HUNTERS FOR REVENGE A play in two acts by Seamus Norris


CHARACTERS; Joshua Trappe - Bartender/Narrator. Jim Temple - Stranger in Town. Kelly Garrett - Young Widow/Farmer. Sam Stone - Sheriff of Liberty. Mountain Dan - Old Trapper/Gambler. Howard Dukes - Saloon Owner/Mayor/Business Man Julie Stone - Sam's wife. Lily-Ann - Saloon girl Jack Barrett - Gunslinger.

SETTING; The Silver Spurs saloon in Liberty, Texas. It is the 15th August 1885. The Saloon has a swinging door and window facing the street on stage right. A door to a back room is on stage left. The bar is to the left hand side while there are several tables and chairs about the place. There is also a piano. The decor is very plain and standard for the time.


Joshua Trappe is cleaning glasses as Mountain Dan and Lily-Ann play poker in the middle of the saloon.

JOSHUA: (To the Audience). Hello folks, my name is Joshua Washington Trappe. I'm a bartender here at the Silver Spurs saloon, in the town of Liberty in the state of Texas. The year is eighteen hundred and eighty-five and it is August fifteen. Liberty is a small town, population six hundred and seventy one. It was six hundred and seventy two up until the day before yesterday. But poor old Bill Hardcastle died at the ripe old age of eighty-seven, may the Lord have mercy on his soul. I've been here for almost two years and the most exciting thing to happen in those two years, bar a certain incident three weeks ago, which I will tell you about in awhile, was the time Ed Nelligan lost his pants to Lily-Ann in a poker game. That's her over there playing with Mountain Dan. (He points at Lily-Ann and Mountain Dan). She's what the boss calls an entertainer. I believe she came from a good family. She's been good to me. She's really nice underneath all that make-up. I like her. Anyway when Ed's wife found out, she went plum crazy. She came over to the saloon here and herself and Lily-Ann tore each other apart like wild-cats. Then our conscientious Sheriff, Sam Stone, put a stop to it. The fight has been the talk of the town ever since. Reverend Aitken even preached about the number of commandments, the two women broke, not to mention, Ed himself. Ed hasn't been back since, poor man. Mountain Dan there (points at Dan), He's a strange one. Spends most of his time up in the hills. He does some trapping. Then he comes to Liberty to sell his furs and either loses must of his money playing cards or drinking gallons of whiskey. Some folks, say he was a civil war hero. He claims he can speak the tongue of fourteen Indian tribes and is a personal friend of the great Cochise. Dan is a great man to spin a story. He's been around.

©opyright 26th October 1996 Author: Seamus Norris Page : 2 HUNTERS FOR REVENGE The guy who owns this place is Howard Dukes. Mister Dukes is a man with great notions. He is also mayor of Liberty. He's not the nicest man in Liberty. However, people look up to him as the man who will put Liberty on the map. He aims to bring the railroad to Liberty. He makes no bones about the fact that he wants to be rich. He is driven by greed. Still, he's my boss and if he benefits, I'm sure I will too. Well, at least I hope I will.. My own ambitions are fairly humble. I plan to get out of this bartending and settle down with some nice girl on a few acres and raise myself a few cows and a few kids and maybe some chickens. Well they're humble compared to Mister Dukes. I mentioned a few moments ago about a certain incident which took place in Liberty three weeks ago which was more "exciting", though dramatic, might be a better word, than Ed Nelligan losing his pants to Lily-Ann. Well, you see folks, Tom Barrett rode into town. He won some bucks playing cards with a few local farmers. He drank quite a bit. I'm probably to blame for serving him so much, but Tom was one mean young dude and he scared me. He mistreated Lily-Ann and then started to act violently when myself and a few others pulled him away from her. He threw chairs and tables around. Someone went for Sheriff Stone. Sam Stone used to be a Texas Ranger. Sam tried to cool Tom down and said he would throw him into the jailhouse for the night to sober up. Then, Tom drew his gun, he started shooting. We were terrified. Sam tried to grab the gun. In the tussle, the guns goes off again.. Tom fell to the floor, dead... Sam didn't mean it. I never seen a man die before. I hope I will never witness one again. He had a look of shock, then he started to vomit and splutter up blood, dark red blood. Sam shouted to get Doc Hayes. It was too late. Tom Barrett got paler, then he get wearier, then he was dead. Lying there in a pool of blood.. It was hard to believe he was shouting and roaring a few minutes earlier. A young man dead.... I'm embarrassed to say that I threw my guts up... Word reached Liberty yesterday, that the notorious gunfighter, Jack Barrett, Tom's brother, is on his way to Liberty to find the man who shot his brother. Word is, he will arrive today or tomorrow. I hope Sam will be able to handle him. I'm sure he will be able to get a few deputy's to help him. He hasn't needed any before this. Mind you, I won't be one. ENTER HOWARD DUKES dressed in a suit and a waste coat. Howard is middle-aged, with a receding hairline and slightly on the chubby side. JOSHUA: Here's Mister Dukes folks. DUKES: Joshua! Are you going to spend all day cleaning those glasses? Lily-Ann, remember, fifty percent of your winnings are mine. Don't try to cheat me! LILY-ANN: Sure, boss. DAN: Who says she's going to win? DUKES: She better. (He goes over to the saloon door). You know, today is going to be a big day in Liberty. JOSHUA; Why do you say that Mister Dukes? DUKES: Simply because there will be a great gunfight between the great Sheriff, Sam Stone and the notorious gunfighter. Jack Barrett.

©opyright 26th October 1996 Author: Seamus Norris Page : 3 HUNTERS FOR REVENGE JOSHUA: So? DUKES: One of these great men will be killed. JOSHUA: What's great about that? DUKES: Joshua, son, think about it. Liberty will become a tourist attraction and the Silver Spurs will be the centre of attention, and I will benefit. You too Joshua, you too. Everyone for miles around will want to see where Jack Barrett or Sam Stone met their end. JOSHUA: Maybe, Jack Barrett will be reasonable. DUKES: And pigs will fly! Jack Barrett's brother has been shot by Sam Stone. What do you think he'll do? Kiss him on both cheeks! JOSHUA: He may not come at all, you know how rumours travel. DUKES: Oh he'll come alright (smiles). And I do know how rumours travel. JOSHUA: I can't see how tourists will come anyway. DUKES: That's why I'm a business man and you're a bartender. DUKES: People love death. Didn't you see all the people who ran to the door of this saloon the other week when young Tom was shot? Christ even Reverend Aitken was in here. When did you ever see that happen before? And the bloodier the better. DUKES: You know what the best result for me would be?... Jack Barrett to win, because then they'll have to hang him. The crowds will flock to Liberty for the trial and the hangin' and drink in the only saloon in town, the Silver Spurs. Joshua boy, I'm gonna to be rich. EXIT DUKES on to the street whistling. JOSHUA: What do you make of that? DAN: Oh calm yourself.. There's not much we can do Joshua. JOSHUA: What are you saying? DAN: Barrett will come, kill and hit the trail again. He won't be caught. JOSHUA: You think Barrett will kill Sam? DAN; I hear only Wyatt Earp and the infamous Jake Kimberly are faster. LILY-ANN: Dukes is right about one thing, it will attract people to Liberty. But not the right type of people. DAN: That's the price of fame and wealth Lily-Ann. JOSHUA: You've killed men Dan, haven't you? DAN: More, than I care to remember. In the war I didn't even know their names. God, some were only kids. Bull Run was crazy. Those Yankees, just kept coming at us. My God, it's about two weeks to the 23rd anniversary of that battle. The cannons roared so loud, you could hardly hear yourself breath. I remember those Yankees charging at us, bayonets piercing the tender skin of Johnny Reb. boys, some as young as fourteen. LILY-ANN: Please spare us the details, Dan. DAN: I'm sorry, Lily-Ann. JOSHUA: Would you face Jack Barrett? DAN: (pause) Son, I don't have to make that decision.

©opyright 26th October 1996 Author: Seamus Norris Page : 4 HUNTERS FOR REVENGE LILY-ANN: That's a no. DAN: Take it whatever you like, but I've a house of jacks. (He goes to take the pot). LILY-ANN: Not good enough Dan. I've a house with three pretty ladies, DAN; God-damn! Lily-Ann takes the pot. DAN: You know son, It's not wise to gamble, you could lose. LILY-ANN: Another hand, Dan? DAN: (Looks at his chips) I suppose, I'm still alive. My deal. (He takes the cards).

*** END OF SCENE ***

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ACT I SCENE 2: Joshua is sweeping the floor. Dan and Lily-Ann are still playing cards. ENTER DUKES from the street, smiling.

DUKES: Well, I'll tell you things are on the boil. JOSHUA: Why's that, Mr. Dukes? DUKES: A telegram from Brandy Falls, says that Jack Barrett in on his way here, with Luke Dobson, Karl Nealon and his brother, Kid Nealon! That four have killed more men in gunfights than William Bonney and the James boys put together. Legends! JOSHUA: What's Sam Stone going to do? DUKES: Die.. (laughs) Anyone care for a wager? How about you Dan? DAN: (thinks) Dukes, you're an ugly man. I only like to gamble my money away to pretty things like Lily-Ann here. DUKES: Please yourself, I'll make money anyway. Soon, I won't even have to worry about your miserable few bucks. LILY-ANN: Surely Sam Stone can get some help, he's a popular man. DUKES: It's amazing how a man's popularity can fall when there's a crisis. He's trying everywhere for deputies. No one wants to know since they heard who's coming. (He looks out of the saloon window). Hey, here he comes!, the man himself. JOSHUA: Who? ENTER SAM STONE. DUKES: Sheriff Sam Stone. Good morning to you. SAM: That depends. DUKES: What can we do for you sheriff? SAM: A lot, I hope. As you're probably well aware. Jack Barrett is on his way to town. I don't need to tell you why he's coming or who he is? What I do need, is to swear in some deputies. Is there anyone here available or willing to defend his town and property? DUKES: Hold it there Sam, the town didn't shoot Tom Barrett! SAM: But Tom Barrett would have shot the town if I didn't intervene. DUKES: That's what I pay you for. SAM: The town pays me. DUKES: Exactly, now defend the town! SAM: What about you Dan? DAN: How many others have you? SAM; (pause) At the moment, there is just me and Dave Grant. DAN: Against the Nealons, Dobson and Jack Barrett? SAM: Yes, I believe so. DAN: You've a child now, don't you? SAM: Yes, a little girl, Jessie, she's ten months old. DAN: And your wife, how is she?

©opyright 26th October 1996 Author: Seamus Norris Page : 6 HUNTERS FOR REVENGE SAM: Julie is fine, thank you for your interest. DAN: I knew a man once in a position like yours. He didn't have a wife never mind a family. When he heard the cards weren't falling right for him. He left Tucson for California. The town thought he was a coward.. I hear tell he has a family and a thriving printing business in San Francisco now. SAM: Does he sleep at night? DAN: He sleeps.... SAM: Why don't you just say no, Dan? I guess you had enough after the war. We all saw too much there. DAN: Sam, you've got to know when to fold. But get better odds and and I won't let you down. I'm still a good shot with a Winchester. SAM: Thanks... What about you Joshua? JOSHUA: (Hesitantly) Sheriff, this broom is all I know how to use. (He aims it like a rifle). SAM: (smiles) It's o.k. Joshua. No point in asking you Dukes? DUKES: I'll be watching. SAM: I'm sure you will.. LILY-ANN; Sheriff. SAM: Yes, Lily-Ann? LILY-ANN: Good luck. SAM: Thanks, I'll be back with better odds. See you all later. EXIT SAM STONE to the street. DUKES: Dead man. LILY-ANN: If he's dead, I'm getting out of this town on the first stage. I've seen enough of lawless towns. I spent a couple of weeks in Deadwood. I swore, never again. DUKES: That's what you think baby, I have your contract. You're staying! EXIT DUKES to back room. LILY-ANN: Excuse me, Dan. DAN: Don't let him get to you. EXIT LILY-ANN to back room. JOSHUA: (To the audience). I feel terrible. If only I could fight, I'd help him. But what could I do? I've never fired a gun. I can barely kill an insect even though I hate the darn creatures. I hope he runs like the guy in Tucson. But what will Barrett and his gang do to the town and those of us left behind? Maybe, I should leave. And his wife and child, surely we should help.. This was a quiet town not so long ago. I don't want to get hurt. But how will we live with ourselves? Will we sleep? What would you do?.....

*** END OF SCENE ***

©opyright 26th October 1996 Author: Seamus Norris Page : 7 HUNTERS FOR REVENGE

ACT I SCENE 3: Joshua is standing looking out of the window. Mountain Dan is playing cards by himself.

JOSHUA: Hey, Dan, there's a stranger coming into town. That's a fine looking horse he has. Black with a white star. Hey Dan, I wonder is he Barrett or one of his boys? DAN: Does he look mean? JOSHUA: How can I tell that at this distance? DAN; You notice most everything else. JOSHUA: He's getting off his horse at the Livery stable. DAN: Makes a change from the barbers (Sarcastically). JOSHUA: He's taking his saddle bag.. And a rifle!... Tommy McCloud is taking his horse.. They're talking.. He's giving him some money. DAN: I didn't realise Tommy paid people to stable their horses at his place? JOSHUA: No! The stranger is giving Tommy the money. He looks like he knows how to handle that rifle. DAN: He's a hunter. JOSHUA: I don't see any pistols though. Maybe, he's checking out the town for Barrett. You know, it's very quiet out there, for a Saturday. A lot of people are staying indoors in case Barrett arrives. I don't see Sam, I wonder did he get those deputies yet. He's taking his rifle with him... He's coming this way. What'll we do Dan? DAN: Panic or maybe just be ourselves. (Continues playing cards). JOSHUA: He's fair haired.. Looks like he could do with a shave. DAN: It's a pity he didn't go to the barber after all. JOSHUA: Here he comes..

Joshua runs back behind the bar. ENTER JIM TEMPLE. He stops at the door and looks around. He's carrying a saddle bag and a rifle. Jim takes off his hat and brushes away the dust from himself. JIM: So this is the nearest thing to a hotel in town? JOSHUA: (nervously) Well, there is Mrs. Matthews boarding house at at the end of the street. JIM: You'd recommend this Mrs. Matthews boarding house? JOSHUA: It's lovely, I stay there myself... Then again you might prefer something more comfortable. Not that Mrs. Matthews place isn't comfortable. But maybe you'd prefer some privacy. Peace and quiet even. I'm afraid I snore.. A lot. JIM: So you'd recommend that someone stay here. JOSHUA: I think we're full. JIM: (Walking towards the bar) Are you afraid of something? JOSHUA: No.

©opyright 26th October 1996 Author: Seamus Norris Page : 8 HUNTERS FOR REVENGE Jim leans on the bar and stares at Joshua. JIM: Could I have a lemonade? JOSHUA: (startled) Lemonade? JIM: You do serve more than beer and whiskey? JOSHUA: Sure, I'll get you one sir, right away. Joshua quickly gives Jim a bottle of lemonade and a glass. Jim pours the lemonade into the glass and drinks it off quickly. He puts money on the bar. JIM: Could I have another, please? JOSHUA: Sure. Yes sir. Joshua gives him another bottle. Jim takes the bottle, the glass his saddle bag and the rifle and goes to sit down at one of the tables in the corner furthest from the street. He faces the street. He leaves his saddle bag and rifle down beside him and also places his hat on the table. JOSHUA: Are you staying? JIM: Unless, you want me to leave? JOSHUA: No, it's fine stay as long as you like. DAN: He's nervous. We're expecting a few gunslingers in town today. He thinks you're one, mister. JIM: Do you see any six-shooters with me? JOSHUA: No sir. JIM: Darn, I must of forgot to put them on me this morning. DAN: Are you passing through? JIM: What gunslingers are you expecting? JOSHUA: Jack Barrett is coming with Luke Dobson and the Nealons. Jack's brother Tom was accidentally killed by our sheriff, Sam Stone three weeks ago. He's coming for revenge. JIM: I hear tell Jack is fast, one of the fastest alive. DAN: Have you ever seen him? JIM: On my tr-avels, I've seen a lot of gunslingers, some dead, some alive. DAN: What do you do on your travels? JIM: Try to mind my own business. JOSHUA: I'm sorry mister, we thought you were one of Barretts men. DAN: Speak for yourself Joshua. When Barrett comes, he won't ride in alone, nor any of his men. Individually, they won't take on Sam, no matter how fast they are, in case Sam would have a load of deputies behind him. Men like Barrett like insurance. Isn't that right mister? JIM: Maybe this Barrett fella is really as tough as his reputation. DAN: Maybe. JOSHUA: Do you still want the accommodation sir?, we do have a room after all. JIM: Not really, this town sounds like it could be a bit rough. DAN: That young man there is Joshua Trappe out of Pittsburgh.

©opyright 26th October 1996 Author: Seamus Norris Page : 9 HUNTERS FOR REVENGE JIM: Way out. JOSHUA: Joshua Washington Trappe! My folks named me after George. JIM: Well, at least it's not George Armstrong Custer out of New Rumley. DAN: That man is a martyr now, but history will portray the man as what he really is, a tyrant beyond belief. Sitting Bull, and his Sioux/Cheyenne cleansed this earth of an evil racist pig. DAN: The events of the 25th June 1876 at Little Bighorn in Montana will one day be remembered by this country as a justified massacre by the native American in the fight for freedom to walk their own lands and live in peace. JIM: Say what you mean, why don't you? DAN: I believe strongly in this! JIM: I know you do and I apologise for my flippant wit. It is a trait, I seem to use in times of extreme seriousness to lighten the moment, and I'm aware it can be quite annoying to some people. However, I tend to agree with your beliefs in this case Mister..? DAN: I'm Dan Adams, people call me Mountain Dan, I'm a trapper. And you are? JIM: (Pauses). Thirsty (drinks). JOSHUA: (To The Audience). Who is this stranger? There's somethin' about him. I know I’ve made a bit of a jack-ass of myself. I'm still not sure, that he's not one of Barrett's men. Dan seems to besuspicious of him. I wonder has he an inkling of who he is? I'm not sure if I trust a man who won't give his name.

*** END OF SCENE ***

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Jim Temple is seated, rifle by his side reading a small book. Dan is playing Patience with the cards while Joshua is looking out of the window.

JOSHUA: Mister, have you ever seen a major gunfight? JIM: Hmmm. JOSHUA: Sorry, you're reading.. What are you reading? JIM: Fiction. JOSHUA: I'm annoying you, aren't I? JIM: It's o.k.... JOSHUA: Look at those young McGregors, throwing stones at the birds. Young Colin, came close with that shot. There's Mrs. Matthews telling them off now.... They're brazen young lads. She may as well be talking to Dan's mule. DAN; Joshua, would you ever sit down and we'll play a hand or two! JOSHUA: You always win and Mr. Dukes doesn't like me playing with customers. DAN: What customers?, it's only me. JOSHUA: What about mister over in the corner there. DAN: Would you like to play, mister over in the corner there? JIM: (pause) No thanks. DAN: It must be a good book. JIM: It's alright. DAN: What's it called and what's it about? JIM: It's called "Bounty", it's about a man who is a bounty hunter and his adventures in collecting bounties, dead or alive. DAN: What's his name? JIM: It doesn't say, but everyone calls him "The Hunter". JOSHUA: Is there many shoot-outs in it? JIM: There's a few, but it's fiction. JOSHUA: Wow! If we survive Jack Barrett, I might write a book like that. Back in Pittsburgh, they've a massive library. JIM: Books are entertainment. Real life for gunfighters is not as glamorous as the books portray. Gunfighters live a sad and lonely life. Always on the move with no place they can call home. No family and no friends. Gunfighters always end up on Boot Hill, many with unmarked graves. They're always looking over their shoulder. DAN; Or sitting with their backs to the wall. ENTER LILY-ANN & DUKES following her. LILY-ANN: I quit! That contract is worthless! It's not worth the paper it's written on. DUKES: Don't even dream of walking out of here, baby! LILY-ANN: Why I thought you were going to get a load of girls from Dallas for when your precious town becomes the gunfighting capital of the Texas. I'm out of here. Dukes grabs her and pulls her back. LILY-ANN: You're hurting me!

©opyright 26th October 1996 Author: Seamus Norris Page : 11 HUNTERS FOR REVENGE DUKES: I'll hurt you a hell of a lot more! I'll hurt you so much no man will want to look you straight in the face ever again. JOSHUA: Mr. Dukes, leave her go. DAN: Leave her alone! Pick on someone your own size. DUKES: Shut up both of you! (Takes out a piece of paper from his pocket). This here piece of paper says, I own Annabel Mountcharles, alias Lily-Ann. (Throws the paper to Dan) Read it! Dan reads it. DAN: Is this your signature Lily-Ann? (Pointing to the signature)

LILY-ANN: Yes, but I didn't know what I was signing. I needed the job.

DAN: This kinda makes it legal Lily-Ann. Not necessarily right but legal in the eyes of the law. LILY-ANN: Dan, help me! Jim rises from the table, walks over to Dan and takes the piece of paper off him. He looks at it briefly before tearing it up. DUKES: Who do you think you are and what the hell do you think you're doing? I have copies! Lily-Ann struggles with Dukes and Dukes slaps her across the race. Jim walks up to them. JIM: (Looks Dukes straight in the face) Leave her go. DUKES: This is my saloon, my whore and my town! JIM: This is my last time telling you to leave her alone. DUKES: Who are you? JIM: Leave her alone. DUKES: Who are you? JIM: I can be your best friend or your worst nightmare. Dukes pauses and then grins before letting Lily-Ann's arm go.

DUKES: Whoever you are, you're a dead man when Barrett gets here. Don’t go too far Lily-Ann. Give me a bottle of whiskey. Joshua gets a bottle and a glass for Dukes. LILY-ANN: Thank-you mister. JIM: Mr. Dukes, no legal document gives you the right to hurt a lady like that. DUKES: She's no lady. DAN: Where will you go Lily-Ann? LILY-ANN: I'm going over to stay at Mrs. Matthews until the stage comes on Monday, DUKES: Barrett and the boys will be here before then. DAN: You seem pretty sure of that. DUKES: I am. DAN: How do you know? DUKES: (Hesitantly) That's the word from Brandy Falls, isn't it? Jim sits down again and picks up his book. JIM: When do you expect these killers? DUKES: Later, today. JIM: When did you get word from Brandy Falls?

©opyright 26th October 1996 Author: Seamus Norris Page : 12 HUNTERS FOR REVENGE DUKES: Two day.. I mean today. JIM: Brandy Falls is nearly three days ride. DUKES: Maybe they didn't telegraph us immediately. JIM: Maybe... Why was Tom Barrett in Liberty? DUKES: Passing through.. I presume. Why are you in Liberty stranger? JIM: Passing through. I presume. LILY-ANN: I'll get my things later. JOSHUA: Do you want a hand Lily-Ann? DUKES: Joshua, you work for me. Get back to work. LILY-ANN: It'js o.k. Joshua. Thanks again mister. JIM: Take care, lady. LILY-ANN; It's a long time since someone called me a lady. Thanks. I'll see you before I go Dan. DAN: Bye Lily-Ann. Or should I say Annabel. LILY-ANN: Adious, amigo. EXIT LILY-ANN. DUKES: Mister, you're mistaken if you think you've done her a favour. JIM: You own this saloon don't you? DUKES: I own this town and most of the land around it. JIM: Why don't you throw me out? DUKES; When I get the proper men around me you're out of here in a wooden box. JIM: Haven't you got a sheriff. DUKES: (Pause) He's too busy. JIM: Keeping law and order. DUKES: Who are you? JIM: It's beginning to look like your worst nightmare.

*** END OF SCENE ***

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ACT I SCENE 5: Jim is still reading. Dukes is drinking at another table. Dan is still playing cards by himself while Joshua is over at the window again. JOSHUA: (To the Audience) You can cut the tension with a knife in here. Mr. Dukes is boiling with rage. Dan is trying to size up this stranger. He seems relaxed. I wish I knew who he is. I wonder is he a killer? I'm as nervous as anything. I think I should do what Lily-Ann has done and get out of here before Barretts boys arrive. It was bad enough with only Tom Barrett in town. It'll be hell when the rest arrive. The stranger had a point though, what was Tom Barrett doing in a town like Liberty? We don't even have a bank. Now that I think about it, when he arrived he spent some time "talking to Mr. Dukes. I wonder did Mr. Dukes know him before he arrived. He seems to know a lot about the Barretts. There's more to this than meets the eye. DAN: Stranger, are you sure you wouldn't like that game of poker. JIM: Certain. DUKES: You should it could be your last, before the shootin'. JIM: (Pause) Has your sheriff many deputies? DAN: Only Dave Grant, he's looking for more. Dave won't be a great addition against Jack Barrett and the boys. He's too old. JIM: What are his chances of getting more? DAN: To be honest, given Barretts reputation, none. JIM: That's often the case. DAN: Sure is .... I heard a story once about a sheriff in a town called... What was it called? In Oklahoma... Bounty, yes Bounty was the name, the same as your book there. He locked up a brother of Jake Kimberly, Hank, for rustling cattle. Interestingly, Jack Barrett used to ride with Jake. Jake was even meaner than Jack. He and his gang rode into Bounty. The sheriff, what's this his name was?... Temple, yes Jim Temple, that was his name. Name always reminded me of a place of worship. Well this Temple guy had the support of everyone until the first sign of trouble came. The town turned against him. Wanted him to let Hank Kimberly go. A group of townsfolk even tried to bust Hank out. Temple stood firm. Jake and the gang arrived. Temple realised the odds were stacked against him, so he made a run for it with Kimberly in pursuit. He got cornered in a canyon. No one knows what really happened. Some say he rode off a cliff to his death rather than face Kimberly. Others say he was tortured Comanche style and died a slow agonising death. More say Jake shot him between the two eyes from all of 100 yards. Whatever happened, let’s hope Sam Stone doesn’t leave it too late to run. JIM: What happened to the town of Bounty? DAN: That's the scary thing. Kimberly and his gang went back and plundered the whole town. Raped most of the women tortured and killed a lot of the men, burned the town to the after taking anything of value.

©opyright 26th October 1996 Author: Seamus Norris Page : 14 HUNTERS FOR REVENGE JOSHUA: Was Bounty a big town? DAN: A little smaller than Liberty. At least Barrett’s gang isn’t as big though. JOSHUA: Oh Go'd! DUKES: Now stranger, I warned you. JIM: Were any of the gang ever caught? DAN: Several… They were brought in by a strange bounty hunter who never gave his name. JIM: Dead or alive? DAN: Dead. JIM: Maybe it was the ghost of the sheriff, this Temple guy. DAN: Some say that alright. JIM: Do you believe in ghosts? DAN: The Cheyenne do, and in the mountains when you're all alone you always feel that there's someone or something there ) DUKES: It's a bit early for Halloween. JIM: Nice story. You should try writing one of these books. JOSHUA: (To the audience) After Dan’s story I should definitely get out of here. Wnat am I doing hanging around? (Looks out the window). What's this?.. A Wagon! It's Kelly Garrett. She sure is beautiful.. She s a widow. Her husband Thomas died last year when a tree he was felling, fell on him. It was one of the saddest funerals I’ve seen in Liberty. They have a six year old son, Kevin. He hasn’t spoken since the tragedy. Very sad. Kelly is struggling to run their farm since Thomas died It’s a prime piece of land if the railroad comes through Liberty. I wish I had the courage to ask her out for a picnic or something. Kevin is a lovely young lad. Times are hard for her. She struggles on. We don’t see her in town much. Mr. Dukes has been trying to buy her land since Thomas died. She plum refuses. She says she’s going to keep the farm for Kevin. I d say Mr. Dukes wants it because it's a strategic piece of land. At this stage he owns all the land vital for the railroad except her place and the Quaid ranch which the Snake River flows through. Hey, she’s stopping here. That’s unusual.. –She’s coming this way. She has a gun! ENTER KELLY GARRETT. Dressed in jeans, shirt, boots and a hat She has long dark hair tied below her hat and is obviously very beautiful. She is also carrying a rifle. KELLY; Dukes, you low down rattle snake! I have a right of way to that river! DUKES: Not anymore, Mrs. Garrett. The Quaid place is mine now. KELLY: You cheated old man Quaid out of his land. He told me the way you brought to Houston and set him up in a crooked poker game. You knew you couldn’t do it here, because Sam Stone wouldn’t let you get away with it. DUKES: You can sell your land to me, the price is still the same. KELLY: My land is worth more than you're offering, especially with the railroad coming KELLY: But I’m not selling to you one way or another. You’ve forced everyone else to give you their land, but me and Jim Quaid refused to budge. You threatened me before by saying you'd bring in some people to sort me out. And I thought that Tom Barrett was

©opyright 26th October 1996 Author: Seamus Norris Page : 15 HUNTERS FOR REVENGE

hired by you only for what happened to him. But let me tell you something, Mr. Dukes. My cattle are going to get to the water at Snake River. Your barbed wire won't stop me. DUKES: Sam Stone will have to. He's the sheriff, he has to uphold the law and punish trespassers. Of course that's if he's still alive at the end of the day. KELLY: What do you mean by that? JOSHUA: Tom Barrett's brother. Jack is on his way to town with his gang to get the man who shot Tom. KELLY: I thought it was an accident. DAN: Tell that to Jack Barrett, Maam. KELLY: Has Sam deputies? JOSHUA: Only Dave Grant. KELLY: Has he any real deputies?... You've something to do with this Dukes, haven't you? DUKES: What makes you think that? KELLY: Instinct. DUKES: You know Kelly, it is a pity you didn't use your instinct when I asked you to marry me a couple of months ago. You wouldn't have any financial worries now. KELLY: I did. You only wanted me for one thing. DUKES: Sure, I did. But aren't you a fine looking woman. I think we'd have some good nights together. Are you going to use that weapon? or Should I call the sheriff? Or maybe the stranger there, (points at Jim) He likes to help damsels in distress. KELLY: Jim! I didn't notice you there. DAN: You know this man,.. Jim? KELLY: Jim has been working for me for the past two months. Of course, I know him. DAN: So Jim is your name, stranger. KELLY: Yes, Jim is his name, Jim.. (Jim looks stares at Kelly) Jim Slater. DAN: Oh., Slater.. DUKES: Are you going to use that weapon or what? KELLY: (Silence as she aims the gun at Dukes). My cattle are going through. DUKES; Go ahead Kelly, do it!... (Silence). Jim gets up slowly walks over to Kelly and points the gun towards the floor. JIM: (looking back at Dukes) He's not worth it, Kelly DUKES: Wait a minute, you're the one, aren't you? JIM: I'm the one what? DUKES: It doesn't matter. KELLY: Yes, he's the one, the one who beat up those two guys from KELLY: Silver Creek, who were rustling my cattle. You sent those two in the hope it would destroy my herd and

JIM: force me to sell, didn't you? They nearly killed my son! DUKES: I don't know what you're talking about. There was no crime like that reported to Sheriff Stone.

©opyright 26th October 1996 Author: Seamus Norris Page : 16 HUNTERS FOR REVENGE KELLY: I didn't report it because, Jim gave them such a beating, I knew they wouldn't try it again. If he hadn't come along they would have destroyed my herd. And Jim suggested, that I shouldn't report it, but to hold on and see would anything else happen, cos he reckoned these guys were hired by someone just to frighten me. Now I know he was right and that person is you! (She aims the gun at Dukes again). DUKES: You're dreamin', Kelly. Have a drink, get her a drink Joshua. JIM; She's not dreaming, (he walks over to Dukes). Not only did you hire those two goofs from Silver Creek, But you also hired Tom Barrett. DUKES: Why would I have done that? Sure he got killed. JIM: You under estimated Tom Barrett and whiskey. You also didn't allow for Sam Stone, albeit an accident. But even that didn't worry you too much. DUKES: What are you talkin' about? JIM; Because now you have Jack Barrett, Luke Dobson and the Nealons coming to get revenge on Sam Stone and put you in control of Liberty, with no law. And you don't have to pay a penny for hiring Jack Barrett. He wants to kill his brother's killer anyway. And all because you want to run Kelly off her land so as you have all the prime land that the railroad needs. KELLY: Is this true? What's makes you so sure Jim? JIM: Was I wrong about the Silver Creek guys? DUKES: This is all fantasy! Kelly goes over to Dukes and aims the gun at him touching his forehead with the barrel KELLY: Is this true. Dukes? Tell me!! DUKES: You can kill me if you like but Barrett will kill you all.

KELLY: You have three. One.. two.. DUKES: You ain't got it in you. KELLY: Three... Dukes laughs. DUKES: I knew you couldn't do it. Dukes moves to take something from his inside coat pocket. Suddenly Jim grabs him and throws him against the bar. Dukes falls to the floor. Jim then grabs him by the jacket and pulls a small pistol from Dukes inside pocket. He throws it on the bar and then takes the rifle from Kelly. He then virtually puts the barrel into Dukes mouth. JIM: Call my bluff… One! Two!. DUKES; Don't shoot me, please don't shoot me! (He starts to cry) JIM: Talk! DUKES: I'll tell you everything. It's true, It's true! Jim takes the gun away and hands it back to Kelly. Dukes lays on the floor, crying. KELLY: What do you want me to do with him? JIM: You've the gun.

©opyright 26th October 1996 Author: Seamus Norris Page : 17 HUNTERS FOR REVENGE KELLY: I can't kill him in cold blood. What should I do, Jim? JIM: I could kill him, but you don't want me to do that do you? KELLY: No.

JIM: Then you better get the sheriff to arrest him for conspiracyto murder. Sit up on that chair there! Dukes clambers on to a chair. DUKES: Barrett will get you all anyway. KELLY: You can stop him. DUKES: No I can't, even he must know that. (points at Jim). KELLY: He can, can't he? JIM: Probably not, Barretts brother is dead.

KELLY: Is Barrett, that dangerous? JIM: He's one of the meanest men alive, almost as bad and as quick with a gun as Jake Kimberly. KELLY: Can Sam Stone handle him?

JIM: Not on his own. KELLY: What can we do? JIM: Pray. DAN; I'll get Sam. (He looks at Jim) You're not telling us the whole story are you, Jim? JIM: As much as you need to know. EXIT DAN. JIM: Can I have another lemonade please. Kelly what will you have? KELLY: A glass of water will do. JIM: Give your boss a drink. JOSHUA: Yes sir. Joshua goes to get the drinks while Kelly and Jim sit down at the same table and start whispering to each other in private conversation. JOSHUA: (To Audience) Holy, jumpin' mules. I can't believe I'm mixed up in all this. This used to be a boring place. My boss is a crook. Hiring killers. He's a greedy crook. This guy Slater, If that is his name, he must be a tough man, but why doesn't he carry pistols? And Kelly, she sure is beautiful. I wonder what they're whispering about? KELLY: Jim, I know Slater is not your real name. I wish you would tell me who you really are. I thought there was a bond between us after the last two months. I've kept it to myself, but I know what's in your saddle bag. I trusted you, now please trust me. JIM: For five years now, I've been a ghost. I have three more tasks to complete. When I met you, I left my emotions get in the way. I like you very much, you're a beautiful and wonderful person. I'm glad fate gave us the last two months, but you have to trust me a while longer. I have a feelin' you'll find out soon enough who I am.

Pause while Joshua gives them their drinks. Joshua leaves tham alone again.

©opyright 26th October 1996 Author: Seamus Norris Page : 18 HUNTERS FOR REVENGE JIM: Please do not question anything, I do or say. Just trust me. KELLY: Up to now you've been telling me not to trust you. You've been trying to give the impression, that you're some sort of vicious and violent man. Now all of a sudden you want me to trust you. What's going on in your mind? I find it impossible to understand what you're thinking. You seemed as it you wanted to keep me away from you? Why? JIM: I know it seems strange, but now that I've decided to tell you to trust me, I promise that I will do nothing that will hurt or harm you in anyway. I'm not an angel, Kelly. but I try my best, even I don't understand all that goes on in my head. so how could you? I care about you a lot, more than I really want to. Just please trust me now, no matter what.. KELLY: I guess I have no choice. You saved my sons life when those cattle rustlers stampeded the herd towards him. And you're the first person he talked to since his father died, and I guess, I've grown very fond of you. I'll trust you I always have. From the first time you rode up to my farm house on that lovely black mustang, you call Fury, I felt some kind of a bond there, something I haven't felt since my husband was killed. But the only emotion I can seem to get from you is the emotion, your horse is called after let, I think underneath that tough exterior is a man with a heart. I trust you. I just hope you can trust yourself.

*** END OF SCENE ***

©opyright 26th October 1996 Author: Seamus Norris Page : 19 HUNTERS FOR REVENGE

ACT I SCENE 6: Jim and Kelly are talking. Joshua is again on look-out while Dukes sips his whiskey. ENTER JULIE STONE followed by DAN. Julie is a plain, but yet attractive woman. She is wearing a long dress. JULIE: Mr. Dukes, how could you? How could you do this to Sam. He helped you build this town up. He kept the law. He made Liberty a nice place to live in. He kept out the outlaws and cowboys. He was an honest hard working sheriff. DUKES: Maybe honesty was his failing. JULIE: You've got to help him! He can't handle those men on his own.

DUKES: Hasn't he Dave Grant. JULIE: Dave says he wants to see his grandchildren grow up. Sam said it was o.k. The whole town has forsaken him. All he has done for this town and the first sign of trouble and everyone goes fishing! KELLY: Julie, has he wired Silver Creek for help? JULIE: Yes, but when they heard who was coming, they didn't really want to know about it. The State Marshal will be here in a week, but that'll be too late. KELLY: He has no deputies? JULIE: No one, I begged him to leave town, but Sam is too proud. They're going to kill him, aren't they? She begins to cry as Kelly goes to comfort her.

DAN: What about you Jim? Ever heard of anyone being in a position like this. Where a whole town lets you down.

JIM: Only that story about that Jim Temple fella, you were telling us about earlier. He didn't finish up too good, did he? DAN: Maybe you can help save Sam from a similar fate? JIM: He needs guns. I'm not a gunfighter. DAN; So what are you hangin' around here for? JIM: I could ask you the same question. JULIE; Mister, if you could just use that rifle, Sam would appreciate it, but if anyone could persuade him to run, I would appreciate it even more. JIM: Mrs. Stone, I take it? JULIE: Yes. JIM: If your husband runs, he's dead anyway. Jack Barrett is not going to give up until he finds him. I'm sure Dukes here has sent a telegram to inform Jack exactly who shot him, maybe even exaggerating the facts and probably neglecting to mention the accident bit, even though that wouldn't matter to Barrett. Anyway, Sam will find himself on the run from town to town, changing his name over and over again, until one day he wakes up trying to remember who he really is and he can't. And he carries with him, the guilt of scared innocent people that he left behind to the wrath of an evil man. JIM: O.k. you say they have forsaken him, but they're scared too and fear does strange things to a man. I wouldn't wish to be

©opyright 26th October 1996 Author: Seamus Norris Page : 20 HUNTERS FOR REVENGE in Sam Stones boots, he can't win. The chances are, he will die a quick death from a well aimed bullet or he will die a slow, lingering death of guilt for the rest of his life. Life has dealt him a cruel hand. He sounds like he doesn't deserve it, but then again did Jim Temple deserve it, Dan? DAN: Probably not... If he had a second chance what would he do? JIM: What would you do Dan? DAN: Probably run. JULIE: I've a rifle, I'll try. DUKES: Jack Barrett against Sam Stone and the women folk of Liberty! What a sight (laughs and pours himself another whiskey). KELLY: Jim, I know you can use a gun. Help them, Sam Stone is a good man. He has a little child, she's only a baby. Please help them. ENTER SAM STONE. SAM: Julie, who's minding Jessie? JULIE: Sam! Mrs. Matthews has her. Julie runs to Sam and puts her arms around him. JULIE: Oh Sam, We've got to go. No one except Kelly will help. SAM: Julie, go home and mind Jessie. JULIE: Sam, please, I beg you, let's leave Liberty now! SAM: Julie, I've got to stay.. It's my job. Julie lets Sam go. JULIE: How can you say that. The man who hired you. Mayor Dukes, has more or less hired someone to kill you. The people whom you work for, are not going to lift a finger to help you. What worth is it? SAM: I don't know, but I do know, Barrett will kill anyway and I've got to try and stop him. Dukes, Dan tells me what you've done. I'll be arresting you, but I'm hoping you'll tell Jack Barrett the truth about what Tom was doing and that the shooting was an accident. DUKES: Huh! SAM: I'll get the law to go easy on you. DUKES: It won't matter to Jack Barrett, cos you can't bring his brother back. SAM: You'll try anyway. (He turns to Jim). I take it you're the stranger called Jim, who has uncovered this conspiracy. I'm much obliged. JIM: You're welcome. SAM: Dan is not sure what your surname is mister. Anyway, it doesn't matter to me. I'd like to think you would become my deputy, but I won't push you, I know that this is not your fight. JIM: It doesn't have to be yours either.

SAM: No, it doesn't. But I might as well die on the streets of Liberty from the a bullet fired by hunters for revenge as spend the rest of my life trying to find freedom from guilt, in which

©opyright 26th October 1996 Author: Seamus Norris Page : 21 HUNTERS FOR REVENGE case I'd end up like them, another hunter for revenge. JULIE: What about me? SAM: I know, it's not fair to you or Jessie, but nor would running. JIM: You're a brave man, but don't be foolish. Some day you might get a second chance where the odds are better. SAM: Look mister, thanks for the advice, but I've got to this. Julie please go home. Kelly, please go with her. JULIE: Sam, if you stay, it's over. SAM: I'm sorry Julie, I love you, I love Jessie, but I have no choice. KELLY: Come on Julie, let's go.

SAM: Dan and Joshua, ye better better get out of here too unless ye want to get caught in a gunfight. Dukes, you’re staying. Maybe you can stop this. DUKES: Dream on, cowboy.

SAM: If you're not fighting, I think you should go too, Jim.

JIM: Maybe, I'll hang around to watch.

JULIE: Sam, if you're not goin’ to go for me, go for our daughter.

SAM: I'm sorry Julie. I can't.

JOSHUA: Hey! Coming down the street… Four men on horseback! It must be Jack Barrett and the boys.. This is is!

*** END OF ACT I ***

©opyright 26th October 1996 Author: Seamus Norris Page : 22 HUNTERS FOR REVENGE

ACT II SCENE 1: Joshua is looking out of the window of the saloon. Howard Dukes is standing up at his table. Sam Stone and Dan are moving towards the window. Kelly and Julie Stone remain in the middle of the saloon watching Jim remains seated.

JOSHUA: They're coming! What'll we do? Will we make a run for it? SAM: It's too late Joshua. They'll probably call me out. DAN: There's the back door. SAM: You take the girls Dan, you go as well Joshua. JULIE: Why don't you go with us? SAM: Julie, Go! JULIE: No! I'll plead with this man Barrett. Dukes chuckles. SAM: Shut up! I've got a good mind to put a bullet through your dumb skull. Dukes! You're a fool if you think Barrett will help you get the railroad through. Barrett is an outlaw who is just fortunate that he isn't wanted in this state, yet. It won't be too long before the state Marshal is after him. DUKES: There'll be a new sheriff in Liberty by then. KELLY: A puppet sheriff, you mean, controlled solely by you. JOSHUA: They're dismounting at you office, Sam. God damn! The street's deserted all of a sudden. DAN: Let's shut the doors. SAM: Don't be foolish, they're goin' to find me. One way or another. Now get out of here!! JULIE: I've decided to stay. SAM: No! get out of here! KELLY: Go on Julie, I'll stay to help Sam. SAM: No you go too! KELLY; No Sam, you can't order me. This is happening because I wouldn't sell my land to Dukes. I'm partially responsible. SAM: That's bull-shit! KELLY: Maybe it is, but that's the way it is. JOSHUA: Sam, there's one of them heading this way! The other three are waiting in the street. They're all armed! SAM: For God's sake will ye all get out of here! (Dukes goes to move) Not you. Dukes! (Looking at Jim) You too stranger, this is no place for an audience. JIM: Mr. Stone, Nobody, tells me what to do. SAM; Sure, it's your funeral. DAN: (Grabbing Julie) Let's go. JULIE: Let me go! DAN: It's for you own good.

©opyright 26th October 1996 Author: Seamus Norris Page : 23 HUNTERS FOR REVENGE Dan forces Julie out through the back door. SAM: Thanks Dan. EXIT DAN and JULIE. JOSHUA: Here he comes! I thought someone said he wouldn't come in alone. JIM: This man is obviously not afraid of Sam Stone. ENTER JACK BARRETT. A rough looking man badly in need of a shave He is carrying a six-shooter on his left hand side. He also has a scar down his right cheek bone. As he enters the place becomes silent momentarily.

JACK: (Standing at the door). Have ye all seen a ghost or somethin'? He walks towards the bar and stops momentarily when he gets to Sam who is now back in the middle of the saloon. He pauses to look at his sheriff's badge and then continues to the bar. JACK: Can a man get a drink in this here saloon? SAM: Joshua. (He nods for Joshua to serve him). Joshua nervously make his way behind the bar. Jack turns sideways so that he can see Sam. JOSHUA: What can I get you sir?

JACK: Whiskey!

Joshua gets a bottle of whiskey and pours it into a glass. Jack drinks it off immediately. Joshua goes to put away the bottle, but Jack catches it. JACK: Leave it! (he pours another glass). You all know who I am? SAM: Who are you? JACK: Strange that, isn't it? SAM: What? JACK: I know you're Sheriff Sam Stone and you don't know who I am. You're not a very bright sheriff, are you? SAM; (Moving towards the bar to face Jack) At a guess, I'd say you're Jack Barrett. But I'm surprised you're in here on your own. JACK: And why shouldn't I? SAM: No reason. JACK: I'm entitled to a drink.. In the place where my brother was murdered. KELLY: It was an accident. JACK: Well pretty lady and who might you be? Mrs. Stone? KELLY; It doesn't matter who I am. But I'm telling you, your brothers death was an accident and it was his fault (pointing at Dukes). He hired your brother as an assassin. Only your brother got drunk and ended up getting himself shot, accidentally JACK; Tough town this. The punishment for not being able to hold your liquor, death? And they call me an outlaw? (He takes a drink), KELLY: It was an accident, I tell you!

©opyright 26th October 1996 Author: Seamus Norris Page : 24 HUNTERS FOR REVENGE SAM: Leave it Kelly, there's no point. DUKES: Didn't look like an accident to me. JACK: And who might you be? DUKES: Howard Dukes, the owner of this saloon and most of this town. In addition, honorary mayor. JACK: So you're the one who wired me.

DUKES: At your service. Make yourself at home in this town. You're very welcome to stay as long as you like. Most of us a very hospitable. JACK: That's mighty fine of you. And you're the man who hired my brother? DUKES: Yes. JACK: And he got drunk in this here saloon? DUKES: Yes. Jack starts walking over to Dukes. JACK: And if it wasn't for you, he wouldn't have been here? DUKES: Yes, well I mean.. Jack hits Dukes across the face and Dukes falls over a chair and hits the floor. Sam motions towards his gun. JACK: Are you goin' to shoot me in the back sheriff? I'm not really drunk yet. Sam pauses before taking his hand away from his gun while Jim slowly places his rifle on top of the table. Jack turns around slowly, hand slightly moving for his gun. However, he notices Jim and pauses momentarily. He then moves his hand away from his gun again and completes his turn. JACK: An honest man. (He goes back to the bar). Dukes hauls himself back on to a seat. JACK: Do you know why I'm here? SAM: You've come for the man who killed your brother regardless of the circumstances. JACK: Correct. And it is my experience, that sheriff's in small towns such as this find it hard to get help in times of crisis. But you've surprised me Sheriff Stone, or can I call you Sam? You have a bartender, a pretty lady, a very pretty lady at that and, the man in the corner with the rifle... You did well. I've three boys out on the street, but do I really need them? What do you think Sam? We could save a lot of unnecessary shootin' if it were just you and me. What do you say Sam? SAM: I'm asking you to leave town. No one will come after you. JACK: (Laughs) Say Sam. How about a little wager. You win and my boys ride away. I win and I get your wife here and make her a very satisfied woman. How does that strike you? SAM: She's.. KELLY: Shut up Sam! You won't satisfy anyone (Lifting her rifle) JIM: Put down the gun Kelly. Now! Kelly pauses before lowering the rifle again. JACK: Well here's a brave deputy. What's your call?

©opyright 26th October 1996 Author: Seamus Norris Page : 25 HUNTERS FOR REVENGE JIM: My call is three aces and you've lost the first hand. JACK: What do you mean? JIM: You bet coming in here that Sam Stone would be on his own. From your experience that wasn't a bad bet. However, now that you re in here on your own, you can see there are three guns here. Sam's naturally enough, Kelly's and mine. And despite your brave talk, you and I both know that you won't try anything while you're not guaranteed to take all three of us. You like a sure thing. And in this case you can't be sure whether one of us has a bullet with your name on it, like your brother. In fact this saloon is a bit of a jinx for your family. JACK: What's makes you so sure cowboy? And who are you? JIM: What makes me so sure. You and me are alike. We are both hunters, hunters for revenge. And a hunter doesn't like to be bait. If you like, you can call my bluff. JACK: Who are you? I've seen that face somewhere before. JIM: Maybe I'm the ghost of a previous victim. Ghosts often come back to haunt us. Jack and Jim stare at each other. The others are motionless. JACK: The bet stands, Stone. Only now the odds may change. You've ten minutes to face me out on the street. And bring your friend with you. Jack starts to leave but pauses at Kelly. JACK: Dress up nicely for me. (He looks at Dukes) I'll decide what to do with you later. SAM: There will be no shooting in this town. Jack starts to walk out of the saloon. JACK: Shoot me in the back. SAM: Stop! JACK: Shoot coward!

Jim quickly gets up and stops Sam from drawing his gun. EXIT JACK. SAM: What did you do that for? JIM: He would have killed you. SAM: A minute ago, you were prepared to risk my life and Kelly's. JIM: I called his bluff and he called yours twice. He knows you can't shoot a man in the back and that limits your options in a gunfight. KELLY; And can you? JIM: What? KELLY: Shoot a man in the back? JIM: If I have too. DUKES: Barrett is a mad man, so are you! JIM: Welcome to the real world. JACK: (Voice From outside)

JACK: We're waiting Stone! You have ten minutes to kiss your wife goodbye. And pretty lady, get ready for the ride of your life. And Jim the stranger, you shouldn't have given me back the deck.

©opyright 26th October 1996 Author: Seamus Norris Page : 26 HUNTERS FOR REVENGE There's a stink of death in the air. JOSHUA: What are ye goin' to do? They all look at Jim.

*** END OF SCENE ***

©opyright 26th October 1996 Author: Seamus Norris Page : 27 HUNTERS FOR REVENGE

ACT II SCENE 2: All remain in position as of the end of ACT II Scene 1. ENTER JULIE followed by DAN.

JULIE: Sam. (She runs and throws her arms around him). SAM: Julie, can you just not listen to me? DAN: Sorry Sam, I couldn't get her to go further than the back room. We heard everything. JULIE: Sam. Let's go now. This man, Jim can save this God forsaken town. SAM: That's not fair, Julie, this man has nothing to do with Liberty. It's my job. I must do it. But Jim whatever your name is, Iwould be proud to have you as my deputy.. If you want to be. Jim walks over to the bar and leans against it with his back to everyone. JIM; (After a moments silence) Let me think about it. JULIE: You've got less than ten minutes! SAM: Take your time. KELLY; I'm still here to help. SAM: Kelly, you did enough pretending to be my wife, you're in enough danger as it is. Don't get me wrong, we appreciate it, but now you and Julie need to high tail it out of here. Now please go, for my sake. It's goin' to be hard enough watching my own back besides both of yours as well. Dan moves over to the window. KELLY: Sam, if everyone here helps we might hold them off untilthe state Marshal gets here. JULIE: Maybe it's worth a try, Sam. I'll stay and fight with you.

SAM; Look, with all due respect, I can't fight with a bunch of women!! DAN: They've just set fire to your office, Sam! Sam goes over to the window, Joshua follows as well. Dukes starts making for the back door. JIM: Are you goin' somewhere? DUKES: I'm gettin' out of here. SAM: Stay where you are! You're under house arrest. DUKES: You'll be dead in a couple of minutes. Why should I die with you? SAM: Because, you started this mess! DUKES: I'm walking out that front door, just try to stop me. They don't want me, they really want you. I can make them rich, he just didn't hear me out. They'll listen to this. Dukes walks towards the door, taking out a wad of notes and holding them in the air, SAM: Don't be a fool! EXIT DUKES. Voices of Dukes and Jack outside as the others watch and listen, DUKES: Mr. Barrett, don't shoot, I can make you very rich. Listen to me! JACK: What have you got that I need? DUKES: This saloon, this town, it's all mine and we will be rich

©opyright 26th October 1996 Author: Seamus Norris Page : 28 HUNTERS FOR REVENGE when the railroad comes through. You can be my right hand man. You can kill Sam and the law won't come after you. You'll have had your revenge and be rich at the same time. JACK: How do you intend dividing the money? DUKES: Straight down the middle, fifty-fifty. JACK: Surely, you can do better than that. DUKES: Well, how about, sixty-forty. JACK: Not good enough. DUKES: Seventy-Thirty? JACK: Try again. DUKES: Eighty-five fifteen? JACK: How about all for me? DUKES: Why? JACK: Cos, I can take this town and as much money I want, whenever I want without bargaining with any piss assed greedy vulture. DUKES: No. No.. No, please, please don't shoot me. Oh God, NO!!! Several shots are fired and they echo through the saloon Julie and Kelly hug each other. Sam turns away, Dan puts his head down, Joshua is motionless Jim turns to face the door with a grave look on his face. JOSHUA: (To the audience) He stood there helpless in the street. They took aim slowly. but deliberately. There was an evil grin on Barrett's face. Kid Nealon smiled as if it were the happiest moment of his life. His brother, Karl looked stern while Luke Dobson had no expression, as he spat out tobacco in a digusting manner. Mr. Dukes trembled, his hands covered his groin. Liquid appeared down the inside of his legs. The man who earlier today was a bully, a tyrant, an evil man himself was now a cowardly looking middle aged man awaiting his execution I couldn't hear the bullets, I don't know why, I'm sure they made a lot of noise. But I can vividly see the splashes of dark red blow spurting out through his expensive tweed suit,- which he recently had delivered all the way from Boston. the power of impact sent him backwards about ten yards. It seemed they were carefully shooting to maim, not kill. the final shot came from the pistol of Jack Barrett. It struck the man's pale and anguished forehead. Dead Centre. Suddenly, there was silence. Howard Dukes slumped forward on to his face, into the dirty ground of the main street of the town, he called his. Howard Dukes, business man, owner of the Silver Spurs saloon Mayor and virtual owner of the town of Liberty was dead. My boss is dead... It seemed like a couple of minutes, but it was only seconds. This time it was murder, it was no accident. My God! that's the second man I've seen shot dead in a couple of weeks. SAM: What did you do that for? It was me you wanted! JACK: (From Outside) I want you to know, Sam, that when I kill you It 11 only be the start. You killed my brother and I'm gonna make you pay. I m gonna take your wife and show her what it's JACK: like to have a real man and then I'm gonna kill everyone inside that saloon and 23 others, one for every year that my brother was alive! Do you hear me you cowardly bastard' I am going

©opyright 26th October 1996 Author: Seamus Norris Page : 29 HUNTERS FOR REVENGE to kill, rape and kill again! Kill Kill! (Evil laughter) JULIE: Oh dear God! Julie slumps to the floor crying. Kelly helps her to a chair. SAM: What'll I do... I'm scared. Sam looks at Jim who has his back to everyone again. SAM: Please help me. Jim turns around to face him. SAM: I need a deputy. I need someone to help, please. Jim pauses before walking over to his saddle bag. He takes out a holster with a gun in it. He puts the holster on, the gun hanging on his right thigh. He puts on his hat. He then takes out the gun and checks that is loaded. He feels the weight in his right hand palm before replacing it in the holster. He then clenches his fingers in and out several times. Meanwhile, the others watch in silence. JIM: You don't have to go out there. You're not going out there. SAM; Why? JIM: One, you're scared. There's nothin' wrong with being scared. It just -means you're human, but too scared can get you killed. it effects your judgement, you make mistakes. Shit happens. Two, I said so. SAM: What gives you the right? You're a stranger in this town. JIM: I'm a ghost in this town. It's hard to kill a ghost. I know what you're feeling at the moment. You are so scared, it's unbeliveable, only someone whose been in your position could understand it. You're an honest man who feels he must do his duty. But honesty is not always right. Cos, if you get killed, it was all for nothing. And what use are you against evil men. No use, no use at all. The people you pledged to protect will suffer anyway. You will have died for nothing. Then on the other hand, you could run, live and fight another day when the odds are better, though not necessarily in your favour. DAN: Why are you such an expert? JIM: (Pauses before looking in Dan's direction) You know who I really am? DAN: Temple! Are you his brother? JIM: I'm him. DAN: I knew it, I knew it! But I thought you were dead. JIM: So does Jack Barrett, that gives me the edge over Barrett, cos he has seen the ghosts eyes. KELLY: Jim.

JIM: Kelly, your son has helped me discover myself again. When I realised he had the courage to talk to the world again, I knew I had to try again. Fate has brought me to you and Liberty. I only wish I could stay. Maybe if the ghost survives the exorcism, and then again, maybe not. JACK: (Voice Outside) Your time is just up. Stone. SAM: I have to help. JIM: Look after your wife and child and Kelly and Kevin Make this town a nice place to live in. A safe place, a peaceful place. A place where you would be proud to bring up a kid in

©opyright 26th October 1996 Author: Seamus Norris Page : 30 HUNTERS FOR REVENGE A place like I dreamed Bounty would be. I'm a hunter, I must catch the prey. Kelly, I know if I could stay longer, I'd love you too much You re a very nice girl. Thanks for givin' hospitality to a rough looking saddle tramp. KELLY: Jim, I want to help. but I understand what you have to do. May God help you. Jim clenches his figures a couple of times. He pauses for a moment looking out across the street, surveying The situation before suddenly darting from the saloon.


*** END OF SCENE ***

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ACT II SCENE 3: All the action in this scene takes place on the street while Joshua narrates the action. Sam and Dan have rifles. Sam is at the door while Dan is at the window. Kelly and Julie remain seated holding hands. The actions are mimed by the characters. Gunfire and blurred shouting from the street is optional. JOSHUA: Jim Temple had the surveyed the deserted street of Liberty. He noted the positions of his enemies and realising the smoke from the burning sheriffs office would give him cover, he dashed from the saloon like a buck rabbit fleeing a bird of prey. His speed was awesome as his set out on his tactic of guerrilla warfare. Shots were fired, but too late as he made his way down the alley next to the saloon. Tension was high, inside and out. Barrett shouted to his men, '"Let's get the bastard!". Kid Nealon setoff in pursuit down the alley way. His brother headed down the street while Luke Dobson in his usual casual manner, chewed tobacco as he made his way up the street. Barrett moved out of the smoke from the intense blaze and took up a position in the doorway of Moore's hardware store. The war had begun. The battlefield was Liberty, the prize.. well I guess the prize was revenge. For a time which seemed like an eternity, the only sound was the cracking of burning timbers across the street. We waited, almost afraid to breath, for that shattering gunshot, that cry of pain and agony that would signal the inevitable end of Jim Temple. Then a frightening thought struck. Temple had deserted a town before. What was to stop him again? He had outran his pursuers before, he was fast on his feet, why not do it again. He owed Liberty nothing, he owed none of us nothing. Maybe he is ghost, they can't kill him, nobody can, he's dead already. God, we're on our own! Suddenly, the shots rang out, the echo of Samuel Colt, reverberated through Liberty. A shout of pain, a curse of the Almighty and silence again, bar the crackling timber. The gentle breeze fanned the smoke towards the barber shop. And as it changed direction and cleared the cover of smoke, there appeared a solitary young figure, smiling and walking slowly back up the street. "Kid, did you get him?" shouted Barrett from his lair. The Kid didn't answer but continued to move slowly towards his leader. "Joey!" shouted his older brother. The Kid stopped, he looked across at his big brother, smiled and fell to the dirt. Another cry of pain, this time sorrow. Sorrow of an older brother who had led his only sibling to a life of crime. A life which their parents were never proud of. A life which had ended so very young. Kid Nealon's flame had been put out, by a bullet from Samuel Colt that had his name on it and entered through the stomach. "I'll kill him, I'll kill the bastard, I'll kill him!!!" was the battle cry of the Kid's next of kin. Common sense for the bereaved does not apply. Karl Nealon stepped out from his place of cover and into the open street. He stood over his brother's body as Barrett roared, "get off the street!" "Come out you coward and fight me like a man!" was the cry from the remaining Nealon. But Temple, did not appear. Temple hadn't run, not this time, he had come hunting for

©opyright 26th October 1996 Author: Seamus Norris Page : 32 HUNTERS FOR REVENGE revenge, this time he will stay. Like a wolf, he stalked his prey. Was he real or was he really a ghost? Liberty is a small place, yet Barrett and his hunters could not locate their prey. Nealon walked down the street towards the livery stables. He entered, still shouting for the coward to face him. Then came the awful silence. The shouting had ceased, but there was no gunfire. An eerie silence. What had happened? We al-1 wanted to know, including Barrett. "Karl, are you o.k.?" he cried. "Luke, check the Livery stable!". Luke carefully made his way down the street, chewing tobacco as was his habit. He wasn't going to make a mistake, he was a professional, a professional killer. It felt like an eternity, the time it took him to get to the Livery stable. He entered, we waited, what was happening? Then, he reappeared, he spat out more tobacco. "Where's Karl?" bellowed Barrett. Luke Dobson was strangely quiet. "Where's Karl?", Barrett cried again. "He's dead" replied Dobson. "How?" enquired Barrett. "The bastard hung him!" was the reply. For Barrett, this was something he never imagined. For us we felt some relief. Our saviour was out there, somewhere, eradicating the bad men and the Nealon family was no more. But just when you think things are great, the pendulum swings the opposite way. Dan moves towards the door to join Sam. He suddenly falls backward clutching his upper body, just below his right shoulder. Sam grabs him and Kelly runs to his aid also. They try to revive him but their efforts are futile as Dan's body becomes limp. JOSHUA: It was just a ricochet, but Barrett's Winchester had taken revenge.. My friend, Dan is dead.. Sam becomes very angry he grabs a rifle and runs out on to the street. Kelly grabs Julie and forcefully holds her down. JOSHUA: As I said before, the bereaved forget common sense. Sam was full of anger, he felt the bullet was meant for him. Now he wanted a bullet, he was proud man prepared to die. He didn't want anyone to die in his place. Dobson advancing up the street met Sam's initial volley. Dobson was the first to fall as the war came out into the open. The shooting continued and a second person fell clutching his face as another bullet struck his leg.. It was Sam Stone.... Silence descended once more bar the crackling timber.. It was now Barrett versus Temple. One on one. The sniper appeared from the smoke. The assassin came out of his lair. They moved towards the centre of the street. It was showtime. Eyes pierced each other, revenge was close at hand for one or the other. What thoughts passed through their minds? Ordinary people like you and I will never know or understand. Was it hatred? A yearning for revenge or just a passion for victory? One could not endeavour to read their expressions. Silence. Even the crackling of timber had become silent. Silence, silence, silence..... Temple clenches his fingers, Barrett grimaces. JOSHUA: Silence, silence, silence...... Temple moves his right hand, Barrett his left. Guns leave their holsters at the speed of lightening. Two gunshots ring out and echo through the street and saloon.

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Joshua drops his head. Lights out.

*** END OF SCENE ***

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ACT II SCENE 4: Kelly is holding Julie. Dan's body remains on the floor. Joshua is standing beside Kelly and Julie. A rifle is on the floor next to Kelly. There is a moment of dramatic tension. The swinging doors open and ENTER JACK BARRETT clutching his stomach as he slowly moves through the doors. His gun is missing from his holster. Jack pauses for another moment before taking his hand off his stomach to reveal a bloody wound. He is noticeably in pain. He falls to the floor but manages to fall close enough to the rifle near Kelly and Julie to grab it and aim it at Kelly. JACK: (Voice strained) If I can't have you nobody will. KELLY: Where's Jim? ENTER JIM with pistol in hand, uninjured. Jim walks over to Jack and pulls the rifle forcefully out of his hand and throws it away from him. Jim crouches down and faces Jack, eyeball to eyeball. Jack's face and voice show obvious pain while Jim is has a stern look on his face. JACK: Who are you? I know you, I do.... Answer me! Jim points his gun at Jack's forehead. KELLY: Jim, let the law take care of him. Don't do it. JACK: You're the devil himself. You're death, tell me who you are? JIM: You see it in my eyes. You see the innocent victims from the cruel massacre at Bounty! Don't you!? JACK: No! No!, It's you! You're dead! You're dead! I saw you die! JIM: Now I'm going to see you die. Jack splutters out blood from his mouth. He stares at Jim momentarily and then slumps down dead on the floor. There is a silence before Jim replaces his gun in his holster. KELLY: Jim! JIM: It's o.k.

Kelly leaves Julie. Kelly hugs Jim, but Jim does not respond. JULIE: (Sobbing) Sam, what about Sam? JIM: He's wounded, but he's still alive. JULIE: He is? JIM: He is. (Jim pulls away from Kelly) JULIE: I've got to go to Sam. EXIT JULIE running. JOSHUA: It's over, is it, Mr. Temple? JIM: For Liberty, yes. KELLY: How did Sam survive? Is he badly wounded? JIM: His eyes don't look in great shape. But I shot him in the leg as he was running out so he fell as the shots were going directly JIM: for him-and they missed. They thought they had shot him.

©opyright 26th October 1996 Author: Seamus Norris Page : 35 HUNTERS FOR REVENGE KELLY: You shot him in leg? JIM: I may have saved his life, not that anyone will appreciate it. KELLY: I'm sorry, I didn't mean it to sound like that. Thank-you for saving us, all of us. JOSHUA: Sure, Sir, thank you very much. We sure appreciate it. JIM: (Looking at Dan's body). I doubt if Dan does. Jim goes over and picks up his book and puts it in his saddle bag. He takes off his holster and also puts it in his saddle bag. He picks up his rifle, which was the one he had taken from Jack Barrett. KELLY Where are you going? JIM: To continue my quest. KELLY: You're quest for what? JIM: There's no point in calling it anything other than, revenge. KELLY: Jim, surely you've got your revenge. JIM: I told you I had three tasks to complete. This was the first. KELLY: And what are the other two? JIM: Firstly, to hunt for Jake and Hank Kimberly. KELLY: To kill them? JIM: That's what I do. It's what I do best. I'm a killer, no different to Barrett or Kimberly or anyone else. For a few weeks you distracted me from what I was doing. But you can't make a human being out of a dead man. And I am dead, dead in spirit. Dead here (thumps his heart). I'm just a killer. KELLY: You're not like them, you don't have to be a killer. You hadn't a chance in Bounty, but even against the odds in Liberty, you saved us. You've destroyed the ghost here today, you're spirit is free. You haven't left anyone down. Stop running Jim, please, stay with.. with.. in Liberty. JIM: With who, Kelly? Who wants a killer in their town. The people of Liberty want peace. They will have had enough violence after today. I'll be a hero for a few days, but then when all the gun tooting crazy's come after me to make their reputation. They'll soon want me out. Who'll want me then? Who!? KELLY: I... JIM: Who? KELLY: Kevin will. JIM: God dam it Kelly, who? KELLY: ….I will! I will!

Jim drops his rifle and saddle bag, then grabs Kelly and kissesher passionately. Then he stops suddenly. He picks up his saddle bag and rifle. JIM: I must complete my quest, I'm sorry Kelly, say goodbye to Kevin for me. (He starts going towards the door). KELLY: You can't say it can you? JIM: (He stops with his back to Kelly) What? KELLY: You can't say that magic four lettered word. Can you!? You know if you say it, it'll cast those demons out of your

©opyright 26th October 1996 Author: Seamus Norris Page : 36 HUNTERS FOR REVENGE body and soul. Your heart will be free. Your conscience is clear. You've redeemed yourself. If you walk out now, there is only one place you can go, and that's to hell! Think before you walk another step. There is a momentary dramatic pause. JIM: Goodbye, Kelly. EXIT JIM. Kelly sits down. JOSHUA: Mrs. Garrett, are you o.k.? KELLY: I will be Joshua, I will be. JOSHUA: He is gone, for definite? KELLY: He is. JOSHUA: Why is he going? KELLY, Cos, like he said, he is a killer. JOSHUA; Do you think he's a ghost? KELLY; He's a ghost, alright. He's just a lump of flesh spread evenly over a skeleton. Somehow, I hoped there was a person buried within those flesh and bones. That he wasn't just killing for revenge, but that he was killing to save us. Now I'm not so sure. JOSHUA: I think he's really a good man. KELLY: He probably is, Joshua, but he has been sentenced to a life of hell on earth. JOSHUA: Did you, did you love him? KELLY; He reminded me of my husband, Thomas in so many ways. Yet to anyone else, they would seem so different. Thomas was a hard working farmer and family man. A caring and gentle man, always thoughtful and fun to be with. And Jim, well you saw what Jim was like. But, I thought that behind that rough and tough exterior, I had discovered the same wonderful characteristics, that Thomas had. But maybe I was wrong. JOSHUA: I don't think so... I wonder what his third task is? KELLY: I wouldn't be surprised if it was to eliminate, Jim Temple. JOSHUA: Kill himself? KELLY: Yes, probably kill himself, just to put himself out of his misery. Oh God, why did I get feelings for him?! He'll go on for an eternity, hunting for revenge.

*** END OF SCENE ***

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ACT II SCENE 5: * Some producers may choose to omit this scene * This scene is set back in the saloon three years later. Everything, is as it was at the beginning of the play. Joshua is cleaning glasses behind the bar. JOSHUA: (To the audience) Hello folks, do remember me? The name is Joshua Washington Trappe. The year is Eighteen hundred and Eighty-eight and the date is August Fifteen. Exactly, three years to the day since Jim Temple saved this town of Liberty from the murderous Barrett gang. As you can see not much has changed with the saloon here except for it's name and it's owner. No, I'm not the owner. Mind you, I m not just a bartender anymore. I'm what you'd call a bar manager. My new boss, well she's a lot nicer and prettier than my old boss. You might remember her Lily-Ann, or Annabel as she prefers to be known as these days. Yep, that's her, the former entertainer. Her pa died and she decided to make good use of the money he left her and get out of the "entertaining" business. She calls this place Mountain Dan's Ace Saloon now, after our great friend Mountain Dan, God rest his soul. on this the anniversary of his death, three years ago. Unfortunately our competition across the street, The Cowboys Rest is doing great business. It was built where the Sheriff's office used to be, by a business man from Oklahoma City. Yes, folks, Liberty is a growing town. The population of Liberty is about Seventeen hundred now. I'm afraid the railroad never came though. But towns like Liberty are growing anyway as more and more people head out west We have a more regular Wells Fargo service now. The stage passes through every second day. And folks, guess who the mayor of Liberty is now? No it's not me. It's Sam Stone. Yes the former sheriff He survived the shoot-out alright. Not without wounds I must point out. He lost the sight of his right eye and he walks with a limp. But he's got Liberty going and is doing a lot better than Mr. Dukes was doing. Well, he was more honest. He and Julie are very happy and little Jessie is almost four and young James will be two in December. I'm sure you can guess who he's names after. I'm delighted for them. Sam is looking for a new sheriff at the moment. We haven't had one for the past three years, didn't need one. Now Sam says the time has come to appoint one again as the town is growing. A reliable one he says. Me, I'm still building up some money for that bit of land so that I can raise me a few head of cattle and a few chickens. I'm gettin' there. Me and Annabel are gettin' on pretty well these days all the same (smiles). Oh and Kelly Garrett, remember her and how beautiful she was? Well, she's still running her farm and looking after young Kevin. She's doing well, cos she has three or four hired hands and she even has time to help out with a bit teaching at the school-house Yeah, hard to believe, we even have a proper school-house now. She still has a lot of men chasing her, though she never seems to get serious with any of them. I guess none of them match up to her late husband Thomas, or even Jim Temple.. And what of him, you ask? Well, we haven't really heard a word about him since this day three years ago. Except we did hear that the Kimberly gang, including Hank and infamous Jake, were wiped out by some stranger down in El JOSHUA: Paso about eighteen months ago. Folks say, the stranger was lightening fast with a gun, but when all the gang were dead he just rode off into the sunset and disappeared like

©opyright 26th October 1996 Author: Seamus Norris Page : 38 HUNTERS FOR REVENGE a ghost. We wondered would he show up here, but he never did. Maybe he was a ghost after all... Joshua walks over to the door. JOSHUA: Here comes Mrs. Garrett, she always comes in for a while on the anniversary. She sure is still beautiful. ENTER KELLY GARRETT wearing a lovely long red dress. JOSHUA: Good morning, Mrs. Garrett. KELLY; Good morning, Joshua. JOSHUA: Would you like anything? KELLY: Just a glass of water, Joshua please. Joshua pours a glass of water from a jug for Kelly. JOSHUA: How's young Kevin? KELLY: Fine, thank-you Joshua. Getting all grown up. JOSHUA: Everything has changed so much in three years.. KELLY: Joshua. JOSHUA: Yes, Mrs. Garrett?

KELLY: This morning, I've decided the past is history. The ghost is gone. Sam and Julie have got on with their lives So have you and Annabel. I've spent three years wondering. Now I’ve got to go and find my own destiny. I believed he was real then, but last night I dreamt I saw him. He was a ghost. He floated down the street of Liberty His gun on his hip. He had a blank expression as he passed me on the way. I shouted and pleaded with him to recognise me but he/it just kept on floating, floating into this saloon. And just at the doors there, he stopped, looked back at me and smiled. His lips whispered something which I made out to be "I've completed my quest, my heart and soul are now free, thank-you for loving me". Then he disappeared and that was it… It's over Joshua, It's over... I'm free. Momentary pause.

ENTER JIM TEMPLE He is dressed in a smart dark suit with a Stetson, tie and shiny boots. He is clean shaven well groomed. Kelly and Joshua stare at him in amazement. JIM: Have you two moved in the past three years? KELLY: Jim! You're.. You're alive! JIM: (Slapping his chest). I'm alive. KELLY: What are you doing here? JIM; I've come about the job as sheriff. I've good experience. KELLY: I don't believe this. You're quest? JIM: Kimberly is dead, Jim Temple is free. I've completed my quest. My heart and soul are free... Kelly and Jim move closer to each other. KELLY: But what was your third task? You said you had a third task. JIM: To become a proper human being again. KELLY: And how is that going?

©opyright 26th October 1996 Author: Seamus Norris Page : 39 HUNTERS FOR REVENGE JIM: I've been working on it for the past eighteen months. It's tough, but I'm getting there. KELLY: And how do you intend to continue your rehabilitation? JIM: Somewhere close to you, if that's possible? KELLY: Why? JIM: (Pauses) Because of that magic four lettered word, I wanted to say three years ago, but couldn't... I love you. I love you, Kelly. I really love you. KELLY: I love you Jim Temple. I love you. JIM: Thank-you for loving me. Jim and Kelly kiss and hug passionately as Joshua smiles. JOSHUA: (To the Audience) This story is just beginning. Adios folks!

***** THE END *****

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