Dance, Music, Art, and Religion Edited by Tore Ahlback SCRIPTA INSTITUTI DONNERIANI ABOENSIS
Dance, Music, Art, and Religion Edited by Tore Ahlback SCRIPTA INSTITUTI DONNERIANI ABOENSIS XVI DANCE, MUSIC, ART, AND RELIGION Based on Papers Read at the Symposium on Dance, Music, and Art in Religions Held at Åbo, Finland, on the 16th-18th of August 1994 Edited by Tore Ahlbäck, Distributed by ALMQUIST & WIKSELL INTERNATIONAL STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN Dance, Music, Art, and Religion Dance, Music, Art, and Religion Based on Papers Read at the Symposium on Dance, Music, and Art in Religions Held at Åbo, Finland, on the 16th-18th August 1994 Edited by Tore Ahlbäck Published by The Donner Institute for Research in Religious and Cultural History Åbo Finland Distributed by Almqvist & Wiksell International Stockholm, Sweden ISSN 0582-3226 ISBN 951-650-834-0 Printed in Finland by Åbo Akademi University Printing Press Turku 1996 Contents Editorial Note 7 DESMOND AYIM-ABOAGYE Art, Music and Religious Experience in Libation Pouring of Akan Religion 9 UMAR HABILA DADEM DANFULANI Rituals as Dance and Dance as Rituals. The Drama of Kok Nji and Other Festivals in the Religious Experience of the Ngas, Mupun and Mwaghavul in Nigeria 27 VALERIE DEMARINIS With Dance and Drum. A Psychocultural Investigation of the Ritual Meaning-Making System of an Afro-Brazilian, Macumba Community in Salvador, Brazil 59 MONICA ENGELHART The Dancing Picture — The Ritual Dance of Native Australians 75 RAGNHILD BJERRE FINNESTAD Images as Messengers of Coptic Identity. An Example from Con- temporary Egypt 91 MARIANNE GÖRMAN The Necklace as a Divine Symbol and as a Sign of Dignity
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