539 bus time schedule & line map

539 - Halifax View In Website Mode

The 539 bus line (Stainland - Halifax) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Halifax Town Centre <-> Stainland: 8:24 AM - 5:01 PM (2) Stainland <-> Halifax Town Centre: 7:24 AM - 4:24 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 539 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 539 bus arriving.

Direction: Halifax Town Centre <-> Stainland 539 bus Time Schedule 33 stops Halifax Town Centre <-> Stainland Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 8:24 AM - 5:01 PM Market Street, Halifax Town Centre Market Street, Halifax Tuesday 8:24 AM - 5:01 PM

Waterhouse Street, Halifax Town Centre Wednesday 8:24 AM - 5:01 PM 4 Waterhouse Street, Halifax Thursday 8:24 AM - 5:01 PM Commercial Street, Halifax Town Centre Friday 8:24 AM - 5:01 PM 59 Commercial Street, Halifax Saturday 9:56 AM - 3:59 PM Portland Place St Johns Lane, Halifax Town Centre Portland Place, Halifax

Skircoat Road Hunger Hill, Halifax Town Centre 539 bus Info Hunger Hill, Halifax Direction: Halifax Town Centre <-> Stainland Stops: 33 Skircoat Rd Free School Lane, Skircoat Trip Duration: 20 min Heath Park Avenue, Halifax Line Summary: Market Street, Halifax Town Centre, Waterhouse Street, Halifax Town Centre, Commercial Hudderseld Road Spring Hall Fields, Skircoat Street, Halifax Town Centre, Portland Place St Johns Lane, Halifax Town Centre, Skircoat Road Hunger Hudderseld Rd Coronation Road, Skircoat Hill, Halifax Town Centre, Skircoat Rd Free School Lane, Skircoat, Hudderseld Road Spring Hall Fields, Hudderseld Rd Stafford Road, Skircoat Skircoat, Hudderseld Rd Coronation Road, Skircoat, Hudderseld Rd Stafford Road, Skircoat, Westbourne Grove, Royal Hospital Westbourne Grove, Calderdale Royal Hospital, Westbourne Grove, Halifax Hudderseld Road, Calderdale Royal Hospital, Hudderseld Road Exley Bank, Salterhebble, Hudderseld Road, Calderdale Royal Hospital Stainland Road Salterhebble Junction, Salterhebble, Stainland Rd North Dean Bus Pk, Salterhebble, Hudderseld Road Exley Bank, Salterhebble Stainland Road Sports Ground, West Vale, Stainland Rd Alfred Street, West Vale, Stainland Road, West Stainland Road Salterhebble Junction, Vale, Stainland Rd Dean Street, West Vale, Stainland Salterhebble Rd Queen Street, West Vale, Stainland Road Health Wood Bottom, Halifax Centre, West Vale, Stainland Rd Long Heys, West Vale, Stainland Rd Bradley Lane, Holywell Green, Stainland Rd North Dean Bus Pk, Salterhebble Brookswood Industrial Estate, Holywell Green, Stainland Rd Chapel Street, Holywell Green, Stainland Road Sports Ground, West Vale Stainland Road Station Rd, Holywell Green, Stainland Rd Shaw Lane, Holywell Green, Stainland Road Stainland Rd Alfred Street, West Vale Holywell Green School, Holywell Green, Stainland 1 Alfred Street, Elland Road West View, Holywell Green, Stainland Rd Cross Field, Holywell Green, St Andrews Church, Stainland, Stainland Road, West Vale Stainland Rd Drury Lane, Stainland, Stainland Rd Fall 27 Stainland Road, Elland Spring Gardens, Stainland, Bowling Green School, Stainland Stainland Rd Dean Street, West Vale 63-69 Stainland Road, Elland

Stainland Rd Queen Street, West Vale

Stainland Road Health Centre, West Vale Stainland Road, Elland

Stainland Rd Long Heys, West Vale

Stainland Rd Bradley Lane, Holywell Green Stainland Road, Elland

Brookswood Industrial Estate, Holywell Green

Stainland Rd Chapel Street, Holywell Green 235 Stainland Road, Elland

Stainland Road Station Rd, Holywell Green Stainland motors Stainland Road,

Stainland Rd Shaw Lane, Holywell Green

Stainland Road Holywell Green School, Holywell Green Longeld, England

Stainland Road West View, Holywell Green

Stainland Rd Cross Field, Holywell Green Cross Field, England

St Andrews Church, Stainland Stannary, England

Stainland Rd Drury Lane, Stainland Towngate, England

Stainland Rd Fall Spring Gardens, Stainland Westgate, England

Bowling Green School, Stainland Bowling Green Road, England Direction: Stainland <-> Halifax Town Centre 539 bus Time Schedule 31 stops Stainland <-> Halifax Town Centre Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 7:24 AM - 4:24 PM Bowling Green School, Stainland Bowling Green Road, England Tuesday 7:24 AM - 4:24 PM

Stainland Rd Fall Spring Gardens, Stainland Wednesday 7:24 AM - 4:24 PM Ing Royd, England Thursday 7:24 AM - 4:24 PM Stainland Rd Drury Lane, Stainland Friday 7:24 AM - 4:24 PM Cliff View, England Saturday 9:24 AM - 3:25 PM St Andrews Church, Stainland Thorne Street, England

Stainland Rd Cross Field, Holywell Green Cross Field, England 539 bus Info Direction: Stainland <-> Halifax Town Centre Stainland Road West View, Holywell Green Stops: 31 Longeld, England Trip Duration: 25 min Line Summary: Bowling Green School, Stainland, Stainland Road Holywell Green School, Holywell Stainland Rd Fall Spring Gardens, Stainland, Green Stainland Rd Drury Lane, Stainland, St Andrews Church, Stainland, Stainland Rd Cross Field, Holywell Stainland Rd Shaw Lane, Holywell Green Green, Stainland Road West View, Holywell Green, Oakes Gardens, England Stainland Road Holywell Green School, Holywell Green, Stainland Rd Shaw Lane, Holywell Green, Stainland Rd Station Road, Holywell Green Stainland Rd Station Road, Holywell Green, Stainland Rd Chapel Street, Holywell Green, Brookswood Stainland Rd Chapel Street, Holywell Green Industrial Estate, Holywell Green, Stainland Rd Chapel Close, Elland Bradley Lane, Holywell Green, Stainland Rd Long Heys, West Vale, Stainland Road Health Centre, West Brookswood Industrial Estate, Holywell Green Vale, Stainland Rd Queen Street, West Vale, Stainland Burrwood Court, Elland Rd, West Vale, Stainland Rd Alfred Street, West Vale, Stainland Road Sports Ground, West Vale, Stainland Stainland Rd Bradley Lane, Holywell Green Rd North Dean Bus Pk, Salterhebble, Stainland Road Stainland Road, Elland Salterhebble Junction, Salterhebble, Hudderseld Road Exley Bank, Salterhebble, Hudderseld Rd, Stainland Rd Long Heys, West Vale Calderdale Royal Hospital, Hudderseld Rd Stafford Little Bradley, Elland Road, Skircoat, Hudderseld Rd Coronation Road, Skircoat, Hudderseld Road Spring Hall Fields, Stainland Road Health Centre, West Vale Skircoat, Skircoat Rd Free School Lane, Skircoat, Stainland Road, Elland Skircoat Rd Heath Road, Skircoat, Skircoat Road Hunger Hill, Halifax Town Centre, Wards End, Halifax Stainland Rd Queen Street, West Vale Town Centre, Market Street, Halifax Town Centre, Market Street, Halifax Town Centre Stainland Rd, West Vale

Stainland Rd Alfred Street, West Vale 1 Alfred Street, Elland

Stainland Road Sports Ground, West Vale

Stainland Rd North Dean Bus Pk, Salterhebble

Stainland Road Salterhebble Junction, Salterhebble Stainland Road, Halifax

Hudderseld Road Exley Bank, Salterhebble

Hudderseld Rd, Calderdale Royal Hospital

Hudderseld Rd Stafford Road, Skircoat Stafford Place, Halifax

Hudderseld Rd Coronation Road, Skircoat Whinneyeld, Halifax

Hudderseld Road Spring Hall Fields, Skircoat

Skircoat Rd Free School Lane, Skircoat

Skircoat Rd Heath Road, Skircoat Heath Road, Halifax

Skircoat Road Hunger Hill, Halifax Town Centre

Wards End, Halifax Town Centre 10 Wards End, Halifax

Market Street, Halifax Town Centre

Market Street, Halifax Town Centre Market Street, Halifax 539 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in . Check Live Arrival Times About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved