Telephone: 01730 266551 Website: www.easthants.gov.uk


Date: Tuesday 8 October 2013 Time: 6.30 pm Venue: Merchistoun Hall, 106 Road, Horndean, PO8 9LJ

Membership: Councillor S Schillemore (Chairman)

Councillors D Denston (Vice-Chairman), D Evans, L Evans, M Harvey, K Moon, D Newberry and G Shepherd

Partners: County Councillor J West, Parish Councillors B Foster, J Pickering and T Port.

The business to be transacted is set out below:

Jo Barden-Hernandez Service Manager – Legal & Democratic Services

Date of Publication: 30 September 2013

Contact Officer: Cynthia Haveron 01730 234092 Email: [email protected]

Part 1 - Introductions

1 Apologies for Absence

To receive apologies for absence.

2 Chairman's Announcements

3 Declarations of Interest

To receive and record any declarations of interests from members present in respect of any of the various matters on the agenda for this meeting.

4 Confirmation of Minutes

Please note it is helpful if Councillors could give advance notice, to Democratic Services, of any questions they wish to raise in respect of the Minutes.

Minutes of the previous meeting held on xxxxxx previously circulated.

Part 2 - Public Questions

5 Public Question Time

Members of the Public are invited to ask questions on general matters affecting the local community.

If your question is not answered at the meting then the Democratic Services Team will try to answer your question within 10 working days of the meeting. The answer will also be included in the next agenda.

Part 3 - Briefings and Updates

(Items for information followed by an opportunity for questions)

6 Speeding in the Southern Parishes

Representatives from , Community Speed Watch and Speed Indicator Devices will be present to give a briefing on speeding in the area and take questions.

For Discussion/Information

7 Partnership for Urban and Local Enterprise

iii Partnership

Gloria Igodaro, Programme and Information Manager, Partnership for Urban South Hampshire (PUSH) will give a briefing on PUSH and the Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP)

For Discussion/Information

8 Hampshire's Street Lighting Private Finance Initiative

In 2010 Hampshire County Council began a five year programme to replace and upgrade all its existing street light, illuminated traffic signs and bollards.

As the project enters it third year, works in the area are commencing.

This short presentation by Hampshire’s Private Finance Initiative Policy and Communications Manager, Julian Higgins, will explain the aims of the project and what residents can expect once works are underway.

More information on the project can be found at: www.hants.gov.uk/roads/street-lighting/street-lighting-documents.htm

For Discussion/Information

Part 4 - EHDC Items for Decision

Only District Councillors may vote on these items)

9 Red Telephone Box Horndean 1 - 10

10 Community Project Fund Applications 11 - 30




This agenda and its accompanying reports can also be found on the East Hampshire District Council website: www.easthants.gov.uk

Public Attendance and Participation

Members of the public are welcome to attend and observe the meetings. Many of the Council’s meetings allow the public to make deputations on matters included in the agenda. Rules govern this procedure and for further information please get in touch with the contact officer for this agenda.

Disabled Access

All meeting venues have full access and facilities for the disabled.

Emergency Procedure

Please ensure that you are familiar with the location of all emergency exits which are clearly marked. In the unlikely event of an emergency an alarm will sound.



No Smoking Policy

All meeting venues operate a no smoking policy on all premises and ground

v .

This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 9



Community Forum (Clanfield, Horndean & 08 October 2013 Rowlands Castle)

RED TELEPHONE BOX, HORNDEAN Community Safety Manager CT.023/13



Key Decision: No

1.0 Purpose of Report

1.1 To decide if East Hampshire District Council should ask British Telecom to remove the red telephone kiosk in North Road, Horndean.

2.0 Recommendation

That taking into consideration the views of the local community, the Community Forum decides whether to ask British Telecom to remove the red telephone kiosk.

3.0 Summary

3.1 A red telephone kiosk in Horndean is damaged and rarely used. British Telecom will add it to their list of telephone kiosks to be removed with consent from the Local Authority. Any feedback from the consultation will be brought to the Community Forum so that a decision can be made.

4.0 Subject of Report

4.1 British Telecom confirmed that the red telephone kiosk was installed in North Road, Horndean in 1980 and is not shown as ‘listed’. British Telecom is unable to say how old the kiosk is because it may have been refurbished and moved from another location. An indication from its markings of a Queen’s Coronation Crown could date it between 1952 and 1968.

4.2 The kiosk has several missing wrought iron glazing bars and 16 missing panes of glass and is in a poor condition. Due to the high

Page 1 number of missing panels, it is likely that the damage to the telephone kiosk was deliberate and potentially attracts anti social behaviour.

4.3 Attempts have been made by Councillor Guy Shepherd to encourage British Telecom to keep the kiosk in good order but they will not refurbish it, nor remove it from its current location and donate it for fund raising due to cost implications.

4.4 Other options which have been investigated include adopting the kiosk and getting funds to restore it, re-locating it possibly to Catheringon Village, and using the kiosk as a community facility.

4.5 No funding or registers of interest were forthcoming.

4.6 All rationalisation removals have been put on hold until British Telecom clear a backlog of requests and so any removal may not be immediate.

4.7 Consultation has included a public notice in the Portsmouth News (appendix 1), a notice on the red telephone kiosk (appendix 2), and letters through all doors in North Road from 1 to 45 (appendix 3).

5.0 Implications

5.1 Resources:

If it is agreed that the kiosk will be added to the list of those to be removed, British Telecom would undertake the work and there would be no cost to the Council.

5.2 Legal:

Under Ofcom regulations, British Telecom has to obtain Council consent to remove a kiosk if there is not another within 400 metres.

5.3 Strategy:

This application contributes to the corporate strategy of Public Service Excellence.

5.4 Risks:

A member of the community might not have access to their own telephone and so might not be able to contact the emergency services. Only ten freephone calls have been made from this kiosk in one year.

5.5 Communications:

This report will be listed on the Community Forum Website. Furthermore, a public notice was printed in the Portsmouth News, a notice was displayed on the red telephone kiosk during September

Page 2 2013 and a letter was put through all doors in North Road from numbers 1 to 45.

5.6 For the Community: The subject of this report is for the benefit of the community around North Road, Horndean.

5.7 The Integrated Impact Assessment will be completed if requested by the forum.

6.0 The following people have been consulted:

1. The Chairman of the Forum 2. The local community via a public notice in the newspaper, a notice on the telephone kiosk and a letter through all doors in North Road from 1 to 45. 3. The Services Manager Neighbourhood Quality 4. Legal Services

6.1 Appendices: 1. A notice in the Portsmouth News 2. A notice on the red telephone kiosk 3. Letters through all doors in North Road from 1 to 45.

Background Papers: None

Agreed and signed off by:

Legal Services: (date) Executive Head of Governance & Logistics: date Relevant Executive Head: (date) Portfolio Holder:

Contact Officer: Karen Dawes Job Title: Community Safety Manager Telephone: 01730 234167 E-Mail: [email protected]

Page 3 This page is intentionally left blank

Page 4 Appendix One – A notice in the Portsmouth News

East Hampshire District Council is considering asking British Telecom to remove the red telephone kiosk in North Road, Horndean. Ten freephone calls were made between February 2012 and February 2013 and the kiosk is quite damaged.

We welcome your views over a period of 28 days so that we can make the right decision regarding the future of this telephone kiosk. Any feedback will be taken to the Community Forum (Clanfield, Horndean and Rowlands Castle) at Merchistoun Hall, 106’ Portsmouth Road, Horndean on 8 th October 2013 commencing 6.30pm. A final decision will be made at that meeting regarding whether or not East Hampshire District Council ask British Telecom to add this kiosk to their list of those to be removed.

To take part in this consultation and lodge your view, please contact the Community Safety Manager, Karen Dawes via email [email protected] or in writing to Karen Dawes, Community Safety Manager, East Hampshire District Council, Penns Place, Petersfield GU314EX before Wednesday 2 nd October 2013.

Page 5 This page is intentionally left blank

Page 6 Appendix 2 – A notice on the red telephone kiosk

Dear Member of the Community,

East Hampshire District Council is considering asking British Telecom to remove this telephone kiosk in North Road, Horndean. Only ten freephone calls were made between February 2012 and February 2013 and the kiosk is quite damaged.

Your local District Councillor, Guy Shepherd, has looked into several options for trying to restore the kiosk but unfortunately this is not a viable option. You can contact Councillor Guy Shepherd to hear about those considerations by telephone on 023 92570856 or via email [email protected]

We welcome your views over a period of 28 days so that we can make the right decision regarding the future of this telephone kiosk. Any feedback will be taken to the Community Forum (Clanfield, Horndean and Rowlands Castle) at Merchistoun Hall, 106’ Portsmouth Road, Horndean on 8 th October 2013 commencing 6.30pm. A final decision will be made at that meeting regarding whether or not East Hampshire District Council ask British Telecom to add this kiosk to their list of those to be removed.

To take part in this consultation and lodge your view, please contact the Community Safety Manager, Karen Dawes via email [email protected] or in writing to Karen Dawes, Community Safety Manager, East Hampshire District Council, Penns Place, Petersfield GU314EX before Wednesday 2 nd October 2013.

Yours Faithfully - Karen Dawes

East Hampshire District Council Community Safety Manager

Page 7 This page is intentionally left blank

Page 8

Appendix 3 – Letters through all doors in North Road numbers 1 to 45

Dear Member of the Community,

East Hampshire District Council is considering asking British Telecom to remove the red telephone kiosk in North Road, Horndean. Only ten freephone calls were made between February 2012 and February 2013 and the kiosk is quite damaged.

Your local District Councillor, Guy Shepherd, has looked into several options for trying to restore the kiosk but unfortunately this is not a viable option. You can contact Councillor Guy Shepherd to hear about those considerations by telephone on 023 92570856 or via email [email protected]

We welcome your views so that we can make the right decision regarding the future of this telephone kiosk. Any feedback will be taken to the Community Forum (Clanfield, Horndean and Rowlands Castle) at Merchistoun Hall, 106’ Portsmouth Road, Horndean on 8 th October 2013 commencing 6.30pm. A final decision will be made at that meeting regarding whether or not East Hampshire District Council ask British Telecom to add this kiosk to their list of those to be removed.

To take part in this consultation and lodge your view, please contact the Community Safety Manager, Karen Dawes via email [email protected] or in writing to Karen Dawes, Community Safety Manager, East Hampshire District Council, Penns Place, Petersfield GU314EX before Wednesday 2 nd October 2013.

Yours Faithfully - Karen Dawes

East Hampshire District Council Community Safety Manager

Page 9 This page is intentionally left blank

Page 10 Agenda Item 10



Community Forum (Clanfield, Horndean & 08 October 2013 Rowlands Castle)




Key Decision: No

1.0 Purpose of Report

1.1 To set out the following bids to the one off Community Project Fund for the Financial Year 2013/2014.

i) WI Denman College Trip - £895 ii) Horndean Community Association Security Gate - £1000 iii) St Johns Outdoor Learning Project - £1000

2.0 Recommendation

2.1 That Councillors consider these applications and award the full funding to all three organisations, to be spent within 12 months or the grant will be returned.

2.2 The Forum can support the full amount requested; recommend a reduced amount; or recommend that the bid is not supported.

3.0 Summary

3.1 St Johns Outdoor Learning Project have submitted an application as part of a phased project in order to develop the recently constructed school educational woodland walk. A copy of the application can be found at Appendix A.

3.2 Horndean Community Association have submitted an application to erect a security gate in order to prevent anti-social behaviour within the grounds of Merchistoun Hall, specifically in response to a recent incident. A copy of the application can be found at Appendix B.

3.3 Catherington WI have submitted an application to allow approximately 35 of their members to attend Denman College in Oxfordshire, and participate in lectures and demonstrations. A copy of the application can be found at Appendix C.

Page 11

3.4 All applications meet the Community Project Fund criteria, a copy of which is available upon request. A copy of the supporting documents for each application is also available upon request.

4.0 Implications

4.1 Resources: The remaining grants budget allocated to the Community Forum of the Southern Parishes for 2013/14 is £12,157. If all grants are awarded then a balance of £9,262 will remain.

4.2 Legal: there are no legal implications

4.3 Strategy: the applications contribute to the corporate priority of place and people.

4.4 Risks: the only risk associated with these grants is that the groups applying for the grant do not complete the project for which funding has been awarded. This risk is overcome by the monitoring system, which requires each applicant to complete a monitoring form. This shows evidence that the grant monies have been spent and the planned projects are completed.

4.5 Communications: These grants will be listed in the Community Forum agenda, which can be found online at: www.easthants.gov.uk/communityforums

4.6 For the Community: these grants are for community organisations and will benefit and educate members of the local population.

4.7 The Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA) will be completed if requested by the Forum

5.0 Consultation

5.1 Appendices:

A – St Johns Outdoor Learning Project Application Form B – Horndean Community Association Application Form C – Catherington WI Application Form

5.2 The following people have been consulted: i) Chair of the Community Forum ii) Vice-Chair of the Community Forum iii) Community Team Leader

Contact Officer: Jude Simpson Job Title: Community Project Worker Telephone: 01730 234396 E-Mail: [email protected]

Page 12 Community Projects Fund

(One-Off Project Costs) 6.13

Application Form

Please return to: Housing Support Team, East Hampshire District Council, Penns Place, Petersfield, Hampshire GU31 4EX or [email protected]

Please answer all of the questions on the following pages; you should have the appendices in an accompanying document. We would prefer to receive applications electronically but handwritten applications will also be accepted (please do not adjust any existing text). Please allow at least 10-12 weeks for your application to be processed.

In order to save your time please consider these questions before you complete the application form:

1. Is your application for more than £1000?

2. Are you applying for more than 50% of the project costs?

3. Has your project already started?

4. Does your organisation have more than 1 year’s running costs within unallocated reserves?

5. Is your application for ongoing annual expenditures? (Please use the Community Project Fund (Annual Ongoing Expenditures) application form.

If you have answered “ yes” to any of these questions it is likely that you are not eligible for a grant from the Community Project Fund. Applicants must fulfil all of the criteria which can be found in appendix B. If you are not certain or require help completing this form please contact the relevant officer for your area, see appendix A for details.

1. Community Forum to which you are applying: Clanfield, Horndean and Rowland’s Castle (See Appendix A).

2. Name of Project: Outdoor Learning Project at St John’s CEC Primary School, Rowland’s Castle The name of your proposed project.

3. Charity number: 1089145 Applicable only if you are a registered charity.

4. Amount Requested: £1000 Up to 50% of the total cost of project, to a maximum of £1,000. Applications for over £500 will be decided at the relevant Community Forum meetings in April, July. October and January. Applications for less than £500 will be processed under the Delegated Authority with the Head of Community Services and the Chairman of the Community Forum in consultation with local Ward Councillors.

5. Project description: a. Please describe what you are going to do: We would like £1000 to further develop our recently constructed school educational woodland

Page 13 walk. The walk is part of a phased project to increase and improve outdoor learning opportunities as recommended in the school’s recent Ofsted inspection report. The woodland walk was designed by the pupils and winds through a wooded area in a large field and includes a story telling area. The staff, governors, PTA, pupils and parents have worked hard to dig out the pathways and lay woodchip and worked in partnership with local businesses and corporates to fund and develop this beautiful area. The children now benefit from a structured outdoor learning space where the school can teach environmental education lessons and the children can explore wildlife and their natural habitat. The children have asked that we continue to develop this resource with sculptures, sensory, art and musical activities. b. Who it is for: It is for our pupils, staff, annexed pre-school, church youth groups, Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Scouts troops, wider community, after-school club, extracurricular groups and RAPP (Rural Area Play Project). c. How many people will benefit and how will they benefit: The school has approximately 180 pupils on its roll and 15 members of staff. They will have access to the woodland walk on a daily basis during term time. Outwith term time, the school works with RAPP (Rural Areas Play Project) and the children involved (approximately 30) per workshop can access school facilities. Our Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Scout troops total approximately 200 children. The remaining number of beneficiaries stand at approximately 200. They will benefit from accessing an educational woodland walk and story- telling area where they can interact and learn about conservation, their local wildlife and habitat. d. Where it will take place or be held: The woodland walk is on the school grounds. e. When or how often it will be held: The school’s outdoor facilities are used on a daily basis during term-time. f. How can you demonstrate that there is a need for this project? Our recent Ofsted report awarded the school ‘Good’ status with some outstanding features however, it recommended that we develop more outdoor learning opportunities and activities for learning. g. Any additional information:

6. Project cost breakdown :

Item or Activity (Please provide evidence of the cost where possible i.e. a quote) Cost

Tree finger maze (focus on trees in the woodland walk) £365.00 http://www.broxap.com/tree-finger-maze

Story telling chair £429.89 http://www.sovereignplayequipment.co.uk/outdoor-furniture/storytelling- chair.html

Chimes £565.00 http://www.broxap.com/playground-equipment/music- performance/instruments-and-sound/chimes-1

Minibeast motel £95.00

Talking flowers £595.00 http://www.gardenescapesni.com/product.php/talking_flowers/?k=:::141

Page 14 4092

Total Project Cost: £2,049

7. Funding: Amount

Confirmed grants (please name funders e.g. Parish Council) :

St John’s CEC Primary School PTA £549

Lloyds TSB Community Fund £500

Other grants awaiting decision (please name funder) :


Income from other sources (e.g. Ticket Sales, Club Funds, etc.) N/A

Other “in-kind” contributions (if applicable, see guidance note for definition) :


EHDC Community Project Fund (your application amount in question 6) : £1000

Total Funding: £2,049

8. Continued funding: The PTA and funding lead for the school work hard to fundraise for the school and an outdoor learning project maintenance fund is being secured. If applicable, how will this project continue to be funded? Where will the funding come from?

9. Describe how the project will contribute to the relevant aims of the District Council’s Corporate Strategy and the East Hampshire Community Strategy (See Appendix C): Our educational woodland walk as part of our wider outdoor learning project contributes to improved health and wellbeing, increase in physical education, learning about the local environment, increased educational attainment. In particular our project meets the following EHDC’s strategic aims objectives which include: • A good education • Opportunities for further learning • Access to an outstanding countryside • Access to services and leisure opportunities via good paths, roads and public transport • Children have the best possible start in life • Facilities for recreation and enjoyment of our local heritage • People can expect a long and healthy life

10. Does your organisation have a Child Protection Policy and/or a Vulnerable Persons Policy? (Please include a copy with your application) Yes

Page 15 When was this adopted? 2012 to be reviewed in 2013

11. The Council is keen to encourage volunteering in the District. a. How many volunteers support your organisation? 15 b. How many new volunteers has your organisation recruited in the past 6 months? 3

12. If this application involves a young people’s project, please state how they were involved in the decision making process The project has been led by the pupils of St John’s and developed through design workshops with a local landscape architect. Pupils have been fully engaged in the process and sketched how they would like their outdoor learning environment developed. This pupil brief has been used to inform the Masterplan for the school grounds.

The CAT Mark is a stamp of approval for young people’s services awarded by young people who have been trained as CAT Mark Assessors. If you would like more information about the CAT mark scheme, see www.youthclubshants.org.uk/cat-mark

13. Please tell us what your organisation is doing toward reducing your Carbon Footprint. Our school building has recently been fitted with a Smart Meter as part of Hampshire County Council’s (HCC) commitment to reduce the carbon footprint of its building stock. The school reviews energy usage online which informs decisions on how to reduce carbon. The school building is on HCC’s list of schools to be re-roofed and re-clad. The thermal performance of the building will be improved as part of this work. The school has a Green Travel Plan which focuses on reducing car jouney’s to school. The school encourages children to walk (cycle/scoot) to school. The school educates on ways to minimize their impact on the environment.

14. Please tell us how you will ensure your project is accessible to those with disabilities.

1. Every school is unique and St John's Primary School has designed the Woodland Walk to meet our specific requirements with regard to SEN. The school's priorities are:

• Emotional and behavioural - The Woodland Walk promotes multi-sensory engagement and encourages positive behaviour and emotions.

• Communication - Many of our pupils come to us with below national average communication skills. The Woodland Walk is being developed as a multi-sensory environment to improve interaction and communication, prevent boredom and reduce stress.

2. We are combining natural stimulators, such as wind and grass, with play equipment that features heightened sounds, textures and colours to make learning more memorable for all our pupils.

3. School has policies which comply with Disabilities and Equalities Act 2010, and aim to continually improve them and meet best practice. The indoor and outdoor environment meets the needs of those with physical disabilities, management procedures have been developed to ensure unrestricted access to the Woodland Walk.

Page 16

15. Please provide any other supporting information that you feel is relevant to the project or funding application?

Page 17 Please leave this page Blank for Administrative purpose. This will ensure that your personal details below do not form part of the committee report which may become visible to members of the public.

Grant Officer:

Please detach the following pages from the application form where the application is to be published and re-save this information in a separate appendix document.

Thank you.

Page 18

This page will not be used as part of the Committee Report which will become a public document on the EHDC website.

A. Applicant contact details: Name: Ruth Butler Postal Address: St John’s CEC Primary School, Whichers Gate Road, Rowland’s Castle, PO9 6BB Telephone: 07584428403 Email: [email protected]

B. Organisational contact details (if different from above) : Name of Organisation: Postal Address: Telephone: Email: The organisation which will hold the funds for your project, if different from A above.

If your application is successful you will be required to complete a monitoring and evaluation form on completion of your project.

Please ensure you enclose a copy of your latest:

 Constitution (print copy posted first class to Jude Simpson)  Audited/Examined Accounts (EHDC Accountants will be asked to view your Accounts. Please explain how any Reserves are to be allocated. Should your organization be in a deficit situation please explain what steps will be taken to address your deficit. This may affect your grant award. EHDC Accountants may contact you to discuss this further). (As above)  Child Protection Policy (email attachment)  Hire Charges (copy of) (N/A)  Three Quotes (for each item in the project cost breakdown more than £100) (weblink quotes incl)  Minutes of meeting when choice of quote was agreed. (email attachment)  Documentation to confirm that the project has been approved at a meeting of the organisations Board or Committee where the project cost is in excess of £500. (as above)  A copy of your building lease (if the project involves amendments to an existing building). (N/A)

If your application is successful we will write to let you know and send you some Terms and Conditions to complete. Once the Terms and Conditions have been signed and returned we will pay your grant into your bank account using the BACS system. To enable us to process the payment please would you let us have the following information

Bank Name: Barclays Bank Branch: Commercial Road, Portsmouth Bank Sort Code: 20-69-40

Page 19 Bank Account Name: St John’s PTA Outdoor Learning Project Bank Account Number: 13994708

I confirm that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, all the information in this application form is true and correct. I understand that you may ask for additional information at any stage of the application process.

Name Ruth Butler Date 5/9/13

Position School Governor (vice-chair)

Please return this document and supporting information, (please exclude the EHDC appendices) preferably by email. Any hard copy documents can be posted to:

Email: [email protected] or

Post: Housing Support Team, East Hampshire District Council, Penns Place, Petersfield, Hampshire GU31 4EX

Area Projects Fund (One-Off Project Costs) Application Pack - Updated

Page 20 Community Projects Fund

(One-Off Project Costs) 6.13

Application Form

Please return to: Housing Support Team, East Hampshire District Council, Penns Place, Petersfield, Hampshire GU31 4EX or [email protected]

Please answer all of the questions on the following pages; you should have the appendices in an accompanying document. We would prefer to receive applications electronically but handwritten applications will also be accepted (please do not adjust any existing text). Please allow at least 10-12 weeks for your application to be processed.

In order to save your time please consider these questions before you complete the application form:

1. Is your application for more than £1000?

2. Are you applying for more than 50% of the project costs?

3. Has your project already started?

4. Does your organisation have more than 1 year’s running costs within unallocated reserves?

5. Is your application for ongoing annual expenditures? (Please use the Community Project Fund (Annual Ongoing Expenditures) application form.

If you have answered “ yes” to any of these questions it is likely that you are not eligible for a grant from the Community Project Fund. Applicants must fulfil all of the criteria which can be found in appendix B. If you are not certain or require help completing this form please contact the relevant officer for your area, see appendix A for details.

1. Community Forum to which you are applying: Clanfield, Horndean and Rowland’s Castle (See Appendix A).

2. Name of Project: Outdoor Learning Project at St John’s CEC Primary School, Rowland’s Castle The name of your proposed project.

3. Charity number: 1089145 Applicable only if you are a registered charity.

4. Amount Requested: £1000 Up to 50% of the total cost of project, to a maximum of £1,000. Applications for over £500 will be decided at the relevant Community Forum meetings in April, July. October and January. Applications for less than £500 will be processed under the Delegated Authority with the Head of Community Services and the Chairman of the Community Forum in consultation with local Ward Councillors.

5. Project description: a. Please describe what you are going to do: We would like £1000 to further develop our recently constructed school educational woodland

Page 21 walk. The walk is part of a phased project to increase and improve outdoor learning opportunities as recommended in the school’s recent Ofsted inspection report. The woodland walk was designed by the pupils and winds through a wooded area in a large field and includes a story telling area. The staff, governors, PTA, pupils and parents have worked hard to dig out the pathways and lay woodchip and worked in partnership with local businesses and corporates to fund and develop this beautiful area. The children now benefit from a structured outdoor learning space where the school can teach environmental education lessons and the children can explore wildlife and their natural habitat. The children have asked that we continue to develop this resource with sculptures, sensory, art and musical activities. b. Who it is for: It is for our pupils, staff, annexed pre-school, church youth groups, Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Scouts troops, wider community, after-school club, extracurricular groups and RAPP (Rural Area Play Project). c. How many people will benefit and how will they benefit: The school has approximately 180 pupils on its roll and 15 members of staff. They will have access to the woodland walk on a daily basis during term time. Outwith term time, the school works with RAPP (Rural Areas Play Project) and the children involved (approximately 30) per workshop can access school facilities. Our Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Scout troops total approximately 200 children. The remaining number of beneficiaries stand at approximately 200. They will benefit from accessing an educational woodland walk and story- telling area where they can interact and learn about conservation, their local wildlife and habitat. d. Where it will take place or be held: The woodland walk is on the school grounds. e. When or how often it will be held: The school’s outdoor facilities are used on a daily basis during term-time. f. How can you demonstrate that there is a need for this project? Our recent Ofsted report awarded the school ‘Good’ status with some outstanding features however, it recommended that we develop more outdoor learning opportunities and activities for learning. g. Any additional information:

6. Project cost breakdown :

Item or Activity (Please provide evidence of the cost where possible i.e. a quote) Cost

Tree finger maze (focus on trees in the woodland walk) £365.00 http://www.broxap.com/tree-finger-maze

Story telling chair £429.89 http://www.sovereignplayequipment.co.uk/outdoor-furniture/storytelling- chair.html

Chimes £565.00 http://www.broxap.com/playground-equipment/music- performance/instruments-and-sound/chimes-1

Minibeast motel £95.00

Talking flowers £595.00 http://www.gardenescapesni.com/product.php/talking_flowers/?k=:::141

Page 22 4092

Total Project Cost: £2,049

7. Funding: Amount

Confirmed grants (please name funders e.g. Parish Council) :

St John’s CEC Primary School PTA £549

Lloyds TSB Community Fund £500

Other grants awaiting decision (please name funder) :


Income from other sources (e.g. Ticket Sales, Club Funds, etc.) N/A

Other “in-kind” contributions (if applicable, see guidance note for definition) :


EHDC Community Project Fund (your application amount in question 6) : £1000

Total Funding: £2,049

8. Continued funding: The PTA and funding lead for the school work hard to fundraise for the school and an outdoor learning project maintenance fund is being secured. If applicable, how will this project continue to be funded? Where will the funding come from?

9. Describe how the project will contribute to the relevant aims of the District Council’s Corporate Strategy and the East Hampshire Community Strategy (See Appendix C): Our educational woodland walk as part of our wider outdoor learning project contributes to improved health and wellbeing, increase in physical education, learning about the local environment, increased educational attainment. In particular our project meets the following EHDC’s strategic aims objectives which include: • A good education • Opportunities for further learning • Access to an outstanding countryside • Access to services and leisure opportunities via good paths, roads and public transport • Children have the best possible start in life • Facilities for recreation and enjoyment of our local heritage • People can expect a long and healthy life

10. Does your organisation have a Child Protection Policy and/or a Vulnerable Persons Policy? (Please include a copy with your application) Yes

Page 23 When was this adopted? 2012 to be reviewed in 2013

11. The Council is keen to encourage volunteering in the District. a. How many volunteers support your organisation? 15 b. How many new volunteers has your organisation recruited in the past 6 months? 3

12. If this application involves a young people’s project, please state how they were involved in the decision making process The project has been led by the pupils of St John’s and developed through design workshops with a local landscape architect. Pupils have been fully engaged in the process and sketched how they would like their outdoor learning environment developed. This pupil brief has been used to inform the Masterplan for the school grounds.

The CAT Mark is a stamp of approval for young people’s services awarded by young people who have been trained as CAT Mark Assessors. If you would like more information about the CAT mark scheme, see www.youthclubshants.org.uk/cat-mark

13. Please tell us what your organisation is doing toward reducing your Carbon Footprint. Our school building has recently been fitted with a Smart Meter as part of Hampshire County Council’s (HCC) commitment to reduce the carbon footprint of its building stock. The school reviews energy usage online which informs decisions on how to reduce carbon. The school building is on HCC’s list of schools to be re-roofed and re-clad. The thermal performance of the building will be improved as part of this work. The school has a Green Travel Plan which focuses on reducing car jouney’s to school. The school encourages children to walk (cycle/scoot) to school. The school educates on ways to minimize their impact on the environment.

14. Please tell us how you will ensure your project is accessible to those with disabilities.

1. Every school is unique and St John's Primary School has designed the Woodland Walk to meet our specific requirements with regard to SEN. The school's priorities are:

• Emotional and behavioural - The Woodland Walk promotes multi-sensory engagement and encourages positive behaviour and emotions.

• Communication - Many of our pupils come to us with below national average communication skills. The Woodland Walk is being developed as a multi-sensory environment to improve interaction and communication, prevent boredom and reduce stress.

2. We are combining natural stimulators, such as wind and grass, with play equipment that features heightened sounds, textures and colours to make learning more memorable for all our pupils.

3. School has policies which comply with Disabilities and Equalities Act 2010, and aim to continually improve them and meet best practice. The indoor and outdoor environment meets the needs of those with physical disabilities, management procedures have been developed to ensure unrestricted access to the Woodland Walk.

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15. Please provide any other supporting information that you feel is relevant to the project or funding application?

Page 25 Please leave this page Blank for Administrative purpose. This will ensure that your personal details below do not form part of the committee report which may become visible to members of the public.

Grant Officer:

Please detach the following pages from the application form where the application is to be published and re-save this information in a separate appendix document.

Thank you.

Page 26

This page will not be used as part of the Committee Report which will become a public document on the EHDC website.

A. Applicant contact details: Name: Ruth Butler Postal Address: St John’s CEC Primary School, Whichers Gate Road, Rowland’s Castle, PO9 6BB Telephone: 07584428403 Email: [email protected]

B. Organisational contact details (if different from above) : Name of Organisation: Postal Address: Telephone: Email: The organisation which will hold the funds for your project, if different from A above.

If your application is successful you will be required to complete a monitoring and evaluation form on completion of your project.

Please ensure you enclose a copy of your latest:

 Constitution (print copy posted first class to Jude Simpson)  Audited/Examined Accounts (EHDC Accountants will be asked to view your Accounts. Please explain how any Reserves are to be allocated. Should your organization be in a deficit situation please explain what steps will be taken to address your deficit. This may affect your grant award. EHDC Accountants may contact you to discuss this further). (As above)  Child Protection Policy (email attachment)  Hire Charges (copy of) (N/A)  Three Quotes (for each item in the project cost breakdown more than £100) (weblink quotes incl)  Minutes of meeting when choice of quote was agreed. (email attachment)  Documentation to confirm that the project has been approved at a meeting of the organisations Board or Committee where the project cost is in excess of £500. (as above)  A copy of your building lease (if the project involves amendments to an existing building). (N/A)

If your application is successful we will write to let you know and send you some Terms and Conditions to complete. Once the Terms and Conditions have been signed and returned we will pay your grant into your bank account using the BACS system. To enable us to process the payment please would you let us have the following information

Bank Name: Barclays Bank Branch: Commercial Road, Portsmouth

Page 27 Bank Sort Code: 20-69-40 Bank Account Name: St John’s PTA Outdoor Learning Project Bank Account Number: 13994708

I confirm that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, all the information in this application form is true and correct. I understand that you may ask for additional information at any stage of the application process.

Name Ruth Butler Date 5/9/13

Position School Governor (vice-chair)

Please return this document and supporting information, (please exclude the EHDC appendices) preferably by email. Any hard copy documents can be posted to:

Email: [email protected] or

Post: Housing Support Team, East Hampshire District Council, Penns Place, Petersfield, Hampshire GU31 4EX

Area Projects Fund (One-Off Project Costs) Application Pack - Updated

Page 28 Community Projects Fund

(One-Off Project Costs) 6.13

Application Form

Please return to: Housing Support Team, East Hampshire District Council, Penns Place, Petersfield, Hampshire GU31 4EX or [email protected]

Please answer all of the questions on the following pages; you should have the appendices in an accompanying document. We would prefer to receive applications electronically but handwritten applications will also be accepted (please do not adjust any existing text). Please allow at least 10-12 weeks for your application to be processed.

In order to save your time please consider these questions before you complete the application form:

1. Is your application for more than £1000?

2. Are you applying for more than 50% of the project costs?

3. Has your project already started?

4. Does your organisation have more than 1 year’s running costs within unallocated reserves?

5. Is your application for ongoing annual expenditures? (Please use the Community Project Fund (Annual Ongoing Expenditures) application form.

If you have answered “ yes” to any of these questions it is likely that you are not eligible for a grant from the Community Project Fund. Applicants must fulfil all of the criteria which can be

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