TH 16 SUNDAY in Time

July 17, 2016

KNOW and celebrate our Catholic Faith,

LOVE God and our neighbor,

SERVE as disciples of Jesus Christ. WORSHIP SACRAMENTS CONTACT L o c a t i o n Reconciliation O n l i n e 9100 93rd Avenue North Weekdays: 7:30 AM Brooklyn Park, MN, 55445 Saturday: 3:30-4:15 PM E - M a i l Or call to schedule an appointment. [email protected] Weekend Masses

Saturday: 5:00 PM B a p t i s m Parish Office Sunday: 1st and 3rd Sundays at 12:30 PM. (763) 425-2210

Daily Masses M a t r i m o n y School Office Weekdays: 8:00 AM Contact the Parish Office for details. (763) 425-3970


THIS SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 12:30 pm Baptisms No special events today. 8:00 pm Outreach Mtg SPECIAL EVENT!

6:30 pm — Godly Play

For meeting locations, please refer to the parish’s online calendar: 2 Do young children WELCOME TO OUR NEW

WORSHIP & MUSIC DIRECTOR SACRAMENTS & WORSHIP really need to go A MESSAGE FROM FR. PAUL to confession? I am pleased to announce that Mr. Tony After all, how Freeman will be joining us as our Worship much sin can & Music Director. He comes to us from Immaculate Conception in they really have? Columbia Heights where he has served as the Director of Ask any mom about her Music & Liturgy for the past 7 years. As a graduate of child and see how many St. Mary’s University with a degree in music, Tony is an would say that they are perfect angels! Parents know that accomplished pianist. In his spare time he is actively involved kids do wrong things and know they are doing it! After hear- in theatre, serving in roles as Music Director, Artistic Director ing youngsters' confessions many times, I am sure that they and keyboardist. He has taught music to elementary children know the difference between right and wrong. Sometimes for 5 years and also works as a musical theatre vocal coach. what children consider sinful might not be considered sinful Tony is an active board member of the Association of Liturgi- to an adult. But most young people, when asked, can easily cal Ministers within the Archdiocese. We welcome him to our explain why something is wrong and why they did it. Confes- parish and look forward to his leadership in further develop- sion for children can be a great way to help them form their ing our Worship and Music ministries. He will make St. Vin- consciences, make better choices in the future, and grow in cent de Paul his home as of August 10. their understanding of sin and how it affects others. Most importantly, they learn the value of forgiveness, both READINGS FOR THE WEEK: received and given. Sunday: Gn 18:1-10a/Ps 15:2-5/Col 1:24-28/ Confession, and the other sacra- Lk 10:38-42 ments, forms the spiritual life and Monday: Mi 6:1-4, 6-8/Ps 50:5-6, 8-9, helps children connect everyday 16-17, 21, 23/Mt 12:38-42 things with their relationship to Tuesday: Mi 7:14-15, 18-20/Ps 85:2-8/Mt 12:46-50 God. With confession comes hope, forgiveness, and a new start. Wednesday: Jer 1:1, 4-10/Ps 71:1-6, 15, 17/Mt 13:1-9 It also helps them understand Thursday: Jer 2:1-3, 7-8, 12-13/Ps 36:6-11/ God's unconditional love and helps Mt 13:10-17 them develop a sense of self worth Friday: Jer 3:14-17/Jer 31:10-13/Jn 20:1-2, 11-18 that transcends their failings. Not bad for an Our Father or two! Saturday: Jer 7:1-11/Ps 84:3-6, 8, 11/Mt 13:24-30 © 2009 Liturgical Publications Inc. Next Sunday: Gn 18:20-32/Ps 138:1-3, 6-8/Col 2:12-14 /Lk 11:1-13 COME AND EXPERIENCE THE HEALING POWER OF CONFESSION AND RECONCILIATION INTENTIONS FOR THIS WEEK Monday-Friday—7:30 am Saturday—3:30-4:15 pm Monday 8:00 AM † Tom Gammelgaard Or call the parish office at (763) 425-2210 to schedule an appointment. Tuesday 8:00 AM † Delores Pollnow Wednesday 8:00 AM † Carl Jullie WEDDING BANNS Thursday 8:00 AM † Terry McDonald Please pray for these couples who will † soon be married in our church... Friday 8:00 AM Jack Glass

Saturday 5:00 PM † Betty Shore Alannah Jubert & Sunday 7:30 AM † Russell Hartkopf Edward Brian Moran 9:00 AM Parishioners Alysa Emerson & Ryan Johnson 11:00 AM † Gregory Kline

THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY NEXT SUNDAY 6:45 pm Fit for the Father Mtg 7:00 am Facilities Mtg 2:00 pm Moran & Jubert Wedding SUMMER 3:30 pm Confessions SOCIAL AFTER MASS— PLEASE JOIN US! 3

F a m i l i e s

INSPIRING AND INFORMATIVE CATHOLIC CD’S Only $3 each! Available in the display in the Gathering Space. “Prove it, God! … and He did”: As a lifelong Catholic wife and mother of three, Patty Schneier struggled with the Church’s teaching on contraception. Her discovery of St. John Paul II’s revealed to her the fullness of God’s plan for sex and marriage, and led to a dramatic renewal of her marriage and her faith. Saturday, August 13 — Family-friendly fun from 11 AM to 11 PM Sunday, August 14 — Parish Brunch after the 9 & 11 AM Masses DON’T FORGET TO PICK UP AND SELL YOUR RAFFLE TICKETS! The raffle is a great fundraiser for our parish, and a chance for those who purchase tickets to win BIG! to be drawn at 10:30 PM on August 13! The next seller incentive drawing will be after the 11 AM Mass on Sunday, July 24.

FELLOWSHIP & FAITHPlease FORMATION sell as many tickets as you can and turn them in at the bins in the Gathering Area after Mass, during the week, or to the Church Office.

Catholic Camp Thank Yous! QUESTION OF THE WEEK

A sincere thank you to all who in any  Adult/Teen: When this past week did you take the time way helped make Catholic Camp a to pray, to talk to, and listen to God? fun, faith-filled week for the 239 campers!  Child: Where do you talk to God and how do you listen to what God says to you? Thank you to all of the parishioners who donated fleece! The campers Please take some time today to discuss these questions or made lots of beautiful blankets to brighten many children’s reflect on them in private prayer. lives. Thank you to all the campers who participated and to their parents. We pray that you not only had fun and made —From Link by Harcourt Publishers some new friends; but that you also remember to show God’s mercy to everyone you meet.

Thanks to all the station leaders and helpers, camp coun- selors, floaters, nursery staff, and set up and tear down crew —over 125 fantastic volunteers of all ages. Catholic Camp would not have been a success without you! Thanks to Fr. Paul, Fr. Barsness, Deacon Nick, Chuck Pratt, and all of the great Parish and School Staff members who helped with Catholic Camp. Thank you to all of the Parish members that spent many, many hours tying rosaries for all of the campers at Catholic Camp. A special thanks to Kelly Hayes for coordinating the effort. The campers were so excited to receive their rosar- FREE BROCHURE IN THE ies and will treasure them for years to come! GATHERING AREA KIOSK— AMORIS LAETITIA: ON LOVE IN THE FAMILY A special thank you to Anne-Marie Leach, Krista Myhre, Hazel Ward, Sarah Nguyen, and Beth Roesch for the Pope Francis in his recent apostolic many, many hours of preparation, their strong leadership exhortation offers the world an extended during Catholic Camp and their selfless service to God and on marriage and family. His children. Have a fun and safe summer! God Bless you The document covers a wide variety of issues facing fami- 4 all. Thanks again and see you next year! —Erika Novak lies today in an optimistic yet realistic way. A d u l t s FORMATION FAITH & FELLOWSHIP

“This Sunday, the liturgy proposes again for our meditation the evangelical episode of Jesus' stay in the home of Martha and Mary (see Luke 10:38-42). While Martha is taken up with domestic affairs, Mary is seated at the feet of the Master and listens to his word. Christ affirms that Mary "has chosen the better part and it will not be taken from her" (Luke 10:42). To listen to the Word of God is the most important thing in our lives. Christ is always in our midst and wants to speak to our hearts. We can listen to him by meditating with faith on sacred Scripture, recollecting ourselves in private and communal prayer, pausing in silence before the tabernacle, from which he speaks to us of his love. Especially on Sunday, Christians are called to encounter and listen to the Lord. This occurs in the fullest way by partic- ipating in holy Mass, in which Christ prepares for the faithful the table of the Word and Bread of life. But other moments of prayer and reflection, of rest and fraternity, can usefully contribute to sanctify the day of the Lord. When, by the action of the Holy Spirit, God takes up his dwelling in the heart of the believer, it becomes easier to serve brothers. This is how it happened in a singular and perfect way in Mary Most Holy. To her we entrust this vacation period, so that it will be appreciated as a propitious time to rediscover the primacy of the interior life.” — St. Pope John Paul II at his July 19, 2004 Address LEARN MORE ABOUT THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS be a practicing Catholic and age 18 or older — these are the only require- ments to join. Any man interested in learning more, please call: Bob Clark at 763-424-5509, Robert Moreland at 763-557-0874, or Tom Heltemes at 763-425-2314.

SENIOR LUNCH CANCELLED THIS MONTH Note — we will not have a Senior Lunch in July, but it will return on August 16. See you then!

The Golden Vinnies! Our mission: to support, empower and educate women in The senior group at St. Vincent spirituality, leadership, and service to Christ, His church de Paul, the Golden Vinnies, and society. All CCW meetings this year had their debut event on July 6, will be held on the an outing at the TWINS game! second Tuesday of the month, starting in About 20 of us enjoyed the beauti- September. ful day, $1 hotdogs, and a big win. More information later. The envelope for CCW Watch for details on our fall play Dues is purple this year. Watch for it in your most and lunch! recent packet! All women of the parish are All seniors welcome! members of CCW. You are invited to come to Watch for more details! all events and meetings. 5 6 FELLOWSHIP & FAITH FORMATION 11. 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 12.

Your hour with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament will repair for evils of the world and bring about peace on earth. earth. on peace about bring and world ofthe forevils repair will Sacrament Blessed the Jesus in hour with Your Man of Redeemer II, John Paul souls." our (Pope of life the become andtruly love’ for ‘love given back be shall him ship due of manifestations through so allthe that of God people of the life of the center the shall love at be of sacrament the that oflife. center is the the because on you Jesus is counting (Pope Fidei) VI,Paul Mysterium (Pope dignity." incomparable the people Christian uponthe bestows Eucharist divine "The Sacrament. Blessed the in him with one hour spending of invitation the with you upon bestows himself Jesus that dignity and honor tothe comparison in be nothing this would honor Vatican, the in him visit to invitation special youa give would Popehimself the If Paul Fidei) VI, God."(Pope Mysterium of those but own interest their not seek andto heart, of and humble like himself, gentle be to learn may him, all that to come his. with one heart our makes Jesus mercy, transforming With God) of People the of VI,Paul (Pope see." cannot whom they Word, Incarnate the see, eyes Host, which our the Blessed adore and tohonor duty sweet very our is churchesandit our of each of ‘LivingHeart’ the is Sacrament Blessed "The humility. in him to come many we that faith, to us is calling he because ofbread, appearance under the Host Sacred the in hidden remains buthe him, towelcome run would everyone church, in visible actually Jesus were If Fidei) Mysterium VI, Paul weak." the (Pope strengthens afflicted, the consoles night, and with us,day his peace. his love, his grace, rays of divine the receiving without Sacrament Blessed the in Jesus to exposed come you can rays, neither its receiving sun the without to beexposed can’t Just you as Fidei) VI,Paul Mysterium (Pope holiness!" of road the along advancing for efficacious more nothing earth, on consoling more nothing is there for Sacrament, Blessed in the with Christ conversation Blessed the Sacrament! in Friend, Best Jesus,your is with on earth spend you besttime The Man) of John Redeemer II, Paul (Pope Eucharist." the Holy of climate in the spiritually grow andto piety Eucharistic and life in Eucharistic constantly preserveandadvance to is life in commitment "Our essential Jesus! with spend you each moment with spiritually You grow of Man) Redeemer II, John Paul (Pope complete." be our may love that in order adoration in Eucharistic Jesus of worship sonal on Sunday. gotomass to than do to more you Jesus wants Fidei) IV, Paul Mysterium (Pope whom exist." we andof are him by all things all hearts, of the world, of the Redeemer the Church, of the heart invisible the contained, is Christ species, the veil of the within since human all and Church universal community, the of the of the heart center spiritual the as in churches our "Christ reserved is him! to world the in person important most the are you because Sacrament Blessed the in Jesus dwells andnight Day Cenae) II, John Paul Dominicae cease." (Pope never adoration your Let world. the evils of for great the tomakereparation andready Jesus meet into time going with our generous usbe "Let "He proposes his own example to those who those to hisown example "He proposes "Christ is truly the Emmanuel, that is, God God is, that Emmanuel, the truly is "Christ

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SPEND ONE HOUR WITH JESUS IN THE BLESSED SACRAMENT BLESSED THE IN JESUS WITH CHU HOUR THE OF ONE SPEND TEACHINGS THE FROM REASONS 12 sacrament of love." (Pope John Paul II, Dominicae Cenae) John Dominicae II, Paul love." (Pope of sacrament 2. Cenae) John Dominicae II, Paul (Pope adoration." Eucharistic 1.

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Please call JoAnne Newman at 763 at Newman call JoAnne Please "Every member of the Church must be vigilant in seeing seeing in vigilant must be Church the of "Every member chapel. Stop in for a quick visit, or for an hour or orfor anhour visit, inforaquick Stop chapel.

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A d u l t s (continued) FORMATION FAITH & FELLOWSHIP BELONG TOUR 2016: FOR CHRISTIAN WOMEN After 20 years of creating some of the world’s largest live events, including Women of Faith™, producers launch the BELONG Tour in 2016. The tour serves as a gathering for women who crave a deeper connection with each other, their community and their dreams. BELONG is a Friday night – Saturday live event bring- ing women together in arenas across the country.

Thousands of women will gather to hear remarkable communi- cators Jen Hatmaker, Shauna Niequist, Nichole Nordeman, Sharon Irving, Angela Davis, and Patsy Clairmont hone in on how to live a fun, faith-filled, purposeful life. There will be plenty of personal stories, music, laughter and maybe even some tears in this open space where women can connect to one another, to see and know each other, and carry each other’s burdens. EVENT DETAILS: belongevents/ Friday, Oct. 21 from 7-10 pm & Saturday, Oct. 22 st-paul-mn from 9 am-3 pm at the Xcel Energy Center in St. Paul EVENT PRICING: Tickets $129; VIP Seats $149

T e e n s

S’MORE FUN SUMMER BONFIRE Join us for some summer fun! There will be a bonfire, s’more fixings, and yard games. The final S’more Fun for 2016 will be Wednesday, Aug. 10 at 7:00 PM in the back parking lot of St. Vincent de Paul (near the playground). Bonfires are open to everyone who has completed grades 6-12.

VOCATION DAY FOR YOUNG MEN & WOMEN SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION CLAS- SATURDAY, AUGUST 20 FROM 9 AM - 2:30 PM (CHECK-IN AT 8:30 AM) SES FOR THOSE WITH SPECIAL NEEDS THE SAINT PAUL SEMINARY, ST. PAUL Confirmation classes are available for persons This event is for young Catholic men and women, ages 12-17, to deepen with special needs, or mental or physical disa- their faith and better discern God’s calling in their lives. We will start the bilities, age 16 or older. Classes will be held day together with Mass at 9 AM. All parents are invited to stay for Mass Saturday, August 20 and Saturday, August followed by a Parent Information Session until 10:30 AM. Learn how to 27, 9:30—11:30 AM. at the Church of St. Rich- help your children discern God’s call. Cost: $15/participant; $30 family ard, Richfield. Both classes are mandatory for maximum. Includes lunch. Register by August 1 and receive a FREE guardians and candidates. Pre-registration is t-shirt! For more information and to register, visit: required. Candidates will be confirmed during archspm_events/totus-tuus-vocation-day-young-men-daughter-god- the Annual Mass for Persons with Disabilities retreat-2. Please direct questions to: Young Men—Patty McQuillan – (651) on Sunday, September 11 at 3 PM. To regis- 962-6890; [email protected]; Young Women—Nancy ter, contact Deacon Sean or Joan Curtan at Schulte Palacheck – (651) 291-4489; [email protected] (651) 291-4543 or [email protected]. C h i l d r e n PLEASE USE CAUTION WITH SNACKS FIRST BANNERS If you are packing snacks for your children for Students in Faith Formation classes, from other Catholic Mass, please remember to avoid nuts, schools, and who prepared in other parishes may pick up especially peanuts. (Some children have such their Banners in the parish office. severe allergies, that even if it is airborne, the Students who attend St. Vincent de Paul School were child can get seriously ill.) returned their banners by their classroom teachers in early Also, please try to avoid juice boxes or pouches which can June. spill and ruin the seats. Thank you for your consideration! 7 A WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY

FOR INCREASED PARTICIPA- TION IN WEEKEND LITURGIES AT ST. VINCENT’S Families and groups of individuals can now arrange in advance to per- Today's readings speak of hospitality. form the role of “Gift Bearer” at Mass. Abraham, who cheerfully did for his guests all The normal practice is to have three people act as a team to bring forward that desert hospitality required, was rewarded the gifts of wine, water, and bread to with his heart's desire - a son. present to the Presider at Mass. Martha also busied herself with all the details of It is a great way to help celebrate a birthday, anniversary, hospitality, but grudgingly and with complaint. graduation, or other memorable event. Am I a cheerful or a grudging giver?  Reservations may be made at the Church Office during KC ROSARY: regular office hours. There is a rosary prayed every  Reservations may be made Tuesday at 6:30 PM in the for a specific date and Cry Room, led by the Knights Mass time, up to one year in advance. of Columbus. Plan to attend whenever you can.  We will “book” the reservation with contact information.

FEED MY STARVING CHILDREN  A family or group can always cancel a reservation. SVDP volunteers at FMSC twice monthly.  We do not intend to call and remind people of their status.

We pack the fourth Tuesday of every  The Reservations will be posted Friday afternoon in the month from 9:30 to 11:30 AM and the third Usher Room. Friday of every month from 6:00 to 7:30  The Family/Group must sit near the gifts table. PM. Come join our teams, meet new friends, have a good time and feel good about your  The Family/Group should introduce themselves to the ush- volunteer efforts. FMSC is located at 401 93rd Ave NW, er nearest the main doors 10 minutes prior to the begin- Coon Rapids just off of 610 on the other side of the ning of Mass.

Mississippi River. We pack highly nutritional meals for  The usher will remind them of their duties.

PRAYER,the PARTICIPATION, hungry & GENEROSITY children of the world. Contact Duane Cros-  If no Family/Group that has a reservation has made it land at 763-441-8683 or at [email protected]. We always known that they are present with less than 10 minutes be- welcome new volunteers! fore Mass, then the usher will select other persons to fulfill this role.

BARGAINS AND BEYOND REPORT COMPLETED The 2016 Bargains and Beyond coordinators’ report is completed. Copies are availa- ble at the Welcome desk in the Gathering Space. Thank you once again for all your support Over the summer we ask you to prayerfully consider of this parish-sponsored event! becoming a Catechist for our Faith Formation program this fall. Find out more about being a Catechist at CHILDREN’S We asked our Catechists to answer STEWARDSHIP the question, “Why are you a Here are a few of the “offerings” from the children’s envelopes received last Sunday: catechist?” Here is one response….  Will—shared my new Lego train with my brother

 Lincoln—helping Violet get her shoes on “Because, I feel called to  Carolyn—helped clean up for VBS encourage the youth to  Tyler—I supported a friend when he sang at church  Diego—babysat siblings know & love our Catholic  Sarah—I met a new friend and played nicely with her — Anonymous 8 Faith!” L ITURGICAL R OLES F OR REMEMBER IN YOUR S ATURDAY , J ULY 23 & S UNDAY , J ULY 24 PRAYERS: GENEROSITY & PARTICIPATION, PRAYER,

Please pray for the soul of 5:00 pm Fr. Michael Barsness parishioner † Barbara McCollor. 7:30 am Visiting Priest with Deacon Nick Froehle 9:00 am Fr. Michael Barsness with Deacon Nick Froehle Eternal rest grant unto her, 11:00 am Fr. Michael Barsness O Lord, and let perpetual PRESIDERS light shine upon her. May the souls of all the 5:00 pm Peter Gartner, Sophia Morri, Adam Schaust faithful departed, 7:30 am Ben Weber, Maggie Albers, Trina Veranth through the mercy of God, 9:00 am Joe & Andy Witters, Ryan McNamara . Amen. 11:00 am Anna & Ellie Becicka, Nathan Ward SERVERS 5:00 pm Lee Halbur & Bob Clark 7:30 am Gloria Krynski & Sara Messier 9:00 am Earl & Eileen Herzog 11:00 am Dave Whatmuff & Lisa Capistrant LECTORS

5:00 pm Ruben & Natalie Przybilla, Betty Bartos, Sandy Wheeler, Ruth Weber, Tom McMullen, Amy Hagan, Eldina Lucht 7:30 am Lorry Krynski, Donna Anderson, Leslie Bender, Linda Berscheit, Les & Steve Eiden 9:00 am Paula Dieterle, Jay & Judy Jacobi, Katie Benik, Nicky Witters, Dorothy Malone, Lavonne Martinez, Rebecca Keran 11:00 am Don Waletzko, Kevin Landman, Jim Miler, Carol Hammer, Lori Varecka, Patricia Sexton, EUCHARISTIC Joann Lawinger, Margaret Schauer MINISTERS

5:00 pm Patricia Reuter

7:30 am Bunny Dargis

9:00 am Shirley Homan WELCOME 11:00 am Marilyn Hiscock CENTER

5:00 pm Bob & Susan McCaffrey 7:30 am Nancy Locknane/Nettie Phenow 9:00 am Kathleen Pomerleau/Pat Prasky 11:00 am Charles & Ann Litke GIFT SHOP

JULY 10, 2016 PLEASE REMEMBER (WEEK 2) THE SICK OF OUR PARISH IN YOUR 1,971.41 Current Year-to-Date PRAYERS: Sunday Collection $20,715.00 $61,542.29 Jeanette Rem, Irene Automatic Withdrawal & $7,252.90 Gleason, Richard Scherber, Online Giving Evan Steeves, Jim Holm, Children/Youth $15.52 $28.52 Betty Rumrey, Rich Grugal, Steve Kane, Alfred Smith, Total Support $27,983.42 $61,570.81 Cole McDonough, Bob Burks, Danny Kroll, & Major Repair & Replace- ment Fund—Collection $172.00 Rita Goth. Automatic Withdrawal & Online Giving $360.00 To submit prayers or become a member Total Support for of the Prayer Line, go to, Major Fund Repair $532.00 $1,788.00 Second Collection for click on “Be Involved”, click on “Pray”, Parish Charity Account $4,981.04 then choose “Prayer Line”

Thank you for your generosity! from the menu on the left. 9 MEMBERSHIP PASTOR

We welcome you to our Rev. Paul Treacy parish family! If you are Phone: (763) 425-2210 interested in learning Email: [email protected] more about our church, or would like to join, PAROCHIAL VICAR please stop in at the Rev. Michael Barsness parish office to register. (763) 425-2210 You may also register Email: [email protected] at the Welcome Center before or after Mass or online at All adults, age 18 and older, DEACON should be registered. Deacon Larry Lawinger (763) 425-2210 BAPTISMS: MATRIMONY: Email: dcnlarrylawinger@saintvdp .org 1st and 3rd Sun- Arrange- days at 12:30 ments MASS SCHEDULE pm. Pre- should be Weekend Masses Baptism Class made one is required. year in Saturday Evening—5:00 pm Call the Parish office to advance. Sunday—

register. It is Daily Masses recommended that you Call the parish office for attend the class before more information at 763- Monday through Friday—8:00 am 425-2210. the birth of your child. Holy Day Masses as announced.


PARISH STAFF & ADMINISTRATION Mon-Wed: 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM THE BULLETIN IS MONDAY AT NOON. Thur-Fri: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM Saturday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM HELP US UPDATE OUR RECORDS If you have moved, changed your phone number, name, or have a new e-mail address, please call the parish office at 763-425-2210 or send us an email at [email protected] to inform us so that we can update our records. This also helps the church save money on postage. Thank you! ONLINE GIVING Do you feel that God may be Online Giving is a convenient and safe way to make one-time or recurring contribu- calling you to serve tions. Getting started is easy — just visit and click the Online Giving link. When in Liturgical ministry? you participate, your gift will be securely transferred directly We are currently in need of volunteers for several of the into St. Vincent de Paul’s bank account. All with a click of a Liturgical Ministries here at St. Vincent de Paul. button. No need to find the envelope and write a check on We are in need of more Ushers, Lectors, and Sunday – it is all done for you! Registering is easy! Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist. Go to Men and women who serve in these ministries must be Click on “Online Giving Link” Baptized and Confirmed Catholics. They should be Click on “Create New Account” persons who sincerely try to live the message in Your contributions fund ministries and help us to Know, Love and their communal and individual lives. Serve the Lord in our community. When you sign up for online giving, you are providing a predictable income for our Parish. They should faithfully participate in the Sunday Eucharist and with God’s grace FOR TRAVELING CATHOLICS in every aspect of their lives. Mass Times Trust is a nationwide FREE ministry to travel- If you feel that you may be called to serve in one or ing Catholics. They provide information on the location of more of these vital ministries, please contact the nearby Churches and the times of Masses. This is availa- Parish Office at (763) 425-2210 or e-mail ble by calling 1-410-676-6000 or at: Steve Barnhart at: [email protected]. 10