Li. Paaaaie Mi** Bertha Steven*. Auburn •ifttrwlf fi'Solliran. Boaton cho- Mrs VI |'e*ram. N Y ."ST***'F Massachusetts, tried the experiment sen Mittineague. Man Mary | Mm Julia McCormack. Mim I. Demareat. Paaaaie Mr* R. P. Buraham. Anna <• president pro tern. Miss Ada Cadmus. Oranfe Auburn Scully. Bo*ton last of half sessions three Donald MacGregor. Pbila. Germantowr. | Mi* Ella Lm. Montreal J. D Blaekthaw. Anna M. Boaton year day After the Miss Fit* Sparrow. Newark mm L. Brady. buslne** meeting t>. lef re- Mr* P. A. Harrington. Mim Nellie McCormack. C. Sterling and ton. St. Vt Clara B. Haverhill days per week and continues them ■ John*bury, Yeader, marks Laura Ober. Oran»e. N. J. Germantown *' were mad*' several m Co* Aifiln I j P. NoreroM. Bo*ton Mabel H. Cwrtia. Haverhill this by members N E. M. /. year."' and F, 5. King A W Mittineagoe Min J. B Hardie. Ottawa Lan*. Montreal' A. D Drew. Newbroe F. C. Bvndr. St. at 1 o'clock one of the CLIFF COTTAOE Mim Johnabwry "Health is at a orer book manager, Mr* P r Waite. Vew Mra. Alfred fMran. Waltham Grace W»ir. A*ne« Newbroe LtKT l.infden. Bo*ton premium W. JeTley Cliff Island. Ms. >'.'»n Greeley. George Brown's famous shore TH#** I. I Waltham _ Praaer. Beverly _ Hamilton Ctr P. R Hutchin*. Brooklm- A O'Brien. Boaton knowl^d**"—to be hi* opinion. Mrs. L. W. Southard. Propr. Dr. F. dinners was Wm Gardner. Haverhill Min F.dtth Tome*. Brooklyn H. C. Demareat ft w M'M B. V. Neal. Boeton Lowtae F Bo*to« A c#1ebrat*d New York served, live fish and Tho* (See adv in another column ) Kearney. doctor at R, | Philip H. Caldwell. Irmlr _ Paaaaie. N. >»• >- A. lobsters ranninfhim. j. Mary Wetden. B J. Small. Boaton Orr's Inland said: the b^lng taken from the CamHridre A. F. Black. Maiden Mm H. Grace Mark. Br"klyn Mi«a E. M. Manna. W mount S. A. "I think irhooli A. (jonpnn»fieM Kearna. Boaton ai^aret C<-wvfl.n, Bo*»oo Tho*. F. Trerlry. ». ft d., should too Into to open the J. W Barber A w.. Worcester White. I.eon A Adam*. Rockland Mim Mary A. R b John Philadelphiaila4elpnt " A. P. Tompktn*. Yonker* Boaton public schools, I resigned from th«» S. H Plumb A w.. X Adam* Anna a. Mr*. Adam*. Kearny Miss White>, Phil Jennette Boaton W. P. Pool. Yonker* Miaae* Ca*ey. MfdnnfMin ft PltMant fr#«h em Edward K i»i Pbila W Eleanor Adam*, Ror'«lan-1 Walter w New York School Board as the condi- location; and fbt. Mrs J. Bowman Blackhur. ft L. Hopewell ft w., E Orange Carerty. S Y. Mi** r Pbila Robert Adam*. Rockland tion of the children's health was so ▼effatablaa; private family board. Mary Knight. | ... Yowken W. |. Gveillife. N. Y. I. Mat Donald. Bo*ton R. 0. Newton w II W w. Ajpae* A aod Stetaon. F. J. Kratter A SoinT Mra f>. Laurie, Quebec Sweenr. ft A. Mont Baaam*r. N. V. Mary G, Co*»«hlan. Bo*ton pitiable as to seriously interfere with of. Sapt. Mr* Sarah A. Writ, Pittab'gh Ch»s A Ff»r.. h A w Mall Mi** Emily Fraaer, Quebec S. Morton. Montreal »hn N. V. Joseph D Mcmmm. Mr* B. w MiBer, my peace of mind.'' Mrs. Will H. Bennett. PimSgfc Miss Mar jr C. Van Nor den. Stephen D. Adam* A l.L Aurhach. Brooklyn oliii T. ColliM, Jr.. S Y. Flnabtng. M. Y. Bra« CASCO BAY 41 HARPSWELL LINES of eight friends made an excursion WEEK DAY SCHEDULE. to South Harps well last Tuesday and NEED ONE were at EFFECTIVE JUNE ftth. IMS. OF THESE registered the hotel for din- ner. Mr. Cunningham Is proprietor Souvenir Steamers Leave Cutton Houte -FOU THE- Wharf. of the Pillows Portland. Lafayette Hotel in Portland. The party included Mr. and Mrs. Mat For rore»t iTcakt Island)— City Landing Cunningham. Miss •5.4.1. ti.iT>. 7.5V. MM. y«». IV. 15. 11.15 a. ra., Josephine F. Kelly Of 1- 15. 1.2V, 2-«0. 3.00. 4.SV, 5 30, 62U, 7.30, COTTAGE CHAMBER? and Miss (Catherine Ewing. of Louis- Fragrant Fir. *H(>0. *11.15 m. &90, 9.30, p. Return—*6.15, ville. K>\; Dr. T. F. Corrneen. Miss T.2V. K3K 0.20. 10 35. 11 .*{5 a. m.. 12.35. 1.35, K. These 2-''i. 320. a4.50, 50V. 6.35, 7.5o, &.50, alO.15, Helen Cunningham and Mr. Chas. popular pillows are the '11.3U p. m. L. Donahue of Portland. just For Cuthmg's Itland—6.45. 7.50. *9.00, 10.15 for and A number of the guests of the hotel thing cottage camp. Take one a. m. 12.15. 2.VO, 42V. 6.2V. SHU p. ra. Re- home with turn—T.UV. M«5. S9.3V. IV. 45 a. xn.. 12.45. attended the base ball game between you, and with its attractive 2.JU. 4..'S5. 6.45. 9W p. m. the Auburn Association nine and "Sea For Little and *— souvenir cover and Breeze" team last pungent, •5.0V m... «.(«. s*2t'. lO.OV a. m.. Saturday. The "woodsy" 12.15. odor it will be a S.OV, 0.WI. 4 20. 5.3V. «l20. K00 p. m. Return trip to the diamond was made in a constant reminder of —Leave Little Diamond *>.and. *0.15. 7.2V. large buckboard and the visitors from R25. 4<«. 1V.25 a. m 12.45. 1.45, 5.00. happy the shores of 2.5V, the house cheered days spent by Cas- 0 55. "25. 9.20 \•. :n. Return—Leave Great lustily for the col- co 1#.amend Island. *« H". 7.15. &20. 9.:t5. 1V.20 ony team throughout the game. Tin Bay. a. m.. 12.4V. 1.16, 2.45, 4 55, 0.5V, 7.2V, 0.15 cans, fish horns and other instruments p For Trefethen"* ind Evergreen Landings of torture added to the din. but the Popular Souvenir Plates. ( Peak* 1*1 and t—*5.0V. 6.45. f.55. K2V. 1V.VV crowd felt well repaid when their fa- a. m., 12.15. 2««t. 3V0. 4 2V. NOV 5.30, 0.2V, vorites came off the victors. The 1 Keturn—Leave Trefethen'* Landing— returning tourist should se- Vac, 7.20, VI5. MV. IV. 15 a. m 12.:i5, 1.V0. Among the guests who were regis- surely cure one or more our 2.4(i. 4.45. 0.45. 7.15. 9.1V p. m. Keturn—• tered the last part of last week were: of artistic souvenir Leave Evergreen *0.W. 7.15. 8.1(1, Landing. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Epps and their See the l'i">. 10.1V a. m 12.30. 12 55. 2.05, 4 50, 0.4V. plates. "Longfellow" and "Pearl 7.1(». 9.V5 p. m. daughter. Miss Martha Epps. of Indian- For of Orr's Island" in our Cu>h:r.('i Landing (Long Island)— apolis. The family plan to remain at plates corner win- •5.VV. 0.45, 7 55. K2V. xcO.OO. x"».45. 10.(0. South Harpswell for the remainder of this xnlV.JW a ra, xl22(». x*2.15. x*2.3u. S.W, dow week. Prices 35 and 50c the each. xt>4 .'5i». xb5 :&>. x 5.30. x0.2«». 620. K(J«i p. m. season. Also Return—*550, 7.(*». KCft. 9. 15. 1V.0V. xll.2V, "Longfellow" and "Pearl" tiles 12.20. x*l.lO, x»1.4V. x2 4<>. xU 45. x5.00, at each. x*5.35, x*5.50. 6Ui. 7.V0. 9. (JO p. m. 35c For l>oughty'» Landing (Long Island)— *5.(0. (V45, 7.55. 10.0V a. m.. 12 2V, *2.15. Summit House. •2.00. 3.00. b4.30. b5.:!0. 5.:SO. 0.2V p. m. Return—*5.4«>. 6.50, 7.55, 9.5V a. m., 12.1V, LARGER NUMBER OF *1.00, 3.35. x5.15. 6.20 p. m. GUESTS For Cleave*' Landing (Long Island)—6.45. THAN EVER REGISTERED 10.(10 a. m.. 3.0V. 5.3e p. m. Keturn—0.45. T. F. 7.50 a. m.. 12.(6 noon. 5 10 p. m. HERE. FOSS & For Little Chebeague—6.45. 10.00 a. m.. $ SONS, 3.0V. 5.:x» p. m. Keturn—0.40, 7.45, f9.45 10.25 Annex and Four Filled COMPLETE а. m., f 12.00, i5.'<5 p. m. Cottages to HOUSEFURNISHERS. For Western and Central Landings (Great Send order Overflowing this Month. Chebeague)—7.55, lO.OO a. m.. 12.20, 3.00. your to MONUMENT SQUARE. 0 1"" p. m. Return—Leave Western Landing. Mr. and Mr*. F. B. Skelton and Miss б.30. 0.35, 11.50 a. rr... 3.2V, 4.55 m. Return p. Margaret Skelton —Leave Central Landing:, 0.20, 9.25, 11.40 of Roslindale. reg- a. m., 3.10. 4.45 p. m. istered at this house. Wednesday, last For Eastern (Great Mass.. who is a Landing Chebeague)— for their summer vacation, which is graduate of Wellesley and the 7.55. a. m.. m. during evening a 10.00 3.(iO, 6.20 p. Return— to this June, has furnished the committee 0.1(». 9.15. 11.30 a. m.. 4.35 m. JOHNSTON-BAILEY extend until the latter part of Au- guests of p. of consisting Capt. McDonough. Dr. a. m.. CO., the cottage with selections, For Cliff Island—S.00. *9.45. *10.30 gust. Mr. Skelton is a journalist on piano F. H. Nutting of Norwood. *2.15. s2..'»>. 5 m. 10.55 190-192 Middle she a William p. Return—6.45, St., [Portland the Boston Globe. being pianist of much ability. Ma of а. m., *12.40, *1.15. *5.10. *5.25 r>. m. honey Portland. Harry L. Cram, Mrs. W. M. with her Miss Gertrude Potter has her of For South Harpswell and Baifev'* Island— Simpson. joined president the Common Council and fc (*>. c9»*'. *9 45. slO.39 a. m.. 12.2(» noon. 1 Miss friends, the Misses Carrie E. A. daughter. Elizal^th and sons and Eila E. Day of New York were *2.15. *2.30. 5.3. m. Return—5.35. INSURANCE, Society Long Island. E. A. Woodward. Fred Wil- BELLEVUE COTTAGE. those 10.H0, *11.45 a. ra., *12.20. 2.20, *4.15, *4.30 35 St., Curry. Among who took i»art in the m. Exchange Portland, Me. liam H. Perkins and L. K. Batcheld^r p. discussion were Clark of Clark For Sebasco. Cundv Harbor and Gurnet ""J Statist of Henry Co:ti[fs, Hrttlt, FTtftrij H. N. 1'INKHAM. Melrose Highlands, who are on a YOUNG PEOPLE ARE REGISTER- & Griffin. William Bridge (New Meadow* River;—c9.00 a. m ttiurtd in tkf Myers. Councilman XtadiKC >e":fa CM j Return—Leave j 51 has been among those regis- Frank enthusiasm was < Me. Sur.«et 7.45 a. m.. 2.25 m.. Exchange St., Portland, Murphy. William Cummings. manifest. Landing. p. tered for the past week. Mr. Cox is At the Cousins' Island. 7.35 a. ra.. 2.15 p. m.. Bib- William Royce and Sullivan, formal meeting CkjrU, Ct»faun, Stuvtnir S/cckm, associated with Joseph Friday all ber'* Inland. 7.05 a. m.. 1.45 p. m., the Northwestern Mu- all of So;4th ana Cambridge. Mass.. were among property owners, permanent and sum- 6.45 a. m.. 1.25 m., Mair e/Fert!»r.d Vitinity. tual Freeport. p. Point. Life Insurance Co.. of Milwaukee, mer residents and 6.1c a. it... 12.50 m.. Sunday's arrivals at this sum- all others who are p. Birch I*land. 0.(«5 at its Boston office. popular a. m., 1245 p. ir... Harps* ell Centre, &.9 N«w Arrivals Art Of Cititene To shoulder, was a of house Registering Hers Preliminary Gathering power strength be- la famous the hind rids house or throughout hay Organize Improvement Society. the hat. and was on hand at your for the fine table set W. Every Day. every cottage by Manager opportunity to put his team In the W. Tlbbetta. who spares to Friday a large number of Lonjt Inland unmmcr re«ldent« an<1 of these summer no pains frae«t* lead. The line up follows: pests. provide for the wanta here the bi}»ln«>M men ar#» b^romln* atlrrtd Che- of hla enthuslaa registered «p»nt day enjoying up beagne: Hlgglns. 2nd Pints tic guests nail* about the orer the Inland'* need*. which base; Hill, 25c; Gallons $1.50. bay. Rome were pan many catcher; Curlt. right Held: A large number of nengerii on the ■e*m to be let )co because there I* no 8ou1e. left persons took ad- A»baacod*gan to Gnr- field; Heywood. 3rd base; W. vantage of the net one to attend to them. er.-n- Hamil- perfect weather laat Brldg*. while another party In Monday ton. 1st base; L. Hamilton, and a man* wan held at the shortstop: H. H. Bunday mad* a trip to Booth Cap*. R H. Bennett's launch went to inic meeting Scott, J. Hay's Sons, Middle St. pitcher; Hamilton, center Harpawell for the day. About eighty Ballsy Inland. where they had a poller atatlon. which broimht oat »otne field. of these visitors were lively and a formal meeting served at din- picnic Nearly every day the sum- epeaklng Buffaloes; Doherty. 2nd ner In the new mer waa volfd at 'h* base; Sweet- outdoor dining-room, vlattora here are planning a trip for Friday eventhir ser. 3rd base; Morgan, which made a of thla an moat •am* at 8 o'clock, when catcher; H. large crowd to be pro- tort, of them are ar- place ut^p* Pollard. 1st base. McClaln, vided for In addition to dent admirer* of will be taken to The tem- shortstop: the aeventf- aalltng. orgaatt* Mosher. right field; Mr five guesta Brady, centre already r»glstered at the Mlaa Alice Brown porary chairman of the meet In* wan P. of Weatfleld. •Held; Pollard, left field; Tholt* Capt. McDonough of the City f >llce pitcher.