Angela Davis: Racism, Birth Control, and Reproductive Rights
4.1 .RACISM.BIRTH CONTROL AND REPRODUCTIVERIGHTS' AngelaDavis \\ lren nineteenth-centuryfeminists raised the dcmand for 'voluntary mother- lr,,ocl'.the c:rrnpaignfor birth control was born. Its plrponents rverec:rlled rad r,.rlsand they rveresubjectcd to the srlnrenrockerl rrshad hcf.rllrnthc initiel .r(lv()catesof woman suffr:rge.'Vrluntarv motherhood'was consideredauda- , r( outrageousand outlandishb,v those rvho insistcd wives h:rtino right 'us, that r,I r'efuscto satisfytheir husbands'sexua I urges.Eventualll, of course,the right r,, birth control, like worren's right to vote, would be more or lesstaken tor lr.rrted by US public opinion. Yct in 1970, a fulJccntury later,the call for legal .,rrdeasily accessible abortiorrs *'as no lesscontroversial th:rn the issueof'vol ,,,rt.rrymotherhood' u,hicbhad originally launchedthe birth control movemcnt rrrthe United States. llirth control - individual choice, safc contraceptivemethods, as well as ,l,ortionswhcn necessary- is a fundamentalprerequisite for the em.rncrpao,,rr , 'i rvomen.Since the right of birth control is obviously advantageousto women ,'i lll classesand races,it would appe:rrthat even vastly dissimilar women's : r,lrps rvould haveattemptcd fo unitr around this issue.In rcality,however, the 'r th control tnovement has seldom succeedcdin uniting women of diffcrerrt .,,ciaJtrackgrounds, and rarelv have the movement'sleaders popularized thc ,,'rrtrineconccrns of rvorking classwomen. Moreover, argLrmentsadvanced I'r birth control advocateshavc sorretirres bccn bascd on blatantlv racist ,,,r: Angela D.tvis {1981), 'R:cisrr, Birth (lntrol end Rcproducti!e R,ghts, pt. 102-71. in la I)avis, \Yamcn, Rarcantl (l.ondor: lhe Women\ Prcss,Ne$ )i)rk, Rsndom Housr.
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