2020 Ghg Inventory
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2020 GHG INVENTORY Corporate inventory of the GHG emissions of Banco Bradesco S/A in 2020 Banco BRADESCO S/A VERSION 2.0 MARCH 2021 2020 GHG INVENTORY Banco Bradesco S/A CLIENT PROJECT BDSC-EST-18 DELIVERABLE Corporate inventor of the GHG emissions of Banco Bradesco S/A in 2020 AUTHORS WAYCARBON Bruna Dias; [email protected] Danilo Vassari; [email protected] Fernando Nakamoto; [email protected] COLLABORATORS BANCO BRADESCO Diego Cardozo de Mello Nunes; [email protected] Giovanna de Oliveira Silva; [email protected] DOCUMENT HISTORY Nature of the Version of results - Document name Date review Climas Bradesco – GHG Inventory – 2020 - 03/11/2021 1st 1st 2021_03_11 version version Bradesco – GHG Inventory – 2020 - 03/22/2021 2nd 1st 2021_03_22 version version Bradesco – GHG Inventory – 2020 - 03/24/2021 3rd 1st 2021_03_24 version version www.waycarbon.com 2 2020 GHG INVENTORY Banco Bradesco S/A LISTS OF TABLES Table 1. Results of GHG emissions per scope and category for 2020 (tCO2e) ........................ 5 Table 2. Results of GHG emissions per company for 2020 (tCO2e). ....................................... 7 Table 3. Reduction targets for the 2019-2021 Eco-Efficiency Master Plan, with reductions compared to the previous year. ..................................................................................... 11 Table 4. Operating control and equity interest of each company of Banco Bradesco S/A. .... 15 Table 5. Global Warming Potential (GWP) of greenhouse gases .......................................... 18 Table 6. Description of the attributes registered for the database levels of input information.20 Table 7. Sources of emission considered in the inventory according to scope, category and hierarchical ordering (process and activity) structured in the CLIMAS system ............... 21 Table 8. Responsibilities for the data collection activity. ........................................................ 22 Table 9. Data generated by Banco Bradesco S/A for insertion in the CLIMAS system ......... 23 Table 10. References for the emission factors ...................................................................... 25 Table 11. GHG emissions broken down by scope and category (tCO2e - Kyoto) .................. 27 Table 12. Scope 1 emissions broken down by scope and source of emission (tCO2e - Kyoto)30 Table 13. Scope 1 emissions broken down precursor (tCO2e - Kyoto) .................................. 32 Table 14. Scope 3 emissions broken down by category and source of emission (tCO2e - Kyoto) ................................................................................................................................... 35 Table 15. Groups of home-work-home displacement for Banco Bradesco collaborators in 2020 .............................................................................................................................. 37 Table 16. Results of the uncertainties of the 2020 Banco Bradesco S/A Inventory ............... 40 LISTS OF FIGURES Figure 1. Flowchart of methodological steps for conducting inventories. ............................... 13 Figure 2. Corporate organization chart of Banco Bradesco S/A (base date: 12/31/2020) ..... 16 Figure 3. GHG emissions by Banco Bradesco S/A in 2020 per scope (Kyoto-tCO2e) ........... 26 Figure 4. GHG emissions by Company - LB approach (Kyoto - tCO2e) ................................. 28 Figure 5. GHG Emissions by Company - MB approach (Kyoto - tCO2e) ............................... 28 Figure 6. Emissions of renewable CO2 per scope (renewable tCO2) ..................................... 29 Figure 7. GHG Emissions not included in the Kyoto Protocol (tCO2e – Non-Kyoto) .............. 30 Figure 8. Comparison of 2019 x 2020 Scope 1 emissions (tCO2e - Kyoto) ........................... 31 Figure 9. Scope 1 emissions broken down by Company (tCO2e - Kyoto) .............................. 32 Figure 10. Scope 2 emissions broken down by Company - LB (tCO2e - Kyoto) .................... 33 Figure 11. Scope 2 emissions broken down by Company - MB (tCO2e - Kyoto) ................... 35 Figure 12. Comparison of 2019 x 2020 Scope 3 emissions (tCO2e - Kyoto).......................... 37 Figure 13. Scope 3 emissions broken down by Company (tCO2e - Kyoto) ............................ 38 www.waycarbon.com 3 2020 GHG INVENTORY Banco Bradesco S/A SUMMARY .................................................................................................................. 5 1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 8 1.1. BANCO BRADESCO ......................................................................................... 9 2. METHOD EMPLOYED ....................................................................................... 12 2.1. PRINCIPLES OF INVENTORY COUNT AND PREPARATION ....................... 12 2.2. INVENTORY COMPILATION STEPS .............................................................. 13 2.3. DEFINITION OF SCOPE ................................................................................. 14 2.3.1 ORGANIZATIONAL BOUNDARIES ....................................................................... 14 2.3.2 OPERATING BOUNDARIES .................................................................................. 16 2.3.3 PERIOD COVERED ............................................................................................... 17 2.3.4 BASE YEAR ........................................................................................................... 17 2.3.5 GREENHOUSE GASES ......................................................................................... 18 2.3.6 INVENTORY EXCLUSIONS................................................................................... 19 2.4. IDENTIFICATION OR REVALIDATION OF SOURCES AND SINKS .............. 20 2.5. DATA COLLECTION ........................................................................................ 21 2.6. CALCULATION OF EMISSIONS AND REMOVALS ........................................ 24 3. RESULTS .......................................................................................................... 26 3.1. GENERAL EMISSIONS OF RENEWABLE CO2 .............................................. 29 3.2. GENERAL EMISSIONS OF NON-KYOTO GASES ......................................... 29 3.3. SCOPE 1 EMISSIONS ..................................................................................... 30 3.4. SCOPE 2 EMISSIONS – LOCATION-BASED APPROACH ............................ 33 3.5. SCOPE 2 EMISSIONS – MARKET-BASED APPROACH ................................ 34 3.6. SCOPE 3 EMISSIONS ..................................................................................... 35 4. ANALYSIS OF UNCERTAINTIES ..................................................................... 39 5. RECOMMENDATIONS ...................................................................................... 41 6. SALES AND PURCHASES OF OFFSETS ........................................................ 42 REFERENCES .......................................................................................................... 43 GLOSSARY .............................................................................................................. 44 ANNEX A – GHG PROTOCOL TABLES ................................................................. 46 ANNEX B – CALCULATION OF EMISSIONS AND REMOVALS ............................ 51 B.1 FUEL CONSUMPTION IN MOBILE AND STATIONARY EQUIPMENT ........... 51 B.2 ENERGY CONSUMPTION .............................................................................. 52 B.3 CONSUMPTION OF REFRIGERATOR GAS .................................................. 53 B.4 SOLID WASTE INTENDED FOR DISPOSAL IN LANDFILLS ......................... 54 B.5 AIR TRAVEL .................................................................................................... 55 ANNEX C – CALCULATION OF UNCERTAINTIES ................................................ 57 ANNEX D – EMISSION FACTORS .......................................................................... 62 ANNEX E – CATEGORIES OF THE BRAZILIAN GHG PROTOCOL PROGRAM .. 65 www.waycarbon.com 4 2020 GHG INVENTORY Banco Bradesco S/A SUMMARY The inventory of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is the management tool that permits appraisal of an organization’s impact on the global climate system. This Study appraised the GHG emissions of Banco Bradesco S/A in 2020. In the year 2020, the Scope 1 direct emissions of Banco Bradesco S/A were 13,634.86 tCO2e, while the Scope 3 indirect emissions were 129,142.73 tCO2e. Scope 2 emissions from purchased electric power were calculated using two different approaches: Location Based – LB (which considers the average of the National Interconnected System as the emission factor) and Market Based – MB (which considers the grid’s emission factor, as well as the emission factors from renewable energy acquired). The emission difference between the LB and MB approaches was 27890.06 tCO2e, due to the consumption of 20,643.45 MWh of renewable energy of the Free Contracting Environment - ACL (80% of which from sources with emission factor 0 and 20% arising from biomass thermoelectric plants), 4,801.56 MWh of Distributed Generation (solar panels) and 416,315.56 MWh of I-RECs (hydroelectric power plants). We present the results in Table 1: Table 1. Results of GHG emissions per scope and category for 2020 (tCO2e) Representativeness Scope Category Emission