MSU at MSU Approximately 1SO Students Are Involved 1N He 19Th Annual Event 1S Scheduled Dec
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Members of the cast of Bullshot Crummond, Dawd McRae and Carner Stauber, reach a climactic part of the play which has been showmg at the RtVerside Country iss me, you fool Club. For a review on rhe MSU proouctron. see page 16 (Stall photo by Gary Small) Wiersema selected Exponent editor for winter By TIM LeCAIN the media board members. middle." Staff Writer that there be communication." "The students are so separated from In her presentation, Wiersema The questions the applicants fielded After two hours of interviews and Glenn said he would try to spread the the paper they have no desire to read emphasized the importance of good centered around the many problems debates a new editor was chosen by power more evenly among the staff and 1t," said Glenn. "We need to have more relations with the Bozeman business the editor must face every day. the ASMSU Media Board last night. "try to develop a way for people to take campus news and more upbeat, crea community in order to insure the pap How would the candidate handle dis- Patircia Wiersema. currently the criticism without being offended." tive writing " er's financial footing. agreements with in the staff? How would they try lo increase coordinator of the Exponent's "People "Advertising is what sells the paper," stude, Whal news should take priortty and "That is one of the big problems readership? and Places" section. got the nod over said Wiersema. "In communicating how much Associated Press releases now," said Wiersema. "I would like to Wiersema said a larger student her opponent for the pos1t1on, Brandal with the business people I've learned opin should be used? Glenn. see staff meetings at least at least once ion page and the "60 Minutes" inves that many of them are interested in "I would like to see the upcoming a month to avoid this. It's very important tigative column might be a solution. Glenn 1s the news editor of the advertising but need to be sold." (continued on page JO) Exponent. Communication with the papers' Wiersema was was chosen unanim staff and with the students at MSU, 1s ously by the board on the second ballot. Physical also crucial she said. Plant underfunded The first ballot, which resulted in a four By RICHARD MYERS "It's important to let the students He said that the Physical Plant was funded "less this year to three split in favor of Wiersema, did Staff Writer know that we count on their input," said than what we spent last year" on maintenance. not achieve the 3/ 4 maionty required The Physical Plant doesn't have Wiersema. enough money to per This is the first year that MSU has "had to put forward this by ASMSU by-laws form all the necessary To increase student involvement maintenance on campus buildings, effort" to make sure it can handle emergency Just before beginning the interview maintenance and readership, Weirsema proposed according to Physical Plant Administrator Edward Rice. work, Roloff said. !he board decided to appoint the editor "The only maintenance work right now an expansion of the current photo is outright emer He said that MSU has done a good 1ob of maintaining its only tor winter quarter 1n order to gencies that need opinion feature and a "60 Minutes" to be done," he said. buildings in the past. but the lack of money :amply with ASMSU by-laws. Applica for the mainte format tor the investigation of student Craig Roloff, acting director of Administrative Services, nance could have long-term effects. :ions tor the year-long term will be said complaints that the Physical Plant has had to divide maintenance "It the problem that we opened dunng the are experiencing this year con middle of winter Glenn also gave a high priority to 1obs up into categories according to priority. Maintenance <uarter linues as a trend. we could face more serious problems in student involvement and keeping that doesn't fall into the "emergency" category is put on lists the future,'' he said Neither candidate had been advertisers happy. ot 1obs to do when the money 1s available. he said. Less serious conditions ntormed prior to their 1nterv1ews that that the university doesn't have To attract new advertisers, Glenn Roloff defined emergency maintenance as JObs that he position would be temporary enough money to deal with this year could deteriorate and proposed that an advertising brochure require "1mmed1ate action," such as leaky roofs. plugged Each candidate was allowed to become "emergencies" before they can be corrected, he be distributed and a weekly ad featur toilets, leaks in water mains, and inspections of emergency said. nake a short presentation of their quali ing a local business be started generators cat1ons for the job Roloff said that he doesn't "anticipate" that putting off and their vision for "Bringing the paper more to the stu Maintenance was d1v1ded into categories. he said, "to he future of the Exponent. The presen maintenance work will cause any safety hazards. dents," he said, 1s important "I'd want ensure that there are enough funds to get these emergency at1ons were followed by a series of Rice said that he is taking steps to try to increase the to have a nice round collection of ideals JObs done. Without the categories. MSU "could get caught iredete budget tor maintenance and repair No plans have been rmined questions from each of and in a s1tuat1on where there's not enough funds tor emergen viewpoints, from the nght, left and made to lay off any workers because of the lack of money, cies late 1n the fiscal year," Roloff said he said (Above! John Bauer poses m front of Ms K1tty·s. (below) the former MSU professor ms1de his store. (right) the former pflest kneels in the Helena Calhedral. (Slaff photos by Gary Smalt) Ms. Kitty's legacy lives on By GARY SMALL Company, Rolfe and Woad, and the all Ms. K1ttys' cuslomers are women. Contributing Writer Cannery. Bauer has since opened two other Three years have passed since John Walking into Ms K1ttys for the first stores. one in Helena and one in Bauer opened the con1rovers1al adult time may bnng on a butterfly or lwo as Spokane store, Ms. K1ttys one opens the transluscent glass door He has dealt wit~ hberahon in one In 1981, after leaving h1s pos1t1on as Once inside, however. Ms Kittys is a way or another lhoughout much of his an instructor at MSU, Bauer applied for very organized. clean, and furnished life. Born and raised in Bozeman. Bauer r:==========================~ a business license which was revoked store. In fact. if not for the explicit cov became independent at a young age once the contents of his store were ers of the displayed magazines. K1ttys when his father died when Bauer was I 111111 llU known. Bauer had filed a federal civil resembles an expensive stereo shop. four years old and his mother died VlllMU MllllWIDI rights suit against the Bozeman City The stores image, he said, "goes when he was 13 Bauer also realized he "'"""9 a.m. · 9 p.m. Mon·Sat Commission, and subsequently, his according to my idea what a porno was gay at a young age. 11 AM - 7 PM SUNDAY license was reinstated. shop should be - that is a sexually However, he was very active in the Ms. Kittys has since prevailed liberating store In other words, 1f you Catholic church and subsequently We will be closed Thanksgiving so you through an attempted obscenity ordi think that sex is goad and wholesome, became a pnest. When asked if he had nance. anti-pornography groups, then it should not be displayed in a way sexual relationships with other priests, can enjoy a FREE DAY on all your deomonstrations. and attacks of that says the opposite in a kind of he replied, "Oh yeah. There is a kind of vandalism. sleazy atmosphere. Usually, the prob sub-culture for purposes of sex - well, VIDEO RENTALS! Located at 12 North Wilson, the store lem is an adult store has a hard time for more than that. Don1 get me wrong. is far from the stereotypic pornographic finding a location, so very often they go 1t'snotjustforsex. 1t'stodeve1opc1ose Pick up your movies and machine store with lowly employees in a filthy into the deteriorating part of town." friendships." 'I building on the bad side of town. Bau Bauer feels that if a customer is Bauer also had become involved Wednesday, Nov. 21st, keep them unt1 er's location is nght in the middle of treated with dignity and respect. his with civil rights activity in the 1ate 5os Friday, 23rd, with NO CHARGE for the Bozeman's business district. sur store will prosper. His philosophy may and 60s. While stationed in Helena, rounded by The Rocky Mountain Pasta contribute to the fact Iha! 25 percenl of Bauer raised his voice against alleged EXTRA DAY! police brutality and had confrontations with a local 1udge. Because of his I ' f th k' OU for your act1ons. h1sb1shoptoldBauerto "tone t S OUr Way 0 an Ing Y down." patronage Bauer could not see continuing with the ministry and soon left to take a 1008 N. 7th e Bozeman• 586-8127 (continued on page 12) l.!;;:;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;:;;:::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;:;;!J CAMPUS CONTACT LENS CENTER I I 1"""r'T I I Dr Thomas C Sather Optometnst •The latest in contact lenses. ) ' • Fashion frames for all budgets. • reserve your apartment for winter ..... quarter • Visual examinations. Apa ments • comp1e1e1y turn•shed •heat paid • Student payment plans available.