S96 Elland-Cum-Greetland. Holroyd & Fidden, Cotton Spinilers, Onecliffe L\Iill, West- Lord J Ames, Hydropat Hie Bath & Pleasure Gardens Propr
S96 Elland-cum-Greetland. Holroyd & Fidden, cotton spinilers, Onecliffe l\Iill, West- Lord J ames, hydropat hie bath & pleasure gardens propr. gate Elland road; ancl Brighouse Holroyd J ames, farmer, GreetLwd • Lord Stansfield, clogger and boot maker, \Vestgate IT olroyd J oseph, farmer, Greetland Lord Wm. woollen mfr. Bridge Field 1\Iill; h Elizabeth st Holroyd J oseph (R. & J.) ; h Holywell green Lumb Abrah;tm, woollen m:1nnfacturer, James street Holroyd Rowland, yeast importer, Timber street Lumb Abraham, woollen yarn spinner, Farrar Mill; h Holroyd R. & J. cotton spinner:~, Spring Wood :Mills, Huddersfield road Holywell green Lumb Bros. coal merchants, Station Holroyd Stephen, confectioner, \Vest vale Lumb George, wheelwright and blacksmith, South gate; h Borne Samuel Hoyle, grocer and provision dealer, fire- Langdale street light m fr. and ea~ proprietor, \V est vale. (See Advt.) Lum b Geo. cotton spinner, \Vellington ~I ills, Quebec st Hors fall J ames, farmer, El land Upper edge Luru b J am,es, brass and steel founder and finisher, Per- Hors fall ::\Irs ~Iartha Ann, N ewcombe street severance l\Iills, Providence street ; h Quebec street Horsfail Samuel. groeer, Greetbwd Lumb J ames, draper, Church street Howe Arthur, shoddy dealer, IVes~ vale Lum b 1\Irs l\Iartha, dressmaker, Church street Howe Henry, coal and lime merchant, \Vest Yale Lumb Oli'l'er, cotton douuler, Elland ~1ill Ho we llumphrey, coal merchant, Greet land Lumb William, wheelwright and blacksmith, and dray Hoyle George, ~LB. & C.l\L surgeon, Eliz;tbeth street builder, Park road; h Woodland terrace Hutchinson Chas. slater, plasterer & painter, Timl1er st Luty E.
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