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Volume XIII.—Number 14. HARRISON BURG, VA., THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 1878. $2.00 a Year in Advance. From Ricbmond Dispatch of January 2nd. REAL ESTATE. PROFESSIONAL CARPS. tual oare of every class. Under the bandman or destroying floods have —inability—either for the individual Mark Twain in Atlantic Monthly. THE NEW ADHIMSTKATiON. James kenney, segis of tbe government they work to-' swept it away. But I believe that there in the the court of morals or for the Cats, getber for tbe advancement of tbe in- still exists that loyalty to honor and ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Habrisomburo, Va, COLONEL HOLLIDAY INAUGURATED OOVERNOR State at tbe bar of public opinion. ap30-vi dividual and tbe oommoo weal; but that devotion to law which enabled ber No greater responsibility can fall to HOW THEY ARE ESTKtMED BY THE PEOPLE MEADE F. WHITER when any one party reaches tor and people to bear these things without the lot of men than falls upon us, now OF THE BERMUDA ISLANDS. ATTORNKT-AT-LAW, Staoatok Va.—Conrte: An- Colonel F. W. M. Holliday was on gets hold of tbe government to pro- shrinking. I believe that her people entering upon office in Virginia. This R. POOL PnKflinKNT. KUBta, Rockbrldge aud Highland Gountlea. vesterdav inangnrated as Governor of mote, through its agency, its own in- are still earnest and true. P. B. DKLANY* 8kc. A SDP't. Virginia with interestioK and unusual debt issue has hitherto been overshad- As wo entered tbe edge of the tow C'. H. VANDEBPOKD f., Thkahurrii. QEO. Q. OHATTAN, terest, the republic has already ended, What, then, hinders Virginia? For owed by tbe question of our return to (Hainillon, Bermuda Islands,) th: J. 0. PKIOB !••• •ORKKIIAL Balksman. ceremonies and under highly-favoring and anarchy or despotism is at band. years she struggled in the war, and 0. E. HAAS, Attobnkt. ATTORNKY-AT-LAW, HAEHIBONBURO. YA. A^Office circumstances. Tbe weather was bright, the Union and the salvation of our Sunday afternoon, we stopped at a cc BOOTH A GARRKTT, Phllndelnhla, South Side of Court-House Square. When men talk of fonodiug parties then in tbe toils of reconstruction.— local self-government. These objects tage to get a drink of water. The pt. v/ Practical and ANiLmcAL Chemists. the air crisp and invigorating, and the on the tariff, internal improvement, a Tho war is over, and ber relations with JOHN A. COWAN, people well disposed to contribute in have been gained, ihanks to tbe good prietor, a middle aged man with ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Harki.onbdro. Va, Office broad or a narrow construction of tbe the Federal Government, are again fixed and wise of our State. There now good face, asked us to sit down ar with Gob. JohB E. Roller. novl-y every possible way to the success of the Constitution, and tbe like, no danger under tbe Constitution and the laws; OFFICE-HARK|SONBURG, TA. occasion. stands out in bold relief not only be- rest. His dame brought chairs, an 1 need be feared. Rather good; for tbe and none have been, or will be, braver fore ourselves, but before the civilized ii SN <iiv«iiI«1iir "THE VliUlMA LAND BUREAn ; F. A. DAINGERFIELD, An immense military and civic pa- we grouped ourselves in the shade • the projector. h.ve In ticw tho rtiBBeniliiiitlon of ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, llABBieoNBURo. Va. A^-Office watcbfolness of each will insure tbe to stand up to them. What, then, hin- world, this grava problem of the debt. the trees by the door. Mr. Smith- ormHtloil rdiitivo to all ckssea of UndB In "li oinla— South elde of the Public Square, in Switeer'a new gent marked the occasion. After moderation of the other. But when ders Virginia? agricultural, nilucral ami tlinb. r«l. A long residence bulldiug. JanlO-y moving throngh several of the principal Then it was a question of government; that was not bis name, but it will ai In the stale, oxtcnulve experience in tho buaineaB and tbey talk of organiziug factions made The excitement which aroused and now swer—questioned ns about ourselv- • thor.ninh acquaintance <vUh tec great mineral rc- ROBERT B. UAGAN, streets, the procession was marched to up of rich and poor, educated and ig- troubled tbe people in tbe late canvass eotfircea of tho Coinmonweaitli. euablea us to fiirnlBb Capitol square, to hear tbe inaugural IT IS A QUESTION OF HONOR. and our country, and we answered hi toe most roJiabln iDtorimtion on thoso snblects to ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Habiuronburo, Va. Ofllco 1b norant, labor and capital, nothinK but answers; for nothing was beard on ev- The former cannot live without tbe lat- truthfully, as a general thing, an tuoss seeking eltbcr hom#s in Yirginia or investment tho old County Clerk's Office in the Conrt-Houee address. There were aome ten or trouble is to be looked for and feared. ery hustings nod oonrt-bonse green but for capital. The uefpssitfr for* Bureau of this charac- yard. declo y twelve thousand persons present. Pray- ter. Tbose who now enter upon office questioned him in return. It was vet ter lias long been a presi need to the farmer, land CHA8. A. YANCEY. ED. 8. CONRAD. Under our free instilutions the rich uf tbe sole absorbing question—the State cannot say that it is Lew and uncon- simple and pleasing, and sociable. Ill owner and mineralogist./Uecognising this ucrese'ty 1 er was offered by Rev. Melville Jackson to-day is the poor of to-morrow, and debt. What of it? States have tieen we have taken advantage of it, and eHtablished this YANCEY & CONRAD. of Grace Street Episcopal Ohmcb. The sidered. They were elected because ral, too; for there was a pig and Bureau midway of the Slfonaudoah Valley, ono of the ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW and INSURANCE AGENTS, the reverse. The ignorant is walking in debt before, and have been honest tbey professed to kuow all about it— small donkey and a hen anchored ou most terti e mid pnxlufctivo regions in the United Harrisonduro. Va. 49-Offlce—New Law Building, oath ol office was adminieted by Judge States, bordered on either side by extensive raonn- West Market street. Janl4-y with upright front every day into high- and have survived. it was made tbe sole issue in tbe can- close at band, by cords to tbeir lop taius, rich in iron, coppap, lead and sine ores, alto the Joseph Christian, of the Supreme Court er and broader light; the laborer, with 18 IT A JUST DEBT, fluBBt depoaita of .niliracltc coal. Thla acctlon of Appeals. The retiring Governor, vass. Even if tbey wished, there is no on a spot that purported to bo grass abounds In line apringB.j inuuraerBblo fine mill bIIcb JAMES HAY, his band of toil, and by honest indus- and bos tbe State received considera- way of shirking the responsibility. Presently a woman passed along, ai and6 Water imwcra for Aanntkotnrlng purposea, gen- ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Harrisonburo, Ta., will prac- James L. Kemper, in a few appropriate try, is massing wealth that is making ral'J', toRcthrr with alt required railroad and tele- tice in the Courts of Borkiugham and adjoining tion for it ? I have never heard it They have promised to settle the although she coldly said nothing s) graphic (koililtsB tx> Rfcbmoml, W«fllilngt..n, Balll- counties. Has th< office lately occupied by Judge remarks, introduced Gov. Hollidaj, him the capitalist and the dispenser of claimed that it was unjust and without more. Philadelphia and Arc Weal. Settlers in this edc- O'Ferroll, Bibert building. aug6-vi» who spoke as follows: troublesome matter ouce and forever. changed tbe drift of our talk. Sa tion will have all Ur adxvuUgeB of public «nd private grateful charities. consideration. It was made before tbe I hope and believe these promises will Smith ; in.,titutionfl of learning, toBcthcr with churches of all Office ever brings respopsibility.— Mote than this: such efforts are war, and is now represented by public relig ons denoininatious. EDWIN B. HAY, Whilst tbe honor is fully felt, the sense be fulfilled. I know that, stauding on "She didn't look this wav, you n< Parties deeding information in regard to lande or ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Claim and Collction Agent, THE BEOINNINO OF C MMUNISH, improvements, without which Virginia high ground before the eyes of the ticed ? Well, she is our next neighbi propertlc# of any character or description will find it 321 Four-and-a-half Street. Wathtngton, D. C. Spe- of duty done gives far more pleasure which is tbe eud of liberty. Tbe ignor- would be iu a slough of despond; with to their ijitoreel to comnfuolcate with ua, (enclosing clnl attention given to claims before the depart- than tbe praise of men. world, they dare not—they will not on ono side, and there's another foun atarop.) Addicea, ' * ments, also to patent law. Julyl-tf* ant cannot take by violence tbe learn- which she is ready to enter into rival- wish to—cast a stigma upon the name ly that's our next neighbors on tl - . , „ 1 P. B. DfLANY, This is true in every walk, however ing the educated; nor can the poor take ry with the strongest of ber sister Sec y sod Sns't Virginia Land Bureau, G. W. BERLIN, and bistoiy of our beloved Commou- other side; but tberr's a genera) coo Harrisouburg, Va. bumble. But when that duty is min- by force aud long enjoy the property States. She gave ber bonds for it at a ATTORNEY-AT-LAW.