Bibliography from ADS File: Carpenter.Bib August 16, 2021 1
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Bibliography from ADS file: carpenter.bib Nunes, D. C., Carpenter, K., Haynes, M., & de la Croix, J. P., “Shifting the August 16, 2021 Paradigm of Coping with Nyx on the Moon - a Ground-Penetrating Radar Case”, 2018LPICo2106.7012N ADS Evans, N. R., Proffitt, C., Carpenter, K. G., et al., “The Mass of the Cepheid Nunes, D. C., Grimm, R. E., Barba, N., et al., “After All, Where is the Martian V350 Sgr”, 2018ApJ...866...30E ADS Ground Water? TH2OR Can Help”, 2021LPICo2595.8020N ADS Carpenter, K. & Rau, G., “Imaging the Surfaces of Stars from Space”, Rau, G., Peacock, S., & Carpenter, K. G., “A New Look into K-giants’ Chromo- 2018iss..confE...4C ADS spheres”, 2021RNAAS...5...73R ADS Bennett, D. P., Akeson, R., Anderson, J., et al., “The WFIRST Exoplanet Mi- Carpenter, K., Cable, M. L., Ono, M., & Kornfeld, R. P., “Adapt- crolensing Survey”, 2018arXiv180308564B ADS able Autonomous Ocean Access Through Erupting Conduits”, Airapetian, V., Upton, R. S., Davila, J., et al., “Weighing supermassive black 2020AGUFMP044.0015C ADS holes with the UV photon sieve space telescope”, 2017SPIE10564E..3RA Nielsen, K. E., Carpenter, K. G., Kober, G. V., & Wahlgren, G. M., “The Ad- ADS vanced Spectral Library (ASTRAL): Abundance Analysis of the Chemically Airapetian, V. S., Danchi, W. C., Chen, P. C., et al., “Detecting Peculiar Star HR 465”, 2020ApJ...899..166N ADS the Beacons of Life with Exo-Life Beacon Space Telescope (ELBST)”, Stamenkovic, V., Grimm, R. E., Burgin, M. S., et al., “The Search for 2017LPICo1989.8214A ADS Liquid Water and Modern-Day Habitats in the Martian Subsurface”, Carpenter, K. G., Nielsen, K. E., & Kober, G. V., “Bridging the Gap between 2020LPI....51.1778S ADS Coronal and Non-Coronal Evolved Stars”, 2017AAS...22915102C ADS Carpenter, K. G., Karovska, M., Rau, G., Schrijver, C., & SI Team, “Stellar Evans, N. R., Bono, G., Carpenter, K. G., et al.: 2016, A Precision Imager (SI) - A UV/Optical Interferometer to Observe the Universe in High Measurement of the Mass of the Cepheid V350 Sgr, HST Proposal Definition”, 2020AAS...23530102C ADS 2016hst..prop14332E ADS Rau, G., Ohnaka, K., Wittkowski, M., Carpenter, K., & Airapetian, V., “Sailing Karras, J., Carpenter, K., Fuller, C., & Parcheta, C., “PUFFER (Pop-Up Flat the winds: exploring the mechanisms driving the winds in carbon-rich AGB Folding Explorer Robots)”, 2016LPICo1980.4125K ADS Stars”, 2020AAS...23530101R ADS Cunha, K., Soderblom, D. R., Piskunov, N., et al., “Highlights of IAU Com- Rau, G., Wittkowski, M., Chiavassa, A., et al., “AGB star atmo- mission 29: Recent Advances and Perspectives on Stellar Spectroscopy”, spheres modeling as feedback to stellar evolutionary and galaxy models”, 2016IAUTA..29..428C ADS 2019IAUS..343..491R ADS Carlberg, J. K., Smith, V. V., Cunha, K., & Carpenter, K. G., “Lithium Carpenter, K. G. & Rau, G., “The Impact of Dust/Gas Ratios on Chromospheric in Open Cluster Red Giants Hosting Substellar Companions”, Activity in Red Giant and Supergiant Stars”, 2019IAUS..343..365C ADS 2016ApJ...818...25C ADS Carpenter, K., Noell, A. C., Christensen, L. E., Zent, A., & Quinn, R. C., “Mobile Carpenter, K. G., Nielsen, K. E., & Kober, G. V., “The Advanced Spec- Instruments for Mars Exploration (MIMEs) (Characterizing Recurring Slope tral Library (ASTRAL): Abundance Analysis of the CP Star HR 465”, Linea)”, 2019AGUFM.P44B..07C ADS 2016AAS...22743401C ADS Burgin, M. S., Stamenkovic, V., Grimm, R. E., et al., “Searching for Liquid Carpenter, K., Kober, G., Nielsen, K., Ayres, T., & Wahlgren, G., “Fluorescence Water in the Martian Deep with TH2OR”, 2019AGUFM.P44B..02B ADS Processes in the Outer Atmospheres of the Evolved M-Stars Alpha Ori (M2 Hofgartner, J. D., Choukroun, M., Cable, M. L., et al., “Feasibility of a Mission Iab) and Gamma Cru (M3.4 III)”, 2015IAUGA..2242446C ADS to Enceladus’ Subsurface Ocean for the Next Planetary Science Decadal Sur- Ramsay Cowley, C., Ayres, T., Wahlgren, G., & Carpenter, K., “The abundance vey”, 2019AGUFM.P34C..06H ADS pattern of heavy elements in Sirius: Impact of modern observations (STIS) Ono, M., Carpenter, K., Cable, M. L., Wilcox, B. H., & Tosi, L. P., “Exobiology and improved Atomic data”, 2015IAUGA..2236931R ADS Extant Life Surveyor (EELS)”, 2019AGUFM.P21D3410O ADS Airapetian, V., Leake, J., & Carpenter, K., “The Magnetic Coupling of Chro- Carpenter, K. G., Nielsen, K. E., Kober, G. V., et al., “VizieR Online Data Cat- mospheres and Winds From Late Type Evolved Stars: Role of MHD Waves”, alog: ASTRAL: reference spectra for evolved M stars (Carpenter+, 2018)”, 2015IAUGA..2190977A ADS 2019yCat..18690157C ADS Spergel, D., Gehrels, N., Baltay, C., et al., “Wide-Field InfrarRed Survey Stamenkovic, V., Plesa, A. C., Breuer, D., et al., “Mars Subsurface Hydrology Telescope-Astrophysics Focused Telescope Assets WFIRST-AFTA 2015 Re- in 4D and Implications for Extant Life”, 2019LPICo2108.5052S ADS port”, 2015arXiv150303757S ADS Mennesson, B., Bailey, V., Kasdin, J., et al., “The Potential of Exozo- Parcheta, C., Parness, A., Nash, J., et al., “Comparing Vent Surface Geometry diacal Disks Observations with the WFIRST Coronagraph Instrument”, with Its Subsurface Structure”, 2015LPI....46.1649P ADS 2019arXiv190902161M ADS Carpenter, K. G. & Ayres, T. R., “The HST Treasury “Advanced Spectral Li- Rau, G., Ohnaka, K., Wittkowski, M., Airapetian, V., & Carpenter, K. G., “Con- brary” (ASTRAL) Programs”, 2015csss...18.1041C ADS straining Stellar Parameters and Atmospheric Dynamics of the Carbon AGB Airapetian, V. S., Leake, J. E., & Carpenter, K. G., “Toward A Self Consistent star V Oph”, 2019ApJ...882...37R ADS MHD Model of Chromospheres and Winds From Late Type Evolved Stars”, Carpenter, K. G., van Belle, G., Brown, A., et al., “Stars at High Spatial Reso- 2015csss...18..269A ADS lution”, 2019arXiv190805665C ADS Carpenter, K. G., Nielsen, K. E., Kober, G. V., & Ayres, T. R., “Mining the Patterson, M. C. L., Tucker, J., Carpenter, K., & Parness, A., “Under- HST “Advanced Spectral Library (ASTRAL)”: Winds of the Evolved M Stars standing Component/Materials Performance in the Lunar Environment”, Alpha Ori (M2 Iab) and Gamma Cru (M3.4 III)”, 2015AAS...22534408C 2019LPICo2152.5056P ADS ADS Rau, G., Montez, Rodolfo, J., Carpenter, K., et al., “Cool, evolved stars: results, Carpenter, K. G., Ayres, T. R., Harper, G. M., et al., “An HST COS “SNAPshot” challenges, and promises for the next decade”, 2019BAAS...51c.241R Spectrum of the K Supergiant λ Vel (K4Ib-II)”, 2014ApJ...794...41C ADS ADS Roettenbacher, R., Norris, R., Baron, F., et al., “High Angular Resolution As- Rinehart, S., Carpenter, K., van Belle, G., & Unwin, S., “Interferometer evo- trophysics: Resolving Stellar Surface Features”, 2019BAAS...51c.181R lution: imaging terras after building ’little’ experiments (INEVITABLE)”, ADS 2014SPIE.9146E..17R ADS Carpenter, K., van Belle, G., Brown, A., et al., “Stars at High Spatial Resolu- Airapetian, V., Leake, J. E., & Carpenter, K. G., “Evolution of Stellar Coronae: tion”, 2019BAAS...51c..56C ADS From the Sun to a Red Giant”, 2014AAS...22342401A ADS Patterson, M. C. L., Tucker, J., Carpenter, K., & Parness, A., “Char- Carpenter, K. G., Ayres, T. R., Nielsen, K. E., et al., “Mining the HST “Advanced acterizing Component Performance in the Lunar Environment”, Spectral Library (ASTRAL) - Hot Stars”: The High Definition UV Spectrum 2019LPI....50.2756P ADS of the Ap Star HR 465”, 2014AAS...22315105C ADS Akeson, R., Armus, L., Bachelet, E., et al., “The Wide Field Infrared Survey Camp, J., Barthelmy, S., Blackburn, L., et al., “Using ISS telescopes for elec- Telescope: 100 Hubbles for the 2020s”, 2019arXiv190205569A ADS tromagnetic follow-up of gravitational wave detections of NS-NS and NS-BH Bailey, V. P., Armus, L., Balasubramanian, B., et al., “Key Technologies mergers”, 2013ExA....36..505C ADS for the Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope Coronagraph Instrument”, Heckman, K., Grandy, A. S., Gao, X., et al., “Sorptive fractionation of organic 2019arXiv190104050B ADS matter and formation of organo-hydroxy-aluminum complexes during litter Carpenter, K. G., Rau, G., & Nielsen, K. E., “M-Giant Mass- biodegradation in the presence of gibbsite”, 2013GeCoA.121..667H ADS Loss Rates and Wind Parameters from UV Emission Line Profiles”, Airapetian, V., Carpenter, K. G., & Evans, R. M., “The Role of Alfvén Waves 2019AAS...23336506C ADS in Atmospheric Dynamics of Non-Coronal, Hybrid and Coronal Giants”, Carpenter, K. G., Nielsen, K. E., Kober, G. V., et al., “The Advanced 2013giec.conf30102A ADS Spectral Library (ASTRAL): Reference Spectra for Evolved M Stars”, Airapetian, V. & Carpenter, K. G., “Tracing Magnetic “Active Regions” in Non- 2018ApJ...869..157C ADS Coronal and Hybrid Cool Giants”, 2013giec.conf10305A ADS Rau, G., Nielsen, K. E., Carpenter, K. G., & Airapetian, V., “HST/GHRS Obser- Carpenter, K. G. & Airapetian, V., “Signatures of Rotational Modulation of vations of Cool, Low-gravity Stars. VI. Mass-loss Rates and Wind Parameters Magnetic “Active Regions” in Hybrid and Non-coronal Cool Giant Stars”, for M Giants”, 2018ApJ...869....1R ADS 2013AAS...22211614C ADS 1 Nielsen, K. E., Carpenter, K. G., Kober, G. V., et al., “Mining the Advanced Carpenter, K. G., Karovska, M., Schrijver, C. J., & SI Development Team, Spectral Library (ASTRAL): Characterizing Winds of Evolved M-Stars”, “Stellar Imager (SI) - Observing the Universe in High Definition”, 2013AAS...22135102N ADS 2009AAS...21345113C ADS Carpenter, K. G., Nielsen, K. E., Kober, G. V., et al., “Mining the Ad- Lyon, R. G., Carpenter, K. G., Petrone, P., et al., “Stellar Imager: wavefront