Seasonal changes in water beetle assemblages in a temporary pond of Lonjsko polje nature Park Martina Temunović 1,2, Lucija Šerić Jelaska 3 1 Faculty of Forestry, University of Zagreb, Svetosimunska 25, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia 2 Association for Biological Research - BIOM, Sestinski dol 12, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia;
[email protected] 3Group for Systematic Zoology and Entomology, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Rooseveltov trg 6, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia;
[email protected] Date (2004) 4/6 16/6 2/7 15/7 22/10 Σ D % 225 Hydrophilidae Family 200 Hydraenidae of Dytiscidae 1. Dytiscidae 107 75 77 18 6 283 19,46 175 Introduction Helophoridae 150 2. Haliplidae 2 3 0 0 1 6 0,41 Hydrochidae 125 3. Helophoridae 9 77 75 34 40 235 16,1 100 4. Hydrophilidae 195 72 37 19 75 398 27,28 abundance Water beetles (Coleoptera, Insecta) constitute one of the main groups of 75 5. Hydraenidae 19 44 98 66 125 352 24,12 aquatic macroinvertebrates in temporary and permanent standing waters 50 6. Hydrochidae 8 26 39 14 63 150 10,28 25 which represent the most important habitats for this group of insects. 7. Dryopidae 5 3 1 0 2 11 0,75 0 4.6. 16.6. 2.7. 15.7. 22.10. Lonjsko polje is one of the largest naturally flooded plains in Europe with a 8. Spercheidae 1 1 0 0 0 2 0,14 date 9. Chrysomelidae 7 3 3 0 3 16 1,09 variety of aquatic habitats, included in Ramsar List of Wetlands of Interna- Figure 3: Seasonal dynamics of eudominant water beetle families 10.