Exploring the Continuities and Discontinuities in South African Political Violence: the Sharpeville, Bhisho and Marikana Massacres

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Exploring the Continuities and Discontinuities in South African Political Violence: the Sharpeville, Bhisho and Marikana Massacres EXPLORING THE CONTINUITIES AND DISCONTINUITIES IN SOUTH AFRICAN POLITICAL VIOLENCE: THE SHARPEVILLE, BHISHO AND MARIKANA MASSACRES BY MONGEZI MENYE A TREATISE SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MPHIL: CONFLICT TRANSFORMATION AND MANAGEMENT IN THE FACULTY OF ARTS AT THE NELSON MANDELA UNIVERSITY 2018 PROMOTER: PROFESSOR GAVIN BRADSHAW CO-PROMOTER: MS DANIELLE BARNES DECLARATION NAME: MONGEZI MENYE STUDENT NUMBER: 213478064 QUALIFICATION: MPHIL: CONFLICT TRANSFORMATION AND MANAGEMENT TITLE OF PROJECT: EXPLORING THE CONTINUITIES AND DISCONTINUITIES IN SOUTH AFRICAN POLITICAL VIOLENCE: THE SHARPEVILLE, BHISHO AND MARIKANA MASSACRES In accordance with Rule G5.6.3, I hereby declare that the above-mentioned thesis is my own work and that it has not previously been submitted for assessment to another University or for another qualification. i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Advocate Oliver Josie for persistently encouraging me to further my studies. If it was not for his inspirational leadership, I wouldn’t have embarked on this challenging journey at this point in my life. I am also thankful to my Supervisors, Professor Gavin Bradshaw and Ms. Danielle Barnes for their patience, guidance and knowledge of the subject matter, which assisted me enormously throughout the study. This was indeed a long and tiresome journey which I would not have completed without the encouragement and support of the following people that are close to my heart: My wife, Vuyokazi Menye, for her love, prayers, motivation and unconditional support; and My children, Lisolethu and Lunathi for their interminable inspiration and understanding my long periods of absence from home in pursuit of my dreams. This Treatise is unreservedly dedicated to my late mother, Gasele Menye who took the lead to heaven before the completion of this work. I will forever be indebted to you MaNkomo. ii ABSTRACT This treatise focuses on the underlying factors of political violence before and after the end of apartheid in South Africa. Its emphasis is on the continuities and discontinuities of political violence with primary attention on the Sharpeville, Bhisho and Marikana Massacres. The treatise deals with the political and socio-economic factors that has led to the aforementioned massacres. This include the relative political, social and ideological strengths of differing political groups and their conflict resolution mechanism. The widespread and recurrent political violence in South Africa has been the connerstone of this study. The analysis established that the Sharpeville, Bhisho and Marikana Masacres had unwarranted consequences in South Africa. The understanding of current and past political violence is a fundamental initiative. This helps to clarify past political violence issues that were not addressed properly and are now resurfacing in a different form. The failure to address the root causes of political violence is the main challenge that has to be dealt with accordingly by government. The treatise also outlined the necessity and urgency of a new research on the training, control and command of members of the South African Police Services to ensure that where the police deal with members of the public engaged in legitimate democratic protest. The escalation of violence is defused and the official response to such violence is consistent with the provisions embedded in the South African Constitution. Keywords: Political Violence; Conflict Resolution; Social Conflict; Massacre; Apertheid; Socio-Economic. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION .......................................................................................................... i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .......................................................................................... ii ABSTRACT .............................................................................................................. iii LIST OF FIGURES.................................................................................................... ix CHAPTER 1 AN OVERVIEW OF THE STUDY 1.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................. 1 1.2 BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY .................................................................... 1 1.3 THE RESEARCH PROBLEM .......................................................................... 4 1.4 PURPOSE OF THE STUDY ............................................................................ 6 1.5 JUSTIFICATION OF THE STUDY ................................................................... 6 1.6 MAIN RESEARCH QUESTION ....................................................................... 7 1.6.1 Specific Research Questions .............................................................. 7 1.7 THE RESEARCH OBJECTIVES ..................................................................... 7 1.8 SCOPE AND STUDY AREA OF THE STUDY ................................................ 8 1.8.1 Sharpeville .......................................................................................... 8 1.8.2 BHISHO .............................................................................................. 9 1.8.3 Marikana ........................................................................................... 10 1.9 LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY ..................................................................... 11 1.10 ORGANIZATION OF THE STUDY ................................................................ 12 1.11 CONCLUSION ............................................................................................... 13 iv CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................... 14 2.2 POLITICAL VIOLENCE ................................................................................. 14 2.3 SOCIAL CONFLICT AND POLITICAL VIOLENCE ........................................ 18 2.4 SOCIAL CONFLICT ....................................................................................... 19 2.5 THE SOCIOLOGY OF SOCIAL CONFLICT .................................................. 20 2.5.1 Max Weber’s Sociology of Social Conflict ......................................... 20 2.5.2 Ralph Dahrendorf’s Sociology of Social Conflict ............................... 21 2.5.3 Karl Marx’s Sociology of Social Conflict ............................................ 22 2.6 CONFLICT AND VIOLENCE: CAUSES AND DYNAMICS ............................ 23 2.7 COLLECTIVE VIOLENCE ............................................................................. 25 2.8 POLITICAL VIOLENCE IN SOUTH AFRICA ................................................. 26 2.8.1 Political Violence Before 1990 .......................................................... 26 2.8.2 Post 1990 Trends .............................................................................. 27 2.8.3 The Truth and Reconciliation Commission as a Response to Institutional Violence ......................................................................... 28 2.8.4 Amnesty Provisions in Terms of Transitional Justice ........................ 28 2.9 CONCLUSION ............................................................................................... 29 CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY 3.1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................... 30 3.2 QUALITATIVE COMPARATIVE RESEARCH METHOD ............................... 30 3.3 CASE STUDY APPROACH ........................................................................... 31 3.4 QUALITATIVE CASE STUDY DESIGN ......................................................... 31 v 3.5 DATA COLLECTION TECHNIQUE AND PROCEDURE ............................... 31 3.6 DATA ANALYSIS PROCEDURE ................................................................... 32 3.7 ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS ...................................................................... 32 3.8 CONCLUSION ............................................................................................... 33 CHAPTER 4 NARRATIVES OF THE SHARPVILLE, BHISHO AND MARIKANA MASSACRES IN SOUTH AFRICA 4.1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................... 34 4.2 THE SHARPEVILLE MASSACRE (21 MARCH 1960) ................................... 36 4.2.1 The Report of the J. P. Wessels Commission ................................... 40 4.2.2 Photographs of the Sharpeville Massacre ......................................... 42 4.3 THE BHISHO MASSACRE (07 SEPTEMBER 1990) .................................... 44 4.3.1 The Goldstone Commission Report .................................................. 47 4.3.2 Photographs of the Bhisho Massacre ............................................... 50 4.4 THE MARIKANA MASSACRE (16 AUGUST 2012) ....................................... 51 4.4.1 The Farlam Commission Report ....................................................... 59 4.4.2 The Photographs of the Marikana Massacre .................................... 63 4.5 CONCLUSION ............................................................................................... 64 CHAPTER 5 PRESENTATION OF FINDINGS AND ANALYSIS 5.1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................... 66 5.2 THEME 1: APARTHEID STATE’S COERCIVE USE OF POWER AND POLITICAL VIOLENCE ................................................................................. 66 vi 5.3 THEME
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