Bibliography from ADS File: Carpenter.Bib August 16, 2021 1
Bibliography from ADS file: carpenter.bib Nunes, D. C., Carpenter, K., Haynes, M., & de la Croix, J. P., “Shifting the August 16, 2021 Paradigm of Coping with Nyx on the Moon - a Ground-Penetrating Radar Case”, 2018LPICo2106.7012N ADS Evans, N. R., Proffitt, C., Carpenter, K. G., et al., “The Mass of the Cepheid Nunes, D. C., Grimm, R. E., Barba, N., et al., “After All, Where is the Martian V350 Sgr”, 2018ApJ...866...30E ADS Ground Water? TH2OR Can Help”, 2021LPICo2595.8020N ADS Carpenter, K. & Rau, G., “Imaging the Surfaces of Stars from Space”, Rau, G., Peacock, S., & Carpenter, K. G., “A New Look into K-giants’ Chromo- 2018iss..confE...4C ADS spheres”, 2021RNAAS...5...73R ADS Bennett, D. P., Akeson, R., Anderson, J., et al., “The WFIRST Exoplanet Mi- Carpenter, K., Cable, M. L., Ono, M., & Kornfeld, R. P., “Adapt- crolensing Survey”, 2018arXiv180308564B ADS able Autonomous Ocean Access Through Erupting Conduits”, Airapetian, V., Upton, R. S., Davila, J., et al., “Weighing supermassive black 2020AGUFMP044.0015C ADS holes with the UV photon sieve space telescope”, 2017SPIE10564E..3RA Nielsen, K. E., Carpenter, K. G., Kober, G. V., & Wahlgren, G. M., “The Ad- ADS vanced Spectral Library (ASTRAL): Abundance Analysis of the Chemically Airapetian, V. S., Danchi, W. C., Chen, P. C., et al., “Detecting Peculiar Star HR 465”, 2020ApJ...899..166N ADS the Beacons of Life with Exo-Life Beacon Space Telescope (ELBST)”, Stamenkovic, V., Grimm, R. E., Burgin, M. S., et al., “The Search for 2017LPICo1989.8214A ADS Liquid Water and Modern-Day Habitats in the Martian Subsurface”, Carpenter, K.
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