EAST HAMPSHIRE DISTRICT COUNCIL PENNS PLACE PETERSFIELD HAMPSHIRE GU31 4EX Telephone: 01730 266551 Website: www.easthants.gov.uk COMMUNITY FORUM (CLANFIELD, HORNDEAN & ROWLANDS CASTLE) AGENDA Date: Tuesday 8 October 2013 Time: 6.30 pm Venue: Merchistoun Hall, 106 Portsmouth Road, Horndean, PO8 9LJ Membership: Councillor S Schillemore (Chairman) Councillors D Denston (Vice-Chairman), D Evans, L Evans, M Harvey, K Moon, D Newberry and G Shepherd Partners: County Councillor J West, Parish Councillors B Foster, J Pickering and T Port. The business to be transacted is set out below: Jo Barden-Hernandez Service Manager – Legal & Democratic Services Date of Publication: 30 September 2013 Contact Officer: Cynthia Haveron 01730 234092 Email: [email protected] Part 1 - Introductions 1 Apologies for Absence To receive apologies for absence. 2 Chairman's Announcements 3 Declarations of Interest To receive and record any declarations of interests from members present in respect of any of the various matters on the agenda for this meeting. 4 Confirmation of Minutes Please note it is helpful if Councillors could give advance notice, to Democratic Services, of any questions they wish to raise in respect of the Minutes. Minutes of the previous meeting held on xxxxxx previously circulated. Part 2 - Public Questions 5 Public Question Time Members of the Public are invited to ask questions on general matters affecting the local community. If your question is not answered at the meting then the Democratic Services Team will try to answer your question within 10 working days of the meeting. The answer will also be included in the next agenda. Part 3 - Briefings and Updates (Items for information followed by an opportunity for questions) 6 Speeding in the Southern Parishes Representatives from Hampshire Constabulary, Community Speed Watch and Speed Indicator Devices will be present to give a briefing on speeding in the area and take questions. For Discussion/Information 7 Partnership for Urban South Hampshire and Local Enterprise iii Partnership Gloria Igodaro, Programme and Information Manager, Partnership for Urban South Hampshire (PUSH) will give a briefing on PUSH and the Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) For Discussion/Information 8 Hampshire's Street Lighting Private Finance Initiative In 2010 Hampshire County Council began a five year programme to replace and upgrade all its existing street light, illuminated traffic signs and bollards. As the project enters it third year, works in the East Hampshire area are commencing. This short presentation by Hampshire’s Private Finance Initiative Policy and Communications Manager, Julian Higgins, will explain the aims of the project and what residents can expect once works are underway. More information on the project can be found at: www.hants.gov.uk/roads/street-lighting/street-lighting-documents.htm For Discussion/Information Part 4 - EHDC Items for Decision Only District Councillors may vote on these items) 9 Red Telephone Box Horndean 1 - 10 10 Community Project Fund Applications 11 - 30 iv GENERAL INFORMATION IF YOU WOULD LIKE A VERSION OF THIS AGENDA, OR ANY OF ITS REPORTS, IN LARGE PRINT, BRAILLE, AUDIO OR IN ANOTHER LANGUAGE PLEASE CONTACT DEMOCRATIC SERVICES ON 01730 234073. Internet This agenda and its accompanying reports can also be found on the East Hampshire District Council website: www.easthants.gov.uk Public Attendance and Participation Members of the public are welcome to attend and observe the meetings. Many of the Council’s meetings allow the public to make deputations on matters included in the agenda. Rules govern this procedure and for further information please get in touch with the contact officer for this agenda. Disabled Access All meeting venues have full access and facilities for the disabled. Emergency Procedure Please ensure that you are familiar with the location of all emergency exits which are clearly marked. In the unlikely event of an emergency an alarm will sound. PLEASE EVACUATE THE BUILDING IMMEDIATELY. DO NOT RE-ENTER THE BUILDING UNTIL AUTHORISED TO DO SO. No Smoking Policy All meeting venues operate a no smoking policy on all premises and ground v . This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 9 NON-EXEMPT EAST HAMPSHIRE DISTRICT COUNCIL Community Forum (Clanfield, Horndean & 08 October 2013 Rowlands Castle) RED TELEPHONE BOX, HORNDEAN Community Safety Manager CT.023/13 FOR DECISION Portfolio: PARTNERSHIP WORKING - CLLR ANDREW JOY Key Decision: No 1.0 Purpose of Report 1.1 To decide if East Hampshire District Council should ask British Telecom to remove the red telephone kiosk in North Road, Horndean. 2.0 Recommendation That taking into consideration the views of the local community, the Community Forum decides whether to ask British Telecom to remove the red telephone kiosk. 3.0 Summary 3.1 A red telephone kiosk in Horndean is damaged and rarely used. British Telecom will add it to their list of telephone kiosks to be removed with consent from the Local Authority. Any feedback from the consultation will be brought to the Community Forum so that a decision can be made. 4.0 Subject of Report 4.1 British Telecom confirmed that the red telephone kiosk was installed in North Road, Horndean in 1980 and is not shown as ‘listed’. British Telecom is unable to say how old the kiosk is because it may have been refurbished and moved from another location. An indication from its markings of a Queen’s Coronation Crown could date it between 1952 and 1968. 4.2 The kiosk has several missing wrought iron glazing bars and 16 missing panes of glass and is in a poor condition. Due to the high Page 1 number of missing panels, it is likely that the damage to the telephone kiosk was deliberate and potentially attracts anti social behaviour. 4.3 Attempts have been made by Councillor Guy Shepherd to encourage British Telecom to keep the kiosk in good order but they will not refurbish it, nor remove it from its current location and donate it for fund raising due to cost implications. 4.4 Other options which have been investigated include adopting the kiosk and getting funds to restore it, re-locating it possibly to Catheringon Village, and using the kiosk as a community facility. 4.5 No funding or registers of interest were forthcoming. 4.6 All rationalisation removals have been put on hold until British Telecom clear a backlog of requests and so any removal may not be immediate. 4.7 Consultation has included a public notice in the Portsmouth News (appendix 1), a notice on the red telephone kiosk (appendix 2), and letters through all doors in North Road from 1 to 45 (appendix 3). 5.0 Implications 5.1 Resources: If it is agreed that the kiosk will be added to the list of those to be removed, British Telecom would undertake the work and there would be no cost to the Council. 5.2 Legal: Under Ofcom regulations, British Telecom has to obtain Council consent to remove a kiosk if there is not another within 400 metres. 5.3 Strategy: This application contributes to the corporate strategy of Public Service Excellence. 5.4 Risks: A member of the community might not have access to their own telephone and so might not be able to contact the emergency services. Only ten freephone calls have been made from this kiosk in one year. 5.5 Communications: This report will be listed on the Community Forum Website. Furthermore, a public notice was printed in the Portsmouth News, a notice was displayed on the red telephone kiosk during September Page 2 2013 and a letter was put through all doors in North Road from numbers 1 to 45. 5.6 For the Community: The subject of this report is for the benefit of the community around North Road, Horndean. 5.7 The Integrated Impact Assessment will be completed if requested by the forum. 6.0 The following people have been consulted: 1. The Chairman of the Forum 2. The local community via a public notice in the newspaper, a notice on the telephone kiosk and a letter through all doors in North Road from 1 to 45. 3. The Services Manager Neighbourhood Quality 4. Legal Services 6.1 Appendices: 1. A notice in the Portsmouth News 2. A notice on the red telephone kiosk 3. Letters through all doors in North Road from 1 to 45. Background Papers: None Agreed and signed off by: Legal Services: (date) Executive Head of Governance & Logistics: date Relevant Executive Head: (date) Portfolio Holder: Contact Officer: Karen Dawes Job Title: Community Safety Manager Telephone: 01730 234167 E-Mail: [email protected] Page 3 This page is intentionally left blank Page 4 Appendix One – A notice in the Portsmouth News East Hampshire District Council is considering asking British Telecom to remove the red telephone kiosk in North Road, Horndean. Ten freephone calls were made between February 2012 and February 2013 and the kiosk is quite damaged. We welcome your views over a period of 28 days so that we can make the right decision regarding the future of this telephone kiosk. Any feedback will be taken to the Community Forum (Clanfield, Horndean and Rowlands Castle) at Merchistoun Hall, 106’ Portsmouth Road, Horndean on 8 th October 2013 commencing 6.30pm. A final decision will be made at that meeting regarding whether or not East Hampshire District Council ask British Telecom to add this kiosk to their list of those to be removed. To take part in this consultation and lodge your view, please contact the Community Safety Manager, Karen Dawes via email [email protected] or in writing to Karen Dawes, Community Safety Manager, East Hampshire District Council, Penns Place, Petersfield GU314EX before Wednesday 2 nd October 2013.
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